Results for 'Félix Perez'

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  1. Beyond the conflict: Religion in the public sphere and deliberative democracy.Elsa González, José Felix Lozano & Pedro Jesús Pérez - 2009 - Res Publica 15 (3):251-267.
    Traditionally, liberals have confined religion to the sphere of the ‘private’ or ‘non-political’. However, recent debates over the place of religious symbols in public spaces, state financing of faith schools, and tax relief for religious organisations suggest that this distinction is not particularly useful in easing the tension between liberal commitments to equality on the one hand, and freedom of religion on the other. This article deals with one aspect of this debate, which concerns whether members of religious communities should (...)
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    Pedagogías para la paz: educación inclusiva, migración venezolana y educación superior.Félix Dueñas-Gaitán & Andrés Salgado Pérez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-9.
    Los análisis tomados de diferentes fuentes expuestas en las referencias bibliográficas permiten inferir que la migración es un fenómeno natural del ser humano, inevitable e incluso necesario. Según la OIM una de cada siete personas en el mundo es migrante internacional, es decir que, para finales del 2018 existían en el mundo 258 millones de personas que por diversas razones decidieron trasladarse de sus lugares de origen. En los últimos años se ha convertido en uno de los países que más (...)
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    Physical Activity in Natural Environments Is Associated With Motivational Climate and the Prevention of Harmful Habits: Structural Equation Analysis.Manuel Castro-Sánchez, Félix Zurita-Ortega, José Antonio Pérez-Turpin, Javier Cachón-Zagalaz, Cristian Cofre-Bolados, Concepción Suarez-Llorca & Ramón Chacón-Cuberos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  4.  20
    Using Systematic Observation and Polar Coordinates Analysis to Assess Gender-Based Differences in Park Use in Barcelona.Félix Pérez-Tejera, Sergi Valera & M. Teresa Anguera - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  5.  26
    Levels of Physical Activity Are Associated With the Motivational Climate and Resilience in University Students of Physical Education From Andalucía: An Explanatory Model.Ramón Chacón-Cuberos, Manuel Castro-Sánchez, José Antonio Pérez-Turpin, Eva María Olmedo-Moreno & Félix Zurita Ortega - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  6.  12
    Hegel: la odisea del espíritu.Félix Duque (ed.) - 2010 - Madrid: Círculo de Bellas Artes.
    Hegel. La Odisea del Espíritu reúne la totalidad de las conferencias pronunciadas en el congreso homónimo que, coordinado por Félix Duque, se celebró en el Círculo de Bellas Artes y la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid entre el 28 de mayo y el 1 de junio de 2007 con motivo del segundo centenario de la publicación de "La Fenomenología del Espíritu". El congreso reunió a los mayores especialistas en la obra del pensador alemán y el resultado es una aportación de (...)
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  7.  18
    Temporalidad capitalista en la era global. Cronificación y degeneración del presente kairológico.María García Pérez - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (19):129-140.
    En este artículo nos proponemos dar cuenta del régimen temporal propio del capitalismo tardomoderno y sus consecuencias tanto sociológicas como ontológicas. Para ello, partiremos de las tesis de Hartmut Rosa acerca de la aceleración y la alienación. Posteriormente daremos paso a la indagación ontológica de la mano de Heidegger y la psicología existencial. De ese modo, mostraremos que los análisis sociológicos no pueden prescindir de un estudio ontológico de la cuestión. Por último, concluiremos con el rastreo de los modos temporales (...)
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    "Pero si el dedo de vn gigante”: En pos de la vida y obra de Juan Pérez de Menacho (1565-1626), primer teólogo de San Marcos y paradigma de la escolástica indiana. [REVIEW]César Félix Sánchez Martínez - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):115-136.
    Juan Pérez de Menacho, teólogo y filósofo limeño de la Compañía de Jesús, inaugura la tradición escolástica en el Virreinato del Perú. La figura de Pérez de Menacho, catedrático de Prima en San Marcos, ha adoptado ribetes legendarios, especialmente luego de la posible pérdida de sus manuscritos en el incendio de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú en 1943: valorado como una de las mentes más prodigiosas de su tiempo pero a la vez largamente ignorado o, incluso, mistificado. En este ensayo (...)
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  9. OP, Sobre la fecha y el lugar de redacción del" primer libro" de fray Bartolomé de Las Casas:'De único vocationis modo omnium gentium ad veram religionem'.Pérez Fernandez - forthcoming - Ciencia Tomista.
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  10. Analytic philosophy.Gustavo Ortiz Millán & Diana I. Pérez - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  11. Assertion: The Constitutive Rule Account and the Engagement Condition Objection.Felix Bräuer - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (6):2259–2276.
    Many philosophers, following Williamson (The Philosophical Review 105(4): 489–523, 1996), Williamson (Knowledge and its Limits, Oxford, Oxford Univer- sity Press, 2000), subscribe to the constitutive rule account of assertion (CRAA). They hold that the activity of asserting is constituted by a single constitutive rule of assertion. However, in recent work, Maitra (in: Brown & Cappelen (ed). Assertion: new philosophical essays, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011), Johnson (Acta Analytica 33(1): 51–67, 2018), and Kelp and Simion (Synthese 197(1): 125–137, 2020a), Kelp and (...)
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  12.  43
    Moral dynamics: Grounding moral judgment in intuitive physics and intuitive psychology.Felix A. Sosa, Tomer Ullman, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Samuel J. Gershman & Tobias Gerstenberg - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104890.
  13.  29
    Acting like a Hedgehog in Times of Pandemic: Metaphorical Creativity in the #reframecovid Collection.Paula Pérez-Sobrino, Elena Semino, Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Veronika Koller & Inés Olza - 2022 - Metaphor and Symbol 37 (2):127-139.
    The need to provide novel but meaningful ways to reason and talk about an unprecedented crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a surge of creative metaphoric expressions in a variety...
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  14. The character of Mencius.Albert Felix Verwilghen - 1964 - [Seattle: [S.N.].
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    Arguments as Drivers of Issue Polarisation in Debates Among Artificial Agents.Felix Kopecky - 2022 - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 25 (1).
    Can arguments and their properties influence the development of issue polarisation in debates among artificial agents? This paper presents an agent-based model of debates with logical constraints based on the theory of dialectical structures. Simulations on this model reveal that the exchange of arguments can drive polarisation even without social influence, and that the usage of different argumentation strategies can influence the obtained levels of polarisation.
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  16.  20
    Rethinking Populism: Peak democracy, liquid identity and the performance of sovereignty.Felix Butzlaff & Ingolfur Blühdorn - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (2):191-211.
    Despite the burgeoning literature on right-wing populism, there is still considerable uncertainty about its causes, its impact on liberal democracies and about promising counter-strategies. Inspired by recent suggestions that (1) the emancipatory left has made a significant contribution to the proliferation of the populist right; and (2) populist movements, rather than challenging the established socio-political order, in fact stabilize and further entrench its logic, this article argues that an adequate understanding of the populist phenomenon necessitates a radical shift of perspective: (...)
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  17.  60
    (1 other version)Should refugees govern refugee camps?Felix Bender - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 1:1-24.
    Should refugees govern refugee camps? This paper argues that they should. It draws on normative political thought in consulting the all-subjected principle and an instrumental defense of democratic rule. The former holds that all those subjected to rule in a political unit should have a say in such rule. Through analyzing the conditions that pertain in refugee camps, the paper demonstrates that the all-subjected principle applies there, too. Refugee camps have developed as near distinct entities from their host states. They (...)
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  18.  44
    Aesthetics of the Narrative Climax in Contemporary TV Serials.Héctor J. Pérez - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (2):214-223.
    This article draws on concepts from cognitive psychology to explore the significance of the narrative climax, focusing on the final climax of the series The Americans as a case study. Two aspects of the aesthetic experience are considered: the special intensity that climaxes elicit, and the diversity of the cognitive content they generate, which can include both aesthetic and non-aesthetic properties. The climax is experienced in a state of absorption triggered by a set of strategies of temporal prolongation related to (...)
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  19.  48
    Normative theorizing and political data: toward a data-sensitive understanding of the separation between religion and state in political theory.Nahshon Perez & Jonathan Fox - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (4):485-509.
    This article has two main goals: to examine and classify the ways data can be used to advance normative theorizing in political theory, and to demonstrate such usages in the contested disciplinary field of religion–state relations and specifically regarding the hotly debated model of the separation of religion and state. Regarding the former, it is suggested here that the general observation that evaluation of political institutions must rely on proper understanding of such institutions and hence be data-sensitive, can be further (...)
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  20.  33
    Indexical Relativism?Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (3):1365-1389.
    The particular behavior exhibited by sentences featuring predicates of personal taste such as “tasty” may drive us to claim that their truth depends on the context of assessment, as MacFarlane does. MacFarlane considers two ways in which the truth of a sentence can depend on the context of assessment. On the one hand, we can say that the sentence expresses a proposition whose truth-value depends on the context of assessment. This is MacFarlane’s position, which he calls “truth relativism” and, following (...)
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  21.  21
    Pragmatistische Sozialforschung: Für Eine Praktische Wissenschaft Gesellschaftlichen Fortschritts.Felix Petersen, Martin Seeliger & Hauke Brunkhorst (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Als praktische Philosophie ist der Pragmatismus an Prinzipien und Mechanismen von Gesellschaft interessiert. Es geht im Kern darum, diese Prinzipien und Mechanismen zu verstehen, Handlungsformen und Institutionen mit Blick auf gesellschaftliche Probleme und deren Behebung zu entwickeln und auf diesem Wege Gesellschaft menschlicher, gerechter und demokratischer zu gestalten. Aus diesem Grund scheint der Pragmatismus für die kritische zeitgenössische Sozialwissenschaft von größter Bedeutung. Der vorliegende Band versammelt eine Reihe von Beiträgen, die das Themenfeld pragmatistischer Sozialforschung näher bestimmen. Diese lassen sich in (...)
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  22.  17
    Science and Apocalypse in Bertrand Russell: A Cultural Sociology.Javier Pérez-Jara & Lino Camprubí - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books. Edited by Lino Camprubí.
    This book weaves together apparently disconnected elements of Bertrand Russell’s philosophy and social activism into a coherent narrative about the acclaimed twentieth-century intellectual’s evolving stances concerning science and technology and their role in bringing either a future Golden Age or a secular Doomsday.
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  23. Étude critique métamorphoses de Goethe I.Michkl Cornu & François Félix - 1999 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 49:411.
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    Algunas observaciones críticas a la futura reforma constitucional, con especial mención a la delincuencia organizada.Rodolfo Félix Cárdenas - 2008 - In Ricardo Franco Guzmán (ed.), Homenaje a Ricardo Franco Guzmán: 50 años de vida académica. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales.
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    Alienation, Problems of Meaning, Theory, and Method.R. Felix Geyer & David R. Schweitzer - 1981 - Routledge & Kegan Paul Books.
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  26. Análisis de la reconstrucción de la idea de Ego trascendental en el sistema kantiano desde las coordenadas del materialismo filosófico.Javier Pérez Jara - 2004 - El Basilisco 35:77-84.
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    Sodoma y el barón Haussman: Por una deslocalización queer.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (61):267-286.
    Resumen La discusión de las políticas culturales del duelo ofrecida por Judith Butler tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre servirá aquí para cuestionar las fracturas sexuales, genéricas y raciales, entre otras, que rigen la inteligibilidad cultural de la vulnerabilidad compartida en contextos pandémicos. Esta revisión de la idea de comunidad se pondrá en relación con el desarrollo de la medicina social urbana explorado por Michel Foucault para deslocalizar la resistencia a los procesos de estigmatización y normalización puestos en marcha (...)
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  28.  14
    Electric light and the visualization of Catholic power in Spain during the Restoration Era.Daniel Pérez-Zapico - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (2):209-228.
    This article analyses the contested adoption of electric lights by the Spanish Catholic church during the Bourbon Restoration era. Through a careful reading of primary sources, namely Catholic popular magazines, and official documents, it will show how Catholic authorities and practitioners resisted, negotiated and, ultimately, engaged with electricity in religious spaces. The article argues that electric light contributed to wider exchanges in a non-monolithic Spanish Catholicism on the observance of traditional values or the possibilities of the church’s modernization. However, amid (...)
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  29. Sustainable governance and management of food systems: ethical perspectives.Cristian Timmermann & Georges F. Félix - 2019 - Wageningen Academic Publishers.
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  30. Validación del Cuestionario de auto-reporte de conducta antisocial y prosocial en adolescentes: CACSA.P. Alarcón, R. Pérez-Luco, S. Salvo, G. Roa, K. Jaramillo & C. Sanhueza - 2010 - Paideia (Misc) 20 (47):291-302.
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  31. La ley universal de fuerzas de Roger Boscovich.José Félix Fuertes & L. López - 1998 - El Basilisco 23:57-68.
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  32.  35
    Cholera: history of a great calamity of the humanity.Rita María Sánchez Lera & Pérez Vázquez - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):547-569.
    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de profundizar los conocimientos sobre el cólera y su historia. Se tratan aspectos relacionados con la etiología de la enfermedad, patogenia, cuadro clínico, tratamiento, epidemiología y prevención. El cólera es una enfermedad de origen multicausal donde intervienen factores biológicos, ambientales, sociales, políticos y culturales, la cual está resurgiendo como un problema sanitario de primera magnitud en muchos países. Para su erradicación es necesario desarrollar una fuerte promoción de salud en el seno de (...)
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  33. Some relativistic and higher order supertasks.J. Pérez Laraudogoitia - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65:502-517.
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    Scientific discourse and the rhetoric of globalization: the impact of culture and language.Carmen Pérez-Llantada - 2012 - New York: Continuum.
    The role of science rhetoric in the global village -- Scientific English in the postmodern age -- Problematizing the rhetoric of contemporary science -- A contrastive rhetoric approach to science dissemination -- Disciplinary practices and procedures within research sites -- Triangulating procedures, practices and texts in scientific discourse -- ELF and a more complex sociolinguistic landscape -- Re-defining the rhetoric of science.
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  35. Métamorphoses de Goethe.M. Cornu & F. Felix - 1999 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 131 (4):411-421.
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    Zur Einheit der Lehre Fichtes: Die Zeit der wissenschaftslehre Nova Methodo.Helmut Girndt, Jorge Navarro-Pérez, Marco Ivaldo & José L. Villacañas (eds.) - 1990 - Atlanta, GA: Brill | Rodopi.
    Aus dem Inhalt: Die Wissenschaftslehre als System der unvollendeten Vollendung. - Fichtes Wechselwirkung und der implizite Hoerer der Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo. - Die Begrenzung: vom Anstoss zur Aufforderung. - Die Idee des Leibes im Jenaer System. - Fichtes politische und Rechtsphilosophie in der Deutung Richard Schottkys. - Gibt es bei Fichte eine transzendentale Anthropologie?.
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    El concepto de filosofia en los escritos de Platon, filosofia y saliduria.Francisco Perez Ruiz - 1959 - [España].
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  38. El concepto de Filosofia en los escritos de Platón.Francisco Pérez Ruiz - 1961 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 17 (2):220-221.
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  39. El pensamiento vivo de Varona.Enrique José Varona & Félix Lizaso - 1959 - Lima: Organización Continental de los Festivales del Libro. Edited by Félix Lizaso.
  40.  12
    Entrevista a Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz en la presentación de Más allá de imperios y de naciones (I y II).Silverio Sánchez Corredera & Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 122:233-250.
    El 12 de mayo de 2024 tuvo lugar la grabación de una entrevista al filósofo Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz, a propósito de la reciente edición de Más allá de imperios y de naciones, 1: rutas, fronteras y complejidad y Más allá de imperios y de naciones, 2: singularidad imperial: del Mediterráneo al Atlántico (Eikasía, 2023). La entrevista se realizó con la finalidad de ser emitida en las redes sociales, a través de los canales técnicos facilitados por Eikasía. En el presente (...)
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  41.  23
    False friends: Leftist nationalism and the project of transnational solidarity.Felix Anderl - 2023 - Journal of International Political Theory 19 (1):2-20.
    A growing number of left-wing scholars criticize practices of transnational solidarity. Pointing to the cooptation of “globalism” by neoliberal capitalism, these scholars utilize this critique to advance leftwing nationalism. In this article, I reconstruct symptomatic texts of this genre and identify the critique of (liberal) cosmopolitanism as the common denominator in their calls for nationalizing the Left. As a consequence of their opposition to cosmopolitanism, these authors reject freedom of movement or global justice activism. In order to examine whether the (...)
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  42.  11
    Technology Transfer and Third World Development: The Petrochemical Complex in Nigeria.Felix M. Edoho - 1990 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 10 (4):201-211.
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  43.  12
    Song Is More Memorable Than Speech Prosody: Discrete Pitches Aid Auditory Working Memory.Felix Haiduk, Cliodhna Quigley & W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:586723.
    Vocal music and spoken language both have important roles in human communication, but it is unclear why these two different modes of vocal communication exist. Although similar, speech and song differ in certain design features. One interesting difference is in the pitch intonation contour, which consists of discrete tones in song, vs. gliding intonation contours in speech. Here, we investigated whether vocal phrases consisting of discrete pitches (song-like) or gliding pitches (speech-like) are remembered better, conducting three studies implementing auditory same-different (...)
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    Was wir (nicht) tun, wenn wir über Gründe urteilen — Kommentar zu Constructing Practical Reasons.Felix Koch - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (4):566-571.
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    Nicht einmal ein Etwas.Felix Mühlhölzer - 2020 - Wittgenstein-Studien 11 (1):207-244.
    Not Even a Something. If one exclaims that a pain is not a Nothing, what one means is that one feels it and that, when felt, it is simply there. Why shouldn’t one then also say, contrary to PI 293 & 304, that it is ‘a Something’? One has to admit, however, that, as felt, it is only momentarily there, and when I ask whether the pain that I feel now is the same as the pain I felt earlier, I (...)
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    Laster. Ihr Wesen und ihre Formen.Felix Timmermann - 2021 - In Christoph Halbig & Felix Timmermann (eds.), Handbuch Tugend Und Tugendethik. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 81-101.
    Trotz ihrer unzweifelhaften praktischen Bedeutung werden Laster für gewöhnlich als bloßes Anhängsel zur Theorie der Tugend behandelt. Sie verdienen jedoch eine gründliche und eigenständige Untersuchung, wie die Behandlung der folgenden zwei Fragen zeigt. Erstens: Was sind Laster überhaupt? Manche Theorien betrachten Laster als Dispositionen, andere als Einstellungen; ich plädiere für einen gemischten Ansatz, der Einsichten beider Auffassungen aufgreift. Zweitens: Wie lassen sich Laster klassifizieren, und sind manche Laster kapitaler als andere? Hier unterscheide ich zunächst zwischen strukturellen und substantiellen Lastern, und (...)
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    Giambattista Vico, Eugene of Savoy and Hugo Grotius’s De jure belli ac pacis, 1719.Felix Waldmann - 2021 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 84 (1):243-284.
    The following article discusses an edition of Hugo Grotius’s De jure belli ac pacis, issued without a place of publication or publisher in 1719. The article focuses on the claim first advanc...
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    Lenguaje, Individuo y Democracia en el Pensamiento de Richard Rorty.Ranulfo Pérez Garcés - 2001 - Toluca: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
    A study of language in contemporary democratic philosophy, with focus on the themes of analytic criticism, consciousness and nature, conflict between the individual and society and utopian thinking. Pérez is a scholar at the Universidad Iberamericana.
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    Desvelando el espacio político. Tipos de apropiación del espacio público como políticas activas.Felix Alejandro Cristiá - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:13-41.
    Esta investigación aborda la validez del espacio público como auspiciador de la participación política, centrándose en las diversas formas de apropiación del espacio que pueden fomentar dicha participación. El objetivo principal consiste en demostrar las posibilidades de acción política de las y los ciudadanos al expresar su desacuerdo a través de distintos procesos de apropiación del espacio público: la apropiación por dominación, por rebelión, la apropiación vandálica y artística. Se sostiene que la legitimidad de un sistema de gobierno puede cuestionarse (...)
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    Truth and Bivalence in Aristotle. An Investigation into the Structure of Saying.Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe & María Cerezo - 1997 - In Niels Öffenberger & Alejandro G. Vigo (eds.), Südamerikanische Beiträge Zur Modernen Deutung der Aristotelischen Logik. G. Olms.
    The aim of this paper is rather modest: we do not intend to reconstruct Aristotle’s theory of truth (although we are convinced that there is such a thing), and we will not try to settle the issue concerning Bivalence in Aristotle. We merely want, on the one hand, to argue for the consistency between the main Aristotelian texts on truth and a possible rejection of Bivalence; and on the other hand, to investigate the conditions of a possible counterexample to Bivalence. (...)
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