Results for 'Françoise Coissard'

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  1.  85
    Battre le fer – Jeu de la chaîne. Les rêveries de la femme sauvage d'Hélène Cixous.Françoise Coissard - 2001 - Rue Descartes 32 (2):87-94.
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    Françoise Dastur by Herself.Francoise Dastur, Res Publica & Penelope Deutscher - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):174-177.
    Françoise Dastur describes her efforts to practice history of philosophy in a non-historical fashion. She discusses her concept of the historical, and argues that the only true way to be of one's time is to be against one's time.
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  3. Françoise Dastur by Herself.Françoise Dastur & Res Publica - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):174-177.
    Françoise Dastur describes her efforts to practice history of philosophy in a non-historical fashion. She discusses her concept of the historical, and argues that the only true way to be of one's time is to be against one's time.
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    E-Leadership and Teleworking in Times of COVID-19 and Beyond: What We Know and Where Do We Go.Francoise Contreras, Elif Baykal & Ghulam Abid - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Suddenly, COVID-19 has changed the world and the way people work. Companies had to accelerate something they knew was imminent in the future, but not immediate and extremely humongous. This situation poses a huge challenge for companies to survive and thrive in this complex business environment and for employees, who must adapt to this new way of working. An effective e-leadership, which promotes companies’ adaptability, is needed. This study investigates the existing knowledge on teleworking and e-leadership; and analyzes the supposed (...)
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  5. Rencontre avec Françoise Dastur autour de" La phénoménologie en questions".Françoise Dastur, Arnaud Dewalque, Florence Caeymaex, Grégory Cormann, Sébastien Laoureux, Bruno Leclercq, Julien Pieron & Denis Seron - 2006 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 14.
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    Autorité et Vérité. L’épistémologie critique de du Châtelet.Guillaume Coissard - 2023 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 146 (3):77-92.
    Dans cet article, je propose de relire l’épistémologie de du Châtelet à l’aune de la question de l’autorité. Je montre que les outils méthodologiques convoqués dans les premiers chapitres des Institutions de physique (1740), à savoir le principe de non-contradiction, le principe de raison suffisante, ainsi que la théorie des hypothèses du chapitre 4, peuvent être compris comme des moyens de contrôler l’usage des systèmes des grands auteurs que sont Descartes, Leibniz et Newton. Ils permettent en effet d’éviter les dangers (...)
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    Lectures matérialistes de Leibniz au XVIIIe siècle.Guillaume Coissard - 2023 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Théologique, métaphysique, idéaliste, la philosophie de Leibniz ne devrait pas intéresser les auteurs matérialistes du XVIIIe siècle. Pourtant, La Mettrie, Diderot, d'Holbach et Helvétius usent des matériaux du leibnizianisme pour construire une pensée radicale, qui nie l'immatérialité de l'âme, affirme l'inexistence de Dieu et critique férocement les institutions ecclésiastiques. La monade et sa force, le principe de raison suffisante et le principe des indiscernables deviennent des outils puissamment subversifs, qui permettent une explication intégrale de la nature en termes matériels. Ce (...)
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    La raison de l’ordre: Le double rôle de Leibniz dans la sortie du finalisme chez Diderot. Die Vernunft der Ordnung: Die Doppelrolle von Leibniz beim Ausweg aus dem Finalismus bei Diderot.Guillaume Coissard - 2018 - Studia Leibnitiana 50 (1):73.
    The following article studies the paradoxical influence of Leibniz on Diderot’s materialism. Indeed, by using the principle of identity of indiscernibles, the principle of continuity and the idea that force is inherent to matter. Diderot develops a materialistic explanation of the apparent order of nature that he opposes to the empirical finalism, as well as to metaphysical finalism of “Leibniz, Newton and Clarke”.
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    Sophie Audidière, Passions de l’intérêt. Matérialisme et anthropologie chez Helvétius et Diderot.Guillaume Coissard - forthcoming - Astérion.
    Dans Passions de l’intérêt. Matérialisme et anthropologie chez Helvétius et Diderot, Sophie Audidière entreprend de réinventer une autre modernité philosophique (p. 13) en s’intéressant à la place centrale de la notion d’intérêt dans le corpus matérialiste français, particulièrement chez Diderot et Helvétius. Comme le pose de manière éclairante l’introduction, il s’agit alors d’opérer une double distanciation : d’une part, avec l’historiographie cousinienne héritée du XIXe siècle, qui procède...
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    Altered Inheritance: Crispr and the Ethics of Human Genome Editing.Françoise Baylis - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    With the advent of CRISPR gene-editing technology, designer babies have become a reality. Françoise Baylis insists that scientists alone cannot decide the terms of this new era in human evolution. Members of the public, with diverse interests and perspectives, must have a role in determining our future as a species.
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  11. A relational account of public health ethics.Françoise Baylis, Nuala P. Kenny & Susan Sherwin - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (3):196-209.
    oise Baylis, 1234 Le Marchant Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3P7. Tel.: (902)-494–2873; Fax: (902)-494-2924; Email: francoise.baylis{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> . Abstract Recently, there has been a growing interest in public health and public health ethics. Much of this interest has been tied to efforts to draw up national and international plans to deal with a global pandemic. It is common for these plans to state the importance of drawing upon a well-developed (...)
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  12.  57
    Do we need two notions of natural kind to account for the history of “jade”?Françoise Longy - 2018 - Synthese 195 (4):1459-1486.
    We need to distinguish two sorts of natural kinds, scientific and common NKs, because the notion of NK, which has to satisfy demands at three different levels—ontological, semantic and epistemological—, is subject to two incompatible sets of constraints. In order to prove this, I focus on the much-discussed case of jade. In the first part of the paper, I show that the current accounts are unsatisfactory because they are inconsistent. In the process, I explain why LaPorte’s analysis of “jade” as (...)
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    “Monologue" ou "Les Miasmes" de la vie intérieure.Françoise Arnaud Hibbs - 1989 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 6 (1):31-38.
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    The theory of integer multiplication with order restricted to primes is decidable.Francoise Maurin - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (1):123-130.
    We show here that the first order theory of the positive integers equipped with multiplication remains decidable when one adds to the language the usual order restricted to the prime numbers. We see moreover that the complexity of the latter theory is a tower of exponentials, of height O(n).
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    Consentement libre et nullité de mariage dans l'Église catholique.Françoise Payen - 2010 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):21-31.
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    Maison des Civilisations et de l'Unité Réunionnaise.Françoise Vergès - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (7-8):238-246.
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    Embryological viability.Françoise Baylis - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (6):17 – 18.
  18.  17
    Definability of types and VC density in differential topological fields.Françoise Point - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (7-8):809-828.
    Given a model-complete theory of topological fields, we considered its generic differential expansions and under a certain hypothesis of largeness, we axiomatised the class of existentially closed ones. Here we show that a density result for definable types over definably closed subsets in such differential topological fields. Then we show two transfer results, one on the VC-density and the other one, on the combinatorial property NTP2.
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    The Call of Conscience.Françoise Dastur - 2002 - In Fran?ois Raffoul & David Pettigrew (eds.), Heidegger and Practical Philosophy. State University of New York Press. pp. 87-97.
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    Benoît GRÉAN & Luisa GARDINI, Sonnets des satiétés.Françoise Favretto - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Chronique/critique de Françoise Favretto parue dans la revue L'intranquille. Revue de littérature, n° 20, St-Quentin-de-Caplong, L'Atelier de l'Agneau, 2021, p. 83. - Recensions.
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  21.  21
    Protecting Human Research Subjects: Case-Based Learning for Canadian Research Ethics Boards and Researchers.Françoise Baylis, A. Ireland, David Kaufman & Charles Weijer - unknown
  22. Chimera Research and Stem Cell Therapies for Human Neurodegenerative Disorders.Françoise Baylis & Andrew Fenton - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (2):195-208.
    This work was supported, in part, by a Stem Cell Network grant to Françoise Baylis and Jason Scott Robert and a CIHR grant to Françoise Baylis. We sincerely thank Alan Fine, Rich Campbell, Cynthia Cohen, and Tim Krahn for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Thanks are also owed to Tim Krahn for his research assistance. An earlier version of this paper was presented to the Department of Bioethics and the Novel Tech Ethics research team. (...)
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    (6 other versions)Éditorial.Françoise Thébaud & Michelle Zancarini-Fournel - 2002 - Clio 16:5-7.
    Ce numéro 16 de la revue CLIO, Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés présente un visage un peu particulier. Il s'agit de la publication des actes d'une rencontre européenne organisée à Lyon, à la Villa Gillet, le 8 décembre 2000, à l'occasion du cinquième anniversaire de la sortie du premier numéro de la revue. Fondée sur l'échange et la confrontation, cette journée d'études succédant à une rencontre interdisciplinaire tenue à Vienne en mai 1996, a été l'occasion de faire un premier bilan du (...)
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    Christian Leduc, François Pépin, Anne-Lise Rey et Mitia Rioux-Beaulne, dir., Leibniz et Diderot : Rencontres et transformations, Montréal, Vrin, 2015, 340 pages. [REVIEW]Guillaume Coissard - 2017 - Philosophiques 44 (2):401-405.
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    Animal Eggs for Stem Cell Research: A Path Not Worth Taking.Françoise Baylis - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (12):18-32.
    In January 2008, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority issued two 1-year licenses for cytoplasmic hybrid embryo research. This article situates the HFEA's decision in its wider scientific and political context in which, until quite recently, the debate about human embryonic stem cell research has focused narrowly on the moral status of the developing human embryo. Next, ethical arguments against crossing species boundaries with humans are canvassed. Finally, a new argument about the risks of harm to women egg providers resulting (...)
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  26.  86
    Pour une phénoménoiogie de l’événement.Françoise Dastur - 1997 - Études Phénoménologiques 13 (25):59-75.
  27.  4
    Relationship to the reform of pre-service teacher training in National Higher Institutes for Teaching and Education: Teacher trainers under tension(s)?.Christine Françoise & Thérèse Perez-Roux - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (3):176-197.
    This article looks at the tensions experienced by teacher trainers in National Higher Institutes for Teaching and Education (Instituts nationaux supérieurs du professorat et de l'éducation ; INSPE), following the implementation of the reform of pre-service teacher training (beginning of the 2021 academic year). Thus, the positioning of competitive examinations at the end of the master's degree has led to the reorganization of training content. A questionnaire survey (n = 725) was conducted in spring 2022. Having defined the place and (...)
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  28.  17
    Husserl et la neutralité de l'art.Françoise Dastur - 1881 - la Part de l'Oeil 7:19-29.
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  29. The Line of Resistance 1.Françoise Proust - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):23-37.
    Proust interrogates Gilles Deleuze's notion of resistance in relation to death as that which is “turned against death.” She questions a concept of resistance which is “no more than impassivity and indifference.” How, she asks, can we know if the force of resistance is on the side of death or life? Characterizing life as movement, she speaks for a concept of resistance as on the side of life.
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  30. Archéologie de l'art domestique.Françoise Collin - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:15-24.
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    L'universel et le singulier.Françoise Dastur - 2011 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 95 (3):581-599.
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    (1 other version)Quelles fonctions parentales d'autorité pour le jeune enfant ?Françoise Hurstel - 2004 - Dialogue: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. 3 (3):69-77.
    Sur quoi aujourd’hui fonder l’autorité des parents? Que transmettre? Et comment exercer cette autorité au temps de l’enfance? Questions cruciales pour le devenir subjectif des nouveaux venus au monde... Car, sans autorité, pas de transmission de la dette de vie, celle qui ouvre à la Loi et au désir, pas d’humanisation et de socialisation des enfants.
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  33.  13
    An Early History of Compassion : Emotion and Imagination in Hellenistic Judaism.Françoise Mirguet - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Françoise Mirguet traces the appropriation and reinterpretation of pity by Greek-speaking Jewish communities of Late Antiquity. Pity and compassion, in this corpus, comprised a hybrid of Hebrew, Greek, and Roman constructions; depending on the texts, they were a spontaneous feeling, a practice, a virtue, or a precept of the Mosaic law. The requirement to feel for those who suffer sustained the identity of the Jewish minority, both creating continuity with its traditions and emulating dominant discourses. Mirguet's (...)
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  34. Adopt a moratorium on heritable genome editing.Eric Lander, Françoise Baylis, Feng Zhang, Emmanuelle Charpentier, Paul Berg, Catherine Bourgain, Bärbel Friedrich, Keith Joung, Jinsong Li, David Liu & Others - 2019 - Nature 567 (7747):165–8.
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  35.  18
    Questions of phenomenology: language, alterity, temporality, finitude.Françoise Dastur - 2017 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Dastur is well respected in France and Europe for her mastery of phenomenology as a movement and her clear and cogent explications of phenomenology in movement. These qualities are on display in this remarkable set of essays. The book is organized into four areas of inquiry: Language and Logic, Ego and Other, Temporality and History,and Finitude and Mortality. In each, Dastur guides the reader through a series of phenomenological questions that also serve to call phenomenology itself into question, testing its (...)
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    (1 other version)What Is Understanding?Françoise Dastur & Kaisa Sivenius - 2019 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 40 (1):133-144.
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  37.  57
    Indécidabilité de corps de séries formelles.Françoise Delon & Yamina Rouani - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1227-1234.
    Consider k((G)) in the language of valued fields enriched with a unary predicate for the set of constants and another one for the cross-section. For perfect k, this structure is undecidable if it does not satisfy Kaplansky's conditions.
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    Inclusions et produits de groupes abéliens ordonnés étudiés au premier ordre.Françoise Delon & François Lucas - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (2):499-511.
  39.  16
    Les syndicats et la réforme de l'Etat.Françoise Drion - 1983 - Res Publica 25 (2-3):237-267.
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    Les Maîtres de la langue: avec des textes de Marr, Staline, Polivanov.Françoise Gadet (ed.) - 1979 - Paris: Action poétique.
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    Ordre quasicristallin dans Les matrices extracellulaires.Françoise Gaill & Rémy Mosseri - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (2-3):261-267.
    In this note we argue that the theoretical approach, developed in the field of quasicrystals, may prove to be useful in a completely different area, namely biology, and more precisely for the transmission electron microscopy observation of biological structures this sections. Whenever the real three-dimensional structure is periodic, a generic cut will produce a quasiperiodic pattern. This is illustrated in a theoretical example inspired by the 3D organization of annelid cuticle. In addition, we discuss recent results on dislocations in quasicrystals, (...)
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  42. Rumor et opinio.Françoise Reumaux - forthcoming - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie.
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    World, Flesh, Vision.Françoise Dastur - 2000 - In Professor Fred Evans, Fred Evans, Leonard Lawlor & Professor Leonard Lawlor (eds.), Chiasms: Merleau-Ponty's Notion of Flesh. SUNY Press. pp. 23-49.
  44.  7
    Lyotard et les arts.Françoise Coblence & Michel Enaudeau (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Aucune discussion d'ensemble des ecrits de Lyotard sur l'art n'avait ete entreprise. Or sa reflexion sur les arts - musique, cinema, peinture surtout - est une part essentielle de son oeuvre, comme en temoignent les analyses proposees dans Discours, figure, Que peindre?, Moralites postmodernes, L'Inhumain et Les Ecrits sur l'art contemporain et les artistes. Moins remarque pourtant est le fait que Lyotard a collabore avec des peintres (Monory, Guiffrey, Adami, Sam Francis, Appel, Buren, etc). Il a ete commissaire d'une exposition (...)
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    Laclos' Purloined Letters.Françoise Meltzer - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (3):515-529.
    The role of the reader is central to the epistolary genre because the letters anticipate a reader within the novel's framework. There is the letter's intended recipient , the occasional interceptor, the invented publisher and/or editor who organize the collected correspondence, and the extrafictional reader who reads the collection in its entirety, including the disclaiming or condemning prefaces which precede it. The epistolary form, however, with so many layers of readers, considerably complicates the issue of reader response. If we share, (...)
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    (1 other version)Heroes in Bioethics.Françoise Baylis - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (3):34-39.
    Throughout his remarkable and too‐brief career, Benjamin Freedman was concerned with the ethical standards of ethicists themselves. He worried that ethicists had been bought out, as he knew of none whose opposition to an employer had ever led to being fired. If we look today for what he sought—a bioethical hero—Benjy is himself still the preeminent example.
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    Children and Decisionmaking in Health Research.Françoise Baylis, Jocelyn Downie & Nuala Kenny - 1999 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 21 (4):5.
  48.  40
    Résistances et Libérations.Françoise Thébaud - 1995 - Clio 1.
    Pourquoi consacrer le premier numéro de CLIO, Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés, aux thèmes de la Résistance et de la Libération en France? Certes il commémore à sa manière le 50è anniversaire de la fin de la Deuxième Guerre, dont les cérémonies officielles ont bien peu mis en valeur l'instauration du suffrage universel. Mais il voudrait surtout présenter des mises au point et des recherches récentes qui peuvent contribuer, aux côtés d'autres démarches actuelles, à renouveler la compréhens...
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    Is H3K4me3 instructive for transcription activation?Françoise S. Howe, Harry Fischl, Struan C. Murray & Jane Mellor - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (1):1-12.
    Tri‐methylation of lysine 4 on histone H3 (H3K4me3) is a near‐universal chromatin modification at the transcription start site of active genes in eukaryotes from yeast to man and its levels reflect the amount of transcription. Because of this association, H3K4me3 is often described as an ‘activating’ histone modification and assumed to have an instructive role in the transcription of genes, but the field is lacking a conserved mechanism to support this view. The overwhelming finding from genome‐wide studies is that actually (...)
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    A relational view of conscience and physician conscientious action.Françoise Baylis - 2015 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 8 (1):18-36.
    The dominant approach to conscience in contemporary bioethics presumes that conscience functions to promote personal moral integrity, and therefore presumes that the relevant values are inherently personal. This approach fails to demonstrate when and why claims of conscience should be taken seriously by others. I draw on Hannah Arendt’s deliberative model of conscience and Cheshire Calhoun’s social model of integrity to develop an alternative relational view of conscience—one that demonstrates that the relevant values are social as well as personal. I (...)
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