Results for 'Ecosocialism'

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  1. Ecosocialism: climate change, socialism and democracy.Paul Magnette - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge. Translated by Ashleigh Rose.
    Ecosocialism: Climate Change, Socialism and Democracy maps out a political path for green transition which is both desirable and practicable. This book will appeal to students and scholars of political science and environment and sustainability, as well as all those concerned with climate justice and the current ecological crisis.
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    Ecosocial Philosophy of Education: Ecologizing the Opinionated Self.Jani Pulkki, Jan Varpanen & John Mullen - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (4):347-364.
    While human beings generally act prosocially towards one another — contra a Hobbesian “war of all against all” — this basic social courtesy tends not to be extended to our relations with the more-than-human world. Educational philosophy is largely grounded in a worldview that privileges human-centered conceptions of the self, valuing its own opinions with little regard for the ecological realities undergirding it. This hyper-separation from the ‘society of all beings’ is a foundational cause of our current ecological crises. In (...)
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  3. Ecosocial citizenship education: Facilitating interconnective, deliberative practice and corrective methodology for epistemic accountability.Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy 15:1-20.
    According to Val Plumwood (1995), liberal-democracy is an authoritarian political system that protects privilege but fails to protect nature. A major obstacle, she says, is radical inequality, which has become increasingly far-reaching under liberal-democracy; an indicator of ‘the capacity of its privileged groups to distribute social goods upwards and to create rigidities which hinder the democratic correctiveness of social institutions’ (p. 134). This cautionary tale has repercussions for education, especially civics and citizenship education. To address this, we explore the potential (...)
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  4. EcoSocialism and the Technoprogressive Perspective.James Hughes - 2021 - Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.
    The ecosocialists have broad agreements about the radical political economic changes that are called for, and have largely rejected the mysanthropic and anti-technological views of some radical ecologists. But the ecosocialists differ on what role nuclear power and emerging technologies should play under a Green New Deal. The ecomodernists broadly agree on the importance of nuclear and emerging technologies, but their impact has been muted by their association with corporate “greenwashing” and neoliberal technofix apologias for free markets and boy geniuses. (...)
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    Ecosocialism.Karsten J. Struhl - 2020 - Radical Philosophy Review 23 (1):89-115.
    I shall argue that the solution to the ecological crisis will require a combined political-economic and psychological-spiritual approach. Specifically, I will argue that while there is no way to avoid eco-catastrophe within the framework of capitalism, ecosocialism understood as a political-economic construct focused wholly or even primarily on the survival and flourishing of our species is not a sufficient solution and could, in its anthropocentric and productivist form, exacerbate the problem. What is needed is an understanding of ecosocialism (...)
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    From “Natural” to “Ecosocial Flourishing”: Evaluating Evaluative Frameworks.Thomas Crowley - 2010 - Ethics and the Environment 15 (1):69.
    Evaluative terms are a crucial part of the environmental discourse. These terms, and the evaluative frameworks in which they are imbedded, serve as important guides to action. "Natural," a term commonly used as a positive evaluation, is problematic because it can both justify unfair social relations and obscure the connections between humans and the rest of nature. "Sustainable," another popular term, is extremely malleable, and is too often elaborated in frameworks that are neither socially nor ecologically responsible. The term "sustainable" (...)
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  7. Resonancia natural y capacidad individual de acción ecosocial.Pablo Moreno-Romero & Virginia Ballesteros - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e27.
    Transformar el modo de vida individual es necesario para abordar la crisis ecosocial, y resulta perentorio que las políticas comprometidas con su resolución promocionen una capacidad individual de acción ecosocial. Sin embargo, parece que cierta brecha motivacional está obstaculizando la transformación del modo de vida individual. A fin de dar respuesta a esta brecha, ensayamos una mixtura del enfoque de las capacidades con las teorías de Hartmut Rosa. Argumentamos que la resonancia natural funge de factor personal de conversión necesario, si (...)
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    Ecofascismos y crisis ecosocial: sustratos, contextos, causas y detonantes.Pablo Font Oporto - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):191-204.
    El presente trabajo pretende abordar en profundidad algunos de los aspectos esenciales en el origen de las posturas ecofascistas actuales. Entendidas como aquellas que pretenden preservar los recursos naturales para una minoría privilegiada por medio de la exclusión de las grandes mayorías populares, las ideas ecofascistas están experimentando un momento de fuerte auge en una coyuntura de crisis ecosocial que se desarrolla, además, en el contexto de una importante crisis civilizatoria. Entendemos que los orígenes de esas crisis se hallan precisamente (...)
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    Crecimiento socioeconómico y crisis ecosocial: estado de la cuestión.José Anastasio Urra Urbieta - 2024 - Arbor 200 (812):2600.
    A partir de una extensa revisión de las referencias científico-técnicas esenciales y relevantes sobre la génesis y las implicaciones de la actual crisis ecosocial, en este artículo desarrollamos una descripción transdisciplinar y sintética del estado de la cuestión sobre la crisis de sostenibilidad. Para ello, tras la introducción y somera descripción del marco sociopolítico institucional desde el que se ha tratado de gestionar la integración del crecimiento económico con la sostenibilidad, en primer lugar examinamos los principales costes, en términos energéticos, (...)
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    Aportes de la Filosofía Para Niños y Niñas a la Educación Ecosocial.Adolfo Agundez Rodriguez - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-27.
    Today, people are better informed about environmental degradation than ever before. However, this does not imply that people are more engaged toward ecological issues nor are they more committed to achieve greater ecological justice. In this respect, environmental education is paradigmatic: the current generation of young people is, by far and without any doubt, the most knowledgeable and aware of environmental problems thanks, among other things, to the presence since the end of the 20th century of environmental education in primary (...)
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    La lenta eclosión de la crisálida. Sobre marxismo, naturaleza y transformación ecosocial.Clara Navarro Ruiz - 2023 - Isegoría 69:e04.
    El marxismo ecológico es una de las corrientes de pensamiento crítico más prometedoras del presente. En las siguientes líneas exponemos algunas de sus características teóricas por medio de las tesis de Saito y Moore. Tras ello, introducimos abordajes más prácticos inclinados a hacer posible una transición ecosocial justa: nos apoyamos en la teoría de las necesidades (Madorrán) y en intervenciones con perspectiva de clase (Keucheyan, Huber). Concluimos poniendo de manifiesto ciertos presupuestos problemáticos de la teoría marxista a través de los (...)
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    Material sign processes and emergent ecosocial organization.Jay L. Lemke - 2000 - In P. B. Andersen, Claus Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann & P. V. Christiansen (eds.), Downward Causation. Aarhus, Denmark: University of Aarhus Press. pp. 181--213.
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    Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro and George Martin: Urban food production for ecosocialism: cultivating the city.M. Umar Harun, Anita Nurmulya Bahari & Dandy Kusuma Wardana - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-2.
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    Revolutionary ecologies: critical pedagogy and ecosocialism.Peter McLaren & Donna Houston - 2004 - Educational Studies 36 (1):27-44.
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    Filosofía desde y contra la barbarie: Benjamin y Adorno para pensar una alternativa frente al colapso ecosocial del mundo capitalista.Gonzalo Gallardo Blanco - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 106:61-87.
    En el presente trabajo se pretende llevar a cabo una aproximación al fenómeno del colapso ecológico y su relación con la filosofía de la historia a través de las aportaciones de Walter Benjamin y Theodor Adorno. En este sentido, el fenómeno del colapso ecológico será abordado como la barbarie de nuestro tiempo, introduciéndonos en uno de los conceptos con mayor recorrido en la teoría crítica, para acto seguido explorar diversas vías filosóficas abiertas para hacerle frente en la actualidad.
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  16. Límites ambientales y justicia ecosocial: un diálogo filosófico con la igualdad de capacidades.Cristian Moyano Fernández - 2023 - Madrid: Plaza y Valdés.
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    La historicidad de una alternativa ecosocial: origen y características de la crisis socioambiental tras el 18 de octubre.Javier Zúñiga Tapia - 2020 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 10 (20):e046.
    Este artículo propone una perspectiva histórica para analizar la crisis política y social acontecida desde octubre de 2019 en Chile. Se basa en la caracterización de tres grandes ciclos socioambientales en los que se generan condiciones para la instalación de grandes empresas transnacionales y “nacionales”. A su vez, se enfatiza en que lo que persiguen estas empresas es la generación y apropiación de renta de la tierra, un tipo específico de ganancia capitalista que requiere subordinar territorios, ecosistemas y población humana (...)
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    Pensamientos críticos frente a la devastación ecosocial: perspectivas latinoamericanas.Andrea Lehner, Lina Alvarez Villareal & Nicolas Lema Habash (eds.) - 2025 - Bogotá: Revista de Estudios Sociales.
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    Romero Muñoz, Javier (2024). Democracia Ecológica. Entre la sociedad civil y el Estado ecosocial democrático de derecho. Horsori. 176 páginas. [REVIEW]Adrián González Pérez - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):239-241.
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    Rendueles, C. (2024): Comuntopía. Comunes, postcapitalismo y transición ecosocial, Madrid, Akal, 203 pp. [REVIEW]Juan Fernández Fonseca - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 49 (1):335-339.
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    Where the Genetic Code Meets the Zip Code: Advancing Equity in Rare Disease Genomics.Monica H. Wojcik, Hadley S. Smith & Yarden S. Fraiman - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S2):49-55.
    The promise of genomic medicine lies in the opportunity to improve health outcomes via a personalized approach to management, grounded in genetic and genomic variation unique to an individual. However, disparities and inequities mar this remarkable landscape of genomic innovation. Prior efforts to understand these inequities have focused on populations for which genetic testing is relatively protocolized or where test utility varies greatly by ancestry groups, where equitable outcomes are more clearly defined. We therefore consider the current landscape of rare (...)
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    La portée écologiste de l'œuvre de Marx.Jean-Marie Haribey - 2012 - Actuel Marx 52 (2):121-129.
    Four papers of John Bellamy Foster have been brought together in a short book entitled Marx écologiste. Foster is a theorist of ecosocialism who puts forward an original interpretation of Marx’s work. The latter is frequently presented as a scientist conception the effect of which was to stifle subsequent attempts within the communist movement to apprehend capitalism’s destruction of nature. Foster shows that such an interpretation is not valid. He claims that Marx has an ecologist consciousness. To support his (...)
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  23. Educación ambiental y transformación del sujeto pedagógico en transición civilizatoria. Una perspectiva desde Argentina. Ensayo para una eco-pedagogía decolonial.Pablo Sessano - 2024 - Voces de la Educación 9 (18):75-99.
    El debate abierto en el campo educativo en la ultima ´epoca por la irrupción del neoliberalismo reactualizó viejas deudas sociales y empuj ó enfoques cada vez mas cientificistas, privatistas, individualistas y excluyentes además de negacionismos de todo orden, alejando la educación institucionalizada de todo propósito emancipador. ¿Cuál sería en este contexto el papel de la hasta ahora llamada educación ambiental que debería reformularse como educación ecosocial?
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  24. The Revolutionary Ecological Legacy of Herbert Marcuse.Charles Reitz - 2022 - Cantley, Quebec, Canada: Daraja Press.
    Marcuse argued that U.S.-led globalized capitalism represented the irrational perfection of waste and the degradation of the earth, resurgent sexism, racism, bigoted nationalism, and warlike patriotism. Inspired by the revolutionary legacy of Herbert Marcuse’s social and political philosophy, this volume appeals to the energies of those engaged in a wide range of contemporary social justice struggles: ecosocialism, antiracism, the women’s movement, LGBTQ rights, and antiwar forces. The intensification of these regressive political tendencies today must be countered, and this can (...)
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  25. Beyond the nature-culture dualism.Yrjö Haila - 2000 - Biology and Philosophy 15 (2):155-175.
    It is commonly accepted that thewestern view of humanity's place in nature isdominated by a dualistic opposition between nature andculture. Historically this has arisen fromexternalization of nature in both productive andcognitive practices; instances of such externalizationhave become generalized. I think the dualism can bedecomposed by identifying dominant elements in eachparticular instantiation and showing that their strictseparation evaporates under close scrutiny. The philosophical challenge this perspective presents isto substitute concrete socioecological analysis forfoundational metaphysics. A review of majorinterpretations of the history of (...)
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    Revisualizar lo rural desde una perspectiva multidisciplinaria.Víctor M. Toledo, Pablo Alarcón-Cháires & Lourdes Barón - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    Los autores presentan el nuevo enfoque que busca la integración de las ciencias de la naturaleza con las ciencias sociales y humanas. Destacan el surgimiento de las disciplinas híbridas y las nuevas propuestas epistemológicas y metodológicas, exponiendo en particular el surgimiento de la sociología ambiental y el tema de lo rural como referente empírico. Analizan el metabolismo entre la sociedad y la naturaleza, relevando la apropiación de la naturaleza como eje de lo rural mostrando su carácter multidimensional. Concluyen en la (...)
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    Ecological Thinking and Practice in the Aesthetic of William Morris. 서희주 - 2019 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 97:153-168.
    모리스의 생태적 사유의 출발은 19세기 사회적 상황과 관련 있다. 그의 사유는 당시의 산업혁명의 결과로 나타난 사회적 부조리에 기초한다. 삶의 환경이 악화되고 공장에서 대량 생산되는 생산품은 규격화되고 형편없는 품질의 제품들이었다. 따라서 그는 기계로 생산되는 제품을 부정하고 인간의 솜씨를 통한 창의적인 제작과정으로 생산되는 제품이 아름답다고 주장한다. 이것은 그가 주목했던 도시의 미관과 도시 생활자들의 열악한 생활환경에 대한 우려와 관심에서 비롯되었다. 보건위생의 악화는 도시화의 결과였고 이것은 산업혁명에 의한 산업화의 부작용이기도 했다. 도시화에 따른 보건 위생, 생태적 위기, 근대 건축물의 등장은 모리스로 하여금 자본주의 체계가 야기한 (...)
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    Good Work: An Engaged Buddhist Response to the Dilemmas of Consumerism.David Landis Barnhill - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):55-63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Good Work:An Engaged Buddhist Response to the Dilemmas of ConsumerismDavid Landis BarnhillConsumerism is such an ingrained part of our culture, it is paradoxically difficult to avoid and easy to ignore. Sometimes it seems like the water we modern fish swim in.But the Buddhist call to awareness of our state of mind and the nature of reality leads us to reflect on it, to encounter it as directly as possible. (...)
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  29. Life Sustains Life 2. The Ways of Re-Engagement With the Living Earth.James Tully - 2019 - In Akeel Bilgrami (ed.), Nature and Value. New York: Columbia University Press.
    This article argues that we need to learn from the living earth how living systems sustain themselves and use this knowledge to transform our unsustainable and destructive social systems into sustainable and symbiotic systems within systems. I first set out what I take to be four central features of sustainable living systems according to the life and earth sciences. Secondly, I set out what I take to be the main features of our unsustainable social system that cause damage to the (...)
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    Towards Neuroecosociality: Mental Health in Adversity.Nikolas Rose, Rasmus Birk & Nick Manning - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):121-144.
    Social theory has much to gain from taking up the challenges of conceptualizing ‘mental health’. Such an approach to the stunting of human mental life in conditions of adversity requires us to open up the black box of ‘environment’, and to develop a vitalist biosocial science, informed by and in conversation with the life sciences and the neurosciences. In this paper we draw on both classical and contemporary social theory to begin this task. We explore human inhabitation – how humans (...)
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    Towards a theoretical mashup for studying posthuman/postsocial ethics.Marcelo El Khouri Buzato - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (1):74-89.
    Purpose This paper aims to propose a theoretical arrangement for the study of applied computer and information ethics carried out in an interdisciplinary and a democratic manner by which the information and communications technologies are seen as an ethical environment, and human-computer couplings are seen as hybrid moral agents. Design/methodology/approach New ethical issues emerge dynamically in such environment which must be interpreted according to human sentience and computer ontology. To attribute moral meaning to acts perpetrated by human-computer hybrids, a hybrid (...)
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    Del colonialismo al cosmopolitismo: hacia una ética cosmopolita.Jorge Enrique Linares Salgado - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (54):127-138.
    Ahora más que nunca es necesario el resurgimiento del cosmopolitismo en la forma de una ética cosmopolita y global. Probablemente ésta sea la única vía para enfrentar la crisis ecosocial de dimensiones planetarias, causada por el acelerado desarrollo tecnocientífico, la violencia y la guerra sistemá..
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  33. Sustainable Democratic Constitutionalism and Climate Crisis.James Tully - 2020 - McGill Law Journal 65 (3):545-572.
    We know that law is a major enabler of the human activities that cause climate change, biodiversity destruction, and related ecosocial crises. We also turn to the law to regulate, mitigate, and attempt to transform these unsustainable human activities and systems. Yet, these regulatory regimes are often “recaptured” or “overridden” in turn by the very anthropogenic processes causing the crises. The resulting vicious cycles constitute the global trilemma of the twenty-first century that is rapidly rendering the living earth uninhabitable for (...)
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  34. Val Plumwood and ecofeminist political solidarity: Standing with the natural other.Chaone Mallory - 2009 - Ethics and the Environment 14 (2):pp. 3-21.
    Val Plumwood has asserted that the appropriate stance toward the more-than-human world is not one of identification or unity, but of solidarity "in the political sense." But can the language of solidarity be extended or revised to articulate a particular kind of ethico-political relationship between humans and the more-than-human world? Can the term "political solidarity" be accurately and productively used to describe a relationship between humans and the more-than-human world in which humans and non-humans struggle together to alter ecosocially-oppressive states (...)
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    How Expertise is Enabled: Why Epistemic Cycles Matter to us All.Stephen J. Cowley - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (1):83-97.
    Rather than ask if expertise is under threat, this paper uses case studies to show how expertise is enabled. Its appearance can be traced to how the already known evokes sensibility, judging, thinking and languaging. As defined below, it draws on epistemic cycles. Using Secchi and Cowley’s (2021) 3M model, this posits a second cut between the micro and the macro. In the mesosphere, people create temporary domains or what William James (1991) calls ‘little worlds’. Within these corpora popularia, the (...)
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  36. Marx’s Theory of Metabolism in the Age of Global Ecological Crisis.Kohei Saito - 2020 - Historical Materialism 28 (2):3-24.
    When the existing order cannot offer a solution, the solution to climate crisis must come from the radical left, and this is precisely why Karl Marx’s idea of ecosocialism is more important than ever. In this context, it is worth revisiting not only the legacy of István Mészáros’s theory of ‘social metabolism’ and that of his successors – who can be categorised as comprising the ‘metabolic rift school’, which includes John Bellamy Foster, Paul Burkett, and Brett Clark –, but (...)
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    Les luttes socio-écologiques en Amérique latine.Sabrina Fernandes & Michael Löwy - 2024 - Actuel Marx 76 (2):89-96.
    Dans cet entretien, Sabrina Fernandes revient sur son parcours, entre découverte du marxisme, engagement écosocialiste et efforts de transmission d’armes critiques pour penser une transition radicale et une résistance au capitalisme vert. Elle dresse un état des forces en présence sur le front écosocial en Amérique du Sud, dont la composition mêle à l’écomarxisme les luttes indigènes, les combats écoféministes, les enjeux fonciers et alimentaires, l’Amazonie, et les perspectives de résistance face au regain de l’exploitation minière dans le cadre du (...)
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  38. Transbiopolitical trend of the COVID-19 pandemic: from political globalization to policy of global evolution.Valentin Cheshko & Oleh Kuz - 2021 - Politicus 3:122-130.
    Topicality of the research topic. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an increase in the instability of the structure of ecosocial systems. Technological innovations have led to a sharp deterioration in natural social ecodynamics. The aim of the research is the conceptual modeling of the proliferation of biopolitics from the social sphere to the field of international relations with the subsequent transformation into a systemic factor of the global evolutionary process. Research methods and results. The model is (...)
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    The Taboo of Body Odor Medical Conditions and Ecological Counternarratives.Nat Lazakis - 2019 - Ethics and the Environment 24 (1):19.
    Abstract:Under capitalism, bodies are oppressed in the interest of profit through exploitative labor conditions, effects of environmental pollution, neoliberal austerity, and privatized healthcare. Advertising, mainstream media, and corporate rhetoric present the controlled, well-groomed body as a prerequisite for employability and enlist norms of personal responsibility to stigmatize supposedly defective bodies. Against this current, body liberation movements with varying ways of understanding power and the intersection of different forms of oppression are achieving modest success. This paper examines the obstacles which have (...)
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    The Cognitive Complexity of Ideologies and the Ambitious Aspirations of Ideologists.Jonathan Bendor - 2024 - Social Philosophy and Policy 41 (1):84-104.
    Some ideologies, such as liberalism, conservatism, and socialism, are complex symbolic structures. Mastering them requires specialization, and because we are all amateurs in almost all symbolically rich domains, most people are not ideologically sophisticated. Instead, they reason about politics in a maturationally natural way, via friend-foe representations and inferences based on those representations (for example, friends of foes are foes). However, even complex ideologies are much simpler than the political, economic, and social systems that they are supposed to represent. Hence, (...)
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  41. Marx in the Anthropocene: Value, Metabolic Rift, and the Non-Cartesian Dualism.Kohei Saito - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 4 (1-2):276-295.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 4 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 276-295.
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    La colonización espacial como síntoma.Asier Arias Domínguez - 2024 - Arbor 200 (811):2701.
    Empleamos en este artículo los proyectos de colonización espacial como pretexto para la reflexión en torno a la naturaleza del marco cultural dominante. Ese marco cultural, en el que dichos proyectos cobran pleno sentido, encuentra un difícil encaje en nuestro momento histórico: mientras aquél apuesta a la carta tecnocientífica la solución de cuantos problemas puedan presentársenos, en éste se hace progresivamente manifiesta la desproporción entre el alcance de esa carta y la profundidad de los abismos que en las últimas décadas (...)
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    When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth: The Horror of Being Prey and Forgetting Nature, Yet Again, in Jurassic Park and Jurassic World.Eric Godoy - 2020 - In Jonathan Beever (ed.), Philosophy, Film, and the Dark Side of Interdependence. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 141-155.
    We constantly forget our interdependence with nature as we lose track of what “natural” means. Consider especially the American nostalgia for an imagined past believed to be lost; a past in which our relationship with nature was more authentic, more natural. Yet, as I argue below, such a past never really existed. The scary thing is, so long as that nostalgia guides our desire for a return to a “proper” relationship with nature, we’re bound to be misguided and forget again (...)
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    Resurgence and Reconciliation: Indigenous-Settler Relations and Earth Teachings.James Tully, Michael Asch & John Borrows (eds.) - 2018 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    The two major schools of thought in Indigenous−settler relations on the ground, in the courts, in public policy, and in research are resurgence and reconciliation. Resurgence refers to practices of Indigenous self- determination and cultural renewal. Reconciliation refers to practices of reconciliation between Indigenous and settler nations as well as efforts to strengthen the relationship between Indigenous and settler peoples with the living earth and making that relationship the basis for both resurgence and Indigenous−settler reconciliation. -/- Critically and constructively analyzing (...)
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