Results for 'François Garasse'

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    La doctrine curieuse.François Garasse - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (4):484-486.
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    Postmodern Fables.Jean-François Lyotard - 1997 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    This latest offering from one of the founding figures of postmodernism is a collection of fifteen "fables" that ask, in the words of Jean-Francois Lyotard, "how to live, and why?
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    Properties of logics of individual and group agency.Andreas Herzig & François Schwarzentruber - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 133-149.
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    Relevance of Chaos and Strange Attractors in the Samuelson-Hicks Oscillator.Jean-Francois Verne - 2021 - Economic Thought 10 (1):32.
    In this paper, we look for the relevance of chaos in the well-known Hicks-Samuelson's oscillator model investigating the endogenous fluctuations of the national income between two limits: full employment income and under-employment income. We compute the Lyapunov exponent, via Monte- Carlo simulations, to detect chaos in the evolution of the income between both limits. In the case of positive Lyapunov exponent and large values of the parameter (i.e. marginal propensity to consume and technical coefficient for capital), the evolution of income (...)
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  5. Utilitarianism and the Moral Status of Animals: A Psychological Perspective.François Jaquet, Manon Delphine Gouiran & Florian Cova - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-19.
    Recent years have seen a growing interest among psychologists for debates in moral philosophy. Moral psychologists have investigated the causal origins of the opposition between utilitarian and deontological judgments and the psychological underpinnings of people’s beliefs about the moral status of animals. One issue that remains underexplored in this research area is the relationship between people’s disposition to engage in utilitarian thinking and their attitudes towards animals. This gap is unfortunate considering the tight philosophical connection between utilitarianism and the claim (...)
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    Political Writings.Jean François Lyotard, Bill Readings & Kevin Paul Geiman - 1993 - Taylor & Francis.
    The political writings of Jean-Francois Lyotard, the prophet of the postmodern, are presented here as both the missing dimension of his work and the key to understanding his position within contemporary debate.
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  7. Theorie elementaire du commerce (1804).Charles-Francois Bicquilley, Pierre Crepel, Stephen Stigler & I. Grattan-Guinness - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (1):101-101.
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  8. (1 other version)Léviathan, traité de la matière, de la forme et du pouvoir de la république ecclésiastique et civile.Thomas Hobbes & François Tricaud - 1973 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 29 (1):106-106.
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    Postmodern Explained: Correspondence 1982-1985.Jean-François Lyotard - 1992 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    A major figure in the contemporary critical world, Jean-Francois Lyotard originally introduced the term 'postmodern' into current discussions of philosophy. The Postmodern Explained is an engaging collection of letters addressed to young philosophers, including the actual children of some of Lyotard's colleagues, that inform the trajectory of his thinking in the period before The Postmodern Condition through The Differend.
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    Rethinking Criminal Law Theory: New Canadian Perspectives in the Philosophy of Domestic, Transnational, and International Criminal Law.Francois Tanguay-Renaud & James Stribopoulos (eds.) - 2012 - Hart Publishing.
    In the last two decades, the philosophy of criminal law has undergone a vibrant revival in Canada. The adoption of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms has given the Supreme Court of Canada unprecedented latitude to engage with principles of legal, moral, and political philosophy when elaborating its criminal law jurisprudence. Canadian scholars have followed suit by paying increased attention to the philosophical foundations of domestic criminal law. Because of Canada's leadership in international criminal law, both at the level of (...)
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    De contingentia futurorum.Jean François Genest - 1992 - Paris: Librairie Philosophique Vrin. Edited by Thomas Buckingham.
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    Postmodern Fables.Jean François Lyotard - 1997 - U of Minnesota Press.
    A collection of 15 fables from a founding figure of postmodernism that ask in the words of Jean-Francois Lyotard, "how to live and why?" It provides attention to issues of justice and ethics, and aesthetics and judgement - unravelling and reconfiguring idealistic notions of subjects.
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  13. La logique des noms propres.Pierre Jacob & Francois Recanati - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (3):542-545.
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  14. Traité de psychologie sociale, tome I: Sciences humaines et psychologie sociale. Les Méthodes.Roger Daval, François Bourricaud, Yves Delamotte, Roland Doron & Jean Stoetzel - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):446-446.
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    Ce que soigner veut dire. Le peintre, le patient et le bon samaritain.François Vialla - 2023 - Médecine et Droit 2023 (181):59-76.
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    Automatic generation of textual summaries from neonatal intensive care data.François Portet, Ehud Reiter, Albert Gatt, Jim Hunter, Somayajulu Sripada, Yvonne Freer & Cindy Sykes - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (7-8):789-816.
  17. Category Theory as a Conceptual Tool in the Study of Cognition.François Magnan & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1994 - In John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes (eds.), The Logical Foundations of Cognition. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 57-90.
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    Métaphysique d'Aristote: commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin. Thomas & Guy-François Delaporte - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Guy-François Delaporte.
    T. 1. Livres I-V -- t. 2. Livres VI-XII.
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  19. Laat ons niet ernstig blijven, Huldeboek voor Jean Paul Van Bendegem.Bart Van Kerkhove, Karen François, Steffen Ducheyne & Patrick Allo (eds.) - 2018 - Academia Press.
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  20. Movind the Debate Forward. Interculturalism's contribution to multiculturalism.Francois Boucher & Jocelyn Maclure - 2018 - Comparative Migration Studies 6 (1):1-10.
    In this article, we compare Ricard Zappata-Barrero’s interculturalism with Tariq Modood’s multiculturalism. We will discuss the relation between distinct elements that compose both positions. We examine how recent discussions on interculturalism have the potential to contribute to theories of multiculturalism without undermining their core principles. Our position is close to that of Modood’s as he has already carefully tried to incorporate interculturalist insights into his own multiculturalism. Yet we provide a raise a few questions regarding Modood’s treatment of the relation (...)
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  21. Linguistique de corpus philosophiques: l'exemple de Deleuze.Sylvain Loiseau & François Rastier - 2011 - In Patrice Maniglier (ed.), Le moment philosophique des années 1960 en France. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. pp. 73--93.
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  22. Rewriting.Jean-François Lyotard - forthcoming - Substance.
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    Righteousness and identity formation in the Sermon on the Mount.Francois P. Viljoen - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1).
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  24. L'enseignement de l'histoire des sciences en France sous la Troisième République: Daremberg et les débuts de l'histoire de la médecine en France.Jean-Francois Braunstein - 2005 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 58 (2):367-387.
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  25. TS Kuhn, après la structure.Ian Hacking, Jean-Francois Braunstein, Antonia Soulez, Jean-Philippe Narboux, Miguel Coelho, Rupert Read & Sandra Laugier - 2003 - Archives de Philosophie 66 (3):389-503.
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    Ontologies du conflit.Cristiana Asavoaie, Anna Bonalume, Arnaud Francois, Diana Margarit, Oriane Petteni, Petre Prasek & Ovidiu Stanciu - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (1):321-346.
    This article embodies the result of a collective work that seeks to understand the manner in which the notion of conflict is transformed by the attempt to apply it to reality, according to the doctrines hereby comprise as “ontologies of conflict”. It seems that there are three resulting “logics of conflict” which may receive the following qualifications: logic of contradiction, logic of contrariety and logic of difference.
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    Maine de Biran et la Suisse: avec des textes inédits de Biran et des extraits de la correspondance d'Ernest Naville.Bernard Baertschi & François Azouvi - 1985 - Cahiers de la Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie.
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    Le chevalier de Jaucourt: l'homme aux dix-sept mille articles.Gilles Barroux & François Pépin (eds.) - 2015 - [Paris]: Société Diderot.
    Le chevalier Louis de Jaucourt (1704-1780), principal auteur de l'Encyclopédie avec plus de dix-sept mille articles, est une figure marquante des Lumières, qui néanmoins reste largement méconnue. Ce livre collectif explore différents aspects de l'oeuvre du chevalier, dans l'Encyclopédie et au-delà. Il analyse la richesse et la diversité de sa pensée qui paraît à travers son éclectisme philosophique ou son écriture par emprunts, dans son propos médical, son travail d'historien, de biographe, de juriste, de critique d'art, ou encore d'encyclopédiste et (...)
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    Hermès Ou Recherches Philosophiques Sur La Grammaire Universelle..James Harris, François Thurot & Imprimerie de la République - 2018 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  30. L'inculturation comme antidote à la violence en afrique.François Kabasele Lumbala - 2011 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 85 (3).
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    Religion, multiple identities, and acculturation: A study of Muslim immigrants in Belgium.François Mathijsen & Vassilis Saroglou - 2007 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 29 (1):177-198.
    In the present study, we examined how the religiousness of European Muslim immigrants is related to multiple collective identities , attachment to one or both cultures, and acculturation as a process realized through a variety of domains in personal and social life. Two groups were included: young Muslims born of immigration from Muslim countries and, for comparison, young non-Muslims born of immigration from other countries. In both groups, high religiousness predicted attachment to origin identity and culture; low religiousness and religious (...)
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  32. La transmission d' Aristote par les Arabes à la chrétienté occidentale. Une trouvaille relative au "De Interpretatione".Jean-François Monteil - 2004 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 11:181-196.
    En el capitulo VII de Sobre la interpretación, Aristóteles mutila un sistema de tres pares de proposiciones contradictorias naturales. Aristóteles excluye el par de proposiciones universales naturales, los hombres son blancos, los hombres no son blancos, los cuales se contradicen mutuamente. Esta mutilación lleva consigo consecuencias indeseables. Los dos pares de proposiciones contradictorias naturales, consideradas exclusivamente por Aristóteles, Todos los hombres son blancos versus Algunos hombres no son blancos y Algunos hombres son blancos versus ningún hombre es blanco son ilegítimamente (...)
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    « Des Problèmes Qu’il Faudra Bien Appeler D’un Autre Nom Et Peut-être Politique ». Althusser Et L’insituabilité De La Politique.François Matheron - 2005 - Multitudes 22 (3):21-35.
    Precisely as he was repoliticizing his philosophy and criticizing his “theorist deviation”, Althusser wrote in 1967 that he did not know, after all, what was politics. In 1978, in Marx in his limits, he wrote that the classic Marxism “has never yet provided the beginning of an analysis answering the question : what can politics be about ?”. This article attempts to reconstruct the positivity of such remarks, on the basis of a sketch devoted in 1961 to the “Marxist conception (...)
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    Louis Althusser, or, the Impure Purity of the Concept.François Matheron - 2004 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 25 (1):137-159.
    Today, Louis Althusser’s work knows a singular destiny. Relatively unknown until the 1992 publication of his autobiography, The Future Lasts Forever, his work has since been enriched by several volumes of previously unpublished texts, and the re-edition of works that have long been unavailable. All the conditions therefore, as suggested by the numerous works, articles and conferences dedicated to Althusser, seem to be in place for a critical reexamination of his thought. For many reasons, however, this has not been the (...)
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    The Matthean community within a Jewish religious society.Francois Viljoen - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-8.
    It is argued that the Matthean Gospel partially reflects the unstable political and religious situation in which this document originated. Broad outlines are postulated of this probable religious situation. This article presents an investigation of the developments within the broader Jewish society during the time of the New Testament. This implies the investigation of developments within Judaism, which entails some fragmentation of Judaism and a development towards Formative Judaism. The 'Jesus movement' and eventually the Matthean community evolved among these developments.
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    Le postmoderne expliqué aux enfants: correspondance, 1982-1985.Jean François Lyotard - 1993 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
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  37. Herméneutique Et Ontologie Mélanges En Hommage À Pierre Aubenque, Fronimos Aner.Rémi Braque, Jean-françois Courtine & Pierre Aubenque - 1990
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    Four Seminars.Andrew J. Mitchell & François Raffoul (eds.) - 2012 - Indiana University Press.
    In Four Seminars, Heidegger reviews the entire trajectory of his thought and offers unique perspectives on fundamental aspects of his work. First published in French in 1976, these seminars were translated into German with Heidegger’s approval and reissued in 1986 as part of his Gesamtausgabe, volume 15. Topics considered include the Greek understanding of presence, the ontological difference, the notion of system in German Idealism, the power of naming, the problem of technology, danger, and the event. Heidegger’s engagements with his (...)
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    Philosophie de l'art.Hippolyte Taine & Jean François Revel - 1921 - Paris,: Hachette. Edited by Jean-François Revel.
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    Eugenics and poverty.Richard M. Titmuss & François Lafitte - 1942 - The Eugenics Review 33 (4):106.
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    Charles Baudelaire, Edgar Allan Poe. Traducción de Carmen Santos.Jean-François Tock - 1993 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 91 (92):659-659.
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    Quelques jalons dans la préhistoire des sensations internes.François Azouvi - 1984 - Revue de Synthèse 105 (113-114):113-133.
    In this article I have tried to analize the constitution of the notion of internai sensibility, before Reil’s and Cabanis’s works. Amongst the questions raised by this notion, I mainly discuss the question of the unity or diversity of internai sensations, and the question of their unconsciousness. As it appears, the notion is worked out in an anticartesian perspective, both in philosophy and physiology.
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    Musique, rationalité, langage: l'harmonie, du monde au matériau.Antonia Soulez, François Schmitz & Jan Sebestik - 1998 - Editions L'Harmattan.
    Les origines grecques de la conception d'harmonie (H. Dufourt) - Du monde au matériau : le devenir-musical du timbre (A. Soulez) - La musique est-elle un langage? (R. Casati et J. Dokic) - Le devenir du matériau musical au XXe siècle (M. Solomos) - Hauteur, timbre, harmonie, synthèse (J.C. Risset) et d'autres articles...
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  44. Préface.Jean-François Stoffel - 2016 - In Fortino Mirella (ed.), DUHEM (Pierre), Salvare le apparenze : saggio sulla nozione di teoria fisica da Platone a Galileo. Aracne. pp. 13-25.
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    Die staat: teorie en praktyk.Marinus Wiechers & Francois Bredenkamp (eds.) - 1996 - Hatfield, Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.
    Hierdie boek is n inleiding tot moderne denkrigtings wat alle fasette van die staat betref. Dit verduidelik die verbintenis tussen die huidige proses van staatsvorming in Suid-Afrika en die tradisionele faktore wat dit elders in die w reld aangehelp het.
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  46. Colloque entre sept scavans qui sont de differens sentimens des secrets cachez des choses révélées, Colloquium heptaplomeres.Jean Bodin & François Berriot - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (4):564-565.
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  47. Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire, coll. « Archontes » n° 5.Maurice Halbwachs & François Ghâtelet - 1976 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 166 (4):455-455.
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  48. Hermès ou recherches philosophiques sur la grammaire universelle.James Harris, François Thurot & André Joly - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (4):709-710.
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    Market Structure and Competition Policy: Game-Theoretic Approaches.George Norman & Jacques-François Thisse (eds.) - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 2000 text applies modern advances in game theory to the analysis of competition policy and develops some of the theoretical and policy concerns associated with the pioneering work of Louis Phlips. Containing contributions by leading scholars from Europe and North America, this book observes a common theme in the relationship between the regulatory regime and market structure. Since the inception of the new industrial organization, economists have developed a better understanding of how real-world markets operate. These results have particular (...)
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    Individual Emergencies and the Rule of Criminal Law.François Tanguay-Renaud - 2012 - In Francois Tanguay-Renaud & James Stribopoulos (eds.), Rethinking Criminal Law Theory: New Canadian Perspectives in the Philosophy of Domestic, Transnational, and International Criminal Law. Hart Publishing.
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