Results for 'Eva Schaden'

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  1.  53
    The role of advance directives in end-of-life decisions in Austria: survey of intensive care physicians. [REVIEW]Eva Schaden, Petra Herczeg, Stefan Hacker, Andrea Schopper & Claus G. Krenn - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):1-6.
    BackgroundCurrently, intensive care medicine strives to define a generally accepted way of dealing with end-of-life decisions, therapy limitation and therapy discontinuation.In 2006 a new advance directive legislation was enacted in Austria. Patients may now document their personal views regarding extension of treatment. The aim of this survey was to explore Austrian intensive care physicians' experiences with and their acceptance of the new advance directive legislation two years after enactment (2008).MethodsUnder the aegis of the OEGARI (Austrian Society of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and (...)
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  2. Love’s Labor: Essays on Women, Equality and Dependency.Eva Feder Kittay - 1999 - Routledge.
  3. The Ethics of Care, Dependence, and Disability.Eva Feder Kittay - 2011 - Ratio Juris 24 (1):49-58.
    According to the most important theories of justice, personal dignity is closely related to independence, and the care that people with disabilities receive is seen as a way for them to achieve the greatest possible autonomy. However, human beings are naturally subject to periods of dependency, and people without disabilities are only “temporarily abled.” Instead of seeing assistance as a limitation, we consider it to be a resource at the basis of a vision of society that is able to account (...)
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    When Caring Is Just and Justice is Caring: Justice and Mental Retardation.Eva Feder Kittay - 2001 - Public Culture 13 (3):557-580.
    Among the various human forms alluded to in the Hebrew prayer, mental retardation appears to be one of the most difficult to celebrate. It is the disability that other disabled persons do not want attributed to them. It is the disability for which prospective parents are most likely to use selective abortion (Wertz 2000). And it is the disability that prompted one of the most illustrious United States Supreme Court Justices to endorse forced sterilization, because "three generations of imbeciles are (...)
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  5. Metaphor, its cognitive force and linguistic structure.Eva Feder Kittay - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (4):636-636.
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    A feminist public ethic of care meets the new communitarian family policy.Eva Kittay - 2001 - Ethics 111 (3):523-547.
  7. Cognitive Disability and its Challenge to Moral Philosophy.Eva Feder Kittay & Licia Carlson (eds.) - 2010 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Through a series of essays contributed by clinicians, medical historians, and prominent moral philosophers, Cognitive Disability and Its Challenge to Moral ...
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    What is wrong with agonistic pluralism?: Reflections on conflict in democratic theory.Eva Erman - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (9):1039-1062.
    During the last couple of decades, concurrently with an increased awareness of the complexity of ethical conflicts, political theorists have directed attention to how constitutional democracy should cope with a fact of incommensurable doctrines. Poststructuralists such as Chantal Mouffe claim that ethical conflicts are fundamentally irreconcilable, which is indeed a view shared by many liberal theorists. The question of whether ethical conflicts are in principle irreconcilable is an important one since the answer has implications for what democratic institutions are desirable. (...)
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  9. Evaluating a patient's request for life-prolonging treatment: an ethical framework.Eva C. Winkler, Wolfgang Hiddemann & Georg Marckmann - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (11):647-651.
    Contrary to the widespread concern about over-treatment at the end of life, today, patient preferences for palliative care at the end of life are frequently respected. However, ethically challenging situations in the current healthcare climate are, instead, situations in which a competent patient requests active treatment with the goal of life-prolongation while the physician suggests best supportive care only. The argument of futility has often been used to justify unilateral decisions made by physicians to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment. However, (...)
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  10. Current Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Debates on Empathy.Eva-Maria Engelen & Birgitt Röttger-Rössler - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (1):3-8.
    Empathy as “Feelingly Grasping” Perhaps the central question concerning empathy is if and if so how it combines aspects of thinking and feeling. Indeed, the intellectual tradition of the past centuries has been marked by a dualism. Roughly speaking, there have been two pathways when it comes to understanding each other: 1) thinking or mind reading and 2) feeling or empathy. Nonetheless, one of the ongoing debates in psychology and philosophy concerns the question whether these two abilities, namely, understanding what (...)
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  11.  4
    Wilhelm von Humboldt interkulturell gelesen: ein Beitrag aus der Erziehungswissenschaft.Eva Eirmbter-Stolbrink - 2005 - Nordhausen: Bautz.
  12.  34
    We Have Seen the Mutants—and They Are Us: Gifts and Burdens of a Genetic Diagnosis.Eva Feder Kittay - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (S1):44-53.
    In this essay, I recount and examine my response to a genetic diagnosis of my disabled daughter. My daughter was forty‐nine before the diagnosis came. All her disabilities were traceable to a de novo single gene variant on the PURA gene that was discovered only in 2014. I speak of the jolt and the recalibration that this discovery engendered, concluding that, while it seemed that everything had changed, nothing had changed. But my family did discover a community in which Sesha (...)
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  13.  30
    Agalmatophilic Pygmalions: Burke and Winckelmann on the Beautiful and the Sublime.Éva Antal - 2024 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 8 (1):39-68.
    There is a good chance that “each critic becomes a Pygmalion” (as Leo Curran put it) when they bring the work of art to life in their narcissistic (and almost amorous) attention, unfolding its meaning so that they should be able to write their own interpretation. The starting point of the present text is the perfection of sculptural forms, and the author discusses “traditional” aesthetic concepts: the beautiful and the sublime along with the difference and interplay of the two qualities, (...)
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    Woman as Metaphor.Eva Feder Kittay - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (2):63-86.
    Women's activities and relations to men are persistent metaphors for man's projects. I query the prominence of these and the lack of equivalent metaphors where men are the metaphoric vehicle for women and women's activities. Women's role as metaphor results from her otherness and her relational and mediational importance in men's lives. Otherness, mediation, and relation characterize the role of metaphor in language and thought. This congruence between metaphor and women makes the metaphor of woman especially potent in man's conceptual (...)
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  15. Loves Labor Revisited.Eva Kittay - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (3):237-250.
    Love's Labor explores the relations that dependency work fosters between women and between men and women, and argues that dependency is not exceptional but integral to human life. The commentaries point to more facets of dependency such as the importance of personal narrative in philosophizing dependency ; the role of spirituality that Gottlieb addresses with regard to his disabled daughter; and the application of the theory to the situation of elderly women.
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    Milk and flesh: A phenomenological reflection on infancy and coexistence.Eva-Maria Simms - 2001 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 32 (1):22-40.
    Infants who suffer severe neglect fail to thrive emotionally as well as bodily. The absence of early coexistential structures that provide well-being leads to a narrowing of the child's perceptual and social developmental horizon. What is the nature of these early structures? In this essay, an ontology of well-being or housedness is elaborated through phenomenological reflections on breast-feeding and infant perception. Merleau-Ponty's ontology of the flesh makes a contribution to the ontology of well-being: it gives us a conceptual and evocative (...)
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  17.  21
    Moving from voluntary to mandatory sustainability reporting—Transparency in sustainable development goals (SDG) reporting: An analysis of Germany's largest MNCs.Eva Katharina Donner, Annekatrin Meißner & Suleika Bort - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    A growing number of multinational companies (MNCs) report on their progress toward contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their annual reports, yet the amount and quality of the information they disclose varies significantly. The aim of this study is twofold: First, we investigate how transparent MNCs report on their SDG engagement and second, we study how the reported SDG engagement changed over time due to major shifts in sustainability reporting requirements. Using a dataset of the largest German MNCs, (...)
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  18. Do we only dream in colour? A comparison of reported dream colour in younger and older adults with different experiences of black and white media.Eva Murzyn - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1228-1237.
    This study aimed to find out whether differences in the reported colour of dreams can be attributed to the influence of black and white media or to methodological issues. Two age groups, with different media experience, were compared on questionnaire and diary measures of dream colour. Analysis revealed that people who had access to black and white media before colour media experienced more greyscale dreams than people with no such exposure, and there were no differences between diary and questionnaire measures (...)
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    ‘The pine tree, my good friend’: The other as more‐than‐human.Eva Alerby & Åsa Engström - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (4):e12366.
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  20. India en Occidente. Seres malignos y paraisos perdidos.Eva Fernández del Campo - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 53:21-25.
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  21. Sootnoshenie i︠a︡vnykh i skrytykh znacheniĭ v semantike proizvodnogo slova: na materiale naimenovaniĭ lit︠s︡ v russkom i︠a︡zyke.V. A. Kudri︠a︡vt︠s︡eva - 1991 - Alma-Ata: "Gylym".
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  22. Living in the loop.Warren Mansell, Eva de Hullu, Vyv Huddy & Tom Scholte (eds.) - 2023 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier.
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  23.  37
    Caring about Care.Eva Feder Kittay - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (3):856-863.
    Every ethic, if it is not to be a feather in the wind, needs an epistemology. As we look at epistemologies from Plato's Theaetetus to Kant's First Critique to contemporary virtue epistemology, the question of knowledge is always tethered to an ethics, sometimes tightly, sometimes loosely. To live a good life and act rightly toward others, we need to know what we need to know to do this well; we need to know how to know that what we are doing (...)
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  24.  46
    Comments on Alice Crary’s The Horrific History of Comparisons between Cognitive Disability and Animality (and How to Move Past It) and Peter Singer’s Response to Crary.Eva Feder Kittay - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 2 (1):127-133.
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    A Response to Sub-Stance 17: Significance vs. A-Significance in Maurice Roche's Novels.Eva Corredor - 1978 - Substance 6 (20):143.
  26.  12
    Un masque humain à Hyria de Naxos, nouveau témoignage de contacts chypriotes.Eva Simantoni-Bournia - 2004 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 128 (1):119-132.
    Eva Simantoni-Bournia Un masque humain à Hyria de Naxos, nouveau témoignage de contacts chypriotes p. 119-132 Neuf tessons d'un masque en terre cuite représentant une figure masculine barbue presque grandeur nature, datés de la fin du VIIIe - début du VIIe siècle av. J.-C., ont été découverts en 1994 dans le sanctuaire d'Hyria à Naxos. Ce masque naxien doit son importance à la rareté de ce type d'objets, surtout à haute époque. Les masques en terre cuite du sanctuaire d'Orthia à (...)
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    Blumenbergs Verfahren: neue Zugänge zum Werk.Hannes Bajohr & Eva Geulen (eds.) - 2022 - Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
    Hans Blumenbergs Werk ist mit einer Theorie des Mythos, der Metapher und der Epochenumbrüche, technikphilosophischen Reflexionen, literaturtheoretischen Überlegungen und literarischen Glossen ungewöhnlich vielgestaltig. Die Beiträge des Bandes begegnen diesem Umstand, indem sie nicht einzelne Grundgedanken, sondern Vorgehensweisen und Techniken, methodische Ansätze und taktische Blickwendungen fokussieren. Ihr Interesse gilt Blumenbergs Verfahren. Sie betrachten etwa den Metapherngebrauch des Metaphorologen und seine Vorliebe für implikative Zugänge, die unmögliche Abschreitung des Horizonts und die Verabschiedung der Theorie als theoretisches Verfahren. Auf welche Weise nähert sich (...)
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  28. Education & children.Sylvia Goodman, Eva Reich, Peter Marin & Stanley Keleman (eds.) - 1974 - [S.l.: [S.N.].
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    The Society of the Spectral.Serge Margel & Eva Yampolsky - 2012 - Diacritics 40 (3):6-25.
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    What’s Driving High Disenrollment in Medicare Advantage?Eva DuGoff & Sandra Chao - 2019 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 56:004695801984150.
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  31. Planning a trip to Italy, arriving in Holland: The delusion of choice in planning a family.Eva Feder Kittay - 2010 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 3 (2):9.
    The title of this paper deserves an explanation—or rather two explanations, one for the portion preceding the colon, the other for that following as the subtitle. The first part is derived from a short essay by Emily Perl Kingsley, written in 1987 in response to questions she had received about what it is like to raise a child with Down Syndrome.1 Kingsley suggests that planning for a child is like planning a trip to some wonderful destination—in her example, Italy. She (...)
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  32. Emotions as Bio-cultural Processes: Discipinary Debates and an Interdisciplinary Outlook.Eva-Maria Engelen, Hans J. Markowitsch, Christian Scheve, Birgitt Roettger-Roessler, Achim Stephan, Manfred Holodynski & Marie Vandekerckhove - 2009 - In Birgitt Röttger-Rössler & Hans Jürgen Markowitsch, Emotions as Bio-cultural Processes. Springer.
    The article develops a theoretical framework that is capable of integrating the biological foundations of emotions with their cultural and semantic formation.
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  33. Bramani e colori tra Ficino e Campanella.Eva Del Soldato - 2001 - Rinascimento 41:315-325.
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    Eros und Gewalt in Danton’s Tod.Georg Büchner Gesellschaft, Eva-Maria Vering, Matthias Gröbel & Burghard Dedner - 2008 - In Georg Büchner Gesellschaft, Eva-Maria Vering, Matthias Gröbel & Burghard Dedner, Georg Büchnaer Jahrbuch (2005-2008)Georg Büchner Yearbook. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
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    Heine und Holbach: Zur Religionskritik der radikalen Aufklärung und über zwei zentrale Probleme der Büchner-Forschung.Georg Büchner Gesellschaft, Eva-Maria Vering, Matthias Gröbel & Burghard Dedner - 2008 - In Georg Büchner Gesellschaft, Eva-Maria Vering, Matthias Gröbel & Burghard Dedner, Georg Büchnaer Jahrbuch (2005-2008)Georg Büchner Yearbook. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
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  36. Complex paternal roles in the US and Sweden: biological step-and informal fatherhood.Frances K. Goldscheider, Eva M. Bernhardt, Gayle Kaufman, D. Meekers, M. Oladosu, S. L. Curtis, F. Steele, D. Hollander, J. Durand & W. Kandel - 1996 - Journal of Biosocial Science 28 (2):141-59.
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  37. Analiz sovremennykh tendent︠s︡iĭ v nemarksistskoĭ teorii poznanii︠a︡: kritika "Geneticheskoĭ ėpistemologii" Zhana Piazhe: nauchno-analiticheskiĭ obzor.L. P. Mordvint︠s︡eva - 1984 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t nauch. informat︠s︡ii po obshchestvennym naukam.
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    Significant Differences in Personality Styles of Securely and Insecurely Attached Psychotherapists: Data, Reflections and Implications.Burkhard Peter & Eva Böbel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Zum Dsungarenkrieg im 18. Jahrhundert; Berichte des Generals Funingga.L. Petech & Eva S. Kraft - 1955 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 75 (3):193.
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    Edith Stein: de la concepción de la persona humana a la comprensión de la mujer.Eva Reyes-Gacitúa - 2021 - Franciscanum 63 (175):1-23.
    Actualmente, «pensar la mujer» constituye una tarea inacabada y debatida. En pleno siglo XX, la fenomenóloga Edith Stein explora tal despliegue interrogándose por su naturaleza y valor propio. La presente investigación expone el itinerario que establece la filósofa desde la reflexión de la persona humana a la comprensión de la mujer. Para tal efecto, se articulan desde la obra steiniana los principales conceptos y matices que, mediante el análisis fenomenológico posibilita examinar las nociones constituyentes del sujeto en su dimensión corporal (...)
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    Toward the comprehension of Quem diligit "anima mea" in the mystical theology of William of Saint-Thierry.Eva Reyes-Gacitúa - 2017 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 36:159-177.
    A partir de la expresión Amado de mi alma, Guillermo de Saint Thierry subraya uno de los elementos principales de su doctrina espiritual. A partir de la Expositio in Canticum Canticorum, nuestro autor comenta cómo la Esposa elogia al Esposo a través de esta fórmula, confiriéndole en ello, un sentido particular en la relación de los amados; pues este amor tiene un cierto gusto de aquel a quien busca: sensum quemdam. Amor que es comunicado al hombre para que él ame (...)
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  42.  26
    Von der Vielfalt und Verletzlichkeit menschlicher Würde.Eva Weber-Guskar - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (5):891-897.
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    Social policy.Eva Feder Kittay - 1998 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Iris Marion Young, A companion to feminist philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 569–580.
    Social policy, broadly understood, is an intervention by government or other public institution designed to promote the well‐being of its members or intended to rectify perceived social problems. Governmental policy can issue from legislative, executive, or judicial actions. Regulations and rules governing major public establishments, such as universities or medical institutions, and directed at promoting the aims of the larger social body can also be considered instruments of social policy. Social policy is sometimes understood more narrowly as interventions of the (...)
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  44. The dependency critique of Rawlsian equality.Eva Kittay - 2017 - In Sarah Roberts-Cady & Jon Mandle, John Rawls: Debating the Major Questions. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
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    The greater danger — pornography, social science and women's rights: Reply to Brannigan and Goldenberg.Eva Feder Kittay - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (2):117 – 133.
  46.  17
    Hartmut Buchner, Heidegger tra Oriente e Occidente. Il destino planetario della tecnica con scritti di Martin Heidegger. A cura di Andrea Cudin.Eva Kocziszky - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119 (2):425-427.
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    Knowing People: The Empathetic Designer.Eva Koppen & Christoph Meinel - 2012 - Design Philosophy Papers 10 (1):35-51.
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    Conceptually distinguishing mirth, humor, and comedy: a philosophical analysis.Eva Kort - 2014 - Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press.
    This book opens a new dialogue for philosophical treatments of humor and comedy. It traces their history from the Dionysian Performance Tradition and brings a fresh perspective to the issue as it recasts standard interpretations of the Aristotelian theory in broader terms that offer new grounds for distinguishing humor', comedy' and mirth'.
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    The Journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, from the Baptism to becoming the Son of God and from the Earthly to the Heavenly Kingdom from the Point of View of Allegorical Interpretation.Eva Kovacheva - 2022 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 31 (1):73-80.
    The article discusses two historical events taken from texts from the Holy Scripture – the Old and the New Testaments, and a spiritual view on human soul, as found in the Holy tradition of the Orthodox church: they support the thesis that, according to the method of allegorical interpretation, the three evidences point to three inner stages through which human soul passes in its transition to a holistic spiritual development: from the act of the Holy Baptism to the entry into (...)
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    Pro Bono Publico: Englightenment, Religion, Education and the State in Northern Hungary.Eva Kowalská - 1992 - Human Affairs 2 (1):77-88.
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