Results for 'Francesco Thomas'

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  1.  8
    From genetic mosaicism to tumorigenesis through indirect genetic effects.Jean-Pascal Capp, Francesco Catania & Frédéric Thomas - forthcoming - Bioessays:2300238.
    Genetic mosaicism has long been linked to aging, and several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the potential connections between mosaicism and susceptibility to cancer. It has been proposed that mosaicism may disrupt tissue homeostasis by affecting intercellular communications and releasing microenvironmental constraints within tissues. The underlying mechanisms driving these tissue‐level influences remain unidentified, however. Here, we present an evolutionary perspective on the interplay between mosaicism and cancer, suggesting that the tissue‐level impacts of genetic mosaicism can be attributed to Indirect (...)
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    Ethics and Planning Research.Francesco Lo Piccolo & Huw Thomas - 2009 - Routledge.
    The consideration of ethics in social research has gained increasing prominence in the past few years, particularly research which seeks to inform public policy. This book presents an examination of issues relating to research ethics in planning for an international audience.
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    Enhancing model checking in verification by AI techniques.Francesco Buccafurri, Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob & Nicola Leone - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 112 (1-2):57-104.
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    A plausible link between the time-on-task effect and the sequential task effect.Thomas Mangin, Michel Audiffren, Alison Lorcery, Francesco Mirabelli, Abdelrhani Benraiss & Nathalie André - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mental fatigue can be studied by using either the time-on-task protocol or the sequential task protocol. In the time-on-task protocol, participants perform a long and effortful task and a decrease in performance in this task is generally observed over time. In the sequential task protocol, a first effortful or control task is followed by a second effortful task. The performance in the second task is generally worse after the effortful task than after the control task. The principal aim of the (...)
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    TV vs. YouTube: TV Advertisements Capture More Visual Attention, Create More Positive Emotions and Have a Stronger Impact on Implicit Long-Term Memory.David Weibel, Roman di Francesco, Roland Kopf, Samuel Fahrni, Adrian Brunner, Philipp Kronenberg, Janek S. Lobmaier, Thomas P. Reber, Fred W. Mast & Bartholomäus Wissmath - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  6. Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola: His Life, by G.F. Pico: Also Three of His Letters; His Interpretation of Psalm Xvi; His Twelve Rules of a Christian Life [&C.] Tr. By Sir T. More. Ed., with Intr. And Notes, by J.M. Rigg.Giovanni Francesco Pico Della Mirandola, Thomas More & James Mcmullen Rigg - 1890
  7. Here is Coteyned the Lyfe of Johan Picus Erle of Myrandula [by G.F. Pico Della Mirandola]. With Dyuers Epystles & Other Werkes of Ye Sayd Johan Picus.Giovanni Francesco Pico Della Mirandola & Thomas More - 1525 - W. De Worde.
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    Francesco Patrizi’s concept of “nature”: presence and refutation of Stoicism.Thomas Leinkauf - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (4):575-593.
    This essay analyzes the ways in which, in his Nova de Universis Philosophia, Francesco Patrizi uses, adopts, and, in some cases, rejects the Stoic philosophical tradition. Although, at first glance, most of Patrizi’s remarks on Stoicism and Stoic understanding of nature are critical – as this article demonstrates – he widely relied on Stoic teaching that he sought to combine with Neoplatonism and the prisca theologia doctrine.
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  9. Controuersiæad Vniuersam Summam Theologiæd. Thomæaquinatis Ecclesiædoctoris, Necnon Ad Quatuor Libros Magistri Sententiarum. In Quibus Primum Doctoris Vtriuq[Ue] Sententia Nouis Speculationibus Illustrata.Xantes Mariales, Francesco Thomas, Peter Lombard & Bolzetta - 1624 - Apud Franciscum Bolzetam.
  10. Francesco patrizi (1529-1597) : New philosophies of history, poetry, and the world.Thomas Leinkauf - 2010 - In Paul Richard Blum (ed.), Philosophers of the Renaissance. Catholic University of America Press.
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    Distinct Neural Processes for Memorizing Form and Meaning Within Sentences.Matteo Mascelloni, Roberto Zamparelli, Francesco Vespignani, Thomas Gruber & Jutta L. Mueller - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:490808.
    In order to memorize sentences we use both processes of language comprehension during encoding and processes of language production during maintenance. While the former processes are easily testable via controlled presentation of the input, the latter are more difficult to assess directly as language production is typically initiated and controlled internally. In the present event-related potential (ERP) study we track subvocal rehearsal of sentences, with the goal of studying the concomitant planning processes with the help of a silent cued-production task. (...)
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    The Key to the Study of St. Thomas.Francesco Olgiati - 1929 - Herder.
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    Peace and war in Thomas More’s «Utopia»: just war and pacifist thought in the XVIth century.Francesco Raschi - 2016 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1).
    Through an historical-conceptual analysis of Utopia, the essay examines several features of More’s international political thought, drawing attention to the analogies that permit to compare his work to contemporary theories and practices of justifying war. From this perspective, More’s conceptualisation of just war constitutes an early modern attempt to legitimise states’ policies aimed at exporting specific political and cultural models to other states, relying on the assumption that such models are intrinsically valuable or constitute optimal solutions for the life of (...)
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    EMG patterns during assisted walking in the exoskeleton.Francesca Sylos-Labini, Valentina La Scaleia, Andrea D'Avella, Iolanda Pisotta, Federica Tamburella, Giorgio Scivoletto, Marco Molinari, Shiqian Wang, Letian Wang, Edwin van Asseldonk, Herman van der Kooij, Thomas Hoellinger, Guy Cheron, Freygardur Thorsteinsson, Michel Ilzkovitz, Jeremi Gancet, Ralf Hauffe, Frank Zanov, Francesco Lacquaniti & Yuri P. Ivanenko - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Thomas Szasz: la critica psichiatrica come forma bioetica.Francesco Codato - 2013 - Milano: Albo Versorio.
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  16. The key to the study of St. Thomas from the Italian of Msgr.Francesco Olgiati - 1925 - St. Louis, Mo.: and London, B. Herder book co.. Edited by Zybura, S. John & [From Old Catalog].
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    Philosophia scholastica secundum "rationem, doctrinam et principia" S. Thomae Aquinatis ad usum seminariorum.Francesco Saverio Calcagno - 1956 - Neopoli,: M. D'Auria. Edited by Carlo Ferraris.
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    Quantum Africa 2010: theoretical and experimental foundations of recent quantum technology, Umhlanga, South Africa, 20-23 September 2010.Erwin Bruning, Thomas Konrad & Francesco Petruccione (eds.) - 2012 - Melville, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics.
    The conference Quantum Africa 2010 addressed recent advances, both theoretical and experimental, in the rapidly progressing field of quantum technologies. In particular progress in the foundations of quantum cryptography, quantum computing as well as quantum metrology was reported.
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    Thomas Davidson e la filosofia rosminiana.Samuele Francesco Tadini - 2016 - Stresa: Edizioni rosminiane.
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  20. Francesco Patrizi, Neue Philosophien der Geschichte, der Dichtung und der Welt.Thomas Leinkauf - 1999 - In Paul Richard Blum (ed.), Philosophen der Renaissance. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft/Primus. pp. 173--187.
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    Virtual Reality for Neuroarchitecture: Cue Reactivity in Built Spaces.Cristiano Chiamulera, Elisa Ferrandi, Giulia Benvegnù, Stefano Ferraro, Francesco Tommasi, Bogdan Maris, Thomas Zandonai & Sandra Bosi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Individuo, potere e relazione in Thomas Hobbes.Francesco Toto - 2016 - Società Degli Individui 55:143-158.
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    Analogia e univocità: una convivenza possibile? Il caso Petrus Thomae.Francesco Marrone - 2023 - Doctor Virtualis 18:277-304.
    La storia medievale della teologia e della metafisica è attraversata da una rilevante discussione a proposito della predicazione della nozione di ente. I modelli più spesso evocati a tal fine sono stati, com’è noto, l’analogia e l’univocità. Rispetto a questa alternativa, la tendenza generale degli interpreti è stata quella di intendere l’univocità e l’analogia come regimi predicativi opposti o contraddittori. Questa tesi ha dato vita a una sorta di opinione comune e diffusamente condivisa. La verità di questa tesi, tuttavia, non (...)
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    Provocazioni sul tema della verità nel tomismo.Francesco Bertoldi - 1995 - Divus Thomas 10:9-26.
    [ita] L'articolo analizza la concezione di verità in Tommaso d'Aquino, di cui si sottolinea una sostanziale validità, a patto di integrarsi con la prospettiva più affettivo-esistenziale tipica della Patristica e di Blondel. [eng] The article analyzes the conception of truth in Tommaso d'Aquino, underlining a substantial validity of it, provided that it is completed with the most existential perspective typical of the Patristic and Blondel.
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    Blondel e la verità come adaequatio realis.Francesco Bertoldi - 1994 - Sapienza:337/55 - 337/55.
    Blondel was attacked as relativist by neotomists such as Garrigou-Lagrange: here we explain how his conception of truth is not relativistic. [in italian].
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    Der satiriker Francesco filelfoein lucilius der renaissance.Thomas Haye - 2003 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 147 (1):129-150.
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  27. Cancellare il Medioevo filosofico?Francesco Bertoldi - 1989 - Per la Filosofia (n. 16):52/61.
    Medieval philosophy is a very rich thought and deserves to be studied with more attention and more time than they do in schools.
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    Giuseppe Giordano. Tra paradigmi e rivoluzioni: Thomas Kuhn. 206 pp., index. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 1997. L 20,000. [REVIEW]Francesco Guala - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):358-359.
    Thomas Kuhn was not only the greatest historian of science but also one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. Faced with such a significant character, Giuseppe Giordano has decided to focus on Kuhn “the philosopher,” touching on the historian only indirectly. The book is roughly divided into two parts. The first one is devoted to a reconstruction of the genesis of Kuhn's most important ideas, focusing in particular on the essay “The Essential Tension” and on The (...)
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    Review of Thomas Piketty’s Capital and Ideology. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2020, 1093 pp. [REVIEW]Francesco Guala - 2021 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 13 (2).
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    Marsilius von Padua und Francesco Petrarca in Lüttich.Thomas Haye - 2021 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 55 (1):269-309.
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  31. Verità e certezza: il ruolo dei fattori extrateoretici.Francesco Bertoldi - 2008 - Divus Thomas 51 (3):207-39.
    Conoscere non riguarda solo l'intelligenza, ma anche l'affettività e un insieme di fattori extra-teoretici (=non meramente conoscitivi o intellettuali). In particolare una certezza esistenzialmente forte sui problemi filosofici decisivi non può essere raggiunta senza un coinvolgimento della libertà, in una “esperienza integrale”.
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    L’estetica di Nietzsche: l’umano tra salute e malattia.Francesco Cattaneo & Carlo Chiurco - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 27 (3).
    Nietzsche’s life and thinking have been deeply influenced by the experience of illness and the related struggle to health, in a way that goes far beyond the very well-known episode of his mental breakdown. In the first part of this paper the history of the reception of the topic is reconsidered, focusing on the initial, “moral” interpretation of health and illness in Nietzsche, on the later stances of Thomas Mann and Georges Canguilhelm, the former offering a psychological perspective, the (...)
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    La verità in Blondel o la non-possedibilità del vero [1a].Francesco Bertoldi - 2000 - Divus Thomas 26 (2):110-132.
    [ita] Blondel offre una prospettiva gnoseologica complementare al tomismo: se quest'ultimo sottolinea troppo la forza del concetto, Blondel da parte sua la relativizza un po' troppo. Tra le due prospettive occorre quindi cercare una sintesi. -/- [eng] Blondel offers a gnoseological perspective complementary to tomism: if the latter excessively underlines the strength of the concept, Blondel instead underestimates it. Between the two perspectives it is therefore necessary to seek a synthesis.
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  34. L'uomo di fronte alla sofferenza.Francesco Botturi - 2003 - Divus Thomas 106 (1):196-203.
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    Coscienza e soggettività. La scienza cognitiva ha eliminato le persone?Michele Di Francesco & Alfredo Tomasetta - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia 104 (3):403-420.
    Some philosophers and cognitive scientists think that a naturalised philosophy of the (self-) conscious mind should lead us to reject the very existence of the self. The paper focuses on two case-studies which are representative of this kind of attitude. In particular we examine, and criticise, Thomas Metzinger's 'no-self alternative' and Daniel Dennett's narrative elimination of the self. Our aim is not to prove that any elimination of the self from the inventory of the world based on the empirical (...)
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    Zum Begriff des ‚Geistes‘ in der Frühen Neuzeit. Überlegungen am Beispiel Francesco Patrizi da Chersos.Thomas Leinkauf - 2008 - In Marie-Élise Zovko & John Dillon (eds.), Platonism and Forms of Intelligence. Akademie Verlag. pp. 159-178.
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    Subject-matter and intensional operators I: conditional-agnostic analytic implication.Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (7):1849-1879.
    Although logical settings are typically concerned with tracking alethic considerations, frameworks exist in which topic-theoretic considerations—e.g., tracking subject-matter or topic—are given equal importance. Intuitions about extending topic through a propositional language are generally straightforward for extensional cases. For a number of reasons, arriving at a compelling account of the subject-matter of intensional operators—such as intensional conditionals—is a more difficult task. In particular, the framework of topic-sensitive intentional modals (TSIMs) championed by Francesco Berto and his collaborators leave the topics of (...)
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    The Presence of Duns Scotus in the Thought of Edith Stein: The question of individuality.Francesco Alfieri - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book examines the phenomenological anthropology of Edith Stein. It specifically focuses on the question which Stein addressed in her work Finite and Eternal Being: What is the foundational principle that makes the individual unique and unrepeatable within the human species? Traditional analyses of Edith Stein's writings have tended to frame her views on this issue as being influenced by Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, while neglecting her interest in the lesser-known figure of Duns Scotus. Yet, as this book shows, (...)
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  39. Quale barba per il rasoio di ockham?: Problemi del riduzionismo metafisico.Francesco Berto & Enrico Bellinelli - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (2):9-28.
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    The Modern Guise of the Good.Francesco Orsi (ed.) - 2023 - Routledge.
    This book is the first-ever collection dedicated to the guise of the good in early modern and later Western philosophy. It spans three centuries from Thomas Hobbes to Henry Sidgwick and features original contributions by some of the finest scholars. -/- One of the staple items of Western philosophy is the idea that we can only desire, or pursue, something under the guise of the good: if we see nothing good about it, we cannot want it. After enjoying its (...)
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    Goldbach’s Conjecture as a ‘Transcendental’ Theorem.Francesco Panizzoli - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (5):463-481.
    Goldbach’s conjecture, if not read in number theory, but in a precise foundation theory of mathematics, that refers to the metaphysical ‘theory of the participation’ of Thomas Aquinas, poses a surprising analogy between the category of the quantity, within which the same arithmetic conjecture is formulated, and the transcendental/formal dimension. It says: every even number is ‘like’ a two, that is: it has the form-of-two. And that means: it is the composition of two units; not two equal arithmetic units, (...)
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    (1 other version)Grundriss Philosophie des Humanismus und der Renaissance (1350-1600).Thomas Leinkauf - 2017 - Hamburg: Meiner.
    Zu Beginn seiner Abhandlung *Über das einsame Leben* (De vita solitaria) schreibt Francesco Petrarca 1346: *Niemand schafft es, lange unter Wasser zu leben. Es ist unausweichlich, dass er auftaucht und das Antlitz, das er verbarg, offen zeigt.* René Descartes dagegen, in seinen Cogitationes privatae, notiert dreihundert Jahre später: *Wie die Komödianten [...] Masken anziehen, so schreite ich, der ich am Schauspiel dieser Welt [...] teilzunehmen gedenke, mit einer Maske bedeckt voran.*-Einmal die offene, einmal die verdeckte Konfrontation: bei Petrarca ein (...)
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  43. San Tommaso d’Aquino e San Francesco d’Assisi. [REVIEW]Thomas Williams - 2011 - Alpha Omega 14 (2):315-316.
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    Motivi dell'antirealismo moderno.Francesco Bertoldi - 2002 - Divus Thomas 32 (2):175/201 - 175/201.
    Perché la filosofia moderna (post-medioevale) si è progressivamente allontanata dal realismo, dalla tradizionale idea di verità come conformità (_adaequatio_) alla realtà. Vi è sia una (sofferta) reazione agli eccessi dogmatici (e potenzialmente intolleranti) del tipo di realismo medioevale, sia una volontà di sottrarsi, sottraendosi all'oggettività del finito, alla dipendenza da Dio, Oggettività suprema.
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    Il dibattito sulla verità tra Blondel e Garrigou-Lagrange.Francesco Bertoldi - 1990 - Sapienza 43 (fasc.3):293/310 - 293/310.
    The Dominican Garrigou-Lagrange contested the definition of truth proposed by Maurice Blondel as relativistic and modernistic. That definition (adaequatio realis mentis et vitae) influenced a lot of theologians of Nouvelle Théologie, stressing an existential sense of truth.
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    Osservazioni sul rapporto fede/ragione.Francesco Bertoldi - 1990 - Per la Filosofia 20:91-98.
    Between faith and reason there is no opposition or contradiction, but possible harmony. On the one hand, God don't want that his intelligent creatures walk in the dark. On the other hand, however, he wants to be loved freely by his intelligent creatures, and therefore does not force us to believe in Him.
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    The Style of the Divine Hand: Francesco Bocchio on the Santissima Annunziata.Thomas Frangenberg - 2016 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 79 (1):131-148.
    Bocchi's Opera sopra l'imagine miracolosa della Santissima Nunziata di Fiorenza of 1592 is concerned with the miracle-working image in the Florentine Servite church of SS. Annunziata. The image theory expounded in this book is in part derived from Aristotle, but Bocchi nonetheless allows for the fresco's miraculous nature. He addresses questions relating to the artistic authorship and style of the image, widely believed not to have been completed by human hand, and thus arrives at a new understanding of the fresco (...)
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  48.  26
    Riflessioni sulla necessità e possibilità del vero.Francesco Bertoldi - 2003 - Divus Thomas 106 (2):73-85.
    Molta filosofia moderna rifiuta l'idea di verità (filosofica) oggettiva, in quanto porterebbe alla violenza. Così ad esempio Derrida. Ma una corretta idea di verità oggettiva non ha questa implicazione di intolleranza.
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    L'anima di san Tommaso: saggio filosofico intorno alla concezione Tomista.Francesco Olgiati - 1925 - Società Editrice "Vita E Pensiero.".
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    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: Baryon acoustic oscillations in the data releases 10 and 11 galaxy samples. [REVIEW]Lauren Anderson, Éric Aubourg, Stephen Bailey, Florian Beutler, Vaishali Bhardwaj, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, J. Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Angela Burden, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Antonio J. Cuesta, Kyle S. Dawson, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Stephanie Escoffier, James E. Gunn, Hong Guo, Shirley Ho, Klaus Honscheid, Cullan Howlett, David Kirkby, Robert H. Lupton, Marc Manera, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Olga Mena, Francesco Montesano, Robert C. Nichol, Sebastián E. Nuza, Matthew D. Olmstead, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, John Parejko, Will J. Percival, Patrick Petitjean, Francisco Prada, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Beth Reid, Natalie A. Roe, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Shun Saito, Lado Samushia, Ariel G. Sánchez, David J. Schlegel, Donald P. Schneider, Claudia G. Scoccola, Hee-Jong Seo, Ramin A. Skibba, Michael A. Strauss, Molly E. C. Swanson, Daniel Thomas, Jeremy L. Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Mariana Vargas Magaña, Licia Verde & Dav Wake - unknown
    We present a one per cent measurement of the cosmic distance scale from the detections of the baryon acoustic oscillations in the clustering of galaxies from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, which is part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. Our results come from the Data Release 11 sample, containing nearly one million galaxies and covering approximately 8500 square degrees and the redshift range 0.2 < z < 0.7. We also compare these results with those from the publicly released (...)
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