Results for 'Fc Boogerd'

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  1. Casper J. Albers, Barteld P. Kooi and Willem schaafsma/trying to resolve the two-envelope problem Edwin H.-c. Hung/projective explanation: How theories explain empirical data in spite of theory. [REVIEW]Fc Boogerd, Fj Bruggeman & Rc Richardson - 2005 - Synthese 145 (1):499-500.
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  2. Emergence and Its Place in Nature: A Case Study of Biochemical Networks.Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman, Robert C. Richardson, Achim Stephan & Hans V. Westerhoff - 2005 - Synthese 145 (1):131 - 164.
    We will show that there is a strong form of emergence in cell biology. Beginning with C.D. Broad's classic discussion of emergence, we distinguish two conditions sufficient for emergence. Emergence in biology must be compatible with the thought that all explanations of systemic properties are mechanistic explanations and with their sufficiency. Explanations of systemic properties are always in terms of the properties of the parts within the system. Nonetheless, systemic properties can still be emergent. If the properties of the components (...)
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    Systems Biology: Philosophical Foundations.Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman, Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr & Hans V. Westerhoff (eds.) - 2007 - Boston: Elsevier.
    Systems biology is a vigorous and expanding discipline, in many ways a successor to genomics and perhaps unprecendented in its combination of biology with a ...
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    Towards philosophical foundations of Systems Biology: introduction.Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman, Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr & Hans V. Westerhoff - 2007 - In Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman, Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr & Hans V. Westerhoff (eds.), Systems Biology: Philosophical Foundations. Boston: Elsevier.
  5. Een ongelijke strijd?Door Johanna Boogerd - forthcoming - Idee.
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  6. Europese pensioenenbom tikt door.Door Johanna Boogerd - forthcoming - Idee.
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  7. Plattelandsvernieuwing: idee of fictie?Johanna Boogerd - forthcoming - Idee.
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  8. Bio-bibliographie du P. André François von Gunten, op (1921-1997).Fc Morerod - 2000 - Nova et Vetera 75 (1):5-23.
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  9. Église et Royaume II: Vatican II.Fc Morerod - 2000 - Nova et Vetera 75 (1):39-61.
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  10. Mechanistic Explanations and Models in Molecular Systems Biology.Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman & Robert C. Richardson - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (4):725-744.
    Mechanistic models in molecular systems biology are generally mathematical models of the action of networks of biochemical reactions, involving metabolism, signal transduction, and/or gene expression. They can be either simulated numerically or analyzed analytically. Systems biology integrates quantitative molecular data acquisition with mathematical models to design new experiments, discriminate between alternative mechanisms and explain the molecular basis of cellular properties. At the heart of this approach are mechanistic models of molecular networks. We focus on the articulation and development of mechanistic (...)
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  11. Inter-level relations in computer science, biology, and psychology.Fred Boogerd, Frank Bruggeman, Catholijn Jonker, Huib Looren de Jong, Allard Tamminga, Jan Treur, Hans Westerhoff & Wouter Wijngaards - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (4):463–471.
    Investigations into inter-level relations in computer science, biology and psychology call for an *empirical* turn in the philosophy of mind. Rather than concentrate on *a priori* discussions of inter-level relations between 'completed' sciences, a case is made for the actual study of the way inter-level relations grow out of the developing sciences. Thus, philosophical inquiries will be made more relevant to the sciences, and, more importantly, philosophical accounts of inter-level relations will be testable by confronting them with what really happens (...)
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    Afterthoughts as foundations for systems biology.Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman, Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr & Hans V. Westerhoff - 2007 - In Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman, Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr & Hans V. Westerhoff (eds.), Systems Biology: Philosophical Foundations. Boston: Elsevier.
  13. Os castelos medievais de Aljezur.Fc Corrêa - forthcoming - História.
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  14. Olhares internacionais: correspondentes sediados no Rio de Janeiro.Faculdade de Comunicação Social Fcs - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (1):105-118.
    Apresentação Agradecemos à presença dos professores do mestrado em Comunicação da Faculdade de Comunicação Social da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, aos alunos da graduação e da pós e aos quatro convidados pela gentileza de estarem no campus da Universidade para tratar de um assunto pouco estudado na área de comunicação. Nos currículos antigos, em especial aqueles na década de 1980, havia uma disciplina intitulada Sistemas Internacionais de Comunicação. Hoje esse é um tema ausente da grade de muitos (...)
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  15. Die Rezeption der Philosophie der Sophisten in der deutsch-und englischsprachigen Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. [REVIEW]Fc Beeretz - 1985 - Filosofia 15:231-239.
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    A primer on global climate change and its likely impacts.John Abatzoglou, Joseph Fc Dimento, Pamela Doughman & Stefano Nespor - 2007 - In Joseph F. DiMento & Pamela Doughman (eds.), Climate Change: What It Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren. MIT Press.
  17. The catalina test facility.Fc Fay Iii & Wc Hall - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif..
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    Climate-Change Effects: Global and Local Views.John Abatzoglou, Joseph Fc Dimento, Pamela Doughman & Stefano Nespor - 2007 - In Joseph F. DiMento & Pamela Doughman (eds.), Climate Change: What It Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren. MIT Press.
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    Climate change: how the world is responding.Joseph Fc Dimento & Pamela Doughman - 2007 - In Joseph F. DiMento & Pamela Doughman (eds.), Climate Change: What It Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren. MIT Press.
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    How Good Is “Good Enough”? The Case for Varying Standards of Evidence According to Need for New Interventions in HIV Prevention.Bridget Haire, John Kaldor & Christopher Fc Jordens - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (6):21-30.
    In 2010, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of two different biomedical strategies to prevent HIV infection had positive findings. However, despite ongoing very high levels of HIV infection in some countries and population groups, it has been made clear by regulatory authorities that the evidence remains insufficient to support either product being made available outside of research contexts in the developing world for at least two years. In addition, prevention trials in endemic areas will continue to test new interventions against placebo. (...)
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    Commentary:“Growing Up Indian”: Childhood and the Survival of Nations.Anthony Fc Wallace - 2013 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 41 (4):337-340.
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    The Consciousness of Time.Anthony Fc Wallace - 2005 - Anthropology of Consciousness 16 (2):1-15.
  23. Biocomplexity: A pluralist research strategy is necessary for a mechanistic explanation of the "live" state.F. J. Bruggeman, H. V. Westerhoff & F. C. Boogerd - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (4):411 – 440.
    The biological sciences study (bio)complex living systems. Research directed at the mechanistic explanation of the "live" state truly requires a pluralist research program, i.e. BioComplexity research. The program should apply multiple intra-level and inter-level theories and methodologies. We substantiate this thesis with analysis of BioComplexity: metabolic and modular control analysis of metabolic pathways, emergence of oscillations, and the analysis of the functioning of glycolysis.
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  24. Macromolecular intelligence in microorganisms. [REVIEW]Frank J. Bruggeman, Wally C. Van Heeswijk, Fred Boogerd & Hans V. Westerhoff - 2000 - Biological Chemistry 381:965-972.
    Biochemistry and molecular biology have been focusing on the structural, catalytic, and regulatory proper- ties of individual macromolecules from the perspective of clarifying the mechanisms of metabolism and gene expression. Complete genomes of ‘primitive’ living organisms seem to be substantially larger than necessary for metabolism and gene expression alone. This is in line with the findings of silent phenotypes for supposedly important genes, apparent redundancy of functions, and variegated networks of signal transduction and transcription factors. Here we propose that evolutionary (...)
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  25. FC White, On Schopenhauer's Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason Reviewed by.Dale Jacquette - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (5):370-372.
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    FC Beiser (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Hegel and nineteenth-century philosophy.Ludovicus De Vos - 2011 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 73 (1):172-173.
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    Book Review: Karla FC Holloway, Private Bodies, Public Texts: Durham: Duke University Press, 2011. [REVIEW]Daniel S. Goldberg - 2012 - Journal of Medical Humanities 33 (2):137-139.
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    Determining if (FC-) (conflict-directed) backjumping visits a given node is NP-hard.Bernd S. W. Schröder - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 132 (1):105-117.
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  29. Towards a Constructivist Systems Biology? Review of: F. C. Boogerd et al. (eds.) (2006) Systems Biology.H. Goorhuis - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (1):57-57.
    Summary: Based on the book, the overall impression is that systems biology struggles with the limits of first-order cybernetics and tries to overcome it by mixing bottom up and top down methods from classical approaches such as genetics, molecular biology and enzymology. However, the contributors avoid the step from first-order to second-order cybernetics.
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    The Attacking Process in Football: A Taxonomy for Classifying How Teams Create Goal Scoring Opportunities Using a Case Study of Crystal Palace FC.Jongwon Kim, Nic James, Nimai Parmar, Besim Ali & Goran Vučković - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Testing an Attachment-Based Parenting Intervention-VIPP-FC/A in Adoptive Families with Post-institutionalized Children: Do Maternal Sensitivity and Genetic Markers Count?Lavinia Barone, Virginia Barone, Antonio Dellagiulia & Francesca Lionetti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Homogeneity, selection, and the faithfulness condition.Daniel Steel - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (3):303-317.
    The faithfulness condition (FC) is a useful principle for inferring causal structure from statistical data. The usual motivation for the FC appeals to theorems showing that exceptions to it have probability zero, provided that some apparently reasonable assumptions obtain. However, some have objected that, the theorems notwithstanding, exceptions to the FC are probable in commonly occurring circumstances. I argue that exceptions to the FC are probable in the circumstances specified by this objection only given the presence of a condition that (...)
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    Subdirectly Irreducible Residuated Semilattices and Positive Universal Classes.Jeffrey S. Olson - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):393-406.
    CRS(fc) denotes the variety of commutative residuated semilattice-ordered monoids that satisfy (x ⋀ e)k ≤ (x ⋀ e)k+1. A structural characterization of the subdi-rectly irreducible members of CRS(k) is proved, and is then used to provide a constructive approach to the axiomatization of varieties generated by positive universal subclasses of CRS(k).
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    Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.Jonas Ries & Petra Schwille - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (5):361-368.
    Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a powerful technique to measure concentrations, mobilities, and interactions of fluorescent biomolecules. It can be applied to various biological systems such as simple homogeneous solutions, cells, artificial, or cellular membranes and whole organisms. Here, we introduce the basic principle of FCS, discuss its application to biological questions as well as its limitations and challenges, present an overview of novel technical developments to overcome those challenges, and conclude with speculations about the future applications of fluorescence fluctuation (...)
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  35. Free choice and the theory of scalar implicatures* MIT,.Danny Fox - manuscript
    This paper will be concerned with the conjunctive interpretation of a family of disjunctive constructions. The relevant conjunctive interpretation, sometimes referred to as a “free choice effect,” (FC) is attested when a disjunctive sentence is embedded under an existential modal operator. I will provide evidence that the relevant generalization extends (with some caveats) to all constructions in which a disjunctive sentence appears under the scope of an existential quantifier, as well as to seemingly unrelated constructions in which conjunction appears under (...)
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    Free choice and presuppositional exhaustification.Guillermo Del Pinal, Itai Bassi & Uli Sauerland - unknown
    Sentences such as Olivia can take Logic or Algebra (‘♢∨-sentences’) are typically interpreted as entailing that Olivia can take Logic and can take Algebra. Given a standard semantics for modals and disjunction, those ‘Free choice’ (FC) readings are not predicted from the surface form of ♢∨-sentences. Yet the standard semantics is appropriate for the ‘double prohibition’ reading typically assigned to ¬♢∨-sentences like Olivia can’t take Logic or Algebra. Several extant approaches to FC can account for those two cases, but face (...)
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    On isomorphism classes of computably enumerable equivalence relations.Uri Andrews & Serikzhan A. Badaev - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):61-86.
    We examine how degrees of computably enumerable equivalence relations under computable reduction break down into isomorphism classes. Two ceers are isomorphic if there is a computable permutation of ω which reduces one to the other. As a method of focusing on nontrivial differences in isomorphism classes, we give special attention to weakly precomplete ceers. For any degree, we consider the number of isomorphism types contained in the degree and the number of isomorphism types of weakly precomplete ceers contained in the (...)
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    Gender Inequality in Household Chores and Work-Family Conflict.Javier Cerrato & Eva Cifre - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:384557.
    The fact that the permeability between family and work scopes produces work-family conflict (WFC) is well established. As such, this research aims to check whether the unequal involvement in household chores between men and women is associated with increased WFC in women and men, interpreting the results also from the knowledge that arise from gender studies. A correlational study was carried out by means a questionnaire applied to 515 subjects (63% men) of two independent samples of Spanish men and women (...)
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    On the Philosophical Significance of Frege’s Constraint.Andrea Sereni - 2019 - Philosophia Mathematica 27 (2):244–275.
    Foundational projects disagree on whether pure and applied mathematics should be explained together. Proponents of unified accounts like neologicists defend Frege’s Constraint (FC), a principle demanding that an explanation of applicability be provided by mathematical definitions. I reconsider the philosophical import of FC, arguing that usual conceptions are biased by ontological assumptions. I explore more reasonable weaker variants — Moderate and Modest FC — arguing against common opinion that ante rem structuralism (and other) views can meet them. I dispel doubts (...)
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  40. (In)Definiteness, Polarity, and the Role of wh-morphology in Free Choice.Anastasia Giannakidou & Lisa Cheng - 2006 - Journal of Semantics 23 (2):135-183.
    In this paper we reconsider the issue of free choice and the role of the wh-morphology employed in it. We show that the property of being an interrogative wh-word alone is not sufficient for free choice, and that semantic and sometimes even morphological definiteness is a pre-requisite for some free choice items (FCIs) in certain languages, e.g. in Greek and Mandarin Chinese. We propose a theory that explains the polarity behaviour of FCIs cross-linguistically, and allows indefinite (Giannakidou 2001) as well (...)
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  41. Any as inherently modal.Veneeta Dayal - 1998 - Linguistics and Philosophy 21 (5):433-476.
    The primary theoretical focus of this paper is on Free Choice uses of any, in particular on two phenomena that have remained largely unstudied. One involves the ability of any phrases to occur in affirmative episodic statements when aided by suitable noun modifiers. The other involves the difference between modals of necessity and possibility with respect to licensing of any. The central thesis advanced here is that FC any is a universal determiner whose domain of quantification is not a set (...)
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  42. A critique of Vihvelin’s Three-fold Classification.Kristin Mickelson - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (1):85-99.
    In this essay, I argue for the rejection of Vihvelin's ‘Three-fold Classification’ , a nonstandard taxonomy of free-will compatibilism, incompatibilism, and impossibilism. Vihvelin is right that the standard taxonomy of these views is inadequate, and that a new taxonomy is needed to clarify the free-will debate. Significantly, Vihvelin notes that the standard formal definition of ‘incompatibilism’ does not capture the historically popular view that deterministic laws pose a threat to free will. Vihvelin's proposed solution is to redefine ‘incompatibilism.’ However, Vihvelin's (...)
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  43. The semantics of scandinavian free choice items.Kjell Johan Saeboe - 2001 - Linguistics and Philosophy 24 (6):737-788.
    I present an analysis of Free Choice Items (FCIs), based on Scandinavian, where FCIs are complex and distinct from polarity sensitive items. Scandinavian FCIs are argued to have two components. One is a universal quantifying into modal contexts. The other is an operator mapping a type (s,t) expression onto itself, adjoining to the closest type t or (s,t) expression. Thus invoking Intensional Functional Application, this operator requires the presence of a modal in the scope of the universal quantifier. Facts concerning (...)
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    A Functional Contextual Account of Background Knowledge in Categorization: Implications for Artificial General Intelligence and Cognitive Accounts of General Knowledge.Darren J. Edwards, Ciara McEnteggart & Yvonne Barnes-Holmes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:745306.
    Psychology has benefited from an enormous wealth of knowledge about processes of cognition in relation to how the brain organizes information. Within the categorization literature, this behavior is often explained through theories of memory construction called exemplar theory and prototype theory which are typically based on similarity or rule functions as explanations of how categories emerge. Although these theories work well at modeling highly controlled stimuli in laboratory settings, they often perform less well outside of these settings, such as explaining (...)
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  45. Focus and Negative Polarity in Hindi.Utpal Lahiri - 1998 - Natural Language Semantics 6 (1):57-123.
    This paper presents an analysis of negative polarity items (NPIs) in Hindi. It is noted that NPIs in this language are composed of a (weak) indefinite plus a particle bhii meaning ‘even’. It is argued that the compositional semantics of this combination explains their behavior as NPIs as well as their behavior as free choice (FC) items. I assume that weak Hindi indefinites like ek and koi are to be viewed as a predicate that I call one, a predicate that (...)
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  46. Complexity-based Theories of Emergence: Criticisms and Constraints.Kari L. Theurer - 2014 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 28 (3):277-301.
    In recent years, many philosophers of science have attempted to articulate a theory of non-epistemic emergence that is compatible with mechanistic explanation and incompatible with reductionism. The 2005 account of Fred C. Boogerd et al. has been particularly influential. They argued that a systemic property was emergent if it could not be predicted from the behaviour of less complex systems. Here, I argue that Boogerd et al.'s attempt to ground emergence in complexity guarantees that we will see emergence, (...)
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  47. Nietzsche on the Superficiality of Consciousness.Mattia Riccardi - 2018 - In Manuel Dries (ed.), Nietzsche on consciousness and the embodied mind. Boston, USA; Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 93-112.
    Abstract: Nietzsche’s famously wrote that “consciousness is a surface” (EH, Why I am so clever, 9: 97). The aim of this paper is to make sense of this quite puzzling contention—Superficiality, for short. In doing this, I shall focus on two further claims—both to be found in Gay Science 354—which I take to substantiate Nietzsche’s endorsement of Superficiality. The first claim is that consciousness is superfluous—which I call the “superfluousness claim” (SC). The second claim is that consciousness is the source (...)
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  48. Champions in the Age of COVID-19.Jake Wojtowicz & Alex Wolf-Root - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (1):3-13.
    How should sport deal with prematurely ended seasons? This question is especially relevant to the current COVID-19 inter- ruption that threatens to leave many leagues without cham- pions. We argue that although there can be no winners, in certain situations there should be champions. Relevant to the current situation, we argue that Liverpool FC—currently with a 22+ point lead—should be crowned champions of the English Premier League. However, things are not as simple as simply handing the championship to whoever was (...)
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  49. Reconfiguration of Functional Dynamics in Cortico-Thalamo-Cerebellar Circuit in Schizophrenia Following High-Frequency Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.Huan Huang, Bei Zhang, Li Mi, Meiqing Liu, Xin Chang, Yuling Luo, Cheng Li, Hui He, Jingyu Zhou, Ruikun Yang, Hechun Li, Sisi Jiang, Dezhong Yao, Qifu Li, Mingjun Duan & Cheng Luo - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness characterized by a disconnection between brain regions. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive brain intervention technique that can be used as a new and safe treatment option for patients with schizophrenia with drug-refractory symptoms, such as negative symptoms and cognitive impairment. However, the therapeutic effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation remain unclear and would be investigated using non-invasive tools, such as functional connectivity. A longitudinal design was adopted to investigate the alteration in FC dynamics using (...)
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  50. A tableau calculus for Propositional Intuitionistic Logic with a refined treatment of nested implications.Mauro Ferrari, Camillo Fiorentini & Guido Fiorino - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (2):149-166.
    Since 1993, when Hudelmaier developed an O(n log n)-space decision procedure for propositional Intuitionistic Logic, a lot of work has been done to improve the efficiency of the related proof-search algorithms. In this paper a tableau calculus using the signs T, F and Fc with a new set of rules to treat signed formulas of the kind T((A → B) → C) is provided. The main feature of the calculus is the reduction of both the non-determinism in proof-search and the (...)
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