Results for 'Francesco Ventorino'

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  1.  7
    Dalla parte della ragione: le grandi questioni del vero e del bene.Francesco Ventorino - 2007 - Castel Bolognese (RA) [Ravenna, Italy]: Itaca.
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    Natural and Artificial Intelligence: A Comparative Analysis of Cognitive Aspects.Francesco Abbate - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (4):791-815.
    Moving from a behavioral definition of intelligence, which describes it as the ability to adapt to the surrounding environment and deal effectively with new situations (Anastasi, 1986), this paper explains to what extent the performance obtained by ChatGPT in the linguistic domain can be considered as intelligent behavior and to what extent they cannot. It also explains in what sense the hypothesis of decoupling between cognitive and problem-solving abilities, proposed by Floridi (2017) and Floridi and Chiriatti (2020) should be interpreted. (...)
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  3. A unified social ontology.Francesco Guala & Frank Hindriks - 2015 - Philosophical Quarterly 65 (259):177-201.
    Current debates in social ontology are dominated by approaches that view institutions either as rules or as equilibria of strategic games. We argue that these two approaches can be unified within an encompassing theory based on the notion of correlated equilibrium. We show that in a correlated equilibrium each player follows a regulative rule of the form ‘if X then do Y’. We then criticize Searle's claim that constitutive rules of the form ‘X counts as Y in C’ are fundamental (...)
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  4. There's Something About Gdel: The Complete Guide to the Incompleteness Theorem.Francesco Berto - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Berto’s highly readable and lucid guide introduces students and the interested reader to Gödel’s celebrated _Incompleteness Theorem_, and discusses some of the most famous - and infamous - claims arising from Gödel's arguments. Offers a clear understanding of this difficult subject by presenting each of the key steps of the _Theorem_ in separate chapters Discusses interpretations of the _Theorem_ made by celebrated contemporary thinkers Sheds light on the wider extra-mathematical and philosophical implications of Gödel’s theories Written in an accessible, non-technical (...)
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  5. (1 other version)The Principle of Bivalence in De interpretatione 4.Francesco Ademollo - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 38:97-113.
    In De int. 9 Aristotle argues that some declarative sentences are neither true nor false. This raises the problem of how we should understand the words of ch. 4, which introduces the declarative sentence as ‘that in which being true or being false holds’. In this paper I remove the contradiction by arguing that in ch. 4 Aristotle does not intend to claim that *all* declarative sentences are either true or false, but rather that *only* they are either true or (...)
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    The Normative and the Evaluative. The Buck-Passing Account of Value.Francesco Orsi - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 70 (280):652-655.
    The Normative and the Evaluative. The Buck-Passing Account of Value. By Rowland Richard.
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  7. Lineamenti di Egonomia politica. Il sistema dell'Io come parametro politico.Francesco Giacomantonio - 2013 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 90 (2):297-305.
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  8. L'agire politico nella società contemporanea: quattro categorie interpretative.Francesco Giacomantonio - 2008 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 85 (3):505-519.
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    Ethics, Rationality, and Economic Behaviour.Francesco Farina, Frank Hahn & Stefano Vannucci (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    The connection between economics and ethics is as old as economics itself, and central to both disciplines. It is an issue that has recently attracted much interest from economists and philosophers. The connection is, in part, a result of the desire of economists to make policy prescriptions, which clearly require some normative criteria. More deeply, much economic theory is founded on the assumption of utility maximization, thereby creating an immediate connection between the foundations of economics and the philosophical literature on (...)
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  10. Dizionario enciclopedico dei pensatori e dei teologi di Sicilia: dalle origini al sec. XVIII.Francesco Armetta (ed.) - 2018 - Caltanissetta: Salvatore Sciascia editore.
    Vol I. A -- Vol II. B -- Vol. III. C -- Vol. IV. D -- Vol. V. E-F -- Vol VI. G -- Vol VII. H-L -- Vol. VIII. M -- Vol. IX. N-Q -- Vol X. R-S -- Vol XI. T-V -- Vol XII. X-Z.
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  11. Domine, fac precor me gustare per amorem quod gusto per cognitionem: una cognitio experimentalis Dei in S. Anselmo d'Aosta?Francesco Asti - 2014 - In Alfredo Simón (ed.), Conoscenza ed affectus in Anselmo d'Aosta: atti del simposio internazionale in occasione del 900° anniversario dalla morte di S. Anselmo d'Aosta, Facoltà di filosofia del Pontificio Ateneo di Sant'Anselmo di Roma, 21-22 aprile 2009. Roma: Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo.
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  12. Interpretazione e interpretabilità dei sistemi formali.Francesco Barone - 1961 - Filosofia 12 (3):357.
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  13. Le scienze umane: concetto, genesi e sviluppo.Francesco Barone - 1985 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 3 (1/2):72-79.
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  14. Metafisica della mente e analisi del pensiero.Francesco Barone - 1958 - Filosofia 9 (3):431.
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    Geometria del conflitto: saggio sulla non-corrispondenza.Francesco Marchesi - 2020 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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  16. Organizzazione come civiltà.Francesco Mauro - 1952 - Milano,: A. Giuffrè.
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  17. Con René Girard nella mappa del labirinto. Un convegno a Salina su ordine e disordine.Francesco Mercadante - 2013 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 90 (2):155-188.
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  18. Il "disincanto del mondo".Francesco Mercadante - 1980 - Filosofia Oggi 3 (4):563.
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    A proposito di libertà.Michele Di Francesco (ed.) - 2009 - Milano: San Raffaele.
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  20. ? Sulla riforma della rappresentanza politica nel ventennio fascista: i lavori della Commissione Solmi (1936-1938).Francesco Stramacci - 1986 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:137-156.
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  21. A Political Justification of Nudging.Francesco Guala & Luigi Mittone - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (3):385-395.
    Thaler and Sunstein justify nudge policies from welfaristic premises: nudges are acceptable because they benefit the individuals who are nudged. A tacit assumption behind this strategy is that we can identify the true preferences of decision-makers. We argue that this assumption is often unwarranted, and that as a consequence nudge policies must be justified in a different way. A possible strategy is to abandon welfarism and endorse genuine paternalism. Another one is to argue that the biases of decision that choice (...)
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    Etre, presence et verite: Platon chez Heidegger (et à rebours).Francesco Fronterotta - 2020 - Studia Phaenomenologica 20:167-189.
    In this article, I wish to present and discuss some Heideggerian theses concerning the notions of “being,” “presence” and “truth” in Plato’s dialogues, taking as a point of departure Heidegger’s course on Plato’s Sophist given in Marburg in 1924–1925. My aim is to show that the fundamental philosophical link that unites them makes it possible to better understand seemingly obscure aspects of the Platonic conception of being and knowledge as it is presented in particular in the concluding pages of Republic (...)
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    Platon. Werke, Band IX 2: Nomoi. Buch VIII-XII, hrsg. von K. Schöpsdau.Francesco Fronterotta - 2014 - Elenchos 35 (2):385-387.
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  24. Has Game Theory Been Refuted?Francesco Guala - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy 103 (5):239-263.
    The answer in a nutshell is: Yes, five years ago, but nobody has noticed. Nobody noticed because the majority of social scientists subscribe to one of the following views: (1) the ‘anomalous’ behaviour observed in standard prisoner’s dilemma or ultimatum game experiments has refuted standard game theory a long time ago; (2) game theory is flexible enough to accommodate any observed choices by ‘refining’ players’ preferences; or (3) it is just a piece of pure mathematics (a tautology). None of these (...)
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  25. Identity across Frames.Francesco Orilia - forthcoming - Topoi.
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    Cratylus 393b–c and the Prehistory of Plato's Text.Francesco Ademollo - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):595-602.
    I discuss a textual problem at Cratylus 393bc and, after establishing the correct text, argue that the MSS readings point to the existence of a textual variant in the margin of an ancestor of the common source of our MSS, presumably an ancient edition of the dialogue. Then I make the further hypothesis that both readings originated as alternative attempts to interpret Plato's ambiguous orthography.
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    La liberté d'être une brebis.Francesco Paolo Adorno - 2011 - Multitudes 45 (2):113-120.
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    Rethinking Human Enhancement: Social Enhancement and Emergent Technologies.Francesco Paolo Adorno - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):247-250.
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    MOOC and NEET? Innovative paths towards the social and economic inclusion of vulnerable young people.Francesco Agrusti, Raffaella Leproni, Fabio Olivieri, Lisa Stillo & Elena Zizioli - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (60):63-80.
    This paper shows the state of the art regarding the possibilities of intervention for the economic and social inclusion of young people Not engaged in Employment, Education, or Training through Massive Open Online Courses in the countries of the European Union, in order to identify and compare good practices and didactic models aimed to contrast the social and economic vulnerabilities of young people. The systematic review, carried out on both generalist and more properly educational databases, has revealed the poor relationship (...)
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    L'individualità dei corpi. Percorsi nell'Etica di Spinoza.Francesco Toto - 2014 - Milano MI, Italia: Mimesis.
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    States of affairs: Bradley vs. Meinong.Francesco Orilia - 2006 - In Venanzio Raspa (ed.), Meinongian issues in contemporary Italian philosophy. Lancaster, LA: Ontos. pp. 213--238.
    In line with much current literature, Bradley’s regress is here discussed as an argument that casts doubt on the existence of states of affairs or facts, understood as complex entities working as truthmakers for true sentences or propositions. One should distinguish two versions of Bradley’s regress, which stem from two different tentative explanations of the unity of states of affairs. The first version actually shows that the corresponding explanation is incoherent; the second one merely points to some prima facie implausible (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Structure of the Mind: Outlines of a Philosophical System.Francesco Belfiore - 2004 - Upa.
    This book represents a unique attempt to restore a 'new-classical' aspiration towards a philosophical system able to provide some certainties. Using the distinctive feature of presenting an original and complete philosophical system, author Francesco Belfiore diverges from the philosophical literature of the last decades, which has been ever more focused upon specific fields.
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  33. Money as an Institution and Money as an Object.Francesco Guala - 2020 - Journal of Social Ontology 6 (2):265-279.
    The folk conception of money as an object is not a promising starting point to develop general, explanatory metaphysical accounts of the social world. A theory of institutions as rules in equilibrium is more consistent with scientific theories of money, is able to shed light on the folk view, and side-steps some unnecessary puzzles.
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    Moral Aptitude and The Moral Sanction in Bentham's Institutional Architecture: Is There Any Room For Non-Egoistic Motivation?Francesco Ferraro - 2011 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 1 (1):11-19.
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  35. Teratology and theodicy the generation problem in Leibniz's thought.Francesco Giampietri - 2012 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 41 (4).
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    La libertà, il male, Dio. Gli ultimi scritti di Luigi Pareyson.Francesco Russo - 1996 - Acta Philosophica 5 (1):1.
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  37. Caravaggio ei pittori dell'ispirazione.Francesco Saracino - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (3):496-522.
    This essay considers, among other paintings, two of the most important of Caravaggio's works in reference to the theological debate concerning the inspiration of the Bible and of the Gospel of Matthew, a lively debate among contemporaries of the painter. The focus of the essay is to demonstrate a method for the analysis of figurative representations of religious themes. Liberating these works from the confines of art history, it analyzes them in the context of the Christian experience, as it was (...)
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  38. Scenari dell’impossibile. La contraddizione nel pensiero contemporaneo.Francesco Altea & Francesco Berto (eds.) - 2007 - Il Poligrafo.
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    L'ÊTRE ET LA PARTICIPATION DE L'AUTRE: Une nouvelle ontologie dans le Sophiste.Francesco Fronterotta - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
  40. Intelligible Forms, Mathematics and the Soul’s Circles: An Interpretation of Tim. 37a-c.Francesco Fronterotta - 2007 - Les Études Platoniciennes 4:119-127.
  41. Sidgwick and the Morality of Purity.Francesco Orsi - 2012 - Revue d'Etudes Benthamiennes 10 (10).
    The aim of this work is to bring analytically to light Sidgwick’s complex views on sexual morality. Sidgwick saw nothing intrinsically, self-evidently, and even derivatively wrong in getting sexual pleasure for its own sake. However, the overall consequences of attempting to modify common sense in matters of sexual ethics seemed to him to be worse, at his time, than retaining the moral category of purity. Sidgwick’s view is then contrasted with John Stuart Mill’s, whom he directly mentions in this connection. (...)
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    Cartografia politica: spazi e soggetti del conflitto in Niccolò Machiavelli.Francesco Marchesi - 2018 - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki editore.
  43. Simone Weil sui partiti politici.Francesco Mercadante - 2012 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 89 (4):467-471.
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    Hegel e la “scienza newtoniana”.Francesco Moiso - 1997 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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  45. A proposito del nuovo spiritualismo di Armando Carlini.Francesco Olgiati - 1932 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 24:373.
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  46. Mazzini filosofo.Francesco Olgiati - 1918 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 10 (3):286.
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    “L'”arte del cinematografo: articoli e saggi teorici.Francesco Pasinetti, Ilario Ierace & Giovanna Grignaffini - 1980 - Venezia: Marsilio. Edited by Ilario Ierace & Giovanna Grignaffini.
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    A Moral Methode of Ciuile Policie, Contayninge a Learned and Fruictful Discourse of the Institution, State and Gouernment of a Common Weale: Abridged Oute of the Commentaries of the Reuerende and Famous Clerke, Franciscus Patricius, Byshop of Caieta in Italye.Francesco Patrizi & Richard Robinson - 1576 - Imprinted at London ... By Thomas Marsh.
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    Izabrani politički spisi.Francesco Patrizi - 1998 - Zagreb: Golden Marketing. Edited by Vladimir Premec.
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  50. The Intangible Individuality of Human Beings. The Originality of Edith Stein’s Perspective.Francesco Alfieri - 2015 - In The Presence of Duns Scotus in the Thought of Edith Stein: The question of individuality. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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