Results for 'Ellie Carter'

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    Priming scalar and ad hoc enrichment in children.Alice Rees, Ellie Carter & Lewis Bott - 2023 - Cognition 239 (C):105572.
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    DanceFindings: Robert Ellis Dunn Videodance Installation.Curtis Carter - unknown
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    Dunn, Robert Ellis [encyclopedia entry].Curtis L. Carter - unknown
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  4. Phenomenology and the Ethics of Love.Ellie Anderson - 2021 - Symposium 25 (1):83-109.
    Phenomenologists have long viewed love as a central form of inter-subjective engagement. I show here that it is also of concern to phenomenological ethics. After establishing the relation of phenomenology to ethics, I show that both classical and existential phenomenology view love as an act of valuing the loved one. I argue that a second act of valuing is latent in phenomenology: valuing the relationship. These values are evident in the phenomenological distinction between true love, which generates a “perspective in (...)
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  5. Why the disjunction in quantum logic is not classical.Diederik Aerts, Ellie D'Hondt & Liane Gabora - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (9):1473-1480.
    The quantum logical `or' is analyzed from a physical perspective. We show that it is the existence of EPR-like correlation states for the quantum mechanical entity under consideration that make it nonequivalent to the classical situation. Specifically, the presence of potentiality in these correlation states gives rise to the quantum deviation from the classical logical `or'. We show how this arises not only in the microworld, but also in macroscopic situations where EPR-like correlation states are present. We investigate how application (...)
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  6. The Epistemology of Cognitive Enhancement.J. Adam Carter & Duncan Pritchard - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (2):220-242.
    A common epistemological assumption in contemporary bioethics held b y both proponents and critics of non-traditional forms of cognitive enhancement is that cognitive enhancement aims at the facilitation of the accumulation of human knowledge. This paper does three central things. First, drawing from recent work in epistemology, a rival account of cognitive enhancement, framed in terms of the notion of cognitive achievement rather than knowledge, is proposed. Second, we outline and respond to an axiological objection to our proposal that draws (...)
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    Jacques Lacan and the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis.Richard Feldstein & Ellie Ragland-Sullivan - 1987 - Substance 16 (3):88.
  8. Extended Cognition and Propositional Memory.J. Adam Carter & Jesper Kallestrup - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (3):691-714.
    The philosophical case for extended cognition is often made with reference to ‘extended-memory cases’ ; though, unfortunately, proponents of the hypothesis of extended cognition as well as their adversaries have failed to appreciate the kinds of epistemological problems extended-memory cases pose for mainstream thinking in the epistemology of memory. It is time to give these problems a closer look. Our plan is as follows: in §1, we argue that an epistemological theory remains compatible with HEC only if its epistemic assessments (...)
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  9. The Ethical Significance of Being an Erotic Object.Caleb Ward & Ellie Anderson - 2022 - In David Boonin, The Palgrave Handbook of Sexual Ethics. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 55-71.
    Discussions of sexual ethics often focus on the wrong of treating another as a mere object instead of as a person worthy of respect. On this view, the task of sexual ethics becomes putting the other’s subjectivity above their status as erotic object so as to avoid the harms of objectification. Ward and Anderson argue that such a view disregards the crucial, moral role that erotic objecthood plays in sexual encounters. Important moral features of intimacy are disclosed through the experience (...)
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  10. Virtuous Insightfulness.J. Adam Carter - 2017 - Episteme 14 (4).
    Insight often strikes us blind; when we aren’t expecting it, we suddenly see a connection that previously eluded us—a kind of ‘Aha!’ experience. People with a propensity to such experiences are regarded as insightful, and insightfulness is a paradigmatic intellectual virtue. What’s not clear, however, is just what it is in virtue of which being such that these experiences tend to happen to one renders one intellectually virtuous. This paper draws from both virtue epistemology as well as empirical work on (...)
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  11. Epistemology and Relativism.Adam Carter - 2016
    Epistemology and Relativism Epistemology is, roughly, the philosophical theory of knowledge, its nature and scope. What is the status of epistemological claims? Relativists regard the status of epistemological claims as, in some way, relative— that is to say, that the truths which epistemological claims aspire to are … Continue reading Epistemology and Relativism →.
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    Response to ‘What does mental health have to do with well‐being?’.Lucy Dale, Ellie Victoria Evans & Radhika Gupta - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):605-606.
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    Returning to Freud: Clinical Psychoanalysis in the School of Lacan.Ellie Ragland-Sullivan & Stuart Schneiderman - 1984 - Substance 13 (1):110.
  14.  34
    Registration of randomized controlled trials in nursing journals.Annie Topping, Ellie Brown, Daniel Bressington, Martin Jones, Charley Baker, Laileah Barguir, Donna Thomas, Eman Hassanein, Ashish Badnapurkar & Richard Gray - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (1).
    BackgroundTrial registration helps minimize publication and reporting bias. In leading medical journals, 96% of published trials are registered. The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of randomized controlled trials published in key nursing journals that met criteria for timely registration.MethodsWe reviewed all RCTs published in three (two general, one mental health) nursing journals between August 2011 and September 2016. We classified the included trials as: 1. Not registered, 2. Registered but not reported in manuscript, 3. Registered retrospectively, (...)
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  15. The Law of Peace.C. van Vollenhoven, W. Hosrfall Carter & H. Wickham Steed - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 47 (1):115-116.
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    Comment on AVANT’s interview with John Zorn.Ellie M. Hisama - 2012 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 3 (T):325-328.
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  17. Value-Pluralist Egalitarianism.Alan Carter - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy 99 (11):577.
  18.  19
    Value, need, and other factors in perception.Launor F. Carter & Kermit Schooler - 1949 - Psychological Review 56 (4):200-207.
  19.  12
    Burnt Out and Dropping Out: A Comparison of the Experiences of Autistic and Non-autistic Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Eilidh Cage & Ellie McManemy - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Autistic students are more likely to drop out of university, while facing both challenges and opportunities within university environments. This study compared the experiences of autistic and non-autistic current United Kingdom students, in terms of thoughts about dropping out, burnout, mental health and coping, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Burnout was of particular interest as this is a relatively unexamined phenomenon for autistic students. Seventy autistic and 315 non-autistic students, completed a mixed methods questionnaire with standardized measures of burnout, mental health, (...)
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  20. Dora and the Name-of-the-father: The Structure of Hysteria.Ellie Ragland-Sullivan - 1989 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 1:117.
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  21. The imaginary.Ellie Ragland-Sullivan - 1992 - In Elizabeth Wright, Feminism and psychoanalysis: a critical dictionary. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 173--76.
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  22. Epistemology of Education.J. Adam Carter & Ben Kotzee - forthcoming - Oxford Bibliographies Online.
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    The Cultural Paradigm of Virtue.Carter Crockett - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (2):191-208.
    Social and moral issues in business have drawn attention to a gap between theory and practice and fueled the search for a reconciling perspective. Finding and establishing an alternative remains a critical initiative, but a daunting one. In what follows, the assumptions of two prominent contenders are considered before introducing a third in the form of Aristotle’s ancient theory of virtue. Comparative case studies are used to briefly illustrate the practical implications of each paradigm. In the quest for a better (...)
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  24. Epistemological Implications of Relativism.J. Adam Carter - 2017 - In Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa, The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism. New York: Routledge. pp. 292-301.
    Relativists about knowledge ascriptions think that whether a particular use of a knowledge-ascribing sentence, e.g., “Keith knows that the bank is open” is true depends on the epistemic standards at play in the assessor’s context—viz., the context in which the knowledge ascription is being as- sessed for truth or falsity. Given that the very same knowledge-ascription can be assessed for truth or falsity from indefinitely many perspectives, relativism has a striking consequence. When I ascribe knowledge to someone (e.g., when I (...)
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  25. Meta-epistemic defeat.J. Adam Carter - 2018 - Synthese 195 (7):2877-2896.
    An account of meta-epistemic defeaters—distinct from traditional epistemic defeaters—is motivated and defended, drawing from case studies involving epistemic error-theory and epistemic relativism. Mechanisms of traditional epistemic defeat and meta-epistemic defeat are compared and contrasted, and some new puzzles are introduced.
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    Ashé: ritual poetics in African diasporic expression.Paul Carter Harrison, Michael D. Harris & Pellom McDaniels (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    ASHÉ: Ritual Poetics in African Diasporic is a collection of interdisciplinary essays contributed by international scholars and practitioners. Having distinguished themselves across such disciplines as Anthropology, Art, Music, Literature, Dance, Philosophy, Religion, and Theology and conjoined to construct a defining approach to the study of Aesthetics throughout the African Diaspora with the Humanities at the core, this collection of essays will break new ground in the study of Black Aesthetics. This book will be of great interest to scholars, practitioners, and (...)
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    Naturalism’s Perils, Naturalism’s Promises: A Comment on Appiah’s Experiments in Ethics.Jonathan M. Weinberg & Ellie Wang - 2010 - Neuroethics 3 (3):215-222.
    In his Experiments in Ethics, Appiah focuses mostly on the dimension of naturalism as a naturalism of deprivation - naturalism’s apparent robbing us of aspects of the world that we had held dear. The aim of this paper is to remind him of that naturalism has a dimension of plenitude as well - its capacity to enrich our conception of the world as well. With regard to character, we argue that scientific psychology can help provide a conception of character as (...)
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    Overthink.David Peña-Guzmán & Ellie Anderson - 2022 - The Philosophers' Magazine 98:119-120.
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  29. Active Externalism and Epistemology.J. Adam Carter & S. Orestis Palermos - 2015 - Oxford Bibliographies Online.
  30. On the Epistemology of the Precautionary Principle: Reply to Steglich-Petersen.J. Adam Carter & Martin Peterson - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (2):297-304.
    In a recent paper in this journal, we proposed two novel puzzles associated with the precautionary principle. Both are puzzles that materialise, we argue, once we investigate the principle through an epistemological lens, and each constitutes a philosophical hurdle for any proponent of a plausible version of the precautionary principle. Steglich-Petersen claims, also in this journal, that he has resolved our puzzles. In this short note, we explain why we remain skeptical.
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    The Coercive Potential of Digital Mental Health.Isobel Butorac & Adrian Carter - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):28-30.
    Digital mental health can be understood as the in situ quantification of an individual’s data from personal devices to measure human behavior in both health and disease (Huckvale, Venkatesh and Chr...
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    Adaptive Medical Machine Learning Models Should Not Be Classified as Perpetual Research, but Do Require New Regulatory Solutions.Yves Saint James Aquino & Stacy Carter - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):82-85.
    Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2024, Page 82-85.
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    Autonomic defense: Thwarting automated attacks via real‐time feedback control.Derek Armstrong, Sam Carter, Gregory Frazier & Tiffany Frazier - 2003 - Complexity 9 (2):41-48.
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    A Reexamination of the 'Death of Art' Interpretation of Hegel's Aesthetics.Curtis Carter - unknown
  35.  35
    On the stacking-fault energies of copper alloys.C. B. Carter & I. L. F. Ray - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (1):189-200.
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    The social licence for research: why ran into trouble.Pam Carter, Graeme T. Laurie & Mary Dixon-Woods - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (5):404-409.
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    Assemblage and Photography.Curtis L. Carter - unknown
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    Area Picasso works displayed [Review of Picasso Exhibit at the Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee].Curtis Carter - unknown
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    Art Review [Review of Six Artists Exhibit at the Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee].Curtis Carter - unknown
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    British Economic Statistics: A Report.C. F. Carter & A. D. Roy - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1954, on behalf of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, this book presents a general review of British economic statistics in relation to the uses made of them for policy purposes. The text begins with an examination, in general terms, of the ways in which statistics can help in guiding or assessing policy, covering housing, coal, the development areas, agricultural price-fixing, the balance of external payments and the balance of the economy. The problems of statistical (...)
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    Crafty artists create good show [Review of the Exhibit "Objects U.S.A." at the Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee].Curtis Carter - unknown
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    Cartoons Make Unique Show [A review of a caricature and cartoon exhibit, Milwaukee].Curtis Carter - unknown
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    Die Beschwörungsrituale der Allaituraḫi und verwandte Texte. Hurritologische Studien IIDie Beschworungsrituale der Allaiturahi und verwandte Texte. Hurritologische Studien II.Charles Carter, Volkert Haas & Hans Jochen Thiel - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (2):400.
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    Dance Repertory Theatre.Curtis Carter - unknown
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    Endgame [Review of Samuel Beckett's play "Endgame" at Theater X, Milwaukee].Curtis Carter - unknown
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    Milwaukee Art Center [Review of recent acquisitions of the Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee].Curtis Carter - unknown
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    MAM's Must-See 'Posters of Paris'.Curtis Carter - unknown
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    Paul Speck.Curtis Carter - unknown
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    Preface to Preface [to J.R.R. Tolkien: "The Hobbit" : Drawings, Watercolors, and Manuscripts].Curtis Carter - unknown
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  50.  25
    Rep stages 'White House Murder' [Review of the play "The White House Murder Case" at the Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Milwaukee WI].Curtis Carter - unknown
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