Results for 'Federico Re'

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  1.  54
    Sequent-Calculi for Metainferential Logics.Bruno Da Ré & Federico Pailos - 2021 - Studia Logica 110 (2):319-353.
    In recent years, some theorists have argued that the clogics are not only defined by their inferences, but also by their metainferences. In this sense, logics that coincide in their inferences, but not in their metainferences were considered to be different. In this vein, some metainferential logics have been developed, as logics with metainferences of any level, built as hierarchies over known logics, such as \, and \. What is distinctive of these metainferential logics is that they are mixed, i.e. (...)
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  2. Metainferential duality.Bruno Da Ré, Federico Pailos, Damian Szmuc & Paula Teijeiro - 2020 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 30 (4):312-334.
    The aim of this article is to discuss the extent to which certain substructural logics are related through the phenomenon of duality. Roughly speaking, metainferences are inferences between collect...
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  3.  32
    Metainferential Logics.Federico Pailos & Bruno Da Ré - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is the first to present a comprehensive investigation of the technical features of the metainferential logics developed in the last years, with their most relevant results and applications. It provides some new paths to define and investigate metainferential logics and offers a thorough study of the semantics and the proof-theories of this new and exciting variety of families of logics. This volume examines the hierarchies of metainferential logics and gives a general and systematic theory of them, and of (...)
  4. Theories of truth based on four-valued infectious logics.Damian Szmuc, Bruno Da Re & Federico Pailos - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):712-746.
    Infectious logics are systems that have a truth-value that is assigned to a compound formula whenever it is assigned to one of its components. This paper studies four-valued infectious logics as the basis of transparent theories of truth. This take is motivated as a way to treat different pathological sentences differently, namely, by allowing some of them to be truth-value gluts and some others to be truth-value gaps and as a way to treat the semantic pathology suffered by at least (...)
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  5.  82
    (Re)interpreting E=mc².Federico Benitez, Diego Romero-Maltrana & Pablo Razeto-Barry - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-19.
    We propose a new interpretation of the equation E=mc² in special relativity by generalizing ideas of ontological emergence to fundamental physics. This allows us to propose that mass, as a property, can be considered to emerge from energy, using a well-known definition of weak ontological emergence. Einstein’s famous equation gains in this way a clearer philosophical interpretation, one that avoids the problems of previous attempts, and is fully consistent with the kinematic properties of special relativity, while yielding fresh insights concerning (...)
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  6.  8
    La Re-Inscripción Estatal de la Etnización Nacional. La Burocracia Diaspórica Boliviana En la Ciudad de la Plata.Federico Rodrigo - 2016 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 17:146-173.
    En el marco de una investigación sobre la producción de organismos trasnacionales del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia en la ciudad de La Plata, en este trabajo sostenemos que el Viceconsulado creado allí en 2013 busca resituar a las agencias consulares de ese país en un lugar central en los procesos de diasporización desarrollados en esta localidad. Por medio del análisis de documentos y balances de la Cancillería boliviana, observaciones participantes en eventos, actividades y reuniones organizadas por las instancias consulares de (...)
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  7. What is Degrowth? From an Activist Slogan to a Social Movement.Federico Demaria, François Schneider, Filka Sekulova & Joan Martinez-Alier - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (2):191-215.
    Degrowth is the literal translation of ‘décroissance’, a French word meaning reduction. Launched by activists in 2001 as a challenge to growth, it became a missile word that sparks a contentious debate on the diagnosis and prognosis of our society. ‘Degrowth’ became an interpretative frame for a new (and old) social movement where numerous streams of critical ideas and political actions converge. It is an attempt to re-politicise debates about desired socio-environmental futures and an example of an activist-led science now (...)
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  8.  10
    Lotze et son héritage: son influence et son impact sur la philosophie du XXe siècle.Federico Boccaccini (ed.) - 2015 - New York: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    Rudolf Hermann Lotze (1817-1881) fut l'une des figures majeures de la philosophie allemande au XIXe siècle. Philosophe, logicien, psychologue, médecin, il a connu à son époque une renommée extraordinaire. Professeur de philosophie à l'Université de Göttingen, où il succéda à Herbart, il mena un parcours de recherche aussi original qu'influent. Entre romantisme et positivisme, entre naturalisme et historicisme, sa doctrine ne s'est jamais confondue avec les courants les plus importants de son époque. Admirée et suivie, autant en Allemagne qu'à l'étranger, (...)
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  9.  11
    La double articulation, on en crève!: repenser le signifiant.Federico Bravo (ed.) - 2023 - Limoges: Lambert-Lucas.
    Dans la quête des constituants ultimes du langage, l'hypothèse de la double articulation se veut une réponse économique à la question de la compositionalité du signe : le morphème serait la plus petite unité signifiante de la chaîne parlée. Contre les pièges de l'ethnocentrisme linguistique, Lacan invoque le cas du mandarin, puis satirise : "Alors la double articulation, elle est marrante, là". Au-delà du ton ouvertement polémique des propos du psychanalyste, qui finira par déclarer "la double articulation, on en crève!", (...)
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  10. The Mystery of the Return: Agamben and Bloch on the Parousia of St. Paul and the messianic time.Federico Filauri - 2020 - Praktyka Teoretyczna 1 (35):121-147.
    During the last two decades, a sharp re-reading of St. Paul’s letters allowed several thinkers to embed a messianic element in their political philosophy. In these readings, the messianic refusal of the world and its laws is understood through the suspensive act of ‘subtraction’ – a movement of withdrawal which nonetheless proved too often ineffective when translated in political practice. -/- After having analysed Agamben’s declension of Subtraction in terms of ‘inoperativity’, this article focuses on the notion of Parousia as (...)
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  11.  12
    The traversal of the infinite: considering a beginning for an infinite past.Federico Viglione - 2024 - Synthese 204 (4):1-18.
    This paper offers a critical assessment of the Successive Addition Argument (SAA) in support of past finitism, i.e., the thesis that the past of the universe is finite in duration. This old philosophical argument, re-popularized by William Lane Craig in modern times, contends that the universe’s past cannot be infinite because an infinite series cannot be formed by successive addition. I first address a recently popular objection to the argument, namely the Zeno Objection, showing that it can be easily dismissed (...)
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  12.  9
    What Is an “Ideological Emendation” (Really)? Taurus T27 and Middle Platonist Philologia Philosophica.Federico M. Petrucci - 2018 - Méthexis 30 (1):128-153.
    The aim of this paper is to deeply rethink the traditional notion of “ideological emendation”. By taking Taurus T27 as a test-case, I shall emphasise that Taurus’ intervention on Timaeus 27c5 is the result of a conjecture, and that such an emendation meets the requirements for a philological conjecture on Plato’s text. Indeed, Taurus’ fragment, which is usually taken as a typical example of “ideological emendation”, only reflects an effort to recover what Plato actually wrote, and is nothing but a (...)
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  13.  21
    Lógica de la violencia. Los antagonismos cardinales de Walter Benjamin.Federico Rodríguez - 2024 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 72:157-167.
    Estas páginas abordan de nuevo algunas de las complejidades irreductibles del problema filosófico de la violencia (su delimitación teológico-política y su eventual uso), aprovechando la reciente edición crítica en inglés de Peter Fenves y Julia Ng del clásico ensayo de Walter Benjamin Zur Kritik der Gewalt (Hacia la crítica de la violencia) (1921), publicada en el centenario del texto original alemán. Partiendo de este contexto eminentemente filológico, nos gustaría mostrar cómo, en este ensayo, la verdadera y antagónica intimidad entre la (...)
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  14.  18
    (1 other version)L’intellettuale «di regime» tra Platone e la Prima Accademia.Federico Casella - 2023 - Nóema 1 (14):118-137.
    Lo scopo del presente lavoro è indagare la peculiare legittimazione dell’impegno politico per i filosofi proposta da Platone e accolta dai suoi immediati discepoli nella cosiddetta Prima Accademia: particolare attenzione sarà rivolta, soprattutto, alla «terza ondata» della _Repubblica_. Attraverso opportuni riferimenti alla _Lettera VII_, si mostrerà come la terza ondata costituisca il cuore del progetto di riforma politica e sociale di Platone, il quale invita l’intellettuale a concepire la propria missione politica o come istituzione di un regno filosofico o come (...)
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  15.  63
    Is Science Really What Naturalism Says it is?Federico Laudisa - 2017 - Kairos 18 (1):1-30.
    In spite of the relevance of a scientific representation of the world for naturalism, it is surprising that philosophy of science is less involved in the debate on naturalism than expected. Had the viewpoint of philosophy of science been duly considered, naturalism could not have overlooked the established lesson, according to which there is no well-defined recipe for what science must or must not be. In the present paper I address some implications of this lesson for naturalism, arguing that a (...)
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  16.  31
    A proposito di Marrou, Agostino e la musica.Federico Lazzaro, Sonia Ghidoni & Massimo Parodi - 2010 - Doctor Virtualis 10:5-44.
    H.-I. Marrou's Traité de la musique selon l'esprit de Saint Augustin is a useful document about the relationship between 1930s French music and non-conformist culture. His stress on the moral aim of music recalls the claim for a spiritual revolution that informs the spirit of 1930 and Jeune France's manifesto: the reading of Marrou's Traité helps us defining the humanistic poetics of music of the '30s, and the historical context mutually explains and justify most of Marrou's thought .His thought is (...)
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  17.  14
    Geometry of Relationship. A Pedagogical Reflection on Embodiment Starting from Tact.Antonio Donato & Federico Rovea - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (64):59-68.
    The article reflects on the relationship between pedagogy and body moving from the sense of tact. Firstly, the question of the body-mind relationship in contemporary pedagogy is presented. Starting from the cartesian division of mind and body, we expose the main issues related to a possible overcoming of such dualism. In addition, we maintain that cartesian dualism significantly contributed to a dominance of mind over body in education. Then, we reconstruct the history of “pedagogical tact”: this concept changed from an (...)
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  18.  4
    Introduction. Pedagogical tact: connections old and new.Morten T. Korsgaard, Federico Rovea & Thomas Senkbeil - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (3):255-261.
    The present Special Issue is the result of a collective effort to try to re-engage with the idea and concept of pedagogical tact. During two days in 2023, 17 people gathered in Malmö, Sweden for pr...
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  19.  12
    Political Ideologies and their Social Psychological Functions.John T. Jost, Jamie L. Napier & Christopher M. Federico - 2013 - In Michael Freeden, Lyman Tower Sargent & Marc Stears, The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press.
    Ideology has re-emerged as a vital topic of investigation in social psychology. This chapter proposes that political ideologies possess both a discursive superstructure and a functional substructure and that ideologies serve social psychological functions that may not be entirely rational but help to explain why individuals are drawn to them. System justification, it argues, is the ‘glue’ that holds the two dimensions of left–right ideology together. To vindicate and uphold traditional institutions and arrangements, the right defends existing inequalities as just (...)
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  20.  13
    Authority and authoritative texts in the Platonist tradition.Michael Erler, Jan Erik Hessler & Federico M. Petrucci (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    All disciplines can count on a noble founder, and the representation of this founder as an authority is key in order to construe a discipline's identity. This book sheds light on how Plato and other authorities were represented in one of the most long-lasting traditions of all time. It leads the reader through exegesis and polemics, recovery of the past and construction of a philosophical identity. From Xenocrates to Proclus, from the sceptical shift to the re-establishment of dogmatism, from the (...)
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  21.  11
    Authority and Authoritative Texts in the Platonist Tradition.Michael Erler, Jan Erik Heßler & Federico M. Petrucci (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    All disciplines can count on a noble founder, and the representation of this founder as an authority is key in order to construe a discipline's identity. This book sheds light on how Plato and other authorities were represented in one of the most long-lasting traditions of all time. It leads the reader through exegesis and polemics, recovery of the past and construction of a philosophical identity. From Xenocrates to Proclus, from the sceptical shift to the re-establishment of dogmatism, from the (...)
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  22.  30
    Palermo: "Il Mediterraneo del '300: Raimondo Lullo e Federico III d'Aragona, re di Sicilia: Omaggio a Fernando Domínguez Reboiras".Marta M. M. Romano - 2005 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 47:232-255.
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  23.  65
    Generics and Epistemic Injustice.Martina Rosola & Federico Cella - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (5):739-754.
    In this paper, we argue that, although neglected so far, there is a strong link between generics and testimonial injustice. Testimonial injustice is a form of epistemic injustice that “occurs when prejudice causes a hearer to give a deflated level of credibility to a speaker’s word”. Generics are sentences that express generalizations about a category or about its members without specifying what proportion of the category members possess the predicated property. We argue that generics are especially suited to cause testimonial (...)
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  24.  76
    Maps, Language, and the Conceptual–Non-Conceptual Distinction.Mariela Aguilera & Federico Castellano - 2021 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 98 (2):287-315.
    To make the case for non-conceptualism, Heck draws on an apparent dichotomy between linguistic and iconic representations. According to Heck, whereas linguistic representations have conceptual content, the content of iconic representations is non-conceptual. Based on the case of cartographic systems, the authors criticize Heck’s dichotomous distinction. They argue that maps are composed of semantically arbitrary elements that play different syntactic roles. Based on this, they claim that maps have a predicative structure and convey conceptual content. Finally, the authors argue that, (...)
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  25.  59
    Model testing, prediction and experimental protocols in neuroscience: A case study.Edoardo Datteri & Federico Laudisa - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (3):602-610.
    In their theoretical and experimental reflections on the capacities and behaviours of living systems, neuroscientists often formulate generalizations about the behaviour of neural circuits. These generalizations are highly idealized, as they omit reference to the myriads of conditions that could perturb the behaviour of the modelled system in real-world settings. This article analyses an experimental investigation of the behaviour of place cells in the rat hippocampus, in which highly idealized generalizations were tested by comparing predictions flowing from them with real-world (...)
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  26.  11
    Aisthesis: scenes from the aesthetic regime of art.Jacques Rancière - 2013 - New York: Verso Books.
    Divided beauty (Dresden, 1764) -- Little gods of the street (Munich-Berlin, 1828) -- Plebeian heaven (Paris, 1830) -- The poet of the new world (Boston, 1841-New York, 1855) -- The gymnasts of the impossible (Paris, 1879) -- The dance of light (Paris, Folies Bergère, 1893) -- The immobile theatre (Paris 1894-95) -- Decorative art as social art: temple, house, factory (Paris-London-Berlin) -- Master of surfaces (Paris, 1902) -- The temple staircase (Moscow-Dresden, 1912) -- The machine and its shadow (Hollywood, 1916) (...)
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  27.  7
    Politique de l'exil: Giorgio Agamben et l'usage de la métaphysique.Anoush Ganjipour (ed.) - 2019 - [Paris]: Lignes.
    Homo Socer, de Giorgio Agamben, constitue un ensemble th©♭orique essentiel, o©£ celui-ci d©♭veloppe l'une des constructions les plus saisissantes de la pens©♭e europ©♭enne contemporaine. On en veut pour preuve les lectures, interpr©♭tations et usages multiples qui en sont faits dans des domaines aussi vari©♭s que la th©♭orie contemporaine de l'art, la critique litt©♭raire, les sciences humaines, la philosophie ou encore la pens©♭e politique. Homo Socer est rapidement devenu l'une des r©♭f©♭rences incontournables dans les d©♭bats qui animent actuellement chacun de ces (...)
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  28.  39
    Judgment and Embodied Cognition of Lawyers. Moral Decision-Making and Interoceptive Physiology in the Legal Field.Laura Angioletti, Federico Tormen & Michela Balconi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Past research showed that the ability to focus on one’s internal states positively correlates with the self-regulation of behavior in situations that are accompanied by somatic and/or physiological changes, such as emotions, physical workload, and decision-making. The analysis of moral oriented decision-making can be the first step for better understanding the legal reasoning carried on by the main players in the field, as lawyers are. For this reason, this study investigated the influence of the decision context and interoceptive manipulation on (...)
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  29.  19
    “Beauty Is How You Feel Inside”: Aesthetic Judgments Are Related to Emotional Responses to Contemporary Music.Hauke Egermann & Federico Reuben - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:510029.
    While it has extensively been argued that aesthetic categories such as beauty have a direct relationship to emotion, there has only been limited psychological research on the relationship between aesthetic judgments and emotional responses to art. Music is recognized to be an art form that elicits strong emotional responses in listeners and it is therefore pertinent to study empirically how aesthetic judgments relate to emotional responses to music listening. The aim of the presented study is to test for the impact (...)
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  30.  10
    Cigna Settles with Health Care Providers.Michael Chu - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (1):177-180.
    On February 2,2004,U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno issued the final order and judgment authorizing a settlement between the HMO CIGNA Healthcare and the physicians who treated patients covered by CIGNA, ending the companys involvement in the larger class action In re Managed Care Litigation, which stil includes eight other HMOs. The settlement, estimated by plaintiffs experts to be worth 1.3 billion, mandates changes in the companys business and disclosure practices, establishes a non-profit foundation dedicated to the promotion of high (...)
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    The Impact of Bilingualism on Executive Functions in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review Based on the PRISMA Method.Jasmine Giovannoli, Diana Martella, Francesca Federico, Sabine Pirchio & Maria Casagrande - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  32.  9
    Manual de introducción al derecho.Torres Lacroze & A. Federico - 1973 - Buenos Aires,: Cooperadora de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales.
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  33.  10
    A functional perspective on argumentation schemes.Katie Atkinson, Federico Cerutti, Peter McBurney, Simon Parsons & Iyad Rahwan - 2016 - Argument and Computation 7 (2-3):113-133.
    In multi-agent systems (MAS), abstract argumentation and argumentation schemes are increasingly important. To be useful for MAS, argumentation schemes require a computational approach so that agents can use the components of a scheme to construct and present arguments and counterarguments. This paper proposes a syntactic analysis that integrates argumentation schemes with abstract argumentation. Schemes can be analysed into the roles that propositions play in each scheme and the structure of the associated propositions, yielding a greater understanding of the schemes, a (...)
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  34.  9
    Firewall configuration: An application of multiagent metalevel argumentation.Katie Atkinson, Federico Cerutti, Peter McBurney, Simon Parsons & Iyad Rahwan - 2016 - Argument and Computation 7 (2-3):201-221.
    Firewalls are an important tool in the assurance of network security. Packet filtering firewalls are configured by providing a set of rules that identify how to handle individual data packets that arrive at the firewall. In large firewall configurations, conflicts may arise between these rules. Argumentation provides a way of handling conflicts such that their origin is illuminated, and hence can help a system administrator understand the effects of a given configuration. To show how argumentation might help in this domain (...)
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  35.  8
    Towards a richer model of deliberation dialogue: Closure problem and change of circumstances.Katie Atkinson, Federico Cerutti, Peter McBurney, Simon Parsons & Iyad Rahwan - 2016 - Argument and Computation 7 (2-3):155-173.
    Models of deliberative dialogue are fundamental for developing autonomous systems that support human practical reasoning. The question discussed in this paper is whether existing models are able to capture the complexity and richness of natural deliberation. In real-world contexts, circumstances relevant to the decision can change rapidly. We reflect on today’s leading model of deliberation dialogue and we propose an extension to capture how newly exchanged information about changing circumstances may shape the dialogue. Moreover, in natural deliberation, a dialogue may (...)
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  36.  27
    …duplici modo Daemon homini carnaliter copulatur : Ludovico Maria Sinistrari's Alternative to Apostasy and Sorcery in Human- Incubus Intercourse.Bert Roest - 2022 - Franciscan Studies 80 (1):191-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:…duplici modo Daemon homini carnaliter copulatur:Ludovico Maria Sinistrari's Alternative to Apostasy and Sorcery in Human-Incubus IntercourseBert RoestLodovico Maria Sinistrari d'Ameno (1632-1701), who joined the Riformati branch in 1647 in the Pavian Provincia di S. Diego, is one of the many productive seventeenth-century Franciscan authors whose works are not habitually discussed within the world of Franciscan scholarship. According to the existing bibliographical guides, Sinistrari authored under his own name and (...)
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    The problem of Apollonius in the Urbino School.Argante Ciocci - 2025 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 79 (1):1-30.
    During the Renaissance, several scholars worked to revive the contents and methods developed by the ancient Greek mathematicians. They began their research by studying the Latin editions of the Greek classics. The problem of Apollonius is a significant case study that sheds light on the recovery and re-appropriation of the solution methods employed by Greek mathematics. In this article, I will explore both the manuscript sources and the printed editions used by the Urbino School (Federico Commandino and Guidobaldo del (...)
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    (1 other version)Social symbol grounding and language evolution.Paul Vogt & Federico Divina - 2007 - Interaction Studies 8 (1):31-52.
    This paper illustrates how external symbol grounding can be studied in simulations with large populations. We discuss how we can simulate language evolution in a relatively complex environment which has been developed in the context of the New Ties project. This project has the objective of evolving a cultural society and, in doing so, the agents have to evolve a communication system that is grounded in their interactions with their virtual environment and with other individuals. A preliminary experiment is presented (...)
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    Moments politiques: interventions 1977-2009.Jacques Rancière - 2014 - New York: Seven Stories Press.
    Moments Politiques collects the short essays and interviews of Jacques Rancière from a span of thirty years, 1977 to 2007. Sparked by specific events in European and world news as they were happening, these pieces seek to call into question the inevitability we see in the world and undermine the legitimacy of what we think is possible. By examining the issues in which political moments arise, such as 9/11, immigration laws, and even the philosophy of Foucault, Rancière opens us up (...)
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    Les éditions anciennes de la République de Bodin conservées dans les bibliothèques belges.Marie-Thérèse Lenger - 1983 - Bruxelles: E. van Balberghe.
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    Music and Philosophy in the Roman Empire.Francesco Pelosi & Federico M. Petrucci (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Is music just matter of hearing and producing notes? And is it of interest just to musicians? By exploring different authors and philosophical trends of the Roman Empire, from Philo of Alexandria to Alexander of Aphrodisias, from the rebirth of Platonism with Plutarch to the last Neoplatonists, this book sheds light on different ways in which music and musical notions were made a crucial part of philosophical discourse. Far from being mere metaphors, notions such as harmony, concord and attunement became (...)
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    Intentional Object and Correlate: From Brentano to Marty.Mauro Antonelli & Federico Boccaccini - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 9 (2):13-33.
    The aim of this article is to amend some misunderstandings about Franz Brentano's thesis of intentionality, defending a different interpretation from the current one about the nature of intentional object and intentional correlate, and proposing an analysis of the origin of this conceptual confusion. The main problem lies in his student Anton Marty's interpretation of the immanent object, paving the way for an immanentist reading of Brentano's theory of intentionality.
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    Politics and aesthetics.Jacques Rancière - 2019 - Medford, MA: Polity Press. Edited by Peter Engelmann.
    In this book, Jacques Rancière explores how political relations develop fundamentally from sensual experience, as individual feelings become the concern of the whole community. Since politics emerges then from the 'division of the sensual', aesthetic experience becomes a radical means for social and political upheaval.
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    Assessing communication strategies in argumentation-based negotiation agents equipped with belief revision.Katie Atkinson, Federico Cerutti, Peter McBurney, Simon Parsons & Iyad Rahwan - 2016 - Argument and Computation 7 (2-3):175-200.
    The importance of negotiation has increased in the last years as a relevant interaction to solve conflicts in multi-agent systems. Although there are many different scenarios, a typical negotiating situation involves two cooperative agents that cannot reach their goals by themselves because they do not have some resources needed to reach such goals. Therefore, a way to improve their mutual benefit is to start a negotiation dialogue, taking into account that they might have incomplete or incorrect beliefs about the other (...)
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  45. O que é metafísica.Jaimir Conte & Oscar Federico Bauchwitz - 2011 - Natal, RN, Brasil: Editora da UFRN.
    Atas do III Colóquio Internacional de Metafísica. [ISBN 978-85-7273-730-2]. Sumário: 1. Prazer, desejo e amor-paixão no texto de Lucrécio, por Antonio Júlio Garcia Freire; 2. Anaximandro: física, metafísica e direito, por Celso Martins Azar Filho; 3. Carta a Guimarães Rosa, por Cícero Cunha Bezerra; 4. Ante ens, non ens: La primacía de La negación em El neoplatonismo medievel, por Claudia D’Amico; 5. Metafísica e neoplatonismo, por David G. Santos; 6. Movimento e tempo no pensamento de Epicuro, por Everton da Silva (...)
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    Analogía, Ciencias Sociales y Religión.Eduardo Federico Gutierrez Gonzalez & S. J. Luis Fernando Munera Congote - 2017 - Philosophia 2 (77):67-93.
    In this text, we ask if analogy can enable a dialogue between religion and the social sciences. To do so, we focus in the conflict between the biblical understanding of man as a created being and the notion of human nature as a social construct. Although there seems to be a fundamental dispute in social constructivism between nature and freedom (Ian Hacking), we consider analogical reasoning (Mauricio Beuchot) enables anthropological views, like Philip Hefner’s, that include central aspects of the doctrine (...)
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    Des carêmes après le Car'me stratégies de conversion et fonctions politiques des missions intérieures en Espagne et au Portugal.Marie-Lucie Copete & Federico Palomo - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (2-3):359-380.
    L'absence de travaux sur les missions intérieures jésuites en Espagne et au Portugal ne correspond pas à l'abondance des documents qui attestent une forte activité missionnaire depuis la deuxième moitié du XVIe siècle. Le caractère fondamentalement quadragésimal de l'activité initiale des jésuites déterminera le sens pénitentiel des missions ibériques et, par conséquent, les stratégies missionnaires elles-mêmes. Les formes de « présentation » des jésuites et le genre de prédication qu'ils adressent aux fidèles sont des exemples de ces stratégies, vouées à (...)
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  48. Proceedings of the Workshop on Bob Brandom's Recent Philosophy of Language: Towards an Analytic Pragmatism Genoa, Italy, April 19-23, 2009.Cristina Amoretti, Federico Pitto & Carlo Penco (eds.) - 2009 - University of Genoa, Department of Philosophy.
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    A defense of surgical procedures regulation.Mattia Andreoletti & Federico Bina - 2022 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 43 (2-3):155-168.
    Since the advent of drug regulation in 1962, regulatory agencies have been in the practice of using strict standards to test the safety and efficacy of medical treatments and products. Regulatory agencies, such as the FDA, demand two full-fledged Randomized Clinical Trials demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of drugs to grant its marketing authorization. On the contrary, surgical treatments are left completely unregulated. There are several reasons explaining this difference, and all of them point to the difficulty of conducting well-designed (...)
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  50. Franz Brentano: critical assessments of leading philosophers.Mauro Antonelli & Federico Boccaccini (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
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