Results for 'Fabio Friso'

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  1.  46
    Participant Experiences on a Medicinal Plant Diet at Takiwasi Center: An In‐Depth Small‐Scale Survey.Tereza Rumlerová, Fabio Friso, Jaime Torres Romero, Veronika Kavenská & Matteo Politi - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (1):38-62.
    Anthropology of Consciousness, Volume 33, Issue 1, Page 38-62, Spring 2022.
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    Use of tobacco purge in a therapeutic community for the treatment of substance use disorders.Tereza Rumlerová, Eric Kube, Nahuel Simonet, Fabio Friso & Matteo Politi - 2023 - Anthropology of Consciousness 34 (1):7-34.
    In the Peruvian Amazon, tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) is considered a master plant and is the main curing tool of local healers. Among its several medicinal uses, we find drinking tobacco juice with the purpose of purging in order to heal on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. This specific practice is part of the addiction treatment protocol developed at Takiwasi Center. The goal of this investigation was to focus on the effects of the tobacco purge as reported by therapists at (...)
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  3. Why argue? Towards a cost–benefit analysis of argumentation.Cristiano Castelfranchi & Fabio Paglieri - 2010 - Argument and Computation 1 (1):71-91.
    This article proposes a cost-benefit analysis of argumentation, with the aim of highlighting the strategic considerations that govern the agent's decision to argue or not. In spite of its paramount importance, the topic of argumentative decision-making has not received substantial attention in argumentation theories so far. We offer an explanation for this lack of consideration and propose a tripartite taxonomy and detailed description of the strategic reasons considered by arguers in their decision-making: benefits, costs, and dangers. We insist that the (...)
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  4. On the imprecision of full conditional probabilities.Gregory Wheeler & Fabio G. Cozman - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3761-3782.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that if one adopts conditional probabilities as the primitive concept of probability, one must deal with the fact that even in very ordinary circumstances at least some probability values may be imprecise, and that some probability questions may fail to have numerically precise answers.
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    What a Smile Means: Contextual Beliefs and Facial Emotion Expressions in a Non-verbal Zero-Sum Game.Fábio P. Pádua Júnior, Paulo H. M. Prado, Scott S. Roeder & Eduardo B. Andrade - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  6. Temporal location of events in language and (non) persistence of the past.Fabio Del Prete - 2020 - Critical Hermeneutics 4 (II):25-68.
    The article reviews some analyses of temporal language in logical approaches to natural language semantics. It considers some asymmetries between past and future, manifested in language, which motivate the “standard view” of the non-reversibility of time and the persistence of the past. It concludes with a puzzle about the changing past which challenges the standard view.
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    The Obvious in a Nutshell: Science, Medicine, Knowledge, and History.Fabio De Sio & Heiner Fangerau - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (2-3):167-185.
    The scope and mission of the history of science have been constant objects of reflection and debate within the profession. Recently, Lorraine Daston has called for a shift of focus: from the history of science to the history of knowledge. Such a move is an attempt at broadening the field and ridding it of the contradictions deriving from its modernist myth of origin and principle of demarcation. Taking the move from a pluralistic concept of medicine, the present paper explores the (...)
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  8.  19
    Life Themes and Attachment System in the Narrative Self-Construction: Direct and Indirect Indicators.Giulia Di Fini & Fabio Veglia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  9. Evaluating future-tensed sentences in changing contexts.Andrea Bonomi & Fabio Del Prete - manuscript
    According to the actualist view, what is essential to the truth conditions of a future-tensed sentence ‘it will be the case that ϕ’ is reference to the unique course of events that will become actual. On the other hand, the modal view has it that the truth conditions of such a sentence require that the truth of ϕ be already “settled” at the time of utterance, where “being settled at time t” is defined by universal quantification over a domain of (...)
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    Introduction.Javier Fernández-Sebastián & Fabio Wasserman - 2016 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 11 (2):43-47.
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    Two ways of spilling drink: The construction of offences as ‘accidental’ in police interviews with suspects.Fabio Ferraz de Almeida - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (2):187-205.
    This article explores the construction of offences as ‘accidental’ in police-suspect interactions. The data comprise audio-recorded investigative interviews, which were analysed using conversation analysis. In these interviews, suspects often do not explicitly state the nature of their defence when answering police officers’ questions; instead, suspects’ defensive practices or techniques are embedded in the narrative accounts they give of what happened, thus exhibiting rather claiming their ‘innocence’. My focus here is on a particular type of defence, namely, one in which suspects (...)
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  12.  6
    Organization of Knowledge and Gender Studies in Brazilian Information Science.Luciane Paula Vital, Fabio Assis Pinho & Mariana Holub Slomp - 2025 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (2):e-7354.
    It characterizes studies in Brazilian Information Science that connect gender and/or women and the Knowledge Organization (KO). The study is characterized as exploratory, descriptive, presenting bibliographical research as a data collection procedure. The bibliographic research was carried out in the Information Science Database (BRAPCI) and in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD). 42 scientific works were analyzed, including articles, dissertations, and theses. The first publication on the subject in the literature analyzed is from 2010, highlighting its incipience, (...)
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  13.  37
    High Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Professionalism : A New Resource for Workers in the 21st Century.Letizia Palazzeschi, Ornella Bucci & Annamaria Di Fabio - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  14. "Die brennende Vernunft": Studien zur Semantik der "rationalitas" bei Hildegard von Bingen.Fabio Chávez Alvarez - 1991 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
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    Computational analysis of maltose binding protein translocation.Mauro Chinappi, Fabio Cecconi & Carlo Massimo Casciola - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):2034-2048.
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    The differential impact of friendship on cooperative and competitive coordination.Gabriele Chierchia, Fabio Tufano & Giorgio Coricelli - 2020 - Theory and Decision 89 (4):423-452.
    Friendship is commonly assumed to reduce strategic uncertainty and enhance tacit coordination. However, this assumption has never been tested across two opposite poles of coordination involving either strategic complementarity or substitutability. We had participants interact with friends or strangers in two classic coordination games: the stag-hunt game, which exhibits strategic complementarity and may foster “cooperation”, and the entry game, which exhibits strategic substitutability and may foster “competition”. Both games capture a frequent trade-off between a potentially high paying but uncertain option (...)
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  17.  9
    Dialoghi sulla pace e la libertà.Ludovico Geymonat & Fabio Minazzi - 1992 - Cuen.
  18. Scienza e storia: contributi per uno storicismo scientifico.Ludovico Geymonat & Fabio Minazzi - 1985 - Bertani.
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  19.  20
    A note on the complexity of the causal ordering problem.Bernardo Gonçalves & Fabio Porto - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 238 (C):154-165.
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  20.  18
    Estudio sobre problemas de la filiosofía analítica.Hector Fabio González - 2014 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 35 (110):4.
    Alejandro Tomasini ha indicado, muy lúcidamente, la necesidad de pensar los problemas filosóficos en lengua castellana. Más aún, ha sugerido que es posible tratar los problemas propios de la filosofía analítica por medio de la lengua castellana y que, por otra parte, es necesario en nuestro continente pensar los problemas y enfrentarlos analíticamente. Independientemente de su alcance teórico, el mérito del libro que presentamos, Lecturas analíticas: una introducción a temas y problemas de la filosofía analítica, apunta a esa dirección.
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    Aristotle on placing gnomons round.Monica Ugaglia & Fabio Acerbi - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):587-608.
    The passage has been an object of scholarly debate: the lack of independent sources on the mathematical construction described by Aristotle, the terseness of the formulation and the resulting syntactical ambiguities make the exact interpretation of the text quite difficult, as already noted by Philoponus. What does it mean that the gnomons are ‘placed round the one and without’ (περὶ τὸ ἓν καὶ χωρίς)? And in what sense is this an indication of the even being ‘cut off, enclosed (ἐναπολαμβανόμενον), and (...)
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  22.  2
    Tra scienza e filosofia.Domenico Costantini & Fabio Minazzio (eds.) - 1988 - [Milano]: Marcos y Marcos.
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    On the Observability of Purely Behavioral Sunk-Cost Effects: Theoretical and Empirical Support for the BISC Model.Marcus Cunha & Fabio Caldieraro - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (8):1384-1387.
    There is growing interest in whether and how sunk-cost effects for purely behavioral investments occur. In this article, we further discuss Cunha and Caldieraro’s (2009) Behavioral Investment Sunk Cost (BISC) model and reconcile Otto’s (2010) results with the BISC model predictions. We also report new data from two unpublished experiments that are consistent with the BISC model, and we discuss the conditions under which purely behavioral sunk-cost effects are likely to be observed.
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    Resenha do livro: Oeuvres complètes tome I - écrits philosophiques et politiques 1926-1939.Fabio de Almeida - 2012 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 17 (1):237-248.
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  25. Realism and Ontology without Myths.Massimo Dell’Utri, Fabio Bacchini & Stefano Caputo (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    "Um Quarto Mosqueteiro da Teoria Do Contrato Social: O Pensamento Político Do Barão de Holbach" de Charles Devellennes.Fábio Rodrigues de Ávila - 2023 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 14 (37):157-181.
    A famosa filosofia materialista e ateísta de Holbach é menos conhecida por sua dimensão política. Ainda assim, o autor propôs uma teoria original do contrato social em suas obras da década de 1770. Este artigo detalha as principais características de seu pensamento político e de sua ideia de contrato social, destacando sua proposta de uma “Etocracia”, que se fundamenta na utilidade e na justiça. Essa Etocracia abre caminho para um republicanismo pluralista com traços originais na história das ideias. Holbach era (...)
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  27.  19
    Las implicancias del pragmatismo para la educación.John Dewey, Fabio Campeotto, Juan Manuel Saharrea & Claudio Marcelo Viale - 2022 - Tópicos 43:332-347.
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  28. Terra da Liberdade e a construção do protocolo da consulta: a comunicação política quilombola na transformação do mundo.Fábio Fonseca de Castro & Marina Ramos Neves de Castro - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 30 (1):95-110.
    O objetivo do artigo é compreender como as metamorfoses econômicas e sociais vivenciadas e experienciadas nas comunidades quilombolas do território Terra da Liberdade, situadas no Baixo Tocantins, estado do Pará, produzem dizeres e linguagem, e, assim, formas de uma comunicação de resistência. Parte-se da reflexão de Heidegger (2001) sobre a relação entre existência e lugar para compreender o processo de construção dialogada do Protocolo de Consultas do território. A metodologia utilizada foi a observação participante com entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, num (...)
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    Os riscos de degeneração da democracia contempor'nea – a atomização social e o discurso totalitário. [REVIEW]Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (Especial):366-385.
    O presente artigo propõe uma análise dos riscos de degeneração da democracia contemporânea em três pontos. No primeiro ponto, retomamos o tema da possibilidade de degeneração da democracia segundo a perspectiva de Platão e Aristóteles com o objetivo de apresentar os seus traços elementares. No segundo ponto, fazemos uma análise do pensamento de Alexis de Tocqueville, particularmente do modo como ele tratou as ameaças à democracia no quadro do liberalismo político do século XIX. Procuramos mostrar, em um terceiro ponto, que (...)
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  30. Registro sintético de uma vida: entrevista com Fábio Alves dos Santos (Synthetic record of a life - Interview with Fabio Alves dos Santos).Fábio Alves dos Santos - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1637-1649.
    Fábio Alves dos Santos (1954-2013) cursou Pedagogia, Ciências Sociais e Teologia, era Especialista em Filosofia da Religião (PUC Minas), Advogado (PUC Minas) e Mestre em Direito Constitucional (UFMG). Lecionou na PUC Minas como professor de Cultura Religiosa e depois como professor no Curso de Direito, atuando principalmente no Serviço de Assistência Judiciária – SAJ, especialmente cuidado de causas populares como as da ASMARE (Associação dos Catadores de Papel, Papelão e Material Reaproveitável de Belo Horizonte), da Pastoral de Rua, da Pastoral (...)
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  31. Chapter Seven Medieval Settlements and Landscapes in Northern Italy: Methods, Strategies and Problems Fabio Saggiore.Fabio Saggiore - 2007 - In Bart Ooghe & Geert Verhoeven, Broadening horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 132.
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    Definitional constraints and experimental realities.Fabio Idrobo & David I. Mostofsky - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):588-588.
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  33. The Paradox of Process Philosophy.Friso Timmenga - 2024 - Inscriptions 7 (2):158-167.
    This essay critically discusses the rising interest in process philosophy in recent years. I argue that the appeal of process philosophy lies in its ability to circumnavigate the binary dichotomies pervasive in European philosophy and defend an interpretation of process philosophy in terms of relationality, difference, and change. After outlining the central tenets of process philosophy, Graham Harman’s critique of a relational account of process philosophy is examined, particularly his assertion that this type of philosophy cannot fully explain genuine change. (...)
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  34.  58
    What is democratic backsliding?Fabio Wolkenstein - 2023 - Constellations 30 (3):261-275.
  35. Academic Philosophy: A Way of Life?Friso Timmenga - 2024 - Pli 35:47-72.
    This paper evaluates Pierre Hadot’s concept of ‘philosophy as a way of life’ (PWL) as a tool to critique academic philosophy. Firstly, I will provide a concise overview of Hadot’s critique through a discussion of two lesser-known texts. I will go on to submit that PWL, contrary to what its name might imply, does not primarily distinguish between philosophical theory and practice. Instead, through an exploration of relevant secondary sources, I will emphasize PWL’s focus on the spiritual dimension of philosophy, (...)
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  36.  51
    Counting and Number Line Trainings in Kindergarten: Effects on Arithmetic Performance and Number Sense.Ilona Friso-van den Bos, Evelyn H. Kroesbergen & Johannes E. H. Van Luit - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  37.  57
    Agents of Popular Sovereignty.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (3):338-362.
    Popular sovereignty requires that citizens perceive themselves as being able to act and implement decisions, and that they are de facto causally connected to mechanisms of decision making. I argue that the two most common understandings of the exercise of popular sovereignty—which center on direct decision making by the people as a whole and the indirect exercise of democratic agency by elected representatives, respectively—are inadequate in this respect, and go on to suggest a complementary account that stresses the central role (...)
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  38.  25
    A teoria humeana da identidade pessoal.Fábio Augusto Guzzo - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 5 (1):1-20.
    Na primeira parte do artigo, apresento a infame teoria humeana da identidade pessoal. Infame porque seu próprio autor a rejeitou no Apêndice à sua obra máxima, o Tratado da Natureza Humana. Na segunda parte, apresento o Apêndice. A pergunta fundamental é: por que Hume rejeitou sua teoria inicial? Os comentadores dividem-se entre aqueles que vêem um problema menor, técnico, na explicação da crença na identidade pessoal e aqueles que vêem um problema maior, filosófico, que afetaria não só a seção “Da (...)
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    Hannibal's dream: A painting by Jan Miel after an idea by Emanuele tesauro.Friso Lammertse - 1989 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 52 (1):253-256.
  40. Der Guru als Seelenführer.Friso Melzer - 1963 - Wuppertal,: R. Brockhaus.
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    Die Sprache in ethischer Sicht: Hinweise für eine künftige »Ethik der Sprache«.Friso Melzer - 1959 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 3 (1):107-113.
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    (1 other version)Populism, liberal democracy and the ethics of peoplehood.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (3):147488511667790.
    Populism is widely thought to be in tension with liberal democracy. This article clarifies what exactly is problematic about populism from a liberal–democratic point of view and goes on to develop...
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  43.  47
    The Psychology of Sustainability and Sustainable Development for Well-Being in Organizations.Annamaria Di Fabio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Nishitani’s Emptiness and Relational Thinking: Towards a Philosophical Pedagogy.Friso Timmenga & Indira van der Zande - forthcoming - Philosophy East and West.
    This paper emphasizes the value of śūnyatā, through the lens of Japanese philosopher Nishitani Keiji, in fostering global philosophical dialogue. First, we highlight how Nishitani interprets śūnyatā, or ‘emptiness’, as a fundamental relationality, distinct from substantiality. The second section situates Nishitani’s thought within the rising paradigm of relational thinking, now influential in philosophy, feminism, social sciences, and interdisciplinary studies. We note that these discourses have been largely shaped by Anglo-European thinkers, overlooking contributions from philosophers like Nishitani. In the final section (...)
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  45.  20
    El pensamiento conservador y derechista en América Latina, España y Portugal: siglos XIX y XX.Fabio Kolar & Ulrich Mücke (eds.) - 2019 - Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert.
    Este libro ofrece una introducción al análisis de la historia del pensamiento conservador y derechista en América Latina y en la Península Ibérica a través de estudios enfocados en diversas épocas, regiones y temas. Describe cómo este pensamiento se desarrolló desde los comienzos del siglo XIX hasta finales del siglo XX, y cómo legitimaba las acciones y el poder de los conservadores y de la derecha. Asimismo subraya la ambigüedad y heterogeneidad del pensamiento conservador y derechista, a la vez que (...)
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    How to Disagree About Argument Schemes.Fábio Perin Shecaira - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (4):500-522.
    Argumentation theorists often disagree about which scheme best represents a given type of argument. Unfortunately, authors sometimes become involved in fruitless pseudo-agreement because they fail to perceive that their supposedly competing schemes are means for achieving different practical or theoretical goals. This paper explains some of the different purposes that an argument scheme may serve, and it indicates how the relevant type of pseudo-disagreement may be avoided.
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    Sources of Law Are not Legal Norms.Fábio Perin Shecaira - 2015 - Ratio Juris 28 (1):15-30.
    Anglo-American authors have paid little attention to a subtle distinction that has important jurisprudential implications. It is the distinction between sources of law and the legal norms which can be derived from sources by means of interpretation. The distinction might also be rendered as a threefold one, separating sources of law from legal norms and both of these from that which mediates their relation, namely, methods of legal interpretation. This paper intends to state the “source-norm” distinction clearly and to give (...)
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  48.  32
    The system of autono‑mobility: computer vision and urban complexity—reflections on artificial intelligence at urban scale.Fabio Iapaolo - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (3):1111-1122.
    Focused on city-scale automation, and using self-driving cars (SDCs) as a case study, this article reflects on the role of AI—and in particular, computer vision systems used for mapping and navigation—as a catalyst for urban transformation. Urban research commonly presents AI and cities as having a one-way cause-and-effect relationship, giving undue weight to AI’s impact on cities and overlooking the role of cities in shaping AI. Working at the intersection of data science and social research, this paper aims to counter (...)
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  49. Counterfactuals, counteractuals, and free choice.Fabio Lampert & Pedro Merlussi - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (2):445-469.
    In a recent paper, Pruss proves the validity of the rule beta-2 relative to Lewis’s semantics for counterfactuals, which is a significant step forward in the debate about the consequence argument. Yet, we believe there remain intuitive counter-examples to beta-2 formulated with the actuality operator and rigidified descriptions. We offer a novel and two-dimensional formulation of the Lewisian semantics for counterfactuals and prove the validity of a new transfer rule according to which a new version of the consequence argument can (...)
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  50. Ethics of Driving Automation. Artificial Agency and Human Values.Fabio Fossa - 2023 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers a systematic and thorough philosophical analysis of the ways in which driving automation crosses path with ethical values. Upon introducing the different forms of driving automation and examining their relation to human autonomy, it provides readers with in-depth reflections on safety, privacy, moral judgment, control, responsibility, sustainability, and other ethical issues. Driving is undoubtedly a moral activity as a human act. Transferring it to artificial agents such as connected and automated vehicles necessarily raises many philosophical questions. When (...)
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