Results for 'Fred Foulks'

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  1. Ernest Sosa and Michael Tooley, eds., Causation: Oxford Readings in Philosophy Reviewed by.Fred Foulks - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14 (1):50-52.
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  2. Towards closure on closure.Fred Adams, John A. Barker & Julia Figurelli - 2012 - Synthese 188 (2):179-196.
    Tracking theories of knowledge are widely known to have the consequence that knowledge is not closed. Recent arguments by Vogel and Hawthorne claim both that there are no legitimate examples of knowledge without closure and that the costs of theories that deny closure are too great. This paper considers the tracking theories of Dretske and Nozick and the arguments by Vogel and Hawthorne. We reject the arguments of Vogel and Hawthorne and evaluate the costs of closure denial for tracking theories (...)
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  3. Why the mind is still in the head.Fred Adams & Kenneth Aizawa - 2008 - In Murat Aydede & P. Robbins, The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 78--95.
    Philosophical interest in situated cognition has been focused most intensely on the claim that human cognitive processes extend from the brain into the tools humans use. As we see it, this radical hypothesis is sustained by two kinds of mistakes, the confusion of coupling relations with constitutive relations and an inattention to the mark of the cognitive. Here we wish to draw attention to these mistakes and show just how pervasive they are. That is, for all that the radical philosophers (...)
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  4. Why the mind is still in the head.Fred Adams & Ken Aizawa - 2008 - In Murat Aydede & P. Robbins, The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 78-95.
    Philosophical interest in situated cognition has been focused most intensely on the claim that human cognitive processes extend from the brain into the tools humans use. As we see it, this radical hypothesis is sustained by two kinds of mistakes, confusing coupling relations with constitutive relations and an inattention to the mark of the cognitive. Here we wish to draw attention to these mistakes and show just how pervasive they are. That is, for all that the radical philosophers have said, (...)
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  5. Resurrecting the tracking theories.Fred Adams & Murray Clarke - 2005 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 83 (2):207 – 221.
    Much of contemporary epistemology proceeds on the assumption that tracking theories of knowledge, such as those of Dretske and Nozick, are dead. The word on the street is that Kripke and others killed these theories with their counterexamples, and that epistemology must move in a new direction as a result. In this paper we defend the tracking theories against purportedly deadly objections. We detect life in the tracking theories, despite what we perceive to be a premature burial.
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    Some informational aspects of visual perception.Fred Attneave - 1954 - Psychological Review 61 (3):183-193.
  7. Empty names and pragmatic implicatures.Fred Adams & Gary Fuller - 2007 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 37 (3):449-461.
    What are the meanings of empty names such as ‘Vulcan,’ ‘Pegasus,’ and ‘Santa Claus’ in such sentences as ‘Vulcan is the tenth planet,’ ‘Pegasus flies,’ and especially ‘Santa Claus does not exist’?Our view, developed in Adams et al., consists of a direct-reference account of the meaning of empty names in combination with a pragmatic-implicature account of why we have certain intuitions that seem to conflict with a direct-reference account.
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  8. Husker du?Fred Adams - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 153 (1):81-94.
    Sven Bernecker develops a theory of propositional memory that is at odds with the received epistemic theory of memory. On Bernecker’s account the belief that is remembered must be true, but it need not constitute knowledge, nor even have been true at the time it was acquired. I examine his reasons for thinking the epistemic theory of memory is false and mount a defense of the epistemic theory.
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    The semantics of thought.Fred Adams, Robert Stecker & Gary Fuller - 1992 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 73 (4):375-389.
  10. Two Non-Counterexamples to Truth-Tracking Theories of Knowledge.Fred Adams & Murray Clarke - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (1):67-73.
    In a recent paper, Tristan Haze offers two examples that, he claims, are counterexamples to Nozick's Theory of Knowledge. Haze claims his examples work against Nozick's theory understood as relativized to belief forming methods M. We believe that they fail to be counterexamples to Nozick's theory. Since he aims the examples at tracking theories generally, we will also explain why they are not counterexamples to Dretske's Conclusive Reasons Theory of Knowledge.
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  11. Is There a Philosophy of Information?Fred Adams & João Antonio de Moraes - 2016 - Topoi 35 (1):161-171.
    In 2002, Luciano Floridi published a paper called What is the Philosophy of Information?, where he argues for a new paradigm in philosophical research. To what extent should his proposal be accepted? Is the Philosophy of Information actually a new paradigm, in the Kuhninan sense, in Philosophy? Or is it only a new branch of Epistemology? In our discussion we will argue in defense of Floridi’s proposal. We believe that Philosophy of Information has the types of features had by other (...)
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  12. Narrow content: Fodor's folly.Fred Adams, David Drebushenko, Gary Fuller & Robert Stecker - 1990 - Mind and Language 5 (3):213-29.
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  13. Embodied cognition and the extended mind.Fred Adams & Ken Aizawa - 2009 - In Sarah Robins, John Symons & Paco Calvo, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Psychology. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 193--213.
    Summary: A review of the cognitivist/extended cognition and extended mind landscape.
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    Acquaintance, Ontology, and Knowledge.Fred Wilson - 1970 - New Scholasticism 44 (1):1-48.
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    Predication in the logic terms.Fred Sommers - 1989 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 31 (1):106-126.
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    Physical determinants of the judged complexity of shapes.Fred Attneave - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 53 (4):221.
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    Zoom Out Camera! The Reflexive Character of an Enactive Account.Fred Cummins - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The reflexive character of enactive theory is spelled out, in an effort to make explicit that which is usually implicit in debate: that we are responsible for the distinctions we draw, and that ultimately, the world that we collectively characterize is a joint production. Enaction, as treated here, is not a positivist scientific field, but an epistemologically self-conscious way to ground our understanding of the value-saturated lives of embodied beings. This stance is seen as entirely congruent with the scientific field (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Information and knowledge à la Floridi.Fred Adams - 2010 - Metaphilosophy 41 (3):331-344.
    Abstract: Luciano Floridi has impressively applied the concept of information to problems in semantics and epistemology, among other areas. In this essay, I briefly review two areas where I think one may usefully raise questions about some of Floridi's conclusions. One area is in the project to naturalize semantics and Floridi's use of the derived versus nonderived notion of semantic content. The other area is in the logic of information and knowledge and whether knowledge based on information necessarily supports closure, (...)
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  19. Rock beats scissors: historicalism fights back.Fred Adams & Ken Aizawa - 1997 - Analysis 57 (4):273-281.
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    Berkeley, Archetypes, and Errors.Fred Ablondi - 2005 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 43 (4):493-504.
  21.  11
    L'autorité d'un canon philosophique. Le cas Descartes by Delphine Antoine-Mahut (review).Fred Ablondi - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2):322-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:L'autorité d'un canon philosophique. Le cas Descartes by Delphine Antoine-MahutFred AblondiDelphine Antoine-Mahut. L'autorité d'un canon philosophique. Le cas Descartes. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2021. Pp. 356. Paperback, €13.00.Henri Gouhier once asked, "Après le mort de Descartes, qu'est-ce que le cartésianisme?" to which he replied, "C'est la philosophie de Descartes vue par ses disciples" (La vocation de Malebranche [Paris: J. Vrin, 1926], 80). In L'autorité d'un canon philosophique, (...)
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    I. Addis on analysing disposition concepts.Fred Wilson - 1985 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 28 (1-4):247-260.
    Addis (1981) has criticized a proposal of ours (Wilson [1969b]) for analysing disposition predications in terns of the horseshoe of material implication, and has proposed a related but significantly different analysis. This paper restates the original proposal, and defends it against Addis's criticisms. It is further argued that his proposal will not do as a general account of disposition predications; that, however, if it is suitably qualified, then it does account for certain special sorts of disposition predication; but that so (...)
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    Hippocampal activity as a temporal template for learned behavior.Richard F. Thompson & Fred K. Hoehler - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):348-348.
  24. Epistemic vagueness?Fred Ablondi - 2009 - Think 8 (22):47-50.
    The barn/barn façade thought experiment is familiar to most epistemologists. It is intended to present a counterexample to certain causal theories of knowledge; in it, a father driving through the countryside with his son says, ‘That's a barn’ while pointing to a barn. Unbeknownst to the father, however, a film crew is working in the area, and it has constructed several barn façades. While the father did correctly point to a barn when he made his assertion, he could have just (...)
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    Causality and Human Freedom in Malebranche.Fred Ablondi - 1996 - Philosophy and Theology 9 (3-4):321-331.
    In that it holds God to be the only true efficient cause, Malebranche’s occasionalism would seem to deny human freedom and to make God responsible for our sins. I argue that Malebranche’s occasionalism must be considered within its Cartesian framework; once one understands what it is to be an occasional cause in this context, Malebranche can be seen as saving a place for human freedom, and he can consistently hold that we are morally responsible for our actions.
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    Malebranche and Knowledge of the Soul.Fred Ablondi - 1999 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 73 (4):571-581.
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    Malebranche, solipsism, and divine revelation.Fred Ablondi - 1994 - Sophia 33 (1):43-50.
  28. Cognitive Science: Recent Advances and Recurring Problems.Fred Adams, Joao Kogler & Osvaldo Pessoa Junior (eds.) - 2017 - Wilmington, DE, USA: Vernon Press.
    This book consists of an edited collection of original essays of the highest academic quality by seasoned experts in their fields of cognitive science. The essays are interdisciplinary, drawing from many of the fields known collectively as “the cognitive sciences.” Topics discussed represent a significant cross-section of the most current and interesting issues in cognitive science. Specific topics include matters regarding machine learning and cognitive architecture, the nature of cognitive content, the relationship of information to cognition, the role of language (...)
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    The Floyd Puzzle: reply to Yagisawa.Fred Adams & Alonso Church - 1993 - Analysis 53 (1):36-40.
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    Letters to the Editor.Fred Baumann - 2004 - Isis 95 (3):459-459.
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    In the Shadow of Speenhamland: Social Policy and the Old Poor Law.Margaret Somers & Fred Block - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (2):283-323.
    In 1996, the U.S. Congress passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act that ended the entitlement of poor families to government assistance. The debate leading up to that transformation in welfare policy occurred in the shadow of Speenhamland—an episode in English Poor Law history. This article revisits the Speenhamland episode to unravel its tangled history. Drawing on four decades of recent scholarship, the authors show that Speenhamland policies could not have had the consequences that have been attributed to (...)
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    Le Spinoziste Malgré Lui?: Malebranche, De Mairan, and Intelligible Extension.Fred Ablondi - 1998 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 15 (2):191 - 203.
  33. Fodorian semantics, pathologies, and "Block's problem".Fred Adams & Kenneth Aizawa - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (1):97-104.
    In two recent books, Jerry Fodor has developed a set of sufficient conditions for an object “X” to non-naturally and non-derivatively mean X. In an earlier paper we presented three reasons for thinking Fodor's theory to be inadequate. One of these problems we have dubbed the “Pathologies Problem”. In response to queries concerning the relationship between the Pathologies Problem and what Fodor calls “Block's Problem”, we argue that, while Block's Problem does not threatenFodor's view, the Pathologies Problem does.
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    Transfer of experience with a class-schema to identification-learning of patterns and shapes.Fred Attneave - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (2):81.
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    Voluntary control of frame of reference and slope equivalence under head rotation.Fred Attneave & Kathleen W. Reid - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (1):153.
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  36. (1 other version)Philosophy and Sex (First Edition).Robert Baker & Fred Elliston (eds.) - 1975 - Prometheus Books.
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    Water and Storm Polemics against Baalism in the Deuteronomic History.Frederick E. Greenspahn & Fred E. Woods - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):775.
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    Crime, Culpability, and Remedy.Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Dycus Miller & Jeffrey Paul - 1990 - Cambridge: MA : Blackwell.
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    The half-life of policy rationales: How new technology affects old policy issues.Fred E. Foldvary & Daniel B. Klein - 2002 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 15 (3):82-92.
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    Equivalence of Syllogisms.Fred Richman - 2004 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 45 (4):215-233.
    We consider two categorical syllogisms, valid or invalid, to be equivalent if they can be transformed into each other by certain transformations, going back to Aristotle, that preserve validity. It is shown that two syllogisms are equivalent if and only if they have the same models. Counts are obtained for the number of syllogisms in each equivalence class. For a more natural development, using group-theoretic methods, the space of syllogisms is enlarged to include nonstandard syllogisms, and various groups of transformations (...)
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    Ideological Differences and World Order.Fred E. Flynn - 1950 - New Scholasticism 24 (1):102-104.
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    A Note on Hahn's Philosophy of Logic.Fred Ablondi - 2002 - History and Philosophy of Logic 23 (1):37-42.
    Hans Hahn, mathematician, philosopher and co-founder of the Vienna Circle, attempted to reconcile the validity and applicability of both logic and mathematics with a strict empiricism. This article begins with a review of this attempt, focusing on his view of the relation of language to logic and his answer to the question of why we need logic. I then turn to some recent work by Stephen Yablo in an attempt to show that Yablo's fictionalism, and in particular his use of (...)
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    Commentary: Please Acknowledge that Biology Is Not an Exact Science.Fred L. Bookstein - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (4):335-337.
  44. On Wright's characterization of the apriori.Ivette Fred - 1999 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 34 (73):127-138.
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    The rate of profit and economic stagnation in the United States economy.Fred Moseley - 1997 - Historical Materialism 1 (1):161-174.
    In the first thirty years after World War II, the US economy performed very well. The rate of growth averaged 4—5%, the rate of unemployment was seldom above 5%, inflation was almost non-existent, and the living standards of workers improved steadily. These were the ‘good old days'. However, this long period of expansion and prosperity ended in the 1970s. Since then, both the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation have been much higher than before, and the average real (...)
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    The Scope of Morality.Fred Feldman - 1982 - Noûs 16 (3):486-489.
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    Dominance: Measure first and then define.Fred H. Gage - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (3):440-441.
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    Strong measure zero and infinite games.Fred Galvin, Jan Mycielski & Robert M. Solovay - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (7-8):725-732.
    We show that strong measure zero sets -totally bounded metric space) can be characterized by the nonexistence of a winning strategy in a certain infinite game. We use this characterization to give a proof of the well known fact, originally conjectured by K. Prikry, that every dense \ subset of the real line contains a translate of every strong measure zero set. We also derive a related result which answers a question of J. Fickett.
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    (1 other version)An independence result in quadratic form theory: Infinitary combinatorics applied to ɛ-hermitian spaces.Fred Appenzeller - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):689-699.
    There are shown to many ε-Hermitian spaces, and an isometry criterion is stated which holds under MA ℵ 1 and is false under $2^{\aleph_0}.
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  50. Acknowledgment: Guest Reviewers.Hervé Abdi, Fred Adams, Shaaron Ainsworth, Erik Altmann, Richard Aslin, Robert Aunger, Jerry Balakrishnan, Dana Ballard, Sieghard Beller & Iris Berent - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28:1041-1043.
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