Results for 'Eduard Mychelkin'

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  1.  13
    Triple Path to the Exponential Metric.Maxim Makukov & Eduard Mychelkin - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1346-1355.
    The exponential Papapetrou metric induced by scalar field conforms to observational data not worse than the vacuum Schwarzschild solution. Here, we analyze the origin of this metric as a peculiar space-time within a wide class of scalar and antiscalar solutions of the Einstein equations parameterized by scalar charge. Generalizing the three families of static solutions obtained by Fisher, Janis et al. :878., 1968), and Xanthopoulos and Zannias :2564, 1989), we prove that all three reduce to the same exponential metric (...)
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    Eduard Gans (1797-1839): Hegelianer, Jude, Europäer: Texte und Dokumente.Eduard Gans & Norbert Waszek - 1991
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    Massstäbe: Perspektiven des Denkens von Eduard Spranger.Eduard Spranger, Walter Eisermann, Hermann J. Meyer & Hermann Röhrs (eds.) - 1983 - Düsseldorf: Schwann.
  4.  9
    Eduard Spranger: verstehende Kulturphilosophie der Politik-Ökonomie-Pädagogik: Originaltexte & Interpretationen: Eduard Spranger zum 50. Todesjahr.Eduard Spranger, Wolfgang Hinrichs, Markus Porsche-Ludwig & Jürgen Bellers (eds.) - 2013 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
  5.  11
    Philosophische Aufsätze: Eduard Zeller zu seinem fünfzigjährigen Doctor-Jubiläum gewidmet.Eduard Zeller - 1887 - Zentral-Antiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
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  6. Eduard Hanslick's On the musically beautiful: a new translation.Eduard Hanslick - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Lee Allen Rothfarb & Christoph Landerer.
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    Selected Writings of Eduard Bernstein, 1900-1921.Eduard Bernstein - 1996 - Humanity Books.
    This collection presents the English-language reader for the first time with essays that are representative of Bernstein's much-neglected revisionist period, 1901-1921. Bernstein himself suggested that this later work included significant new elements, indicating further progress in his liberal-socialist theory. Bernstein's later work acquires additional significance in light of the events of 1989, which have discredited not only Marxism-Leninism, but revolutionary Marxist theory in general, thus making the reevaluation of Bernstein's revisionism a worthwhile experience.
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  8. Mental Representation and Consciousness: Toward a Phenomenological Theory of Representation and Reference.Eduard Marbach - 1993 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  9. Bernard Bolzano: zur 200. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages am 5. Oktober 1981: dem Wirken Eduard Winters gewidmet.Eduard Winter & Heinrich Scheel (eds.) - 1982 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Enttäuschung und Widerspruch: die konservative Position Eduard Sprangers im Nationalsozialismus: Analysen, Texte, Dokumente.Eduard Spranger, Uwe Henning, Achim Leschinsky & Walter Eisermann (eds.) - 1991 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
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    Eduard Zellers Kleine Schriften.Eduard Zeller - 1910 - Berlin,: G. Reimer. Edited by Hermann Diels, Karl Holl & Otto Leuze.
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  12. Die Rhapsoden und die Homerischen Epen.Eduard Meyer - 1918 - Hermes 53 (3):330-336.
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    Eduard von Hartmann's ausgewählte werke..Eduard von Hartmann - 1885 - Leipzig,: H. Haacke.
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  14. Eduard Heimann on the" revolutionary situation"[with rejoinder].Sidney Hook & Eduard Heimann - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Der Bedeutungswandel einiger philosophischer Begriffe im Taoismus.Eduard Erkes - 1953 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 1 (1):327.
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    Marcel Martin. Světlo z Byzance.Eduard Neupauer - 2018 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 111 (3):819-821.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 111 Heft: 3 Seiten: 819-821.
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  17. El falso problema de la intercomunicación.Eduard Nicol - 1958 - Giornale di Metafisica 13 (2):175.
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    Eduard E. Safronov. (Not) Our digital products. Book Review: Perzanowski A., Schultz J. (2019) The End of Ownership: Personal Property in the Digital Economy, Moscow: Delo. [REVIEW]Eduard Safronov - 2021 - Sociology of Power 33 (1):251-259.
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    The priority heuristic: Making choices without trade-offs.Eduard Brandstätter, Gerd Gigerenzer & Ralph Hertwig - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (2):409-432.
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    Der Himmel als Stimmungsbogen des Denkens über Tartu im Februar 1808.Eduard Parhomenko - 2015 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 8 (2):91-102.
    Der Himmel als Stimmungsbogen des Denkens über Tartu im Februar 1808.
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    From deterrence to peace without fear.Eduard Pestel - 1989 - World Futures 27 (1):17-23.
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  22. The Harmonizing Influence of God in the Understanding of J.A. Comenius.Eduard Petrů - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (2-3):99-106.
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  23. (1 other version)Die philosophie der Griechen in ihrer geschichtliche entwicklung dargestellt.Eduard Zeller, Wilhelm Nestle, Franz Lortzing, Ernst Hoffmann & Eduard Wellmann - 1903 - Leipzig,: O.R. Reisland.. Edited by Wilhelm Nestle, Franz Lortzing, Ernst Hoffmann & Eduard Wellmann.
    Allgemeine einleitung. Vorsokratische philosophie. 6. aufl. 1. hälfte. Mit unterstüzung von dr. Franz Lorzing hrsg. von dr. Wilhelm Nestle. 2. hälfte. Hrsg. von dr. Wilhelm. Nestle. 1919-20.--2. t., abt. Sokrates und die Sokratiker. 5. aufl. (obraldruck) Mit einem anhang von dr. Ernst Hoffmann: Der gegenwärtige stand der Platon-forschung. 1922.--2. t., 2. abt. Aristoteles und die Alten peripatetlker. 4. aufl. (obraldruck) 1921.--3. t., 1 abt Die nacharistotellsche philosophie, 1. hälfte. 4. aufl., hrsg. von dr. Eduard Wellmann. 1909.--3. t., 2. abt. (...)
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    Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung.Eduard Zeller, Anagarika Brahmacari Govinda & Eduard Wellmann - 1862 - Reisland.
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    Eduard von Hartmann's System der Philosophie im grundriss..Eduard von Hartmann - 1907 - Bad Sachsa,: H. Haacke.
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    John Locke.Eduard Fechtner - 1898 - Stuttgart,: F. Frommann.
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    Ar. av. 1752 διὰ σὲ τὰ πάντα ϰρατήσας.Eduard Fraenkel - 1960 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 104 (1-2):293-293.
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    On the Musically Beautiful: A Contribution Towards the Revision of the Aesthetics of Music.Eduard Hanslick - 1986 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "Like Hanslick, Professor Payzant is both musician and philosopher; and he has brought the knowledge and insights of both disciplines to this large undertaking." --Gordon Epperson, _Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism_.
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    A self-consistent approach to quantum field theory for extended particles.Eduard Prugovečki - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (5-6):355-382.
    A notion of quantum space-time is introduced, physically defined as the totality of all flows of quantum test particles in free fall. In quantum space-time the classical notion of deterministic inertial frames is replaced by that of stochastic frames marked by extended particles. The same particles are used both as markers of quantum space-time points as well as natural clocks, each species of quantum test particle thus providing a standard for space-time measurements. In the considered flat-space case, the fluctuations in (...)
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    Due Seminari Romani di Eduard Fraenkel: Aiace e Filottete di Sofocle, a cura di alcuni partecipanti.Richard Hamilton & Eduard Fraenkel - 1979 - American Journal of Philology 100 (3):426.
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    Struktur und Freiheit: Festschrift für Hans-Eduard Hengstenberg zum 85. Geburtstag.Hans-Eduard Hengstenberg & Gotthold Müller - 1990
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    The return to metaphysics.Eduard Nicol - 1961 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (1):26-39.
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    On foundational and geometric critical aspects of quantum electrodynamics.Eduard Prugovečki - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (3):335-362.
    The foundational difficulties encountered by the conventional formulation of quantum electrodynamics, and the criticism by Dirac, Schwinger, Rohrlich, and others, aimed at some of the physical and mathematical premises underlying that formulation, are reviewed and discussed. The basic failings of the conventional methods of quantization of the electromagnetic field are pointed out, especially with regard to the issue of local (anti)commutativity of quantum fields as an embodiment of relativistic microcausality. A brief description is given of a recently advanced new type (...)
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    Realism, positivism, instrumentalism, and quantum geometry.Eduard Prugovečki - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (2):143-186.
    The roles of classical realism, logical positivism, and pragmatic instrumentalism in the shaping of fundamental ideas in quantum physics are examined in the light of some recent historical and sociological studies of the factors that influenced their development. It is shown that those studies indicate that the conventionalistic form of instrumentalism that has dominated all the major post-World War II developments in quantum physics is not an outgrowth of the Copenhagen school, and that despite the “schism” in twentieth century physics (...)
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  35.  4
    Sämtliche Schriften.Eduard Hanslick - 1993 - Böhlau Verlag Wien.
    Eduard Hanslick (1825-1904) regte in seinem Buch Vom Musikalischen-Schonen (1854) die musikasthetische Diskussion des 19. Jahrhunderts entscheidend an. Sein Musikjournalismus brachte ihm den Titel Bismark der Musikkritik (G. Verdi) ein. Gewiss war er der wichtigste Musikschriftsteller seiner Zeit. Vielen Musikliebhabern ist er aber nur als Anfuhrer der Anti-Wagner-Partei im Bewusstsein. Ein Blick auf seine Schriften zwingt zur Revision dieses Bildes, das vor allem von den Neudeutschen gepragt wurde. Seine etwa 1500 Aufsatze und Rezensionen, von denen er nur etwa die (...)
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  36. Respuesta al comentario de Quitián.Eduard Andrés - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (147).
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  37. Justice as a Relational Concept.Eduard Barany - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (9):845-855.
    Among the ideas implicitly present and generally accepted in legal theory we can find claims, such as: 1. Justice concerns distribution of goods and burdens. 2. It is connected with the relationship between law and morality. 3. Justice has an existential dimension and is rooted partially in irrational attitudes and intuitions. The first two prepositions make it possible to characterize justice as the conformity with that part of morality which concerns the distribution and exchange of goods and burdens. Justice connects (...)
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    Critical Reflections on Rothbard’s Concept of Gross Investment.Eduard Braun - 2014 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 20 (1):43-59.
    This paper critiques Rothbard’s concept of gross investment. Rothbard introduced the concept in order to demonstrate his point that it is not consumer spending that primarily drives the economy, like the mainstream Keynesian view maintains, but the capitalists’ spending. In this paper, it is argued that, contrary to Rothbard’s opinion, the amount of gross investment as he defines it does not contain significant information concerning the question as to whether the capital structure of a society can be upheld or not. (...)
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    Spravodlivosť ako vzťahový pojem.Eduard Bárány - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (9).
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  40. O hudebním krásnu: pŕíspěvek k revizi hudebni estetiky.Eduard Hanslick - 1973 - Praha,: Editio Supraphon. Edited by Jaroslav Střítecký.
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    (1 other version)On progress, values, and Marx.Eduard Huber - 1985 - Studies in East European Thought 30 (4):365-377.
    Marx, like many of his contemporaries, uncritically assumed that humanity develops from primitive beginnings to ever more perfect stages. In his theory of human development he measured progress by two main standards: the decrease of all forms of dependence, and the increase of universality in man's relations to nature and to his fellow man. In our century, not only have new structures of power and dependence emerged, but successive movements have also been generated to restore the more ordered and limited (...)
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    5. Pron und Haliaia in Argos.Eduard Meyer - 1889 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 48 (1-4):185-187.
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    XIV. Zum authentischen Tibull.Eduard Ad F. Michaelis - 1916 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 73 (1-4):374-404.
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  44. The implications for the future science programme.Eduard Pestel - 1979 - In Philip W. Hemily & M. N. Őzdas, Technological challenges for social change. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 2--365.
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    Die teleologische Mechanik der lebendigen Natur.Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm Pflüger - 1971 - Bonn,: Cohen, 1877. [Nachdr.] Quickborn, Schnelle.
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    Measurement in quantum mechanics as a stochastic process on spaces of fuzzy events.Eduard Prugovečki - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (4):557-571.
    The measurement of one or more observables can be considered to yield sample points which are in general fuzzy sets. Operationally these fuzzy sample points are the outcomes of calibration procedures undertaken to ensure the internal consistency of a scheme of measurement. By introducing generalized probability measures on σ-semifields of fuzzy events, one can view a quantum mechanical state as an ensemble of probability measures which specify the likelihood of occurrence of any specific fuzzy sample point at some instant. These (...)
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    Діяльність військових училищ російської імперії в межах військових округів на українських землях на початку хх ст.Melnykov Eduard - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):65-69.
    The article discusses the military schools activities and educational aspects of the officer corps formation of the Russian Empire in the Ukrainian lands of early ХХ century. The armed forces of each state in the world cannot be imagined without a command structure. The efficiency of the army depends on training and moral character of the officer contingent. Graduates of military schools were considered the elite society of Imperial Russia, they were role models for the younger generation and a reliable (...)
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  48.  9
    Chasing the phantom: in pursuit of myth and meaning in the realm of the snow leopard.Eduard Fischer - 2014 - Philadelphia: Singing Dragon.
    For twenty-five years Eduard Fischer returned to the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh, enthralled by the unique culture of this ancient Buddhist kingdom, and seeking to catch just a glimpse of the elusive snow leopard. This is the tale of that quest, but also an exploration of myth, art, science, and the sacred space of high mountains.
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  49.  15
    Das Problem des Ich in der Phänomenologie Husserls.Eduard Marbach - 1974 - Den Haag,: Springer.
    "Allerdings, das ist eine grosse Frage, der ich zu sehr ausgewichen bin, die Evidenz des Ich als ein Identisches, das also doch nicht in dem Bündel bestehen kann." (Husserl, 1907) Bekanntlich verwirft Husserl in den Logischen Untersuchungen die Auffassung, "dass die Beziehung auf das Ich etwas zum we sentlichen Bestande des intentionalen Erlebnisses selbst Gehöriges sei'',! und bildet um 1907, nach Einführung der phänomenolo gischen Reduktion, "die Beziehung auf das Ich zu unterlassen, oder von ihr zu abstrahieren" geradezu die Bedingung, (...)
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  50.  29
    La Idea del Hombre.Eduard Nicol - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (4):714-717.
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