Results for 'E. Harre'

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  1.  28
    Explicit Knowledge of Personal Style: Reply to R. H. Levine.E. Rosser & R. Harré - 1977 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 7 (2):249-252.
  2. Natural Powers and Powerful Natures.R. Harré & E. H. Madden - 1973 - Philosophy 48 (185):209 - 230.
    The justification of a wholly non-Humean conceptual scheme, based upon the idea of enduring individuals with powers, rests in part on the success of such a scheme in resolving the problems bequeathed to us by the Humean tradition and in part must be achieved by a careful construction of the metaphysics of the new scheme itself. By this we mean a thorough exposition of the meaning and interrelations of the concepts of the new scheme. It is to the latter task (...)
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    In defence of natural agents.E. H. Madden & R. Harré - 1973 - Philosophical Quarterly 23 (91):117-132.
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  4. Conceptual and natural necessity.Rom Harre & E. H. Madden - 2008 - In Ruth Groff (ed.), Revitalizing causality: realism about causality in philosophy and social science. New York: Routledge.
  5.  24
    Explicit knowledge of personal style: Reply to R. H. Levine.E. Rosser Andr Harré - 1977 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 7 (2):249–252.
  6.  25
    Vom Unendlichen Verstand: Erkenntnislehre im Anschluss an Spinoza.E. Harr - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41 (4):422-423.
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  7. Vom unendlichen verstand.E. Harr - 1929 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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    Commentary on "Non-Cartesian Frameworks".Rom Harre - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (3):185-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Non-Cartesian Frameworks”Rom Harré (bio)There are three points in Dr. Berger’s paper that seem to me to call for immediate comment:1. There is the familiar (but in Berger’s case, only a partial) misunderstanding of the upshot of the third phase of Wittgenstein’s private-language argument. Having shown that expressive and descriptive discourse are radically different, and that expressive discourse can be learned only in contexts of action in which (...)
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    Simplicity as a Criterion of Induction.R. Harré - 1959 - Philosophy 34 (130):229 - 234.
    There is now a well-established distinction recognized in the ways simplicity considerations enter into science. Laws of nature may be graded either with regard to their simplicity of form or with regard to the fewness of the concepts employed to express them. I shall distinguish these as formal simplicity and conceptual simplicity respectively. Dr. J. O. Wisdom suggests that it should be fewness of non-instantial concepts that serves as the guide for making judgements of relative simplicity; a “non-instantial” concept being (...)
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  10.  53
    Hume and Nonlogical Necessity. [REVIEW]R. Harré - 1976 - Hume Studies 2 (2):95-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:95. HUME AND NONLOGI CAL NECESSITY Flew substantially agrees with our main themes in Causal Powers, though he thinks our discussion should begin closer to the work of Hume himself. What to reply? Needless to say, we find no fault in his agreement with us and are happy for his support. The answer to the second part of his response is far more complicated and requires a bit of (...)
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    E. R. Eells and T. Maruszewski., Probability and Rationality: Studies on L. Jonathan Cohen's Philosophy of Science. [REVIEW]Rom Harré - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (4):124-125.
  12.  16
    Great Scientific Experiments: 20 Experiments that Changed Our View of the World.Rom Harré - 1981 - Phaidon Press.
    Discusses the experiments of Aristotle, William Beaumont, Robert Norman, Stephen Hales, Konrad Lorenz, Galileo, Robert Boyle, Theodoric of Freibourg, Louis Pasteur, Ernest Rutherford, A.A. Michelson, E.W. Morley, F. Jacob, E. Wollman, J.J. Gibson, A.L. Lavoisier, Humphrey Davy, J.J. Thomson, Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, J.J. Berzelius, and Otto Stern.
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  13.  61
    David E. Leary (ed.). Metaphor in the History of Psychology. [REVIEW]Rom Harré - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (1):141-145.
  14.  52
    What is Love? Discourse about Emotions in Social Sciences.Simone Belli, Rom Harré & Lupicinio íñiguez - 2010 - Human Affairs 20 (3):249-270.
    What is Love? Discourse about Emotions in Social Sciences The study of emotions has been one of the most important areas of research in the Social Sciences. Social Psychology has also contributed to the development of this area. In this article we analyse the contribution of social Psychology to the study of emotion, understood as a social construct, and its strong relationship with language. Specifically, we open a discussion on the basis of the general characteristics of the Social Psychology of (...)
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  15. The Second Cognitive Revolution: A Tribute to Rom Harré.Bo Allesøe Christensen (ed.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Rom Harré’s career spans more than 40 years of original contributions to the development of both psychology and other human and social sciences. Recognized as a founder of modern social psychology, he developed the microsociological approach ‘ethogenics’ and facilitated the discursive turn within psychology, as well as developed the concept of positioning theory. Used within both philosophy and social scientific approaches aimed at conflict analysis, analyses of power relations, and narrative structures, the development and impact of positioning theory can be (...)
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  16. R. Harre: "Varieties of Realism: A Rationale for the Natural Sciences". [REVIEW]J. E. Malpas - 1988 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 66:253.
  17.  50
    Books briefly noted.Gerard Casey, Dermot Moran, Manuel de Pinedo, Gary Elkins & Rom Harr - 1995 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 3 (1):217 – 224.
    Educating the Virtues David Carr Routledge, 1991. Pp. 304. ISBN 0?415?05746?9. £35. The Philosophical Theology of St Thomas Aquinas By Leo J. Elders E. J. Brill, 1990. Pp. 332. ISBN 0?04?09156?4. $74.36. The State and Justice: An Essay in Political Theory By Milton Fisk Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. x + 391. ISBN 0?521?38966?6. £10.95 pbk. Perspectives on Language and Thought: Interrelations in Development Edited by S. A. Gelman and J. P. Byrnes Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pp. xii + 524. (...)
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  18.  48
    Positioning Theory and Terrorist Networks.Robert E. Schmidle - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (1):65-78.
    This paper makes use of a new development in social psychology, Positioning Theory, the study of the way rights and duties are ascribed, attributed and justified to and by individuals in local social groups. It links this theory with a generally Vygotsky inspired approach to understanding the means by which people are brought into terrorist networks. Focusing on the use of the Internet as a device to bring mentor and novice together, the unique role of chat rooms and personal conversations (...)
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  19. R. Harré and E. H. Madden, "Causal Powers". [REVIEW]William A. Wallace - 1976 - The Thomist 40 (4):692.
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  20.  38
    Explanation. [REVIEW]H. M. E. - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (4):739-740.
    This book consists of four major papers written by Peter Achinstein, Peter Geach, Wesley Salmon, and J. L. Mackie. Each of the papers has two commentaries. Achinstein’s paper is commented on by Mary Hesse and R. Harré; Geach’s paper, by Peter Winch and Grete Henry; Salmon’s paper, by D. H. Mellor and L. Jonathan Cohen; Mackie’s paper, by Renford Bambrough and Martin Hollis. Each author of the original paper then replies to his two commentators. All four papers are concerned with (...)
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  21. The future of the cognitive revolution.David Martel Johnson & Christina E. Erneling (eds.) - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The basic idea of the particular way of understanding mental phenomena that has inspired the "cognitive revolution" is that, as a result of certain relatively recent intellectual and technological innovations, informed theorists now possess a more powerfully insightful comparison or model for mind than was available to any thinkers in the past. The model in question is that of software, or the list of rules for input, output, and internal transformations by which we determine and control the workings of a (...)
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  22. HARRÉ, R. and MADDEN, E. H. "Causal Powers: A Theory of Natural Necessity". [REVIEW]B. Carr - 1978 - Mind 87:305.
  23. HARRE, R. & MADDEN, E. H., "Causal Powers: A Theory of Natural Necessity". [REVIEW]Robert Farrell - 1979 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 57:114.
  24.  32
    Review of Pathology and the postmodern: Mental illness as discourse and experience. [REVIEW]Edwin E. Gantt - 2001 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 21 (1):91-92.
    Reviews the book, Pathology and the postmodern: Mental illness as discourse and experience by Dwight Fee . This provocative collection of short essays, edited and assembled by Dwight Fee, constitutes yet another useful addition to SAGE Publications’ Inquiries in Social Construction series . Including the work of such postmodern and social constructionist thinkers as Kenneth Gergen, Mark Freeman, Vivian Burr, Jane Ussher, Simon Gottschalk, Steven Sabat and Rom Harré, this anthology sets out to explore the relationship between mental distress and (...)
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  25.  21
    Causal Powers By R. Harré and E. Madden Basil Blackwell, 1975, viii + 191 pp., £4.75. [REVIEW]David Papineau - 1977 - Philosophy 52 (199):113-.
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  26. Key formulations. Critical realism and substance / Roy wood sellars; causality and substance / Roy wood sellars; essence and accident / Irving copi; conceptual and natural necessity / Rom Harre and E.h. Madden; powers and dispositions. [REVIEW]Brian Ellis - 2008 - In Ruth Groff (ed.), Revitalizing causality: realism about causality in philosophy and social science. New York: Routledge.
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    A Response to Lawrence Ferrara's Chapter Four in R. Phelps, R. Sadoff, E. Warburton, and L. Ferrara, A Guide to Research in Music Education, 5th Edition (Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2005). [REVIEW]Jack J. Heller - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (1):89-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Response to Lawrence Ferrara’s Chapter Four in R. Phelps, R. Sadoff, E. Warburton, and L. Ferrara, A Guide to Research in Music Education, 5th Edition (Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2005)Jack HellerIt is curious that Lawrence Ferrara disagrees with Jack Heller and Edward. J. P. O'Connor's view1 that "philosophy" is not "research," yet in the chapter headings in the book A Guide to Research in Music Education, 5th (...)
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    Material Considerations.William Pietz - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (5-6):35-50.
    If Harr emphasizes that things become social objects only within particular storylines, Pietz makes the reverse point about the essential materiality of social relationships, especially contractual ones, e.g. as expressed in the legal history of the `material consideration'. Departing from a similar conception of the performative micro-reproduction of social order and the communicative objectification of social facts, he argues that a theory of forensic objects as social facts disrupts not only capitalist presumptions about economic objects as the sole origin of (...)
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  29. Modele a metafory.Małgorzata Czarnocka & Mariusz Mazurek - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 7 (4):77-95.
    The paper discusses the most important conceptions of metaphor-based models, i.e., Mary Hesse’s and Daniela Bailer-Jones’ conceptions grounded on Max Black’s cognitive metaphor theory, as well as Rom Harré’s insight into the essence of metaphorical models by the use of Saussure’s valeur idea.
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  30. Metafory w nauce.Małgorzata Czarnocka & Mariusz Mazurek - 2012 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa (1 (191)):5-26.
    We analyze critically the most important contemporary conceptions of metaphors in science, i.e., those proposed by Max Black, Rom Harré, Thomas S. Kuhn, and Donald Davidson. We also present an alternative view on the metaphor essence. This view states that a metaphor is the conclusion of deductive reasoning; its premises are a description of the secondary object of the metaphor and the thesis on similarity between the secondary and primary objects. The metaphorical character is created by referring in the metaphor (...)
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  31. What is Life.E. Schrodincer - forthcoming - Mind and Matter.
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  32.  37
    Some critical remarks on the epistemology of functional magnetic resonance imaging.Alexandre Métraux & Stefan Frisch - 2020 - Science and Philosophy 8 (1):63-74.
    The article examines epistemological and ontological underpinnings of reasearch performed by means of magnetic resonance imaging and functional magnetic resonance imaging. It takes as its guiding line the important distinction between instruments and apparatuses drawn by Rom Harré. According to Harré, instruments such as barometers or thermometers do not cause the states they measure into existence. Apparatuses, in contradistinction, cause material states into existence to begin with, whereby theses states are subsequently processed according to suitable methods. Thus, when the objects (...)
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    Unreal Realism.Raymond Dennehy - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (4):631-655.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:UNREAL REAL,JSM RAYMOND DENNEHY University of San Francisco San Francisco,, California Contextual Realism, a Meta-Physical Framework for Modern Science. By RICHARD H. SCHLAGEL. New York: :Raragon House, 1986. Pp. xxiv + 808. $22.95 (cloth). ISBN 0-913729-20-5. The Many Faces of Realism. By HILARY PuTNAM. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1987. Pp. 98. $8.95 (paper). ISBN 0-81269043 -5. Varieties of Realism: A Rationale fo!f' the Natural Sciences. By RoM HARR.E. Oxford (...)
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  34. Ì öñ ò ø óò ó óò× øö òø óòø üøù ð ê ûö ø ò.È. Ö. Ó. Ö ÑѺ - 2000 - In Dov M. Gabbay & Maarten de Rijke (eds.), Frontiers of combining systems 2. Philadelphia, PA: Research Studies Press. pp. 47.
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  35.  46
    Leibniz and Dynamics. The Texts of 1692Pierre Costabel R. E. W. Maddison.E. Aiton - 1975 - Isis 66 (1):129-130.
  36.  30
    Rom Harré on Social Structure and Social Change: Social Reality and the Myth of Social Structure.Rom Harré - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (1):111-123.
    The question of whether social structures are efficacious can be tackled by examining how they are produced. There are roles and rules, and there are people. Only the latter have the necessary powers to generate social worlds as products. Changing the social world can be achieved only by changing the rules and customs active people follow. Selectionist models of change also draw our attention to rules. Finally, there are obstacles to social change in `reductions' - the minute social practices that (...)
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  37.  21
    Scientific Explanations.Edward H. Madden - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (4):723 - 743.
    There has been much first-rate work done in recent years both by way of criticizing Humean assumptions and explicating alter native concepts of causal explanation and non-logical necessity. Roderick Chisholm early showed the inadequacies of neo-Humean views of explanation in his articles on counterfactual inference, and C. J. Ducasse, Sterling Lamprecht, William Kneale, Nicholas Maxwell, Richard Taylor, G. E. M. Anscombe, P. T. Geach, Milton Fisk, Baruch Brody, Peter Alexander, R. Harré, and William Wallace, among others, have articulated interesting alternative (...)
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    Ėsteticheskie osnovanii︠a︡ filosofskoĭ ontologii.E. A. Naĭman - 2004 - Tomsk: Tomskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Axiomatizing higher-order Kleene realizability.Jaap van Oosten - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 70 (1):87-111.
    Kleene's realizability interpretation for first-order arithmetic was shown by Hyland to fit into the internal logic of an elementary topos, the “Effective topos” . In this paper it is shown, that there is an internal realizability definition in , i.e. a syntactical translation of the internal language of into itself of form “n realizes ” , which extends Kleene's definition, and such that for sentences , the equivalence [harr]n is true in . The internal realizability definition depends on finding separated (...)
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  40. Obraz sovremennosti: ėticheskie i ėsteticheskie aspekty: materialy mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, 21 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 2002 g.Ė. P. I︠U︡rovskai︠a︡ & T. A. Akindinova (eds.) - 2002 - Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskoe filosofskoe obshchestvo.
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    Galois groups of first order theories.E. Casanovas, D. Lascar, A. Pillay & M. Ziegler - 2001 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 1 (02):305-319.
    We study the groups Gal L and Gal KP, and the associated equivalence relations EL and EKP, attached to a first order theory T. An example is given where EL≠ EKP. It is proved that EKP is the composition of EL and the closure of EL. Other examples are given showing this is best possible.
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  42. Respeitar a Mãe Terra.Maya Pataxo Hãhãhãe - 2014 - In Maria Pankararu & Edson Kayapó (eds.), Memória da Mãe Terra. [Olivença, Bahia, Brazil]: Thydêwá.
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  43. Η αισθητική διευθέτηση αρχών που υπερβαίνουν τα όρια της εμπειρίας, ως μείζονα πρόκληση της σύγχρονης επιστήμης προς τη φιλοσοφία.Dimitrios Dacrotsis - 2020 - Https://Www.Youtube.Com/Watch?V=-3V4Rnsebhk.
    Το ερώτημα πώς μπορούν να προσδιοριστούν οι λειτουργίες του νου και σύμφωνα με ποιες αρχές θα ήταν χρήσιμο να κατηγοριοποιηθούν είναι διττό και αφορά τόσο στην επιστήμη, όσο και την φιλοσοφία: στην πρώτη, εφόσον μέλημά της είναι η αναζήτηση συμπερασμάτων διαμέσου του πειράματος και της ανάλυσης και στην δεύτερη, εφόσον η αποσαφήνιση επιστημονικών εννοιών και ορισμών διευθετείται κυρίως φιλοσοφικά. Προϋπόθεση για μία τέτοια συσχέτιση είναι οι αρχές της επιστήμης να συμβαδίζουν προς τις αρχές της εμπειρίας και οι κατευθύνσεις της φιλοσοφίας (...)
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  44. Oggetto e obiettività: Le classificazioni degli oggetti del conoscere e il problema dell'obiettività nel realismo classico.Lv Burgoa & E. Barzaghi - 1999 - Divus Thomas 102 (1):199-245.
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    Explaining Variation within the Meta-Problem.E. Irvine - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (9-10):115-123.
    It is a working assumption in much of the literature on the meta-problem that problem intuitions are (fairly) universal, and they are (fairly) universally treated as being psychological or rationally significant. I argue that variation in the universality and psychological or rational significance of problem intuitions is worth taking seriously, and that doing so places significant and challenging constraints on what an answer to the meta-problem might look like. In particular, it raises a potential challenge for (full-blown) realists on how (...)
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  46. The Calling of Sociology and Other Essays on the Pursuit of Learning.E. SHILS - 1980
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  47. O prirode ėsteticheskoĭ potrebnosti.E. S. Akopdzhani︠a︡n - 1973 - Erevan,: Izd-vo AN ArmSSR.
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    A Psychology for People of God.E. Rae Harcum - 2012 - Hamilton Books.
    E. Rae Harcum argues that Christians do not have to give up their religious faith to keep the contributions of science. He confronts the relation between the human body and its non-material parts—the mind and spirit—and provides a way of looking at these metaphysical issues.
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  49. (1 other version)L'éthique.E. de Roberty - 1899 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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  50. Filosofie e teologie.Marcia L. Colish, E. Matter, Massimo Campanini, Marco Rossini, Claudio Fiocchi, Irene Zavattero, Alessandra Beccarisi, Riccardo Fedriga, Silvia Magnavacca & Stefano Simonetta - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61 (1):9-231.
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