Results for 'Elke Schwinger'

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  1. Friedenssicherung : Politisierung von Religion als kulturelle Selbstvergewisseung.Elke Schwinger - 2010 - In Jochen Bohn & Thomas Bohrmann (eds.), Religion als Lebensmacht: eine Festgabe für Gottfried Küenzlen. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    Microsaccade-rate indicates absorption by music listening.Elke B. Lange, Fabian Zweck & Petra Sinn - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 55:59-78.
  3.  14
    Wissen.Elke Brendel - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Was ist Wissen? Wie gelangen wir zu Wissen? Warum ist Wissen eigentlich erstrebenswert? Ist Wissen überhaupt möglich? Ausgehend von diesen traditionellen philosophischen Fragen nach der Natur, den Quellen, dem Wert sowie den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des menschlichen Wissens, untersucht die Autorin die zentralen Positionen und aktuellen Debatten gegenwärtiger Wissenstheorien. Dabei werden wichtige epistemische Paradoxien des Wissens, der Wissensskeptizismus und die systematischen Beziehungen zwischen Wissen und Rationalität sowie zwischen Wissen und Zufall analysiert. Behandelt werden zudem Konzeptionen im Rahmen neuerer erkenntnistheoretischer Strömungen (...)
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    7 Kant on Trolleys and Autonomous Driving.Elke Elisabeth Schmidt - 2022 - In Hyeongjoo Kim & Dieter Schönecker (eds.), Kant and Artificial Intelligence. De Gruyter. pp. 189-222.
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    Paranormal believers are more prone to illusory agency detection than skeptics.Michiel van Elk - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):1041-1046.
    It has been hypothesized that illusory agency detection is at the basis of belief in supernatural agents and paranormal beliefs. In the present study a biological motion perception task was used to study illusory agency detection in a group of skeptics and a group of paranormal believers. Participants were required to detect the presence or absence of a human agent in a point-light display. It was found that paranormal believers had a lower perceptual sensitivity than skeptics, which was due to (...)
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  6. Bleisch, Barbara (2009). Complicity in harmful action : contributing to world poverty and duties of care. In: Mack, Elke; Schramm, Michael; Klasen, Stephan; Pogge, Thomas. Absolute poverty and global justice : empirical data, moral theories, initiatives.Barbara Bleisch, Elke Mack, Michael Schramm, Stephan Klasen & Thomas Pogge (eds.) - 2009
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    A report on quantum electrodynamics.Julian Schwinger - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra (ed.), The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 413--429.
  8.  21
    The Natural History of Pompeii (review).Elke Böhr & Hans-Joachim Böhr - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (3):307-308.
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    Allwissenheit und ``offenes philosophieren''.Elke Brendel - 2001 - Erkenntnis 54 (1):7-16.
    As a result of his studies in metalogicEssler became convincedthat an absolute fixed totality of alltruths and a final metalanguage doesnot exist. Taking this result into account,it is shown that the usualabsolute concept of omniscience isuntenable. From this it can be concludedthat definitions of knowledge whichappeal to such a concept of omnisciencelead to serious problems.
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    Self-referential arguments in philosophy.Elke Brendel - 2007 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 74 (1):177-197.
    The paper discusses the strengths and weaknesses of arguments of proper self-reference, arguments of self-application and arguments of iterative application. A formalization of the underlying logical structure of these arguments helps to identify the implicit premises on which these arguments rest. If the premises are plausible, the conclusions reached by these arguments must be taken seriously. In particular, all the types of argument discussed, when sound, show that certain theories that purport to be universally applicable are not tenable. The argumentative (...)
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    Gerechtigkeit und gutes Leben: christliche Ethik im politischen Diskurs.Elke Mack - 2002 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
    I. Die Differenz von Gut und (Ge- )recht - Eine ethische Grundunterscheidung -- II. Konsequenzen für die moderne Ethik -- III. Vier philosophische Lösungsversuche zur Klärung der Differenz -- IV. Der Umgang christlicher Ethik mit dem Zusammenhang von Gut und Gerecht -- V. Paradigmatische Impulse für die christliche Ethik -- VI. Politische Gerechtigkeit und eine umfassende christliche Theorie des Guten.
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    Fantasy proneness, but not self-reported trauma is related to DRM performance of women reporting recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse.Elke Geraerts, Elke Smeets, Marko Jelicic, Jaap van Heerden & Harald Merckelbach - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):602-612.
    Extending a strategy previously used by Clancy, Schacter, McNally, and Pitman , we administered a neutral and a trauma-related version of the Deese–Roediger–McDermott paradigm to a sample of women reporting recovered or repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse , women reporting having always remembered their abuse , and women reporting no history of abuse . We found that individuals reporting recovered memories of CSA are more prone than other participants to falsely recalling and recognizing neutral words that were never presented. (...)
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  13. Intuition pumps and the proper use of thought experiments.Elke Brendel - 2004 - Dialectica 58 (1):89–108.
    I begin with an explication of "thought experiment". I then clarify the role that intuitions play in thought experiments by addressing two important issues: (1) the informativeness of thought experiments and (2) the legitimacy of the method of thought experiments in philosophy and the natural sciences. I defend a naturalistic account of intuitions that provides a plausible explanation of the informativeness of thought experiments, which, in turn, allows thought experiments to be reconstructed as arguments. I also specify criteria for distinguishing (...)
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    Predicting Risk Sensitivity in Humans and Lower Animals: Risk as Variance or Coefficient of Variation.Elke U. Weber, Sharoni Shafir & Ann-Renée Blais - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (2):430-445.
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    Günther Anders in Silicon Valley: Artificial intelligence and moral atrophy.Elke Schwarz - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 153 (1):94-112.
    Artificial Intelligence as a buzzword and a technological development is presently cast as the ultimate ‘game changer’ for economy and society; a technology of which we cannot be the master, but which nonetheless will have a pervasive influence on human life. The fast pace with which the multi-billion dollar AI industry advances toward the creation of human-level intelligence is accompanied by an increasingly exaggerated chorus of the ‘incredible miracle’, or the ‘incredible horror’, intelligent machines will constitute for humanity, as the (...)
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    Absolute Poverty and Global Justice. Empirical Data – Moral Theories – Initiatives.Elke Mack, Michael Schramm, Stephan Klasen & Thomas Pogge (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    It is held that absolute poverty causes approximately one third of all human deaths, some 18 million annually, and blights billions of lives with hunger and disease. This book develops universalizable norms aimed at tackling absolute poverty and the complex and multilayered problems associated with it.
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    Engaging Social Justice Methods to Create Palliative Care Programs That Reflect the Cultural Values of African American Patients with Serious Illness and Their Families: A Path Towards Health Equity.Ronit Elk & Shena Gazaway - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (2):222-230.
    Cultural values influence how people understand illness and dying, and impact their responses to diagnosis and treatment, yet end-of-life care is rooted in white, middle class values. Faith, hope, and belief in God’s healing power are central to most African Americans, yet life-preserving care is considered “aggressive” by the healthcare system, and families are pressured to cease it.
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    Die Wahrheit über den Lügner: eine philosophisch-logische Analyse der Antinomie des Lügners.Elke Brendel - 1992 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Die Wahrheit über den Lügner" verfügbar.
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    Meta-analyses are no substitute for registered replications: a skeptical perspective on religious priming.Michiel van Elk, Dora Matzke, Quentin F. Gronau, Maime Guan, Joachim Vandekerckhove & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  20.  35
    All Hearts and Minds on Deck: Hope Motivates Climate Action by Linking the Present and the Future.Elke U. Weber & Sara M. Constantino - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):293-297.
    Emotions shape judgments and decisions, including actions in response to climate change. Despite growing interest in the cognitive, social, and political determinants of climate (in)action, the role of emotions has received limited attention. This review discusses the role of hope in climate action. While many emotional states are oriented to the past or present, hope offers a positive vision of the future. In exploratory analyses of a nationally representative survey of US residents, we identify the most important predictors of hope, (...)
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    Technology and moral vacuums in just war theorising.Elke Schwarz - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 14 (3):280-298.
    Our contemporary condition is deeply infused with scientific-technological rationales. These influence and shape our ethical reasoning on war, including the moral status of civilians and the moral choices available to us. In this article, I discuss how technology shapes and directs the moral choices available to us by setting parameters for moral deliberation. I argue that technology has moral significance for just war thinking, yet this is often overlooked in attempts to assess who is liable to harm in war and (...)
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  22.  28
    Liebe, Polyamorie und (kein) Sex.Elke Elisabeth Schmidt - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (2).
    Polyamorie ist romantische Liebe, die sich auf mindestens zwei Personen bezieht oder beziehen kann. Eine solche Definition klingt leichter als sie es tatsächlich ist. Um eine genaue und adäquate Analyse von Polyamorie zu leisten, muss, erstens, geklärt werden, was Liebe – die hier allein als romantische Liebe thematisiert wird – überhaupt ist. Sie ist, so soll gezeigt werden, ein spezifisches dispositionales Emotionsmuster, das eine besonders starke Form der subjektiven Bedeutsamkeit konstituiert. Auf dem Hintergrund dieses Verständnisses von romantischer Liebe im Allgemeinen (...)
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    World, Word, Work.Elke Pirgmaier - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (3):245-252.
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    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Synthese von Glaube und Naturwissenschaft aus der Sicht der Biographieforschung.Elke Hentschel - 2004 - Hamburg: Kovac.
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    Teilhabe und Lehre.Elke Koch - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 75 (4):303-323.
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  26. La vida en imágenes: las ciencias biológicas entre el dibujo tradicional y la visualización computacional.Elke Köppen - 2010 - Ludus Vitalis 18 (34):57-73.
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    In touch: Cardiac and respiratory patterns synchronize during ensemble singing with physical contact.Elke B. Lange, Diana Omigie, Carlos Trenado, Viktor Müller, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann & Julia Merrill - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Musical ensemble performances provide an ideal environment to gain knowledge about complex human interactions. Network structures of synchronization can reflect specific roles of individual performers on the one hand and a higher level of organization of all performers as a superordinate system on the other. This study builds on research on joint singing, using hyperscanning of respiration and heart rate variability from eight professional singers. Singers performed polyphonic music, distributing their breathing within the same voice and singing without and with (...)
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    Rationierung im Gesundheitswesen – ein wirtschafts- und sozialethisches Problem.Elke Mack - 2001 - Ethik in der Medizin 13 (1-2):17-32.
    Definition of the problem: This article starts with a conceptual and factual discussion on the economic background of rationing in health care. The author tries to explain what rationing in health care means and how this problem can be estimated ethically. Rationing is defined as: the allocation and distribution of scarce goods in health care and of medical and nursing services under the condition that demand isgreater than supply. Arguments and conclusion: This definition gives the opportunity, to prove whether rationing (...)
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  29. Précis zu : Liebe und Bedeutsamkeit. Ein philosophischer Versuch.Elke Elisabeth Schmidt - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 78 (4):603-606.
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  30. O amor em Kant e na filosofia analítica.Elke Elizabeth Smith & Dieter Schönecker - 2017 - Con-Textos Kantianos 5:75-93.
    De acordo com um preconceito bastante difundido no meio filosófico, a filosofia prática de Kant não levaria em consideração os sentimentos e emoções. Uma análise cuidadosa dos escritos de Kant revela, no entanto, o papel central exercido pelos sentimentos em sua ética. Neste artigo examinaremos o conceito de amor em Kant e tentaremos aproximá-lo da discussão sobre o amor na tradição analítica contemporânea, especialmente na filosofia do amor de Harry Frankfurt.
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    Keine Ethik—nirgends?: “Ethik und Organisation im Krankenhaus”, Tagung in der Evangelischen Akademie in Tutzing, 24.–25. September 2003.Elke Wagner - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (1):83-88.
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    Electromagnetic mass revisited.Julian Schwinger - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (3):373-383.
    Examples of uniformly moving charge distributions that possess conserved electromagnetic stress tensors are exhibited. These constitute stable systems with covariantly characterized electromagnetic mass. This note, on a topic to which Paul Dirac made a significant contribution in 1938, is dedicated to him for his 80th birthday.
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  33. Contextualism, relativism, and the semantics of knowledge ascriptions.Elke Brendel - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (1):101-117.
    It is argued that neither contextualism nor relativism can provide a satisfying semantics of knowledge ascriptions. According to contextualism, the truth conditions of knowledge ascriptions of the form “S knows that p” vary with the epistemic standards operative in the contexts of utterance. These epistemic standards are determined, in particular, by the speaker’s stakes with regard to p or the consideration of error-possibilities. It is shown that the absolute concept of utterance truth together with a knowledge rule of assertion lead (...)
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    Symbolic Communication in Multidisciplinary Cooperations.Elke Duncker - 2001 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 26 (3):349-386.
    With the advent of strategic science, multidisciplinary and cross-institutional research is more and more becoming the rule. The problems encountered by such multidisciplinary research and development cooperations are highly varied. They derive from multiple differences in the backgrounds of the participants and are often perceived as cultural gaps that need to be bridged for cooperation. The main argument of the article is that multidisciplinary collaborations have mechanisms at their disposal to cooperate despite multiple problems counteracting such a cooperation. Since symbolic (...)
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    The effect of limb crossing and limb congruency on multisensory integration in peripersonal space for the upper and lower extremities.Michiel van Elk, Joachim Forget & Olaf Blanke - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):545-555.
    The present study investigated how multisensory integration in peripersonal space is modulated by limb posture and limb congruency . This was done separately for the upper limbs and the lower limbs . The crossmodal congruency task was used to measure peripersonal space integration for the hands and the feet. It was found that the peripersonal space representation for the hands but not for the feet is dynamically updated based on both limb posture and limb congruency. Together these findings show how (...)
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    Virtue, Wide Duties, and Casuistry. On why there is a Doctrine of Method in Kant’s Doctrine of Virtue.Elke Elisabeth Schmidt - 2023 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 4 (2):209-232.
    This paper deals primarily with theDoctrine of Method(DM) of Kant’sDoctrine of Virtue. First, I present an overview of theDM(1.1) and an explanation of how it is possible to teach virtue (1.2). Second, I address the following issues: Why is aDMnecessary at all (2.1)? How does theDMrelate to what Kant calls casuistry (2.2)? I will argue that wide duties have two essential characteristics: They command the right kind of moral motivation in terms of a moral maxim, and they allow for latitude. (...)
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    Embodied Language Comprehension Requires an Enactivist Paradigm of Cognition.Michiel van Elk, Marc Slors & Harold Bekkering - 2010 - Frontiers in Psychology 1.
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    Counterfactualism in fine arts.Elke Reinhuber - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Counterfactual thinking has become an established method to evaluate decisions in a range of disciplines, including history, psychology and literature. Elke Reinhuber argues it also has valuable applications in the Fine Arts and popular media. A fascination with the path not taken is a logical consequence of a world saturated with choices. Art which provokes and explores these tendencies can help to recognise and contextualise the impulse to avoid or endlessly revisit individual or collective decisions. Reinhuber describes the term (...)
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    Learning to use novel objects: A training study on the acquisition of novel action representations.M. van Elk, M. Paulus, C. Pfeiffer, H. T. van Schie & H. Bekkering - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1304-1314.
    Many studies have suggested that the motor system is organized in a hierarchical fashion, around the prototypical end location associated with using objects. However, most studies supporting the hierarchical view have used well-known actions and objects that are highly over-learned. Accordingly, at present it is unclear if the hierarchical principle applies to learning the use of novel objects as well. In the present study we found that when learning to use a novel object subjects acquired an action representation of the (...)
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    Feministisch von Gott reden?: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Rosemary Radford Ruethers Buch »Sexismus und die Rede von Gott«.Elke Axmacher - 1991 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 35 (1):5-20.
    The study attempts to conduct a fundamental theological discussion with Feminist Theology, a new variety ofLiberation Theology. The basis for this discussion is R. R. Ruether's book Sexism and God- Talk, which can be viewed as the first attempt at a feminist dogmatic theology. The study concludes that the theological foundation of this Christian Feminism is a monistic-pantheistic understanding of God which results in an ethic with distinct totalitarian tendencies.
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    Mit-Sein: gemeinschaft-ontologische und politische perspektivierungen.Elke Bippus, Thomas Bedorf, Jörg Huber & Dorothee Richter (eds.) - 2010 - Wien: Springer.
    Gemeinschaft ist ein Begriff, der in den Debatten der Moderne immer wieder infrage gestellt wurde. Im Moment ist eine Renaissance dieser Begriffsdebatte zu beobachten, sie steht in Verbindung zu den Diskussionen um ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und um die Grenzen des Wachstums. In dem Buch werden philosophisches Denken, politische Theorien, Theorien des Ästhetischen und die Künste zusammengeführt, um danach zu fragen, wie „Mit-Sein“ überhaupt denkbar und darstellbar ist, ob Gemeinschaft gegeben ist, wie sie sich ereignet und sich zeigt.
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  42. Rationale Ethikbegründung jenseits des Sein-Sollen-Problems.Elke Brendel - 1995 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 6 (2):180.
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    Negativität und Positivität als System: internationale Tagung der Schelling-Forschungsstelle Berlin.Elke Hahn (ed.) - 2009 - Berlin: Total Verlag.
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    „Euer Purpur hat unsere Togen aus dem Dienst entlassen“ – Zum Wandel des städtischen Klientelwesens im Rom der frühen Kaiserzeit.Elke Hartmann - 2009 - Millennium 6 (1):1-38.
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    Moral als Kapital im antiken Athen und Rom.Elk Hartmann, Sven Page & Anabelle Thurn (eds.) - 2018 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Im antiken Athen und Rom war moralkonformes Verhalten eine Ressource von Ansehen. Aber welche konkrete Relevanz hatte Moral in diesem Sinne als soziales Kapital? Welchen Stellenwert hatte sie in den sozialen Zusammenhängen des gegenseitigen Kennens und Anerkennens? Und in welchen Foren, durch welche Medien und in welchen Textgattungen wurden Verhaltensnormen definiert oder ausgehandelt und kommuniziert? 0Die Autorinnen und Autoren zeigen in ihren Beiträgen die nachweisbaren sozialen Konsequenzen eines guten oder schlechten Rufes auf und stellen verschiedene Moraldiskurse vor: von Majestätsprozessen und (...)
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  46. Kimon und die Athenische Demokratie.Elke S. Hölkeskamp - 1999 - Hermes 127 (2):145-164.
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  47. Gender constructions in progressive education and their impact on co-education.Elke Kleinau - 2020 - In Meike Kricke & Stefan Neubert (eds.), New Studies in Deweyan Education: Democracy and Education Revisted. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    „Heimat“-Objekte.Elke-Vera Kotowski, Alisa Jachnowitsch & Matthias Albert Koch - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 70 (4):324-347.
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    Imagining excentric and poly(ex)centric positionality.Elke Müller - 2021 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 11 (1):127-152.
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    Mystik und Askese: Unterschiedliche Tendenzen in der jüdischen Mystik und deren Korrespondenzen im Sufismus und in der arabischen Philosophie.Elke Morlok & Frederek Musall - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (1):95-110.
    This article deals with the incompatibility of Christian and Jewish stereotypes in asceticism and tries to establish new models for approaching ascetic tendencies within the latter. In the context of halachic regulations we examine different ascetic aspects within Judaism, with a special focus on medieval Spain. In this area we observe a certain interaction between Jewish and Sufi trends, esp. in the works of Bachja ibn Paquda, Abraham bar Chijja and Abraham Maimonides. In the works of these authors we find (...)
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