Results for 'Gail Breslow'

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    AAAS: The Mass Media Science Fellows.Gail Breslow - 1981 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 6 (3):41-44.
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  2. Interview with Professor Gail Weiss.Gail Weiss, Luna Dolezal & Sheena Hyland - 2008 - Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):3-8.
    An interview with Gail Weiss concerning her interests and influences, especially the body and embodiment.
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    Body Images: Embodiment as Intercorporeality.Gail Weiss - 1999 - Routledge.
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    Refiguring the Ordinary.Gail Weiss (ed.) - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    If social, political, and material transformation is to have a lasting impact on individuals and society, it must be integrated within ordinary experience. Refiguring the Ordinary examines the ways in which individuals' bodies, habits, environments, and abilities function as horizons that underpin their understandings of the ordinary. These features of experience, according to Gail Weiss, are never neutral, but are always affected by gender, race, social class, ethnicity, nationality, and perceptions of bodily normality. While no two people will experience (...)
  5. Forms as causes: Plato and Aristotle.Gail Fine - 1987 - In A. Graeser (ed.), Mathematik und Metaphysik bei Aristoteles. Haupt.
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    Notes on 'latency' in overlap onset.Gail Jefferson - 1986 - Human Studies 9 (2-3):153 - 183.
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    Mill and Sexual Equality.Gail Tulloch - 1989 - Lynne Rienner.
    Lecturer in social foundations of education and women's studies, Victoria College, Australia.
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    The Myth of Woman Meets the Myth of Old Age An Alienating Encounter with the Aging Female Body.Gail Weiss - 2014 - In Silvia Stoller (ed.), Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of Age: Gender, Ethics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 47-64.
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    Beyond the postmodern: space and place for the early 21st century.Harris Breslow & Antje Ziethen (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
    Almost as rapidly as it was conceived, the claim that we have entered an era characterised as 'postmodern' has become highly disputed, and many of the contesting claims do so by mobilising conceptions of space and place and their relationship to apparatuses of movement. Recent scholarship has explored the fact that we are living in a world characterised by an exponential increase of flow, mobility, virtuality and technology. Hence, the notion of postmodernity has been rivalled by alternative concepts such as (...)
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    They would have transitioned me: third conditional TERF grammar of trans childhood.Jacob Breslow - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (4):575-593.
    Some of the most virulent public trans-exclusionary radical feminist discourse in the UK follows the grammatical form of the third conditional: if I had grown up now, I would have been persuaded to transition. This articulation of the hypothetical threat of a transition that did not happen but is imagined, in retrospect, to be not just possible but forcibly enacted plays an important role, both politically and psychically, in a contemporary political landscape that is threatening the livelihoods of trans children. (...)
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    Questions of Presence.Gail Lewis - 2017 - Feminist Review 117 (1):1-19.
    This article considers some of the ways in which ‘the black woman’ as both representation and embodied, sentient being is rendered visible and invisible, and to link these to the multiple and competing ways in which she is ‘present’. The issues are engaged through three distinct but overlapping conceptualisations of ‘presence’. ‘Presence’ as conceived (and highly contested) in performance studies; ‘presence’ as conceived and worked with in psychoanalysis; and ‘presence’ as decolonising political praxis among Indigenous communities. I use these conceptualisations (...)
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    Book Review: Listening to Images. [REVIEW]Jacob Breslow - 2017 - Feminist Review 117 (1):202-203.
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  13. Relational Knowing and Epistemic Injustice: Toward a Theory of Willful Hermeneutical Ignorance.Gaile Pohlhaus - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (4):715-735.
    I distinguish between two senses in which feminists have argued that the knower is social: 1. situated or socially positioned and 2. interdependent. I argue that these two aspects of the knower work in cooperation with each other in a way that can produce willful hermeneutical ignorance, a type of epistemic injustice absent from Miranda Fricker's Epistemic Injustice. Analyzing the limitations of Fricker's analysis of the trial of Tom Robinson in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird with attention to the (...)
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    Regulation of Next Generation Sequencing.Gail H. Javitt & Katherine Strong Carner - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (s1):9-21.
    Since the first draft of the human genome was published in 2001, DNA sequencing technology has advanced at a remarkable pace. Launched in 1990, the Human Genome Project sought to sequence all three billion base pairs of the haploid human genome, an endeavor that took more than a decade and cost nearly three billion dollars. The subsequent development of so-called “next generation” sequencing methods has raised the possibility that real-time, affordable genome sequencing will soon be widely available. Currently, NGS methods (...)
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    Spinoza's philosophy of law.Gail Belaief - 1971 - The Hague,: Mouton.
    No detailed description available for "Spinoza's Philosophy of Law".
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  16. (1 other version)Knowledge and True Belief in the Meno.Gail Fine - 2004 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 27:41-81.
  17. Global health ethics: critical reflections on the contours of an emerging field, 1977–2015.Gail Robson, Nathan Gibson, Alison Thompson, Solomon Benatar & Avram Denburg - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):53.
    The field of bioethics has evolved over the past half-century, incorporating new domains of inquiry that signal developments in health research, clinical practice, public health in its broadest sense and more recently sensitivity to the interdependence of global health and the environment. These extensions of the reach of bioethics are a welcome response to the growth of global health as a field of vital interest and activity. This paper provides a critical interpretive review of how the term “global health ethics” (...)
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    A Genealogy of Women’s Ethical Bodies.Gail Weiss - 2018 - In Clara Fischer & Luna Dolezal (eds.), New Feminist Perspectives on Embodiment. London, New York: Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 17-35.
    This chapter offers a brief historical overview of the gendered mind/body dualism associated with the rationalist tradition, according to which women’s bodies have been viewed as a threat to reason and to ethics. Taking up critiques of this model offered by Beauvoir and Fanon, I maintain that the body of the Other makes an ethical claim upon us in the form of “bodily imperatives.” I conclude with a critical analysis of contemporary feminist ethics that seeks to move beyond the false (...)
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  19. The one over many.Gail Fine - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (2):197-240.
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  20. Separation.Gail Fine - 1984 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 2:31-87.
  21. Revisiting the myth: Husserl and Sellars on the given.Gail Soffer - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (2):301-337.
    IN SCIENCE, PERCEPTION, AND REALITY, Sellars marvels at the power of fashion in philosophy, which all too often offers us the spectacle of a stampede rather than a careful sifting of gold from dross. Sellars was worried that the flight from phenomenalism would lead to the familiar pendulum effect and so thwart his effort to “usher analytic philosophy out of its Humean and into its Kantian stage,” as Rorty has put it. Accordingly, Sellars’s critique of the Myth of the Given (...)
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  22. Plato on knowledge and forms: selected essays.Gail Fine - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Plato on Knowledge and Forms brings together a set of connected essays by Gail Fine, in her main area of research since the late 1970s: Plato's metaphysics and epistemology. She discusses central issues in Plato's metaphysics and epistemology, issues concerning the nature and extent of knowledge, and its relation to perception, sensibles, and forms; and issues concerning the nature of forms, such as whether they are universals or particulars, separate or immanent, and whether they are causes. A specially written (...)
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    The Shame of Shamelessness.Gail Weiss - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):537-552.
    An important question that is often raised, whether directly or indirectly, in philosophical discussions of shame‐inducing behavior concerns whether the experience of shame has unique moral value. Despite the fact that shame is strongly associated with negative affective responses, many people have argued that the experience of being ashamed plays an important motivating role, rather than being an obstacle, in living a moral life. These discussions, however, tend to take for granted two interrelated assumptions that I will be problematizing: 1) (...)
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  24. On Ideas: Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Theory of Forms.Gail Fine - 1994 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 99 (3):406-408.
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    Truth and Necessity in De Interpretatione 9.Gail Fine - 1984 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 1 (1):23 - 47.
  26. The Possibility of Inquiry: Meno’s Paradox from Socrates to Sextus.Gail Fine - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Meno's Paradox from Socrates to Sextus Gail Fine. sense that they consider the issues it raises; and they argue, against its conclusion, that inquiry is possible. Like Plato and Aristotle, they also explain what makes inquiry possible; and they do ...
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    World of Warcraft: The Murloc is the message.Gail Shivel - 2009 - Symploke 17 (1-2):205-213.
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    Is Language a Game?Gail Soffer - 1994 - Études Phénoménologiques 10 (20):27-63.
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    The Perils and Pleasures of the “I Can” Body.Gail Weiss - 2017 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 21 (2):63-80.
    Though Young’s “Throwing Like a Girl” has been praised for pre-senting the “I can” body as more of an aspiration than a reality for many women in the world today, she has also been criticized for claiming that women’s typical modes of bodily comportment are contradictory, and thus that their experience of the “I can” body is compromised. From her critics’ perspective, Young’s account seems to imply that women’s experiences of embodied agency are inferior or deficient in comparison to men (...)
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    A Case of Precision Timing in Ordinary Conversation: Overlapped Tag-Positioned Address Terms in Closing Sequences.Gail Jefferson - 1973 - Semiotica 9 (1).
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    Sexual Difference as Model: An Ethics for the Global Future.Gail M. Schwab - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):76-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sexual Difference as Model: An Ethics for the Global FutureGail SchwabIn Éthique de la différence sexuelle (1984), Luce Irigaray targeted language and love—for her, inseparable from each other—as the two areas of focus for the elaboration of an ethics of sexual difference. The heterosexual couple seemed to have taken on a new, and somehow inappropriately central, importance in Irigaray’s thought in the early eighties; however, the projected mutations in (...)
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  32. On Ideas: Aristotle’s Criticism of Plato’s Theory of Forms.Gail Fine - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Peri ide^on is the only work in which Aristotle systematically sets out and criticizes arguments for the existence of Platonic forms. Gail Fine presents the first full-length treatment in English of this important but neglected work. She asks how, and how well, Aristotle understands Plato's theory of forms, and why and with what justification he favors an alternative metaphysical scheme. She examines the significance of the Peri ide^on for some central questions about Plato's theory of forms--whether, for example, (...)
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  33. Gaslighting and Echoing, or Why Collective Epistemic Resistance is not a “Witch Hunt”.Gaile Pohlhaus - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (4):674-686.
    This essay reflects on some of the problems with characterizing collective epistemic resistance to oppression as “unthinking” or antithetical to reason by highlighting the epistemic labor involved in contending with and resisting epistemic oppression. To do so, I develop a structural notion of epistemic gaslighting in order to highlight structural features of contexts within which collective epistemic resistance to oppression occurs. I consider two different forms of epistemic echoing as modes of contending with and resisting epistemic oppression that are sometimes (...)
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    14 Freedom F/Or the Other.Gail Weiss - 2009 - In Christine Daigle & Jacob Golomb (eds.), Beauvoir and Sartre: The Riddle of Influence. Indiana University Press. pp. 241.
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    Women and the law in Irigarayan theory.Gail Schwab - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (1-2):146-177.
    “Women and the Law in Irigarayan Theory” by Gail Schwab is a reading of French feminist philosopher Luce Irigaray's writings on law together with texts of American feminist jurisprudence. The first part of the article summarizes many of the conflicts surrounding the concept of equality in American feminist legal thought and attempts to move beyond them with the Irigarayan principle of equivalence or equivalent rights. The second part of the article deals more generally with the symbolic changes that will (...)
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    Relational Entities.Gail Fine - 1983 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 65 (3):225-49.
  37. Varieties of Epistemic Injustice.Gaile Pohlhaus - 2017 - In Ian James Kidd & José Medina (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice. New York: Routledge.
  38. The other as Alter ego: A genetic approach.Gail Soffer - 1998 - Husserl Studies 15 (3):151-166.
    It is an ancient view, to be found even in Aristotle’s analysis of friendship, that the other is an alter ego, another myself. More recently, this conception has provoked spirited debate within and without the phenomenological tradition. It can be found in a wide variety of texts, from Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations to Thomas Nagel’s “What is it like to be a bat?” The basic position can be summarized as follows. Intentional experiences are subjective, first-person experiences, not objective, third-person experiences.
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    Plato on Knowledge and Forms: Selected Essays.Gail Fine - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (220):504-506.
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  40. Intertwined Identities: Challenges to Bodily Autonomy.Gail Weiss - 2009 - Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):22-37.
    Over the last decade, the international media has devoted increasing attention to operations that separate conjoined twins. Despite the fairly low odds that a child or adult will survive the operation with all of their vital organs intact, most people fail to question the urgency of being physically separated from one’s identical twin. The drive to surgically tear asunder that which was originally joined, I suggest, is motivated in part by a refusal to acknowledge intercorporeality as a basic condition of (...)
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    Counter model for word identification: Reply to Bowers (1999).Gail McKoon & Roger Ratcliff - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (3):674-681.
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  42. Descartes and Ancient Skepticism: Reheated Cabbage?Gail Fine - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (2):195.
    Lately, several commentators have argued that there are significant differences between ancient and modern skepticism. For example, it has been argued that ancient skeptics disavow belief, whereas the moderns disavow only knowledge. It has also been argued that the scope of ancient skepticism is considerably less radical than that of modern skepticism: unlike the moderns, the ancients do not question whether they have bodies or whether there is an external world furnished with the sorts of objects we generally take there (...)
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    Urban Flesh.Gail Weiss - 2005 - Philosophy Today 49 (Supplement):116-127.
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  44. Context and perspective.Gail Weiss - 1992 - In Shaun Gallagher & Thomas Busch (eds.), Merleau-Ponty, Hermeneutics, and Postmodernism. State University of New York Press.
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    Imaginaries of Europe: Technologies of Gender, Economies of Power.Gail Lewis - 2006 - European Journal of Women's Studies 13 (2):87-102.
    This article explores some of the ways in which ideas about and attempts to construct a European identity and sense of belonging inscribe an imaginary of Europe that is exclusionary and elitist. It suggests that the symbolic figure of ‘the immigrant woman’ is a container category that simultaneously signifies the non-European and tests and destabilizes claims to Europe's essential characteristics. It also argues that traces of this imaginary of Europe can be found in feminist scholarship on global care chains and (...)
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    Combining distributed and localist computations in real-time neural networks.Gail A. Carpenter - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):473-474.
    In order to benefit from the advantages of localist coding, neural models that feature winner-take-all representations at the top level of a network hierarchy must still solve the computational problems inherent in distributed representations at the lower levels.
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  47. Racism and Representation: The Social Construction of'Blackness' and'Whiteness,'.Gail Dines - forthcoming - Iris.
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    Aristotle and the More Accurate Arguments.Gail Fine - 1981 - In M. Nussbaum & M. Schofield (eds.), Language and Logos: Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy Presented to G. E. L. Owen. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Owen's Progress: Logic, Science, and Dialectic: Collected Papers in Greek Philosophy.Gail Fine - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (3):373-99.
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    Texas Dance Halls: A Two-Step Circuit.Gail Folkins, J. Marcus Weekley & Andy Wilkinson - 2007 - Texas Tech University Press.
    "Blending literary and photo-journalism, history, and storytelling, essays examine eighteen Texas dance halls in terms of their music, culture, and community. Also considers the predominantly Czech and German heritage from which these halls evolved, as we.
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