Results for 'Frédéric Noé'

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  1.  14
    Can Compression Garments Reduce Inter-Limb Balance Asymmetries?Frédéric Noé, Kévin Baige & Thierry Paillard - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Sensory cues provided by compression garments can improve movement accuracy and potentially reduce inter-limb balance asymmetries and the associated risk of injury. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of CG wearing on inter-limb balance asymmetries. The hypothesis was that CG would reduce inter-limb balance asymmetries, especially in subjects with high level of asymmetries. Twenty-five sportsmen were recruited. They had to stand as motionless as possible in a one-leg stance in two postural tasks, while wearing CG or (...)
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    Effects of Compression Garments on Balance Control in Young Healthy Active Subjects: A Hierarchical Cluster Analysis.Kévin Baige, Frédéric Noé, Noëlle Bru & Thierry Paillard - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    How do we account for the absence of “change deafness”?Frédéric Isel - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):988-988.
    O'Regan & Noë (O&N) argue that there is no need of internal, more or less picture-like, representation of the visual world in the brain. They propose a new approach in which vision is a mode of exploration of the world that is mediated by knowledge of sensorimotor contingencies. Data obtained in “change blindness” experiments support this assumption.
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  4. Fitness, probability and the principles of natural selection.Frederic Bouchard & Alexander Rosenberg - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (4):693-712.
    We argue that a fashionable interpretation of the theory of natural selection as a claim exclusively about populations is mistaken. The interpretation rests on adopting an analysis of fitness as a probabilistic propensity which cannot be substantiated, draws parallels with thermodynamics which are without foundations, and fails to do justice to the fundamental distinction between drift and selection. This distinction requires a notion of fitness as a pairwise comparison between individuals taken two at a time, and so vitiates the interpretation (...)
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  5. Causation and perception: the puzzle unravelled.Alva Noe - 2003 - Analysis 63 (2):93-100.
  6. Human Personality and its survival of bodily Death.Frederic W. H. Meyers - 1905 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 13 (2):257-282.
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  7. Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment Resistant Depression: Postoperative Feelings of Self-Estrangement, Suicide Attempt and Impulsive–Aggressive Behaviours.Frederic Gilbert - 2013 - Neuroethics 6 (3):473-481.
    The goal of this article is to shed light on Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) postoperative suicidality risk factors within Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) patients, in particular by focusing on the ethical concern of enrolling patient with history of self-estrangement, suicide attempts and impulsive–aggressive inclinations. In order to illustrate these ethical issues we report and review a clinical case associated with postoperative feelings of self-estrangement, self-harm behaviours and suicide attempt leading to the removal of DBS devices. Could prospectively identifying and excluding (...)
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  8. The enactive approach: a briefer statement, with some remarks on “radical enactivism”.Alva Noë - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (5):957-970.
    The chief problem for the theory of mind is that of presence. In this paper I offer an explanation of this claim, and I indicate how my own “enactive” approach to mind has tried to address this problem. I also argue that other approaches, such as that undertaken by Hutto and Myin, have side-stepped the problem, instead of addressing it; their position opts for reductionism and eliminativism. This essay has two parts. The first is an exposition of the enactive approach, (...)
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  9. Are generational savings unjust?Frédéric Gaspart & Axel Gosseries - 2007 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 6 (2):193-217.
    In this article, we explore the implications of a Rawlsian theory for intergenerational issues. First, we confront Rawls's way of locating his `just savings' principle in his Theory of Justice with an alternative way of doing so. We argue that both sides of his intergenerational principle, as they apply to the accumulation phase and the steady-state stage, can be dealt with on the bases, respectively, of the principle of equal liberty (and its priority) and of the difference principle. We then (...)
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  10. Are There Neural Correlates of Consciousness?A. Noe & E. Thompson - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (1):3-28.
    In the past decade, the notion of a neural correlate of consciousness has become a focal point for scientific research on consciousness. A growing number of investigators believe that the first step toward a science of consciousness is to discover the neural correlates of consciousness. Indeed, Francis Crick has gone so far as to proclaim that ‘we need to discover the neural correlates of consciousness. For this task the primate visual system seems especially attractive. No longer need one spend time (...)
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  11. Cartesian Psychology and Physical Minds: Individualism and the Sciences of the Mind.Alva Noë - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (3):434.
    Perhaps the most influential compatibilist response to this question is Fodor's strategy of levels. Fodor argues that although psychological laws range over world-involving propositional attitudes and their contents, these laws are implemented in computational mechanisms that supervene on the individual's intrinsic states.
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    Sensations and Situations: A Sensorimotor Integrationist Approach.A. Noe - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (5-6):66-79.
    In this short paper I propose that the sensorimotor approach to perception is a tree yielding two distinct theoretical fruits. One fruit is sensorimotor reductionism. The other is sensorimotor integrationism. In this paper I try to explain what makes these fruits different.
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  13. Consciousness as Recursive, Spatiotemporal Self Location.Frederic Peters - 2010 - Psychological Research.
    At the phenomenal level, consciousness can be described as a singular, unified field of recursive self-awareness, consistently coherent in a particualr way; that of a subject located both spatially and temporally in an egocentrically-extended domain, such that conscious self-awareness is explicitly characterized by I-ness, now-ness and here-ness. The psychological mechanism underwriting this spatiotemporal self-locatedness and its recursive processing style involves an evolutionary elaboration of the basic orientative reference frame which consistently structures ongoing spatiotemporal self-location computations as i-here-now. Cognition computes action-output (...)
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    Russian Ontologism: An Overview.Frédéric Tremblay - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (2):123-140.
    Russian philosophy underwent many phases: Westernism, Slavophilism, nihilism, pre-revolutionary religious philosophy, and dialectical materialism or Soviet philosophy. At first sight, each one of these phases seems antithetical to the preceding one. Yet, they all appear to have in common a certain negative attitude towards the subjectivism of Kantianism and German Idealism. In contrast to the latter, Russian philosophy typically displays a tendency towards ontologism, which is generally defined as the view that there is such a thing as being in itself, (...)
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  15.  49
    Sociology as Practical Philosophy and Moral Science.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (3):77-97.
    The philosophical assumptions that organize moral sociology as practical philosophy are the outcome of a secular quest to investigate the principles, norms and values behind the constitution of society. As a protracted response to the whole utilitarian-atomistic-individualistic tradition that systematically deemphasizes the constitutive role that morality plays in the structuration of self and society, the sociological tradition has continued, by its own means, the tradition of moral and practical philosophy in theoretically informed empirical research of social practices. Going back to (...)
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  16. Ontological Axiology in Nikolai Lossky, Max Scheler, and Nicolai Hartmann.Frederic Tremblay - 2019 - In Moritz Kalckreuth, Gregor Schmieg & Friedrich Hausen, Nicolai Hartmanns Neue Ontologie und die Philosophische Anthropologie: Menschliches Leben in Natur und Geist. De Gruyter. pp. 193-232.
    The prominent Russian philosopher Nikolai Lossky and his ex-student Nicolai Hartmann shared many metaphysical and epistemological views, and Lossky is likely to have influenced Hartmann in adopting several of them. But, in the case of axiological issues, it appears that Lossky also borrowed from the axiologies of Hartmann and the latter's Cologne colleague, Max Scheler. The links between the theories of values of Scheler and Hartmann have been studied abundantly, but never in relation to Lossky. In this paper, I examine (...)
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    Radio Guyane, entre modernité et tradition.Jean-Claude Ho Tin Noe - 2002 - Hermes 32:255.
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  18. Nikolai Lossky’s Evolutionary Metaphysics of Reincarnation.Frédéric Tremblay - 2020 - Sophia 59 (4):733-753.
    The Russian philosopher Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky adhered to an evolutionary metaphysics of reincarnation according to which the world is constituted of immortal souls or monads, which he calls ‘substantival agents.’ These substantival agents can evolve or devolve depending on the goodness or badness of their behavior. Such evolution requires the possibility for monads to reincarnate into the bodies of creatures of a higher or of a lower level on the scala perfectionis. According to this theory, a substantival agent can evolve (...)
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    Demotic Virtues in Plato’s Laws.Mariana Beatriz Noé - 2024 - Apeiron 57 (2):139-163.
    I argue that, in Plato’s Laws, demotic virtues (δημόσιαι ἀρεταί, 968a2) are the virtues that non-divine beings can attain. I consider two related questions: what demotic virtues are and how they relate to divine virtue. According to my interpretation, demotic virtues are an attainable – but unreliable – type of virtue that non-divine beings can improve through knowledge. These virtues are not perfect; only divine beings possess perfect virtue. However, this does not mean that perfect virtue plays no part in (...)
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  20. Russian Leibnizianism.Frederic Tremblay - 2019 - In Julia Weckend & Lloyd Strickland, Leibniz’s Legacy and Impact. New York: Routledge.
    Leibniz’s philosophy enjoyed a Russian fandom that endured from the eighteenth century to the death of the last exiled Russian philosophers in the twentieth century. There was, to begin with, Leibniz’s direct impact on Peter the Great and on the scientific development of Saint Petersburg. Then there was, still in the eighteenth century, Mikhail Lomonosov, who was sent to study with Christian Wolff in Marburg, and who came back to Saint Petersburg with a watered-down Leibnizian worldview, which he applied to (...)
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  21. Working Out Marx: Marxism and the End of the Work Society.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 69 (1):21-46.
    Reading the Communist Manifesto against the contemporary background of massive unemployment, the author argues that Marx's theory of work is no longer adequate to tackle the problem of `workers without work' and suggests that it has to be reformulated in such a way that its normative intuitions and its critical impulses can be maintained. In the first part, he presents a philosophical critique of Marxism that is inspired by Jürgen Habermas and Hannah Arendt. In the second part, he presents a (...)
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    Between critique and metaphysics.Frédéric Worms & Robin Mackay - 2005 - Angelaki 10 (2):39 – 57.
    (2005). Between Critique And Metaphysics. Angelaki: Vol. 10, continental philosophy and the sciences the french tradition issue editor: andrew aitken, pp. 39-57.
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  23. White Habits, Anti‐Racism, and Philosophy as a Way of Life.Kenneth Noe - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 58 (2):279-301.
    This paper examines Pierre Hadot’s philosophy as a way of life in the context of race. I argue that a “way of life” approach to philosophy renders intelligible how anti-racist confrontation of racist ideas and institutionalized white complicity is a properly philosophical way of life requiring regulated reflection on habits – particularly, habits of whiteness. I first rehearse some of Hadot’s analysis of the “way of life” orientation in philosophy, in which philosophical wisdom is understood as cultivated by actions which (...)
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    Sujet moral et soi éthique chez Foucault.Frédéric Gros - 2002 - Archives de Philosophie 2 (2):229-237.
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  25. From Life to Existence: A Reconsideration of the Question of Intentionality in Michel Henry’s Ethics.Frédéric Seyler - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (2):98-115.
    Michel Henry has renewed our understanding of life as immanent affectivity: life cannot be reduced to what can be made visible; it is – as immanent and as affectivity – radically invisible. However, if life (la vie) is radically immanent, the living (le vivant ) has nonetheless to relate to the world: it has to exist . But, since existence requires and includes intentional components, human reality – being both living and existing – implies that immanence and intentionality be related (...)
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    Bergson's Fundamental Intuition.Frederic Tremblay & Semyon L. Frank - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought. Translated by Frederic Tremblay.
    The following text is a translation of Semyon Frank’s “L’intuition fondamentale de Bergson” published in Henri Bergson: Essais et témoignages inédits, edited by Albert Béguin and Pierre Thévenaz, Neuchâtel: Éditions de la Baconnière, 1941. In this article, Frank addresses Bergson’s notion of intuition, his anti-intellectualism, his mysticism, his closeness to Lebensphilosophie, the notion of lived experience, the distinction between intuition as pure contemplation and intuition as living knowledge, the distinction between cognition of the atemporal essence of reality and cognition of (...)
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  27. Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action and The Embodied Mind, by Andy Clark.Alva Noë - 2018 - Mind 127 (506):611-618.
    Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action and The Embodied Mind, by ClarkAndy. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
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    “Le dépassement réalisé d’une différence”.Nicolas Noé & Oana Panaïté - 2024 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 32 (1/2):49-68.
    “De l’information du poème” qui clôt la partie “Éléments” dans Poétique de la Relation, représente pour le lectorat habitué à l'écriture glissantienne un chapitre assez surprenant voire confondant tant au niveau de l’approche du sujet traité que de sa mise en forme rhétorique, car c’est autour de l’opposition entre poésie et informatique que démarre son propos. Tout d’abord, on a l’impression que Glissant s'écarte des riches lieux-communs qui rythment et structurent sa pensée puisque, après quelques pages consacrées au baroque, son (...)
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    Sociology as political philosophy: Alain Caillé’s anti-utilitarian sociology.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 174 (1):21-41.
    The article presents an overview of the intellectual trajectory of Alain Caillé, the founder and animator of the anti-utilitarian movement in the social sciences (MAUSS) in France. Going back to early influences of Claude Lefort, Karl Polanyi and Pierre Clastres, it shows the centrality of the symbolic constitution of the economy in the development of an intellectual front against rational choice. It also considers how Marcel Mauss’s famous Essay on the Gift has been developed into a ‘gift paradigm’ that aims (...)
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    Y a-t-il un sujet biopolitique?Frédéric Gros - 2013 - Nóema 4 (1):31-42.
    This article explores the link between liberalism and biopolitics in Foucault, through the analyses of the 1979 Lecture at the Collège de France The Birth of Biopolitics.
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    « Connaissance et être d’après Simon Frank » par Pierre Thévenaz (1913–1955).Frederic Tremblay - 2023 - Revue des Etudes Slaves (3):401-417.
    En 1937, le philosophe russe Simon Frank (1877-1950) publia la Connaissance et l’être, une traduction française abrégée de Predmet znanija, auprès de la maison d’édition parisienne Fernand Aubier. Grâce à cette traduction, il attira l’attention de philosophes francophones, parmi lesquels se trouvait le suisse Pierre Thévenaz (1913-1955), qui donna une présentation s’intitulant « Connaissance et être d’après Simon Frank » à une rencontre de la Société romande de philosophie à Lausanne le 7 décembre 1940. Ce qui suit est une transcription (...)
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    Mythes et fantasmes posthumanistes en clinique et nouvelles médiations thérapeutiques.Frédéric Tordo - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4 (4):15-26.
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  33. Nikolai Lossky, Dimitar Mihalchev, and Rehmkeanism.Frédéric Tremblay - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (2):243-260.
    The philosophy of Johannes Rehmke (1848–1930), also called “Rehmkeanism,” and the intuitivism of Nikolai Lossky (1870–1965) converge on essential doctrinal points. The Bulgarian philosopher Dimitar Mihalchev (1880–1967), who studied under Rehmke in Greifswald, became a promoter of the Rehmkean philosophy in Bulgaria. The points of convergence between Rehmkeanism and Losskyan intuitivism led Mihalchev to develop an interest in Lossky. He visited Lossky in Saint Petersburg in 1911 and mentioned the similarities between Rehmke and Lossky in 1914 in Forma i otnoshenie (...)
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    A Phenomenology of Spirit for our Times.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (3):357-365.
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    Bornes et centres dans l'espace commun.Frédéric Vengeon - 2011 - Rue Descartes 71 (1):4.
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    La puissance de l'infini et les paradoxes de la singularité. Infini et contraction chez Nicolas de Cues.Frédéric Vengeon - 2011 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (2):235-252.
    Nicolas de Cues effectue au XVe siècle un geste métaphysique qui nous paraît décisif pour la métaphysique classique et particulièrement pour la philosophie de Leibniz : il élabore une métaphysique de la singularité créée à partir de l’affirmation de l’infinité du Principe. La puissance de l’infinité divine renforce la valeur de chaque créature singulière grâce à un dispositif d’expression de l’infini dans le fini. Cependant ce processus de singularisation universel ne va pas sans soulever des difficultés. Comment la singularité de (...)
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    Rationalité du processus de répétition chez l’enfant normal et polyhandicapé : aux frontières de la pathologie.Frédéric Verhaegen, Christine Bocéréan & Michel Musiol - 2008 - Philosophia Scientiae 12 (2):111-128.
    L’article a pour objet l’analyse des interactions verbales entre des adolescents polyhandicapés et des adultes ayant soins. L’objectif de l’étude est de montrer comment le phénomène de répétition qui se distribue nécessairement sur le plan interlocutoire engendre ou facilite le processus d’intercompréhension. Les résultats montrent que la répétition fonctionne comme un processus dialogique dont la dynamique intersubjective contribue à la construction et à l’accomplissement réussi de l’échange conversationnel. Nous comparons et discutons ces résultats relativement à un corpus d’interactions verbales entre (...)
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    Cultural Universals as Endless Tasks.Keiichi Noé - 1995 - The Monist 78 (1):41-51.
    The question of the existence of cultural universals immediately leads us to the problem of intercultural communication and of so-called incommensurability. Over the last few decades, these topics have been the subject of controversy in the philosophy of science, and the stock of universalism has been falling as a result of the rise of Kuhn’s paradigm theory and Quine’s thesis of the indeterminacy of translation. Nowadays cultural pluralism or relativism is rather dominant among philosophers and has begun to appear plausible, (...)
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    The Problem with the Picture Picture of Visual Experience.Alva Noë - 2007 - Dialogue 46 (2):347-351.
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    Formes structurées et modes productifs.Noël Mouloud - 1966 - Paris,: Société d'Edition d'Enseignement Supérieur.
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  41. Gengo kōi no genshōgaku.Keiichi Noe - 1993 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
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    The electrophysiological correlates of sublexical speech perception: A combined electrophysiological/cognitive neuropsychology approach.Colin Noe & Simon Fischer-Baum - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  43. Tetsugaku no meiro: Ōmori tetsugaku, hihan to ōtō.Keiichi Noe & Shōzō Ōmori (eds.) - 1984 - Tōkyō: Sangyō Tosho.
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    Selection of human prosocial behavior through partner choice by powerful individuals and institutions.Ronald Noë - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):37-38.
    Cultural group selection seems the only compelling explanation for the evolution of the uniquely human form of cooperation by large teams of unrelated individuals. Inspired by descriptions of sanctioning in mutualistic interactions between members of different species, I propose partner choice by powerful individuals or institutions as an alternative explanation for the evolution of behavior typical for “team players.” (Published Online April 27 2007).
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    Virtue and Change in Plato's Laws.Mariana Noé - 2022 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    The aim of my dissertation is to show that Plato’s metaphysics in the Laws (Chapter 1) commits him to particular accounts of virtues (Chapter 2) and political leadership (Chapter 3). In the first chapter, I show that Laws X contains a metaphysical-cosmological theory that is directly relevant to Plato’s discussion of virtue. With this proposal, I reject the assumption that Plato’s Laws does not contain any extended discussion of metaphysics. I develop this argument by attending to a puzzling passage that, (...)
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    You are about to see pictorial representations!Frédéric Gosselin & Philippe G. Schyns - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):191-192.
    Pylyshyn argues against representations with pictorial properties that would be superimposed on a scene. We present evidence against this view, and a new method to depict pictorial properties. We propose a continuum between the top-down generation of internal signals (imagery) and the bottom-up signals from the outside world. Along the continuum, superstitious perceptions provide a method to tackle representational issues.
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  47. Foundations of procedural rationality: Cognitive limits and decision processes.Frederic Laville - 2000 - Economics and Philosophy 16 (1):117-138.
    Many criticisms have been made of optimization theory (Laville, 1999a). These objections may be explained by the fact that human rationality is bounded – that decisions are constrained by cognitive limitations (Simon, 1982). In the present paper, I will show that if rationality is bounded, then we must study the processes of decision. My thesis is that cognitive limitations lead to procedural rationality. Although this assertion has already been sustained implicitly by Simon (1959) and explicitly by Mongin (1986), it has (...)
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  48. Closure and Quine's * 101.Frederic B. Fitch - 1941 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 (1):18 - 22.
  49. Professor wundt on hypnotism and suggestion.Frederic W. H. Myers - 1893 - Mind 2 (5):95-101.
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    Les promesses du passéet la révolution de la pensée.Frédéric Bernard - 1996 - Heidegger Studies 12:123-136.
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