Results for 'Michael Chu'

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  1.  39
    Corporate Codes of Ethics, National Culture, and Earnings Discretion: International Evidence.Chu Chen, Giorgio Gotti, Tony Kang & Michael C. Wolfe - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (1):141-163.
    This study examines the role of codes of ethics in reducing the extent to which managers act opportunistically in reporting earnings. Corporate codes of ethics, by clarifying the boundaries of ethical corporate behaviors and making relevant social norms more salient, have the potential to deter managers from engaging in opportunistic financial reporting practices. In a sample of international companies, we find that the quality of corporate codes of ethics is associated with higher earnings quality, i.e., lower discretionary accruals. Our results (...)
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    Cigna Settles with Health Care Providers.Michael Chu - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (1):177-180.
    On February 2,2004,U.S. District Judge Federico Moreno issued the final order and judgment authorizing a settlement between the HMO CIGNA Healthcare and the physicians who treated patients covered by CIGNA, ending the companys involvement in the larger class action In re Managed Care Litigation, which stil includes eight other HMOs. The settlement, estimated by plaintiffs experts to be worth 1.3 billion, mandates changes in the companys business and disclosure practices, establishes a non-profit foundation dedicated to the promotion of high quality (...)
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    A Review of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education from 2010 to 2020. [REVIEW]Xuesong Zhai, Xiaoyan Chu, Ching Sing Chai, Morris Siu Yung Jong, Andreja Istenic, Michael Spector, Jia-Bao Liu, Jing Yuan & Yan Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-18.
    This study provided a content analysis of studies aiming to disclose how artificial intelligence has been applied to the education sector and explore the potential research trends and challenges of AI in education. A total of 100 papers including 63 empirical papers and 37 analytic papers were selected from the education and educational research category of Social Sciences Citation Index database from 2010 to 2020. The content analysis showed that the research questions could be classified into development layer, application layer, (...)
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    Appraisal of donor steatosis in liver transplantation: a survey of current practice in Australia and New Zealand.A. J. Dare, A. R. Phillips, M. Chu, A. J. Hickey & A. S. Bartlett - 2012 - Transplant Research and Risk Management 2012.
    Anna J Dare,1 Anthony RJ Phillips,1–3 Michael Chu,1 Anthony JR Hickey,2 Adam SJR Bartlett1–31Department of Surgery, 2Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; 3New Zealand Liver Transplant Unit, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New ZealandBackground: Hepatic steatosis is increasingly encountered among organ donors. Currently, there is no consensus guideline as to the type or degree of donor steatosis considered acceptable for liver transplantation, and little is known about local practices in this area. The aim of this (...)
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    Affine logic for constructive mathematics.Michael Shulman - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (3):327-386.
    We show that numerous distinctive concepts of constructive mathematics arise automatically from an “antithesis” translation of affine logic into intuitionistic logic via a Chu/Dialectica construction. This includes apartness relations, complemented subsets, anti-subgroups and anti-ideals, strict and non-strict order pairs, cut-valued metrics, and apartness spaces. We also explain the constructive bifurcation of some classical concepts using the choice between multiplicative and additive affine connectives. Affine logic and the antithesis construction thus systematically “constructivize” classical definitions, handling the resulting bookkeeping automatically.
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    Book review: Ted Chu's Human Purpose and Transhuman Potential: A Cosmic Vision of Our Future Evolution. [REVIEW]Michael E. Zimmerman - 2014 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 24 (2):85-88.
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    To Become a Sage.Michael Kalton (ed.) - 1988 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Yi Hwang, better known by his pen name T'oegye, is generally considered Korea's preeminent Neo-Confucian scholar. The Ten Diagrams on Sage Learning is his final masterpiece, a distillation of the learning and practice of a lifetime, and one of the most important works of Korean Neo-Confucianism. In it he crystallized the essence of Neo-Confucian philosophy and spiritual practice in ten brief chapters that begin with the grand vision of the universe and conclude with a description of a well-lived day. In (...)
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    Fei Changfang’s Treatment of Sengyou’s Anonymous Texts.Michael Radich - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (4):819.
    The catalogue entitled Lidai sanbao ji T2034, completed in 598, exerted a profound influence on the shape of the Chinese Buddhist canon. It also features a large number of new ascriptions for canonical texts. Subsequent tradition and modern scholarship have repeatedly found these ascriptions profoundly problematic. Scholarly opinion has been divided about whether the author, Fei Changfang, faithfully reported these suspect ascriptions from other sources, or was himself their originator. This study analyzes three highly suspect patterns in the treatment of (...)
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    Computer-assisted Analysis of Zhu Fonian’s Original Mahayana Sutras.Lin Qian & Michael Radich - 2021 - Buddhist Studies Review 38 (2).
    In her 2010 study of the Shi zhu duan jie jing T309, Jan Nattier found that several passages in T309 were copied from earlier Chinese Buddhist texts. She thus proposed that T309 is not a translation from an Indian text, but a “forgery” by Zhu Fonian. Extending Nattier’s analysis with the help of TACL, a tool for computational textual analysis, we conducted a more thorough analysis of Zhu Fonian’s four Mahayana texts, namely, T309, the Pusa chu tai jing T384, the (...)
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  10. Lukas Bleichenbacher (2008) Multilingualism in the Movies: Hollywood Characters and their Language Choices.Michael Abecassis - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):118-124.
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    Methadone and intake of palatable fluids.Michael L. Abelson & Larry D. Reid - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (1):71-72.
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    guage library, 10.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1993. Pp. viii, 419.Michael Aceto - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press. pp. 70--4.
  13.  50
    Knowing and Seeing: Groundwork for a New Empiricism.Michael Ayers (ed.) - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    What is knowledge? What, if anything, can we know? Michael Ayers initiates a fresh approach to these questions by recovering the insight in the distinction between 'knowledge' and 'belief' that was common philosophical currency for two millennia after Plato. He argues that knowledge comes only with direct cognitive contact with reality or truth.
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  14.  57
    Formal Causes: Definition, Explanation, and Primacy in Socratic and Aristotelian Thought.Michael T. Ferejohn - 2013 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Michael T. Ferejohn presents a new analysis of Aristotle's theory of explanation and scientific knowledge, in the context of its Socratic roots. Ferejohn shows how Aristotle resolves the tension between his commitment to the formal-case model of explanation and his recognition of the role of efficient causes in explaining natural phenomena.
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    Acting like an algorithm: digital farming platforms and the trajectories they (need not) lock-in.Michael Carolan - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):1041-1053.
    This paper contributes to our understanding of farm data value chains with assistance from 54 semi-structured interviews and field notes from participant observations. Methodologically, it includes individuals, such as farmers, who hold well-known positionalities within digital agriculture spaces—platforms that include precision farming techniques, farm equipment built on machine learning architecture and algorithms, and robotics—while also including less visible elements and practices. The actors interviewed and materialities and performances observed thus came from spaces and places inhabited by, for example, farmers, crop (...)
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  16. Primary "Ousia": An Essay on Aristotle's Metaphysics Z and H.Michael J. Loux - 1991 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Michael J. Loux here presents a fresh reading of two of the most important books of the Metaphysics, Books Z and H, in which Aristotle presents his mature theory of primary substances. Focusing on the interplay of Aristotle's early and late views, Loux maintans that the later concept of ousia should be understood in terms of a theory of predication that carries interesting implications for contemporary metaphysics. Loux argues that in his first attempt in identifying ousiai in the Categories, (...)
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  17. Nature From Within: Gustav Theodor Fechner and His Psychophysical Worldview.Michael Heidelberger & Translator: Cynthia Klohr - 2004 - Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
    Michael Heidelberger's exhaustive exploration of Fechner's writings, in relation to current issues in the field, successfully reestablishes Fechner'...
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  18.  49
    The Curvilinear Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Team Creativity: The Moderating Role of Team Faultlines.Shenjiang Mo, Chu-Ding Ling & Xiao-Yun Xie - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):229-242.
    In this study, we built and tested a theoretical model to determine how ethical leadership affects team creativity among teams composed of different characteristics. Following social learning theory and an antecedent–benefit–cost framework, we conducted analyses of multisource data from 50 team supervisors and 186 employees, which revealed an inverted U-shaped relationship between ethical leadership and team creativity. The teams exhibited more creativity when there was a moderate level of ethical leadership than when there were very low or very high levels. (...)
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  19. Freedom, God, and worlds.Michael J. Almeida - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Michael J. Almeida presents a bold new defence of the existence of God. He argues that entrenched principles in philosophical theology which have served as basic assumptions in apriori, atheological arguments are in fact philosophical dogmas. Almeida argues that not only are such principles false - they are necessarily false.
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    Shadow, Self, Spirit: Essays in Transpersonal Psychology.Michael Daniels - 2005 - Imprint Academic.
    Transpersonal Psychology concerns the study of those states and processes in which people experience a deeper sense of who they are, or a greater sense of connectedness with others, with nature, or the spiritual dimension. Pioneered by respected researchers such as Jung, Maslow and Tart, it has nonetheless struggled to find recognition among mainstream scientists. Now that is starting to change. Dr. Michael Daniels teaches the subject as part of a broadly-based psychology curriculum, and this book brings together the (...)
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  21. Tawaregusa.Amenomori Hōshū & Mizuta Norihisa kōchū - 2000 - In Jinsai Itō, Jinsai nissatsu. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  22.  27
    Richard Rorty: Pragmatism and Political Liberalism.Michael Bacon - 2007 - Lexington Books.
    Michael Bacon gives a critical presentation of Rorty's writings on pragmatism and political theory, comparing and contrasting him with pragmatists such as Hilary Putnam and Susan Haack and liberals such as John Rawls and Brian Barry. The result is an imaginative presentation of one of contemporary philosophy's most innovative and important thinkers.
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    Vividness of recollection is supported by eye movements in individuals with high, but not low trait autobiographical memory.Michael J. Armson, Nicholas B. Diamond, Laryssa Levesque, Jennifer D. Ryan & Brian Levine - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104487.
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  24. Eudemian Ethics Books I, Ii, and Viii.Michael Woods (ed.) - 1992 - Clarendon Press.
    Anyone seriously interested in Aristotle's moral philosophy must take full account of the Eudemian Ethics, a work which has in the past been unduly neglected in favour of the Nicomachean Ethics. The relation between the two treatises is now the subject of lively debate. This volume contains a translation of three of the eight books of the Eudemian Ethics - those that are likely to be of most interest to philosophers today - together with a philosophical commentary on these books (...)
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    Hegel’s Dialectic and its Criticism.Michael Rosen - 1982 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's philosophy has often been compared to a circle of circles: an ascending spiral to its admirers, but a vortex to its critics. The metaphor reflects Hegel's claim to offer a conception of philosophical reason so comprehensive as to include all others as partial forms of itself. It is a claim which faces the writer on Hegel with peculiar difficulties. Criticism, it would appear, can always be outflanked; criticism of the system can be turned back into criticism within the system. (...)
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  26. Authenticity in Painting: Remarks on Michael Fried’s Art History.Michael Fried, Robert Pippin, Michel Chaouli, Stefan Andriopoulos, Richard Menke, Carlo Ginzburg, Dragan Kujundzic, Jacques Derrida & J. Hillis Miller - 2005 - Critical Inquiry 31 (3):575.
    My topic is authenticity in or perhaps as painting, not the authenticity of paintings; I know next to nothing about the problem of verifying claims of authorship. I am interested in another kind of genuineness and fraudulence, the kind at issue when we say of a person that he or she is false, not genuine, inauthentic, lacks integrity, and, especially when we say he or she is playing to the crowd, playing for effect, or is a poseur. These are not (...)
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    Humean Moral Pluralism.Michael B. Gill - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Michael B. Gill offers a new account of Humean moral pluralism: the view that there are different moral reasons for action, which are based on human sentiments. He explores its historical origins, and argues that it offers the most compelling view of our moral experience. Together, pluralism and Humeanism make a philosophically powerful couple.
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  28. Kʻung-tzu ti tao te che hsüeh.Ching-chu Yeh - 1977
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  29. Kʻung hsüeh man tʻan.Chia-chü Yü - 1976
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  30.  17
    The Predictive Effects of Family and Individual Wellbeing on University Students' Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Xiaoqin Zhu, Carman K. M. Chu & Yee Ching Lam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed university students' life routines, such as prolonged stay at home and learning online without prior preparation. Identifying factors influencing student online learning has become a great concern of educators and researchers. The present study aimed to investigate whether family wellbeing would significantly predict university students' online learning effectiveness indicated by engagement and gains. The mediational role of individual wellbeing such as life satisfaction and sleep difficulties was also tested. This study collected data from 511 (...)
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    The science of good and evil: why people cheat, gossip, care, share, and follow the golden rule.Michael Shermer - 2004 - New York: Times Books.
    In his third and final investigation into the science of belief, bestselling author Michael Shermer tackles the evolution of morality and ethics A century and a half after Darwin first proposed an “evolutionary ethics,” science has begun to tackle the roots of morality. Just as evolutionary biologists study why we are hungry (to motivate us to eat) or why sex is enjoyable (to motivate us to procreate), they are now searching for the roots of human nature. In The Science (...)
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  32.  50
    Transforming experience: John Dewey's cultural instrumentalism.Michael Eldridge - 1998 - Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
    Dewey scholar Michael Eldridge provides a thorough and well-researched interpretation of Dewey's philosophy that focuses on the role of intelligence in human ...
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    On the Connection Between Language Change and Language Processing.Peter Hendrix, Ching Chu Sun, Henry Brighton & Andreas Bender - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13384.
    Previous studies provided evidence for a connection between language processing and language change. We add to these studies with an exploration of the influence of lexical-distributional properties of words in orthographic space, semantic space, and the mapping between orthographic and semantic space on the probability of lexical extinction. Through a binomial linear regression analysis, we investigated the probability of lexical extinction by the first decade of the twenty-first century (2000s) for words that existed in the first decade of the nineteenth-century (...)
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  34.  19
    Darwinism as Religion: What Literature Tells Us About Evolution.Michael Ruse - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Darwinian Revolution--the change in thinking sparked by Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, which argued that all organisms including humans are the end product of a long, slow, natural process of evolution rather than the miraculous creation of an all-powerful God--is one of the truly momentous cultural events in Western Civilization. Darwinism as Religion is an innovative and exciting approach to this revolution through creative writing, showing how the theory of evolution as expressed by Darwin has, from the (...)
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    (1 other version)A Philosophy of Mass Art.Michael Kelly - 1998 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 61 (2):481-485.
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    Eight Inference Rules for Implication.Michael Arndt - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (4):781-808.
    Utilizing an idea that has its first appearance in Gerhard Gentzen’s unpublished manuscripts, we generate an exhaustive repertoire of all the possible inference rules that are related to the left implication inference rule of the sequent calculus from a ground sequent, that is, a logical axiom. We discuss the similarities and differences of these derived rules as well as their interaction with the implication right rule under cut and the structural axiom. We further consider the question of analyticity of cuts (...)
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  37.  27
    Liminality: The Not-So-New Normal?Michael A. Ashby - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1):1-5.
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    Language and Process: Words, Whitehead and the World.Michael Halewood - 2020 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Michael Halewood uses ideas from analytic philosophy, continental philosophy and social theory to look at how language relates to the world, and the world to language. He primarily draws on the work of Alfred North Whitehead, and incorporating the ideas of Gilles Deleuze, John Dewey and Luce Irigaray, to view the world as 'in process'.
  39.  7
    Unless You Believe, You Shall Not Understand: Logic, University, and Society in Late Medieval Vienna.Michael H. Shank - 2014 - Princeton Legacy Library.
    Founded in 1365, not long after the Great Plague ravaged Europe, the University of Vienna was revitalized in 1384 by prominent theologians displaced from Paris--among them Henry of Langenstein. Beginning with the 1384 revival, Michael Shank explores the history of the university and its ties with European intellectual life and the city of Vienna. In so doing he links the abstract discussions of university theologians with the burning of John Hus and Jerome of Prague at the Council of Constance (...)
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  40. Education, democratic citizenship and multiculturalism.Michael Walzer - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 29 (2):181–189.
    Michael Walzer; Education, Democratic Citizenship and Multiculturalism, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 29, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 181–189, http.
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    Nicomachean ethics.Michael Aristotle & Pakaluk - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by C. J. Rowe & Sarah Broadie.
    This translation seeks to make Aristotle's terse and concentrated Greek fairly intelligible to those who read him in English. Those who want to read through the Ethics to grasp the main outlines of Aristotle's position need a translation that can be understood without detailed explanations.
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  42.  10
    Crisis style: the aesthetics of repair.Michael Dango - 2022 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    In this expansive and provocative new work, Michael Dango theorizes how aesthetic style manages crisis--and why taking crisis seriously means taking aesthetics seriously. Detoxing, filtering, binging, and ghosting: these are four actions that have come to define how people deal with the stress of living in a world that seems in permanent crisis. As Dango argues, they can also be used to describe contemporary art and literature. Employing what he calls "promiscuous archives," Dango traverses media and re-shuffles literary and (...)
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  43.  15
    Love and Power: The Role of Religion and Morality in American Politics.Michael J. Perry - 1991 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Annotation. In this sequel to his Morality, Politics, and Law, Michael Perry addresses the proper relation of moral convictions to the politics of a morally pluralistic society. While his analysis focuses on religious morality, Perry's argument applies to morality generally. Contending that nojustification of a contested political choice can be neutral among competing conceptions of human good, the author develops an ideal of "ecumenical politics" in which moral convictions about human good can be brought to bear in a productive (...)
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  44. God and evil: an introduction to the issues.Michael L. Peterson - 1998 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    This concise, well-structured survey examines the problem of evil in the context of the philosophy of religion. One of the core topics in that field, the problem of evil is an enduring challenge that Western philosophers have pondered for almost two thousand years. The main problem of evil consists in reconciling belief in a just and loving God with the evil and suffering in the world. Michael Peterson frames this issue by working through questions such as the following: What (...)
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    A full-pull program for the provision of pharmaceuticals: Practical issues.Michael J. Selgelid - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (2):134-145.
    Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (CAPPE), Menzies Centre for Health Policy, The Australian National University, LPO Box 8260, ANU Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. Tel.: +61 (0)2 6125 4355; Mobile: +61 (0)431 124 286; Fax: +61 (0)2 6125 6579; Email: michael.selgelid{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract Thomas Pogge has proposed a supplement to the standard patent regime whereby innovating companies would be rewarded in proportion to the extent to which their innovations lead (...)
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    Spinoza and the Philosophy of Love.Michael Strawser - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Michael Strawser provides a new reading of Spinoza as a philosopher of love for whom the ethically qualified conception of noble love is central. Strawser situates Spinoza’s philosophy of love within the Jewish and Cartesian traditions and shows how this active conception of love can conquer hatred and bring people together.
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    Democratizing Knowledge: Sustainable and Conventional Agricultural Field Days as Divergent Democratic Forms.Michael S. Carolan - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (4):508-528.
    This article highlights that in our rush to call for the democratization of science and expertise we must not forget to speak to what type of democratization we are calling for. In short, not all participatory forms are the same. In developing this argument, I examine one such form that has yet to receive much attention from science and technology studies scholars: the agricultural field day. In examining the field day, we find that its orientation—that is, toward either the conventional (...)
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    Morality on the road: Should machine drivers be more utilitarian than human drivers?Peng Liu, Yueying Chu, Siming Zhai, Tingru Zhang & Edmond Awad - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):106011.
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    The Mutability of Biotechnology Patents: From Unwieldy Products of Nature to Independent 'Object/s'.Michael S. Carolan - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (1):110-129.
    This article details how patent law works to create discrete, immutable biological ‘objects’. This socio-legal maneuver is necessary to distinguish these artifacts from the unwieldy realm of the natural world. The creation of ‘objects’ also serves the interests of capital, where a stable, unchanging, immutable object goes hand in hand with commodification. Yet this stabilization is incomplete. Pointing to a variety of different examples, this article illustrates how biotech patents do not speak to specific, immutable things. Biotech patents, rather, are (...)
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  50.  19
    Could the Focus on Transcendental Violence Be Violent?Michael Barber - 2019 - Studia Phaenomenologica 19:235-250.
    Eddo Evink criticizes Emmanuel Levinas’s supposed view that all acts of intentionality and rationality commit transcendental violence against their objects, including the Other. If this is so, Levinas undermines the possibility of his own philosophy. Evink further argues: that there are non-violent forms of intentionality and so intentionality is only potentially violent; that some non-violent counter-pole is needed to define violence; that there are contradictions in Levinas’s notion of violence; that Levinas, like empiricists, aspires to a metaphysical absolute untainted by (...)
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