Results for 'Garrido Margarida'

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  1.  55
    KDEF-PT: Valence, Emotional Intensity, Familiarity and Attractiveness Ratings of Angry, Neutral, and Happy Faces.Margarida V. Garrido & Marília Prada - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  2. Negligência parental: Uma abor-dagem experimental a problemas comunitários.Margarida V. Garrido & Cláudia Camilo - forthcoming - Mind.
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    The Impact of Stimuli Color in Lexical Decision and Semantic Word Categorization Tasks.Margarida V. Garrido, Marília Prada, Cláudia Simão & Gün R. Semin - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12781.
    In two experiments, we examined the impact of color on cognitive performance by asking participants to categorize stimuli presented in three different colors: red, green, and gray (baseline). Participants were either asked to categorize the meaning of words as related to the concepts of “go” or “stop” (Experiment 1) or to indicate if a neutral verbal stimulus was a word or not (lexical decision task, Experiment 2). Overall, we observed performance facilitation in response to go stimuli presented in green (vs. (...)
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    When vowels make us smile: the influence of articulatory feedback in judgments of warmth and competence.Margarida V. Garrido & Sandra Godinho - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-7.
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    Explicit (Not Implicit) Attitudes Mediate the Focus of Attention During Sentence Processing.Oleksandr V. Horchak & Margarida Vaz Garrido - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Many studies showed that comprehenders monitor changes in protagonists’ emotions and actions. This article reports two experiments that explored how focusing comprehenders’ attention on a particular property of the protagonist dimension affects the accessibility of information about target objects mentioned in the sentence. Furthermore, the present research examined whether participants’ attitudes toward the issues described in the sentence can modulate comprehension processes. To this end, we asked participants to read sentences about environmental issues that focused comprehenders’ attention on different mental (...)
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    Oral kinematics: examining the role of edibility and valence in the in-out effect.Sandra Godinho, Margarida V. Garrido, Michael Zürn & Sascha Topolinski - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):1094-1098.
    ABSTRACTPrevious research has revealed a stable preference for words with inward consonantal-articulation patterns, over outward-words. Following the oral approach-avoidance account suggesting that the in–out effect is due to the resemblance between consonantal-articulations patterns and ingestion/expectoration, recent findings have shown that when judging inward-outward names for objects with particular oral functions, valence did not modulate the effect while the oral function did. To replicate and examine further the role of edibility and valence in shaping the in–out effect, we asked participants to (...)
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    Two Cultural Processing Asymmetries Drive Spatial Attention.Rita Mendonça, Margarida V. Garrido & Gün R. Semin - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (8):e13185.
    Cultural routines, such as reading and writing direction (script direction), channel attention orientation. Depending on one's native language habit, attention is biased from left‐to‐right (LR) or from right‐to‐left (RL). Here, we further document this bias, as it interacts with the spatial directionality that grounds time concepts. We used a spatial cueing task to test whether script direction and the grounding of time in Portuguese (LR, Exp. 1) and Arabic (RL, Exp. 2) shape visuomotor performance in target discrimination. Temporal words (e.g., (...)
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    Social Inferences From Faces as a Function of the Left-to-Right Movement Continuum.Rita Mendonça, Margarida V. Garrido & Gün R. Semin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Is Complex Visual Information Implicated During Language Comprehension? The Case of Cast Shadows.Oleksandr V. Horchak & Margarida Vaz Garrido - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12870.
    Previous research showed that sensorimotor information affects the perception of properties associated with implied perceptual context during language comprehension. Three experiments addressed a novel question of whether perceptual context may contribute to a simulation of information about such out‐of‐sight objects as cast shadows. In Experiment 1, participants read a sentence that implied a particular shadow cast on a target (blinds vs. an open window) and then verified the picture of the object onto which a shadow was cast. Responses were faster (...)
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    Surviving in a second language: survival processing effect in memory of bilinguals.Magda Saraiva, Margarida V. Garrido & Josefa N. S. Pandeirada - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (2):417-424.
    Human memory likely evolved to serve adaptive functions, that is, to help maximise our chances of survival and reproduction. One demonstration of such adaptiveness is the increased retention of inf...
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    A Systematic Review of Normative Studies Using Images of Common Objects.Cristiane Souza, Margarida V. Garrido & Joana C. Carmo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Common objects comprise living and non-living things people interact with in their daily-lives. Images depicting common objects are extensively used in different fields of research and intervention, such as linguistics, psychology, and education. Nevertheless, their adequate use requires the consideration of several factors, and careful validation procedures. The current study presents a systematic review of the available published norms for images of common objects. A systematic search using PRISMA guidelines indicated that despite their extensive use, the production of norms for (...)
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  12.  48
    The sound of time: Cross-modal convergence in the spatial structuring of time.Daniël Lakens, Gün R. Semin & Margarida V. Garrido - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):437-443.
    In a new integration, we show that the visual-spatial structuring of time converges with auditory-spatial left–right judgments for time-related words. In Experiment 1, participants placed past and future-related words respectively to the left and right of the midpoint on a horizontal line, reproducing earlier findings. In Experiment 2, neutral and time-related words were presented over headphones. Participants were asked to indicate whether words were louder on the left or right channel. On critical experimental trials, words were presented equally loud binaurally. (...)
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  13.  65
    Action Contribution to Competence Judgments: The Use of the Journey Schema.Oleksandr V. Horchak, Jean-Christophe Giger & Margarida V. Garrido - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Ortega y Gasset em Lisboa: tradução e enquadramento de La razón histórica (curso de 1944).Margarida Isaura Almeida Amoedo - 2017 - Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
    José Ortega y Gasset deu em Lisboa, em 1944, um curso universitário intitulado La razón histórica. Não obstante ter ficado incompleto, após interrupção por doença do autor, ele é talvez um dos mais importantes vestígios da sua estada em Portugal, durante a última etapa do seu longo exílio. Em edição da Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Margarida I. Almeida Amoedo disponibiliza agora a tradução desse curso, enquadrando-o no contexto próximo da obra orteguiana.
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  15. Biological Antecedents Essentialism.Margarida Hermida - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    An essentialist claim often made about organisms is that they could not have originated in different gametes. The thesis of gametic essentialism (GE) is usually understood either as a particular case of material origin essentialism, or as genetic essentialism. This paper argues that it should instead be understood in terms of the numerical identity of the gametes. Since gametes are living cells, their identity conditions should be the same as those of other living beings, and therefore involve neither specific material (...)
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  16. Cats are not necessarily animals.Margarida Hermida - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1387-1406.
    Some plausibly necessary a posteriori theoretical claims include ‘water is H 2 O’, ‘gold is the element with atomic number 79’, and ‘cats are animals’. In this paper I challenge the necessity of the third claim. I argue that there are possible worlds in which cats exist, but are not animals. Under any of the species concepts currently accepted in biology, organisms do not belong essentially to their species. This is equally true of their ancestors. In phylogenetic systematics, monophyletic clades (...)
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  17.  22
    Origen y estructura. Análisis de la noción de origen en el pensamiento de H. Rombach.Ángel E. Garrido-Maturano - 2016 - Tópicos 31:62-84.
    El artículo reconstruye las nociones de origen y estructura en el pensamiento de H. Rombach y analiza la significación ontológica y el riesgo antropológico del fenómeno del origen. Primeramente, el análisis indica por qué el origen significa el modo ontológico-trascendental primordial de génesis del ser y resulta irreductible a y presupuesto por las nociones de "fundamento", "causa eficiente" o "inicio". Luego elucida la significación estético-ontológica propia del modo de originar del origen. Finalmente explicita el intento de la voluntad humana de (...)
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  18. D'un imaginaire à l'autre: Partonopeus de blois et la historia de l'esforçat cavaller partinobles.Eugénia Margarida & Neves D. O. S. Santos - 2004 - Mediaevalia 25 (2):25-35.
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  19. Teatralidade e linguagem cénica no teatro jesuítico em Portugal.Margarida M. Miranda - 2006 - Humanitas 58:391-410.
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  20. UmaComunidade Pedagógica Europeia¿: O humanismo jesuítico ea identidade da Europa.Margarida M. Miranda - 2001 - Humanitas 53:83-112.
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    Ensino de história: questão estatal ou pública?Margarida Maria Dias de Oliveira - 2011 - Dialogos 15 (3).
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    Vanguarda, do conceito ao texto.Margarida de Aguiar Patriota - 1985 - Brasília: Em convênio com o Instituto Nacional do Livro, Fundação Nacional Pró-Memória.
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    Eduardo Lourenço: uma geopolítica do pensamento.Margarida Calafate Ribeiro - 2023 - Porto: Edições Afrontamento. Edited by Roberto Vecchi.
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    Humanist, Civic Education and Attitude in Gilberto Monteiro.Margarida Barahona Simões - 2008 - Cultura:57-76.
    Gilberto Monteiro foi médico municipal da freguesia de Carnaxide de 1921 a 1961, Chefe dos Serviços Clínicos da extinta fábrica dos Fermentos Holandeses (F.P.F.H.), sediada na Cruz Quebrada, de 1934 a 1962 e, durante a II Guerrra Mundial, exerceu no Hospital Militar de Belém, na qualidade de tenente médico miliciano. Amante do desporto e desportista, G. Monteiro foi um dos fundadores do Sport Algés e Dafundo (SAD), instituição onde, enquanto membro da sua primeira Comissão Cultural, criou a Biblioteca, organizou conferências, (...)
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    Finis terrae: The land where the Atlantic ocean begins.Margarida Barahona Simões - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (4-6):853-858.
  26.  12
    Interioridad y realidad: estudios sobre la tradición filosófica occidental.Garrido Zaragozá & Juan José - 2023 - Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor.
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  27. Thought experiments, sentience, and animalism.Margarida Hermida - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):148.
    Animalism is prima facie the most plausible view about what we are; it aligns better with science and common sense, and is metaphysically more parsimonious. Thought experiments involving the brain, however, tend to elicit intuitions contrary to animalism. In this paper, I examine two classical thought experiments from the literature, brain transplant and cerebrum transplant, and a new one, cerebrum regeneration. I argue that they are theoretically possible, but that a scientifically informed account of what would actually happen shows that (...)
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    On Time, Being, and Hunger: Challenging the Traditional Way of Thinking Life.Juan Manuel Garrido - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    The traditional way of understanding life, as a self-appropriating and self-organizing process of not ceasing to exist, of taking care of one's own hunger, is challenged by today's unprecedented proliferation of discourses and techniques concerning the living being. This challenge entails questioning the fundamental concepts of metaphysical thinking--namely, time, finality, and, above all, being. Garrido argues that today we are in a position to repeat Nietzsche's assertion that there is no other representation of "being" than that of "living." But (...)
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    Life on Earth is an individual.Margarida Hermida - 2016 - Theory in Biosciences 135 (1-2):37-44.
    Life is a self-maintaining process based on metabolism. Something is said to be alive when it exhibits organization and is actively involved in its own continued existence through carrying out metabolic processes. A life is a spatio-temporally restricted event, which continues while the life processes are occurring in a particular chunk of matter (or, arguably, when they are temporally suspended, but can be restarted at any moment), even though there is continuous replacement of parts. Life is organized in discrete packages, (...)
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    Esmeralda Balaguer García, Los límites del decir. Razón histórica y lenguaje en el último Ortega (Madrid: Tecnos, 2023).Margarida I. Almeida Amoedo - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
    Se trata de la reseña de un libro que, siguiendo en la estela de obras importantes como _La tradición velada _(Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 1990), de Francisco José Martín, o _El pensamiento lingüístico de José Ortega y Gasset _(A Coruña: Spiralia, 2009), de Concha d’ Olhaberriague, destaca la relevancia y el múltiple significado de _exilio _que el año de 1932 representa en el trayecto biográfico del filósofo, cuando la decepción con la política y la necesidad de concentrarse en sus meditaciones filosóficas (...)
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    Construção e re-construção da identidade nas histórias de vida de adotados.Margarida Rangel Henriques, André Guirland Vieira & Dóris Cristina Gedrat - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
    O objetivo deste estudo é identificar como a adoção aparece nas histórias de vida de indivíduos adotados e como eles normalizam suas experiências relacionadas à adoção. Focaliza-se a re-historiação do “eu” na narrativa e considera-se que o seu final é determinado por quem constrói a narrativa, não por eventos relatados cronologicamente. Os dados provêm das narrativas de dois indivíduos adotados, transcritas segundo convenções utilizadas na Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica, nas quais se destaca a presença dos eventos relacionados à adoção na (...)
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    Visiting professors from abroad, 2007–2008.Margarida Isura Almeida, Manfred Baum, Richard Bernot, Ann Cacoullos, In-Rae Cho, Filipe Drapeau Contim, James Doyle, Paik Eunky, Sébastien Gandon & Kaijun Geng - 2007 - Review of Metaphysics 61 (1):219-224.
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  33. Alteridades internas : ética pública e imágenes de no ficción en Colombia.Germán Andrés Molina Garrido - 2017 - In Porfirio Cardona Restrepo, Freddy Santamaría Velasco, Juan Osorio-Villegas & Alejandro Tomasini Bassols, Cine y pensamiento. Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
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  34. Duns Escoto y la quididad sensible.Javier Garrido - 1961 - Verdad y Vida 19 (75):463-489.
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  35. Camponeses. Série.Margarida Maria Moura - forthcoming - Princípios. São Paulo: Ática.
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    [Recensão a] Mário Vieira de Carvalho, Lopes‑Graça e a Modernidade Musical.Margarida Teixeira Neves - 2019 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 28 (55):267-275.
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    [Recensão a] Ricardo Petracca, Música e Alteridade: uma abordagem bakhtiniana.Margarida Teixeira Neves - 2019 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 28 (55):275-278.
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    Being and power: a phenomenological ontology of forms of Llfe.Daniel Rueda Garrido - 2024 - Malaga, Spain: Vernon Press.
    Why do we act as we do? Why do we assume that the way of being and behaving in our community is right, good, and common sense? Why do we fail to understand those who are, act, and feel differently? These are some of the questions that this book raises and attempts to answer. This ontology is rooted in the phenomenological tradition but with the innovation of taking the "form of life" as the central ontological unit. We are our form (...)
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    A geometrica do tempo em Hannah Arendt.Margarida Gomes Amaral - 2012 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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  40.  11
    José Ortega y Gasset: a aventura filosófica da educação.Margarida Isaura Almeida Amoedo - 2002 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
  41.  26
    Unpacking all-inclusive superordinate categories: Comparing correlates and consequences of global citizenship and human identities.Margarida Carmona, Rita Guerra, John F. Dovidio, Joep Hofhuis & Denis Sindic - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous research suggests that all-inclusive superordinate categories, such as “citizens of the world” and “humans,” may represent different socio-psychological realities. Yet it remains unclear whether the use of different categories may account for different psychological processes and attitudinal or behavioral outcomes. Two studies extended previous research by comparing how these categories are cognitively represented, and their impact on intergroup helping from host communities toward migrants. In a correlational study, 168 nationals from 25 countries perceived the group of migrants as more (...)
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  42. Searching the Arcane Origins of Fuzzy Logic.Angel Garrido - 2011 - BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 2.
    ABSTRACT It is well-known that Artificial Intelligence requires Logic. But its Classical version shows too many insufficiencies. So, it is very necessary to introduce more sophisticated tools, as may be Fuzzy Logic, Modal Logic, Non-Monotonic Logic, and so on. When you are searching the possible precedent of such new ideas, we may found that they are not totally new, because some ancient thinkers have suggested many centuries ago similar concepts, certainly without adequate mathematical formulation, but in the same line: against (...)
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    La contracción del horizonte. Contribuciones introductorias a una fenomenología de la pasión.Ángel Enrique Garrido-Maturano - 2017 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 50:129-147.
    The article outlines the essential foundations of a phenomenology of passion. It describes the noetic correlate of the phenomenon as a concentration of the interests of existence that reverts into a condensation of self-experience. Secondly, it examines the noematic correlate as a contraction of the horizons in the totalizing figure of a world. Further, it elucidates the temporality of passion and the peculiar convergence of freedom and necessity, which is its peculiar characteristic. Finally, the relationship between passion and mystery is (...)
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    The Ontological Concept of Disease and the Clinical Empiricism of Thomas Sydenham.Ruy J. Henríquez Garrido - 2019 - Kairos 22 (1):161-178.
    The clinical empiricism of Thomas Sydenham (1624–1689) and his definition of especie morbosae represented a substantial turn in the medicine of his time. This turn supposed the shift towards an ontological conception of diseases, from a qualitative to quantitative interpretation. Sydenham’s clinical proposal had a great influence on empiricism philosophical thinking, particularly in John Locke and his delimitation of knowledge. The dialogue between medicine and philosophy, set out by Sydenham-Locke, reactivates the problem of the clinical and theoretical foundations of medical (...)
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    A" Ratio Studiorum" eo desenvolvimento de uma cultura escolar na Europa moderna.Margarida Miranda - 2011 - Humanitas 63:473-490.
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    O humanismo no Colégio de Sao Paulo (séc. XVI) e a tradiçao humanística europeia.Margarida M. Miranda - 2010 - Humanitas 62:243-264.
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    La doctrina de los autores: de fuente jurídica primaria a la vulgarización e irrelevancia.Tomás Rubio Garrido - 2006 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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    Imitation, conscious will and social conditioning.Daniel Rueda Garrido - 2021 - Mind and Society 20 (1):85-102.
    This essay aims to explore imitation in social contexts. The argument that summarizes my claim is that the perception of other people’s behaviour conditions the agent in imitating that behaviour, as evidence from social psychology holds (Bargh and Chartrand in J Pers Soc Psychol 76(6):893–910, 1999; Bargh and Ferguson in Psychol Bull 126(6):925–945, 2000; Bargh and Ferguson in Trends Cogn Sci 8(1):33–39, 2004), but what the agent perceives and experiences becomes potential motives for her actions only through her identification with (...)
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    Krause, Spanish Krausism, and Philosophy of Action.Daniel Rueda Garrido - 2019 - Idealistic Studies 49 (2):167-188.
    Krausists followed a dialectical method in all their activities. It is an action plan in which theory and practice are established on a continuum. Since it summarizes all human activity, this dialectic implies a philosophy of action. The originality of this article lies precisely in offering an account of the philosophy of action implicit in the work of Krause, which has never before been made explicit. Therefore, the goal of this article is, on the one hand, to isolate this dialectic (...)
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  50. Natural Selection of Independently Originated Life Clades.Margarida Hermida - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (3):454-470.
    Life on Earth descends from a common ancestor. However, it is likely that there are other instances of life in the universe. If so, each abiogenesis event will have given rise to an independently originated life clade, of which Earth-life is an example. In this paper, I argue that the set of all IOLCs in the universe forms a Darwinian population subject to natural selection, with more widely dispersed IOLCs being less likely to face extinction. As a result, we should (...)
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