Results for 'Esmeralda Matute'

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  1.  25
    Educational and Cognitive Predictors of Pro- and Antisaccadic Performance.Yaira Chamorro, Mario Treviño & Esmeralda Matute - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Illusions of causality: how they bias our everyday thinking and how they could be reduced.Helena Matute, Fernando Blanco, Ion Yarritu, Marcos Díaz-Lago, Miguel A. Vadillo & Itxaso Barberia - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  3.  45
    The Influence of Organizations’ Tax Avoidance Practices on Consumers’ Behavior: The Role of Moral Reasoning Strategies, Political Ideology, and Brand Identification.Jorge Matute, José Luis Sánchez-Torelló & Ramon Palau-Saumell - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):369-386.
    This study adopts moral reasoning strategies to investigate why consumers support companies involved in ethical transgressions. Drawing on several cases of real multinationals publicly involved in tax avoidance practices, it aims to demonstrate that moral rationalization and moral decoupling depend not only on how consumers perceive the magnitude of the transgression, but also on their individual differences, such as political ideology and brand identification. A quantitative study with a sample of 3989 consumers of five different focal brands was employed to (...)
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  4.  21
    Are proneness to forgive, optimism and gratitude associated with life satisfaction?Esmeralda Soares & Małgorzata Szcześniak - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (1):20-23.
    Are proneness to forgive, optimism and gratitude associated with life satisfaction? The main aim of the current study was to examine whether and how life satisfaction is related to propensity to forgive one's transgressor. Additionally, it also explored the relationship between life satisfaction and other chosen psychological variables, such as optimism and gratitude. The study involved 338 persons between 16 and 83 years of age. For the measurement of psychological variables the following research tools were used: Satisfaction With Life Scale, (...)
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    La técnica como forma de estar bien en el mundo: consideraciones en Ortega y Blumenberg.Esmeralda Balaguer García - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e16.
    A partir del contexto que la crisis de la modernidad delimita, la función de la técnica ha sido objeto de controversia en el pensamiento del siglo XX. Esta aportación pretende dar cuenta de la concepción que Ortega y Blumenberg tuvieron de la técnica y de cómo se articula esa idea en su filosofía. A su vez, también pretende establecer los puntos de unión que existen en las ideas sobre la técnica que ambos filósofos defendieron en tanto que estas ideas tienen (...)
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    Historia, lenguaje y circunstancia. Un diálogo de la Nueva Filología con la Historia Conceptual.Esmeralda Balaguer García - 2025 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 94:175-188.
    The aim of this article is to establish a dialogue between the philological reform proposed by the philosopher José Ortega y Gasset in his books, called “new philology”, and the methodology established by Reinhart Koselleck’s conceptual history for analysing the semantics of concepts in their contexts. The thesis is that Ortega’s new philology as a technique of historical reason is a precedent, sometimes direct and sometimes indirect, of the Begriffsgeschichte. El objetivo de este artículo es el de establecer un diálogo (...)
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    Organisation de la greffe hépatique en France : aspects éthiques et réglementaires.Esmeralda Luciolli, Olivier Soubrane & Didier Houssin - 2002 - Médecine et Droit 2002 (54):19-27.
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    Coordinación del conocer con el querer.Agustín Riera Matute - 1969 - Anuario Filosófico 2 (1):283-302.
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  9. El interés se elevó a asombro.Ana María Matute - 2017 - In Miguel Angel Muñoz, La vida constante: conversaciones en el tránsito del milenio. México, DF: Editorial Praxis.
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    Inteligencia y mundo.Agustín Riera Matute - 1971 - Anuario Filosófico 4 (1):309-345.
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  11. El estado griego.Matute Vidal & JuliáN[From Old Catalog] - 1940 - [México,: D.F..
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  12.  29
    Learning to infer the time of our actions and decisions from their consequences.Helena Matute, Carmelo P. Cubillas & Pablo Garaizar - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 56:37-49.
  13.  13
    ¿Es posible una filosofía de la subjetividad?Agustín Riera Matute - 1974 - Anuario Filosófico 7 (1):278-289.
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    Reflexiones en torno a la posiblidad.Agustín Riera Matute - 1972 - Anuario Filosófico 5 (1):409-465.
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  15. Cognitive Enhancement, Virtue Ethics and the Good Life.Barbro Elisabeth Esmeralda Fröding - 2011 - Neuroethics 4 (3):223-234.
    This article explores the respective roles that medical and technological cognitive enhancements, on the one hand, and the moral and epistemic virtues traditionally understood, on the other, can play in enabling us to lead the good life. It will be shown that neither the virtues nor cognitive enhancements (of the kind we have access to today or in the foreseeable future) on their own are likely to enable most people to lead the good life. While the moral and epistemic virtues (...)
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  16.  46
    The Proust effect and the evolution of a dual learning system.Helena Matute & Miguel A. Vadillo - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):215-216.
    Proust's madeleine illustrates the automatic nature of associative learning. Although we agree with Mitchell et al. that no compelling scientific proof for this effect has yet been reported in humans, evolutionary constraints suggest that it should not be discarded: There is no reason by which natural selection should favor individuals who lose a fast and automatic survival tool.
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  17.  31
    Previous knowledge can induce an illusion of causality through actively biasing behavior.Ion Yarritu & Helena Matute - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  18.  19
    Biological significance in forward and backward blocking: Resolution of a discrepancy between animal conditioning and human causal judgment.Ralph R. Miller & Helena Matute - 1996 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 125 (4):370.
  19.  32
    Human-Animal Similarity and the Imageability of Mental State Concepts for Mentalizing Animals.Esmeralda G. Urquiza-Haas & Kurt Kotrschal - 2022 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 22 (3-4):220-245.
    The attribution of mental states (MS) to other species typically follows ascala naturaepattern. However, “simple” mental states, including emotions, sensing, and feelings are attributed to a wider range of animals as compared to the so-called “higher” cognitive abilities. We propose that such attributions are based on the perceptual quality (i.e.imageability) of mental representations related toMSconcepts. We hypothesized that the attribution of highly imaginableMSis more dependent on the familiarity of participants with animals when compared to the attribution ofMSlow in imageability. In (...)
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  20.  6
    Los límites del decir: razón histórica y lenguaje en el último Ortega.Esmeralda Balaguer García - 2023 - Madrid: Tecnos.
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    “La República de los Sueños”: De lo racional de la República a lo irracional de los sueños.Esmeralda Broullón Acuña - 2010 - Arbor 186 (741):139-151.
    La República de los sueños es una “novela atlántica” y como tal desarrolla una narrativa sobre el viaje y la memoria de una familia de origen español en el Brasil contemporáneo. La obra indaga el proceso de inmigración y adaptación de un gallego patriarcal y capitalista, predestinado al éxito social. Una consagración que llevará hasta sus últimas consecuencias, retornando a su aldea, de la cual salió en 1913, para casarse con la hija de un hidalgo. Fundador de un linaje hispanobrasileño (...)
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  22.  18
    Enacting a Latinx Decolonial Politic of Belonging: Latinx Community Workers’ Experiences Negotiating Identity and Citizenship in Toronto, Canada.Madelaine Cahuas & Alexandra Arraiz Matute - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 14 (2):268-286.
    This paper explores how women and non-binary Latinx Community Workers in Toronto, Canada, negotiate their identities, citizenship practices and politics in relation to settler colonialism and decolonization. We demonstrate how LCWs enact a Latinx decolonial politic of belonging, an alternative way of practicing citizenship that strives to simultaneously challenge both Canadian and Latin American settler colonialism. This can be seen when LCWs refuse to be recognized on white settler terms as “proud Canadians,” and create community-based learning initiatives that incite conversations (...)
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  23.  25
    Dealing with sexuality in adolescence.Esmeralda Calero Yera, Sandra Rodríguez Roura & Aniocha Trumbull Jorlen - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (3):577-592.
    RESUMEN La sexualidad es parte de la personalidad, la manera de expresarla y vivirla es diferente en cada persona, en tanto, la adolescencia, como etapa del ciclo vital humano, se caracteriza por cambios biológicos, sicológicos y sociales. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para profundizar en el estudio de la sexualidad en la adolescencia y las acciones educativas como alternativa de la educación sexual. Se ejecutó una búsqueda en la literatura digital de artículos de investigaciones originales en las bases de datos (...)
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  24.  6
    Finden und Erfinden: die Romantik und ihre Religionen, 1790-1820.Daniel Cyranka, Diana Matut & Christian Soboth (eds.) - 2020 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  25.  22
    Cues trained apart compete for behavioral control in rats: convergence with the associative interference literature.Martha Escobar, Helena Matute & Ralph R. Miller - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (1):97.
  26.  22
    For a Theory that is Both Critical and Mathematical: Handelman, Matthew, The Mathematical Imagination: On the Origins and Promise of Critical Theory.Jessie Joshua Lino & Esmeralda Manlulu - 2021 - Kritike 15 (2):126-146.
  27.  29
    ¿A qué llamamos exclusión social?Ana Esmeralda Rizo López - 2006 - Polis 15.
    El presente trabajo trata de la exclusión social como tema principal. Para su exposición tratamos de encajar su aparición en un contexto histórico económico y social determinado, claramente europeo, y sus diferencias frente a conceptos y teorías que en algunos casos se asemejan. Nos referimos a la pobreza, la marginalidad, la informalidad o la dependencia. Asimismo presentamos una tipología de excluidos, hablando a la vez de agentes, causas y estrategias empleadas en su tratamiento.
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  28. Tercera Edad: diferentes percepciones y necesidad de relaciones basadas en una nueva ética social.Ana Esmeralda Rizo López - 2007 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 20:3.
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    José Vasconcelos y la universidad.José Vasconcelos, Alvaro Matute & Angeles Ruiz - 1987 - México: IPN, Dirección de Publicaciones y Bibliotecas. Edited by Alvaro Matute & Angeles Ruiz.
  30.  76
    Corporate Social Responsibility as a Vehicle to Reveal the Corporate Identity: A Study Focused on the Websites of Spanish Financial Entities. [REVIEW]Rafael Bravo, Jorge Matute & José M. Pina - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (2):129-146.
    This study explores the relevance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an element of the corporate identity of Spanish financial institutions. Specifically, it aims to analyze the CSR actions developed by financial entities through the analysis of all the available information disclosed in their websites. A content analysis applied to 82 banking institutions, followed by different quantitative analyses, reveals the multidimensionality of CSR. Findings show that, while the number of entities institutionalizing CSR values as core elements of their identities is (...)
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    Low Speed Longitudinal Control Algorithms for Automated Vehicles in Simulation and Real Platforms.Mauricio Marcano, José A. Matute, Ray Lattarulo, Enrique Martí & Joshué Pérez - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
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    When did it happen? Verbal information about causal relations affects time estimation.Carmelo P. Cubillas & Helena Matute - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 113 (C):103554.
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  33.  22
    Methodological Factors Involved in the Study of Temporal Binding Using the Open Source Software Labclock Web.Carmelo P. Cubillas, Íñigo Landáburu & Helena Matute - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  34.  6
    Basic Motor Skills in Learning Mini-Athletics in Children 4-6 Years of Age from Zone 1 of Ecuador.Ángel Aníbal Sailema Torres, Silvia Beatriz Acosta Bones, Esmeralda Giovanna Zapata Mocha & Castro Pantoja Edison Andrés - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1326-1339.
    The objective of the research project is to determine the incidence of the variables of "Basic motor skills in the learning of mini-athletics in children 4-6 years old, the research is methodologically based under a non-experimental design, by correlational and cutting scope cross-sectional, taken a sample of 300 children distributed in male and female genders of the zonal coordination 1 (Carchi, Esmeraldas, Imbabura and Sucumbíos) The instrument to evaluate the first study variable was the "retest" test validated and considered In (...)
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  35. A Multidimensional Approach to the Influence of Environmental Marketing and Orientation on the Firm’s Organizational Performance.Elena Fraj-Andrés, Eva Martinez-Salinas & Jorge Matute-Vallejo - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (2):263-286.
    Since it implies a reduction in the quality and the quantity of the natural resources, environmental degradation is a present day problem that requires immediate solutions. This situation is driving firms to undertake an environmental transformation process with the purpose of reducing the negative externalities that come from their economic activities. Within this context, environmental marketing is an emerging business philosophy by which organizations can address sustainability issues. Moreover, environmental marketing and orientation are seen as valuable strategies to improve a (...)
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  36.  28
    Causal Illusions in the Service of Political Attitudes in Spain and the United Kingdom.Fernando Blanco, Braulio Gómez-Fortes & Helena Matute - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    When Success Is Not Enough: The Symptom Base-Rate Can Influence Judgments of Effectiveness of a Successful Treatment.Fernando Blanco, María Manuela Moreno-Fernández & Helena Matute - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Patients’ beliefs about the effectiveness of their treatments are key to the success of any intervention. However, since these beliefs are usually formed by sequentially accumulating evidence in the form of the covariation between the treatment use and the symptoms, it is not always easy to detect when a treatment is actually working. In Experiments 1 and 2, we presented participants with a contingency learning task in which a fictitious treatment was actually effective to reduce the symptoms of fictitious patients. (...)
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  38.  42
    The relationship between mood state and perceived control in contingency learning: effects of individualist and collectivist values.Rachel M. Msetfi, Diana E. Kornbrot, Helena Matute & Robin A. Murphy - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:155572.
    Perceived control in contingency learning is linked to psychological wellbeing with low levels of perceived control thought to be a cause or consequence of depression and high levels of control considered to be the hallmark of mental healthiness. However, it is not clear whether this is a universal phenomenon or whether the value that people ascribe to control influences these relationships. Here we hypothesize that values affect learning about control contingencies and influence the relationship between perceived control and symptoms of (...)
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  39.  18
    Social communication in health for disease prevention in the community.Sandra Cecilia Rodríguez Roura, Lourdes de la C. Cabrera Reyes & Esmeralda Calero Yera - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (2):384-404.
    RESUMEN Las investigaciones en el campo de la teoría de la comunicación apuntan a que en la actualidad el proceso es, desde lo social, una vía para el logro de las relaciones interpersonales y posee sus potencialidades estratégicas para la construcción social y cultural del hombre. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para el acercamiento inicial al estudio de las temáticas de la comunicación social en salud y la prevención de enfermedades en la comunidad. Por ello el objetivo del presente trabajo (...)
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  40. La transgresión de las prácticas docentes : El discurso del cambio.Maria Luisa Granados Sosa & Esmeralda Violega Hernández Bautista - 2020 - In Herrera Gutiérrez de Velasco, Luis Carlos & Martín Clavé Almeida, Transgresión: en la historia, la arquitectura, los objetos y la comunicación. [Ciudad de México]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Departamento de Evaluación del diseño en el tiempo, Área de Historia del Diseño.
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    Fe and Co selective substitution in Ni2MnGa: Effect of magnetism on relative phase stability.D. E. Soto-Parra, X. Moya, L. Mañosa, A. Planes, H. Flores-Zúñiga, F. Alvarado-Hernández, R. A. Ochoa-Gamboa, J. A. Matutes-Aquino & D. Ríos-Jara - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (20):2771-2792.
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    Cuidado humanizado en pacientes con limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en cuidados intensivos, desafíos para enfermería.Macarena Yañez Dabdoub & Ivonne Esmeralda Vargas Celis - 2018 - Persona y Bioética 22 (1):56-75.
    En las unidades de cuidados intensivos el equipo de salud utiliza todas las medidas posibles para preservar la vida de sus pacientes. No obstante, cuando las terapias son fútiles, se decide limitar el esfuerzo terapéutico. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir los factores que pueden llevar a enfermería a deshumanizar sus cuidados en pacientes en LET en UCI. Revisión de la literatura en bases de datos, con las palabras clave: critical care, intensive care unit, limitation of therapeutic effort, end of (...)
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  43.  8
    Changes in Cue Configuration Reduce the Impact of Interfering Information in a Predictive Learning Task.Carmelo P. Cubillas, Miguel A. Vadillo & Helena Matute - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Esmeralda Balaguer García, Los límites del decir. Razón histórica y lenguaje en el último Ortega (Madrid: Tecnos, 2023).Margarida I. Almeida Amoedo - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
    Se trata de la reseña de un libro que, siguiendo en la estela de obras importantes como _La tradición velada _(Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 1990), de Francisco José Martín, o _El pensamiento lingüístico de José Ortega y Gasset _(A Coruña: Spiralia, 2009), de Concha d’ Olhaberriague, destaca la relevancia y el múltiple significado de _exilio _que el año de 1932 representa en el trayecto biográfico del filósofo, cuando la decepción con la política y la necesidad de concentrarse en sus meditaciones filosóficas (...)
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    Reseña de libro: Balaguer García, Esmeralda. Los límites del decir. Razón histórica y lenguaje en el último Ortega. Tecnos, Madrid, 2023, 240 pp. [REVIEW]Margarita Garbisu - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:157-160.
    This is a review of the volume Los límites del decir. Razón histórica y lenguaje en el último Ortega, by Esmeralda Balaguer García, in which the author reviews José Ortega y Gasset's concept of Nueva Filología.
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  46. Paraíso inhabitado, de Ana María Matute.María Simón - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (959):104.
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    El escupitajo de luna o esmeralda de los filósofos: algunas notas más sobre ciencia moderna y postmoderna.Quintín Racionero - 2000 - Endoxa 1 (13):55.
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    Cascante, Jorge de (ed.) (2022). El libro de Ana María Matute. Antología de literatura y vida. Barcelona: Blackie Books. ISBN 978-84-18187-79-7. [REVIEW]Cora Requena Hidalgo - 2023 - Arbor 199 (808):a711.
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    El viaje espiritual al "espacio verde": el jardín de la visión en el sufismo.Antoni Gonzalo Carbó - 2007 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 20:65-89.
    El viaje espiritual al «espacio verde» es un recorrido por el significado simbólico del color verde, el color litúrgico y espiritual del Islam, tomando como punto de partida la obra de dos artistas iraníes contemporáneos: Suhrâb Sepehrî y Shirin Neshat. Desde las antiguas religiones del Oriente Próximo hasta el Islam, el verde es el color del firmamento espiritual, el de los vergeles del Paraíso, la tierra del más allá. El jardín verdeante que alcanza el alma difunta (dên) en el mazdeísmo, (...)
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    Sefer ha-Emunah ha-ramah =.Ibn Daud & Abraham ben David - 2019 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Ben-Tsevi le-ḥeḳer ḳehilot Yiśraʼel ba-Mizraḥ. Edited by ʻAmirah ʻEran.
    The Exalted Fath: Ha-Emunah ha-Ramah Transleted by Solomon Ibn Lavi, Ha-Emunah ha-Nissaʼah Transleted by Samuel Ibn Matut, The Anonymous Commentary to HaEmunah ha-Ramah.
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