Results for 'Erika Faraci'

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  1.  43
    Subjective Perception of Time: Research Applied on Dynamic Psychology.Giuseppe Mannino, Veronica Montefiori, Erika Faraci, Rita Pillitteri, Calogero Iacolino, Monica Pellerone & Serena Giunta - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):285-302.
    The time marked by the clock hands, the so-called “objective time,” is deeply different from the one perceived by the individual. Starting from this hypothesis, directly connected to the subjective modality of “living” the time and defined as time perspective, we will try to understand how much it affects the various domains of people's lives, attitudes, and experiences. Therefore, the research investigates whether all our decisions can be influenced by one or more time perspectives beyond our awareness. Last, but not (...)
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    The Psychosomatic Relationship As A Symbolic Circular Communication: Subjective And Transgenerational Dreams.Giuseppe Mannino, Veronica Montefiori, Manuela Vitiello, Calogero Iacolino, Monica Pellerone, Giuliana La Fiura, Antonino Bernardone, Erika Faraci & Serena Giunta - 2019 - World Futures 75 (7):426-441.
    The human being can be divided into body and mind, two inextricably linked aspects influencing each other. From birth, the body is the site of emotional experiences thanks to cellular memory. The t...
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  3. A hard look at moral perception.David Faraci - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (8):2055-2072.
    This paper concerns what I take to be the primary epistemological motivation for defending moral perception. Offering a plausible account of how we gain moral knowledge is one of the central challenges of metaethics. It seems moral perception might help us meet this challenge. The possibility that we know about the instantiation of moral properties in something like the way we know that there is a bus passing in front of us raises the alluring prospect of subsuming moral epistemology under (...)
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  4. Huck vs. Jojo: Moral Ignorance and the (A)symmetry of Praise and Blame.David Faraci & David Shoemaker - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy:7-27.
    Presentation and discussion of two new experimental studies surveying intuitions about cases of moral ignorance due to childhood deprivation. Discussion of resulting asymmetry between negative and positive cases and proposal of speculative hypothesis to explain results, The Difficulty Hypothesis.
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  5. Insanity, Deep Selves, and Moral Responsibility: The Case of JoJo.David Faraci & David Shoemaker - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (3): 319-332.
    Susan Wolf objects to the Real Self View (RSV) of moral responsibility that it is insufficient, that even if one’s actions are expressions of one’s deepest or “real” self, one might still not be morally responsible for one’s actions. As a counterexample to the RSV, Wolf offers the case of JoJo, the son of a dictator, who endorses his father’s (evil) values, but who is insane and is thus not responsible for his actions. Wolf’s data for this conclusion derives from (...)
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  6. Groundwork for an Explanationist Account of Epistemic Coincidence.David Faraci - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    Many philosophers hold out hope that some final condition on knowledge will allow us to overcome the limitations of the classic "justified true belief" analysis. The most popular intuitive glosses on this condition frame it as an absence of epistemic coincidence. In this paper, I lay the groundwork for an explanationist account of epistemic coincidence—one according to which, roughly, beliefs are non-coincidentally true if and only if they bear the right sort of explanatory relation to the truth. The paper contains (...)
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    Better but Wrong: Assessing Conflicts Between the Deontic and the Evaluative.David Faraci - forthcoming - Philosophia:1-14.
    In recent work, Benjamin Ferguson and Sebastian Köhler take interest in the claim that permissible acts are always morally better than impermissible acts ( bop ). They argue that bop is both commonsensical and supported by powerful theoretical considerations. They then present a series of cases in which common moral claims appear to conflict with bop. In this paper, I first show that some of the conflicts Ferguson and Köhler identify are merely apparent, as they arise only given theoretical commitments (...)
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  8. Ethical Judgment and Motivation.David Faraci & Tristram McPherson - 2017 - In Tristram Colin McPherson & David Plunkett, The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 308-323.
    This chapter explores the relationship between ethical judgement writ large (as opposed to merely moral judgement) and motivation. We discuss arguments for and against views on which ethical judgement entails motivation, either alone or under conditions of rationality or normalcy, either at the individual or community level.
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  9. We Have No Reason to Think There Are No Reasons for Affective Attitudes.David Faraci - 2020 - Mind 129 (513):225-234.
    Barry Maguire argues that there are no reasons for affective attitudes. ‘There is no reason for your incredulous reaction to’ this thesis, he claims. In this paper, I argue that we have no reason to accept his thesis. I first examine Maguire's purported differences between reasons for action and so-called reasons for affective attitudes. In each case, I argue that the differences are exaggerated and that to the extent they obtain, they are best explained by differences between actions and affective (...)
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  10. Good Selves, True Selves: Moral Ignorance, Responsibility, And The Presumption Of Goodness.David Faraci & David Shoemaker - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 98 (3):606-622.
    According to the Good True Self (GTS) theory, if an action is deemed good, its psychological source is typically viewed as more reflective of its agent’s true self, of who the agent really is ‘deep down inside’; if the action is deemed bad, its psychological source is typically viewed as more external to its agent’s true self. In previous work, we discovered a related asymmetry in judgments of blame- and praiseworthiness with respect to the mitigating effect of moral ignorance via (...)
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  11.  93
    Do Property Rights Presuppose Scarcity?David Faraci - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (3):531-537.
    There is a common view, dating back at least to Hume, that property rights presuppose scarcity. This paper is a critical examination of that thesis. In addition to questioning the thesis, the paper highlights the need to divorce the debate over this thesis from the debate over Intellectual Property (IP) rights (the area where it is most frequently applied). I begin by laying out the thesis’ major line of defense. In brief, the argument is that (1) property rights are legitimate (...)
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  12. Sex and sensibility: The role of social selection: Roughgarden, Joan: The genial gene: Deconstructing Darwinian selfishness. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009, ix+261pp, $40.00 HB, $18.95 PB.Erika L. Milam, Roberta L. Millstein, Angela Potochnik & Joan E. Roughgarden - 2010 - Metascience 20 (2):253-277.
    Sex and sensibility: The role of social selection Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9464-6 Authors Erika L. Milam, Department of History, University of Maryland, 2115 Francis Scott Key Hall, College Park, MD 20742, USA Roberta L. Millstein, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA Angela Potochnik, Department of Philosophy, University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210374, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA Joan E. Roughgarden, Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5020, USA Journal Metascience (...)
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  13. Wage Exploitation and the Nonworseness Claim: Allowing the Wrong, To Do More Good.David Faraci - 2019 - Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (2):169-188.
    Many believe that employment can be wrongfully exploitative, even if it is consensual and mutually beneficial. At the same time, it may seem third parties should not do anything to preclude or eliminate such arrangements, given these same considerations of consent and benefit. I argue that there are perfectly sensible, intuitive ethical positions that vindicate this ‘Reasonable View’. The view requires such defense because the literature often suggests that there is no theoretical space for it. I respond to arguments for (...)
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    Interdisciplinarity "in the making": Modeling infectious diseases.Erika Mattila - 2005 - Perspectives on Science 13 (4):531-553.
    : The main contribution of this paper to current philosophical and sociological studies on modeling is to analyze modeling as an object-oriented interdisciplinary activity and thus to bring new insights into the wide, heterogeneous discourse on tools, forms and organization of interdisciplinary research. A detailed analysis of interdisciplinarity in the making of models is presented, focusing on long-standing interdisciplinary collaboration between specialists in infectious diseases, mathematicians and computer scientists. The analysis introduces a novel way of studying the elements of the (...)
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  15.  11
    Das diskursfähige Subjekt: Rekonstruktionspfade einer sozialtheoretischen Denkfigur im Werk von Jürgen Habermas.Erika Edelmayer - 2012 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    ​Wie ist das diskursfähige Subjekt im Sinne Habermas zu denken? Unter welchen Bedingungen und Modalitäten entwickelt das Subjekt seine Diskursfähigkeit? Erika Edelmayer arbeitet die Denkfigur des diskursfähigen Subjekts aus der Grundlegung der soziologischen Theorie als „Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns“ heraus. Sie untersucht, was Diskursfähigkeit im Rahmen einer deliberativ verstandenen Demokratie bedeutet und zeigt die Konsequenzen auf, die sich daraus für die Pädagogik ergeben.
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  16. On being poor and feeling poor: Low socioeconomic status and the moral self.Erika Blacksher - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (6):455-470.
    Persons of low socioeconomic status generallyexperience worse health and shorter lives thantheir better off counterparts. They alsosuffer a greater incidence of adversepsychosocial characteristics, such as lowself-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-masteryand increased cynicism and hostility. Thesepopulation data suggest another category ofharm to persons: diminished moral agency. Chronic socioeconomic deprivation can createenvironments that undermine the development ofself and capacities constitutive to moralagency – i.e., the capacity forself-determination and crafting a life of one''sown. The harm affects not only the choicesa person makes, but the (...)
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    To Inspect and Make Safe: On the Morally Responsible Liability of Property Owners.David Faraci & Peter Martin Jaworski - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (4):697-709.
    There is currently a stalemate over the correct approach to legal liability. To take a prominent example, it remains a point of contention whether land owners should be held liable for injuries to trespassers. Many of those who insist that land owners should be held liable for injuries to trespassers maintain this for purely economic or pragmatic reasons. In contrast, those on the other side frequently defend their view on the grounds that, in such trespass cases, owners are not morally (...)
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  18.  53
    (1 other version)On Leaving Room for Doubt: Using Frege–Geach to Illuminate Expressivism’s Problem with Objectivity.David Faraci - 2017 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 12:244-264.
    In print, the central objection to expressivism has been the Frege–Geach problem. Yet most cognitivists seem to be motivated by “deeper” worries, ones they have spent comparatively little time pursuing in print. Part of the explanation for this mismatch between motivation and rhetoric is likely that those deeper worries are largely metaphysical. Since expressivism is not a metaphysical view, it can be hard to see how to mount a relevant attack. The strategy in this chapter is to introduce claims about (...)
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    Recent Developments in Health Law: Constitutional Law: Despite Reservations, the Second Circuit Defers to State Court's Determination That a Preponderance of the Evidence Standard is Constitutional for Recommitment of NRRMDD Defendants – Ernst J. v. Stonea.Erika Wilkinson - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (4):826-828.
    The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently upheld United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York Judge's denial of petitioner's application for a writ of habeas corpus. The Court held that it was not objectively unreasonable for the Appellate Division to conclude, in light of clearly established federal law as expressed by the Supreme Court of the United States, that a New York statute providing for the recommitment of specific defendants who plead not (...)
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    Frauen denken anders: zur feministischen Diskussion: als Einführung und zum Weiterdenken.Erika Wisselinck - 1991 - Frankfurt/Main: Zweitausendeins.
  21.  18
    A Confucian Coming of Age.Erika Yu & Meng Fan - 2011 - In Ruiping Fan, The Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary China. Springer. pp. 241--257.
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  22. Brown on Mackie: Echoes of the Lottery Paradox.David Faraci - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (3):751-755.
    In “The possibility of morality,” Phil Brown considers whether moral error theory is best understood as a necessary or contingent thesis. Among other things, Brown contends that the argument from relativity, offered by John Mackie—error theory’s progenitor—supports a stronger modal reading of error theory. His argument is as follows: Mackie’s is an abductive argument that error theory is the best explanation for divergence in moral practices. Since error theory will likewise be the best explanation for similar divergences in possible worlds (...)
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    “Does Plagiarism Mean anything? LOL.” Students’ Conceptions of Writing and Citing.Erika Löfström - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (4):257-275.
    This study focuses on the intersection of research ethics and academic writing, i.e. the use of sources, assignment of credit to the contributors in the research, and the dissemination of research findings. The study utilized a set of semi-structured and open-ended questions. The sample consisted of 269 undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA) students at a U.S. university department of psychology including major and non-major students. The data showed that although an overwhelming number of the students’ examples related to ethical issues (...)
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  24. Moral Perception and the Reliability Challenge.David Faraci - 2019 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 16 (1):63-73.
    Given a traditional intuitionist moral epistemology, it is notoriously difficult for moral realists to explain the reliability of our moral beliefs. This has led some to go looking for an alternative to intuitionism. Perception is an obvious contender. I previously argued that this is a dead end, that all moral perception is dependent on a priori moral knowledge. This suggests that perceptualism merely moves the bump in the rug where the reliability challenge is concerned. Preston Werner responds that my account (...)
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    Redistribution and Recognition.Erika Blacksher - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (3):320-331.
  26.  29
    Opinion Events: Types and opinion markers in English social media discourse.Erika Lombart, Ledia Kazazi, Ardita Dylgjeri, Jurate Ruzaite, Anna Bączkowska, Chaya Liebeskind & Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (2):447-481.
    The paper investigates various definitions of the concept of opinion as opposed to factual or evidence-based statements and proposes a taxonomy of opinions expressed in English as identified in selected social media. A discussion situates opinions in the realm of pragmatics and reaches to philosophy of language and cognitive science. The research methodology combines a thorough linguistic analysis of opinions, proposing their multifaceted taxonomy with the automatically generated lexical embeddings of positive and negative lexicon acquired from the analysed opinionated texts. (...)
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  27. Die Entwicklung einer sozialkritischen Gesellschaftskonzeption durch Moses Hess.Erika Mieth - 1982 - In Wolfgang Förster, Bürgerliche Revolution Und Sozialtheorie: Studien Zur Vorgeschichte Des Historischen Materialismus (I). Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR Zentralinstitut für Philosophie. Schriften zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte.
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    Instituições que recebem a Revista Horizonte.Erika Silva Oliveira - 2008 - Horizonte 7 (13):248-251.
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    The confessionalization of humanism in Reformation Germany.Erika Rummel - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book deals with the impact of the Reformation debate in Germany on the most prominent intellectual movement of the time: humanism Although it is true that humanism influenced the course of the Reformation, says Erika Rummel, the dynamics of the relationship are better described by saying that humanism was co-opted, perhaps even exploited, in the religious debate.
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  30. Hybrid Non-Naturalism Does Not Meet the Supervenience Challenge.David Faraci - 2017 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 12 (3).
    It is widely agreed that normative properties supervene on natural properties. Non-naturalists face a distinctive challenge to explain this relation. Stephanie Leary argues that non-naturalists can meet this explanatory demand by positing the existence of hybrid normative properties. I argue that this proposal does not meet the supervenience challenge.
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  31. Mad as Hell or Scared Stiff? The Effects of Value Conflict and Emotions on Potential Whistle-Blowers.Erika Henik - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (1):111-119.
    Existing whistle-blowing models rely on “cold” economic calculations and cost-benefit analyses to explain the judgments and actions of potential whistle-blowers. I argue that “hot” cognitions – value conflict and emotions – should be added to these models. I propose a model of the whistle-blowing decision process that highlights the reciprocal influence of “hot” and “cold” cognitions and advocate research that explores how value conflict and emotions inform reporting decisions. I draw on the cognitive appraisal approach to emotions and on the (...)
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    Electronic health record adoption and health information exchange among hospitals in New York State.Erika L. Abramson, Sandra McGinnis, Alison Edwards, Dayna M. Maniccia, Jean Moore & Rainu Kaushal - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1156-1162.
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    Making Sense of Intersex: Changing Ethical Perspectives in Biomedicine by Ellen K. Feder.Erika Alm - 2016 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 6 (1):161-165.
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    Die Wirklichkeit des Menschen in Ost- und Westdeutschland.Erika Altgelt - 1957 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 1 (1):89-94.
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    Les enjeux d’une histoire de la psychologie sociale.Erika Apfelbaum - 1988 - Revue de Synthèse 109 (3-4):499-510.
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    Dichtkunst, was ist das?: ein Beitrag zur Ästhetik Rudolf Steiners.Erika Beltle - 1978 - Dornach: Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag.
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    The Community of Deep Attention: A Response to “Of Gifts, Reciprocity and Community”.Erika Bullock - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (1):52-57.
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    Sandra Berns, To Speak as a Judge – Difference, Voice and Power.Erika Rackley - 2001 - Feminist Legal Studies 9 (1):89-91.
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    Erkenntnisontik in der griechischen philosophie.Erika Sehl - 1936 - Riga,: Akt.-ges. "Ernst Plates".
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  40. Erkenntnisontik in der griechischen philosophie.Erika Sehl - 1936 - Riga,: Akt.-ges. "Ernst Plates".
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    Included but Still Invisible?: Considering the Protection-Inclusion Dilemma in Qualitative Research Findings.Erika Versalovic, Asad Beck & Timothy Emmanuel Brown - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):97-100.
    The COVID-19 pandemic’s disproportionate harm to racialized communities and increased public attention to the deaths of Black people at the hands of police (Elijah McClain, Breonna Taylor, George F...
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    And now for something completely different.Erika Goble - 2022 - Phenomenology and Practice 17 (1).
    Editorial introduction to the Special Issue by Erika Goble, editor.
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    Coherence between expressive and experiential systems in emotion.Erika L. Rosenberg & Paul Ekman - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (3):201-229.
  44. A confucian view of personhood and bioethics.Erika Yu & Ruiping Fan - 2007 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 4 (3):171-179.
    This paper focuses on Confucian formulations of personhood and the implications they may have for bioethics and medical practice. We discuss how an appreciation of the Confucian concept of personhood can provide insights into the practice of informed consent and, in particular, the role of family members and physicians in medical decision-making in societies influenced by Confucian culture. We suggest that Western notions of informed consent appear ethically misguided when viewed from a Confucian perspective.
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  45. Misfeasance in a public office : a justifiable anomaly within the rights-based approach?Erika Chamberlain - 2011 - In Donal Nolan & Andrew Robertson, Rights and private law. Portland, Oregon: Hart.
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  46. Negligent investigation : tort law as police ombudsman.Erika Chamberlain - 2009 - In Andrew Robertson & Hang Wu Tang, The goals of private law. Portland, Or.: Hart.
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    Quién conspira contra el ambiente.Erika Hanekamp & Javier Ponce (eds.) - 2005 - Quito, Ecuador: CEP.
  48.  16
    Arte, verità, essere: la riabilitazione ontologica dell'arte in Martin Heidegger e Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Erika Petres - 2013 - Roma: Pontificia università gregoriana.
    La domanda fondamentale della ricerca si muove attorno alla relazione tra arte, verità e essere, segnalando la natura metafisica del discorso. Questo fatto è sottolineato in quanto l’arte, in ambito filosofico, è di solito trattata in un contesto estetico, ma i due autori scelti vedono nell’arte un legame intrinseco al problema dell’essere, riconoscendo il suo valore anche nell’orizzonte metafisico. Heidegger e Merleau-Ponty avvertono la necessità di superare l’estetica e di svelare le possibilità ontologiche dell’arte, compiendo così una sua «riabilitazione ontologica», (...)
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  49. David Enoch, Taking Morality Seriously: A Defense of Robust Realism: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 336. ISBN 978-0-19-957996-9, $75.00 Hbk. [REVIEW]David Faraci - 2012 - Journal of Value Inquiry 46 (2):259-267.
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    Conceptions of Plagiarism and Problems in Academic Writing in a Changing Landscape of External Regulation.Erika Löfström, Elisa Huotari & Pauliina Kupila - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (3):277-292.
    The aim of this study was to investigate the consequences of the use of text-matching software on teachers’ and students’ conceptions of plagiarism and problems in academic writing. An electronic questionnaire included scale items, structured questions, and open-ended questions. The respondents were 85 teachers and 506 students in a large Finnish university. Methods of analysis included exploratory factor analysis, t-test, and inductive content analysis. Both teachers and students reported increased awareness of plagiarism and improvements in writing habits, as well as (...)
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