Results for 'Anthony Ince'

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  1. Post-Statist Epistemology and the Future of Geographical Knowledge Production.Gerónimo Barrera de la Torre & Anthony Ince - 2016 - In Marcelo José Lopes Souza, Richard John White & Simon Springer, Theories of resistance: anarchism, geography, and the spirit of revolt. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International.
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    New Perspectives on Anarchism.Samantha E. Bankston, Harold Barclay, Lewis Call, Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos, Vernon Cisney, Jesse Cohn, Abraham DeLeon, Francis Dupuis-Déri, Benjamin Franks, Clive Gabay, Karen Goaman, Rodrigo Gomes Guimarães, Uri Gordon, James Horrox, Anthony Ince, Sandra Jeppesen, Stavros Karageorgakis, Elizabeth Kolovou, Thomas Martin, Todd May, Nicolae Morar, Irène Pereira, Stevphen Shukaitis, Mick Smith, Scott Turner, Salvo Vaccaro, Mitchell Verter, Dana Ward & Dana M. Williams - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    The study of anarchism as a philosophical, political, and social movement has burgeoned both in the academy and in the global activist community in recent years. Taking advantage of this boom in anarchist scholarship, Nathan J. Jun and Shane Wahl have compiled twenty-six cutting-edge essays on this timely topic in New Perspectives on Anarchism.
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    Reconstructing eukaryotic NAD metabolism.Anthony Rongvaux, Fabienne Andris, Frédéric Van Gool & Oberdan Leo - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (7):683-690.
    In addition to its well‐known role as a coenzyme in oxidation–reduction reactions, the distinct role of NAD as a precursor for molecules involved in cell regulation has been clearly established. The involvement of NAD in these regulatory processes is based on its ability to function as a donor of ADP‐ribose; NAD synthesis is therefore required to avoid depletion of the intracellular pool. The rising interest in the biosynthetic routes leading to NAD formation and the highly conserved nature of the enzymes (...)
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    Quest for the absolute: the philosophical vision of Joseph Marechal.Anthony M. Matteo - 1992 - De Kalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
    "Joseph Marechal, who became one of the most important figures in the twentieth-century revival of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, set for himself an ambitious intellectual project. His goal was to demonstrate that the realist theory of knowledge first enunciated by Aristotle in the ancient world and developed by Aquinas in the thirteenth century is the key to a coherent philosophy of man and being. According to Marechal, once late medieval philosophy moved away from Aquinas's epistemological foundations, no longer (...)
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    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy V: Aristotle's Ontology.Anthony Preus & John P. Anton (eds.) - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    Indexed by names, concepts, and classical passages cited. Also in paper (not seen) $16.95. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Early evolution: prokaryotes, the new kids on the block.Anthony Poole, Daniel Jeffares & David Penny - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (10):880-889.
    Prokaryotes are generally assumed to be the oldest existing form of life on earth. This assumption, however, makes it difficult to understand certain aspects of the transition from earlier stages in the origin of life to more complex ones, and it does not account for many apparently ancient features in the eukaryotes. From a model of the RNA world, based on relic RNA species in modern organisms, one can infer that there was an absolute requirement for a high-accuracy RNA replicase (...)
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    Evaluating hypotheses for the origin of eukaryotes.Anthony M. Poole & David Penny - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (1):74-84.
    Numerous scenarios explain the origin of the eukaryote cell by fusion or endosymbiosis between an archaeon and a bacterium (and sometimes a third partner). We evaluate these hypotheses using the following three criteria. Can the data be explained by the null hypothesis that new features arise sequentially along a stem lineage? Second, hypotheses involving an archaeon and a bacterium should undergo standard phylogenetic tests of gene distribution. Third, accounting for past events by processes observed in modern cells is preferable to (...)
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    Faire l’histoire de l’irréligion.Jean-Pierre Cavaillé & Anthony Feneuil - 2013 - ThéoRèmes 5 (5).
    Anthony Feneuil : Une question concernant votre parcours : pourquoi avoir choisi l'incroyance comme thème de prédilection? Comment y êtes-vous venu et quels sont selon vous les enjeux d’une histoire de l’incroyance aujourd’hui? Est-ce qu'ils sont d'abord épistémologiques (parce que la question de l'incroyance pose des questions à l'historien sur les sources qu'il utilise et leurs biais, oblige à se poser la question des rapports de pouvoir etc.)? Sont-ils politiques? Il est vrai que l'inc...
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    Beck Lewis White. Can Kant's synthetic judgments be made analytic? Studies in the philosophy of Kant. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., a subsidiary of Howards W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis, New York, Kansas City, 1965, pp. 74–91. , pp. 168–181.). [REVIEW]Anthony Anderson - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):167-168.
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    Perlecan, the “jack of all trades” proteoglycan of cartilaginous weight‐bearing connective tissues.James Melrose, Anthony J. Hayes, John M. Whitelock & Christopher B. Little - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (5):457-469.
    Perlecan is a ubiquitous proteoglycan of basement membrane and vascularized tissues but is also present in articular cartilage, meniscus and intervertebral disc, which are devoid of basement membrane and predominantly avascular. It is a prominent pericellular proteoglycan in the transitory matrix of the cartilaginous rudiments that develop into components of diarthrodial joints and the axial skeleton, and it forms intricate perichondrial vessel networks that define the presumptive articulating surfaces of developing joints and line the cartilage canals in cartilaginous rudiments. Such (...)
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    X‐linked imprinting: effects on brain and behaviour.William Davies, Anthony R. Isles, Paul S. Burgoyne & Lawrence S. Wilkinson - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (1):35-44.
    Imprinted genes are monoallelically expressed in a parent‐of‐origin‐dependent manner and can affect brain and behavioural phenotypes. The X chromosome is enriched for genes affecting neurodevelopment and is donated asymmetrically to male and female progeny. Hence, X‐linked imprinted genes could potentially influence sexually dimorphic neurobiology. Consequently, investigations into such loci may provide new insights into the biological basis of behavioural differences between the sexes and into why men and women show different vulnerabilities to certain mental disorders. In this review, we summarise (...)
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    Male pregnancy in seahorses and pipefish: beyond the mammalian model.Kai N. Stölting & Anthony B. Wilson - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (9):884-896.
    Pregnancy has been traditionally defined as the period during which developing embryos are incubated in the body after egg–sperm union. Despite strong similarities between viviparity in mammals and other vertebrate groups, researchers have historically been reluctant to use the term pregnancy for non‐mammals in recognition of the highly developed form of viviparity in eutherians. Syngnathid fishes (seahorses and pipefishes) have a unique reproductive system, where the male incubates developing embryos in a specialized brooding structure in which they are aerated, osmoregulated, (...)
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    Dynamic mutations as digital genetic modulators of brain development, function and dysfunction.Jess Nithianantharajah & Anthony J. Hannan - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (6):525-535.
    A substantial portion of the human genome has been found to consist of simple sequence repeats, including microsatellites and minisatellites. Microsatellites, tandem repeats of 1–6 nucleotides, form the template for dynamic mutations, which involve heritable changes in the lengths of repeat sequences. In recent years, a large number of human disorders have been found to be caused by dynamic mutations, the most common of which are trinucleotide repeat expansion diseases. Dynamic mutations are common to numerous nervous system disorders, including Huntington's (...)
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    The origin and evolution of the neural crest.Philip C. J. Donoghue, Anthony Graham & Robert N. Kelsh - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (6):530-541.
    Many of the features that distinguish the vertebrates from other chordates are derived from the neural crest, and it has long been argued that the emergence of this multipotent embryonic population was a key innovation underpinning vertebrate evolution. More recently, however, a number of studies have suggested that the evolution of the neural crest was less sudden than previously believed. This has exposed the fact that neural crest, as evidenced by its repertoire of derivative cell types, has evolved through vertebrate (...)
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    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy Iii: Plato.John P. Anton & Anthony Preus (eds.) - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    Paper edition ($18.95) not seen. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Size and shape: the developmental regulation of static allometry in insects.Alexander W. Shingleton, W. Anthony Frankino, Thomas Flatt, H. Frederik Nijhout & Douglas J. Emlen - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (6):536-548.
    Among all organisms, the size of each body part or organ scales with overall body size, a phenomenon called allometry. The study of shape and form has attracted enormous interest from biologists, but the genetic, developmental and physiological mechanisms that control allometry and the proportional growth of parts have remained elusive. Recent progress in our understanding of body‐size regulation provides a new synthetic framework for thinking about the mechanisms and the evolution of allometric scaling. In particular, insulin/IGF signaling, which plays (...)
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  17. Replacing animal experiments: choices, chances and challenges.Gill Langley, Tom Evans, Stephen T. Holgate & Anthony Jones - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (9):918-926.
    Replacing animal procedures with methods such as cells and tissues in vitro, volunteer studies, physicochemical techniques and computer modelling, is driven by legislative, scientific and moral imperatives. Non‐animal approaches are now considered as advanced methods that can overcome many of the limitations of animal experiments. In testing medicines and chemicals, in vitro assays have spared hundreds of thousands of animals. In contrast, academic animal use continues to rise and the concept of replacement seems less well accepted in university research. Even (...)
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  18.  40
    Gilbert Varet and Paul Kurtz, editors. International directory of philosophy and philosophers. Humanities Press, Inc., New York1966, 235 pp. - Raili Kauppi. Note on philosophical trends in Finland. Therein, pp. 74–75. - Anthony Quinton. Philosophy in Great Britain. Therein, pp. 106–110. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (1):106.
  19.  47
    Between Equal Rights: Primitive Accumulation and Capital’s Violence.Onur Ulas Ince - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (6):885-914.
    This essay attempts to elaborate a political theory of capital’s violence. Recent analyses have adopted Karl Marx’s notion of the “primitive accumulation of capital” for investigating the forcible methods by which the conditions of capital accumulation are reproduced in the present. I argue that the current scholarship is limited by a certain functionalism in its theorization of ongoing primitive accumulation. The analytic function accorded to primitive accumulation, I contend, can be better performed by the concepts of “capital-positing violence” and “capital-preserving (...)
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    Ethics, Universality and Vulnerability in Abderrahmane Sissako's Bamako (2006) and Timbuktu.Kate Ince - 2018 - Paragraph 41 (2):167-183.
    This article adds philosopher Judith Butler to the list of thinkers whose work underpins the interest in ethics and/in film that began in earnest in the 2000s. Beginning with Precarious Life: Powers of Mourning and Violence, Butler has published several volumes that blend ethical thinking with moral theory and political philosophy, focusing on the concepts of precariousness and vulnerability. This article suggests that two films directed by Abderrahmane Sissako, Bamako and Timbuktu, as dramas of precariousness and vulnerability respectively, can inform (...)
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    Telkîbî Müsenn'nın Arapça Genel Sözlüklerdeki Varlığı: el-Muʽcemu’l-Vasît Örneği.Nazife Nihal İnce & Zeynep Sevde Akdoğan Anou - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):653-676.
    Bu makale, müfredi ile müsennâsı farklı olan kelimelerden olan telkîbî müsennânın alfabetik-genel sözlüklerde bir madde olma problemini el-Mu’cemu’l-vasît örneği üzerinden incelemektedir. Lugavî müsennâ olarak adlandırılan müfredi ile müsennâsı farklı olan isimler, müstakil eserler yoluyla derlenmiş ve tasnife tabi tutulmuştur. Telkîbî Müsennâ bu sınıflardan biri olup müfredi dışındaki iki ayrı ismi birlikte ifade eden isimlere karşılık gelmektedir. Bu tür müsennâların manalarına müfretlerinden ulaşılamayacağı için birer sözlük maddesi olması doğal bir beklentidir. Bu araştırmada söz konusu beklentinin genel sözlüklerde karşılanıp karşılanmadığı el-Muʽcemu’l-vasît örneğinde (...)
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    An Eliminativist Approach to Vulnerability.Anthony Wrigley - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (7):478-487.
    The concept of vulnerability has been subject to numerous different interpretations but accounts are still beset with significant problems as to their adequacy, such as their contentious application or the lack of genuine explanatory role for the concept. The constant failure to provide a compelling conceptual analysis and satisfactory definition leaves the concept open to an eliminativist move whereby we can question whether we need the concept at all. I highlight problems with various kinds of approach and explain why a (...)
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    Correction to: Ethical Sensitivity of Nursing Students During a 4-Year Nursing Curriculum in Turkey.Hilal Gamze Hakbilen, Serpil Ince & Mustafa Levent Ozgonul - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (1):53-53.
  24.  28
    Ethical Sensitivity of Nursing Students During a 4-Year Nursing Curriculum in Turkey.Hilal Gamze Hakbilen, Serpil Ince & Mustafa Levent Ozgonul - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (1):41-51.
    This study was carried out to determine the ethical sensitivity levels of students enrolled in the nursing faculty. The sample of the descriptive study consisted of 594 students who were taught at the Faculty of Nursing in February - May 2018 and agreed to participate in the study. The data were collected by Personal Information Form prepared by researchers to evaluate the demographic characteristics of students and The Modified Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire for Student Nurses. The data obtained from the application (...)
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    Experience sampling of the degree of mind wandering distinguishes hidden attentional states.Anthony P. Zanesco, Ekaterina Denkova, Joanna E. Witkin & Amishi P. Jha - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104380.
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    Teleology.Anthony Manser - 1977 - Philosophical Quarterly 27 (108):275-277.
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    Personal identity, autonomy and advance statements.Anthony Wrigley - 2007 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (4):381–396.
    Recent legal rulings concerning the status of advance statements have raised interest in the topic but failed to provide any definitive general guidelines for their enforcement. I examine arguments used to justify the moral authority of such statements. The fundamental ethical issue I am concerned with is how accounts of personal identity underpin our account of moral authority through the connection between personal identity and autonomy. I focus on how recent Animalist accounts of personal identity initially appear to provide a (...)
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    Ethics and end of life care: the Liverpool Care Pathway and the Neuberger Review.Anthony Wrigley - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):639-643.
    The Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying has recently been the topic of substantial media interest and also been subject to the independent Neuberger Review. This review has identified clear failings in some areas of care and recommended the Liverpool Care Pathway be phased out. I argue that while the evidence gathered of poor incidences of practice by the Review is of genuine concern for end of life care, the inferences drawn from this evidence are inconsistent with the causes for (...)
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    Bringing political economy into the debate on the obesity epidemic.Anthony Winson - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (4):299-312.
    This paper takes what has been termed the “epidemic of obesity” as the point of departure to examine the way in which political economic factors intersect with diet and nutrition to determine adverse health outcomes. The paper proposes several concepts to better understand the dynamics of the “foodscape” – institutional sites for the merchandising and consumption of food. These include the concepts of “spatial colonization” and “pseudo foods.” With a focus on critical dimensions of the contemporary “foodscape,” principally supermarket merchandising (...)
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    Beyond Compliance Checking: A Situated Approach to Visual Research Ethics.Anthony B. Zwi, Christy E. Newman, Bridget Haire, Katherine Boydell, Jessica R. Botfield & Caroline Lenette - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (2):293-303.
    Visual research methods like photography and digital storytelling are increasingly used in health and social sciences research as participatory approaches that benefit participants, researchers, and audiences. Visual methods involve a number of additional ethical considerations such as using identifiable content and ownership of creative outputs. As such, ethics committees should use different assessment frameworks to consider research protocols with visual methods. Here, we outline the limitations of ethics committees in assessing projects with a visual focus and highlight the sparse knowledge (...)
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    “Perfect in Humanity”: The Analogy of Perfection in the Person of Christ.Anthony D. Baker - 2022 - Christian Bioethics 28 (3):164-174.
    I. INTRODUCTIONIs Jesus the perfect human being? An affirmative response seems unavoidable for classical Christology. Indeed, at the Council of Chalcedon in 451, the gathered bishops and representatives of the church across Africa, Asia, and Europe agreed that Jesus Christ was “perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity”: teleion…en Theótæti kai teleion…en anthropótæti.Theologians and patristics scholars alike often sort through the second part of this formula in the way that the remainder of the conciliar definition itself seems to indicate, interpreting (...)
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  32. Genetic Selection and Modal Harms.Anthony Wrigley - 2006 - The Monist 89 (4):505-525.
    Parfit’s (1984) Non-Identity Problem provides a strong line of argument that we cannot be harmed by pre-conception choices or actions. I argue that we can no longer appeal to the Non-Identity problem in order to justify using pre-conception genetic screening and selection techniques as a harmless tool to determine the genetic constitution of future individuals. My criticism of the Non-Identity problem is based on a rejection of the metaphysical foundations of Parfit’s argument - Kripke’s (1980) essentialist arguments for the necessity (...)
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    Why a rat is not a beast machine.Anthony Dickinson - 2008 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz & Martin Davies, Frontiers of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 2008--275.
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    Correlation and causation in the study of feeding behavior.Anthony Sclafani - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (4):590-591.
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    John Henry Newman: Bernard Lonergan's ‘Fundamental Mentor and Guide’.Anthony J. Scordino - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (5):669-694.
    Reason has reasons of which ‘reason’ knows nothing. It was this essential insight, along with the methodological prioritisation of a phenomenology of cognition and the recognition of the epistemological distinctiveness of judgment, that a young Bernard Lonergan gleaned from his study of John Henry Newman's Grammar of Assent. Given that the ‘later’, post‐Insight (1953) Lonergan enacted a more explicit transposition of his thought into a hermeneutical and existential framework, one might be tempted to assume that this coincided with a drift (...)
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    An American Perspective on Publishing.Anthony Serafin - 1991 - Cogito 5 (1):49-52.
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    Moral Authority and Proxy Decision-Making.Anthony Wrigley - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (3):631-647.
    IntroductionExtended decision -making through the use of proxy decision -makers has been enshrined in a range of International Codes, Professional Guidance and Statute,For example, the UK Mental Capacity Act section 9.1; The General Medical Council ; the US National Guardianship Association ; Nuffield Council on Bioethics ; CIOMS-WHO section 6. Court cases such as Re Quinlan in the US have also contributed to establishing the groundings for the legal status of the proxy, albeit in terms of who might be suitable (...)
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  38.  41
    Technical Categories and Ethical Justifications: Why Cwik’s Approach is the Wrong Way Around for Categorizing Germ-Line Gene Editing.Anthony Wrigley & Ainsley J. Newson - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):27-29.
    This open peer commentary critiques Cwik's approach to categorizing germline gene editing interventions. The authors argue that Cwik's framework, which prioritizes technical categories and dimensions to map the "ethical terrain," is fundamentally flawed by putting the technical aspects before ethical considerations. They identify four key problems with his approach: it is arbitrary in its categorizations, relies on dynamic membership that changes with scientific knowledge, requires extensive technical expertise that many bioethicists lack, and most importantly, approaches the analysis "back-to-front" by starting (...)
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    “From a Vibrant City to a Warzone”: Shostakovich's 7th Symphony as a means to foster historical understanding through empathy.Anthony M. Pellegrino, Alex D'Erizans & Joseph L. Adragna - 2018 - Journal of Social Studies Research 42 (4):327-343.
    Scholars have long pointed to the power of music as a primary source in instruction for bringing past actors into sharper view and engender deeper connections with the past. By employing Dimitri Shostakovich's 7th Symphony, composed amidst the Nazi siege of Leningrad during the Second World War, we sought to explore, more precisely, the nature of how music, as a primary source, enhances the study of history among students. Through the formulation, execution, and assessment of a two-day lesson with students (...)
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    Taking nature mysticism seriously: Marshall and the metaphysics of the self.Anthony N. Perovich - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (2):1-19.
    Paul Marshall takes extrovertive mystical experience seriously by providing a metaphysical framework inspired by Plotinus and Leibniz that aims to interpret it non-reductively and to explain it persuasively. However praiseworthy Marshall's intentions, his account fails for a variety of reasons, among them an inability to establish convincingly why natural objects appear as transfigured and alive, characteristics frequently encountered in the reports of nature mystics. An alternative approach, rooted in contemporary pan-experientialist philosophy of mind, is able to take extrovertive mysticism equally (...)
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    Knowledge and social order: the relationship between human knowledge and the construction of social theory.Anthony Piepe - 1971 - London,: Heinemann.
  42.  55
    On assigning rights to animals and nature.Anthony J. Povilitis - 1980 - Environmental Ethics 2 (1):67-71.
    Watson argues that living entities do not have intrinsic or primary rights, such as the right to existence, unless they are capable of fulfilling reciprocal duties in a self-conscious manner. I suggest that (1) Watson’s “reciprocity framework” for rights and duties is excessively anthropocentric, (2) that it is founded on the incorrect assumption that the Golden Rule refers to mutual rather than individual duties, and (3) that Watson arbitrarily equates moral rights with primary rights. Since “intrinsic” rights are, in effect, (...)
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    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy Vi: Before Plato.Anthony Preus (ed.) - 2001 - State University of New York Press.
    An anthology devoted to the intellectual developments that led up to the philosophy of Plato.
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  44. Stanley Hauerwas and Charles Pinches, Christians Among the Virtues: Theological Conversations With Ancient and Modern Ethics Reviewed by.Anthony Rudd - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (2):108-110.
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    The Aesthetic Component in the Logic of Discovery and Detection.Anthony F. Russell - 1989 - Semiotics:138-144.
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    Félibien, critique d’art? Esthétique du « regard Félibien » dans l’œuvre de Raphaël et de Michel-Ange.Anthony Saudrais - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 27 (1):13-20.
    Notre propos souhaite nuancer la doxa académique selon laquelle l’invention de la critique d’art serait née en France dans la seconde moitié du xviii e siècle. En effet, la lecture des Entretiens de Félibien favorise par l’éloquence du dialogue la variété des points de vue. Cet article rend compte des tensions qui émanent des Entretiens, une œuvre incessamment située entre la théorie et la critique. La comparaison entre l’œuvre de Raphaël et celle de Michel-Ange illustre cette tension entre l’esthétique (le (...)
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    Trust in the Guise of Belief.Anthony Robert Booth - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (2):156-172.
    What kind of mental state is trust? It seems to have features that can lead one to think that it is a doxastic state but also features that can lead one to think that it is a non-doxastic state. This has even lead some philosophers to think that trust is a unique mental state that has both mind-to-world and world-to-mind direction of fit, or to give up on the idea that there is a univocal analysis of trust to be had. (...)
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    From the Executive Editor.Donald R. Kelley - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (4):475-476.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From the Executive EditorDonald R. KelleyTwenty years ago the Journal of the History of Ideas moved from Temple University to the University of Rochester (through the efforts especially of J. Paul Hunter, then dean of the college of arts and sciences, and Lewis White Beck, professor of philosophy), and I replaced Philip Wiener, who had been editor for forty-five years, the first issue under my supervision being that of (...)
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    Why survival is enough.Anthony Marc Williams - 2008 - Journal of Value Inquiry 42 (4):433-449.
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    Recent Work on Punishment.Anthony Ellis - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (179):225 - 233.
    This article surveys some of the more important work in the philosophy of punishment in past ten years or so.
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