Results for 'František Mareš'

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  1.  11
    PAVLIČÍKOVÁ, Helena: František Mareš. Od fyziologie k filosofii.Slavomír Lesňák - 2019 - Filozofia 74 (7).
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  2. A Maréchal reader.Joseph Maréchal - 1970 - [New York,: Herder & Herder.
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    On Having No Head: Cognition throughout Biological Systems.František Baluška & Michael Levin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  4. Who's Afraid of Impossible Worlds?Edwin D. Mares - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (4):516-526.
    A theory of ersatz impossible worlds is developed to deal with the problem of counterpossible conditionals. Using only tools standardly in the toolbox of possible worlds theorists, it is shown that we can construct a model for counterpossibles. This model is a natural extension of Lewis's semantics for counterfactuals, but instead of using classical logic as its base, it uses the logic LP.
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  5. An alternative semantics for quantified relevant logic.Edwin D. Mares & Robert Goldblatt - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):163-187.
    The quantified relevant logic RQ is given a new semantics in which a formula for all xA is true when there is some true proposition that implies all x-instantiations of A. Formulae are modelled as functions from variable-assignments to propositions, where a proposition is a set of worlds in a relevant model structure. A completeness proof is given for a basic quantificational system QR from which RQ is obtained by adding the axiom EC of 'extensional confinement': for all x(A V (...)
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    A new view of REA state machine.Frantisek Hunka & Jaroslav Zacek - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (1):25-39.
    The presented paper proposes a state machine of REA (Resource–Event–Agent) model. This model constitutes a fundamental building block for value modeling applications. Contrary to other appr...
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  7. Sentience and Consciousness in Single Cells: How the First Minds Emerged in Unicellular Species.František Baluška & Arthur Reber - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (3):1800229.
    A reductionistic, bottom‐up, cellular‐based concept of the origins of sentience and consciousness has been put forward. Because all life is based on cells, any evolutionary theory of the emergence of sentience and consciousness must be grounded in mechanisms that take place in prokaryotes, the simplest unicellular species. It has been posited that subjective awareness is a fundamental property of cellular life. It emerges as an inherent feature of, and contemporaneously with, the very first life‐forms. All other varieties of mentation are (...)
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    The architecture of polarized cell growth: The unique status of elongating plant cells.František Baluška, Przemysław Wojtaszek, Dieter Volkmann & Peter Barlow - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (6):569-576.
    Polarity is an inherent feature of almost all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In most eukaryotic cells, growth polarity is due to the assembly of actin‐based growing domains at particular locations on the cell periphery. A contrasting scenario is that growth polarity results from the establishment of non‐growing domains, which are actively maintained at opposite end‐poles of the cell. This latter mode of growth is common in rod‐shaped bacteria and, surprisingly, also in the majority of plant cells, which elongate along the (...)
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  9. Filozofia techniky.Frantisek Chorvát (ed.) - 1968 - Bratislava,: VPL, t. Pravda.
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    Metódy abstrakcie, idealizácie konkretizácie v logike: prípad posunutého času vo faktuálnych kondicionáloch.František Gahér - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (8):660-676.
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    A pie-model of moral responsibility? Remarks concerning ethical dilutionism.Hans Lenk-Matthias Maring - 1991 - In Georg Schurz, Advances in Scientific Philosophy. pp. 483.
  12. Wymiary autointerpretacji.Frantisek Novosad - 2001 - Colloquia Communia 71 (4):56-62.
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    Internet, social sciences and humanities.František Stellner & Marek Vokoun - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (4):492-510.
    The paper deals with the state of the social sciences after the boom of internet services in the Czech Republic in the 1990s. The results of our survey, based on 512 responses from the economics and history departments of major Czech public universities, show that internet services are considered a quality factor for academic output; however, the issues of plagiarism, a lack of resource criticism, inadequacy of impact factor-based evaluations, poor academic training for the new generation of social scientists, the (...)
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    Information Management in Aged Care: Cases of Confidentiality and Elder Abuse.Maree Bernoth, Elaine Dietsch, Oliver Kisalay Burmeister & Michael Schwartz - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (3):453-460.
    Typically seniors like others choose to avoid institutional care. However, when age-related infirmity requires it, they not only enter into the care of others, but they also do so as vulnerable members of society. As their frailty increases with age, so does their dependence on the professionals who care for them and on the enforcement of policies concerning their care. A qualitative case study involving seniors and their carers revealed that breaches of confidentiality, unprofessional behaviour and the non-enforcement of policy, (...)
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  15. General information in relevant logic.Edwin D. Mares - 2009 - Synthese 167 (2):343-362.
    This paper sets out a philosophical interpretation of the model theory of Mares and Goldblatt (The Journal of Symbolic Logic 71, 2006). This interpretation distinguishes between truth conditions and information conditions. Whereas the usual Tarskian truth condition holds for universally quantified statements, their information condition is quite different. The information condition utilizes general propositions . The present paper gives a philosophical explanation of general propositions and argues that these are needed to give an adequate theory of general information.
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    CBC‐Clock Theory of Life – Integration of cellular circadian clocks and cellular sentience is essential for cognitive basis of life.František Baluška & Arthur S. Reber - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (10):2100121.
    Cellular circadian clocks represent ancient anticipatory systems which co‐evolved with the first cells to safeguard their survival. Cyanobacteria represent one of the most ancient cells, having essentially invented photosynthesis together with redox‐based cellular circadian clocks some 2.7 billion years ago. Bioelectricity phenomena, based on redox homeostasis associated electron transfers in membranes and within protein complexes inserted in excitable membranes, play important roles, not only in the cellular circadian clocks and in anesthetics‐sensitive cellular sentience (awareness of environment), but also in the (...)
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  17. Logical Consequence and the Paradoxes.Edwin Mares & Francesco Paoli - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (2-3):439-469.
    We group the existing variants of the familiar set-theoretical and truth-theoretical paradoxes into two classes: connective paradoxes, which can in principle be ascribed to the presence of a contracting connective of some sort, and structural paradoxes, where at most the faulty use of a structural inference rule can possibly be blamed. We impute the former to an equivocation over the meaning of logical constants, and the latter to an equivocation over the notion of consequence. Both equivocation sources are tightly related, (...)
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  18. A star-free semantics for R.Edwin D. Mares - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (2):579 - 590.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that semantics for relevance logic, based on the Routley-Meyer semantics, can be given without using the Routley star operator to treat negation. In the resulting semantics, negation is treated implicationally. It is shown that, by the use of restrictions on the ternary accessibility relation, simplified by the use of some definitions, a semantics can be stipulated over which R is complete.
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    A computational model of argumentation in agreement negotiation processes.Mare Koit & Haldur Õim - 2015 - Argument and Computation 6 (2):101-129.
    The paper describes a computational model that we have implemented in an experimental dialogue system. Communication in a natural language between two participants A and B is considered, where A has a communicative goal that his/her partner B will make a decision to perform an action D. A argues the usefulness, pleasantness, etc. of D, in order to guide B's reasoning in a desirable direction. A computational model of argumentation is developed, which includes reasoning. Our model is based on the (...)
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    Counterfactuals and Backtracking Counterfactuals.František Gahér - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (2):553-573.
    The paper proposes a solution to the problem of counterfactuals, building on both Rescher’s epistemic and Tichý’s semantic approaches. The core of the proposed solution is the thesis that when expressing a true counterfactual, the speaker assumes a set of background indicative premises as an implicit parameter. When added tacitly to an unreal antecedent, these premises entail the consequent logically or analytically. We draw a distinction between a potentially unreal and an absolutely unreal condition expressed in the antecedent. We view (...)
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  21. Relevant Logic: A Philosophical Interpretation.Edwin Mares - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book introduces the reader to relevant logic and provides the subject with a philosophical interpretation. The defining feature of relevant logic is that it forces the premises of an argument to be really used in deriving its conclusion. The logic is placed in the context of possible world semantics and situation semantics, which are then applied to provide an understanding of the various logical particles and natural language conditionals. The book ends by examining various applications of relevant logic and (...)
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  22. Teorie a empirie: příspěvek k marxistickému pojetí metodologie vědeckého poznání.František Čížek - 1974 - Praha: Svoboda.
  23.  19
    Stoická logika verzus aristotelovská.František Gahér - 2000 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 4 (4):379-415.
    It is common opinion that relation between the Aristotelian logic and logic of the Stoic is either complemental or rival. In his analysis, the author criticize claim according to which the Stoic examples of conclusions do not contained universal statements. He is showing that they expressed universal statements standard across implication and by anaphoric connection of pronouns. For this reason it is necessary to revise interpretation of basic, so called unprovable inferring rules of the Stoic. These rules are for predicate (...)
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    A model of immiscibility in 1 −xxglass based on spinodal decomposition.Ond[Rbreve]Ej Mare[Sbreve] & Richard Kerner ‡ - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (6):565-578.
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  25. Introducere în ontologia generală.Călina Mare - 1980 - București: Albatros.
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  26. Subjectivity and the patterns of coordination.Frantisek Novosad - 2013 - Filozofia 68:170-174.
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    (1 other version)Lubomír Doležel, Possible Worlds of Fiction and History: The Postmodern Stage.František A. Podhajský - 2010 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 47 (2):254-260.
    A review of Lubomír Doležel´s Possible Worlds of Fiction and History: The Postmodern Stage (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010, 171 pp. ISBN 978-0-8018-9463-3).
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    Neuer Anti-Kant und Atomenlehre des seligen Bolzano: mit den Editionsmaterialien der von Heinrich Scholz und Walter Dubislav geplanten Ausgabe des Neuen Anti-Kant und einer ausführlichen Einleitung von Edgar Morscher.František Přihonský, Edgar Morscher, Heinrich Scholz, Christian Thiel & Walter Dubislav (eds.) - 2003 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
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    Governance of the Research and Development Sector for Biotechnology: Intellectual Property Rights and Bioprospecting.Mare Sarr & Timothy Swanson - 2012 - In Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere & Bernd Siebenhüner, Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods. MIT Press. pp. 105.
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  30. On the interpretation of alienable vs. inalienable possession: A psycholinguistic investigation.Frantisek Lichtenberk, Jyotsna Vaid & Hsin-Chin Chen - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (4):659-689.
    Oceanic languages typically make a grammatical contrast between expres- sions of alienable and inalienable possession. Moreover, further distinctions are made in the alienable category but not in the inalienable category. The present research tests the hypothesis that there is a good motivation for such a development in the former case. As English does not have a grammaticalized distinction between alienable and inalienable possession, it provides a good testing ground. Three studies were conducted. In Study 1, participants were asked to write (...)
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    The admissibility of $\gamma$ in ${\rm R}4$.Edwin D. Mares & Robert K. Meyer - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (2):197-206.
  32. Debate: Why Does the Excellent Citizen Vote?Luke Maring - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (2):245-257.
    Is it morally important to vote? It is common to think so, but both consequentialist and deontological strategies for defending that intuition are weak. In response, some theorists have turned to a role-based strategy, arguing that it is morally important to be an excellent citizen, and that excellent citizens vote. But there is a lingering puzzle: an individual vote changes very little (virtually nothing in large-scale elections), so why would the excellent citizen be so concerned to cast a ballot? Why (...)
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    Consequence-based and fixed-parameter tractable reasoning in description logics.František Simančík, Boris Motik & Ian Horrocks - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 209 (C):29-77.
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    The Fact Semantics for Ramified Type Theory and the Axiom of Reducibility.Edwin D. Mares - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (2):237-251.
    This paper uses an atomistic ontology of universals, individuals, and facts to provide a semantics for ramified type theory. It is shown that with some natural constraints on the sort of universals and facts admitted into a model, the axiom of reducibility is made valid.
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    Cognitive Cells: From Cellular Senomic Spheres to Earth’s Biosphere.František Baluška - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-11.
    Cells are central for life, starting some 3.7 billion years ago with the assembly of the first primordial cells in the primeval and prebiotic oceans of the young Earth’s environment. Details of this abiogenesis are still missing but since the first competent, self-reproductive cell emerged, life has been based on continuous cell divisions. Accordingly, all present cells can be traced directly to the very first cells. Our senomic concept of cell sentience based on bioelectromagnetic fields postulated that all cells are (...)
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    From Working Man’s Paradise to Women in Business: The Contribution of Australian Feminism to the Understanding of Women’s Economic Position within Australian Society.Maree V. Boyle & Amanda Roan - 2004 - Philosophy of Management 4 (3):25-33.
    In this paper we discuss how Australian feminism has contributed to a better understanding of women’s economic position within Australian society. Through this analysis we seek to shed some light on the current implementation of the ‘women in business’ policy in Australia. We trace the development of this position from the early beginnings of unionism and wage centralisation through to the social change movements of the 1960s and 1970s. We then examine how the neo-liberal turn of the 1990s manifested itself (...)
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  37. Antičtí filosofové a život : Parmenidés, Empedoklés, Démokritos a jejich současníci.František Felner & Josef Petrželka - 2024 - Studia Philosophica 71 (2):71-77.
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    Making sense of risk. Donor risk communication in families considering living liverdonation to a child.Mare Knibbe & Marian Verkerk - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (2):149-156.
    This paper contributes to the growing line of thought in bioethics that respect for autonomy should not be equated to the facilitation of individualistic self determination through standard requirements of informed consent in all healthcare contexts. The paper describes how in the context of donation for living related liver transplantation (LRLT) meaningful, responsible decision making is often embedded within family processes and its negotiation. We suggest that good donor risk communication in families promote “conscientious autonomy” and “reflective trust”. From this, (...)
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  39. Výtvarná teorie a kritika SK Neumanna v letech 1896–1918.František Šmejkal - 1980 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 17:97-120.
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    Legitimizácia metafyziky alebo peirceov projekt vedeckej filozofie.František Mihina - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (4).
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  41. Ontology of Humanism.Frantisek Mihina - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (3):290-302.
  42. Reason, Faith, and Tradition.Frantisek Mihina - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (8-10):9-18.
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    Definování areté v Platónově dialogu Menón.František Weis - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-15.
    Předložená práce je textově filosofickou analýzou první části Platónova dialogu Menón, přičemž se snaží předvést, jak v konkrétním literárním díle Platónově je obsažen střet mezi silou již skomírajícího světa tradice (s jejími hodnotami lidského života), a silou jedince, který hodnoty lidského života sám pro sebe vydobyl v kritické diskusi s tradicí. Všechny tři pokusy definovat co je vlastně areté, odhalují při pečlivém rozboru pouhé rétorické střetnutí Menóna se Sókratem jako příklad střetu dvou odlišných paradigmat a sil, uvedených výše.
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    Logika kondicionálov.František Gahér - 2022 - Filosoficky Casopis 70 (2):381-401.
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    A a Priori.Edwin David Mares - 2011 - Acumen Publishing.
    Edwin Mares seeks to make the standard topics and current debates within a priori knowledge, including necessity and certainty, rationalism, empiricism and analyticity, Quine's attack on the a priori, Kantianism, Aristotelianism, mathematical knowledge, moral knowledge, logical knowledge, and philosophical knowledge, accessible to students.
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    What Is Sport? A Response to Jim Parry.Lukáš Mareš & Daniel D. Novotný - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (1):34-48.
    One of the most pressing points in the philosophy of sport is the question of a definition of sport. Approaches towards sport vary based on a paradigm and position of a particular author. This article attempts to analyse and critically evaluates a recent definition of sport presented by Jim Parry in the context of argument that e-sports are not sports. Despite some innovations, his conclusions are in many ways traditional and build on the previous positions. His research, rooted in the (...)
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    Revízia definícií pojmov dostatočná a nutná podmienka1.František Gahér - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (1):16-37.
    Analyzing the process of keeping promise we identify its sequence structure and its phase sequences in time. This allows us to arrive at a time order principle forming according to which obligation performance cannot precede in time its sufficient or necessary conditions performance. We further observe that a given promise must always be taken as an element of a certain system of promises. As a result we review definitions of the terms sufficient condition and necessary condition as no more allowing (...)
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  48. Relevant logic and the theory of information.Edwin Mares - 1996 - Synthese 109 (3):345 - 360.
    This paper provides an interpretation of the Routley-Meyer semantics for a weak negation-free relevant logic using Israel and Perry's theory of information. In particular, Routley and Meyer's ternary accessibility relation is given an interpretation in information-theoretic terms.
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    Idealised versus tainted femininity: discourses of the menstrual experience in Australian magazines that target young women.Maree Raftos, Debra Jackson & Judy Mannix - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (3):174-186.
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    Aristotelés, Etika Eudémova.František Špinka - 2024 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2023 (65):223-232.
    Book review: Aristotelés, Etika Eudémova, Praha (Dybbuk), transl. Viktor Zavřel – Jan Brázdil, 2020, 168 p.
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