Results for 'Fernand Guiltaut'

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    Thomas More et la Bible : un nouvel addendum.Fernand Guiltaut - 1970 - Moreana 7 (2):66-66.
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  2. Why good thoughts block better ones: The mechanism of the pernicious Einstellung (set) effect.Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod & Fernand Gobet - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):652-661.
    The Einstellung effect occurs when the first idea that comes to mind, triggered by familiar features of a problem, prevents a better solution being found. It has been shown to affect both people facing novel problems and experts within their field of expertise. We show that it works by influencing mechanisms that determine what information is attended to. Having found one solution, expert chess players reported that they were looking for a better one. But their eye movements showed that they (...)
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    Reason, emotion, and music: towards a common structure for arts, sciences, and philosophies, based on a conceptual framework for the description of music.Leo Apostel, Herman Sabbe & Fernand J. Vandamme (eds.) - 1986 - Ghent: Communication & Cognition.
  4. Proceedings of the workshop on information and communication technology for teaching and training.Erik D'Hollander, Etienne Kerre, Marc Vanwormhoudt, Dirk Vervenne & Fernand Vandamme - 1999 - Communication and Cognition: Monographies 32.
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  5. Commentaire sur le traité Du ciel d'Aristote. Volume I. Édition. Simplicius, Guillaume de Moerbeke, Fernand Bossier, Christine Vande Veire & Guy Guldentops - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (2):354-356.
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    What forms the chunks in a subject's performance? Lessons from the CHREST computational model of learning.Peter C. R. Lane, Fernand Gobet & Peter C.-H. Cheng - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):128-129.
    Computational models of learning provide an alternative technique for identifying the number and type of chunks used by a subject in a specific task. Results from applying CHREST to chess expertise support the theoretical framework of Cowan and a limit in visual short-term memory capacity of 3–4 looms. An application to learning from diagrams illustrates different identifiable forms of chunk.
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    Specialization Effect and Its Influence on Memory and Problem Solving in Expert Chess Players.Merim Bilalić, Peter McLeod & Fernand Gobet - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (6):1117-1143.
    Expert chess players, specialized in different openings, recalled positions and solved problems within and outside their area of specialization. While their general expertise was at a similar level, players performed better with stimuli from their area of specialization. The effect of specialization on both recall and problem solving was strong enough to override general expertise—players remembering positions and solving problems from their area of specialization performed at around the level of players 1 standard deviation (SD) above them in general skill. (...)
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    Modeling the Development of Children's Use of Optional Infinitives in Dutch and English Using MOSAIC.Daniel Freudenthal, Julian M. Pine & Fernand Gobet - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (2):277-310.
    In this study we use a computational model of language learning called model of syntax acquisition in children (MOSAIC) to investigate the extent to which the optional infinitive (OI) phenomenon in Dutch and English can be explained in terms of a resource-limited distributional analysis of Dutch and English child-directed speech. The results show that the same version of MOSAIC is able to simulate changes in the pattern of finiteness marking in 2 children learning Dutch and 2 children learning English as (...)
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    Becoming an expert: Ontogeny of expertise as an example of neural reuse.Alessandro Guida, Guillermo Campitelli & Fernand Gobet - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
    In this commentary, we discuss an important pattern of results in the literature on the neural basis of expertise: decrease of cerebral activation at the beginning of acquisition of expertise and functional cerebral reorganization as a consequence of years of practice. We show how these two results can be integrated with the neural reuse framework.
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    Simulating the cross-linguistic pattern of Optional Infinitive errors in children’s declaratives and Wh- questions.Daniel Freudenthal, Julian M. Pine, Gary Jones & Fernand Gobet - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):61-76.
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    Evaluation of a virtual environment: the elementary spoken Chinese prototype.M. Li, Nicolas Van Vosselen, Stephane Gierts & Fernand Vandamme - 2003 - Communication and Cognition: Monographies 36 (3-4):257-275.
  12. Euphoria versus dysphoria: differential cognitive roles in religion?Yvan I. Russell, Robin I. M. Dunbar & Fernand Gobet - 2011 - In Slim Masmoudi, Abdelmajid Naceur & David Y. Dai (eds.), Attention, Representation & Performance. Psychology Press. pp. 147-165.
    The original book chapter does not have an abstract. However, I have written an abstract for this repository: Religious life encompasses a wide diversity of situations for which the emotional tone is on a continuum from extreme euphoria to extreme dysphoria. In this book chapter, we propose the novel hypothesis that euphoria and dysphoria have distinctly separate functional consequences for religious evolution and survivability. This is due to the differential cognitive states that are created in euphoric and dysphoric situations. Based (...)
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  13. Electronic chart systems software (ecs) an introduction.Yousong Han, Lin Wang, Peter Kaczmarski & Fernand Vandamme - 2009 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 42 (3-4):155-228.
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    Some remarks on causality, conditionality, artist and scientist.Nicolas Van Vosselen, Dirk Vervenne & Fernand Vandamme - 2003 - Communication and Cognition: Monographies 36 (3-4):225-234.
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    Virtual Augmented Reality (VAR): insides for web based management education.Nicolas Van Vosselen, M. Mathew & Fernand Vandamme - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: Monographies.
  16. Connaissance de l'être. Traité d'Ontologie.Joseph de Finance & Fernand Van Steenberghen - 1971 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 27 (3):325-326.
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  17. Towards an evaluation matrix for scenarios.Nicolas Van Vosselen, Alan Vandamme, Ma Li & Fernand Vandamme - 2001 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 34 (3-4):219-230.
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    Le thé'tre de Samothrace.François Salviat, Antoine Salac & Fernand Chapouthier - 1956 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 80 (1):118-146.
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    John Duns Scotus and the Principle "Omne quod movetur ab alio movetur".Fernand van Steenberghen - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (1):90-92.
  20.  21
    Inscriptions inédites de Samothrace.Fernand Chapouthier & Antoine Salac - 1925 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 49 (1):245-262.
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  21. Groundwork for weak analysis.António M. Fernandes & Fernando Ferreira - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):557-578.
    This paper develops the very basic notions of analysis in a weak second-order theory of arithmetic BTFA whose provably total functions are the polynomial time computable functions. We formalize within BTFA the real number system and the notion of a continuous real function of a real variable. The theory BTFA is able to prove the intermediate value theorem, wherefore it follows that the system of real numbers is a real closed ordered field. In the last section of the paper, we (...)
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    Les structures rhétoriques de la science: de Kepler à Maxwell.Fernand Hallyn - 2004 - Paris: Seuil.
    Cet ouvrage se veut une lecture rhétorique de quelques problèmes-clés ayant marqué la période qui s'étend des débuts de la révolution scientifique du XVIIe siècle jusqu'au moment où, au XIXe, une autre se prépare. Une telle sorte d'analyse se fonde sur le fait qu'avant d'intervenir dans les efforts de persuasion, certains schèmes " poétiques " sont déjà présents et actifs dans la formation et l'acceptation de toute représentation nouvelle. C'est pourquoi la " rhétorique profonde " que nous propose ici (...) Hallyn ne se contente nullement d'éclairer les procédés de la science qui interviennent dans la communication de positions, de démarches ou de résultats, mais vise d'abord à étudier ses formes d'invention et de découverte. Saisir la démarche scientifique en train de se faire comme un cas particulier de la problématique générale de la créativité - bref explorer plus avant la voie ouverte dans La Structure poétique du mande - tel est donc l'enjeu de ce volume. (shrink)
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    Ventilator Allocation for Pediatrics during COVID-19 – How We Avoided Drawing Lots for Tots.Neil D. Fernandes, Kelly Gardner, John J. Paris & Brian M. Cummings - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):147-150.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 147-150.
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    Hommage a Henri Berr.Fernand Braudel - 1964 - Revue de Synthèse 85 (1):17-26.
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    Introduction à la politique de Benjamin Constant.Fernand Bartholoni - 1964 - Évreux,: Impr. Hérissey.
    Analyse : Esquisse des théories politiques de Constant.
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    Beyond Public Spaces and Private Spheres: Gender, Family, and Working-Class Politics in India.Leela Fernandes - 1997 - Feminist Studies 23 (3):525.
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    Effects of Concomitant Benzodiazepines and Antidepressants Long-Term Use on Social Decision-Making: Results From the Ultimatum Game.Carina Fernandes, Helena Garcez, Senanur Balaban, Fernando Barbosa, Mariana R. Pereira, Celeste Silveira, João Marques-Teixeira & Ana R. Gonçalves - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Benzodiazepines and antidepressants have been shown to change responses to unfairness; however, the effects of their combined use on unfairness evaluation are unknown. This study examines the effects of concomitant benzodiazepines and antidepressants long-term use on the evaluation of fair and unfair offers. To analyze behavioral changes on responses to unfairness, we compared the performance of medicated participants and healthy controls in the Ultimatum Game, both in the proposer and in the respondent role. The results showed that long-term psychotropic users (...)
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    Intuição categorial e evidência, verdade e ser.Marcos Aurélio Fernandes - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (2).
    Este artigo se propõe a pensar a fenomenologia dos fenômenos: intuição categorial, evidência,verdade e ser, através da interpretação de textos de Husserl e Heidegger. Num primeiromomento mostra a intuição em sua maior pregnância, a percepção, como experiência daevidência da presença do ente mesmo como autodatidade originária. Num segundo momento,partindo da regionalidade e da universalidade da evidência na vida intencional da consciência,trata-se da razão, de seu ordenamento para a evidência e de sua correlação com a verdade e oser. Num terceiro momento (...)
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    Levinas & the asymmetrical relation: its relevance for justice relations.Felix Fernandes - 2017 - Delhi: Media House.
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    Facts and hypotheses concerning the function of non‐granulated cells in the adenohypophysis of vertebrates.Fernand Harrisson - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (5):168-171.
    Electron microscopic examination of the non‐granulated cells of the adenohypophysis of several species has evidenced a unity of structure amongst vertebrates. Efforts to correlate structure and function have been made, but they have often been hampered by the scarcity or absence of direct experimental methods for the investigation of their function. Yet often the evidence in favor of a given role has been circumstantial, relying on coincidences between changes in the secretory activity of the gland and changes in the ultrastructure (...)
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    Functions of painting.Fernand Léger - 1973 - New York,: Viking Press.
    Essays, written between 1920 and 1953, by an influential, modern painter on the purpose of art in modern life.
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  32. Ontology.Fernand Steenberghevann - 1970 - New York,: J. F. Wagner.
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    Histoire et sciences sociales – La longue durée.Fernand Braudel - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a paru initialement dans ANNALES ESC. Vol. 13, n° 4, oct.-déc. 1958, p. 725-753, puis a été réédité dans Écrits sur l'histoire, Paris, Flammarion, 1969. p. 44-83. Il est également disponible, mais dans une version assez fautive, ici. Il y a crise générale des sciences de l'homme : elles sont toutes accablées sous leurs propres progrès, ne serait-ce qu'en raison de l'accumulation des connaissances nouvelles et de la nécessité d'un travail collectif, dont l'organisation intelligente reste à mettre (...) (...)
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    How to explain the direction of time.Alison Fernandes - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-30.
    Reichenbach explains temporally asymmetric phenomena by appeal to entropy and ‘branch structure’. He explains why the entropic gradients of isolated subsystems are oriented towards the future and not the past, and why we have records of the past and not the future, by appeal to the fact that the universe is currently on a long entropic upgrade with subsystems that branch off and become quasi-isolated. Reichenbach’s approach has been criticised for relying too closely on entropy. The more popular approach nowadays (...)
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  35. (2 other versions)Déontologie des affaires.Fernand Baudhuin - 1944 - Louvain,: Société d'études morales, sociales et juridiques.
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  36. Entrevista com o Prof. Dr. Thomas Kesselring.Alexandre Cortez Fernandes & Geraldo Antônio Rosa - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (Especial):224-234.
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    Para uma história-memória através de Ortega y Gasset.António Horta Fernandes - 2005 - Cultura:49-62.
    Com este artigo pretende-se argumentar pela possibilidade de uma escrita historiográfica em instância memorial, fazendo valer argumentos já esgrimidos por Ortega y Gasset, agora revistos criticamente desde uma base pragmatista. Pretende-se igualmente dar uma primeira resposta ao problema da relação de prioridade entre a história e a vida, mostrando que a vida tem desde logo um sentido historial.
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  38. Difficulties and projections on the relationship between health and spirituality.Leonardo Agostini Fernandes - 2015 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 33 (33):143-158.
    El presente artículo desea reflexionar, por un lado, sobre la necesidad de una formación integral de los agentes sanitarios, que contemple la dimensión espiritual; y, por otro lado, sobre la necesidad de una mejor preparación de los agentes religiosos que trabajan en hospitales y centros de salud, para que en sus intereses y preocupaciones por los enfermos, se eviten las dicotomías en nombre de la fe o en nombre de la razón. La promoción del diálogo entre razón y fe reduce (...)
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  39. Histoire et théorie des philosophies selon Martial Gueroult.Fernand Brunner - 1982 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 76 (2):33.
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    Travaux représentatifs.Fernand Brunner - 1993 - Dialectica 47 (2‐3):97-98.
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    La mondialisation selon.Fernand Dumont - 2005 - In Stéphane Courtois & Jocelyne Couture (eds.), Regards philosophiques sur la mondialisation. Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. pp. 185.
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  42. Liegt die Menschenwurde im Verzweifelnkonnen? Zu Soren Kierkegaards Die Krankheit zum Tode.Christian Fernandes - 2009 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 35 (1):339-371.
    In den Philosophischen Brocken kritisiert Kierkegaard die sokratische Präexistenzlehre wegen ihrer nihilistischen Konsequenzen für die Zeitlichkeit: Das geschichtliche Dasein des Menschen wäre überflüssig, wenn er a priori bereits vollendet wäre. Weil Kierkegaard in seiner christlichen Argumentation dennoch nicht umhin kann, selbst ein Analogon zum vorgeburtlichen Sein der Seele bei Platon vorauszusetzen, wendet er in der religiösen Schrift Die Krankheit zum Tode einen sophistischen Trick an, mit dessen Hilfe er die Präexistenzimplikation aus dem Bewusstsein des Lesers verdrängen will.
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    La scène originelle de l'esprit: la pensée tragique.Amar Fernandes - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Si le tragique n'est pas le propre de la tragédie grecque mais bien celui de 'l'être au monde de l'homme', sa conceptualisation n'advient qu'avec Wilderlin lorsque celui-ci s'approprie la question 'Comment lit-on la tragédie?', non plus selon son acception poétique, mais en tant que forme philosophique. Et si l'on suit sa réflexion, à la question 'Qu'est-ce que le tragique?', on notera qu'il est une façon d'être au monde de manière spéculative. L'union des contraires, de la poésie et de la sagesse, (...)
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    Política Externa brasileira no imediato pós-Segunda Guerra: Imposição do Alinhamento.Luiz Alfredo Fernandes Lottermann - 2020 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 22 (1):138-147.
    O presente trabalho visa discutir a política exterior brasileira no imediato pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial sob a ótica do conceito de imposição do alinhamento. O fim do conflito trouxe consigo uma nova configuração das relações internacionais. O posicionamento brasileiro durante o período foi alvo de diversas análises que buscavam compreender a maneira como o presidente Eurico Gaspar Dutra conduziu a política externa do país. O momento de disputa por áreas de influência entre Estados Unidos da América e União Soviética poderia lograr (...)
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  45. The baire category theorem over a feasible base.Ant6nio M. Fernandes - 2005 - In Stephen Simpson (ed.), Reverse Mathematics 2001. Association for Symbolic Logic. pp. 21--164.
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    Temas de filosofia e direito.Anacleto de Magalhães Fernandes - 1975 - [Braga]: Fernandes.
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  47. Vergeltung als Metapher fur Irrtum und Wahrheit im Buch Ijob.Christian Fernandes - 2008 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 34 (1):69-96.
    In einer philosophischen Inhaltsangabe und Interpretation versuche ich, die Doppeldeutigkeit der Vergeltungsmetapher im Ijob-Buch herauszuarbeiten. Entgegen den geläufigen theologischen oder pessimistischen Deutungsvarianten ist dabei streng zwischen einer vorreflexiv-moralischen und metaphysischen Sinnebene zu unterscheiden. Während Ijobs Freunde über das Referat einer noch nicht vernünftig angeeigneten Tradition nicht hinauskommen, entwickelt sich der ,,Angefeindete" zweifelnd und philosophisch suchend zu einem geistigen Individuum, indem er die Einschränkungen eines endlichen Daseins letztlich als ermöglichende Bedingungen seiner Freiheit erkennt, sich aus dem Seinsgrund der Gerechtigkeit Gottes selbst (...)
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    Die urbane Revolution: Henri Lefèbvres Philosophie der globalen Verstädterung.Fernand Mathias Guelf - 2010 - transcript Verlag.
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    Pour une poétique des idées: Le livre du monde, ou les ramifications d'une métaphore.Fernand Hallyn - 2005 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 67 (2):225-245.
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    Un mandarin prend la parole.Fernand Robert - 1970 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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