Results for 'Eyüp İnce'

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  1.  20
    Reconsidering reparations.Onur Ulas Ince - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (2):352-355.
  2. Questions to Luce Irigaray.Kate Ince - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (2):122 - 140.
    This article traces the "dialogue" between the work of the philosophers Luce Irigaray and Emmanuel Levinas. It attempts to construct a more nuanced discussion than has been given to date of Irigaray's critique of Levinas, particularly as formulated in "Questions to Emmanuel Levinas" (Irigaray 1991). It suggests that the concepts of the feminine and of voluptuosity articulated by Levinas have more to contribute to Irigaray's project of an ethics of sexual difference than she herself sometimes appears to think.
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    Is It Possible to Do I'r'b With Simple Grammar Rules: A Study on I’r'b al-Aw'mil al-mi’a.Nazife Nihal İnce - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1209-1238.
    This work investigates the possibility of iʿrâb (parsing) simple texts by utilizing simple grammar rules in the case of I’râb al-Awâmil al-mi’a. I'râb, which is the 'application of grammar on texts', is an operation of reinforcing the knowledge of grammar from one perspective, and an attempt to under-stand the text from another. Since I’râb al-Awâmil al-mi’a is the iʿrâb of al-Awâmil al-mi’a, which is a brief grammar treatise, it is clear that this iʿrâb is intended to reinforce grammar knowledge. Moreover, (...)
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    OMP-ELM: Orthogonal Matching Pursuit-Based Extreme Learning Machine for Regression.Melih C. Ince, Jiang Qian, Abdulkadir Sengur & Omer F. Alcin - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (1):135-143.
    Extreme learning machine is a recent scheme for single hidden layer feed forward networks. It has attracted much interest in the machine intelligence and pattern recognition fields with numerous real-world applications. The ELM structure has several advantages, such as its adaptability to various problems with a rapid learning rate and low computational cost. However, it has shortcomings in the following aspects. First, it suffers from the irrelevant variables in the input data set. Second, choosing the optimal number of neurons in (...)
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    K'dî Abdülcebb'r’ın Hıristiyan Kristolojisine Karşı Savunmacı Delilleri: Epistemolojik Argümantasyon Teorisi Açısından Eleştirel Bir Analiz.Serkan İnce - 2023 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 9 (1):55-72.
    Bu makale, kelâm söyleminde modern argümantasyon teorilerinin kullanılması gerektiğini savun- maktadır. İslam geleneği kendi istidlâl teorilerine sahip olsa da modern terminoloji ve teoriler, yorumlayıcı anlayış ve eleştirel analize yardımcı olabilir. Bu makale, Kâdî Abdülcebbâr’ın (ö. 415/1025) Hıristiyanlığa karşı kelâm ve reddiye geleneklerindeki aklî yöntemleri kullandığı Tesbît’ine odaklanmaktadır. Yine, Kâdî Abdülcebbâr’ın Hıristiyanlıktaki “İsa’nın ilahî doğası” iddiasına karşı delillerini örneklerle tahlil etmekte- dir. Makale, tarihî kelâm metinlerinin istidlâlî açıdan incelenmesi gerektiğini; ayrıca delile dayalı kelâmın tarihini ve gelişimini anlamada hem analitik teorilerin hem (...)
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    Between Equal Rights: Primitive Accumulation and Capital’s Violence.Onur Ulas Ince - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (6):885-914.
    This essay attempts to elaborate a political theory of capital’s violence. Recent analyses have adopted Karl Marx’s notion of the “primitive accumulation of capital” for investigating the forcible methods by which the conditions of capital accumulation are reproduced in the present. I argue that the current scholarship is limited by a certain functionalism in its theorization of ongoing primitive accumulation. The analytic function accorded to primitive accumulation, I contend, can be better performed by the concepts of “capital-positing violence” and “capital-preserving (...)
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    Mutasavvıfların Adalet Anlayışı.Eyüp İnce - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 66:99-128.
    Adalet hem klasik hem de modern dönemde tasavvuf ve siyasetin önde gelen konularından biridir. Özellikle tasavvuf ve siyaset alanlarında, adalet kavramı olmadan sürdürülebilir bir düşünce yapısı kurmak mümkün değildir. Adalet, genellikle siyasetle ilişkilendirilse de İslam Hukuku'nda da çok önemli bir yer tutar. İslam Hukuku, adaletin sağlanması ve korunmasını temel amaçlarından biri olarak görür. Adalet, İslam Hukuku'nda sadece bireyler arasındaki ilişkilerde değil, aynı zamanda devletin ve toplumun düzeni ve refahı için de hayati bir öneme sahiptir. Bu nedenle, İslam Hukuku'nun temel prensiplerinden (...)
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    Racismo y educación matemática.Jamaal Adetoro Ince - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:359-368.
    Este artículo busca discutir las conexiones entre el racismo y la educación matemática que reciben los estudiantes negros en el aula de matemáticas urbana en la ciudad de Newark. El racismo continúa existiendo en este mundo y ha sido reformado de manera sistemática en nuestra sociedad, y con estas reformas existe desigualdad en la educación matemática de calidad ofrecida a los estudiantes negros y, como resultado, menos oportunidades futuras en campos relacionados con las matemáticas. Este artículo destacará las experiencias del (...)
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    Telkîbî Müsenn'nın Arapça Genel Sözlüklerdeki Varlığı: el-Muʽcemu’l-Vasît Örneği.Nazife Nihal İnce & Zeynep Sevde Akdoğan Anou - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):653-676.
    Bu makale, müfredi ile müsennâsı farklı olan kelimelerden olan telkîbî müsennânın alfabetik-genel sözlüklerde bir madde olma problemini el-Mu’cemu’l-vasît örneği üzerinden incelemektedir. Lugavî müsennâ olarak adlandırılan müfredi ile müsennâsı farklı olan isimler, müstakil eserler yoluyla derlenmiş ve tasnife tabi tutulmuştur. Telkîbî Müsennâ bu sınıflardan biri olup müfredi dışındaki iki ayrı ismi birlikte ifade eden isimlere karşılık gelmektedir. Bu tür müsennâların manalarına müfretlerinden ulaşılamayacağı için birer sözlük maddesi olması doğal bir beklentidir. Bu araştırmada söz konusu beklentinin genel sözlüklerde karşılanıp karşılanmadığı el-Muʽcemu’l-vasît örneğinde (...)
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    Consumption Dynamics Scales: Consumption Tendency of Individuals Trained with Institutional Education of Religion.Abdullah İnce, Tuğba Erulrunca, Seyra Kılıçsal & Aykut Hamit Turan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):63-92.
    Turkey has passed the import substitution economic model to a new model of the economy called open out since 1980. Along with the neoliberal policies implemented, the process of integration with the global economy has begun. The incomes of the religious people who cannot be excluded from the effects of this articulation also increased and their consumption behaviors has changed. On the other hand, some transport elements, especially the media, have enabled consumption codes to reach different segments. The new values (...)
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  11.  35
    Is sex comedy or tragedy? Directing desire and female auteurship in the cinema of Catherine breillat.Katherine Ince - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 64 (1):157–164.
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  12. Bringing Bodies Back In: For a Phenomenological and Psychoanalytic Film Criticism of Embodied Cultural Identity.Kate Ince - 2011 - Film-Philosophy 15 (1):1-12.
    This article reassesses the concept of identification in line with the increased importance phenomenology has taken on in film-philosophy of the 1990s and 2000s. In the 1970s and 1980s, a Lacanian psychoanalytic interpretation of identification dominated film theory and criticism, and spectatorial engagement with elements of films was understood as what psychoanalysis calls secondary identification – the identification with stable subject-positions (characters) in the film-text. But non-Lacanian psychoanalysis and Merleau-Ponty’s existential phenomenology offer film-philosophy a very different understanding of identification as (...)
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    "Değer" i̇le "sorun" arasinda türki̇ye'de yaşlilarla i̇lgi̇li̇ toplumsal değer yargilari.Abdullah Ince - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi.
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    Feminist Phenomenology and the Film World of Agnès Varda.Kate Ince - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (3):602-617.
    Through a discussion of Agnès Varda's career from 1954 to 2008 that focuses particularly on La Pointe Courte (1954), L'Opéra-Mouffe (1958), The Gleaners and I (2000), and The Beaches of Agnes (2008), this article considers the connections between Varda's filmmaking and her femaleness. It proposes that two aspects of Varda's cinema—her particularly perceptive portrayal of a set of geographical locations, and her visual and verbal emphasis on female embodiment—make a feminist existential-phenomenological approach to her films particularly fruitful. Drawing both directly (...)
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    A Critique of Agonistic Politics.Murat Ince - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (1).
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  16. Feminist phenomenology and the films of Sally Potter.Kate Ince - 2012 - In Jean-Pierre Boulé & Ursula Tidd, Existentialism and contemporary cinema: a Beauvoirian perspective. New York: Berghahn Books.
  17.  52
    Imperial pasts, imperial presents.Onur Ulas Ince - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 16 (4):470-480.
  18.  55
    Reply to Michael du Plessis.Kate Ince - 2007 - Film-Philosophy 11 (3):103-107.
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    Ethics, Universality and Vulnerability in Abderrahmane Sissako's Bamako (2006) and Timbuktu.Kate Ince - 2018 - Paragraph 41 (2):167-183.
    This article adds philosopher Judith Butler to the list of thinkers whose work underpins the interest in ethics and/in film that began in earnest in the 2000s. Beginning with Precarious Life: Powers of Mourning and Violence, Butler has published several volumes that blend ethical thinking with moral theory and political philosophy, focusing on the concepts of precariousness and vulnerability. This article suggests that two films directed by Abderrahmane Sissako, Bamako and Timbuktu, as dramas of precariousness and vulnerability respectively, can inform (...)
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  20.  38
    Ethics, Gender and Vulnerability in the Films of Mia Hansen-Løve.Kate Ince - 2020 - Film-Philosophy 24 (2):104-121.
    This article introduces some contemporary philosophical approaches to vulnerability including that of Judith Butler, while focusing on feminist legal theorist Martha Albertson Fineman's concept of the vulnerable subject, developed out of Fineman's earlier critiques of the autonomous, self-sufficient subject of liberal political philosophy. It then looks closely at the different forms of vulnerability exhibited by the leading protagonists of Mia Hansen-Løve's All Is Forgiven, Father of My Children, Goodbye First Love, Eden and Maya, all of whom except one are men, (...)
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  21.  24
    Correction to: Ethical Sensitivity of Nursing Students During a 4-Year Nursing Curriculum in Turkey.Hilal Gamze Hakbilen, Serpil Ince & Mustafa Levent Ozgonul - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (1):53-53.
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    Ethical Sensitivity of Nursing Students During a 4-Year Nursing Curriculum in Turkey.Hilal Gamze Hakbilen, Serpil Ince & Mustafa Levent Ozgonul - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (1):41-51.
    This study was carried out to determine the ethical sensitivity levels of students enrolled in the nursing faculty. The sample of the descriptive study consisted of 594 students who were taught at the Faculty of Nursing in February - May 2018 and agreed to participate in the study. The data were collected by Personal Information Form prepared by researchers to evaluate the demographic characteristics of students and The Modified Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire for Student Nurses. The data obtained from the application (...)
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    Bilim İnsanlarının Perspektifinden Sınırlandırma Problemi.Ateş M. Efe, İnce Mehmet & Bora Cenk - 2023 - Felsefe Arkivi 59:56-77.
    Bilim felsefesinin en temel problemlerinden biri olan sınırlandırma problemi belirli bir ölçüt vasıtası ile bilimi, bilimsel olmayan ya da sahte/sözde bilim olan etkinliklerden ayırt edip edemeyeceğimizi konu edinmektedir. Literatüre baktığımızda felsefeciler –özellikle bilim felsefecileri– bilimin doğasını karakterize etme girişiminde bulunurken bilim dilinin mantıksal yapısına ya da bilimin tarihsel süreçlerine odaklanarak, bilimi bilimsel olmayan ya da sahte-bilim olan etkinliklerden ayırt etmişlerdir. Bu çalışma ise farklı bir yaklaşım benimseyerek sınırlandırma problemine, felsefecilerin değil, bilim insanlarının perspektifi ile bakmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu sebeple alanında deneyimli (...)
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  24.  11
    Feelings of gratitude to Allah and people and their associations with affect in daily life.David B. Newman, Merve Balkaya-Ince, Jenae Nelson, Jo-Ann Tsang & Sarah A. Schnitker - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Gratitude has been studied in the context of human social relationships primarily, but relatively less is known about gratitude in relation to a deity. We extended this research by studying gratitude among Muslim American adolescents, an understudied population, by comparing feelings of gratitude to Allah with feelings of gratitude to people in their associations with affect in daily life. Muslim adolescents (N = 202) participated in an Ecological Momentary Assessment study by completing up to three momentary reports each day during (...)
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  25. Section A: Contract Child Production.Susan Ince - 1994 - In Alison M. Jaggar, Living with contradictions: controversies in feminist social ethics. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 387.
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    Popüler Türk Dizilerinde Sunulan Aile İmajı: Lise Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma.Muhammed Furkan Koçak & Abdullah İnce - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):541-573.
    Türkiye, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve İngiltere’nin ardından dünyada en fazla dizi ihraç eden üçüncü ülke konumundadır. Bu çalışma, popüler Türk dizilerinde sunulan aile imajını ve lise öğrencileri üzerindeki potansiyel sonuçlarını incelemektedir. Araştırma, boşanma, nikâhsız birliktelikler, serbest ilişkiler ve mahremiyetin dönüşümü gibi aile kurumunu tehdit eden ve dönüştüren faktörleri belirlemiş ve bu faktörlerin toplumsal yapı üzerindeki yansımalarını değerlendirmiştir. Medyanın, özellikle dizilerin, toplum üzerindeki etkisi ve lise öğrencilerinin medya tüketim alışkanlıkları, anket ve tematik içerik analizi yöntemleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Türkiye’de lise öğrencileri (...)
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  27. An Introduction to Philosophy.Isaiah Berlin, Inc Bbc Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas.
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  28. Bryan Magee Talks to Geoffrey Warnock About Kant.Bryan Magee, G. J. Warnock, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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    On Being an IRB.Inc Chesapeake Research Review - 1995 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 17 (5/6):12.
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    Antecedents of electric vehicle purchasing behaviors: Evidence from Türkiye.Veland Ramadani, Barış Armutcu, Nail Reshidi, Ahmet Tan & Ercan İnce - 2025 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (2):456-472.
    The present study aims to determine the key antecedents that affect consumers' electric vehicle (EV) purchasing behavior. In this context, the study expanded the existing framework of TPB (attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control) by incorporating four new variables (product attributes, cognitive status, monetary incentive policies, and nonmonetary incentive policies). At this point, the study is of great importance in terms of understanding consumers' perspectives on EV purchasing behavior and to help policymakers, businesses, and marketers support sustainable production and consumption (...)
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  31. Philosophy and Literature.Iris Murdoch, Bryan Magee, Inc Bbc Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas.
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  32. Marxist Philosophy.Tony Tyley, Bryan Magee, Charles Taylor, Janet Hoenig & Inc British Broadcasting Corporation - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas.
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  33. Philosophy, the Social Context.Tony Tyley, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee, Ernest Gellner & Inc British Broadcasting Corporation - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed by Bbc Worldwide America's.
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  34. The Philosophy of Science.Toney Tyley, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee, Hilary Putnam & Inc British Broadcasting Corporation - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas.
  35. Post-Statist Epistemology and the Future of Geographical Knowledge Production.Gerónimo Barrera de la Torre & Anthony Ince - 2016 - In Marcelo José Lopes Souza, Richard John White & Simon Springer, Theories of resistance: anarchism, geography, and the spirit of revolt. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International.
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  36. The Wisdom of Faith a Bill Moyers Special with Huston Smith.Bill D. Moyers, Pamela Mason Wagner, Inc Public Affairs Television & N. Y.) Wnet York - 1996 - Public Affairs Television, Inc. Wnet New York.
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  37. Marcuse and the Frankfurt School.Martin L. Bell, Bryan Magee, Janet Hoenig, Inc Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Worldwide Americas - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  38. The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein.Tony Tyley, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee, Inc Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  39. Gothofredi Guillelmi Leibnitii ... Opera Omnia Nunc Primum Collecta, in Classes Distributa, Præationibus & Indicibus Exornata, Studio Ludovici Dutens.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Ludovic Duten & inc Research Publications - 1969 - Apud Fratres de Tournes.
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    Timing of brain entrainment to the speech envelope during speaking, listening and self-listening.Alejandro Pérez, Matthew H. Davis, Robin A. A. Ince, Hanna Zhang, Zhanao Fu, Melanie Lamarca, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph & Philip J. Monahan - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105051.
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    Empire and its afterlives.Inder S. Marwah, Jennifer Pitts, Timothy Bowers Vasko, Onur Ulas Ince & Robert Nichols - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (2):274-305.
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  42. Douglas Cardinal, Architect Visions of a Warrior.Marke Slipp, Gil Cardinal, Andy Thomson & Inc Great Plains Productions - 1991 - Great Plains Productions.
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    Des Freyherrn von Leibnitz kleinere philosophische Schriften.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff, Heinrich Köhler, Caspar Jacob Huth & inc Research Publications - 1740 - Zu Finden in der Mayerischen Buchhandlung.
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    New Perspectives on Anarchism.Samantha E. Bankston, Harold Barclay, Lewis Call, Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos, Vernon Cisney, Jesse Cohn, Abraham DeLeon, Francis Dupuis-Déri, Benjamin Franks, Clive Gabay, Karen Goaman, Rodrigo Gomes Guimarães, Uri Gordon, James Horrox, Anthony Ince, Sandra Jeppesen, Stavros Karageorgakis, Elizabeth Kolovou, Thomas Martin, Todd May, Nicolae Morar, Irène Pereira, Stevphen Shukaitis, Mick Smith, Scott Turner, Salvo Vaccaro, Mitchell Verter, Dana Ward & Dana M. Williams - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    The study of anarchism as a philosophical, political, and social movement has burgeoned both in the academy and in the global activist community in recent years. Taking advantage of this boom in anarchist scholarship, Nathan J. Jun and Shane Wahl have compiled twenty-six cutting-edge essays on this timely topic in New Perspectives on Anarchism.
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  45. Philosophy and Politics.Tony Tyley, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee, R. M. Dworkin & Inc British Broadcasting Corporation - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed by Bbc Worldwide Americas.
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  46. The Ideas of Chomsky.Tony Tyley, Noam Chomsky, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee & Inc B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas. Edited by Bryan Magee.
  47. Bryan Magee Talks to Michael Ayers About Locke and Berkeley.Bryan Magee, Michael Ayers, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  48. Bryan Magee Talks to Bernard Williams About Descartes.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
  49. Bryan Magee Talks to Sidney Morgenbesser About the American Pragmatists.Bryan Magee, Sidney Morgenbesser, Inc Bbc Education & Training, Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Worldwide Americas - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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    Limited Inc.Jacques Derrida - 1988 - Northwestern University Press.
    The book's two essays, 'Limited Inc.' and 'Signature Event Context, ' constitute key statements of the Derridean theory of deconstruction. They are perhaps the clearest exposition to be found of Derrida's most controversial idea.
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