Results for 'Florence Hervé'

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  1.  51
    Regards d’Allemagne: Le cinquantenaire du Deuxième sexe.Florence Hervé - 2003 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 13 (1):192-199.
  2.  17
    Florence Dupré La Tour. Pucelle, tome 1 : Débutante. Dargaud, 2020.Florence Bécar - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4:253-256.
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    Les élections sont-elles essentielles à la démocratie?Hervé Pourtois - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (2):411-439.
    Hervé Pourtois | : En dépit de débats nourris sur la délibération et la représentation démocratiques, la question de la justification de l’élection comme mode de désignation des gouvernants a été peu abordée par la philosophie politique contemporaine. Cette question est pourtant importante. Une confrontation avec l’alternative que pourrait constituer le tirage au sort d’une assemblée représentative permet d’identifier les vertus spécifiques de l’élection au regard de quatre critères de légitimité démocratique : le consentement et la responsabilité des gouvernés, (...)
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  4. Alfred North Whitehead: l'educazione come arte della vita e la costruzione del futuro.Hervé A. Cavallera - 1978 - Roma: Cadmo.
  5.  17
    Development of research integrity in France is on the rise: the introduction of research integrity officers was a progress.Hervé Maisonneuve - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    BackgroundImplementing responsible conduct of research and monitoring bad practices requires time and tact. In France, it was in 2015 that the wishes of those in charge of research proposed the appointment of research integrity officers (RIOs) in all universities, national higher education schools, and research institutions. Our objectives were to search for information to describe the RI development and to analyze the RIOs’ profiles.MethodsThe OFIS (Office Français de l’Intégrité Scientifique) website lists all public research institutions and universities (RIUs) and their (...)
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    Boosting Autobiographical Memory and the Sense of Identity of Alzheimer Patients Through Repeated Reminiscence Workshops?Hervé Platel, Marie-Loup Eustache, Renaud Coppalle, Armelle Viard, Francis Eustache, Mathilde Groussard & Béatrice Desgranges - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite severe amnesia, some studies showed that Alzheimer Disease patients with moderate to severe dementia keep a consistent, but impoverished representation of themselves, showing preservation of the sense of identity even at severe stages of the illness. Some studies suggest that listening to music can facilitate the reminiscence of autobiographical memories and that stimulating autobiographical memory would be relevant to support the self of these patients. Consequently, we hypothesized that repeated participation to reminiscence workshops, using excerpts of familiar songs as (...)
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    Dr. Mom? Conversational Play and the Submergence of Professional Status in Childbirth.Hervé Varenne & Mary E. Cotter - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (1):77-105.
    Through a close analysis of various moments within two hours of video-taped interaction, we investigate properties of the setting that the participants cannot ignore even as they transform them in various ways. These properties are not under local control. What is under control is revealed in the participants' “play” with the properties, including dangerous, “deep” play. In this process, some properties of the participants are rarely mentioned (e.g., that the laboring woman is an MD), others are repeatedly emphasized (e.g. the (...)
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    The Interpretation of pronominal paradigms: Speech situation, pragmatic meaning, and cultural structure.Hervé Varenne - 1984 - Semiotica 50 (3-4).
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    La montagne, le tournesol et le potager.Louise Hervé & Clovis Maillet - 2023 - Multitudes 3:225-229.
    Gleïzès, philosophe proche des Méditateurs et des dormeuses, avait écrit une épopée pionnière du mouvement végétarien se déroulant sur la Montagne noire dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. Ce livre en main, Louise Hervé et Clovis Maillet ont été à la rencontre des maraîchers et des végétarien·nes de la région en 2023, au lendemain d’une grande manifestation contre la construction de l’autoroute Toulouse-Castres. Leur cri de ralliement était : « Moins de bitume, plus de légumes ».
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    From a voluntary vaccination policy to mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 in cancer patients: an empirical and interdisciplinary study in bioethics.Christian Hervé, Philippe Beuzeboc, Jean-François Geay, May Mabro, Asmahane Benmaziane, Titouan Kennel, Elisabeth Angellier, Sakina Sekkate & Henri-Corto Stoeklé - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundAt the start of 2021, oncologists lacked the necessary scientific knowledge to adapt their clinical practices optimally when faced with cancer patients refusing or reluctant to be vaccinated against COVID-19, despite the marked vulnerability of these patients to severe, and even fatal forms of this new viral infectious disease. Oncologists at Foch Hospital were confronted with this phenomenon, which was observed worldwide, in both the general population and the population of cancer patients.MethodsBetween April and November 2021, the Ethics and Oncology (...)
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    Flawed reasoning on two dilemmas: a commentary on Baron and Dierckxsens.Florence Ashley - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (9):637-638.
    A recent paper by Teresa Baron and Geoffrey Dierckxsens argues that puberty blockers and hormone therapy should be disallowed before adulthood on prudential and consent-related grounds. This response contends that their argument fails because it is predicated on unsupported premises and misinterpretations of the available evidence. There is no evidence that a large proportion of pubertal and postpubertal youths later discontinue medical transition. Meaningful assent is a viable and commonly accepted alternative to meaningful consent in paediatric bioethics. And finally, the (...)
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  12.  26
    Molecular Tumor Boards: Ethical Issues in the New Era of Data Medicine.Christian Hervé, Guillaume Vogt, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Christophe Tourneau, Charles-Henry Frouart, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel & Henri-Corto Stoeklé - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):307-322.
    The practice and development of modern medicine requires large amounts of data, particularly in the domain of cancer. The future of personalized medicine lies neither with “genomic medicine” nor with “precision medicine”, but with “data medicine”. The establishment of this DM has required far-reaching changes, to establish four essential elements connecting patients and doctors: biobanks, databases, bioinformatic platforms and genomic platforms. The “transformation” of scientific research areas, such as genetics, bioinformatics and biostatistics, into clinical specialties has generated a new vision (...)
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  13.  54
    The Measurement Problem: Decoherence and Convivial Solipsism.Hervé Zwirn - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (6):635-667.
    The problem of measurement is often considered an inconsistency inside the quantum formalism. Many attempts to solve it have been made since the inception of quantum mechanics. The form of these attempts depends on the philosophical position that their authors endorse. I will review some of them and analyze their relevance. The phenomenon of decoherence is often presented as a solution lying inside the pure quantum formalism and not demanding any particular philosophical assumption. Nevertheless, a widely debated question is to (...)
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  14.  30
    Navigating the Ethical and Methodological Dimensions of a Farm Safety Photovoice Project.Florence A. Becot, Shoshanah M. Inwood & Elizabeth A. Buchanan - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):249-263.
    Scholars have noted persistent high rates of agricultural health and safety incidents and the need to develop more effective interventions. Participatory research provides an avenue to broaden the prevailing research paradigms and approaches by allowing those most impacted to illuminate and work to solve those aspects of their lives. One such approach is photovoice, an emancipatory visual narrative approach. Yet, despite its broad appeal, photovoice can be hard to implement. In this article, we leverage our experience using photovoice for a (...)
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  15.  10
    A democratic program for healing: The Raspail domestic medicine method in 1840s France.Hervé Guillemain - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (4):385-403.
    ArgumentRaspail’s domestic medicine method, popularized in 1840s France, has similarities with the practices of nineteenth century non-academic healers. His mass marketing of camphor as a universal treatment echoes the practices of “charlatans” and their circles. But Raspail is also very original in this history of popular care. As a scientist, a popularizer of encyclopedic knowledge and a political activist, he managed to blur traditional distinctions between science and politics and between popular and learned medicine. Raspail was a constant thorn in (...)
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  16.  14
    La conscience du temps et les sciences cognitives.Hervé Barreau - 2015 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 38:17-45.
    La reconnaissance accordée en sciences cognitives (Van Gelder et Varela) à l’analyse husserlienne du présent mental en termes de rétention et protension a manqué sa radicalité transcendantale, qui est aussi la limite de cette analyse. Si l’on recherche dans la subjectivité l’origine de notre sens du temps, il ne suffit pas de revenir au présent mental par réduction du temps objectif, il faut élargir aux aspects grammaticaux et aux rythmes biologiques l’éventail des moyens d’accès au temps d’un sujet incarné dans (...)
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    La décomposition-recomposition du rapport salarial.Hervé Guillemin & Martine Moule - 1993 - Actuel Marx 13 (1):181.
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  18.  16
    The Fallacy of the Theoretical Meaning of Formative Constructs.Hervé Guyon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ce que je crois.Pierre Hervé - 1958 - Paris,: B. Grasset.
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  20.  24
    Des Regles Constitutionnelles aux Preferences Ethiques : Pertinence de l' Approche Contractualiste.Hervé Magnouloux - 1995 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 6 (2-3):335-354.
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  21.  16
    Avec et contre Freud. Norbert Elias et la psychologie sociale historique.Hervé Mazurel - 2021 - Cités 88 (4):41-54.
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  22.  24
    La société libérale face au défi du pluralisme culturel.Hervé Pourtois - 2000 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 98 (1):6-26.
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    Reconnaissance morale et constitution de l'identité.Hervé Pourtois - 1993 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 91 (4):641-653.
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  24. Banlieue sounds, or, The right to exist.Hervé Tchumkam - 2019 - In Gavin Steingo & Jim Sykes (eds.), Remapping sound studies. Durham: Duke University Press.
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  25. Creation and metaphysics.Herve J. Thibault - 1970 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
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  26. Proudhon et Marx.Hervé Touboul - 2004 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 47:71-96.
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  27.  10
    Penser la place sociale des femmes. Imaginaires de guerre froide dans la presse tanzanienne (1961‑1976).Florence Wenzek - 2023 - Clio 57:185-196.
    Cet article interroge la manière dont les idéologies de la guerre froide ont participé à la construction d’un discours public sur la place sociale des femmes dans la Tanzanie nouvellement indépendante, qui se proclame socialiste et non-alignée. Pour ce faire, il retrace les références explicites et implicites au capitalisme, au socialisme et au marxisme dans les discours sur les femmes publiés dans la presse nationale swahiliphone. Ces imaginaires sont mobilisés avant tout pour construire des modèles et contre-modèles féminins, notamment les (...)
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  28.  48
    L’apport de Bergson à Lavelle.Hervé Barreau - 2013 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 69 (1):9-21.
    Hervé Barreau | : Dans la Leçon inaugurale au Collège de France et dans un article de 1942 que Lavelle écrivit sur la pensée religieuse d’Henri Bergson, nous trouvons des témoignages frappants sur l’héritage spirituel que Lavelle reçut de Bergson : d’abord, un encouragement à rompre avec le positivisme et le kantisme ; ensuite, une doctrine du réalisme spirituel que Lavelle interpréta comme une théorie de la participation ; et enfin, une valorisation du passé où Lavelle vit « l’avenir (...)
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  29.  22
    No convincing evidence outgroups are denied uniquely human characteristics: Distinguishing intergroup preference from trait-based dehumanization.Florence E. Enock, Jonathan C. Flavell, Steven P. Tipper & Harriet Over - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104682.
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    Nicolas de Cues et l'islam.Hervé Pasqua (ed.) - 2013 - Walpole, MA: Éditions Peeters.
    English summary: Nicolas Cusanus' position on Islam is not easily discerned. While in De Pace Fidei he seems to present an Irenic vision of the different religions and the dialog that could be established amongst them, in the Cribratio Alkorani, according to numerous interpretations, he seems more rigid, precluding any constructive dialog between Christianity and Islam. However, as this volume shows, matters are not quite that black and white: the contributions allow us to form a better idea of the coherence (...)
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  31.  36
    How Could You be so Gullible? Scams and Over-Trust in Organizations.Hervé Laroche, Véronique Steyer & Christelle Théron - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3):641-656.
    Trust is a key ingredient of business activities. Scams are spectacular betrayals of trust. When the victim is a powerful organization that does not look vulnerable at first sight, we can suspect that this organization has developed an excessive trust, or over-trust. In this article, we take over-trust as the result of the intentional production of gullibility by the scammer. The analysis of a historically famous scam case, the Elf “Great Sniffer Hoax,” suggests that the victim is made gullible by (...)
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  32.  79
    Non-violence towards animals in the thinking of Gandhi: The problem of animal husbandry.Florence Burgat - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (3):223-248.
    The question of the imperatives induced by the Gandhian concept of non-violence towards animals is an issue that has been neglected by specialists on the thinking of the Mahatma. The aim of this article is to highlight the systematic – and significant – character of this particular aspect of his views on non-violence. The first part introduces the theoretical foundations of the duty of non-violence towards animals in general. Gandhi's critical interpretation of cow-protection, advocated by Hinduism, leads to a general (...)
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  33.  20
    Organizing Means–Ends Decoupling: Core–Compartment Separations in Fast Fashion.Hervé Corvellec & Herman I. Stål - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (4):857-885.
    Means–ends decoupling, the institutionally induced implementation of ineffective practices, has become increasingly common. Extant theory suggests that means–ends decoupling has real consequences, which makes it unstable and difficult for organizations to sustain. Yet little is known of how, and with what outcomes, firms organize such means–ends decoupling. We examine organizing via multiple qualitative and longitudinal case studies of how Swedish fast fashion retailers implement and manage the collection of used garments. We find that firms combine two organizational arrangements: structural and (...)
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  34. Nonlocality Versus Modified Realism.Hervé Zwirn - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (1):1-26.
    A large number of physicists now admit that quantum mechanics is a non-local theory. The EPR argument and the many experiments showing the violation of Bell’s inequalities seem to have confirmed convincingly that quantum mechanics cannot be local. Nevertheless, this conclusion can only be drawn inside a standard realist framework assuming an ontic interpretation of the wave function and viewing the collapse of the wave function as a real change of the physical state of the system. We show that this (...)
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    Luttes pour la reconnaissance et politique délibérative.Hervé Pourtois - 2002 - Philosophiques 29 (2):287-309.
    Les idées de démocratie délibérative et de politique de la reconnaissance ont été forgées en vue de répondre aux insuffisances du libéralisme politique. Les implications normatives de ces deux idées ne sont pas, ainsi qu’on le croit parfois, conflictuelles. En effet, le principe normatif sous-jacent aux demandes politiques de reconnaissance, l’éradication des sources sociales de mésestime, ne peut être honoré que par la délibération publique. Toutefois l’aptitude et la disposition des citoyens à entrer dans le processus délibératif présuppose des formes (...)
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  36.  19
    Quantification in Experimental Psychology and Pragmatic Epistemology: Tension Between the Scientific Imperative and the Social Imperative.Hervé Guyon & Camille Nôus - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Our position is critical of the dominant method in psychology, and critical of the social use of psychological models. We assert that the scientific approach in psychology must break with modernist claim, but without sinking into post-modernist relativism. We consider that the epistemology associated with experimental psychology should be a specific epistemology associated with the particular objects studied. By calling on pragmatism and realism, psychology can find the resources to use quantitative studies as an action deployed within a complex, interactive (...)
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  37.  21
    Is the Past Determined?Herve Zwirn - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-28.
    In a recent paper (Zwirn in Phys Essays 30: 3, 2017), I argued against backward in time effects used by several authors to explain delayed choice experiments. I gave an explanation showing that there is no physical influence propagating from the present to the past and modifying the state of the system at a time previous to the measurement. However, though the solution is straightforward in the case of delayed choice experiments involving only one particle, it is subtler in the (...)
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  38.  5
    Théoriser la morale à l’époque de Clausewitz : historicité ou transhistoricité?Hervé Drévillon - 2024 - Astérion 30 (30).
    In the history of war thinking, a transhistorical approach has emerged, with the value of not subjecting the theory to circumstances, particularly those fuelled by technical factors. This ambition was closely linked to Clausewitz’s theory, which was based on the difference between the historical character of “real war” and the transhistorical character of “absolute war”. Prior to Clausewitz’s theory, the transhistorical character had crept into the thinking on warfare in the modern era, which had developed a great deal around the (...)
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  39.  11
    Children needs and childcare: an illustration of how underappreciated social and economic needs shape the farm enterprise.Florence A. Becot & Shoshanah M. Inwood - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-20.
    Despite 40-year-old evidence of childcare challenges limiting women’s participation in agriculture in the United States, it was not until a major societal crisis, COVID-19, that farm organizations and policy makers began to recognize that these challenges negatively impact the farm enterprise. Among farm persistence and farm transition scholars, farm households’ social and economic needs, including childcare, have also been underappreciated despite the constant exchange of time, money, and energy between the farm household and the enterprise. We use survey responses from (...)
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  40.  27
    Seeking the constant in what is transient: Karl Ernst von Baer’s vision of organic formation.Florence Vienne - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (1):34-49.
    A well-established narrative in the history of science has it that the years around 1800 saw the end of a purely descriptive, classificatory and static natural history. The emergence of a temporal understanding of nature and the new developmental-history approach, it is thought, permitted the formation of modern biology. This paper questions that historical narrative by closely analysing the concepts of development, history and time set out in Karl Ernst von Baer’s study of the mammalian egg (1827). I show that (...)
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  41.  7
    Travail, mesure et temps.Hervé Touboul - 2010 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 1:69-82.
    Apres avoir reconnu la justesse du geste henryen, consistant à placer l’individu vivant au centre de son interprétation, c’est l’atomisation voire l’approche « nominaliste » du travail qui en découle qu’Hervé Touboul met vigoureusement en question, au fil d’une analyse approfondie de la manière dont M. Henry en viendrait à méconnaitre les dialectiques, toujours à l’œuvre dans le texte de Marx, de la quantité et de la qualité, ou de la valeur d’usage et de la valeur d’échange. L’auteur pense (...)
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  42.  8
    La costruzione del domani: l'educazione politica.Hervé A. Cavallera - 1984 - Lecce: Milella.
  43.  25
    Le double et le groupe.Hervé Chapellière - 2010 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3 (3):79-93.
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    Les jeux de la règle: une approche interdisciplinaire.Hervé Dumez & Jean-Baptiste Suquet (eds.) - 2009 - Paris: Harmattan.
    Le droit, l'économie, la gestion, l'histoire, la linguistique, la sociologie abordent la question des règles à leur manière propre. Une confrontation de leurs approches apparaît nécessaire et féconde.
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  45. Organogenesis at the shoot apex: An attempt at modelization.Herve Guyader & Michel Ferre - 1988 - Acta Biotheoretica 37 (1).
    A geometrical model of the emergence of a primordium at the shoot apex in dicotyledons is proposed. It is based on recent fundamental results on plant morphogenesis, i.e.:- the emergence is preceded by the reorganization of the microtubules of the cortical cytoskeleton, leading to a new orientation of the synthesis of the cell wall microfibrils; - the resulting global stress is related to the general orientation of the cell growth. So the model sums up the continuous interactions linking the microtubules, (...)
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    Les historiens et la mondialisation (1990-2020).Hervé Inglebert - 2021 - Diogène n° 271-272 (3):52-70.
    L’attitude des historiens face à la mondialisation a été influencée depuis 1990 par les débats sur la globalisation. Celle-ci a permis, après l’histoire universelle européocentrique des années 1870-1970 et la World History des années 1960-1990, de développer des perspectives nouvelles marquées par les méthodes de l’histoire globale. Mais les résultats sont différents selon les sphères culturelles : en France et en Italie, on a privilégié l’histoire connectée ; en Allemagne et dans le monde anglo-saxon, on a insisté sur les processus (...)
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    Synesthesia: A Neurological and Cultural Revolution.Hervé-Pierre Lambert - 2015 - Iris 36:63-83.
    À partir des années 1980 eut lieu une véritable révolution dans la connaissance du phénomène neurologique de la synesthésie, qui s’est accompagnée d’une révolution culturelle avec l’apparition de témoignages personnels de synesthètes. Cette représentation littéraire et plastique des perceptions synesthésiques fait partie du mouvement contemporain de représentations autobiographiques de différentes conditions neurologiques. Carol Steen, Patricia Lynne Duffy et Marcia Smilack sont des acteurs pionniers de la représentation des perceptions synesthésiques. From the 1980s, a revolution took place in the knowledge of (...)
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    Herméneutique et vérité. Des énoncés dogmatiques en contexte œcuménique.Hervé Legrand - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 1 (1):53-76.
    Le renouveau d'intérêt, parmi les catholiques, pour la réflexion sur le phénomène de la dogmatisation est aisément compréhensible, dû en particulier au choc que fut, à l'époque moderniste, la prise de conscience de la réelle historicité des dogmes. L'œcuméniste catholique ne peut ignorer ces questionnements relatifs à la genèse, à la portée et aux fonctions des dogmes, même s'il ne les prend pas en charge directement et même si sa tâche est de participer à la guérison des ruptures survenues dans (...)
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    Pedagogical integrity in the knowledge economy.Florence Myrick RN PhD - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (1):23–29.
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    Modeling Psychological Attributes in Psychology – An Epistemological Discussion: Network Analysis vs. Latent Variables.Hervé Guyon, Bruno Falissard & Jean-Luc Kop - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:255752.
    Network Analysis is considered as a new method that challenges Latent Variable models in inferring psychological attributes. With Network Analysis, psychological attributes are derived from a complex system of components without the need to call on any latent variables. But the ontological status of psychological attributes is not adequately defined with Network Analysis, because a psychological attribute is both a complex system and a property emerging from this complex system. The aim of this article is to reappraise the legitimacy of (...)
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