Results for 'Emily Waller'

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  1.  23
    Immunity, Biopolitics and Pandemics: Public and Individual Responses to the Threat to Life.Niamh Stephenson, Emily Waller, Davina Lohm, Paul Flowers & Mark Davis - 2016 - Body and Society 22 (4):130-154.
    This article examines discourse on immunity in general public engagements with pandemic influenza in light of critical theory on immuno-politics and bodily integrity. Interview and focus group discussions on influenza with members of the general public reveal that, despite endorsement of government advice on how to avoid infection, influenza is seen as, ultimately, unavoidable. In place of prevention, members of the general public speak of immunity as the means of coping with influenza infection. Such talk on corporeal life under microbial (...)
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  2. "That's Above My Paygrade": Woke Excuses for Ignorance.Emily C. R. Tilton - 2024 - Philosophers' Imprint 24 (1).
    Standpoint theorists have long been clear that marginalization does not make better understanding a given. They have been less clear, though, that social dominance does not make ignorance a given. Indeed, many standpoint theorists have implicitly committed themselves to what I call the strong epistemic disadvantage thesis. According to this thesis, there are strong, substantive limits on what the socially dominant can know about oppression that they do not personally experience. I argue that this thesis is not just implausible but (...)
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    Sartre: a biographical introduction.Philip Malcolm Waller Thody - 1971 - London,: Studio Vista.
  4. Representation and Productive Ambiguity in Mathematics and the Sciences.Emily R. Grosholz - 2006 - Studia Leibnitiana 38 (2):244-246.
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    Decertifying Gender: The Challenge of Equal Pay.Emily Grabham - 2023 - Feminist Legal Studies 31 (1):67-93.
    Abstract‘The Future of Legal Gender’ project has assessed the potential implications for feminist legal scholarship and activism of decertifying sex/gender. Decertification refers to the state moving away from officially determining or registering sex/gender. This article explores the potential impact of such moves on equal pay law and gender pay gap reporting. Equal pay and gender pay gap reporting laws provide an important focus for the project because they aim to address structural dynamics associated with persistent pay inequality that women experience (...)
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  6. The Roots of C. D. Broad’s Growing Block Theory of Time.Emily Thomas - 2019 - Mind 128 (510):527-549.
    The growing block view of time holds that the past and present are real whilst the future is unreal; as future events become present and real, they are added on to the growing block of reality. Surprisingly, given the recent interest in this view, there is very little literature on its origins. This paper explores those origins, and advances two theses. First, I show that although C. D. Broad’s Scientific Thought provides the first defence of the growing block theory, the (...)
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  7. Evidentialism and Epistemic Duties to Inquire.Emily C. McWilliams - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (4):965-982.
    Are there epistemic duties to inquire? The idea enjoys intuitive support. However, prominent evidentialists argue that our only epistemic duty is to believe well (i.e., to have doxastically justified beliefs), and doing so does not require inquiry. Against this, I argue that evidentialists are plausibly committed to the idea that if we have epistemic duties to believe well, then we have epistemic duties to inquire. This is because on plausible evidentialist views of evidence possession (i.e., views that result in plausible (...)
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  8. Grief, alienation, and the absolute alterity of death.Emily Hughes - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (1):61-65.
    Disturbances to one's sense of self, the feeling that one has ‘lost a part of oneself’ or that one ‘no longer feels like oneself,’ are frequently recounted throughout the bereavement literature. Engaging Allan Køster's important contribution to this issue, this article reinforces his suggestion that, by rupturing the existential texture of self-familiarity, bereavement can result in experiences of estrangement that can be meaningfully understood according to the concept of self-alienation. Nevertheless, I suggest that whilst Køster's relational interpretation of alienation as (...)
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  9. Loss, Loneliness, and the Question of Subjectivity in Old Age.Emily Hughes - 2023 - Topoi 42 (5):1185-1194.
    When a loved one dies, it is common for the bereaved to feel profoundly lonely, disconnected from the world with the sense that they no longer belong. In philosophy, this experience of ‘loss and loneliness’ has been interpreted according to both a loss of possibilities and a loss of the past. But it is unclear how these interpretations apply to the distinctive way in which loss and loneliness manifest in old age. Drawing on the phenomenological analyses of old age given (...)
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    Plato’s Pragmatism: Rethinking the Relationship Between Ethics and Epistemology.Emily A. Austin - 2025 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 103 (1):290-290.
    It has long troubled readers that Plato, who considers himself a standard-bearer for truth and epistemic virtue, seems so eager to deceive the masses. Plato’s Pragmatism develops and defends an acc...
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    On Taking Offence.Emily McTernan - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    This book aims to rehabilitate taking offence. In an era of public criticism of those deemed too easily offended, it is easy to overlook the significance and social value of this emotion. Offence, the book argues, is better understood as a way to defend one’s standing than as a mere expression of hurt feelings. The book defends the significance of offence as one way to resist everyday social inequalities: those details of interactions that, together, pattern social hierarchies. As a result, (...)
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    Concocting Teleology in Aristotle’s Meteorology 4 and Generation of Animals.Emily Nancy Kress - forthcoming - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie.
    Aristotle claims that in making an animal, nature acts like a “good housekeeper” who “is accustomed to throw out nothing from which it is possible to make something useful” (744b16–17). How does nature act when it “make[s] something useful” in these cases – and does it differ from other ways it acts? I defend two main claims. The first is that Meteor. 4.2’s distinction between two sorts of ‘concoction’ processes offers an underappreciated source of evidence for answering this question. My (...)
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  13. Time, space, and process in Anne Conway.Emily Thomas - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (5):990-1010.
    Many scholars have drawn attention to the way that elements of Anne Conway’s system anticipate ideas found in Leibniz. This paper explores the relationship between Conway and Leibniz’s work with regard to time, space, and process. It argues – against existing scholarship – that Conway is not a proto-Leibnizian relationist about time or space, and in fact her views lie much closer to those of Henry More; yet Conway and Leibniz agree on the primacy of process. This exploration advances our (...)
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    Deciding with Others: Interdependent Decision‐Making.Emily A. Largent, Justin Clapp, Jennifer S. Blumenthal-Barby, Christine Grady, Amy L. McGuire, Jason Karlawish, Joshua D. Grill, Shana D. Stites & Andrew Peterson - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (6):23-32.
    Over the course of human life, health care decision‐making is often interdependent. In this article, we use “interdependence” to refer to patients’ engagement of nonclinicians—for example, family members or trusted friends—to reach health care decisions. Interdependence, we suggest, is common for patients in all stages of life, from early childhood to late adulthood. This view contrasts with the common bioethical assumption that medical decisions are either wholly independent or dependent and that independence or dependence is tightly coupled with a person's (...)
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    Ethical care during COVID-19 for care home residents with dementia.Emily Cousins, Kay de Vries & Karen Harrison Dening - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):46-57.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on care homes in the United Kingdom, particularly for those residents living with dementia. The impetus for this article comes from a recent review conducted by the authors. That review, a qualitative media analysis of news and academic articles published during the first few months of the outbreak, identified ethical care as a key theme warranting further investigation within the context of the crisis. To explore ethical care further, a set of salient (...)
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    The Divine Method and the Disunity of Pleasure in the Philebus.Emily Fletcher - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (2):179-208.
    the philebus is a puzzling dialogue, both for the substantive views it puts forward,1 and for the unexpected twists and turns of the discussion. Commentators frequently complain about the dialogue's lack of unity, due to its many apparently unnecessary digressions and interruptions.2 The discussion of the so-called 'divine method' seems to be one of the worst offenders on this score, for it is described and exemplified at length, only to be set aside as unnecessary shortly afterwards.I argue that the divine (...)
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  17. Meaninglessness and monotony in pandemic boredom.Emily Hughes - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (5):1105-1119.
    Boredom is an affective experience that can involve pervasive feelings of meaninglessness, emptiness, restlessness, frustration, weariness and indifference, as well as the slowing down of time. An increasing focus of research in many disciplines, interest in boredom has been intensified by the recent Covid-19 pandemic, where social distancing measures have induced both a widespread loss of meaning and a significant disturbance of temporal experience. This article explores the philosophical significance of this aversive experience of ‘pandemic boredom.’ Using Heidegger’s work as (...)
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    Professionalism or prejudice? Modelling roles, risking microaggressions.Emily Miller, Sonya Tang Girdwood, Anita Shah, Chidiogo Anyigbo & Elizabeth Lanphier - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (12):822-823.
    We agree with McCullough, Coverdale and Chervenak1 that ‘medical educators and academic leaders are in a pivotal and powerful position to role model’ to counter ‘incivility’ in medicine, which can include ‘dismissing’ or ‘demeaning others’. They note that ‘women may be at greater risk for experiencing incivility compared with men’, as may other individuals who experience ‘patterns of disrespect based on minority status’. The authors promote ‘professionalism’ and ‘etiquette’ to foster civility within medicine. Yet theory and experience suggest that medical (...)
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  19. Anne Conway on the identity of creatures over time.Emily Thomas - 2018 - In Early Modern Women on Metaphysics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Abstract knowledge versus direct experience in processing of binomial expressions.Emily Morgan & Roger Levy - 2016 - Cognition 157:384-402.
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  21. How the Soul Uses Its Tools: Flexible Agency in Aristotle’s Account of Animal Generation.Emily Kress - 2023 - Phronesis 68 (3):293-325.
    Aristotle claims that just as a builder uses ‘tools’ to build a house, so too the soul ‘use[s] heat and coldness as tools’ to build an animal (Generation of Animals 740b25–34). I consider two questions about this claim: (1) what sorts of things does the soul use, and what is it for things like them to be organized? and (2) what philosophical work does this sort of organization do in Aristotle’s account of animal generation? I argue that the soul needs (...)
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  22. Cartesian method and the problem of reduction.Emily R. Grosholz - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (1):119-121.
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    Constance Naden’s Metaphysics: Hylo-Idealism’s Ideal Known World and Unknown Matter.Emily Thomas - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (3):475-499.
    abstract: In 1880s Britain, Constance Naden defended “hylo-idealism,” a theory aiming to unify materialism with idealism. This paper offers the first sustained study of Naden’s metaphysical system. On this new reading of Naden’s hylo-idealism, her materialism is carefully qualified; and her idealism is distinctively Kantian, her construal of the external cosmos as Unknown placing her within the Victorian school of metaphysical agnostics. I distinguish Naden’s system from that of fellow hylo-idealist Robert Lewins and argue it lies closer to that of (...)
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    Going big by going small: Trade-offs in microbiome explanations of cancer.Emily C. Parke & Anya Plutynski - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97 (C):101-110.
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    Declining to Provide or Continue Requested Life-Sustaining Treatment: Experience With a Hospital Resolving Conflict Policy.Emily B. Rubin, Ellen M. Robinson, M. Cornelia Cremens, Thomas H. McCoy & Andrew M. Courtwright - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):457-466.
    In 2015, the major critical care societies issued guidelines outlining a procedural approach to resolving intractable conflict between healthcare professionals and surrogates over life-sustaining treatments (LST). We report our experience with a resolving conflict procedure. This was a retrospective, single-centre cohort study of ethics consultations involving intractable conflict over LST. The resolving conflict process was initiated eleven times for ten patients over 2,015 ethics consultations from 2000 to 2020. In all cases, the ethics committee recommended withdrawal of the contested LST. (...)
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    Incumbency, Trust and the Monsanto Effect: Stakeholder Discourses on Greenhouse Gas Removal.Emily Cox, Elspeth Spence & Nick Pidgeon - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (2):197-220.
    This paper explores factors shaping perceptions of Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR) amongst a range of informed stakeholders, with a particular focus on their role in future social and political systems. We find considerable ambivalence regarding the role of climate targets and incumbent interests in relation to GGR. Our results suggest that GGR is symbolic of a fundamental debate – occurring not only between separate people, but sometimes within the minds of individuals themselves – over whether technological solutions represent a pragmatic (...)
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    Student Research and Publication: Strategic Planning for Inclusion Using a Systems Mapping Approach.Emily Chan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Temporal Asymmetry of Influence is Not Statistical.Emily Adlam - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-18.
    We argue that the temporal asymmetry of influence is not merely the result of thermodynamics: it is a consequence of the fact that modal structure of the universe must admit only processes which cannot give rise to contradictions. We appeal to the process matrix formalism developed in the field of quantum foundations to characterise processes which are compatible with local free will whilst ruling out contradictions, and argue that this gives rise to ‘consistent chaining’ requirements that explain the temporal asymmetry (...)
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    The Drama of Independence.Emily Zakin - 2017 - In Laura Hengehold & Nancy Bauer, A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 99–110.
    This chapter looks at how Beauvoir appropriates Lacan's account of the family complexes in The Second Sex, and in particular how Lacan's conception of infantile prematurity and instinctual (vital) insufficiency illuminates a conceptual conundrum in The Second Sex, namely the tension between the value of independence, autonomy, and active agency and the suspicion of its origin in familial life, an origin that also provides the foundations for hierarchical sexual difference. The complexities of the cultural/biological interplay in Lacan's Family Complexes essay (...)
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    Mary Calkins, Victoria Welby, and the spatialization of time.Emily Thomas - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (2):205-230.
    This paper explores a trans-Atlantic clash about time: in 1899, American philosopher Mary Calkins argued we should not spatialize time; in 1899, British philosopher Victoria Welby argued we should. I take their disagreement as a starting point to contextualize, study, and compare the accounts of time presented in their respective articles. Both Calkins and Welby cared deeply about time, writing on the topic across their careers, but their views have not been studied by historians of philosophy. This is unfortunate, for (...)
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  31. Fetal personhood and the sorites paradox.Lee F. Kerckhove & Sara Waller - 1998 - Journal of Value Inquiry 32 (2):175-189.
  32.  16
    In defence of taking offence: a reply to critics.Emily McTernan - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    This article replies to the insightful contributions to the book symposium for On Taking Offence, These range from theoretical questions about how we should conceptualise an emotion like offence and the role of empirical evidence when justifying it, to practical questions about who has the power to take offence effectively and how to dispute another's offence-taking. In this reply, I first defend offence as a distinct emotion. Second, I argue against the implicit conception of social standing that underpins some of (...)
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    Introduction: What We Talk About When We Talk About the Ethics of Engaging Patient and Community Stakeholders in Health Research.Emily E. Anderson - 2023 - In Ethical Issues in Community and Patient Stakeholder–Engaged Health Research. Springer Verlag. pp. 3-10.
    Only somewhat recently has a specific literature emerged focused on the ethics of engaging patient and community stakeholders in health research. This literature is informed by a broad range of disciplinary frameworks and norms. It also overlaps with – and diverges from – traditional research ethics scholarship in interesting and important ways. This volume is an effort to bring together, in one place, important perspectives on the ethics of stakeholder engagement in health research. Here, ethics, patient and community stakeholders, and (...)
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    Music as agency: diversities of perspectives on artistic citizenship.Emily Achieng' Akuno & Maria Westvall (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Music as Agency: Diversities of Perspectives on Artistic Citizenship focuses on the concept, application, interpretation and manifestation of Artistic Citizenship in diverse contexts. The key concepts that the book tackles are: Cultural experience, artistic practice, musical identities, equity, democracy, community, activism, resistance and empathy. In giving an overview of aspects of the compound concept of artistic citizenship, Akuno and Westvall present the outcome of research and interrogation of practice by a global network of educator-researchers from Africa, the Americas, Asia and (...)
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    Re-examining Empirical Data on Conflicts of Interest Through the Lens of Personal Narratives.Emily E. Anderson & Elena M. Kraus - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (2):91-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Re-examining Empirical Data on Conflicts of Interest Through the Lens of Personal NarrativesEmily E. Anderson and Elena M. KrausIntroductionThe personal stories submitted by physicians and researchers for this symposium add much–needed dimension to conversations on conflicts of interest in medicine and research. Narratives from individuals living with conflicts of interest can serve as a unique lens through which to consider psychological and economic theories and survey data on physician (...)
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    The Need for Evidence-Based Research Ethics.Emily Anderson & Joan Sieber - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (11):60-62.
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    Achilles’ Desire for Lament: Variations on a Theme.Emily Austin - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 114 (1):1-23.
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    G E Moore’s Time Realism: Presentism, A-Theory, and the Ghost of Henry Sidgwick.Emily Thomas - 2024 - Gavin David Young Lectures in Philosophy 14:1–33.
    The ‘new realist’ G E Moore is hardly known as a metaphysician of time, yet I argue his 1910–11 lectures, later published as Some Main Problems of Philosophy, offer the first substantial English-language defence of presentism and the A-theory. This paper contextualises Moore’s positions, stressing his intellectual connections with J M E McTaggart and Bertrand Russell; explores his Common Sense metaphysics of time; and argues that his time realism owes a great debt to ‘old realist’ Henry Sidgwick.
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    How Farm Animal Welfare Issues are Framed in the Australian Media.Emily A. Buddle & Heather J. Bray - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (3):357-376.
    Topics related to ethical issues in agricultural production, particularly farm animal welfare, are increasingly featured in mainstream news media. Media representations of farm animal welfare issues are important because the media is a significant source of information, but also because the way that the issues are represented, or framed, defines these issues in particular ways, suggests causes or solutions, and provides moral evaluations. As such, analysis of media frames can reveal how issues are being made public and identify the cues (...)
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    Assessing the Impact of Religious Beliefs on Ethical Decision-Making in Modern Society.Emily Jiayi - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):251-265.
    A belief in one or more superhuman or divine living things is commonly a component of religion, which may be demarcated as a collection of values, beliefs, and behaviours regarding the nature of the cosmos and existence. Many faiths have diverse beliefs, practices, and values, and there may be substantial differences even within the same religion. Many faiths offer ethical and moral principles to contribution individuals in directing difficult moral problems and making activities that are reliable with their beliefs. Ethical (...)
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  41. Temporally Extended Practical Rationality and the Ethics of Belief.Emily Sherwin - unknown
    Actors may be called on to judge their reasons for action at two different points in time: once when they form an intention to act in the future and again at the time of action. At the time the actor forms her intention, her perspective is a general one, encompassing a range of possible circumstances that cannot be narrowed or fully specified in advance of action. At time of action, the actor's perspective is particularized, with more evidence available about reasons (...)
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    A Diverse and Flexible Teaching Toolkit Facilitates the Human Capacity for Cumulative Culture.Emily R. R. Burdett, Lewis G. Dean & Samuel Ronfard - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (4):807-818.
    Human culture is uniquely complex compared to other species. This complexity stems from the accumulation of culture over time through high- and low-fidelity transmission and innovation. One possible reason for why humans retain and create culture, is our ability to modulate teaching strategies in order to foster learning and innovation. We argue that teaching is more diverse, flexible, and complex in humans than in other species. This particular characteristic of human teaching rather than teaching itself is one of the reasons (...)
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    Women Philosophers in Nineteenth-Century Britain.Emily Thomas - 2024 - Philosophical Review 133 (3):323-328.
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    A ‘no’ with a trace of ‘yes’: A mouse-tracking study of negative sentence processing.Emily J. Darley, Christopher Kent & Nina Kazanina - 2020 - Cognition 198 (C):104084.
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    (1 other version)Love and Marriage?Emily Crookston - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (4):267-289.
    Opponents of same-sex marriage suggest that legalizing same-sex marriage will start a slide down a “slippery-slope” leading to the legalization of all kinds of salacious family arrangements including polygamy. In this paper, I argue that because previous attempts by liberal political theorists to combat such slippery-slope arguments have been unsuccessful, there are two options left open to political liberals. Either one could embrace polygamy as a logically consistent implication of extending civil liberties to same-sex couples or one could find a (...)
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    Introduction: From Ecology to Elemental Difference.Emily Anne Parker - 2015 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 46 (2):89-100.
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  47. Link Uncertainty, Implementation, and ML Opacity: A Reply to Tamir and Shech.Emily Sullivan - 2022 - In Insa Lawler, Kareem Khalifa & Elay Shech, Scientific Understanding and Representation: Modeling in the Physical Sciences. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 341-345.
    This chapter responds to Michael Tamir and Elay Shech’s chapter “Understanding from Deep Learning Models in Context.”.
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  48. Postcolonial Ambivalence and Phenomenological Ambiguity: Towards Recognizing Asian American Women's Agency.Emily S. Lee - 2016 - Critical Philosophy of Race 4 (1):56-73.
    Homi Bhabha brings attention to the figure of the postcolonial metropolitan subject—a third world subject who resides in the first world. Bhabha describes the experiences of the “colonial” subject as ambivalently split. As much as his work is insightful, Bhabha's descriptions of the daily life of postcolonial metropolitan subjects as split and doubled is problematic. His analysis lends only to the possibility of these splittings/doublings as schizophrenically wholly arising. His analysis cannot account for the agonistic moments when the colonial subject (...)
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  49. Cognitive neuropsychiatric analysis of an additional large Capgras delusion case series.Emily Currell, Werbeloff A., Hayes Nomi, F. Joseph & Vaughan Bell - 2019 - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 24 (2):123–134.
  50. How Values Shape the Machine Learning Opacity Problem.Emily Sullivan - 2022 - In Insa Lawler, Kareem Khalifa & Elay Shech, Scientific Understanding and Representation: Modeling in the Physical Sciences. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 306-322.
    One of the main worries with machine learning model opacity is that we cannot know enough about how the model works to fully understand the decisions they make. But how much is model opacity really a problem? This chapter argues that the problem of machine learning model opacity is entangled with non-epistemic values. The chapter considers three different stages of the machine learning modeling process that corresponds to understanding phenomena: (i) model acceptance and linking the model to the phenomenon, (ii) (...)
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