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  1.  40
    A postulational framework for theories of simultaneous measurement of several observables.Eduard Prugovečki - 1973 - Foundations of Physics 3 (1):3-18.
    A reproducibility principle is formulated and adopted as the guiding criterion for the acceptance of an experimental procedure as a simultaneous measurement of several observables. It is pointed out that this criterion can be applied to classical as well as quantum physics, and that it incorporates compatible as well as incompatible observables. The concept of fuzzy probability measure is presented as a possible mathematical tool for the description of statistical processes involving measurements of incompatible observables.
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  2.  28
    A self-consistent approach to quantum field theory for extended particles.Eduard Prugovečki - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (5-6):355-382.
    A notion of quantum space-time is introduced, physically defined as the totality of all flows of quantum test particles in free fall. In quantum space-time the classical notion of deterministic inertial frames is replaced by that of stochastic frames marked by extended particles. The same particles are used both as markers of quantum space-time points as well as natural clocks, each species of quantum test particle thus providing a standard for space-time measurements. In the considered flat-space case, the fluctuations in (...)
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  3.  29
    Geometro-stochastic quantization of a theory for extended elementary objects.Wolfgang Drechsler & Eduard Prugovečki - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (5):513-546.
    The geometro-stochastic quantization of a gauge theory based on the (4,1)-de Sitter group is presented. The theory contains an intrinsic elementary length parameter R of geometric origin taken to be of a size typical for hadron physics. Use is made of a soldered Hilbert bundle ℋ over curved spacetime carrying a phase space representation of SO(4, 1) with the Lorentz subgroup related to a vierbein formulation of gravitation. The typical fiber of ℋ is a resolution kernel Hilbert space ℋ $_{\bar (...)
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  4.  71
    Time-energy uncertainty and relativistic canonical commutation relations in quantum spacetime.Eduard Prugovečki - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (6):555-564.
    It is shown that the time operatorQ 0 appearing in the realization of the RCCR's [Qμ,Pv]=−jhgμv, on Minkowski quantum spacetime is a self adjoint operator on Hilbert space of square integrable functions over Σ m =σ×v m , where σ is a timelike hyperplane. This result leads to time-energy uncertainty relations that match their space-momentum counterparts. The operators Qμ appearing in Born's metric operator in quantum spacetime emerge as internal spacetime operators for exciton states, and the condition that the metric (...)
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  5.  36
    On foundational and geometric critical aspects of quantum electrodynamics.Eduard Prugovečki - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (3):335-362.
    The foundational difficulties encountered by the conventional formulation of quantum electrodynamics, and the criticism by Dirac, Schwinger, Rohrlich, and others, aimed at some of the physical and mathematical premises underlying that formulation, are reviewed and discussed. The basic failings of the conventional methods of quantization of the electromagnetic field are pointed out, especially with regard to the issue of local (anti)commutativity of quantum fields as an embodiment of relativistic microcausality. A brief description is given of a recently advanced new type (...)
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  6.  64
    Realism, positivism, instrumentalism, and quantum geometry.Eduard Prugovečki - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (2):143-186.
    The roles of classical realism, logical positivism, and pragmatic instrumentalism in the shaping of fundamental ideas in quantum physics are examined in the light of some recent historical and sociological studies of the factors that influenced their development. It is shown that those studies indicate that the conventionalistic form of instrumentalism that has dominated all the major post-World War II developments in quantum physics is not an outgrowth of the Copenhagen school, and that despite the “schism” in twentieth century physics (...)
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  7.  94
    Geometro-stochastic locality in quantum spacetime and quantum diffusions.Eduard Prugovečki - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (1):93-124.
    The issue of the intrinsic nonlocality of quantum mechanics raised by J. S. Bell is examined from the point of view of the recently developed method of geometro-stochastic quantization and its applications to general relativistic quantum theory. This analysis reveals that a distinction should be made between the topological concept of locality used in formulating relativistic causality and a type of geometric locality based on the concept of fiber bundle, which can be used in extending the strong equivalence principle to (...)
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  8. Stochastic phase spaces and master Liouville spaces in statistical mechanics.Eduard Prugovečki - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (7-8):575-587.
    The concept of probability space is generalized to that of stochastic probability space. This enables the introduction of representations of quantum mechanics on stochastic phase spaces. The resulting formulation of quantum statistical mechanics in terms of Γ-distribution functions bears a remarkable resemblance to its classical counterpart. Furthermore, both classical and quantum statistical mechanics can be formulated in one and the same master Liouville space overL 2(Γ). A joint derivation of a classical and quantum Boltzman equation provides an illustration of the (...)
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  9.  22
    General aspects of stochastic quantum field theory for extended particles.Eduard Prugovečki - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (7-8):501-527.
    Theories of free fields describing spin zero and1/2 extended particles are derived within the stochastic quantum field theory (SQFT) framework. Covariant SQFT analogs of free Schwinger functions and Feynman propagators are obtained, and explicit expressions for charge and four-momentum operators are derived which exhibit a remarkable formal resemblance to their local counterparts. It is shown that the essential results of the LSZ formalism for interacting fields also have their counterpart in SQFT, and that the same holds true of Wightman's reconstruction (...)
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  10.  51
    Measurement in quantum mechanics as a stochastic process on spaces of fuzzy events.Eduard Prugovečki - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (4):557-571.
    The measurement of one or more observables can be considered to yield sample points which are in general fuzzy sets. Operationally these fuzzy sample points are the outcomes of calibration procedures undertaken to ensure the internal consistency of a scheme of measurement. By introducing generalized probability measures on σ-semifields of fuzzy events, one can view a quantum mechanical state as an ensemble of probability measures which specify the likelihood of occurrence of any specific fuzzy sample point at some instant. These (...)
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  11. On locality in quantum general relativity and quantum gravity.Eduard Prugovečki - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (12):1645-1668.
    The physical concept of locality is first analyzed in the special relativistic quantum regime, and compared with that of microcausality and the local commutativity of quantum fields. Its extrapolation to quantum general relativity on quantum bundles over curved spacetime is then described. It is shown that the resulting formulation of quantum-geometric locality based on the concept of local quantum frame incorporating a fundamental length embodies the key geometric and topological aspects of this concept. Taken in conjunction with the strong equivalence (...)
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  12.  71
    On the general covariance and strong equivalence principles in quantum general relativity.Eduard Prugovečki - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (7):989-1076.
    The various physical aspects of the general relativistic principles of covariance and strong equivalence are discussed, and their mathematical formulations are analyzed. All these aspects are shown to be present in classical general relativity, although no contemporary formulation of canonical or covariant quantum gravity has succeeded to incorporate them all. This has, in part, motivated the recent introduction of a geometro-stochastic framework for quantum general relativity, in which the classical frame bundles that underlie the formulation of parallel transport in classical (...)
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