Results for 'G. Light'

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  1.  35
    Do self-reports of perceptual anomalies reflect gating deficits in schizophrenia patients?G. Light & D. Braff - 2000 - Biological Psychiatry 47:463-467.
  2. Communication Spaces.Patrick G. T. Healey, G. Graham White, Arash Eshgi, Ahmad J. Reeves & Ann Light - 2008 - Computer Supported Cooperative Work 17:169--193.
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  3. Democracy and the Claims of Nature: Critical Perspectives for a New Century.Wilson Carey McWilliams, Bob Pepperman Taylor, Bryan G. Norton, Robyn Eckersley, Joe Bowersox, J. Baird Callicott, Catriona Sandilands, John Barry, Andrew Light, Peter S. Wenz, Luis A. Vivanco, Tim Hayward, John O'Neill, Robert Paehlke, Timothy W. Luke, Robert Gottlieb & Charles T. Rubin (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Democracy and the Claims of Nature, the leading thinkers in the fields of environmental, political, and social theory come together to discuss the tensions and sympathies of democratic ideals and environmental values. The prominent contributors reflect upon where we stand in our understanding of the relationship between democracy and the claims of nature. Democracy and the Claims of Nature bridges the gap between the often competing ideals of the two fields, leading to a greater understanding of each for the (...)
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    Polarization of Vacuum Fluctuations: Source of the Vacuum Permittivity and Speed of Light.G. B. Mainland & Bernard Mulligan - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (5):457-480.
    There are two types of fluctuations in the quantum vacuum: type 1 vacuum fluctuations are on shell and can interact with matter in specific, limited ways that have observable consequences; type 2 vacuum fluctuations are off shell and cannot interact with matter. A photon will polarize a type 1, bound, charged lepton–antilepton vacuum fluctuation in much the same manner that it would polarize a dielectric, suggesting the method used here for calculating the permittivity $$\epsilon _{0}$$ϵ0 of the vacuum. In a (...)
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    Speed of Light on Rotating Platforms.G. Rizzi & A. Tartaglia - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (11):1663-1683.
    If is often taken for granted that on a rotating disk it is possible to operate a global 3+1 splitting of spacetime such that both lengths and time intervals are uniquely defined in terms of measurements performed by real rods and real clocks at rest on the platform. This paper shows that this assumption, although widespread and apparently trivial, leads to an anisotropy of the velocity of two light beams traveling in opposite directions along the rim of the disk, (...)
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  6. New light on early chinese science.G. Lloyd - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 29 (2):299-303.
  7.  14
    Testing a Quantum Inequality with a Meta-analysis of Data for Squeezed Light.G. Jordan Maclay & Eric W. Davis - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (8):797-815.
    In quantum field theory, coherent states can be created that have negative energy density, meaning it is below that of empty space, the free quantum vacuum. If no restrictions existed regarding the concentration and permanence of negative energy regions, it might, for example, be possible to produce exotic phenomena such as Lorentzian traversable wormholes, warp drives, time machines, violations of the second law of thermodynamics, and naked singularities. Quantum Inequalities have been proposed that restrict the size and duration of the (...)
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    The localization of diasclerotic light.G. M. Stratton - 1910 - Psychological Review 17 (4):294-300.
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  9. The New Malthusianism in the light of actual world problems of population.G. H. Knibbs - 1926 - Scientia 20 (40):379.
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    ‘By faith alone’ in light of change agency theory: Jesus, Paul and the Jesus-group in Colossae.Andries G. Van Aarde - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-10.
    This article aims to apply the model of change agent to the interpretation of Colossians. Presuming a continuity between Jesus and Paul, the article introduces the concept of ‘by faith alone’ from the Pauline letters. By this expression is meant an undivided fidelity to an inclusive approach to understanding God’s work, with concrete historical roots in Jesus’ crossing of gender, ethnic and cultural boundaries. Living in this manner requires reformation, transformation and change. The study spells out in fuller detail what (...)
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  11.  37
    Black: a non-light sensation.G. M. Michaels - 1925 - Psychological Review 32 (3):248-250.
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    Commentary on "Free Will in the Light of Neuropsychiatry".G. Lynn Stephens - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (2):97-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Free Will in the Light of Neuropsychiatry”G. Lynn Stephens (bio)A necessary condition of our having free will is that we initiate some of our actions by our own will or decision. Spence argues that, in light of certain empirical findings, we can accept that willing causes action, only if we acknowledge that willing is a non-conscious phenomenon. “If the notion of free will is retained... (...)
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  13. Solomon Feferman, in the light of logic.G. Hellman - 2001 - Philosophia Mathematica 9 (2):231-237.
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    A. G. Zdravomyslov. Needs, Interests, and Values.G. G. Diligenskii - 1987 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 26 (3):92-97.
    The theoretical and practical problems of providing incentives for people's activity in society are becoming increasingly more urgent as the role of the human factor in the development of society grows. In light of modern historical experience, we can see the onesidedness of conceptions according to which the types and directions of activity are mechanically predetermined by conditions external to it, and we can see the necessity of understanding the laws of activity itself in all their complicated dialectical essence. (...)
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    Some light on the Amsterdam and London manuscripts of Issac ben Moses of Viennas Or Zarua.Emile G. L. Schrijver - 1993 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 75 (3):53-82.
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  16. Sounds Like Light: Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity and Mach's Work in Acoustics and Aerodynamics.Susan G. Sterrett - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (1):1-35.
    Ernst Mach is the only person whom Einstein included on both the list of physicists he considered his true precursors, and the list of the philosophers who had most affected him. Einstein scholars have been less generous in their estimation of Mach's contributions to Einstein's work, and even amongst the more generous of them, Mach's great achievements in physics are seldom mentioned in this context. This is odd, considering Mach was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics three times. In (...)
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  17. Recensioni/Reviews-Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. In the Light of a Critical-historical Analysis of the Problems and of the Synthesis of the Results.G. Auletta & V. Fano - 2004 - Epistemologia 27 (1):157-160.
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  18. YADIN, "Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light".G. R. Driver - 1962 - Hibbert Journal 60 (39):351.
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  19.  29
    Metacontrast target detection under light and dark adaptation.Dean G. Purcell, Alan L. Stewart & Robert L. Brunner - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (3):199-201.
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    Enoch and Qumran origins: new light on a forgotten connection.G. Boccacini - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (3):1553-1554.
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  21.  39
    Ontology of and as Horizon: Gadamer's Rehabilitation of the Metaphysics of Light.Frederick G. Lawrence - 2000 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 56 (3/4):389 - 420.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutic philosophy is most well known for its phenomenology of interpretation in the Geisteswissenschaften or humanities. It moves Heidegger's ' As–structure ' of understanding through an appreciation of the primacy of questioning to the dialogical structure of interpretation as mediated by language. This phenomenology grounds a linguistic ontology, which rehabilitates metaphysics as a renewal of the tradition of a metaphysics of light, without transgressing the limits of phenomenological accessibility. The result is a metaphysics of finitude that is (...)
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  22. Prison reform and prisoner's rights in the light of the new South African Constitution, 1993.G. L. Gordon - forthcoming - Nexus.
  23.  15
    LXXXIV. The elastic scattering of protons by light elements.G. Dearnaley - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (9):821-834.
  24.  32
    (1 other version)Light in Reverse Gear I.John G. Cramer - unknown
    The purpose of this AV Column is to describe a physical paradox involving what seems to be an loophole in a well established physical law, the famous Second Law of Thermodynamics. The 2nd Law states that the amount of disorder (entropy) always either increases or remains constant for any isolated system of particles, whether they are gas molecules or light photons. An yet, as we will see, laser physicists seem to have provided us with a way of making the (...)
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  25.  23
    JOHN PHILOPONUS CONTRA ARISTOTLE: The Emergence of Consciousness in Light of Contemporary Cosmology and Philosophy.Scott D. G. Ventureyra - 2020 - Science Et Esprit 72 (1-2):137-156.
    The objective of this paper is to examine the thought of John Philoponus contra Aristotle, as it pertains to consciousness and its emergence, in light of both contemporary cosmology and philosophy. It will be argued that in an eternal universe the emergence of consciousness is an impossibility. The inspiration for this line of reasoning is found in Philoponus’ sixth century arguments against Aristotle on the eternity of the world. It will be shown that much of Philoponus’ argumentation is corroborated (...)
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  26.  2
    The Principles of the Natural Laws of Man: With the Lights which the New Philosophy Will Shed Upon the World, on Many Important Points, Connected with the Best Intrests of Man.G. T. Black - 1837 - Hamilton, Adams & Co.
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    Rethinking identity theory in light of the in-Christ identity in the African context.Philip La G. Du Toit - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    In social identity theory, the in-Christ identity is understood as primarily a socially directed process in which people categorise themselves relative to other groups. Intergroup behaviour would cause them to discriminate against the so-called ‘outgroup’, favouring the so-called ‘ingroup’. Although social identity complexity theory has moved beyond single ingroup-outgroup categorisation, it is a question if social identity theories can fully account for the in-Christ identity, especially within an African context. In African religious identity, identity is linked to both the community (...)
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  28.  30
    Intensity of light and speed of vision: I.C. E. Ferree & G. Rand - 1929 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 12 (5):363.
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  29.  21
    Brillouin light scattering study of glassy sorbitol.B. Ruta, G. Monaco, F. Scarponi & D. Fioretto - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (33-35):3939-3946.
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  30.  20
    On an ancient exile of light. The obliterated contacts between greek gnosis and M. Henry’s philosophy.Hernán G. Inverso - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 47:121-133.
    Resumen La filosofía de Michel Henry llevó adelante una propuesta de radicalización de la fenomenología que apela a una puesta en primer plano de la afectividad como expresión de la Vida. Para dar cuenta de la especificidad de este viraje adoptó las categorías opositivas de gnosis griega y gnosis cristiana, la primera asociada con el compromiso de la descripción del mundo en su exterioridad y la segunda vinculada con la experiencia de la carne. Sin embargo, entre las filosofías de la (...)
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  31.  71
    School Discipline in the Light of the Purposes of Education.Stephen G. Rich - 1926 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 1 (4):637-657.
  32.  66
    Responsibility, taint, and ethical distance in business ethics.G. Mellema - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (2):125 - 132.
    Much light can be shed on events which characterize or underlie scandals at firms such as Enron, Arthur Andersen, Worldcom, ImClone, and Tyco by appealing to the notion of ethical distance. Various inquiries have highlighted the difficulties in finding or identifying particular individuals to blame for particular events, and in the context of situations as complex as these it can sometimes be helpful to investigate the comparative ethical distance of various participants in these events. In this essay I offer (...)
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  33.  28
    Making the right connections: biological networks in the light of evolution.Christopher G. Knight & John W. Pinney - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (10):1080-1090.
    Our understanding of how evolution acts on biological networks remains patchy, as is our knowledge of how that action is best identified, modelled and understood. Starting with network structure and the evolution of protein–protein interaction networks, we briefly survey the ways in which network evolution is being addressed in the fields of systems biology, development and ecology. The approaches highlighted demonstrate a movement away from a focus on network topology towards a more integrated view, placing biological properties centre‐stage. We argue (...)
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  34.  41
    The Feynman-Wheeler Perfect Absorber Theory in a New Light.B. G. Sidharth - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (8):1134-1140.
    The original Feynman-Wheeler perfect absorber theory lead to the Instantaneous Action at a Distance formulation. We observe that this is perfectly meaningful in the light of recent studies pointing to a small but non-zero photon mass. The Quantum Mechanical effects within the Compton scale of such a small mass photon would lead to the above formulation.
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    Conflict resolution between husband and wife in the light of the hermeneutics of biblical proverbs.Onyekachi G. Chukwuma, Omaka K. Ngele, Virginus U. Eze, Peace N. Ngwoke, Damian O. Odo, George Asadu, Tobias C. Onah & Kingsley I. Uwaegbute - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):1-9.
    Conflicts are commonplace in human relationships. The Bible is replete with narratives and proverbial statements which border on conflict scenarios and conflict resolution strategies. Conflict cannot be severed from relationships between biological brothers and sisters, Christians, friends, colleagues and husbands and wives. In this qualitative study, the researchers examined the menace 'conflict between husbands and wives'. There is no husband and wife relationship which is devoid of disputes and conflicts. In husband and wife relationship, conflict situations could arise from lack (...)
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  36.  19
    Philosophy of Human Dignity in the Problem Field of the Global World.G. G. Kolomiets, Y. V. Parusimova & I. V. Kolesnikova - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):508-520.
    The article discusses human dignity in the aspect of modern challenges of technological civilization, which has entered a new stage of its development. Human dignity as a category of ethics remains underestimated, since in the first row of ethical values humanitarians, as a rule, put the categories of freedom and justice. Today, “dignity” acquires a special and higher status, the concept of human dignity is being rethought, going beyond the ethical category itself as a virtue. In the global world, human (...)
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  37.  4
    Is Science Multicultural? Postcolonialisms, Feminisms, and Epistemologies.Sandra G. Harding - 1998 - Indiana University Press.
    Explores what the last few decades of European/American, feminist, and postcolonial science and technology studies can learn from each other. This book proposes new directions for thinking about objectivity, method, and reflexivity in light of the new understandings developed in the post-World War II world.
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  38.  8
    Politics Through the Lens of Language. Review: Cody F. (2013) The Light of Knowledge: Literacy Activism and the Politics of Writing in South India. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. [REVIEW]G. S. Gorbun - 2016 - Sociology of Power 28 (4):181-187.
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    Method in the Physical Sciences.G. Schlesinger - 1963 - New York: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1963. Can one discern certain regularities in the manoeuvrings and techniques employed by scientists and can these be formulated into the methodological principles of science? What is the origin and basis of such principles? Are they imposed by objective realities, do they derive from conceptual necessities or are they rooted in our own deep seated predilections? This volume investigates these questions and sheds light on the growth mechanism of the evolving structure of science itself.
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  40.  28
    Relation of size of pupil to intensity of light and speed of vision, and other studies.C. E. Ferree & G. Rand - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (1):37.
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    Josef Mitterer's Non-dualistic Philosophy in the Light of Judith Butler's (De) Constructivist Feminism.Martin G. Weiss - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (2).
  42.  8
    Two Festivals Celebrated by a Hittite Prince (CTH 647.I and II–III): New Light on Local Cults in North-Central Anatolia in the Second Millennium BC. By Piotr Taracha.Francesco G. Barsacchi - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (4).
    Two Festivals Celebrated by a Hittite Prince : New Light on Local Cults in North-Central Anatolia in the Second Millennium BC. By Piotr Taracha. Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten, vol. 61. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017. Pp. xix + 222, pls. €68.
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    Introduction: From Interacting Agents to Engaging Persons.G. Satne - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (1-2):9-23.
    Intentionality in Interaction revisits some of the classical questions to be found in the original programme for second-personal studies as established in Thompson's 2001 JCS issue and sheds new light on them, witnessing the evolving dynamics of such a programme over the last decade. The contributions in this issue approach the questions of how persons share intentions, emotions, and experiences, of how interaction is shaped by and transforms affection, emotion, and cognition, and of how such interactions develop over time (...)
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  44.  19
    Law and legacy in medical jurisprudence: essays in honour of Graeme Laurie.G. T. Laurie, E. S. Dove & Niamh Nic Shuibhne (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Graeme Laurie stepped down from the Chair in Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh in 2019. This edited collection pays tribute to his extraordinary contributions to the field. Graeme has often spoken about the importance of 'legacy' in academic work and has forged a remarkable intellectual legacy of his own, notably through his work on genetic privacy, human tissue and information governance, and on the regulatory salience of the concept of liminality. The essays in this volume animate the concept (...)
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  45.  33
    New Light on Old Boys: Cognitive and Institutional Particularism in the Peer Review System. [REVIEW]H. M. Collins & G. D. L. Travis - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (3):322-341.
    Peer review of grant applications, it has been suggested, might be distorted by what is popularly termed old boyism, cronyism, or particularism. We argue that the existing debate emphasizes the more uninteresting aspects of the peer review system and that the operation of old boyism, as currently understood would have little effect on the overall direction of science. We identify a phenomenon of cognitive particularism, which we consider to be more important than the institutional cronyism analyzed in previous studies. We (...)
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  46.  90
    Interference in complementary spaces.G. S. Agarwal - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (2):219-228.
    I present the current experimental and theoretical work on interference in complementary spaces. These ideas are applicable to both light and matter waves. I give a detailed treatment for classical light beams in frequency and time domains. I also present a description which gives the totality of interferences.
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    Ethanol-induced compaction of DNA: a viscosimetry and dynamic light scattering study.S. Marchetti, G. Onori & C. Cametti - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):525-534.
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  48.  89
    The Paradox of Piety in Plato’s Euthyphro in the Light of Heidegger’s Conception of Authenticity.Henry G. Wolz - 1974 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 12 (4):493-511.
  49. Knowledge as a Thick Concept: New Light on the Gettier and Value Problems.Brent G. Kyle - 2011 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    I argue that knowledge is a particular kind of concept known as a thick concept. Examples of thick concepts include courage, generosity, loyalty, brutality, and so forth. These concepts are commonly said to combine both evaluation and description, and one of the main goals of this dissertation is to provide a new account of how a thick concept combines these elements. It is argued that thick concepts are semantically evaluative, and that they combine evaluation and description in a way similar (...)
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  50.  50
    The other eukaryotes in light of evolutionary protistology.Maureen A. O’Malley, Alastair G. B. Simpson & Andrew J. Roger - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (2):299-330.
    In order to introduce protists to philosophers, we outline the diversity, classification, and evolutionary importance of these eukaryotic microorganisms. We argue that an evolutionary understanding of protists is crucial for understanding eukaryotes in general. More specifically, evolutionary protistology shows how the emphasis on understanding evolutionary phenomena through a phylogeny-based comparative approach constrains and underpins any more abstract account of why certain organismal features evolved in the early history of eukaryotes. We focus on three crucial episodes of this history: the origins (...)
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