Results for 'Elżbieta Feliksiak'

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  1.  22
    Reception and the Recipient in Literary Studies.Henryk Markiewicz & Elżbieta Foeller - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (2):25-37.
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    Hannah Arendt/Martin Heidegger.Elżbieta Ettinger - 1997 - Yale University Press.
    The detailed story of the passionate and secret love affair between two of the most prominent philosophers of the 20th century--Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger. Drawing on their previously unknown correspondence, Elzbieta Ettinger describes a relationship that lasted for more than half a century, a relationship that sheds startling light on both individuals.
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    Natura idei na podstawie utworu O Prawdziwych i fałszywych ideach Antoine'a Arnaulda.Elżbieta Elżbieta Walerich - 2013 - Filo-Sofija 13 (20).
    Elżbieta Walerich The Nature of an Idea according to A. Arnauld’s On True and False IdeasIn the work On True and False Ideas Arnauld attacks, above all, the part of Malebranche’s theory which concerns the ontological status of ideas. The French Jansenist claims that in this doctrine the perceiving mind is completely cut off from the real world created by God. The most important aim of the book is to prove, using geometrical method, the falsity of ideas if one (...)
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    Metafizyczne implikacje fizyki kwantowej (przeł. Elżbieta Drozdowska).Tim Maudlin & Elżbieta Drozdowska - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):407-439.
    Translated here into Polish is Tim Maudlin’s “Distilling Metaphysics from Quantum Physics,” which is a chapter of The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics. The author discusses six important metaphysical issues on which quantum physics sheds new light. He shows how differently each of the three main intepretations of quantum theory (von Neumann’s and GRW collapse theory, Bohm’s hidden variable theory, and Everett’s many-worlds theory) views each of them. The issues discussed are determinism, determinateness, the role of the observer, uncertainty and complementarity, (...)
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    The Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis and the Technological Revolution.Elżbieta Zalesko & Anna Protasiewicz - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):427-445.
    The aim of this article is to present the changes referred to as the “fourth industrial revolution” and the role of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in accelerating the technological revolution in relation to Polish companies. The ongoing economic downturn has different causes and much broader effects than previous crises. Hence the need to analyze trends (megatrends) in the emergence of innovations initiated or significantly accelerated by the pandemic crisis, and consequently, among other things, the intensification of the (...)
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  6. Refleksyjność jako zasada i problem teorii społecznej.Elżbieta Hałas - 2011 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 47 (188):191-202.
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    Operationalization of Psychological Magnitudes. Assumptions-Structure-Consequences.Elzbieta Hornowska - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 56:35-74.
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  8. Feminism, Sciences, Epistemology: Three Issues.Elzbieta Pakszys - 1988 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 21 (2):141-143.
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  9. Człowiek w perspektywie transcendencji. Impresje na temat Boga i religii w filozofii H. Elzenberga.Elżbieta Stankiewicz - 1991 - Principia 4.
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    Notion of Truth in the Epistemology of John of Saint Thomas.Elźbieta Wolicka - 1979 - New Scholasticism 53 (1):96-106.
  11. Czy język to projekt doskonały? Zasada ekonomii w strukturze języka i założeniach programu minimalistycznego.Elżbieta Łukasiewicz - 2008 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    The aim of the paper is to consider the notions of economy, redundancy and optimality, with regard to language structure and its functioning in time and with regard to certain principles of the Universal Grammar. I argue that the notion of optimality needs not to be congruent with economy, and at odds with redundancy. On the contrary, if we hold realistic premises regarding the ontology of language (as Chomsky does) and think of language as a natural system existing in time, (...)
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    Topicality of John Stuart Mill’s Views on Violence against Women.Elżbieta Filipow - forthcoming - Etyka.
    In the paper, I show that John Stuart Mill in his work noticed the significance of the social problem posed by violence against women. To achieve that goal, I (1) sketch the theoretical background of his philosophy as a reference point for the issue of violence against women; (2) propose reading The Subjection of Women in a way that is to facilitate noticing the most important issues of violence and showing their topicality in today’s world; and (3) provide several most (...)
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  13. Koniunkcja w ekstensjonalnej logice, a spÓjnik miedzyzdaniowy iw jezyku naturalnym.Elzbieta Magner - 2005 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 41 (1):101-114.
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    The construction of value through work-integrated learning.Elzbieta Sanojca & Emmanuel Triby - 2022 - Revue Phronesis 11 (1-2):202.
    La pédagogie est constitutive d’une relation de formation portée par une intention de développement de la personne mobilisant une configuration de savoirs afin d’inscrire cette personne dans un parcours de développement. La mise en oeuvre de cette relation dans une situation organisée et instrumentée produit la matière du développement, en réalité ce qui fait la valeur de la formation. L’alternance est une manière particulière d’organiser ce processus de valorisation. Dans cette contribution est analysé un dispositif faisant cohabiter deux populations en (...)
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    Logos et musica: in honorem summi romani pontificis Benedicti XVI.Elżbieta Szczurko (ed.) - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
    Dieser Papst Benedikt XVI. gewidmete Band erschliesst das Thema -Logos und Musik- in systematischer und historischer Hinsicht. Fachkundige Vertreter der Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften aus europaischen und aussereuropaischen Landern bieten ein fassettenreiches Mosaik von Entdeckungen, Einsichten und Uberlegungen, die zur Weiterfuhrung und Vertiefung des Themas anregen konnen. In den Blick kommt sowohl der Logos im geschaffenen Seienden, d.h. in den Naturdingen, sowie im Kunstler und seinem musikalischen Werk, als auch der gottliche Logos, der sich in Jesus Christus inkarniert hat und der (...)
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  16. Dziecko wobec obcości kulturowej(studium empiryczne).Elżbieta Chromiec - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 75 (2):205-218.
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    The philosophy of science and women's issues in Poland: Possibilities and obstacles today.Elzbieta Pakszys - 1994 - Metaphilosophy 25 (2-3):156-162.
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  18. Demistyfikacja pojęcia prawdy.Elżbieta Kałuszyńska - 2003 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    In the article the possibility of an access to reality, and thus the possibility of an attainment of truth is discussed. In the contrary of Adam Grobler's claims it is argued that the problem with the relation language-reality is not an interpretation of a language in a way fitting the reality, but a search for an appropriate language, a conceptual frame to grasp recognized phenomena. So a recognition of reality is primary, not a language.
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  19. Teorie i modele.Elżbieta Kałuszyńska - 1994 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    In this essay the author defends the traditional view of science: science as an activity of approaching the truthful knowledge about real world. Accepting this, she then analyses the main topics of contemporary philosophy of science, such as language of science, scientific laws, differences between empirical theories and models, and the question of truthfulness in science.
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    O racjach, osobach i teoriach w czasie.Elżbieta Matuszewska - 2013 - Etyka 46:144-151.
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    The Lost Treasure of Solidarity.Elzbieta Matynia - 2001 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 68.
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    Women After Communism: A Bitter Freedom.Elzbieta Matynia - 1994 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 61:351-378.
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    Jakby nie… O powołaniu Marii Ossowskiej.Elżbieta Neyman - 2005 - Etyka 38:23-37.
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  24. Izaak Newton jako historyk. The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended a historiografia wieku XVII i XVIII.Elżbieta Nowosad - 1986 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 31.
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    Social contrasts in the incidence of obesity among adult large-city dwellers in Poland in 1986 and 1996.Elzbieta Rogucka & Tadeusz Bielicki - 1999 - Journal of Biosocial Science 31 (3):419-423.
    The incidence of obesity, defined as the fraction of persons with BMIs exceeding 30·0, was examined in two birth cohorts of 401996 decade obesity increased dramatically among males with trade school education only; concomitant shifts were much smaller or absent in the college-educated groups. The contrast in obesity between the opposite ends of the educational scale has widened markedly in both genders; and the between-gender gap has declined somewhat.
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  26. Ścieżki post_polis Ewy Rewers.Elżbieta Anna Sekuła - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):326-330.
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  27. Wokół myśli estetycznej Jose Martiego (E. Jorge Viera, \"Jose Marti, el metodo de su critica literaria\", La Habana 1984).Elżbieta Skłodowska - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 265 (12).
  28. W kręgu ontologii bytu społecznego Lukacsa.Elżbieta Z. Stolarczyk - 1987 - Colloquia Communia 32 (3-4):245-258.
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    Conscious control of movements: Increase of temporal precision in voluntarily delayed actions.Elzbieta Szelag, Krystyna Rymarczyk & Ernst Poppel - 2001 - Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 61 (3):175-179.
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    (1 other version)Exposing the dialogical nature of the linguistic self in interpersonal and intersubjective relationships for the purposes of language - and - consciousness - related communication studies.Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik - 2018 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (7):125-136.
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    Rise of Conspiracy Theories in the Pandemic Times.Elżbieta Kużelewska & Mariusz Tomaszuk - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (6):2373-2389.
    COVID-19 pandemic occurred as an unexpected experience affecting all countries around the globe. In addition to the obvious health, economic and political effects, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered immense changes in the social spheres. People and institutions were forced to adjust to the new circumstances, change habits and move most or all of their activity online. In the completely virtual world, pandemic became a fertile ground for the bloom of the conspiracy theories already existing, but struggling for the global attention. The (...)
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  32.  48
    Pain and fear are different motivations.Elzbieta Fonberg - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):308-310.
  33.  43
    How Does Observational Learning Produce Placebo Effects? A Model Integrating Research Findings.Elżbieta A. Bajcar & Przemysław Bąbel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Entrepreneurs Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: from Powerlessness in the Face of the Government’s Policies to Protests.Elżbieta Zalesko & Sławomir Kamosiński - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):397-424.
    The Covid-19 pandemic triggered a crisis affecting many spheres of socio-economic life. Both the authorities and entrepreneurs found themselves in a new and unusual situation. The lockdown introduced in the Polish economy in March 2020 has changed drastically environment and conditions for entrepreneurs and companies in Poland. The article touches on the problem of changes in the system of formal and informal institutions during that period. An attempt was made to answer the question: to what extent was the institutional state (...)
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    Symbolism and Social Phenomena: Toward the Integration of Past and Current Theoretical Approaches.Elżbieta Hałas - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (3):351-366.
    This article takes up, but in a different key, an argument of postmodernists that the over-rationalized conception of society tends to ignore important phenomena such as those belonging to the symbolic domain. It is suggested that the emerging programme of symbolic sociology may contribute toward a new synthetic and interdisciplinary thinking in social sciences. The concept of symbolism as a social phenomenon rather than as an autonomous linguistic or semiotic system is presented; and the argument is made that if social (...)
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  36. Symboliczno-interakcyjna koncepcja znaczenia.Elżbieta Hałas - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 260 (7).
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    Cloninger's Psychobiological Model of Personality and Strelau's Regulative Theory of Temperament - analysis of their associations in a Polish sample.Elżbieta Hornowska - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (2):71-80.
    Cloninger's Psychobiological Model of Personality and Strelau's Regulative Theory of Temperament - analysis of their associations in a Polish sample The present study explores the relationship between Cloninger scales and Strelau's Regulative Theory of Temperament traits. Cloninger's psychobiological model identifies four dimensions of temperament and three dimensions of character. RTT proposes the traits of Briskness, Perseveration, Sensory Sensitivity, Emotional Reactivity, Endurance and Activity as the basic dimensions underlying individual differences. The relationships between the dimensions of Cloninger's Temperament and Character and (...)
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    Österreichische Literatur in der Zeitschrift Wiadomości Literackie in der Zwischenkriegszeit.Elżbieta Hurnikowa - 2016 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 18 (1):9-32.
    The article is devoted to reception of Austrian literature before the Second World War in Wiadomości Literackie. It was the most popular letter, whose aim was to educate society, and popularize foreign literature and culture. The literature that was most often promoted was French literature, but also German-speaking authors were discussed. Austrian literature was not treated as distinct from German literature during that time but nontheless, the articles presents artists, of Austrian origin: Joseph Roth, Stefan Zweig, Rainer Maria Rilke, Hugo (...)
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    Developments in esp teaching.Elżbieta Jendrych - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 34 (1):43-58.
    The fast changing business environment and the ever-growing de- mand facing professional communicators in the 21st century pose new challenges to language learners and teachers alike. Competitive business organizations at- tempt to recruit employees who have excellent linguistic competence coupled with nonlinguistic competences and skills. It is not easy to acquire these addi- tional competences and skills. However, most of them are transferable and can be greatly improved if students are provided with adequate teaching materials and appropriate input from the (...)
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    La temporalisation de l'utopie vers la fin du XVIIIe siècle: en quoi cela change-t-il notre comprehension de l'imaginaire social?Elzbieta Lubelska - 2018 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 9 (1):42-54.
    Après avoir présenté la conception spécifique de l'idéologie et de l'utopie qui apparaît chez Ricœur en tant que catégories anthropologiques, je passe aux difficultés liées à la compréhension du concept ricœurien d'utopie. En différenciant les utopies “pratiques” de celles “littéraires,“ Ricœur introduit entre elles également une hiérarchie, puisque les utopies présentées comme irréalisables constituent pour lui une distorsion de la fonction de l'utopie. Or, afin qu'une utopie puisse être conçue comme réalisable déjà au moment de sa rédaction, une nouvelle conception (...)
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  41. Obiektywizm i subiektywizm w służbie resentymentalnej nienawiści.Nietzsche kontra Scheler - interpretacje i analizy krytyczne.Elżbieta Posłuszna & Jacek Posłuszny - 2005 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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  42. Biblijna koncepcja człowieka. Duch a dusza.Elżbieta Stawnicka - 2005 - Colloquia Communia 78 (1-2):144-154.
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  43. Can common sense knowledge be common? On Thomas Reid’s self-evident truths from the perspective of anthropological linguistics.Elżbieta Łukasiewicz - 2010 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 55.
    The aim of the paper is to consider from the perspective of contemporary anthropological linguistics the plausibility of universal, self-evident truths based on innate principles of cognition as they were propounded by Th omas Reid in his philosophy of common sense. The key problem is whether it is possible to trace any innate principles that would underlie common sense, practical knowledge and comprise truths which are selfevident, clear and directly accessible to all members of homo sapiens. Reid’s assumptions are considered (...)
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    Milhaud versus Bergson – zagadnienie wolności umysłu a poznanie naukowe.Elżbieta Walerich - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:123-138.
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    Ogólna charakterystyka idei w wykładni Malebranche’a.Elżbieta Walerich - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (3):15-34.
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  46. Rola utworu „Des vraies et des fausses idees” w nowożytnych debatach epistemologicznych.Elżbieta Walerich - 2013 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 8 (3).
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  47. The Character of Cognition in Henri Bergson’s Theory.Elżbieta Walerich - 2014 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 9.
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    Studium filozofii teoretycznej na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim w latach 1968-1972.Elżbieta Wolicka - 1973 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 21 (1):94-106.
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  49. Dwie hermeneutyki.Elżbieta Zakrzewska - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 249 (8).
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  50. Ricoeur i Gadamer: Czy istnieje szkoła hermeneutyczna.Elżbieta Zakrzewska - 1994 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 9 (1):47-64.
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