Results for 'Erin Stone'

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  1.  53
    Equity and resilience in local urban food systems: a case study.Tiffanie F. Stone, Erin L. Huckins, Eliana C. Hornbuckle, Janette R. Thompson & Katherine Dentzman - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (3):1239-1256.
    Local food systems can have economic and social benefits by providing income for producers and improving community connections. Ongoing global climate change and the acute COVID-19 pandemic crisis have shown the importance of building equity and resilience in local food systems. We interviewed ten stakeholders from organizations and institutions in a U.S. midwestern city exploring views on past, current, and future conditions to address the following two objectives: 1) Assess how local food system equity and resilience were impacted by the (...)
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    Opposing systems.Erin Stone - 2001 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 2.
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    Correction: Producer and consumer perspectives on supporting and diversifying local food systems in central Iowa.Michael C. Dorneich, Caroline C. Krejci, Nicholas Schwab, Tiffanie F. Stone, Erin Huckins, Janette R. Thompson & Ulrike Passe - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):683-683.
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    Producer and consumer perspectives on supporting and diversifying local food systems in central Iowa.Michael C. Dorneich, Caroline C. Krejci, Nicholas Schwab, Tiffanie F. Stone, Erin Huckins, Janette R. Thompson & Ulrike Passe - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-21.
    The majority of food in the US is distributed through global/national supply chains that exclude locally-produced goods. This situation offers opportunities to increase local food production and consumption and is influenced by constraints that limit the scale of these activities. We conducted a study to assess perspectives of producers and consumers engaged in food systems of a major Midwestern city. We examined producers’ willingness to include/increase cultivation of local foods and consumers’ interest in purchasing/increasing local foods. We used focus groups (...)
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    Replies to Commentators.John C. P. Goldberg & Benjamin C. Zipursky - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 41 (1):127-166.
    With gratitude for our commentators’ thoughtful and generous engagement with Recognizing Wrongs, we offer in this reply a thumbnail summary of their comments and responses to some of their most important questions and criticisms. In the spirit of friendly amendment, Tom Dougherty and Johann Frick suggest that a more satisfactory version of our theory would cast tort actions as a means of enforcing wrongdoers’ moral duties of repair. We provide both legal and moral reasons for declining their invitation. Rebecca (...) draws a particular link between civil recourse in private law theory and the right of self-defense as recognized in criminal law and moral theory. While we share Stone’s basic inclination, we argue for a different version of the link than the one that she draws. Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco provides a critique of our model of negligence law based on action theory. In response, we explain – in a way that we hope sheds light on debates over moral luck – how it is possible for the law to define negligence such that its commission depends simultaneously on the character of the defendant’s conduct and on the consequences that result from it. Though generally sympathetic to our approach, Stephen Smith faults us for failing satisfactorily to explain important remedial dimensions of tort law. Stubbornly, we insist that we can account for these, and indeed can do so on more satisfactory terms than corrective justice theorists. Finally, Erin Kelly challenges us to consider how our work might inform the analysis of two pressing issues of racial justice: overcriminalization and reparation payments. While we question whether our work to date has as much to offer on these matters as she suggests, we also maintain that the core principle of civil recourse theory – where there is a right there is a remedy – provides grounds for critiquing modern law’s failure to provide adequate accountability when police officers use excessive force against persons of color. (shrink)
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  6. Free will as a gift from God: A new compatibilism.Jim Stone - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 92 (3):257-281.
    I argue that God could give us the robust power to do other than we do in a deterministic universe.
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  7. Evidential atheism.Jim Stone - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 114 (3):253 - 277.
    Here is a new version of the Evidential Problem of Evil.
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    Intention, interpretation and the computational structure of language.Matthew Stone - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (5):781-809.
    I show how a conversational process that takes simple, intuitively meaningful steps may be understood as a sophisticated computation that derives the richly detailed, complex representations implicit in our knowledge of language. To develop the account, I argue that natural language is structured in a way that lets us formalize grammatical knowledge precisely in terms of rich primitives of interpretation. Primitives of interpretation can be correctly viewed intentionally, as explanations of our choices of linguistic actions; the model therefore fits our (...)
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    Crisis of the Educated Subject: Insight from Kristeva for American Education.Lynda Stone - 2004 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 23 (2/3):103-116.
    The contemporary crisis in AmericanEducation that has resulted in Bush sponsoredfederal legislation for accountability andstandardized testing is the setting for anessay introducing the work of Frenchphilosopher, Julia Kristeva. The comparison isbetween an ``educated subject'' that might wellcome to be constituted in schooling at presentand a ``subject-in-process.'' In a strikinglydifferent vision of human potential, the latterindividual, with open-ended, non-perfectdevelopment, entails the possibility ofpersonal, societal and educational change.Kristeva's theory, based greatly in areinterpretation of Freud, and incorporatingthe semiotic, abjection and love, and revolt (...)
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    Feminist Interpretations of Theodor Adorno.A. Stone - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (3):322-324.
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    The Mnemonic Consequences of Jurors’ Selective Retrieval During Deliberation.Alexander C. V. Jay, Charles B. Stone, Robert Meksin, Clinton Merck, Natalie S. Gordon & William Hirst - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):627-643.
    In this empirical paper, Jay, Stone, Meksin, Merck, Gordon and Hirst examine whether jury deliberations, in which individuals collaboratively recall and discuss evidence of a trial, shape the jurors’ memories. In doing so, Jay and colleagues provide a highly ecologically valid baseline for future investigation into why, how and when selective recall either facilitates remembering or leads to forgetting during jury deliberations. In particular, Jay et al. explore the specific social and cognitive mechanisms that might lead to either memory (...)
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  12.  20
    Corporate Social Responsibility and Institutional Investment.Brett A. Stone - 2001 - Business and Society 40 (1):112-117.
  13.  50
    II—Europe and Eurocentrism.Alison Stone - 2017 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 91 (1):83-104.
    In this article I explore how philosophical thinking about God, reason, humanity and history has shaped ideas of Europe, focusing on Hegel. For Hegel, Europe is the civilization that, by way of Christianity, has advanced the spirit of freedom which originated in Greece. Hegel is a Eurocentrist whose work indicates how Eurocentrism as a broader discourse has shaped received conceptions of Europe. I then distinguish ‘external’ and ‘internal’ ways of approaching ideas of Europe and defend the former approach, on which (...)
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    The Promise of Feminist Philosophy.Bonnie Mann, Erin McKenna, Camisha Russell & Rocío Zambrana - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (3):394-400.
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    LED Lighting Across Borders. Exploring the Plea for Darkness and Value-Sensitive Design with Libbrecht’s Comparative Philosophy Model.Els Janssens, Taylor Stone, Xue Yu & Gunter Bombaerts - 2019 - In Gunter Bombaerts, Kirsten Jenkins, Yekeen A. Sanusi & Wang Guoyu (eds.), Energy Justice Across Borders. Springer Verlag. pp. 195-216.
    This chapter discusses how a comparative philosophical model can contribute to both substantive and procedural values in energy policy. We discuss the substantive values in the mainstream light-emitting diodes debate and Taylor Stone’s alternative plea for darkness. We also explore Value Sensitive Design as a procedural approach. We conclude that the comparative philosophical model of Ulrich Libbrecht can appropriately broaden the set of substantive values used in VSD. We discuss the values of ‘by-itself-so’ and ‘alter-intentionality’, which come with the (...)
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  16. Hume on identity: A defense.Jim Stone - 1981 - Philosophical Studies 40 (2):275 - 282.
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    Outliers, cheese, and rhizomes: Variations on a theme of limitation.Lynda Stone - 2011 - Educational Theory 61 (6):647-658.
    All research has limitations, for example, from paradigm, concept, theory, tradition, and discipline. In this article Lynda Stone describes three exemplars that are variations on limitation and are “extraordinary” in that they change what constitutes future research in each domain. Malcolm Gladwell's present day study of outliers makes a statistical term into a sociological concept. Carlo Ginzburg's study of a sixteenth-century miller who challenges Church doctrine initiates the field of microhistory. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's philosophy of the rhizome (...)
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  18. Comparing Methods for Single Paragraph Similarity Analysis.Benjamin Stone, Simon Dennis & Peter J. Kwantes - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (1):92-122.
    The focus of this paper is two-fold. First, similarities generated from six semantic models were compared to human ratings of paragraph similarity on two datasets—23 World Entertainment News Network paragraphs and 50 ABC newswire paragraphs. Contrary to findings on smaller textual units such as word associations (Griffiths, Tenenbaum, & Steyvers, 2007), our results suggest that when single paragraphs are compared, simple nonreductive models (word overlap and vector space) can provide better similarity estimates than more complex models (LSA, Topic Model, SpNMF, (...)
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    Intrinsically motivated model learning for developing curious robots.Todd Hester & Peter Stone - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 247 (C):170-186.
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    Hipsters and the cool: A game theoretic analysis of identity expression, trends, and fads.Russell Golman, Erin H. Bugbee, Aditi Jain & Sonica Saraf - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (1):4-17.
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    The retention of serial lists of adjectives over short time-intervals with varying rates of presentation.A. W. Melton & G. R. Stone - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 30 (4):295.
  22.  17
    Mediation.Stone Richard Morisato Takeshi - 2019 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 7 (2):7-16.
    Is there anything that is given immediately? This question seems to be of crucial importance for Phenomenology, a field perhaps known most principally for its attempt to return directly to the “things themselves.” The seeming simplicity of the idea is appealing: after all, where better for us to start in any philosophical investigation than with things as they appear to us in their most pure or “immediate” state? When put in its historical context as well, Husserl’s phenomenological project could even (...)
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    Crop Biotechnology.Glenn Davis Stone - 2005 - In Lynn Meskell & Peter Pels (eds.), Embedding ethics. New York: Berg.
  24.  12
    Conservation laws on manifolds.A. P. Stone - 1972 - In D. Farnsworth (ed.), Methods of local and global differential geometry in general relativity. New York,: Springer Verlag. pp. 86--91.
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    Dual wield: the interplay of poetry and video games.Jon Stone - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
    In recent years, poetry and videogames have begun talking to one another in earnest. Poets have found inspiration in digital-interactive landscapes, while game developers now look to poetry as a source of textual enrichment. This book examines the p.
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    Essays, Comments, and Reviews.Jerome A. Stone - 1989 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 17 (54):4-5.
  27.  36
    Experimental Studies of Two Important Factors Underlying Masculine Sexual Behavior: the Nervous System and the Internal Secretion of the Testis.C. P. Stone - 1923 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 6 (2):85.
  28.  7
    Generational Identity, Educational Change, and School Leadership.Corrie Stone-Johnson - 2016 - Routledge.
    Generational identity plays a large role in how teachers view educational change and school reform. Teachers of the Boomer generation, an era characterized by optimism and innovation, tend to be more resistant to change than those of Generation X, for whom standardization represents the norm, not a shift. This volume reviews five decades of research on educational change and teachers’ varying responses to it from a generational perspective, providing school leaders with insight on how best to relate to these groups (...)
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    Introduction: Creighton Peden, Scholar of American Liberal Theology.Jerome A. Stone - 2015 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 36 (3):279-282.
    W. Creighton Peden is known for his organizational skill in founding and guiding The Highlands Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought. He is also known for founding this journal, with Larry Axel and friends. In addition, he wrote some fourteen books and co-edited or coauthored nine volumes plus several articles in American liberal theology. Many of these books are the first major studies of their subjects. Also, he was the founder of the Journal of Social Philosophy, which he edited (...)
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  30. John Dewey's Concept of Causation in Instructional Practice.G. C. Stone - 1996 - Journal of Thought 31:73-84.
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  31. Jill Kraye (ed): The Cambridge Companion to Humanism.M. W. F. Stone - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (1):155-156.
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  32. The social contract of the universe.Charles Graham Stone - 1930 - London,: Methuen & Co..
  33. Varieties of self-consciousness in mindfulness meditation.Odysseus Stone - 2023 - In Susi Ferrarello & Christos Hadjioannou (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    V- The Angelic Doctor And The Stagirite: Thomas Aquinas And Contemporary 'Aristotelian' Ethics.M. W. F. Stone - 2001 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 101 (1):97-128.
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  35. (1 other version)Semantic processing for finite domains.Martha Stone Palmer - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book aims to look at the semantics of natural languages in context.
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    Individual and Collective Contributions Toward Humaneness in Our Time.Van James Patten, George C. Stone & Ge Chen - 1997 - Upa.
    This book offers an examination of volunteerism, philanthropy, and people-centered caring behaviors both individually and collectively. It discusses the positive contributions of individuals and a corporate capitalistic society through a variety of forms which help others meet their social and economic needs.
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    The edge effect in nanoindentation.Joseph E. Jakes & Donald S. Stone - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (7-9):1387-1399.
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    Not Just Posturing.Catherine L. Reed, Valerie E. Stone & John E. McGoldrick - 2006 - In Günther Knoblich, Ian Thornton, Marc Grosjean & Maggie Shiffrar (eds.), Human Body Perception From the Inside Out. Oxford University Press. pp. 229.
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  39. Lessons Learned through the Piedmont Futures Program: Why Career Education Is Important to Student Success.Erin Hughey-Commers - 2011 - Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges 16 (1):87-94.
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    Educational reform through an ethic of performativity: Introducing the special issue.Lynda Stone - 1999 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 18 (5):299-307.
    Serving as an introduction to the special issue of Studies in Philosophy and Education, “Philosophical Transgressions: Performativity and Performance for Education,” this paper situates the papers that follow in its own performative analysis, especially utilizing the insights of Jean-François Lyotard. From him two ideas are salient, one his conception of knowledge as performance and the other the aesthetic that is a reformist response.
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    Strength of visual percept generated by famous faces perceived without awareness: Effects of affective valence, response latency, and visual field☆.Anna Stone & Tim Valentine - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):548-564.
    Participants who were unable to detect familiarity from masked 17 ms faces did report a vague, partial visual percept. Two experiments investigated the relative strength of the visual percept generated by famous and unfamiliar faces, using masked 17 ms exposure. Each trial presented simultaneously a famous and an unfamiliar face, one face in LVF and the other in RVF. In one task, participants responded according to which of the faces generated the stronger visual percept, and in the other task, they (...)
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  42.  79
    Hegel's Philosophy of Nature: Overcoming the Division between Matter and Thought.Alison Stone - 2000 - Dialogue 39 (4):725.
    RÉSUMÉ: La Philosophie de la nature de Hegel élabore une théorie complexe et systématique du monde naturel, qui est passée presque inaperçue dans la littérature secondaire. Selon cette théorie, la nature passe progressivement d'une division originale entre ses deux éléments constitutifs, la pensée et la matière, à leur unification finale, par une séquence rationnellement nécessaire d'étapes dans le processus. Cette progression naturelle présente une structure identique à celle de la progression que Hegel discerne parmi lesformes de la conscience subjective. Une (...)
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  43.  17
    Productivity Trends in British University Education.Harry G. Johnson & Richard Stone - 1965 - Minerva 4 (1):95-105.
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    Introduction.Michael Nagenborg, Taylor Stone & Pieter E. Vermaas - 2021 - In Michael Nagenborg, Taylor Stone, Margoth González Woge & Pieter E. Vermaas (eds.), Technology and the City: Towards a Philosophy of Urban Technologies. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-9.
    Technology is no stranger to the city. Cities are planned, built, maintained, governed, demolished, and destroyed by technical means. Yet, the city has yet to receive much attention within the philosophy of technology. This volume addresses this gap, and in doing so contributes to the much-needed discussion on technology-enabled urban futures from the perspective of the philosophy of technology. In this introductory chapter, the larger volume is introduced by reflecting on the rationale and need for such a collection, sketching the (...)
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    Spookiness, sea sponges, stardust, and the sacred.Andrew Stone Porter - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (2):382-411.
    Journal of Religious Ethics, Volume 49, Issue 2, Page 382-411, June 2021.
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    Alternative Medicine and Ethics.J. Stone - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (5):425-425.
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  47. Abel, Félix M.,'Saint Jérome et les prophéties messianiques', Revue biblique, ns, 13 (1916), 423–40; 14 (1917), 247–69 Abū Macshar al-Balkhī, Kitāb al-madkhal al-kabīr ilā cilm ah kām al-nujūm: Liber introductorii maioris ad scientiam judiciorum astrorum, ed. by Richard Lemay, 9 vols (Naples: Istituto universitario Orientale, 1995–96). [REVIEW]Peter Adamson, H. Baltussen & M. W. F. Stone - 2005 - Dionysius 23:105-16.
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  48. Life as Reality.Arthur Stone Dewing - 1911 - The Monist 21:640.
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    Life as reality.Arthur Stone Dewing - 1910 - New York [etc.]: Longmans, Green, and Co..
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    Using Action Research to Improve Instruction: An Interactive Guide for Teachers.John E. Henning, Jody M. Stone & James L. Kelly - 2008 - Routledge.
    Action research is increasingly used as a means for teachers to improve their instruction, yet for many the idea of doing "research" can be somewhat intimidating. _Using Action Research to Improve Instruction_ offers a comprehensive, easy-to-understand approach to action research in classroom settings. This engaging and accessible guide is grounded in sources of data readily available to teachers, such as classroom observations, student writing, surveys, interviews, and tests. Organized to mirror the action research process, the highly interactive format prompts readers (...)
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