Results for 'François Urvoy'

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  1.  8
    Quand le plus grand est tout petit, ou, Les bases de l'humanité de l'homme.François Urvoy - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Les hommes ont émergé de l'animalité en dominant les choses et les animaux. Sur ce modèle, ils ont cru être encore plus puissants en dominant d'autres hommes. Ils ont imaginé que l'homme supérieur était celui qui dominait le plus. Nous vivons toujours dans cette illusion. Cette illusion n'est pas universelle mais il flotte dans l'esprit de tous une grande indécision à ce sujet. Pourtant, l'appétit de pouvoir fait de si grands dégâts, engendre de si grandes souffrances, qu'on ne peut en (...)
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    Nouveau discours de la méthode.François Urvoy - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Il y a une pente universitaire à s'enfermer dans les textes en perdant de vue la réalité. C'est l'aboutissement d'un vice constitutif. En effet, depuis Aristote au moins, toutes les doctrines se sont développées sur la base d'un dédoublement ontologique entre un domaine des 'idées' et un domaine de la réalité elle-même. Ce dédoublement repose sur une imagination étrangère à l'expérience. Pour y voir plus clair, il faut s'appuyer constamment sur ce qui est donné tel qu'il est donné. Pour cela, (...)
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    Direct Reference.Francois Recanati - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (4):953-956.
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    The Origins of Responsibility.François Raffoul - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Exploring responsibility in the works of Nietzsche, Sartre, Levinas, Heidegger, and Derrida, Raffoul identifies decisive moments in the development of the concept, retrieves its origins, and explores new reflections on it.
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  5. Moderate relativism.François Recanati - 2008 - In G. Carpintero & M. Koelbel, Relative Truth. Oxford University Press. pp. 41-62.
    In modal logic, propositions are evaluated relative to possible worlds. A proposition may be true relative to a world w, and false relative to another world w'. Relativism is the view that the relativization idea extends beyond possible worlds and modalities. Thus, in tense logic, propositions are evaluated relative to times. A proposition (e.g. the proposition that Socrates is sitting) may be true relative to a time t, and false relative to another time t'. In this paper I discuss, and (...)
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  6. Pragmatics and Semantics.Francois Recanati - 2004 - In Laurence R. Horn & Gregory Ward, Handbook of Pragmatics. Blackwell. pp. 442-462.
  7.  65
    Local pragmatics: reply to Mandy Simons.François Recanati - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (5):493-508.
    In response to Mandy Simons’ defence of a classical Gricean approach to pragmatic enrichment in terms of conversational implicature, I emphasize the following contrast. Conversational implicatures are generated by a global inference which uses as a premise the fact that the speaker has said that p, but only the triggering inference is global in cases of pragmatic enrichment. What generates the correct interpretation is a process of reconstrual, which locally maps the literal meaning of a constituent to a modulated meaning (...)
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    Human Rhythm and Divine Rhythm in Ainu Epics.Francois Mace & Jennifer Curtiss Gage - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (181):31-42.
    The Ainu are still in existence, but their reduced numbers, now around 20,000, indicate how marginal their presence is even in Hokkaido, their ancestral territory. Moreover, they have undergone much metissage, in both ethnic and cultural terms. Legally, the Ainu do not yet constitute an indigenous ethnic minority; they have only recently obtained some gestures of recognition from the government, such as the interruption of a dam project on a ritual site. In 1994, for the first time in history, an (...)
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    Que nous disent aujourd'hui Jean-Paul Sartre et Simone de Beauvoir ?François Noudelmann - 2006 - Diogène 216 (4):44-.
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    La doctrine curieuse.François Garasse - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (4):484-486.
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  11. Extraits des grands philosophes.François Joseph Thonnard - 1946 - Tournai [etc.]: Société de s. Jean l'Évangéliste, Desclée et cie.
  12. Reply to Carston.François Recanati - unknown
    Response to Carston's paper, 'How Many Pragmatic Systems Are There'?
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  13. Are 'here' and 'now' indexicals?Francois Recanati - 2001 - Texte 27:115-127.
    It is argued there is nothing special or deviant about the use of 'now' to refer to a time in the past (or about the use of 'here' to refer to a distant place) — no need to appeal to pragmatic mechanisms such as context-shifting to account for such uses. Such uses are puzzling only if one (mistakenly) maintains that 'here' and 'now' are pure indexicals. In the paper it is claimed that they are more similar to demonstratives than to (...)
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  14. Open quotation revisited.François Recanati - 2008 - Philosophical Perspectives 22 (1):443-471.
    This paper — a sequel to my 'Open Quotation' (Mind 2001) — is my reaction to the articles discussing open quotation in the special issue of the Belgian Journal of Linguistics edited by P. De Brabanter in 2005.
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  15. La polysémie contre le fixisme.Francois Recanati - 1997 - Langue Française 113:107-123.
  16. Le présent épistolaire: une perspective cognitive.Francois Recanati - 1995 - L'Information Grammaticale 66:38-44.
  17. Opacity and the attitudes.Francois Recanati - 2000 - In Alex Orenstein & Petr Kotatko, Knowledge, Language and Logic: Questions for Quine. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Print on Demand. pp. 367--406.
  18. Processing models for non-literal discourse.Francois Recanati - 1994 - In Roberto Casati & Barry Smith, Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences: Proceedings of the 16th International Wittgenstein Symposium (Kirchberg Am Wechsel, Austria 1993). Vienna: Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky. pp. 277-290.
  19.  33
    (1 other version)Varieties of Simulation.François Recanati - 2002 - In Jérôme Dokic & Joëlle Proust, Simulation and Knowledge of Action. John Benjamins. pp. 151-171.
  20. Critique de la Raison pratique.Emmanuel Kant & François Picavet - 1902 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 10 (4):8-9.
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  21. Indexical Concepts and Compositionality.Francois Recanati - 2006 - In Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Josep Macià, Two-Dimensional Semantics. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 249-257.
    In the first part of this paper I sketch a theory of indexical concepts within a broadly epistemic framework. In the second part I discuss and dismiss an argument due to Jerry Fodor, to the effect that any epistemic approach to concept individuation (including the theory of indexical concepts I will sketch) is doomed to failure.
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    On the Meaning of Causal Generalisations in Policy-oriented Economic Research.François Claveau & Luis Mireles-Flores - 2014 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 28 (4):397-416.
    Current philosophical accounts of causation suggest that the same causal assertion can have different meanings. Yet, in actual social-scientific practice, the possible meanings of some causal generalisations intended to support policy prescriptions are not always spelled out. In line with a standard referentialist approach to semantics, we propose and elaborate on four questions to systematically elucidate the meaning of causal generalisations. The analysis can be useful to a host of agents, including social scientists, policy-makers, and philosophers aiming at being socially (...)
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    Influence of Lumbar Muscle Fatigue on Trunk Adaptations during Sudden External Perturbations.Jacques Abboud, François Nougarou, Arnaud Lardon, Claude Dugas & Martin Descarreaux - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  24.  46
    Religion, multiple identities, and acculturation: A study of Muslim immigrants in Belgium.François Mathijsen & Vassilis Saroglou - 2007 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 29 (1):177-198.
    In the present study, we examined how the religiousness of European Muslim immigrants is related to multiple collective identities , attachment to one or both cultures, and acculturation as a process realized through a variety of domains in personal and social life. Two groups were included: young Muslims born of immigration from Muslim countries and, for comparison, young non-Muslims born of immigration from other countries. In both groups, high religiousness predicted attachment to origin identity and culture; low religiousness and religious (...)
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  25.  41
    Otherness and individuation in Heidegger.François Raffoul - 1995 - Man and World 28 (4):341-358.
  26.  14
    The Creation of the World, or, Globalization.François Raffoul & David Pettigrew (eds.) - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    _Philosophical reflections on the phenomenon of globalization._.
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  27. Meaning and Ostension: From Putnam's Semantics to Contextualism.Francois Recanati - unknown
    Putnam is known for having demonstated the existence of a new form of context-dependence, namely that which characterizes natural kind terms. Terms like ‘tiger' and ‘water' are indexical, Putnam says, since their conditions of application varies with the context of use — in a suitably broad sense of ‘context'. In this talk I focus on the relation between Putnam's semantics and a body of views I call ‘contextualism'. Contextualism generalizes context-sensitivity : it claims that sentences carry contents only in the (...)
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  28. Imagining de se.François Recanati - unknown
    My contribution to the 'MIMESIS, METAPHYSICS AND MAKE-BELIEVE' conference held in honour of Kendall Walton in the University of Leeds.
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    La naissance de la métaphysique chez Kant: une étude sur la notion kantienne d'analogie.François Marty - 1980 - Editions Beauchesne.
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    “Nanostandardization” in Action: Implementing Standardization Processes in a Multidisciplinary Nanoparticle-Based Research and Development Project.François Roubert, Marie-Gabrielle Beuzelin-Ollivier, Margarethe Hofmann-Amtenbrink, Heinrich Hofmann & Alessandra Hool - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (1):41-62.
    Nanomaterials have attracted much interest in the medical field and related applications as their distinct properties in the nanorange enable new and improved diagnosis and therapies. Owing to these properties and their potential interactions with the human body and the environment, the impact of nanomaterials on humans and their potential toxicity have been regarded a very significant issue. Consequently, nanomaterials are the subject of a wide range of cutting-edge research efforts in the medical and related fields to thoroughly probe their (...)
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  31. [no title].François Lepage - 2013 - Les Cahiers D'Ithaque.
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    Height and the Sublime.François Marty - 1998 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 20 (2-1):355-366.
  33.  86
    L’Argument ontologique dans l’Opus postumum et l’influence de la Critique de la Faculté de Juger dans l’Opus postumum.François Marty - 1992 - Kant Studien 83 (1):50-59.
  34.  11
    La perfection de l'hommeselon saint Thomas d'Aquin.François Marty - 1962 - Presses de l'Université Grégorienne.
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  35. La perfection de l'homme selon saint Thomas d'Aquin.François Marty - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (4):467-468.
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    Raymond Court, La vérité de l'art ?François Marty - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 2 (2):227-232.
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    Réflexions sur quelques acceptions remarquabLes dans Les actes de S. Marcel le centurion.François Masai - 1965 - Vivarium 3 (1):95-107.
  38.  24
    Après Gênes, après New York : les multitudes ?François Matheron - 2001 - Multitudes 4 (4):11-16.
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    (1 other version)L'homme qui ne savait plus écrire.François Matheron - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):121-125.
    A day in November 2005, it was a Saturday, I remember very well, my life changed, radically. I am not sure how to define this moment ; for convenience it could be called "the accident". This accident has many faces, but it is first and foremost a revolution, a return to the starting point of my relationship with language. Since it is still very difficult for me properly to conjugate verbs, I will write my story mostly in the present tense.
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  40. Traduire pour les enfants et les adolescents.François Mathieu - 1999 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 92:113-118.
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    Un pouvoir constituant..François Matheron - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):165-172.
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    Winstanley et les Diggers.François Matheron - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):69-94.
    The Diggers, or yet the « true levellers », appropriation of the parochial terrain of the St George’s Hill close to London, might be considered, in the midst of the English revolution, as the proclamation of a constituer power in action. Theorist of this adventure, Gerard Winstanley has left behind him a singular oeuvre in the constellation of« biblical communisms ». Animated by harsh inner tensions, molded by an archaism indissociable from its modernity, it constitutes, at the same time, an (...)
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    (2 other versions)A long-term study of children with autism playing with a robotic pet.Dorothée François, Stuart Powell & Kerstin Dautenhahn - 2009 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 10 (3):324-373.
    This paper presents a novel methodological approach of how to design, conduct and analyse robot-assisted play. This approach is inspired by nondirective play therapy. The experimenter participates in the experiments, but the child remains the main leader for play. Besides, beyond inspiration from non-directive play therapy, this approach enables the experimenter to regulate the interaction under specific conditions in order to guide the child or ask her questions about reasoning or affect related to the robot. This approach has been tested (...)
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  44.  12
    Le moment du vivant: Colloque de Cerisy.Arnaud François & Frédéric Worms (eds.) - 2016 - Paris: PUF.
    Le problème du vivant n'est plus un problème « local », il traverse et bouscule tous les domaines, depuis les fondements de l'esprit (dans le cerveau) jusqu'à la préservation de la vie (dans l'univers) en passant par le rapport de l'homme et de l'animal, le soin et le pouvoir, la littérature et l'art. Mais rien ne serait plus trom-peur que d'y voir une évidence réductrice : de la pensée aux neurones, de l'histoire à la survie, de l'éthique à la bioéthique, (...)
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  45. Literal meaning — figures.François Recanati - unknown
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  46. Le paradoxe de la première personne.Francois Recanati - 1998 - In Robert Vion, Les sujets et leurs discours: énonciation et interaction. Presses de L'Université de Provence. pp. 7-17.
  47.  81
    Précis de Literal Meaning.François Recanati - 2006 - Philosophiques 33 (1):231-236.
    Résumé de mon livre Literal Meaning (Cambridge University Press, 2004), à paraître dans la rubrique DISPUTATIO la revue canadienne Philosophiques, suivi de comptes rendus critiques par Steven Davis, Brendan Gillon, et Michel Seymour et de mes réponses.
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  48. Réponse à Rivara.Francois Recanati - 1985 - Sigma 8:211-221.
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  49. Reply to Gauker.François Recanati - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):81-84.
    Response to Gauker's paper in the Symposium on *Truth-Conditional Pragmatics* (OUP 2010).
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  50. Une solution médiévale du paradoxe du menteur et son intérêt pour la sémantique contemporaine.Francois Recanati - 1983 - In Lucie Brind'Amour & Eugene Vance, Archeologie Du Signe: Colloque : Papers. PIMS. pp. 251-264.
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