Results for 'Elisabetta Di-Stefano'

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  1.  39
    Estetica e oggetti quotidiani ?Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2014 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (1):119-128.
    According to Hegel and to the romantic theory, Aesthetics is a philosophy of art. However, nowadays we can experience the beauty not only with art, but also with every product . So we can query if the realm of aesthetics should hold also everyday products and how this could transform the traditional aesthetic categories.This essay aim to answer these questions. It aim furthermore to sketch the product’s theoretical foundations referring to national and international debate which have dealt with everyday aesthetics (...)
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    Introduzione.Elisabetta Di Stefano & Francesco Vitale - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 58:3-4.
    L’architettura fin dalle origini è stata un’arte ancipite tra utile e bello. Nel corso del tempo tale declinazione si è variamente alternata, approdando da un lato alle derivazioni funzionaliste, propugnate in varia misura dai teorici del Movimento Moderno, dall’altro, in casi estremi, a quelle forme di architettura/scultura in cui la destinazione d’uso si annulla nell’esperienza estetica. Questo numero della “Rivista di estetica” vuole fare il punto sullo stato attuale del dibattito, mettend...
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    A Brief Inquiry into the History of Everyday Aesthetic Ideas. Care of the Home in the Thought of Socrates and Xenophon.Elisabetta Di-Stefano - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:77-98.
    Emerged as a new philosophical trend, Everyday Aesthetics shifts focus from Arts to daily practices and objects. However, its historical dimension remains relatively unexplored. Adopting a historical approach inspired by Tatarkiewicz, this paper addresses this gap by examining the notions of home care in the thoughts of Greek philosophers Socrates and Xenophon. Analyzing Xenophon’s works reveals how ancient concepts of order and beauty apply to daily life, enriching contemporary Everyday Aesthetics discussions on cleanliness and domestic care.
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    DesignArt. Ibridazioni creative tra arte e oggetti d’uso.Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 61:65-76.
    Oggi il mondo dell’arte si apre a un’ibridizzazione di forme e generi. La bellezza e la creatività, categorie fondamentali dell’arte secondo la tradizione idealistica e romantica, trovano nella vita quotidiana nuovi territori da colonizzare. In questo panorama di esteticità diffusa un fenomeno acquista particolare interesse: la DesignArt. La DesignArt costituisce un’intersezione tra due ambiti della creatività storicamente volti l’uno a progettare per l’industria oggetti seriali, utili ed esteticamente gradevoli, l’altro a ideare opere uniche e belle, ma senza scopo. Il luogo (...)
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    Decorum. An Ancient Idea for Everyday Aesthetics?Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2021 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (1):25-38.
    Everyday Aesthetics was born in the 21 st Century as a sub-discipline of Anglo-American Aesthetics and it has spread in the international debate. However, the contribute of historical perspective has not properly explored yet. Is it possible to trace the history of everyday aesthetics before the official birth of this discipline? I will try and give an affirmative answer by focusing on an exemplary category: that of the decorum. Using the history of ideas, I will analyse the Greek concept of (...)
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    Caring for the Landscape.Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 29.
    The essay aims to demonstrate that participatory ecological art focused on plant-ing, sowing, and cultivation serves as a means to promote a culture of environ-mental care. After exploring several artistic projects involving community engage-ment in landscape stewardship, the essay focuses on the debate concerning ges-ture and behavioral patterns. Finally, by examining artist Egle Oddo’s Performative Habitats project, it seeks to understand how art can influence the formation of new habits through both increased environmental awareness and repeated action, employing key theoretical (...)
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  7. Aesthetics of behaviour.Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2023 - In Lisa Giombini & Adrián Kvokacka, Applying aesthetics to everyday life: methodologies, history and new directions. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  8. Paradeigmata voluntatis: all'origine della concezione moderna di volontà.Elisabetta Cattanei & Stefano Maso (eds.) - 2021 - Venezia: Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Digital Publishing.
  9.  8
    (1 other version)Elisabetta Cattanei - Francesco Fronterotta - Stefano Maso (a cura di), Studi su Aristotele e l’aristotelismo. [REVIEW]Fernando Pascual - 2017 - Alpha Omega 20 (1):156-157.
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    Pagine di critica filosofica.Anna Escher di Stefano - 1967 - Bari,: Editoriale universitaria.
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    Storicismo, spiritualismo, ermeneutica.Anna Escher Di Stefano - 1999 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
    vol. 1. Storicismo metodologico e storicismo speculativo.
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    Configurations of masculinity: a feminist perspective on modern political theory.Christine Di Stefano - 1991 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    On the underwater environment and the mechanisms of deterioration of the materials likely to found on a shipwreck, and the theory and practice of conserving the artifacts recovered. Covers on-site storage, transport of artifacts, and requirements for exhibition after conservation treatment. Di Stefano (political science, U. of Washington) offers a new perspective on the dimension of gender in modern political thought in order to elucidate what is specifically masculine in political theory. Attempting to clear some conceptual space for feminist (...)
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    Globalization, Inequalities and Justice.Elisabetta Di Castro - 2018 - In Johannes Rohbeck, Daniel Brauer & Concha Roldán, Philosophy of Globalization. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 123-136.
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    Antropologia ed etica negli Scritti a se stesso di Marco Aurelio.Eva Di Stefano - 2006 - Catania: CUECM.
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    (1 other version)El monopolio como espejismo.Roberto Di Stefano - 2013 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 3 (2).
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    Perceptual Similarity: Insights From Crossmodal Correspondences.Nicola Di Stefano & Charles Spence - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (3):997-1026.
    Perceptual similarity is one of the most fiercely debated topics in the philosophy and psychology of perception. The documented history of the issue spans all the way from Plato – who regarded similarity as a key factor for human perceptual experience and cognition – through to contemporary psychologists – who have tried to determine whether, and if so, how similarity relationships can be established between stimuli both within and across the senses. Recent research on cross-sensory associations, otherwise known as crossmodal (...)
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    La triade divina in Numenio di Apamea: un'anticipazione della teologia neoplatonica.Eva Di Stefano - 2010 - Catania: CUECM.
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    Ectogestation ethics: The implications of artificially extending gestation for viability, newborn resuscitation and abortion.Lydia Di Stefano, Catherine Mills, Andrew Watkins & Dominic Wilkinson - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (4):371-384.
    Recent animal research suggests that it may soon be possible to support the human fetus in an artificial uterine environment for part of a pregnancy. A technique of extending gestation in this way (“ectogestation”) could be offered to parents of extremely premature infants (EPIs) to improve outcomes for their child. The use of artificial uteruses for ectogestation could generate ethical questions because of the technology’s potential impact on the point of “viability”—loosely defined as the stage of pregnancy beyond which the (...)
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  19. Reliability of molecular imaging diagnostics.Elisabetta Lalumera, Stefano Fanti & Giovanni Boniolo - 2021 - Synthese (S23):5701-5717.
    Advanced medical imaging, such as CT, fMRI and PET, has undergone enormous progress in recent years, both in accuracy and utilization. Such techniques often bring with them an illusion of immediacy, the idea that the body and its diseases can be directly inspected. In this paper we target this illusion and address the issue of the reliability of advanced imaging tests as knowledge procedures, taking positron emission tomography in oncology as paradigmatic case study. After individuating a suitable notion of reliability, (...)
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    Giovanni Gentile e l'attualismo.Lino Di Stefano - 1981 - Palermo: Edizioni Thule.
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    Gesto, suono e corpo. Sul ruolo della mano nell’espressione della musica.Nicola Di Stefano - 2019 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 13.
    The role of gesture in music has been widely investigated in different disciplines, from experimental psychology to aesthetics, from musicology to anthropology. What seems to drive the different researches is the question about the relationship arising between gestures and sound, and how this relationship affects the experience of music. In this article, I focus on the role of the hand in the production, listening and expression of music. After briefly referring to the influence of body development on language, I consider (...)
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    Historismus e ermeneutica.Anna Escher Di Stefano - 1997 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Ugo Spirito filosofo, giurista, economista.Lino Di Stefano - 1980 - Roma: G. Volpe.
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    Associations of Job Insecurity With Perceived Work-Related Symptoms, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Leader–Member Exchange and the Moderating Role of Organizational Support.Giovanni Di Stefano, Gaetano Venza & Davide Aiello - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Nietzsche's Death of God and Italian Philosophy.Vanessa Di Stefano (ed.) - 2016 - London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    With a preface by Gianni Vattimo, this book offers both an overview of contemporary Italian philosophy and a new interpretation of Nietzsche’s ‘God is Dead’ in connection with the notion of freedom as the original dynamic of the will to power.
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    The Hand: Perception, Cognition, Action.Nicola Di Stefano & Marta Bertolaso (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Drawing on shared research experiences and collaborative projects, this book offers a broad and timely perspective on research on the hand and its current challenges. It especially emphasizes the interdisciplinary context in which researchers need to be trained in contemporary science. From language to psychology, from neurology to the social sciences, and from art to philosophy and religion, the chapters discuss various aspects involved in hand research and therapy. On the basis of concrete and validated case studies, they approach hand (...)
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  27.  29
    Musical Emotions and Timbre: from Expressiveness to Atmospheres.Nicola Di Stefano - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (5):2625-2637.
    In this paper, I address the question of how emotional qualities can be attributed to musical timbre, an acoustic feature that has proven challenging to explain using traditional accounts of musical emotions. I begin presenting the notion of musical expressiveness, as it has been conceived by cognitivists to account for the emotional quality of various musical elements like melody and rhythm. However, I also point out some limitations in these accounts, which hinder their ability to fully elucidate the emotional expressiveness (...)
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    Crossmodal Correspondences in Art and Science: Odours, Poetry, and Music.Nicola Di Stefano, Maddalena Murari & Charles Spence - 2021 - In Nicola Di Stefano & Maria Teresa Russo, Olfaction: An Interdisciplinary Perspective From Philosophy to Life Sciences. Springer Verlag. pp. 155-189.
    Odour-sound correspondences provide some of the most fascinating and intriguing examples of crossmodal associations, in part, because it is unclear from where exactly they originate. Although frequently used as similes, or figures of speech, in both literature and poetry, such smell-sound correspondences have recently started to attract the attention of experimental researchers too. To date, the findings clearly demonstrate that the majority of non-synaesthetic individuals associate orthonasally-presented odours with various different sound properties, e.g., pitch, instrument type, and timbre, in a (...)
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    Feminist Attitudes toward Ethical Pluralism.Christine Di Stefano - 2009 - In Richard Madsen & Tracy B. Strong, The Many and the One: Religious and Secular Perspectives on Ethical Pluralism in the Modern World. Princeton University Press. pp. 271-300.
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    Gentile, filosofo sociale.Lino Di Stefano - 2005 - Venafro, IS [i.e. Isernia]: Eva.
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    Philosophy of Advanced medical Imaging.Elisabetta Lalumera & Stefano Fanti - 2021 - Springer International.
    This is the first book to explore the epistemology and ethics of advanced imaging tests, in order to improve the critical understanding of the nature of knowledge they provide and the practical consequences of their utilization in healthcare. Advanced medical imaging tests, such as PET and MRI, have gained center stage in medical research and in patients’ care. They also increasingly raise questions that pertain to philosophy: What is required to be an expert in reading images? How are standards for (...)
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  32. Configurations of Masculinity: A Feminist Perspective on Modern.Christine di Stefano - forthcoming - Political Theory.
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    Percorsi di filosofia contemporanea: analisi e critica storiografica.Anna Escher di Stefano & Francesco Coniglione - 1992 - C.U.E.C.M.
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  34. Randomized Controlled Trials for Diagnostic Imaging: Conceptual and Pratical Problems.Elisabetta Lalumera & Stefano Fanti - 2019 - Topoi 38 (2):395-400.
    We raise a problem of applicability of RCTs to validate nuclear diagnostic imaging tests. In spite of the wide application of PET and other similar techniques that use radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic purposes, RCT-based evidence on their validity is sparse. We claim that this is due to a general conceptual problem that we call Prevalence of Treatment, which arises in connection with designing RCTs for testing any diagnostic procedure in the present context of medical research, and is particularly apparent in this (...)
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    Consonanza e dissonanza: teoria armonica e percezione musicale.Nicola Di Stefano - 2016 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Mentalizing in Organizations: A Psychodynamic Model for an Understanding of Well-Being and Suffering in the Work Contexts.Giovanni Di Stefano, Bruna Piacentino & Giuseppe Ruvolo - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):216-223.
    Moving from the paradigms of “mentalization” and “reflective function”, this article develops the concept of “mentalizing” in organizations, understood as a process of construction of shared meaning in the work contexts, and whose absence or deterioration produces suffering in organizational experience, exposing individuals to significant psychosocial risks. This model converges in outlining a framework in which the absence of a reflective competence and the lack of symbolization of the experience of work fall on the perception of one's own job, and (...)
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    Vincoli biologici e regole fenomenologiche. Osservazioni sulla percezione del suono.Nicola Di Stefano - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 73:152-165.
    Over the last few decades, research on auditory perception has increased a great deal, treating a wide range of topics from different perspectives. Empirical research has provided a detailed account of sound perception in neurobiological terms. From a different perspective, the phenomenology of music has focused on the experience of auditory perception, highlighting the conditions that allow for the perception of sounds. Starting from the work by Giovanni Piana, I argue that sound perception is rooted in the experiential, from which (...)
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    Reflexiones de los autores sobre el Dossier.Roberto Di Stefano, Miranda Lida, Alejandro Frigerio, Gustavo Andrés Ludueña, César Ceriani Cernadas, Pablo Semán & Verónica Giménez Béliveau - 2013 - Corpus.
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    Olfaction: An Interdisciplinary Perspective From Philosophy to Life Sciences.Nicola Di Stefano & Maria Teresa Russo (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a broad and timely perspective on research on olfaction and its current technological challenges. It specifically emphasizes the interdisciplinary context in which olfaction is investigated in contemporary research. From aesthetics to sociology, from bioengineering to anthropology, the different chapters discuss a wide variety of issues arising from olfaction research and its application in different contexts. By highlighting the overlaps between different areas of research, the book fosters a better communication between disciplines and leads towards a better understanding (...)
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    The pathos of Ridicule in Plato’s Dialogues.Martina Di Stefano - 2021 - In Paola Giacomoni, Nicolò Valentini & Sara Dellantonio, The Dark Side: Philosophical Reflections on the “Negative Emotions”. Springer Verlag. pp. 49-63.
    This paper aims to discuss ridicule in Plato. Often neglected in modern accounts of emotions, ridicule is in fact considered a pathos by Plato and extensively deployed in his dialogues. I will analyse ridicule from a descriptive, a normative, and a “practical” perspective, paying attention to how Plato understands its basic functioning, how he thinks that it should be regulated, and how he uses it in his dialogues. More generally, this paper will be an opportunity to explore some issues related (...)
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    Should absolute pitch be considered as a unique kind of absolute sensory judgment in humans? A systematic and theoretical review of the literature.Nicola Di Stefano & Charles Spence - 2024 - Cognition 249 (C):105805.
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  42. Embodied intelligence: epistemological remarks on an emerging paradigm in the artificial intelligence debate.Nicola Di Stefano & Giampaolo Ghilardi - 2013 - Epistemologia 36 (1):100-111.
    In this paper we want to analyze some philosophical and epistemological connections between a new kind of technology recently developed within robotics, and the previous mechanical approach. A new paradigm about machine-design in robotics, currently defined as ‘Embodied Intelligence’, has recently been developed. Here we consider the debate on the relationship between the hand and the intellect, from the perspective of the history of philosophy, aiming at providing a more suitable understanding of this paradigm. The new bottom-up approach to design (...)
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    Automated Translation Between Lexicon and Corpora.Elisabetta Gola, Stefano Federici, Nilda Ruimy & John Wade - 2012 - Humana Mente 5 (23).
    In this work we will show the role of lexical resources in machine translation processes, giving several examples after a brief overview of Machine Translation studies. Then we will advocate the need for a richer lexicon in MT processes and sketch a methodology to obtain it through a mix of corpus-based and machine learning approaches.
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  44. Is there a Dichotomy in Husserl's Thought?A. Escher di Stefano - 1991 - Analecta Husserliana 34:399-407.
  45.  26
    Revisioning the political: feminist reconstructions of traditional concepts in western political theory.Nancy J. Hirschmann & Christine Di Stefano (eds.) - 1996 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    Feminist scholars have been remaking the landscape in political theory, and in this important book some of the most important feminist political theorists provide reconstructions of those concepts most central to the tradition of political philosophy. The goal is nothing less than the construction of a blueprint for a positive feminist theory.Many of these papers are completely new; others are extensions of important earlier work; two are reprints of classic papers. The result is a progress report on the continuing feminist (...)
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    Temporal and spatial accounts of sound perception. An overview of the main historical sources and theoretical problems.Nicola Di Stefano - 2023 - Gestalt Theory 45 (3):183-197.
    Summary Music has been primarily conceived as a temporal art. However, over the last two centuries or so, researchers across different disciplines including musicology, psychology, and philosophy, have been intrigued by the spatial nature of music and sounds, using spatial concepts to define music. This paper aims to demonstrate that an understanding of music perception from a temporal perspective inherently implies a certain spatial dimension. To do this, first, I briefly examine some key arguments that lead to conceiving sound perception (...)
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    Book in Review.Christine Di Stefano - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (3):469-478.
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    Introduzione.Nicola Di Stefano & Stefano Oliva - 2020 - Itinera - Rivista di Filosofia E di Teoria Delle Arti 20.
    The relationship between music and language is one of the main axes of Western philosophy of music. In particular, the link between music and literature has fostered an intense debate that resulted in a plurality of different solutions. The present issue of "Itinera” aims at analyzing some of the fundamental questions that emerge from Azio Corghi's use of literary sources in composition. The complexity of the themes that characterize Corghi's work, across musicology, aesthetics and literature, leads the reader to deal (...)
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    Meaningfulness and Meaninglessness of Work in Charles Bukowski.Giovanni Di Stefano - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):271-284.
    In psychological and managerial literature, the meaning of work boasts a long tradition; in this topic, scholars and researchers have explored sources of meaning and meaningfulness of the working activity in workers' motivations, values, and beliefs. Less attention, however, is given to the function work has in terms of signifier of each individual's personal identity. This article aims at deeply examining the relationship between identity construction and meaning of work, focusing on this theme through the exploration of Charles Bukowski's narrative (...)
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    Platone.Lino Di Stefano - 2006 - Venafro, IS [i.e. Isernia, Italy]: Eva.
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