Results for 'Eve-Riina Hyrkäs'

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  1.  11
    Obesity and the vitality of food in Finland, ca. 1950–1970.Eve-Riina Hyrkäs & Mikko Myllykangas - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 106 (C):99-108.
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    Sin embodied: Priest-psychiatrist Asser Stenbäck and the psychosomatic approach to human problems.Eve-Riina Hyrkäs - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (1):31-55.
    Combining theological and medical perspectives is indispensable for the historical study of the interconnections between mind, body, and soul. This article explores these relations through the history of Finnish psychosomatic medicine, and uses published and archival materials to examine the intellectual biography of the Finland-Swedish theologian turned psychiatrist Asser Stenbäck (1913–2006). Stenbäck's career, which evolved from priesthood to psychiatry and politics, reveals a great deal about the tensions between religion and medicine, the spiritual and scientific groups that impinged upon psychosomatic (...)
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  3. From etymology to pragmatics: metaphorical and cultural aspects of semantic structure.Eve Sweetser - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a new approach to the analysis of the multiple meanings of English modals, conjunctions, conditionals, and perception verbs. Although such ambiguities cannot easily be accounted for by feature-analyses of word meaning, Eve Sweetser's argument shows that they can be analyzed both readily and systematically. Meaning relationships in general cannot be understood independently of human cognitive structure, including the metaphorical and cultural aspects of that structure. Sweetser shows that both lexical polysemy and pragmatic ambiguity are shaped by our (...)
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  4. In defence of unconditional forgiveness.Eve Garrard & David McNaughton - 2003 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 103 (1):39–60.
    In this paper, the principal objections to unconditional forgiveness are canvassed, primarily that it fails to take wrongdoing seriously enough, and that it displays a lack of self-respect. It is argued that these objections stem from a mistaken understanding of what forgiveness actually involves, including the erroneous view that forgiveness involves some degree of condoning of the offence, and is incompatible with blaming the offender or punishing him. Two positive reasons for endorsing unconditional forgiveness are considered: respect for persons and (...)
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    Darwin und die Bioethik: Eve-Marie Engels zum 60. Geburtstag.Eve-Marie Engels, László Kovács, Jens Clausen & Thomas Potthast (eds.) - 2011 - Freiburg: K. Alber.
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    Il joystick intelligente: percorsi di filosofia e videogiochi.Tancredi Riina - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Conceptual perspective and lexical choice in acquisition.Eve V. Clark - 1997 - Cognition 64 (1):1-37.
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    Aristotle on the Intelligibility of Perception.Eve Rabinoff - 2015 - Review of Metaphysics 68 (4):719-740.
    This article addresses the question of how, by Aristotle’s lights, we apprehend concrete individuals, the objects of incidental perception. The author argues (a) that the incidental perceptible is indeed perceived and not interpreted, and (b) that what is perceived incidentally is an object as it bears significance to the projects and aims of the perceiver, rather than what the object is in itself (as it is commonly taken to be). Finally, the author argues (c) that this new way of understanding (...)
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  9. Explication as a strategy for revisionary philosophy.Eve Kitsik - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1035-1056.
    I will defend explication, in a Carnapian sense, as a strategy for revisionary ontologists and radical sceptics. The idea is that these revisionary philosophers should explicitly commit to using expressions like “S knows that p” and “Fs exist” differently from how these expressions are used in everyday contexts. I will first motivate this commitment for these revisionary philosophers. Then, I will address the main worries that arise for this strategy: the unintelligibility worry and the topic shift worry. I will focus (...)
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    Explorations in Feminist Ethics: Theory and Practice.Eve Browning Cole & Susan Coultrap-McQuin (eds.) - 1992 - Indiana University Press.
    "These essays advance a reinterpretation of pivotal categories such as self-knowing, moral agency, and altruism.
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  11. The nature of evil.Eve Garrard - 1998 - Philosophical Explorations 1 (1):43 – 60.
    We readily claim that great moral catastrophes such as the Holocaust involve evil in some way, although it' not clear what this amounts to in a secular context. This paper seeks to provide a secular account of what evil is. It examines what is intuitively the most plausible account, namely that the evil act involves the production of great suffering (or other disvalue), and argues that such outcomes are neither necessary nor sufficient for an act to be evil. Only an (...)
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    A Dialogue on Love.Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - 1998 - Critical Inquiry 24 (2):611-631.
  13. Hope and Terminal Illness: false hope versus absolute hope.Eve Garrard & Anthony Wrigley - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (1):38-43.
    Sustaining hope in patients is an important element of health care, allowing improvement in patient welfare and quality of life. However in the palliative care context, with patients who are terminally ill, it might seem that in order to maintain hope the palliative care practitioner would sometimes have to deceive the patient about the full nature or prospects of their condition by providing a ‘false hope’. This possibility creates an ethical tension in palliative practice, where the beneficent desire to improve (...)
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    Reason on Trial: Legal Metaphors in the Critique of Pure Reason.Eve W. Stoddard - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):245-260.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Eve W. Stoddard REASON ON TRIAL: LEGAL METAPHORS IN THE CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON 6 6 r I 1WO things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admi_I_ ration and awe, the oftener and more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me." ' These are perhaps Kant's most well-known and oft-repeated words. They reflect not only the profound feeling (...)
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  15. Epistemic Paternalism via Conceptual Engineering.Eve Kitsik - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (4):616-635.
    This essay focuses on conceptual engineers who aim to improve other people's patterns of inference and attention by shaping their concepts. Such conceptual engineers sometimes engage in a form of epistemic paternalism that I call paternalistic cognitive engineering: instead of explicitly persuading, informing and educating others, the engineers non-consultatively rely on assumptions about the target agents’ cognitive systems to improve their belief forming. The target agents could reasonably regard such benevolent exercises of control as violating their sovereignty over their own (...)
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  16. The political context for virtue : Aristotle's politics.Eve Rabinoff - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    Individual differences in affective flexibility predict future anxiety and worry.Eve Twivy, Maud Grol & Elaine Fox - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (2):425-434.
    Deficits in cognitive flexibility have been associated with anxiety and worry, however few studies have assessed cognitive flexibility in the context of emotional stimuli (i.e. affective flexibilit...
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  18. Conditional unconditional forgiveness.Eve Garrad & David McNaughton - 2011 - In Christel Fricke (ed.), The Ethics of Forgiveness: A Collection of Essays. New York: Routledge.
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    Bruno Latour’s Science Is Politics By Other Means: Between Politics and Ontology.Eve Seguin & Laurent-Olivier Lord - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (1):9-39.
    Abstract“Science Is Politics By Other Means” (SIPBOM) was coined in The Pasteurization of France, Latour’s 1984 empirical study of the birth of microbiology. Yet, it encapsulates an outstanding political theory of science that Latour has never formalized and that has remained unnoticed to this day. The theory is comprised of two dimensions. The first one is the ontological labor performed by science, that is, the laboratory production of new nonhumans. The second one is the ability of science to devise and (...)
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  20. Forgiveness and the holocaust.Eve Garrard - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (2):147-165.
    This paper considers whether we have any reason to forgive the perpetrators of the most terrible atrocities, such as the Holocaust. On the face of it, we do not have reason to forgive in such cases. But on examination, the principal arguments against forgiveness do not turn out to be persuasive. Two considerations in favour of forgiveness are canvassed: the presence of rational agency in the perpetrators, and the common human nature which they share with us. It is argued that (...)
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    Baptizing Management.Eve Poole - 2008 - Studies in Christian Ethics 21 (1):83-95.
    This paper argues that management practices are more readily portable across the sectors than has often been supposed, while indicating where particular care will be needed in translation. The paper suggests, however, that political pressure for control and an epistemological bias may prove to be management's Achilles heel. Further, it examines some dilemmas in the relationship between the manager and the managed, and queries the professions' outrage at being subject to increasingly overt management.
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    In the slender margin: the intimate strangeness of death and dying.Eve Joseph - 2016 - New York: Arcade Publishing.
    Like Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking, an extraordinarily moving and engaging look at loss and death. Eve Joseph is an award-winning poet who worked for twenty years as a palliative care counselor in a hospice. When she was a young girl, she lost a much older brother, and her experience as a grown woman helping others face death, dying, and grief opens the path for her to recollect and understand his loss in a way she could not as (...)
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    Editorial Introduction.Christine Daigle and Marie-Eve Morin - 2018 - PhaenEx 12 (2):i-vi.
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  24. Forgiveness.Eve Garrard & David McNaughton - 2010 - Routledge.
    Forgiveness usually gets a very good press in our culture: we are deluged with self-help books and television shows all delivering the same message, that forgiveness is good for everyone, and is always the right thing to do. But those who have suffered seriously at the hands of others often and rightly feel that this boosterism about forgiveness is glib and facile. Perhaps forgiveness is not always desirable, especially where the wrongdoing is terrible or the wrongdoer unrepentant. In this book, (...)
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    Blended spaces and performativity.Eve Sweetser - 2001 - Cognitive Linguistics 11 (3-4).
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    Voluntary standards, certification, and accreditation in the global organic agriculture field: a tripartite model of techno-politics.Eve Fouilleux & Allison Loconto - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (1):1-14.
    This article analyzes the institutionalization of the global organic agriculture field and sheds new light on the conventionalization debate. The institutions that shape the field form a tripartite standards regime of governance that links standard-setting, certification, and accreditation activities, in a layering of markets for services that are additional to the market for certified organic products. At each of the three poles of the TSR, i.e., for standard-setting, certification, and accreditation, we describe how the corresponding markets were constructed over time (...)
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    Some emergent categories in English acquisition.Eve V. Clark - 2004 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (10):472-478.
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    Introduction: Language, Space, and Culture.Eve Danziger - 1998 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 26 (1):3-6.
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    Evil revisited - responses to Hamilton.Eve Garrard - 1999 - Philosophical Explorations 2 (2):139 – 142.
    In "The Nature of Evil"2 I offer an analysis of evil action, in a sense distinct from merely very wrong action, in which I claim that the evil act is one in which the agent silences overwhelming considerations against performing the act. Christopher Hamilton 's interesting commentary raises five objections against my account of evil in terms of silenced reasons I shall argue that all five objections can be met.
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    Thick concepts revisited: a reply to burton.Eve Garrard & Alonso Church - 1993 - Analysis 53 (1):57-58.
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    The Challenge of Rousseau.Eve Grace & Christopher Kelly (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Written by prominent scholars of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's philosophy, this collection celebrates the 300th anniversary of Rousseau's birth and the 250th anniversary of the publication of Emile. The depth and systematic character of Rousseau's thought was recognized almost immediately by thinkers such as Kant and Hegel, yet debate continues over the degree to which Rousseau's legacy is the result of poetic, literary or rhetorical genius, rather than of philosophic rigor or profundity. The authors focus on Rousseau's genuine yet undervalued stature as (...)
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    Teaching the Ineffable.Eve Mullen - 2005 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 10:99-110.
    In the undergraduate Philosophy of Religion classroom, a primary topic of discussion is the attributes of God. Personal experience as a teacher has shown that Śamkara's concept of Brahman without attributes {nirguna), a contrast to traditional Western ideas of the Divine, facilitates the learning process and broadens general conceptualizations of the Divine or Ultimate Reality. The teaching pedagogy associated with the use of this concept is explored here. Some basic questions are key. How can the concept of Brahman without attributes (...)
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    Introduction. Bruno Latour s’accorde-t-il au pluriel?Eve Seguin - 2018 - Symposium 22 (1):1-5.
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    Querulous Inquiries.Eve Wiederhold & James J. Sosnoski - 1999 - Symploke 7 (1):64-84.
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    Learning to coin agent and instrument nouns.Eve V. Clark & Barbara Frant Hecht - 1982 - Cognition 12 (1):1-24.
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    Organisational Spirituality – A Literature Review.Eve Poole - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (4):577-588.
    The jury remains out about the bottom-line relevance of organisational spirituality. This article reviews the arguments made thus far, using those sources most commonly cited as providing ‹evidence’ that organisational spirituality adds value to the bottom line. Having collated the evidence, this article offers some observation about the robustness of this existing ‹business case’. It then offers some preliminary conclusions on the literature review, examining the merits of pursuing a ‹business case’ in this field and identifying some specific questions for (...)
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    Non-linguistic strategies and the acquisition of word meanings.Eve V. Clark - 1973 - Cognition 2 (2):161-182.
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    Negative verbs in children's speech.Eve V. Clark - 1981 - In W. Klein & W. Levelt (eds.), Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics. Reidel. pp. 253--264.
  39. Word meanings and semantic domains in acquisition.Eve V. Clark - 2018 - In Kristen Syrett & Sudha Arunachalam (eds.), Semantics in language acquisition. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    Demonstrating the Pythagorean Intervals.Eve Browning Cole - 1988 - Teaching Philosophy 11 (2):128-132.
  41. The power and mystery of naming things.Eve Ensler - 2006 - In Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick (eds.), This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women. New York: H. Holt.
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    ACT Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions.Christmas Eve - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  43. Posterior elongation in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii involves stem cells molecularly related to primordial germ cells.Gazave Eve, Béhague Julien, Lucie Laplane, Guillou Aurélien, Demilly Adrien, Balavoine Guillaume & Vervoort Michel - 2013 - Developmental Biology 1 (382):246-267.
    Like most bilaterian animals, the annelid Platynereis dumerilii generates the majority of its body axis in an anterior to posterior temporal progression with new segments added sequentially. This process relies on a posterior subterminal proliferative body region, known as the "segment addition zone" (SAZ). We explored some of the molecular and cellular aspects of posterior elongation in Platynereis, in particular to test the hypothesis that the SAZ contains a specific set of stem cells dedicated to posterior elongation.We cloned and characterized (...)
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  44. Ever in the making: actors and injustice in a Papua New Guinea village court.Eve Houghton - 2019 - In Sandra Brunnegger (ed.), Everyday justice: law, ethnography, injustice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Lotze's logic.Eve T. Knower - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42 (4):381-398.
  46. The books of yesteryear.Eve Woodburn Leary - 1922 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 3 (4):260.
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    Trace at 46.Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - 1980 - Diacritics 10 (1):2.
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    Know and Tell.Eve Wiederhold - 1998 - Symploke 6 (1):197-200.
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    The Responders’ Gender Stereotypes Modulate the Strategic Decision-Making of Proposers Playing the Ultimatum Game.Eve F. Fabre, Mickael Causse, Francesca Pesciarelli & Cristina Cacciari - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  50. Epistemic Environmentalism and Autonomy: The Case of Conceptual Engineering.Eve Kitsik - forthcoming - Canadian Journal of Philosophy:1-15.
    I will clarify when and how a tension arises between epistemic environmentalism (a new focus on assessing and improving the epistemic environment) and respect for epistemic autonomy (allowing, empowering, and requiring people to each govern their own beliefs). Using the example of participatory conceptual engineering (improving the linguistic environment through rational discussion with broad participation), I will also identify an option for avoiding the tension—namely, participatory environmentalism. This means a new focus on how people can each contribute to improving the (...)
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