Results for 'Elisabeth Schulze-Busacker'

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    Sprichwörtliches im ’Esope’ der Marie de France.Elisabeth Schulze-Busacker - 1997 - Das Mittelalter 2 (2).
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    What Happens Before Book Reading Starts? an Analysis of Teacher–Child Behaviours With Print and Digital Books.Trude Hoel, Elisabeth Brekke Stangeland & Katrin Schulz-Heidorf - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:570652.
    A body of research documents teacher–child reading behaviors in educational settings. Few will disagree that the potential for word and narrative comprehension increases when children’s prior knowledge is activated and when children’s focus is fully on the reading session. Despite this, little is known about the potential for establishment of joint attention and activation of prior knowledge in an early childhood education and care setting and how early childhood educators prepare young children to participate in shared book reading sessions before (...)
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    Altered Interoceptive Awareness in High Habitual Symptom Reporters and Patients With Somatoform Disorders.Tabea Flasinski, Angelika Margarete Dierolf, Silke Rost, Annika P. C. Lutz, Ulrich Voderholzer, Stefan Koch, Michael Bach, Carina Asenstorfer, Eva Elisabeth Münch, Vera-Christina Mertens, Claus Vögele & André Schulz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    De quoi demain...: dialogue.Jacques Derrida & Elisabeth Roudinesco - 2001
    " De quoi demain sera-t-il fait? " interroge Victor Hugo. Un philosophe, une historienne répondent au long d'un dialogue serré, exigeant. Pourquoi ont-ils choisi de faire ce livre ensemble? En raison d'une longue amitié, au nom d'une histoire commune, en vertu de la qualité d'un débat qui n'a jamais cessé entre eux depuis qu'à la fin des années soixante la jeune étudiante découvrit l'importance de ce penseur de quinze ans son aîné qui, avec d'autres, réveillait l'esprit critique de toute une (...)
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  5. The Phenomenology of Action: A Conceptual Framework.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):179 - 217.
    After a long period of neglect, the phenomenology of action has recently regained its place in the agenda of philosophers and scientists alike. The recent explosion of interest in the topic highlights its complexity. The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework allowing for a more precise characterization of the many facets of the phenomenology of agency, of how they are related and of their possible sources. The key assumption guiding this attempt is that the processes through (...)
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    Schwarz und Weiß im analytischen Raum.Sylvia Schulze - 2018 - Psyche 72 (1):24-49.
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  7. Revising the UMLS Semantic Network.Steffen Schulze-Kremer, Barry Smith & Anand Kumar - 2004 - In Stefan Schulze-Kremer (ed.), MedInfo. IOS Press.
    The integration of standardized biomedical terminologies into a single, unified knowledge representation system has formed a key area of applied informatics research in recent years. The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) is the most advanced and most prominent effort in this direction, bringing together within its Metathesaurus a large number of distinct source-terminologies. The UMLS Semantic Network, which is designed to support the integration of these source-terminologies, has proved to be a highly successful combination of formal coherence and broad scope. (...)
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  8. Beyond Automaticity: The Psychological Complexity of Skill.Elisabeth Pacherie & Myrto Mylopoulos - 2020 - Topoi 40 (3):649-662.
    The objective of this paper is to characterize the rich interplay between automatic and cognitive control processes that we propose is the hallmark of skill, in contrast to habit, and what accounts for its flexibility. We argue that this interplay isn't entirely hierarchical and static, but rather heterarchical and dynamic. We further argue that it crucially depends on the acquisition of detailed and well-structured action representations and internal models, as well as the concomitant development of metacontrol processes that can be (...)
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  9. Intentional joint agency: shared intention lite.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2013 - Synthese 190 (10):1817-1839.
    Philosophers have proposed accounts of shared intentions that aim at capturing what makes a joint action intentionally joint. On these accounts, having a shared intention typically presupposes cognitively and conceptually demanding theory of mind skills. Yet, young children engage in what appears to be intentional, cooperative joint action long before they master these skills. In this paper, I attempt to characterize a modest or ‘lite’ notion of shared intention, inspired by Michael Bacharach’s approach to team–agency theory in terms of framing, (...)
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  10. Contextualism, metaphor, and what is said.Elisabeth Camp - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (3):280–309.
    On a familiar and prima facie plausible view of metaphor, speakers who speak metaphorically say one thing in order to mean another. A variety of theorists have recently challenged this view; they offer criteria for distinguishing what is said from what is merely meant, and argue that these support classifying metaphor within 'what is said'. I consider four such criteria, and argue that when properly understood, they support the traditional classification instead. I conclude by sketching how we might extract a (...)
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    The association between ruminative thinking and negative interpretation bias in social anxiety.Marcel Badra, Lars Schulze, Eni S. Becker, Janna Nonja Vrijsen, Babette Renneberg & Ulrike Zetsche - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1234-1242.
    Cognitive models propose that both, negative interpretations of ambiguous social situations and ruminative thoughts about social events contribute to the maintenance of social anxiety disorder. It has further been postulated that ruminative thoughts fuel biased negative interpretations, however, evidence is rare. The present study used a multi-method approach to assess ruminative processing following a social interaction and negative interpretation bias in a student sample screened for high and low social anxiety. Results support the hypothesis that group differences in negative interpretations (...)
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  12. Objectivity and the double standard for feminist epistemologies.Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 1995 - Synthese 104 (3):351 - 381.
    The emphasis on the limitations of objectivity, in specific guises and networks, has been a continuing theme of contemporary analytic philosophy for the past few decades. The popular sport of baiting feminist philosophers — into pointing to what's left out of objective knowledge, or into describing what methods, exactly, they would offer to replace the powerful objective methods grounding scientific knowledge — embodies a blatant double standard which has the effect of constantly putting feminist epistemologists on the defensive, on the (...)
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  13. Ontologies for the life sciences.Steffen Schulze-Kremer & Barry Smith - 2005 - In Schulze-Kremer Steffen & Smith Barry (eds.), Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, vol. 4. Wiley.
    Where humans can manipulate and integrate the information they receive in subtle and ever-changing ways from context to context, computers need structured and context-free background information of a sort which ontologies can help to provide. A domain ontology captures the stable, highly general and commonly accepted core knowledge for an application domain. The domain at issue here is that of the life sciences, in particular molecular biology and bioinformatics. Contemporary life science research includes components drawn from physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine (...)
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  14. A language of baboon thought.Elisabeth Camp - 2009 - In Robert W. Lurz (ed.), The Philosophy of Animal Minds. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 108--127.
    Does thought precede language, or the other way around? How does having a language affect our thoughts? Who has a language, and who can think? These questions have traditionally been addressed by philosophers, especially by rationalists concerned to identify the essential difference between humans and other animals. More recently, theorists in cognitive science, evolutionary biology, and developmental psychology have been asking these questions in more empirically grounded ways. At its best, this confluence of philosophy and science promises to blend the (...)
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    Die kairos van die New Age: ’n Kultuurhistoriese skets.L. F. Schulze - 1992 - HTS Theological Studies 48 (3/4).
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    (1 other version)Sound Monuments: Eine Inversion der Vanitas in den Klangkünsten.Holger Schulze - 2018 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 27 (2):231-246.
    Dieser Beitrag untersucht drei Beispiele zur Überwindung von Vergänglichkeit und Endlichkeit, einer Inversion der Vanitas-Motivik, vor allem in den Klangkünsten: Wie ist es technisch möglich und kulturell zu bewerkstelligen, dem Verwehen von Klängen entgegenzuwirken? Die transhistorische Übertragungstheorie der médiologie von Régis Debray wird hierbei genutzt, um Formen und Strategien zur ‚ewigen Übertragung’ jeweils näher zu bestimmen. Ausgehend von Edisons Bewerbung des Phonographen als eines Hilfsmittels für hörbare Testamente von Verstorbenen wird die Aufführung von John Cages ORGAN 2/aslsp in Halberstadt, das (...)
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    (What) Do We Owe Beautiful Objects? A Case for Aesthetic Obligations.Elisabeth Schellekens - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (3):317-334.
    This paper has two main aims. The first is to examine our normative relations to artworks and cultural artefacts threatened by damage or destruction. The second aim is to develop an argument for the notion of aesthetic obligation, offering an alternative model of explanation of our normative relations to artworks and cultural artefacts which relies neither exclusively on the object of appreciation (‘object-oriented approach’) nor on the appreciating subject (‘subject-oriented approach’). Instead, an aesthetic obligation is held to be directed primarily (...)
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  18. The Nature of Darwin’s Support for the Theory of Natural Selection.Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (1):112-129.
    When natural selection theory was presented, much active philosophical debate, in which Darwin himself participated, centered on its hypothetical nature, its explanatory power, and Darwin's methodology. Upon first examination, Darwin's support of his theory seems to consist of a set of claims pertaining to various aspects of explanatory success. I analyze the support of his method and theory given in the Origin of Species and private correspondence, and conclude that an interpretation focusing on the explanatory strengths of natural selection theory (...)
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  19. The ontology of the Gene Ontology.Barry Smith, Jennifer Williams & Steffen Schulze-Kremer - 2003 - In Smith Barry, Williams Jennifer & Schulze-Kremer Steffen (eds.), AMIA 2003 Symposium Proceedings. AMIA. pp. 609-613.
    The rapidly increasing wealth of genomic data has driven the development of tools to assist in the task of representing and processing information about genes, their products and their functions. One of the most important of these tools is the Gene Ontology (GO), which is being developed in tandem with work on a variety of bioinformatics databases. An examination of the structure of GO, however, reveals a number of problems, which we believe can be resolved by taking account of certain (...)
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  20. Aenesidemus oder über die Fundamente der von dem Herrn Professor Reinhold in Jena gelieferten Elementar-Philosophie. Nebst einer Verteidigung des Skeptizismus gegen die Anmaßungen der Vernunftkritik.Gottlob Ernst Schulze & Manfred Frank - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):352-355.
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  21. What are intentions?Elisabeth Pacherie & Patrick Haggard - 2010 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Lynn Nadel (eds.), Conscious Will and Responsibility: A Tribute to Benjamin Libet. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 70--84.
    The concept of intention can do useful work in psychological theory. Many authors have insisted on a qualitative difference between prospective and intentions regarding their type of content, with prospective intentions generally being more abstract than immediate intentions. However, we suggest that the main basis of this distinction is temporal: prospective intentions necessarily occur before immediate intention and before action itself, and often long before them. In contrast, immediate intentions occur in the specific context of the action itself. Yet both (...)
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    Experiences of Caregivers and Relatives in Public Nursing Homes.Elisabeth Häggström & Annica Kihlgren - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (5):691-701.
    The aim of the present study was, by means of discussion highlighting ethical questions and moral reasonings, to increase understanding of the situations of caregivers and relatives of older persons living in a public nursing home in Sweden. The findings show that these circumstances can be better understood by considering two different perspectives: an individual perspective, which focuses on the direct contact that occurs among older people, caregivers and relatives; and a societal perspective, which focuses on the norms, values, rules (...)
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  23. Why the Gene will not return.Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (2):287-310.
    I argue that four of the fundamental claims of those calling themselves `genic pluralists'Philip Kitcher, Kim Sterelny, and Ken Watersare defective. First, they claim that once genic selectionism is recognized, the units of selection problems will be dissolved. Second, Sterelny and Kitcher claim that there are no targets of selection. Third, Sterelny, Kitcher, and Waters claim that they have a concept of genic causation that allows them to give independent genic causal accounts of all selection processes. I argue that each (...)
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    Connection between the CFR and a possible horizontal instrument of consumer law.Reiner Schulze - 2008 - In Common Frame of Reference and Existing Ec Contract Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Chronologie eines Eklats. Hannah Arendt und Paul Tillich.Claudia Schulze & Alf Christophersen - 2002 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 9 (1):98-130.
    The contribution takes a closer look at the relations between Hannah Arendt and Paul Tillich, and focuses on the controversy surrounding Emil Ludwig's ideas on a possible ‘re-education’ of postwar Germany which was published mainly in the New York journal Aufbau of 1942. The letters and other documents used from 1942 to 1965 also shed light on the personal life and work of those embroiled in this dispute, as well as their involvement in the public discussions of their day.
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    Calvin on preaching.L. F. Schulze - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (1/2).
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    CLiPs Survey of collective volumes, monographs, MA, doctoral and post-doctoral theses, articles, papers and book reviews. A selected and annotated bibliography of recent publications with a cognitive perspective.Rainer Schulze - 1991 - Cognitive Linguistics 2 (2):207-222.
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    Der Körper der Perzepte.Holger Schulze - 2013 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 22 (2):213-223.
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  29. Deutsche Volksspende für Goethes Geburtsstätte.Fritz Schulze - 1932 - Kant Studien 37:231.
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    Information Requirements.Reiner Schulze & Geraint Howells - 2009 - In Reiner Schulze & Geraint Howells (eds.), Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  31. Social-democracy and history.H. Schulze - 1983 - Filosoficky Casopis 31 (3):410-417.
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    Scope and Role of the Horizontal Directive and its Relationship to the CFR.Reiner Schulze & Geraint Howells - 2009 - In Reiner Schulze & Geraint Howells (eds.), Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    The damages rules in the acquis communautaire, in the Acquis Principles and in the DCFR.Reiner Schulze - 2008 - In Common Frame of Reference and Existing Ec Contract Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Tutanchamun fotografieren – Zur Produktion eines Ausstellungsstars.Mario Schulze - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (4):331-349.
    To Shoot Photographs of Tutankhamun – The Making of an Exhibition Star. In the 1970s, the exhibition “Treasures of Tutankhamun” toured the world. It still ranks today amongst the most popular museum exhibitions of all time. This article explores photography used in the catalogue of this blockbuster exhibition in the USA and West Germany; it describes how the pictures of Tutankhamun's objects, which were made by a team from the Metropolitan Museum in New York, introduced a significantly new and different (...)
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    We have Some Calves left! Socially Accepted Alternatives to the Current Handling of Male Calves from Dairy Production.Maureen Schulze, Sarah Kühl & Gesa Busch - 2023 - Food Ethics 8 (2):1-14.
    Consumers’ actual knowledge about modern food production is limited, and their judgment is often guided by assumptions or associations that are not necessarily in line with reality. Consumers’ rather unrealistic idea of livestock farming is driven by beautiful and romanticized pictures in advertising. If confronted with the reality of modern livestock farming, consumers’ responses are mainly negative. So far, dairy farming still has a more positive image and thus is less affected by public criticism. However, if made public, some of (...)
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  36. Sources of Male and Female Students’ Belonging Uncertainty in the Computer Sciences.Elisabeth Höhne & Lysann Zander - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:447365.
    Belonging uncertainty, defined as the general concern about the quality of one’s social relationships in an academic setting, has been found to be an important determinant of academic achievement and persistence. However, to date, only little research investigated the sources of belonging uncertainty. To address this research gap, we examined three potential sources of belonging uncertainty in a sample of undergraduate computer science students in Germany (N= 449) and focused on (a) perceived affective and academic exclusion by fellow students, (b) (...)
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    A description–experience gap in statistical intuitions: Of smart babies, risk-savvy chimps, intuitive statisticians, and stupid grown-ups.Christin Schulze & Ralph Hertwig - 2021 - Cognition 210 (C):104580.
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    The challenge of integrating justice and care in neonatal nursing.Elisabeth O. C. Hall, Berit S. Brinchmann & Hanne Aagaard - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (1):80-90.
    The aim of this study was to explore neonatal nurses’and mothers of preterm infants’experiences of daily challenges. Interviews took place asking for good, bad and challenging experiences. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis and findings were clustered in two categories: good and challenging experiences, each containing three themes. The good experiences were: managing with success as a nurse, small things matter for mothers, and a good day anyhow for mothers and nurses. The challenging experiences were: mothering in public, being (...)
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    On Border Subjects: Rethinking the Figure of the Refugee and the Undocumented Migrant.Julia Schulze Wessel - 2016 - Constellations 23 (1):46-57.
  40. Towards a reasonable objectivism for aesthetic judgements.Elisabeth Schellekens - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (2):163-177.
    This paper is concerned with the possibility of an objectivism for aesthetic judgements capable of incorporating certain ‘subjectivist’ elements of aesthetic experience. The discussion focuses primarily on a desired cognitivism for aesthetic judgements, rather than on any putative realism of aesthetic properties. Two cognitivist theories of aesthetic judgements are discussed, one subjectivist, the other objectivist. It is argued that whilst the subjectivist theory relies too heavily upon analogies with secondary qualities, the objectivist account, which allows for some such analogies at (...)
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  41. The Anarchic Hand Syndrome and Utilization Behavior: A Window onto Agentive Self-Awareness.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2007 - Functional Neurology 22 (4):211 - 217.
    Two main approaches can be discerned in the literature on agentive self-awareness: a top-down approach, according to which agentive self-awareness is fundamentally holistic in nature and involves the operations of a central-systems narrator, and a bottom-up approach that sees agentive self-awareness as produced by lowlevel processes grounded in the very machinery responsible for motor production and control. Neither approach is entirely satisfactory if taken in isolation; however, the question of whether their combination would yield a full account of agentive self-awareness (...)
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    Autism, autonomy, and authenticity.Elisabeth M. A. Späth & Karin R. Jongsma - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (1):73-80.
    Autonomy of people on the autism-spectrum has only been very rarely conceptually explored. Autism spectrum is commonly considered a hetereogenous disorder, and typically described as a behaviorally-defined neurodevelopmental disorder associated with the presence of social-communication deficits and restricted and repetitive behaviors. Autism research mainly focuses on the behavior of autistic people and ways to teach them skills that are in line with social norms. Interventions such as therapies are being justified with the assumption that autists lack the capacity to be (...)
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    Arendt und Adorno.Dirk Auer, Lars Rensmann & Julia Schulze Wessel (eds.) - 2003 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  44. Sinn, Gesetz und Fortschritt in der Geschichte.Georg Klaus & Hans Schulze - 1967 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag. Edited by Hans Schulze.
  45. Agency Lost and Found: A Commentary on Spence.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (2):173-176.
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    (1 other version)Prudent semantics meets wanton speech act pluralism.Elisabeth Camp - 2007 - In G. Preyer (ed.), Context-Sensitivity and Semantic Minimalism: New Essays on Semantics and Pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 194--215.
    Ernie Lepore and Herman Cappelen (2005) argue that contextual influences on semantic content are much more restricted than most theorists assume, by presenting three tests for semantic context-sensitivity and concluding that only a very restricted class of expressions pass them. They combine this extreme semantic minimalism with an even more extreme speech-act pluralism, according to which a speaker has said anything that she can be reported as having said. I argue that because Lepore and Cappelen refuse to distinguish what is (...)
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    Life context of pharmacological academic performance enhancement among university students – a qualitative approach.Elisabeth Hildt, Klaus Lieb & Andreas G. Franke - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):23.
    Academic performance enhancement or cognitive enhancement (CE) via stimulant drug use has received increasing attention. The question remains, however, whether CE solely represents the use of drugs for achieving better academic or workplace results or whether CE also serves various other purposes. The aim of this study was to put the phenomenon of pharmacological academic performance enhancement via prescription and illicit (psycho-) stimulant use (Amphetamines, Methylphenidate) among university students into a broader context. Specifically, we wanted to further understand students’ experiences, (...)
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    Overly Strong Priors for Socially Meaningful Visual Signals Are Linked to Psychosis Proneness in Healthy Individuals.Heiner Stuke, Elisabeth Kress, Veith Andreas Weilnhammer, Philipp Sterzer & Katharina Schmack - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:583637.
    According to the predictive coding theory of psychosis, hallucinations and delusions are explained by an overweighing of high-level prior expectations relative to sensory information that leads to false perceptions of meaningful signals. However, it is currently unclear whether the hypothesized overweighing of priors (1) represents a pervasive alteration that extends to the visual modality and (2) takes already effect at early automatic processing stages. Here, we addressed these questions by studying visual perception of socially meaningful stimuli in healthy individuals with (...)
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    Universal emancipation: race beyond Badiou.Elisabeth Paquette - 2020 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    A vital and timely contribution to the growing scholarship on the political thought of Alain Badiou.
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    Children’s level of word knowledge predicts their exclusion of familiar objects as referents of novel words.Susanne Grassmann, Cornelia Schulze & Michael Tomasello - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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