Results for 'France Jutras'

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  1.  15
    Repères pour l'éthique professionnelle des enseignants.Christiane Gohier & France Jutras (eds.) - 2009 - Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    Avec le mouvement de professionnalisation de l'enseignement, la compétence éthique est devenue une caractéristique désirée du professionnalisme dans l'enseignement.
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    L'ecologie a L'Ecole.Yves Bertrand, Paul Valois & France Jutras - 1997 - Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France.
    the ultimate view of ecology and spirituality.
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    Na novih razpotjih.France Bučar - 2006 - Celje: Celjska Mohorjeva družba.
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    Concepts of Cooperation in the Classroom.Michael Schleifer, Marie-France Daniel, Richard Pallascio & Louise Lafortune - 1999 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 12 (2):45-56.
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  5. Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Philosophy for Children1.Marie-France Daniel & Emmanuelle Auriac - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (5):415-435.
    For centuries, philosophy has been considered as an intellectual activity requiring complex cognitive skills and predispositions related to complex (or critical) thinking. The Philosophy for Children (P4C) approach aims at the development of critical thinking in pupils through philosophical dialogue. Some contest the introduction of P4C in the classroom, suggesting that the discussions it fosters are not philosophical in essence. In this text, we argue that P4C is philosophy.
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    Droit et morale.Dominique Bureau, France Drummond, Dominique Fenouillet & Olivier Descamps (eds.) - 2011 - [Paris]: Dalloz.
    Droit et morale Sous la direction de Dominique Bureau, France Drummond et Dominique Fenouillet Véritable « pont aux ânes de la pédagogie juridique », la question des relations qu'entretiennent Droit et Morale appelle une réponse doctrinale presque invariable: la séparation de principe n'exclurait pas l'influence réciproque. Le droit contemporain semble pourtant traversé par deux courants a priori antinomiques: ici, la référence morale est invoquée comme une sorte de « tabou » qui justifierait le retrait du droit, alors que, là, (...)
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  7. The role of oriental emigrants in Constantin ople and the byzantine empire (8th to 9th C.): Stand and perspectives.Marie-France Auzepy - 2012 - Al-Qantara 33 (2):475 - 503.
    Cet article est une tentative pour mesurer les conséquences démographiques, pour l�Empire, de la perte des provinces orientales du fait de la conquête musulmane. Les sources, surtout les sources grecques, sont rares et donnent seulement quelques informations ponctuelles sur les transferts forcés de population, sur quelques individus quittant le califat et rejoignant l�Empire à dessein et enfin sur la destinée de quelques renégats. Comme d�habitude à cette époque, en raison du quasi monopole des sources ecclésiastiques, les renseignements sont plus nombreux (...)
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  8. Quelles relations entre le développement de la pensée critique dialogique et les représentations sociales des jeunes analysées sous forme de « scènes » ? Étude de cas chez des adolescents marocains Recherches en Éducation, 41, 126-145.Marie-France Daniel - 2020 - Recherches En Education 41:126-145.
    Cet article se base sur des résultats d’enquête récents montrant que, chez des adolescents marocains âgés de dix à dix-huit ans, les manifestations de pensée critique dialogique se si-tuent majoritairement dans une « perspective épistémologique » appelée « relativisme » par un modèle développemental élaboré dans les quinze dernières années avec la méthode de la théorie ancrée. Pour comprendre ces résultats de recherche, qui contrastent avec ceux obte-nus auprès d’adolescents québécois et français appartenant aux mêmes groupes d’âge, nous décrivons, dans (...)
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    Differences in Attitudes Toward Reading: A Survey of Pupils in Grades 5 to 8.Pascale Nootens, Marie-France Morin, Denis Alamargot, Carolina Gonçalves, Michèle Venet & Anne-Marie Labrecque - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Esthétiques sans esthétique.James Kirwan & France Grenaudier-Klijn - 2012 - Diogène n° 233-234 (1):253-263.
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    Experiential Simulations of Ethical Dilemmas in Accounting: Overcoming Challenges to Stimulate Ethical Thinking.Claire-France Picard & Cynthia Courtois - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 20:163-194.
    Given the current business environment, business managers and accountants are more likely to encounter situations with ethical implications. Hence, business and accounting education should prioritize ethical skills such as critical thinking. However, significant pedagogical challenges await those who wish to venture down this path. Despite new educational tools in business and accounting ethics, we believe that new activities are needed to improve the acquisition of skills in professional ethics among students. Thus, we developed experiential simulations of ethical dilemmas inspired from (...)
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  12. De l’analyse des routines vers la gestion de classe et la professionnalisation.France Lacourse - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (3):19-32.
    How can imperceptible knowledge such as professional routines in class immediacy be taught? How to express their main principles and their construction in formation? These routines create a sense of security among both students and teachers; it is a frame favouring successful classroom management. They come under the scope of integrated competencies, and this prompts their analysis in view of understanding a central link within initial professionalization. This paper will present the concept of professional routines as an educational practice in (...)
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    Facing new challenges to informed consent processes in the context of translational research: the case in CARPEM consortium.Marie-France Mamzer, Anita Burgun, Cécile Badoual, Pierre Laurent-Puig & Elise Jacquier - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundIn the context of translational research, researchers have increasingly been using biological samples and data in fundamental research phases. To explore informed consent practices, we conducted a retrospective study on informed consent documents that were used for CARPEM’s translational research programs. This review focused on detailing their form, their informational content, and the adequacy of these documents with the international ethical principles and participants’ rights.MethodsInformed consent forms (ICFs) were collected from CARPEM investigators. A content analysis focused on information related to (...)
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    Penser l’expérience dans le processus d’autonomisation en santé : enjeux des médiations narratives.Anne-France Hardy & Jerôme Eneau - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (3):51-63.
    This research questions the prevention and health promotion practices developed for young people, in France, and re-examines the nature of competences enlisted in the classical model of empowerment in health education. Moving away from the epidemiological postulate of evidence based medicine (EBM), it explores another approach of these educational practices. The research uses the perspective of narrative mediation; it tries also to identify issues about a better knowledge of oneself, making more comprehensive the issues of young students’ health.
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    Diderot and L'EncyclopedieDiderot.The "Encyclopedie."Rhetoric and Truth in France: Descartes to Diderot.Aram Vartanian, Arthur M. Wilson, John Lough & Peter France - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (2):303.
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    Tristan Murail.France) Société Française D'analyse Musicale, Sociologie Et Didactique de la Musique Jean-Marc Centre de Recherche En Psychologie, Fabien Ircam France), Chouvel & Lévy - 2002 - Editions L'Harmattan.
    Tristan Murail est, avec Gérard Grisey, un des deux grands représentants de ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler la "musique spectrale". L'expression indique une référence constante à la structure microscopique des spectres sonores : c'est la vie intérieure des sons, avec leur harmonicité ou inharmonicité, leurs transitoires d'attaque ou d'extinction, qui constitue chez Murail le modèle par excellence pour construire des formes musicales. Cet ouvrage - le premier entièrement consacré à l'œuvre de Murail - évoque sa situation esthétique face à d'autres (...)
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    Medieval queenship.John France - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (4):625-626.
  18. Fragments de parcours littéraire.France Theoret - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:43-52.
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    The Developmental Dynamics of a Community of Philosophical Inquiry in an Elementary School Mathematics Classroom.Marie-France Daniel, Louise Lafortune, Richard Pallascio & Michael Schleifer - 2000 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 15 (1):2-9.
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    Palliative care and its holistic model.Jean-Christophe Mino & France Lert - 2005 - Hec Forum: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Hospitals' Ethical and Legal Issues 17 (3):227-236.
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    Paul CESBRON et Yvonne KNIBIEHLER, La Naissance en Occident, Paris, Albin Michel, 2004, 363 p.Marie-France Morel - 2005 - Clio 21:20-20.
    Voici un livre à deux voix, où s’entrelacent en un dialogue (rendu sensible par des typographies contrastées) les réflexions d’une grande historienne de la maternité et celles d’un gynécologue obstétricien d’aujourd’hui. Il s’agit de comprendre les profondes transformations de la procréation et de la naissance dans nos sociétés en revenant sur l’histoire longue des croyances et des pratiques autour de la grossesse et de l’accouchement. Même s’il n’est pas question de proposer un retour à l’an...
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  22. Weighing Business Ethics on a Lickert Scale.Marie-France Lebouc - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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    Gildan Inc.Marie-France B.-Turcotte, Stéphane de Belleeuille & Frank de Hond - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:357-362.
    Social standards have become important tools in corporate governance. They are often presented as voluntary initiatives in CSR and are generally based on the principle of multi-stakeholder collaboration as a means to gain legitimacy. Yet, based on a case study of a company in the textile industry, the paper shows that not all CSR standards are equally valued and that the adoption of particular CSR standards can be the result of external constraints on managerial discretion, e.g. emerging from business partners (...)
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  24. Refiguración poética del sí mismo: una interioridad con historia.Marie-France Begué - 1997 - Escritos de Filosofía 16 (32):139-160.
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    Victimes de violences et d'accidents collectifsSituations exceptionnelles, préjudices exceptionnels: Réflexions et interrogations.Marie-France Steinle-Feuerbach - 2000 - Médecine et Droit 2000 (45):1-8.
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    The influence of the degree of the deviation from the bragg condition on the visibility of dislocations in copper.M. H. Loretto & L. K. France - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (157):141-154.
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    Ollier in Wonderland or "On the Other Side of the Mirror".Jacques Lovichi & France M. Mugler - 1976 - Substance 5 (13):68.
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    Entropy as the main justification for research in medical ethics.Marie-France Mamzer, Christophe Tresallet, Louis Pantel & Alban Zarzavadjian Le Bian - 2022 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 17 (1):1-2.
    Ethics is an unconventional field of research for a surgeon, as ethics in surgery owns several specificities and surgery is considered an aggressive specialty. Therefore, the interest of research in medical ethics is sometimes unclear.In this short essay, we discussed the interest of research in medical ethics using a comparison to thermodynamics and mainly, entropy. During the transformation of a figure from one state to another, some energy is released or absorbed; yet, a part of this energy is wasted because (...)
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  29. Philosophy for Children: The Continuation of Dewey's Democratic Project.Marie-France Daniel, Michael Schleifer & Pierre Lebouis - 1992 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 13 (1).
    Matthew Lipman is an American philosopher who conceived, in the 1970s, a method to help children think in an autonomous, critical and reasonable way. This method is a global approach which aims to develop the personal as well as the intellectual, the moral and the social aspects of the person; it is an educative project in the broad sense of the term. This holistic project takes the form of a program of philosophy for students from five to fifteen years old. (...)
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    Vigencia del filosofar: homenaje a Héctor D. Mandrioni.Marie-France Bequé de Gilotaux, María Raquel Fischer de Díez & María Gabriela Rebok (eds.) - 1991 - Buenos Aires, Argentina ;: Ediciones Paulinas.
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  31. Marx, the Video a Politics of Revolting Bodies.Rick Maxwell, Marilyn Wulff, Chuck France, Murray Smith & Yvonne Schofer - 1990 - Video Data Bank [Distributor].
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  32. Piété et Theophilia.Marie-France Hazebroucq - 1998 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 16 (2):49-78.
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    Approach for Qualitative Validation Using Aggregated Data for a Stochastic Simulation Model of the Spread of the Bovine Viral-Diarrhoea Virus in a Dairy Cattle Herd.Anne-France Viet, Christine Fourichon, Christine Jacob, Chantal Guihenneuc-Jouyaux & Henri Seegers - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (3):207-217.
    Qualitative validation consists in showing that a model is able to mimic available observed data. In population level biological models, the available data frequently represent a group status, such as pool testing, rather than the individual statuses. They are aggregated. Our objective was to explore an approach for qualitative validation of a model with aggregated data and to apply it to validate a stochastic model simulating the bovine viral-diarrhoea virus (BVDV) spread within a dairy cattle herd. Repeated measures of the (...)
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  34. A Primary School Curriculum to Foster Thinking About Mathematics.Marie-France Daniel, Louise LaFortune, Richard Pallascio & Pierre Sykes - 1994 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 15 (1).
    Since the Fall of 1993, at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur l'Apprentissage et le D/span>veloppement en /span>ducation of the Universit/span> du Qu/span>bec /span> Montr/span>al, two mathematicians and one philosopher have collaborated to design and develop a research project involving philosophy, mathematics and sciences. Previous observations in the classroom had led the researchers to realize that, within the school curriculum, children like some subject matters and dislike others. Most of them usually succeed in arts, physical education and language arts, but (...)
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    Audrey-Anne's Tales.Marie-France Daniel - 2000 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 15 (3):26-32.
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    Learning to Think and to Speak.Marie-France Daniel & Ann-Marie Michel - 2000 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 15 (3):17-25.
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  37. Reflections on Teacher Formation: When School and University Enter Together in a Process of Continuous Thinking.Marie-France Daniel - 1991 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 12 (2).
    In Quebec, a Committee on Teacher's Formation and Improvement suggested to the Ministry of Education, in 1979, that university research be carried out in collaboration with teachers and contribute to the improvement of the quality of teacher formation. The Committee proposed that university and school work together, think together and discuss together problems related to children and education.
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    Thinking, mind, the existence of God,..Marie-France Daniel - 1988 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 7 (3):21-22.
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    The Family Alliance Model: A Way to Study and Characterize Early Family Interactions.Nicolas Favez, France Frascarolo & Hervé Tissot - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Histoire Des Mots Et Histoire des Sciences de L’Homme.Laurent Loty & Marie-France Piguet - 2007 - Revue de Synthèse 128 (1-2):233-238.
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    La réparation des préjudices : aspects juridiques☆.Marie-France Steinlé-Feuerbach - 2010 - Médecine et Droit 2010 (100-101):49-55.
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    Le travail du rêve dans l'espace intersubjectif des thérapies de couple.Marie-France Paquient - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 166 (4):37-44.
    Dans sa clinique, l’auteur, psychothérapeute, a souvent eu l’impression que les récits de rêves étayaient le travail. Dans une thérapie de couple, le récit de rêve constitue déjà un début d’élaboration, et le groupe thérapeutique accompagne et transforme ce travail pour l’articuler à la problématique du couple.
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    The Impact of Philosophical Discussions on Moral Autonomy, Judgment, Empathy and the Recognition of Emotion in Five Tear Olds.Michael Schleifer, Marie-France Daniel, Emmanuelle Peyronnet & Sarah Lecomte - 2003 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 16 (4):4-12.
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    Thermodynamic study of motor behaviour optimization.Patrick Cordier, Michel Mendès France, Philippe Bolon & Jean Pailhous - 1994 - Acta Biotheoretica 42 (2-3):187-201.
    Our work is aimed at studying the optimization of a complex motor behaviour from a global perspective. First, free climbing as a sport will be briefly introduced while emphasizing in particular its psychomotor aspect called route finding. The basic question raised here is how does the optimization of a sensorimotoricity-environment system take place. The material under study is the free climber's trajectory, viewed as the signature of climbing behaviour (i.e., the spatial dimension). The concepts of learning, optimization, constraint, and degrees (...)
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    Dissertation Abstract.Marie-France Turcotte - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (4):430-434.
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    (1 other version)Guilt & the Myth of the Innocent Bystander: Louis Malle's Au revoir les enfants.Marie-Christine Jutras - 2010 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 2 (1).
    This review studies the representation of director Louis Malle's experiences as a child in the Holocaust in the film Au Revoir les enfants. The film blurs the lines between the controversial categories of Holocaust participants as victims, bystanders, and perpetrators. This ambiguity and overlapping of roles in the film presents the question of treatment of Holocaust memory.
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    ‘How to Build a Godless Corner:’ Oppression, Propaganda, Resistance and the Soviet Secularization Experiment.Marie-Christine Jutras - 2010 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 1 (2).
    The Soviet government utilized a variety of tactics while attempting to secularize the U.S.S.R. Oppression of the Russian Orthodox Church demonstrates how interconnected faith and the former tsarist regime were. It is ironic that while trying to wipe out religion, the Bolsheviks replacement methods carried religious-type qualities as well.
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    Code de la Santé Publique (Nouvelle Partie Législative).France Assemblée Nationale - 2005 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 10 (1):541-543.
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    Organizational evil and the responsibility of management and managerial practices.Marie-France Lebouc - 2021 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 12 (2):145-165.
    How is it that ordinary people decide to take part in genocides? Philosophers and psychologists have attempted to provide explanations of how genocidal organizations bear on the moral judgement of genocide participants. Here, I resituate those findings within the field of human resource management. I highlight how basic principles of management and HR management can lead ordinary individuals to judge their participation in a genocide as acceptable. Although initially only designed to increase motivation and productivity, these techniques also affect individuals’ (...)
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    La folie humaine et ses remèdes: Platon, Charmide, ou, De la modération.Marie-France Hazebroucq - 1997 - Paris: Vrin. Edited by Plato.
    Ce dialogue met aux prises Socrate avec Critias, sophiste et tyran a la fois, et se situe au debut de la guerre du Peloponnese, une guerre fratricide et desastreuse ou la puissance d'Athenes chancelle et ou l'unite du monde grec est a jamais perdue. C'est sur fond de folie et de demesure qu'ils s'entretiennent de moderation. Rester tranquille et s'occuper de ses affaires, est-ce inertie ou reflexion prudente? Quand tout le comportement de Socrate est a l'inverse de cette moderation-la et (...)
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