Results for 'E. Garrett'

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  1. Related constructs and measures from beyond the field of ethics.E. Garrett Lyndon, K. Klemme Adrain & L. Wilkins Alan - 2014 - In Bradley R. Agle, David W. Hart, Jeffery A. Thompson & Hilary M. Hendricks, Research companion to ethical behavior in organizations: constructs and measures. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
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  2. Moral emotions and emotional dispositions.Lyndon E. Garrett - 2014 - In Bradley R. Agle, David W. Hart, Jeffery A. Thompson & Hilary M. Hendricks, Research companion to ethical behavior in organizations: constructs and measures. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
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    Health Care Workers' Willingness to Work in a Pandemic.Dorothy E. Vawter, J. Eline Garrett, Angela W. Prehn & Karen G. Gervais - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (8):21-23.
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    Dueling ethical frameworks for allocating health resources.Dorothy E. Vawter, J. Eline Garrett, Karen G. Gervais, Angela Witt Prehn & Debra A. DeBruin - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (4):54 – 56.
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    For effective sensorimotor processing must there be explicit representations and reconciliation of differing frames of reference?Garrett E. Alexander - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):321-322.
  6. Do cortical and basal ganglionic motor areas use “motor programs” to control movement?Garrett E. Alexander, Mahlon R. DeLong & Michael D. Crutcher - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):656-665.
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  7. Naturalizing motor control theory: Isn't it time for a new paradigm?Garrett E. Alexander, Mahlon R. DeLong & Michael D. Crutcher - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):828-833.
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    The Remythologization of History and the Perils of Dualism.Garrett E. Paul - 2013 - International Yearbook for Tillich Research 8 (1).
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    Froese, L, 102n, 105.R. M. Garrett, M. Gebauer, M. E. Goertz, A. Grafton, U. Grevsmiihl, P. Grossman, E. Herrigel, P. W. Hewson, H. W. Heymann & G. G. Hiller - 2000 - In Ian Westbury, Stefan Hopmann & Kurt Riquarts, Teaching as a reflective practice: the German Didaktik tradition. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
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    Lewin's "topological" psychology; an evaluation.H. E. Garrett - 1939 - Psychological Review 46 (6):517-524.
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    Addressing the Burdens That Newborn Screening Imposes on Underserved Communities.Meghan E. Strenk, Courtney Berrios & Jeremy R. Garrett - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):79-82.
    Newborn screening (NBS) began in the 1960s by testing all newborns for a single condition—phenylketonuria, or PKU—which, when identified and treated early, significantly reduces morbidity. Over the...
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  12. Karl Barth: A Theological Legacy.Eberhard Jüngel & Garrett E. Paul - 1986
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    The two-factor theory and its criticism.H. E. Garrett - 1935 - Psychological Review 42 (3):293-301.
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    Variability in learning under massed and spaced practice.H. E. Garrett - 1940 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 26 (6):547.
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    Problems in Psychology. [REVIEW]Henry E. Garrett - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (8):219-220.
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    Psychology by Experiment. [REVIEW]H. E. Garrett - 1927 - Journal of Philosophy 24 (26):716-717.
  17.  33
    The Influence of Constitutional Factors on Behavior.S. Naccarati & H. E. Garrett - 1923 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 6 (6):455.
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    A Framework for Analyzing the Ethics of Disclosing Genetic Research Findings.Lisa Eckstein, Jeremy R. Garrett & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (2):190-207.
    Over the past decade, there has been an extensive debate about whether researchers have an obligation to disclose genetic research findings, including primary and secondary findings. There appears to be an emerging (but disputed) view that researchers have some obligation to disclose some genetic findings to some research participants. The contours of this obligation, however, remain unclear. -/- As this paper will explore, much of this confusion is definitional or conceptual in nature. The extent of a researcher’s obligation to return (...)
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  19. Consumer boycotts: are targets always the bad guys.Dennis E. Garrett - 1986 - Business and Society Review 58 (2):17-21.
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  20. The effectiveness of corporate communicative responses to accusations of unethical behavior.Jeffrey L. Bradford & Dennis E. Garrett - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (11):875 - 892.
    When corporations are accused of unethical behaviour by external actors, executives from those organizations are usually compelled to offer communicative responses to defend their corporate image. To demonstrate the effect that corporate executives'' communicative responses have on third parties'' perception of corporate image, we present the Corporate Communicative Response Model in this paper. Of the five potential communicative responses contained in this model (no response, denial, excuse, justification, and concession), results from our empirical test demonstrate that a concession is the (...)
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  21. Delineating paternalism in pediatric care.John H. Sorenson & Garrett E. Bergman - 1984 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 5 (1).
    Paternalism in the medical care of children is appropriate and ethically justifiable. However, dilemmatic disagreement by paternalistic agents as to which clinical choice is in the child's best interest may occur because of the underlying conflict between two rival standards for the moral value of life: longevity versus quality. Neither standard is unreasonable. Either could be the basis for choice of medical care by the parents or by the pediatrician. Having the child choose between options disputed by his parents and (...)
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  22. This Isn’t the Free Will Worth Looking For: General Free Will Beliefs Do Not Influence Moral Judgments, Agent-Specific Choice Ascriptions Do.Andrew E. Monroe, Garrett L. Brady & Bertram F. Malle - 2016 - Social Psychological and Personality Science 8 (2):191-199.
    According to previous research, threatening people’s belief in free will may undermine moral judgments and behavior. Four studies tested this claim. Study 1 used a Velten technique to threaten people’s belief in free will and found no effects on moral behavior, judgments of blame, and punishment decisions. Study 2 used six different threats to free will and failed to find effects on judgments of blame and wrongness. Study 3 found no effects on moral judgment when manipulating general free will beliefs (...)
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    The relation of physical constitution to general intelligence, social intelligence and emotional instability.H. E. Garrett & W. N. Kellogg - 1928 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 11 (2):113.
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    A History of Technology, II: The Mediterranean Civilization and the Middle Ages.Elias J. Bickerman, Garrett Mattingly, Charles Singer, E. J. Holmyard, A. R. Hall & Trevor I. Williams - 1958 - American Journal of Philology 79 (3):317.
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  25. Against definitions.J. A. Fodor, M. F. Garrett, E. C. T. Walker & C. H. Parkes - 1980 - Cognition 8 (3):263-367.
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    The Crisis in Psychology. [REVIEW]H. E. Garrett - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):17-20.
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    Modeling Working Memory to Identify Computational Correlates of Consciousness.James A. Reggia, Garrett E. Katz & Gregory P. Davis - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):252-269.
    Recent advances in philosophical thinking about consciousness, such as cognitive phenomenology and mereological analysis, provide a framework that facilitates using computational models to explore issues surrounding the nature of consciousness. Here we suggest that, in particular, studying the computational mechanisms of working memory and its cognitive control is highly likely to identify computational correlates of consciousness and thereby lead to a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness. We describe our recent computational models of human working memory and propose that (...)
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    Thomas Jefferson and Philosophy: Essays on the Philosophical Cast of Jefferson's Writings.James J. Carpenter, Garrett Ward Sheldon, Richard E. Dixon, Paul B. Thompson, Derek H. Davis, William Merkel, Richard Guy Wilson & M. Andrew Holowchak (eds.) - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    Thomas Jefferson and Philosophy: Essays on the Philosophical Cast of Jefferson’s Writings is a collection of essays on topics that relate to philosophical aspects of Jefferson’s thinking over the years. Much historical insight is given to ground the various philosophical strands in Jefferson’s thought and writing on topics such as political philosophy, moral philosophy, slavery, republicanism, wall of separation, liberty, educational philosophy, and architecture.
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    Issues management and organizational accounts: An analysis of corporate responses to accusations of unethical business practices. [REVIEW]Dennis E. Garrett, Jeffrey L. Bradford, Renee A. Meyers & Joy Becker - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (7):507 - 520.
    When external groups accuse a business organization of unethical practices, managers of the accused organization usually offer a communicative response to attempt to protect their organization's public image. Even though many researchers readily concur that analysis of these communicative responses is important to our understanding of business and society conflict, few investigations have focused on developing a theoretical framework for analyzing these communicative strategies used by managers. In addition, research in this area has suffered from a lack of empirical investigation. (...)
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    European physicians' experience with ethical difficulties in clinical practice.S. A. Hurst, A. Perrier, R. Pegoraro, S. Reiter-Theil, R. Forde, A.-M. Slowther, E. Garrett-Mayer & M. Danis - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (1):51-7.
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    Ethical difficulties in clinical practice: experiences of European doctors.S. A. Hurst, A. Perrier, R. Pegoraro, S. Reiter-Theil, R. Forde, A.-M. Slowther, E. Garrett-Mayer & M. Danis - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (1):51-57.
    Background: Ethics support services are growing in Europe to help doctors in dealing with ethical difficulties. Currently, insufficient attention has been focused on the experiences of doctors who have faced ethical difficulties in these countries to provide an evidence base for the development of these services.Methods: A survey instrument was adapted to explore the types of ethical dilemma faced by European doctors, how they ranked the difficulty of these dilemmas, their satisfaction with the resolution of a recent ethically difficult case (...)
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    Psychology in Theory and Application. [REVIEW]Henry E. Garrett - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (11):304-306.
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Daniel Dombrowski, Don Garrett, Stanley Hauerwas, Sheridan L. Hough, Hugh LaFollette, Ariela Lazar, S. E. Marshall, Corinne M. Painter, Rosamond Rhodes & Mary Anne Warren - 2002 - Ethics 112 (3):651-657.
  34. Berwick, RC, 161 Brent, MR, 1 Brent, MR, 93.B. Butterworth, T. A. Cartwright, K. Plunkett, M. F. Garrett, T. German, R. W. Gibbs, E. L. Harris, P. Resnik, J. M. Siskind & E. Spelke - 1996 - Cognition 61:323.
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    Optimizing Magnetoencephalographic Imaging Estimation of Language Lateralization for Simpler Language Tasks.Leighton B. N. Hinkley, Elke De Witte, Megan Cahill-Thompson, Danielle Mizuiri, Coleman Garrett, Susanne Honma, Anne Findlay, Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini, Phiroz Tarapore, Heidi E. Kirsch, Peter Mariën, John F. Houde, Mitchel Berger & Srikantan S. Nagarajan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  36. Measurement of maternal and child mortality morbidity and health care: interdisciplinary approaches.J. Ties Boerma, S. Meyer, E. Schulze, K. M. Cleaver, G. A. Schreiber, J. A. Adetunji, G. Kaufmann, J. Cleland, E. Garrett & A. Wear - 1994 - Journal of Biosocial Science 26 (4):469-77.
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    Nature and Experience: Phenomenology and the Environment: edited by Bryan E. Bannon, London, Rowman and Littlefield, 2016, 242 pages, $127 (hardback), ISBN 9781783485208. [REVIEW]Garrett Starr & Gerard Kuperus - 2020 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 12 (1):79-81.
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  38. No (New) Troubles with Ockhamism.Garrett Pendergraft & D. Justin Coates - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 5:185-208.
    The Ockhamist claims that our ability to do otherwise is not endangered by God’s foreknowledge because facts about God’s past beliefs regarding future contingents are soft facts about the past—i.e., temporally relational facts that depend in some sense on what happens in the future. But if our freedom, given God’s foreknowledge, requires altering some fact about the past that is clearly a hard fact, then Ockhamism fails even if facts about God’s past beliefs are soft. Recent opponents of Ockhamism, including (...)
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  39. Hume's Revised Racism Revisited.Aaron Garrett - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (1):171-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXVI, Number 1, April 2000, pp. 171-177 Hume's Revised Racism Revisited AARON GARRETT John Immerwahr's brief note "Hume's Revised Racism" is doubtless one of the most intriguing recent discussions of Hume and racism.1 Immerwahr presents a thesis as to why Hume revised a footnote originally added to his essay "Of National Characters" (hereafter "ONC") in 1753. In this note I will examine and dispute Immerwahr's (...)
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    Randomness, Statistics and Emergence. [REVIEW]Garrett Barden - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:344-346.
    The unity of this study rests on the notion that both statistics and emergence are intimately connected with randomness. A statistical law discovers an ideal frequency from which the actual frequency diverges only randomly i.e. the divergence is not contained in a law. Statistics and randomness, thus, mutually define each other. Emergence is related on the one hand, to regularly recurring events and, on the other hand, to the non-ordered events on one level which may be contained in a higher (...)
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  41. Vagueness and identity.B. J. Garrett - 1988 - Analysis 48 (3):130.
    The thesis that there can be vague objects is the thesis that there can be identity statements which are indeterminate in truth-value (i.e., neither true nor false) as a result of vagueness (as opposed, e.g., to reference-failure), "the singular terms of which do not have their references fixed by vague descriptive means". (if this is "not" what is meant by the thesis that there can be vague objects, it is not clear what "is" meant by it.) the possibility of vague (...)
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Christian Barry, Michael Davis, Peter K. Dews, Aaron V. Garrett, Yusuf Has, Bill E. Lawson, Val Plumwood, Joshua W. B. Preiss, Jennifer C. Rubenstein & Avital Simhony - 2003 - Ethics 113 (3):734-741.
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    Backwards Causation and Max Black's Abominable Conjunction.Brian Garrett - 2024 - Think 23 (66):33-35.
    Philosophers dispute whether an effect can be earlier than its cause (i.e. whether backwards causation can occur). For example, could a trainwreck cause a psychic to have earlier knowledge of it? Max Black tried to show backwards causation to be impossible but he failed to do so, or so I will argue. Nonetheless, his famous article can still teach us something important about certain cases of backwards causation.
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    Machine Interpretation of Emotion: Design of a Memory‐Based Expert System for Interpreting Facial Expressions in Terms of Signaled Emotions.Garrett D. Kearney & Sati McKenzie - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (4):589-622.
    As a first step in involving user emotion in human‐computer interaction, a memory‐based expert system (JANUS; Kearney, 1991) was designed to interpret facial expression in terms of the signaled emotion. Anticipating that a VDU‐mounted camera will eventually supply face parameters automatically, JANUS now accepts manually made measurements on a digitized full‐face photograph and returns emotion labels used by college students. An intermediate representation in terms of face actions (e.g., mouth open) is also used. Production rules convert the geometry into these. (...)
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    Beyond Harms and Benefits: Rethinking Duties to Disclose Misattributed Parentage.Jeremy R. Garrett - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (4):37-38.
    In this issue of the Hastings Center Report, Amulya Mandava, Joseph Millum, and Benjamin E. Berkman revisit an old conundrum—whether to disclose incidental findings of misattributed parentage—in light of new developments in genomic sequencing that will make that conundrum both more complex and more common. While the authors’ defense of nondisclosure as the appropriate default action in genomic research aligns with prior thinking and practice, their exploration of philosophical foundations is refreshingly rigorous and developed. The final product of their analysis—an (...)
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  46. ICoME and the legitimacy of professional self-regulation.Afsheen Mansoori & Eli Garrett Schantz - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):173-174.
    After an intensive 4-year process, the World Medical Association (WMA) has revised its International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME). In their report outlining this process, Parsa-Parsi et al not only describe how the WMA sought to ‘cultivat[e] international agreement’ on a ‘global medical ethos’, but also outline the philosophical framework of the ICoME: how the WMA, as the ‘global representation of the medical profession’, created and revised the ICoME through the process of international professional self-regulation.1 However, there is a significant (...)
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  47. Once More into the Labyrinth.Don Garrett - 2010 - Hume Studies 36 (1):77-87.
    P. J. E. Kail's Projection and Realism in Hume's Philosophy is an excellent book, consisting—like Hume's Treatise itself—of three excellent parts. I will comment on one central aspect of its second part: its explanation of the source of the second thoughts that Hume famously expressed, with a frustrating lack of specificity, about his own initial discussion of personal identity in the Treatise.As is well known, Hume holds in the section "Of personal identity" (T 1.4.6) that a self, mind, or person (...)
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  48. Em defesa da linguagem pública.Ruth Garrett Milikan, L. N. Igansi, Sofia Stein & Luís Sander - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (3):282-302.
    Em intervalos frequentes ao longo dos anos, o professor Chomsky vituperou tanto contra noções do senso comum quanto contra noções técnicas de linguagem pública ou “linguagem externalizada”, afirmando que elas são confusas, mal definidas ou desprovidas de qualquer interesse científico. Como cientista, ele somente estaria interessado na linguagem pública se ela fosse um “objeto real do mundo real” (Chomsky, 1993, p. 39), e não uma noção “artificial” e “arbitrária” (Chomsky, 1985, p. 26). Proponho articular tal noção de linguagem pública para (...)
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    Democratizing ownership and participation in the 4th Industrial Revolution: challenges and opportunities in cellular agriculture.Robert M. Chiles, Garrett Broad, Mark Gagnon, Nicole Negowetti, Leland Glenna, Megan A. M. Griffin, Lina Tami-Barrera, Siena Baker & Kelly Beck - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):943-961.
    The emergence of the “4th Industrial Revolution,” i.e. the convergence of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, advanced materials, and bioengineering technologies, could accelerate socioeconomic insecurities and anxieties or provide beneficial alternatives to the status quo. In the post-Covid-19 era, the entities that are best positioned to capitalize on these innovations are large firms, which use digital platforms and big data to orchestrate vast ecosystems of users and extract market share across industry sectors. Nonetheless, these technologies also have the potential (...)
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    Bulletproof Grandfathers, David Lewis, and ‘Can’t’-Judgements.Brian Garrett - 2019 - Acta Analytica 34 (2):177-180.
    In this discussion piece, I argue that David Lewis fails to support his claim that time-travelling Tim cannot kill his Grandfather in 1921. This result, in turn, undermines Lewis’s contextualist solution to the Grandfather Paradox—i.e. conceding that Tim can and cannot kill Grandfather, but relative to different contexts in each case.
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