Results for 'E. Michel'

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  1.  8
    Gaston Bachelard: ou, Le nouvel idéalisme épistémologique.Michel Vadée - 1975 - Paris: Éditions sociales.
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    A Meta-analytic Comparison of Face-to-Face and Online Delivery in Ethics Instruction: The Case for a Hybrid Approach.E. Michelle Todd, Logan L. Watts, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Brett S. Torrence, Megan R. Turner, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1719-1754.
    Despite the growing body of literature on training in the responsible conduct of research, few studies have examined the effectiveness of delivery formats used in ethics courses. The present effort sought to address this gap in the literature through a meta-analytic review of 66 empirical studies, representing 106 ethics courses and 10,069 participants. The frequency and effectiveness of 67 instructional and process-based content areas were also assessed for each delivery format. Process-based contents were best delivered face-to-face, whereas contents delivered online (...)
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    Science et dialectique chez Hegel et Marx.Michel Vadée (ed.) - 1980 - Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. Pages de début Avant-propos Le concept de science « speculative » : son origine et son développement de Kant à Hegel Philosophie de la nature et sciences positives selon Hegel Hegel et le langage des sciences de (...)
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  4. L'idéologie.Michel Vadée - 1973 - Paris]: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Sangha and State in Burma. A Study of Monastic Sectarianism and Leadership.B. G. Gokhale, E. Michel Mendelson & John P. Fergusson - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (2):202.
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    How Did You Like This Course? The Advantages and Limitations of Reaction Criteria in Ethics Education.Megan R. Turner, Logan L. Watts, Logan M. Steele, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Brett S. Torrence, E. Michelle Todd, Michael D. Mumford & Shane Connelly - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (6):483-496.
    Ethics courses are most commonly evaluated using reaction measures. However, little is known about the specific types of reaction data being collected and how these reaction data relate to improvements in trainee performance. Using a sample of 381 ethics training sessions, major reaction data categories were identified. Content and course satisfaction were the most frequently collected types of reaction criteria. Furthermore, content relevance and course satisfaction showed strong, positive relationships with performance criteria, whereas content satisfaction demonstrated a moderate, negative relationship. (...)
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    The reliability of measurements of human dark adaptation.F. A. Mote, G. E. Briggs & K. M. Michels - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (1):69.
  8.  14
    A Review of Kieran Egan's The Educated Mind: How Cognitive Tools Shape Our Understanding. [REVIEW]M. E. Michelle Forrest - 1998 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 12 (1):49-59.
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  9. Giuseppe paulesu partito E democrazia in Robert Michels: Il confronto con la teoria politica weberiana.Partito E. Democrazia in Robert Michels - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  10. Political Parties.Robert Michels, E. Paul & C. Paul - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 27 (2):259-260.
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  11. L’aufklärung.E. Troeltsch, Paul Corset & Michel Guervel - 1984 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 72 (3-4):381.
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    Development and psychometric analysis of the student–teacher relationship scale – short form.Michele Settanni, Claudio Longobardi, Erica Sclavo, Michela Fraire & Laura E. Prino - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Ethics of Allocating Uterine Transplants.Michelle J. Bayefsky & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2016 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (3):350-365.
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  14. Sexual behaviour.Michel Carael, B. Ferry, J. C. Deheneffe, M. Mamdani, R. Ingham, V. K. Burbank, C. Williamson, S. Engelbrecht, M. Lambrick & E. J. van Rensburg - 1995 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 23 (1):75-123.
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    Implementing Expanded Prenatal Genetic Testing: Should Parents Have Access to Any and All Fetal Genetic Information?Michelle J. Bayefsky & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):4-22.
    Prenatal genetic testing is becoming available for an increasingly broad set of diseases, and it is only a matter of time before parents can choose to test for hundreds, if not thousands, of genetic conditions in their fetuses. Should access to certain kinds of fetal genetic information be limited, and if so, on what basis? We evaluate a range of considerations including reproductive autonomy, parental rights, disability rights, and the rights and interests of the fetus as a potential future child. (...)
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    Farming with a mission: the case of nonprofit farms.Michelle R. Worosz & E. Melanie DuPuis - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1877-1894.
    Organizations interested in food alterity, security, and justice are often governed as 501(c)(3) nonprofits. As such, they are required to fulfill missions beyond profit maximization. This study focuses on the role of nonprofits in the agrifood system. Looking at nonprofit farms as both farms and as nonprofits, we seek to understand whether nonprofit organizations, as an alternative mode of governance, creates the possibility of an alternative economic practice, set apart from the conventional food system. We constructed a national database of (...)
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    The Underdeveloped “Gift”: Ethics in Implementing Precision Medicine Research.Michelle L. McGowan, Melanie F. Myers, John A. Lynch, Kristin E. Childers-Buschle & Amy A. Blumling - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):67-69.
    Lee emphasizes the need to better understand the moral relationship between researchers and participants connoted by precision medicine, with the framework of “the gift” offering bioethics a...
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    Two Languages in the Self/The Self in Two Languages: French‐Portuguese Bilinguals' Verbal Enactments and Experiences of Self in Narrative Discourse.Michele E. J. Koven - 1998 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 26 (4):410-455.
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    L'art de la deformation historique dans les Commentaires de Cesar.E. T. Salmon & Michel Rambaud - 1955 - American Journal of Philology 76 (2):201.
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    Constraints to the integration of the contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) vaccine into Kenya's animal health delivery system.Michele E. Lipner & Ralph B. Brown - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (2):19-28.
    Animal health is key to successful livestock production in developing countries. The development and delivery of vaccines against major epidemic diseases is one component of improving animal health. This paper presents a case study from Kenya on the production and delivery of a vaccine against Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP), a major disease of goats. The vaccine, while technically a viable preventative measure against CCPP, has not been well integrated into Kenya's animal health care system. From February through November, 1992, the (...)
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  21.  21
    Cognitive Science: Piecing Together the Puzzle.Michele I. Feist & Sarah E. Duffy - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (7):e13319.
    Alongside significant gains in our understanding of the human mind, research in Cognitive Science has produced substantial evidence that the details of cognitive processes vary across cultures, contexts, and individuals. In order to arrive at a more nuanced account of the workings of the human mind, in this letter we argue that one challenge for the future of Cognitive Science is the integration of this evidence of variation with findings which can be generalized.
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    Totalité et infini: une oeuvre de ruptures.Éric Hoppenot, Michel Olivier, Joëlle Hansel & Flora Bastiani (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Manucius.
    Totalité et infini (1961), oeuvre majeure d'Emmanuel Levinas, est l'exposé de l'éthique de l'altérité qui a fait de lui l'une des figures les plus marquantes de la philosophie du XXe siècle. Dans la trace de lectures multiples (Husserl, Heidegger, Descartes, Platon ou encore Rosenzweig), il y déploie une philosophie éthique qui se départit de tout fondement ontologique. Si Totalité et infini est bien une "oeuvre de ruptures", c'est qu'elle se donne pour projet de rompre avec l'histoire de la philosophie qui (...)
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  23.  40
    Facial recognition and the von Restorff effect.Michelle E. Cohen & W. J. Carr - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (4):383-384.
  24.  29
    Moving beyond ‘Next Wednesday’: The interplay of lexical semantics and constructional meaning in an ambiguous metaphoric statement.Michele I. Feist & Sarah E. Duffy - 2015 - Cognitive Linguistics 26 (4):633-656.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 26 Heft: 4 Seiten: 633-656.
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    Toward the Ethical Allocation of Uterine Transplants.Michelle J. Bayefsky & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):16-17.
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  26. An Informal Internet Survey on the Current State of Consciousness Science.Matthias Michel, Stephen M. Fleming, Hakwan Lau, Alan L. F. Lee, Susana Martinez-Conde, Richard E. Passingham, Megan A. K. Peters, Dobromir Rahnev, Claire Sergent & Kayuet Liu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    The scientific study of consciousness emerged as an organized field of research only a few decades ago. As empirical results have begun to enhance our understanding of consciousness, it is important to find out whether other factors, such as funding for consciousness research and status of consciousness scientists, provide a suitable environment for the field to grow and develop sustainably. We conducted an online survey on people’s views regarding various aspects of the scientific study of consciousness as a field of (...)
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  27.  44
    Access to Expanded Prenatal Genetic Testing: Response to Open Peer Commentaries.Michelle J. Bayefsky & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (5):1-3.
    We would like to thank the authors of the excellent Open Peer Commentaries on our target article, “Implementing Expanded Prenatal Genetic Testing: Should Parents Have Access to Any and All Fetal Ge...
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    Interview with Madeleine Chapsal.Michel Foucault & Mark G. E. Kelly - 2020 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 1 (1):29-35.
    In this 1966 interview, published here in English translation for the first time, Michel Foucault positions himself as a representative of a ‘generation’ of French thinkers who turned towards the analysis of ‘structures’ and away from the phenomenological approaches that had previously dominated French philosophy. In this, Foucault claims inspiration not only from older French scholars—namely Georges Dumézil, Jacques Lacan, and Claude Lévi-Strauss—but also from the science of genetics.
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    Understanding Quantum Raffles: Quantum Mechanics on an Informational Approach - Structure and Interpretation (Foreword by Jeffrey Bub).Michael Janas, Michael E. Cuffaro & Michel Janssen - 2021 - Springer.
    This book offers a thorough technical elaboration and philosophical defense of an objectivist informational interpretation of quantum mechanics according to which its novel content is located in its kinematical framework, that is, in how the theory describes systems independently of the specifics of their dynamics. -/- It will be of interest to researchers and students in the philosophy of physics and in theoretical physics with an interest in the foundations of quantum mechanics. Additionally, parts of the book may be used (...)
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    Oregon’s Oxymoron.Michelle E. Barton - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (4):739-754.
  31.  45
    Prenatal Whole Genome Sequencing: An Argument for Professional Self-Regulation.Benjamin E. Berkman & Michelle Bayefsky - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):26-28.
  32.  51
    Localization without content: A tactile analogue of "blind sight".Jacques Paillard, F. Michel & C. E. Stelmach - 1983 - Archives of Neurology 40:548-51.
  33.  71
    Reading performance is predicted by more than phonological processing.Michelle Y. Kibby, Sylvia E. Lee & Sarah M. Dyer - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    (1 other version)The Fearlessness of Courage.Michelle E. Brady - 2005 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 43 (2):189-211.
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    Specification of direction and extent in motor programming.Michel Bonnet, Jean Requin & George E. Stelmach - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (1):31-34.
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    Faith, Reason, and Political Life Today.Michelle E. Brady, Paul A. Cantor, Thomas Darby, Henry T. Edmondson Iii, Stephen L. Gardner, Marc D. Guerra, Gregory R. Johnson, Joseph M. Knippenberg, Peter Augustine Lawler, Daniel J. Mahoney, James F. Pontuso, Paul Seaton & Ashley Woodiwiss (eds.) - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    This rich and varied collection of essays addresses some of the most fundamental human questions through the lenses of philosophy, literature, religion, politics, and theology. Peter Augustine Lawler and Dale McConkey have fashioned an interdisciplinary consideration of such perennial and enduring issues as the relationship between nature and history, nature and grace, reason and revelation, classical philosophy and Christianity, modernity and postmodernity, repentance and self-limitation, and philosophy and politics.
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    The Nature of Virtue in a Politics of Consent.Michelle E. Brady - 2005 - International Philosophical Quarterly 45 (2):157-173.
    John Locke’s Some Thoughts Concerning Education emphasizes the need to develop the habit of rationally judging which desires should be fulfilled. While nurture plays an essential role in this development, nature provides the fundamental desire for self-preservation, the end in light of which reason makes its judgments. The significance of this natural element in Lockean virtue has generally been overlooked, but it becomes clear through a comparison to Aristotelian virtue. Locke rejects any virtue that would require changing our most basic (...)
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    Confidentiality: More than a Linkage File and a Locked Drawer.Michele M. Easter, Arlene M. Davis & Gail E. Henderson - 2004 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 26 (2):13.
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    Biomechanical analysis of knotless flexor tendon repair using large-diameter unidirection barbed suture.Toni E. Lin, Chrisovalantis Lakhiani, Michael R. Lee, Michel Saint-Cyr & Douglas M. Sammer - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press.
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    The four principles of phenomenology.Michel Henry, Joseph Rivera & George E. Faithful - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (1):1-21.
    This article, published originally in French just after the 1989 release of Jean-Luc Marion’s book Reduction and Givenness, consists of a sustained critical study of the manner in which Marion advances from the basic principles of phenomenology. Henry outlines briefly three principles, “so much appearance, so much being,” “the principle of principles” of Ideas I, “to the things themselves!” before entering into a lengthy dialogue with Marion’s proposal of a fourth principle: “so much reduction, so much givenness.” Henry submits each (...)
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    Patients’ Comprehension of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in an Outpatient Clinic for Resistant Depression: A Cross-Sectional Study.Michele F. Rodrigues, Carlos Campos, Luisa Pelucio, Izabel Barreto, Sergio Machado, Jose C. Appolinario, Antonio E. Nardi & Michelle Levitan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Differences in adult and adolescent listeners’ ratings of valence and arousal in emotional prosody.Michele Morningstar, Joseph Venticinque & Eric E. Nelson - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1497-1504.
    ABSTRACTJudgments of emotional stimuli’s valence and arousal can differ based on the perceiver’s age. With most of the existing literature on age-related changes in such ratings based on perception...
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    Editorial: The Impact of Music on Human Development and Well-Being.Graham F. Welch, Michele Biasutti, Jennifer MacRitchie, Gary E. McPherson & Evangelos Himonides - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Student-Teacher Relationships As a Protective Factor for School Adjustment during the Transition from Middle to High School.Claudio Longobardi, Laura E. Prino, Davide Marengo & Michele Settanni - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    L'esprit de système au XVIIIe siècle.Sophie Marchand, Élise Pavy-Guilbert & Michel Delon (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
    Qu'ont en commun Diderot, D'Alembert et l'abbé de Saint-Pierre? Voisenon et Pluche? Fontenelle et Sade? La Font de Saint-Yenne et Condillac? Casanova et Buffon? Batteux et Barruel? Peu de chose a priori réunit les auteurs qui dialoguent au sein de ce volume, sinon que tous, quel que soit leur domaine de réflexion, ont été amenés durant leur parcours intellectuel à se confronter à la question du système et à se prononcer sur sa nécessité, sa pertinence et sa valeur. A lire (...)
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    An interpretation of classes as physical wholes.Michel E. Quihillalt - 1959 - Philosophical Review 68 (1):30-51.
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  47.  13
    Open-minded and reflective thinking predicts reasoning and meta-reasoning: evidence from a ratio-bias conflict task.Henry W. Strudwicke, Glen E. Bodner, Paul Williamson & Michelle M. Arnold - 2024 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (3):419-445.
    Dispositional measures of actively open-minded thinking and cognitive reflection both predict reasoning accuracy on conflict problems. Here we investigated their relative impact on meta-reasoning. To this end, we measured reasoning accuracy and two indices of meta-reasoning performance – conflict detection sensitivity and meta-reasoning discrimination – using a ratio-bias task. Our key predictors were actively open-minded thinking and cognitive reflection, and numeracy, cognitive ability, and mindware instantiation were controlled for. Actively open-minded thinking was a better predictor of reasoning accuracy and meta-reasoning (...)
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  48.  25
    Individual differences in the interpretation of ambiguous statements about time.Sarah E. Duffy & Michele I. Feist - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (1):29-54.
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    Memory processes in facial recognition and recall.Michelle E. Cohen & Calvin F. Nodine - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (4):317-319.
  50.  14
    Le naufrage de l'université: et autres essais d'épistémologie politique.Michel Freitag - 2021 - [Montréal]: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
    Ce livre de Michel Freitag interpelle "tous ceux qui s'interrogent sur la place qu'ils tiennent ou le rôle qu'ils jouent dans l'aventure de l'Université contemporaine." (Georges Leroux, Spirale) Une des constantes des écrits contenus dans ce livre "réside dans la comparaison systématique que Michel Freitag établit entre les caractéristiques de la modernité et celles de la postmodernité et les conséquences de celle-ci sur le traitement des enjeux et des problèmes actuels." (Louis Guay, Anthropologie et société) "Dans une société (...)
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