Results for 'Fred Gibbs'

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  1.  26
    Nancy G. Siraisi, Communities of Learned Experience: Epistolary Medicine in the Renaissance. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. Pp. xii+163. ISBN 978-1-4214-0749-4. £23.50. [REVIEW]Fred Gibbs - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Science 47 (1):178-179.
  2.  11
    Interfacing Facsimiles: A Review of the Berlin State Library’s Alexander von Humboldt Portal. [REVIEW]Fred Gibbs - 2019 - Isis 110 (2):375-376.
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    Literal Meaning and Psychological Theory.Raymond W. Gibbs - 1984 - Cognitive Science 8 (3):275-304.
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    Distributive Justice: Getting What We Deserve From Our Country.Fred Feldman - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Everyone agrees that justice is a profoundly important value. People march and protest to demand it; more than a few have died in its pursuit. Yet when we stop to reflect on what makes for justice, or try to state in a clear way what we mean when we speak of justice, we may be perplexed. But if you are going to die in defense of some value, it is important for you to have a fairly clear conception of what (...)
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    Towards a theory of information: the status of partial objects in semantics.Fred Landman - 1986 - Riverton, N.J., U.S.A.: Foris Publications.
  6.  89
    Utilitarianism, Hedonism, and Desert.Fred Feldman - 2000 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 60 (3):734-737.
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    The semantics of thought.Fred Adams, Robert Stecker & Gary Fuller - 1992 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 73 (4):375-389.
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    (1 other version)Essays in Social Theory.Benjamin Gibbs & Steven Lukes - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (113):374.
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    Error analysis, regression and coordinate systems.Fred L. Bookstein - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):327-329.
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    Structure of construct systems and word association latencies.Fred M. Zimring - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (2p1):353.
  11. Modality and abstract concepts.Fred Adams & Kenneth Campbell - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):610-610.
    Our concerns fall into three areas: (1) Barsalou fails to make clear what simulators are (vs. what they do); (2) activation of perceptual areas of the brain during thought does not distinguish between the activation's being constitutive of concepts or a mere causal consequence (Barsalou needs the former); and (3) Barsalou's attempt to explain how modal symbols handle abstraction fails.
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  12. Referring to events.Fred I. Dretske - 1977 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2 (1):90-99.
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  13. (1 other version)The epistemology of belief.Fred I. Dretske - 1983 - Synthese 55 (1):3 - 19.
    By examining the general conditions in which a structure could come to represent another state of affairs, it is argued that beliefs, a special class of representations, have their contents limited by the sort of information the system in which they occur can pick up and process. If a system — measuring instrument, animal or human being — cannot process information to the effect that something is Q, it cannot represent something as Q. From this it follows (for simple, ostensively (...)
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  14. Idioms and mental imagery: The metaphorical motivation for idiomatic meaning.Raymond W. Gibbs & Jennifer E. O'Brien - 1990 - Cognition 36 (1):35-68.
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    Pragmatic complexity in metaphor interpretation.Raymond W. Gibbs - 2023 - Cognition 237 (C):105455.
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    The animal sensorimotor organization: a challenge for the environmental complexity thesis.Fred Keijzer & Argyris Arnellos - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (3):421-441.
    Godfrey-Smith’s environmental complexity thesis is most often applied to multicellular animals and the complexity of their macroscopic environments to explain how cognition evolved. We think that the ECT may be less suited to explain the origins of the animal bodily organization, including this organization’s potentiality for dealing with complex macroscopic environments. We argue that acquiring the fundamental sensorimotor features of the animal body may be better explained as a consequence of dealing with internal bodily—rather than environmental complexity. To press and (...)
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    Philo about the Contemplative Life.Fred C. Conybeare - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5 (2):193-197.
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    A simpler solution to the paradoxes of deontic logic.Fred Feldman - 1990 - Philosophical Perspectives 4:309-341.
  19.  15
    Nice but not necessary? Reflections on the role of the arts in Kitcher's The Main Enterprise of the World.Alexis Gibbs - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (2):409-418.
    The manifesto presented in Philip Kitcher's exhaustive appraisal of contemporary American education—and the case for its potential reform—is so wide-ranging that it is not possible to do justice to its every component. Instead, I will speak to one of its parts in an attempt to recognize what I take to be the value of the whole. My aim is to address the section on the role of the arts in formal education, and the nature of aesthetic experience within that, to (...)
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    Intentions as emergent products of social interactions.R. W. Gibbs - 2001 - In Bertram F. Malle, Louis J. Moses & Dare A. Baldwin (eds.), Intentions and Intentionality: Foundations of Social Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 105--122.
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  21. Measuring the developmental features of moral discussion.Marvin Berkowitz & John Gibbs - 1983 - Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 29 (4):399–410.
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  22.  41
    Cosmopolitanism and the Creative Activism of Public Art.Fred Evans - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (2):213-227.
    Cosmopolitanism seeks a political ethics of world togetherness and a political aesthetics that can contribute to this task critically and imaginatively. Regarding political ethics, I explore the world as a “cosmopolitan mind” composed of “dialogic voices” and threatened by neoliberalism, neofascism, and other nihilistic “oracles.” I also construct a criterion for determining which public artworks (1) resist oracles and (2) help us imagine a “cosmopolitan democracy” and its political ethics. The latter includes the concordance of three ethico-political virtues—solidarity, heterogeneity, and (...)
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  23. Pragmatic Choice in Conversation.Raymond W. Gibbs & Guy Van Orden - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (1):7-20.
    How do people decide what to say in context? Many theories of pragmatics assume that people have specialized knowledge that drives them to utter certain words in different situations. But these theories are mostly unable to explain both the regularity and variability in people’s speech behaviors. Our purpose in this article is to advance a view of pragmatics based on complexity theory, which specifically explains the pragmatic choices speakers make in conversations. The concept of self-organized criticality sheds light on how (...)
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    Experimental Pragmatics.Raymond W. Gibbs - 2016 - In Yan Huang (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics. Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter describes some of the important research in experimental pragmatics, most notably studies related to recovering speakers’ intentions, inferring conversational implicatures, and the role of common ground in discourse understanding. My aim is to demonstrate the utility of different experimental methods for studying pragmatics, and how research findings in the field are relevant to traditional concerns within the linguistic pragmatics community. But I will also argue that experimental pragmatic studies show great regularities and significant variation, both within and across (...)
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  25. Return to Twin Peaks: On the Intrinsic Moral Significance of Equality.Fred Feldman - 2003 - In Serena Olsaretti (ed.), Desert and justice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 145--68.
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  26. Engineering leadership.Fred Lang & Ralph Nader - 2018 - In Nicholas Sakellariou & Rania Milleron (eds.), Ethics, Politics, and Whistleblowing in Engineering. Boca Raton, FL: Crc Press.
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    Perceptual Ideality and the Ground of Inference.Fred Wilson - 1995 - Bradley Studies 1 (2):125-138.
    Ferreira outlines Bradley’s account of judgment and perception, and then, towards the end of his essay, indicates the sort of reason that Bradley takes to be an argument in favour of his views. I want to look at that argument, but will first summarize Ferreira’s account of Bradley’s views. This account seems to me to make a very important point about the role of feeling in Bradley’s philosophy, specifically that feeling in Bradley’s ontology/epistemology has a very different status and role (...)
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    An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding: A Critical Edition, and: An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding.Fred Wilson - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (1):143-149.
    Here we have a new edition of Hume's Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, one that will become essential for scholars alongside the new Norton and Norton edition of Hume's Treatise. L. A. Selby-Bigge's nineteenth century edition provided a good text to nineteenth century standards—good enough for it to become the standard for many years. But times change, and we now, quite reasonably, ask for more. Beauchamp's new edition provides a text and apparatus that is a vast improvement; it will surely replace (...)
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    Understanding and Literal Meaning.Raymond W. Gibbs - 1989 - Cognitive Science 13 (2):243-251.
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    Pragmatics Always Matters: An Expanded Vision of Experimental Pragmatics.Raymond W. Gibbs & Herbert L. Colston - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Did Aristotle have the concept of identity?Fred D. Miller - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (4):483-490.
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    Malebranche, solipsism, and divine revelation.Fred Ablondi - 1994 - Sophia 33 (1):43-50.
  33. The Ultimate Principle of Coleridge's Metaphysics of Relations and of our Knowledge of Them.Fred Wilson - 1998 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 21 (4).
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    Was Frege a Realist? And, if so, in What Sense?Fred Wilson - 2014 - In Guido Bonino, Greg Jesson & Javier Cumpa (eds.), Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 141-196.
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  35. .Fred Evans & Leonard Lawlor (eds.) - 2000 - State University of New York Press.
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    Explanation, Causation and Deduction.Fred Wilson - 1985 - Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster: Reidel.
    The purpose of this essay is to defend the deductive-nomological model of explanation against a number of criticisms that have been made of it. It has traditionally been thought that scientific explanations were causal and that scientific explanations involved deduction from laws. In recent years, however, this three-fold identity has been challenged: there are, it is argued, causal explanations that are not scientific, scientific explanations that are not deductive, deductions from laws that are neither causal explanations nor scientific explanations, and (...)
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  37. Reply to Elinor Mason and Alastair Norcross.Fred Feldman - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (3):398-406.
    In comments originally presented at the ISUS conference at Dartmouth College in 2005, Elinor Mason and Alastair Norcross raised a number of objections to various things I said in Pleasure and the Good Life. One especially interesting objection concerns one of my central claims about the nature of pleasure. I distinguished between sensory pleasure and attitudinal pleasure. I said that a feeling counts as a sensory pleasure if the one who feels it takes intrinsic attitudinal pleasure in the fact that (...)
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    Barker on geometry as a priori.Fred Wilson - 1969 - Philosophical Studies 20 (4):49 - 53.
  39.  45
    Striving for optimal relevance when answering questions.Raymond W. Gibbs & Gregory A. Bryant - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):345-369.
    When people are asked “Do you have the time?” they can answer in a variety of ways, such as “It is almost 3”, “Yeah, it is quarter past two”, or more precisely as in “It is now 1:43”. We present the results of four experiments that examined people’s real-life answers to questions about the time. Our hypothesis, following previous research findings, was that people strive to make their answers optimally relevant for the addressee, which in many cases allows people to (...)
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    Blindspot of a liberal Popper and the problem of community.Fred Eidlin - 1997 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 27 (1):5-23.
    Popper's critique of the philosophical doctrines underlying totalitarian ideology is powerful. Yet, having the regimes of Hitler and Stalin in full view before him, he did not give full and balanced consideration to the range of effects these doctrines can have within actually existing ideologies and regimes. The ideas he correlates with totalitarianism can and do exist in benign forms or tempered by other ideas and by institutions. Moreover, the struggle with totalitarianism is only partly a struggle of philosophical ideas. (...)
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    Contents.Fred Wilson - 1999 - In The Logic and Methodology of Science in Early Modern Thought: Seven Studies. University of Toronto Press.
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    Editors' Note.Fred Wilson & Robert Muehlmann - 1993 - Hume Studies 19 (1):v-vi.
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    3. Geometry as Scientia and as Applied Science: Hume’s Empiricist Account of Geometry.Fred Wilson - 2008 - In The External World and Our Knowledge of It: Hume's Critical Realism, an Exposition and a Defence. University of Toronto Press. pp. 254-305.
  44.  16
    Looking into the sea urchin embryo you can see local cell interactions regulate morphogenesis.Fred H. Wilt - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (8):665-668.
    The transparent sea urchin embryo provides a laboratory for study of morphogenesis. The calcareous endoskeleton is formed by a syncytium of mesenchyme cells in the blastocoel. The locations of mesenchyme in the blastocoel, the size of the skeleton, and even the branching pattern of the skeletal rods, are governed by interactions with the blastula wall. Now Guss and Ettensohn(1) show that the rate of deposition of CaCO3 in the skeleton is locally controlled in the mesenchymal syncytium, as is the pattern (...)
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    (1 other version)Marketing and the notion of well-being.Paul Gibbs - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (1):5–13.
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  46. What must actions be for reasons to explain them?Fred Dretske - 2009 - In Constantine Sandis (ed.), New essays on the explanation of action. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 13--21.
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    Embodied metaphor in perceptual symbols.Raymond W. Gibbs & Eric A. Berg - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):617-618.
    We agree with Barsalou's claim about the importance of perceptual symbols in a theory of abstract concepts. Yet we maintain that the richness of many abstract concepts arises from the metaphorical mapping of recurring patterns of perceptual, embodied experience to provide essential structure to these abstract ideas.
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    Hermann Cohen's Ethics.Robert Gibbs - 2004 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 13 (1-3):3-7.
  49. Preface.Fred Moten & Stefano Harney - 2018 - In Tyson E. Lewis (ed.), Inoperative learning: a radical rewriting of educational potentialities. New York, NY: Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa Business.
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    The Limits of Thought: Rosenzweig, Schelling, and Cohen.Robert Gibbs - 1989 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 43 (4):618 - 640.
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