Results for 'Eve Joseph'

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  1.  16
    In the slender margin: the intimate strangeness of death and dying.Eve Joseph - 2016 - New York: Arcade Publishing.
    Like Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking, an extraordinarily moving and engaging look at loss and death. Eve Joseph is an award-winning poet who worked for twenty years as a palliative care counselor in a hospice. When she was a young girl, she lost a much older brother, and her experience as a grown woman helping others face death, dying, and grief opens the path for her to recollect and understand his loss in a way she could not (...)
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    What are the views of Quebec and Ontario citizens on the tiebreaker criteria for prioritizing access to adult critical care in the extreme context of a COVID-19 pandemic?Claudia Calderon Ramirez, Yanick Farmer, Andrea Frolic, Gina Bravo, Nathalie Orr Gaucher, Antoine Payot, Lucie Opatrny, Diane Poirier, Joseph Dahine, Audrey L’Espérance, James Downar, Peter Tanuseputro, Louis-Martin Rousseau, Vincent Dumez, Annie Descôteaux, Clara Dallaire, Karell Laporte & Marie-Eve Bouthillier - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    Background The prioritization protocols for accessing adult critical care in the extreme pandemic context contain tiebreaker criteria to facilitate decision-making in the allocation of resources between patients with a similar survival prognosis. Besides being controversial, little is known about the public acceptability of these tiebreakers. In order to better understand the public opinion, Quebec and Ontario’s protocols were presented to the public in a democratic deliberation during the summer of 2022. Objectives (1) To explore the perspectives of Quebec and Ontario (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas and Gabriel Biel: Interpretations of St. Thomas Aquinas in German Nominalism on the Eve of the Reformation by John L. Farthing.Joseph Wawrykow - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):149-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 149 Thomas Aquinas and Gabriel Biel: Interpretations of St. Thomas Aquinas in German Nominalism on the Eve of the Reformation. By JOHN L. FARTHING. Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 9. Durham: Duke University Press, 1988. Pp. x +265. $22.50 (cloth). In this hook, John Farthing examines the use made by the fifteenth· century theologian Gabriel Biel of the thought of Thomas Aquinas. Contemplating the various (...)
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  4. Friendship and synodality: An ecclesiological suggestion on the eve of the Australian plenary council 2020.Joseph Lam - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (2):156.
    Since Pope John Paul II's visit to Australia, in 1986, the face of the Australian Catholic Church has changed dramatically. The once celebrated 'comfortableness at calling themselves Catholics', has given way to shame and calamity caused by hundreds of moral and sexual misconduct cases. The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse not only challenges the church's governance. It also questions certain practical aspects of ecclesiology, for example, the priestly celibacy or the seal of confession that might (...)
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    The neglect of bastiat's school.Joseph T. Salerno - unknown
    Frédéric Bastiat was a member of the French liberal school, which thoroughly dominated economics in France from the beginning of the nineteenth century until the 1880’s and continued to exert a strong intellectual influence right up to the eve of World War One. He was neither the school’s founder, nor its most profound theorist, nor even the most consistent defender of the laissez-faire implications of its economic theories. He was however the most gifted expositor of its politico-economic doctrines, and as (...)
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    SOCIAL STUDIES OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Adam and Eve and Pinocchio on Being and Becoming Human, Willard Gaylin, M.D., 1990. Viking Penguin, New York, NY. 292 pages. ISBN: 0-670-82601. $18.95. [REVIEW]Joseph Haberer - 1993 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13 (3):156-156.
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    Murder in the Garden?: The Envy of the Gods in Genesis 2 and 3.Paul Duff & Joseph Hallman - 1996 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1):183-200.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Murder in the Garden? The Envy of the Gods in Genesis 2 and 3 Paul DuffJoseph Hallman George Washington University University of St. Thomas According to Walter Brueggemann, "No text in Genesis (or likely in the entire Bible) has been more used, interpreted and misunderstood" than the story of Adam and Eve in the garden. "This applies to careless, popular theology as well as to the doctrine of the (...)
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    Clara: a dialogue on the connection and reunion of the nature-world with the spirit-world: a new translation.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 2017 - Minneapolis, MN: New Cultures Press.
    All Souls' Day -- Autumn walk -- Christmas Eve interlude -- Walk before spring.
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  9. Review of Eve Gaudet, Quine on Meaning: The Indeterminacy of Translation[REVIEW]H. G. Callaway - 2006 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2006 (8).
    The book contains twelve chapters, prefaced by acknowledg­ments, and followed by a short index. It derives from the author's doctoral dissertation in philosophy at Washington University in St. Louis, and thanks are offered to committee members Robert B. Barrett, Joseph Ullian and Roger Gibson. The reader who is not inclined to review the large related literature on Quine's view of cognitive meaning and translation may also be attracted to this book for concise summaries and treatment of the Quinean view (...)
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    L'esprit, la vérité et l'histoire (review).Patrick Romanell - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):283-284.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 283 with his intention to kill himself, finds therein a common point of contact and identifies himself with Jerusalem to whom he lends his own motives of his love affair. By means of this phantasy he protects himself against the effect of his experience. Thus Shakespeare is right in his conjunction of poetry with "fine frenzy." According to the editor, Ernst Kris, who provides an excellent preface (...)
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  11.  77
    Engaging Reason.Joseph Raz - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (3):745-748.
    Joseph Raz presents a penetrating exploration of the interdependence of value, reason, and the will. These essays illuminate a wide range of questions concerning fundamental aspects of human thought and action. Engaging Reason is a summation of many years of original, compelling, and influential work by a major contemporary philosopher.
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    The Passions and Animal Language, 1540-1700.Richard Serjeantson - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (3):425-444.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.3 (2001) 425-444 [Access article in PDF] The Passions and Animal Language, 1540-1700 R. W. Serjeantson "Do not think, kind and benevolent readers, that I am proposing a useless subject to you by choosing to discuss the language [loquela] of beasts. For this is nothing other than philosophy, which investigates the natures of animals." 1 The Italian medical professor Hieronymus Fabricius ab Aquapendente (...)
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  13.  53
    On the Truth of Being: Reflections on Heidegger's Later Philosophy.Joseph J. Kockelmans - 1984 - Indiana University Press.
    Joseph J. Kockelmans provides a clear and systematic treatment of the central themes and topics of Heidegger's later writings, focusing on the all-important question of the relationship of truth and Being. If we are to understand Heidegger's thought, Kockelmans explains, we must conceive it as a path or way, rather than as a finished system. Adopting this approach himself, Kockelmans leads us with scholarly care through the wide range of issues that Heidegger wrote about between roughly 1935 and 1965. (...)
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  14.  74
    Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology.Joseph J. Kockelmans & Edmund Husserl - 1994 - Purdue University Press.
    In Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology, Joseph J. Kockelmans provides the reader with a biographical sketch and an overview of the salient features of Husserl's thought. Kockelmans focuses on the essay for the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1928, Husserl's most Important effort to articulate the aims of phenomenology for a more general audience. Included are Husserl's text -- in the original German and in English translation on facing pages -- a synopsis, and an extensive commentary that relates Husserl's work as a whole (...)
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    Science in flux.Joseph Agassi - 1975 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    Joseph Agassi is a critic, a gadfly, a debunker and deflater; he is also a constructor, a speculator and an imaginative scholaro In the history and philosophy of science, he has been Peck's bad boy, delighting in sharp and pungent criticism, relishing directness and simplicity, and enjoying it all enormously. As one of that small group of Popper's students (ineluding Bartley, Feyerabend and Lakatos) who took Popper seriously enough to criticize him, Agassi remained his own man, holding Popper's work (...)
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  16.  54
    Dualities of fields and strings.Joseph Polchinski - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 59 (C):6-20.
  17. Science and Civilization in China.Joseph Needham - 1958 - Science and Society 22 (1):74-77.
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  18.  14
    Order and life.Joseph Needham - 1936 - Cambridge,: M.I.T. Press.
    The nature of biological order.--The deployment of biological order.--The hierarchical continuity of biological order.--Bibliography (p. xvi-xvii).
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    On Scheeben's Place in Nineteenth-Century Catholic Theology and the Question of His Theological Method.Evan S. Koop - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):471-508.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Scheeben's Place in Nineteenth-Century Catholic Theology and the Question of His Theological MethodEvan S. KoopMatthias Joseph Scheeben (1835–1888) is enjoying a moment in English-speaking Catholic theological circles. In recent years his thought has attracted increasing interest from scholars who view him as an important forerunner to some of the central currents of Catholic theology in the twentieth century,1 a trend that promises only to accelerate with the (...)
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  20. Capitalisme, propriété et solidarité.Marc-Kevin Daoust (ed.) - 2016 - Les Cahiers d'Ithaque.
    Le but de ce recueil est d’offrir des commentaires accessibles et introductifs aux textes classiques qu’ils accompagnent, en ouvrant des perspectives de discussion sur le thème du capitalisme. C’est en ce sens qu’Emmanuel Chaput lance le débat en commentant le texte de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, « Qu’est-ce que la propriété ? ». Les textes de Karl Marx ne sont bien sûr pas laissés pour compte : Samuel-Élie Lesage s’engage fermement dans cette voie en discutant L’idéologie allemande de Karl Marx, Christiane (...)
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  21.  14
    Does Judaism Condone Violence? Holiness and Ethics in the Jewish Tradition by Alan L. Mittleman (review).Matthew Levering - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):745-749.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Does Judaism Condone Violence? Holiness and Ethics in the Jewish Tradition by Alan L. MittlemanMatthew LeveringDoes Judaism Condone Violence? Holiness and Ethics in the Jewish Tradition by Alan L. Mittleman (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018), v + 227 pp.Alan Mittleman has written a profoundly thought-provoking book. A main question of the book is whether a higher (revealed) law may in some cases require harm to be done (...)
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  22.  77
    Anti-externalism.Joseph Mendola - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Joseph Mendola argues that internalism is true, and that there are no good arguments that support externalism. Anti-Externalism has three parts.
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  23. VII*—Value Incommensurability: Some Preliminaries.Joseph Raz - 1986 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 86 (1):117-134.
    Joseph Raz; VII*—Value Incommensurability: Some Preliminaries, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 86, Issue 1, 1 June 1986, Pages 117–134, https://.
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  24. Action at a Distance in Quantum Mechanics.Joseph Berkovitz - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  25.  16
    Rights come to mind: brain injury, ethics, and the struggle for consciousness.Joseph Fins - 2015 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Joseph J. Fins calls for a reconsideration of severe brain injury treatment, including discussion of public policy and physician advocacy.
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    Jean-Luc nancy’s ethics of finitude.Marie-Eve Morin - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (1):35-46.
    Against a certain contemporary style of thinking that wishes to go beyond finitude entirely, I propose a finite praxis modeled after Jean-Luc Nancy’s finite thinking. I argue that the desire to imm...
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  27. A History of Embryology.Joseph Needham - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (44):492-492.
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    Ethics and Values in Design: A Structured Review and Theoretical Critique.Joseph Donia & James A. Shaw - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (5):1-32.
    A variety of approaches have appeared in academic literature and in design practice representing “ethics-first” methods. These approaches typically focus on clarifying the normative dimensions of design, or outlining strategies for explicitly incorporating values into design. While this body of literature has developed considerably over the last 20 years, two themes central to the endeavour of ethics and values in design (E + VID) have yet to be systematically discussed in relation to each other: (a) designer agency, and (b) the (...)
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  29.  58
    The Roots of Normativity.Joseph Raz & Ulrike Heuer (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Joseph Raz addresses one of the most basic philosophical questions: how to explain normativity in its many guises. His value-based account is brought to bear on many aspects of the lives of rational beings and their agency, such as their ability to maintain relationships, and to live their lives as social beings with a sense of their identity.
  30.  30
    The Denial of Peter: René Girard, Mimetic Desire, and Conversion.William E. Cain - 2022 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 29 (1):101-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Denial of PeterRené Girard, Mimetic Desire, and ConversionWilliam E. Cain (bio)Man is the creature who does not know what to desire, and he turns to others in order to make up his mind. We desire what others desire because we imitate their desires.—René GirardI believe in commitment … We must be committed to one position and follow it through.—René GirardIn many books and essays throughout his long career, (...)
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  31. Belief: An Essay.Jamie Iredell - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):279-285.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 279—285. Concerning its Transitive Nature, the Conversion of Native Americans of Spanish Colonial California, Indoctrinated Catholicism, & the Creation There’s no direct archaeological evidence that Jesus ever existed. 1 I memorized the Act of Contrition. I don’t remember it now, except the beginning: Forgive me Father for I have sinned . . . This was in preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Reconciliation, where in a confessional I confessed my sins to Father Scott, who looked like Jesus, (...)
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  32. The Grand Titration: Science and Society in East and West.Joseph Needham - 1971 - Science and Society 35 (1):110-114.
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  33.  9
    Habit and Intelligence in Their Connexion With the Laws of Matter and Force.Joseph John Murphy - 2022 - Legare Street Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    Phenomenological psychology: the Dutch school.Joseph J. Kockelmans (ed.) - 1987 - Hingham, MA., USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Husserl's Original View on Phenomenological Psychology* JOSEPH J.KOCKELMANS Some forty years ago Edmund Husserl spoke publicly for the first time of a ...
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  35. Science and Civilization in China: Volume 2, History of Scientific Thought.JOSEPH NEEDHAM - 1956 - Philosophy 35 (133):167-168.
  36.  39
    Relativity Without Spacetime.Joseph K. Cosgrove - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In 1908, three years after Einstein first published his special theory of relativity, the mathematician Hermann Minkowski introduced his four-dimensional “spacetime” interpretation of the theory. Einstein initially dismissed Minkowski’s theory, remarking that “since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity I do not understand it myself anymore.” Yet Minkowski’s theory soon found wide acceptance among physicists, including eventually Einstein himself, whose conversion to Minkowski’s way of thinking was engendered by the realization that he could profitably employ it for the (...)
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  37.  44
    Protocol statements, physicalism, and metadata: Otto Neurath on scientific evidence.Joseph Bentley - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 96 (C):125-134.
  38.  44
    Kur’an’da ‘İmrae’ ve ‘Zevc’ Kelimelerinin Anlam Alanı.Zülfikar Durmuş - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):1797-1824.
    : The concept of synonymity, which is defined as the expression of the same meaning by different words, is discussed by modern linguists and also by Muslim scholars in relation to the Qur’ān. Among these Muslim scholars there are those who accept the existence of synonymousness in language as well as those who do not accept it. In this study, it was argued that the use of the words alleged to be synonyms in the Qur’ān is not correct in terms (...)
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    Experience as Art: Aesthetics in Everyday Life.Joseph H. Kupfer - 1983 - State University of New York Press.
    Joseph Kupfer removes aesthetics from the exclusive province of museums, concert halls, and the periphery of human interests to reveal the impact of aesthetic experience on daily living.
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  40. Chemical Embryology.Joseph Needham - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (27):354-355.
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    Human Laws and Laws of Nature in China and the West : Chinese Civilization and the Laws of Nature.Joseph Needham - 1951 - Journal of the History of Ideas 12 (2):194.
  42.  25
    Philosophy of Science: the Historical Background.Joseph J. Kockelmans - 1999 - New York,: Transaction.
    This anthology of selections from the works of noted philosophers affords the student an immediate contact with the unique historical background of the philosophy of science. The selections, many of which have not been readily accessible, follow the development of the philosophy of science from 1786 to 1927. Each selection is preceded by a brief introduction by the editor designed to familiarize the reader with a particular philosopher and provide insights into his work. Joseph J. Kockelmans divides the selections (...)
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  43.  35
    Kant and the Reorientation of Aesthetics: Finding the World.Joseph J. Tinguely - 2017 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    This book argues that the philosophical significance of Kant’s aesthetics lies not in its explicit account of beauty but in its implicit account of intentionality. Kant’s account is distinct in that feeling, affect, or mood must be operative within the way the mind receives the world. Moreover, these modes of receptivity fall within the normative domain so that we can hold each other responsible for how we are "struck" by an object or scene. Joseph Tinguely composes a series of (...)
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    The Treatise De anima of Dominicus Gundissalinus.Joseph T. Muckle - 1940 - Mediaeval Studies 2 (1):23-103.
  45. To save verisimilitude.Joseph Agassi - 1981 - Mind 90 (360):576-579.
    JOSEPH AGASSI 1. Sir Karl Popper has offered two different theories of scientific progress, his theory of conjectures and refutations and corroboration, as well as his theory of verisimilitude increase. The former was attacked by some old-fashioned inductivists, yet is triumphant; the latter has been refuted by Tichy and by Miller to Popper’s own satisfaction. Oddly, however, the theory of verisimilitude was developed because of some deficiency in the theory of corroboration, and though in its present precise formulation it (...)
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  46.  64
    Reasonable Faith. By John Haldane.Joseph Shaw - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (253):830-832.
    © 2013 The Editors of The Philosophical QuarterlyProfessor Haldane's collection of essays covers not only topics of Philosophy of Religion, but issues in metaphysics and the philosophy of mind. They are treated not so much from a particular religious viewpoint, or from a philosophical tradition associated with religious principles, but by using materials inspired by such viewpoints and traditions. Haldane is explicitly combating an influential strand of thought in academic philosophy which would exclude such materials in principle, even while the (...)
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  47.  17
    Philosophy of science.Joseph J. Kockelmans - 1968 - New York,: Free Press.
    This anthology of selections from the works of noted philosophers affords the student an immediate contact with the unique historical background of the philosophy of science. The selections, many of which have not been readily accessible, follow the development of the philosophy of science from 1786 to 1927. Each selection is preceded by a brief introduction by the editor designed to familiarize the reader with a particular philosopher and provide insights into his work. Joseph J. Kockelmans divides the selections (...)
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    Man a machine.Joseph Needham - 1927 - London,: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co..
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    The Making of the Modern Mind.Joseph A. Leighton - 1927 - Philosophical Review 36 (3):276-277.
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  50. Just and unjust wars: Casuistry and the boundaries of the moral world.Joseph Boyle - 1997 - Ethics and International Affairs 11:83–98.
    Joseph Boyle discusses deontology, which derives precepts from moral principles, particularly making a case with reference to Alan Donagan's The Theory of Morality, which appeared the same year as Just and Unjust Wars.
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