Results for 'Dídac Macià'

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  1.  53
    Meaning in Life: A Major Predictive Factor for Loneliness Comparable to Health Status and Social Connectedness.Dídac Macià, Gabriele Cattaneo, Javier Solana, José M. Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartrés-Faz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Loneliness is the subjective distress of feeling alone and has a strong impact on wellbeing and health. In addition to well-known predictors like isolation and poor health, a better understanding of the psychological determinants of loneliness would offer effective targets for future complementary interventions.Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study, we compared the explanatory power of several important risk factors of loneliness with the affective, motivational, and cognitive aspects of the Meaning in Life construct. Different nested linear models were compared (...)
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  2. Genuine paracomplete logics.Verónica Borja Macías, Marcelo E. Coniglio & Alejandro Hernández-Tello - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (5):961-987.
    In 2016, Béziau introduces a restricted notion of paraconsistency, the so-called genuine paraconsistency. A logic is genuine paraconsistent if it rejects the laws $\varphi,\neg \varphi \vdash \psi$ and $\vdash \neg (\varphi \wedge \neg \varphi)$. In that paper, the author analyzes, among the three-valued logics, which of them satisfy this property. If we consider multiple-conclusion consequence relations, the dual properties of those above-mentioned are $\vdash \varphi, \neg \varphi$ and $\neg (\varphi \vee \neg \varphi) \vdash$. We call genuine paracomplete logics those rejecting (...)
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  3.  83
    Proper Names.Josep Macià - 2004 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 34 (sup1):129-155.
  4.  18
    Los jueces ante el pueblo. Sobre Cómo hacer funcionar nuestra democracia, de Stephen Breyer.Juan Luis Hernández Macías - 2018 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 49:161-170.
    No hay en la historia reciente de la justicia constitucional contemporánea evidencia del diálogo académico entre dos jueces constitucionales supremos en activo.
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    Morbilidad y maltrato infantil en niños entre 7-14 años en consulta de Psicología.Ivonne Jiménez Macías, Alina de la Paz Carmona, Yanet Portell Gutiérrez & Niurka Canino Méndez - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (1):0-0.
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  6. Two-Dimensional Semantics.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Josep Macià (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Two-dimensional semantics is a framework that helps us better understand some of the most fundamental issues in philosophy: those having to do with the relationship between the meaning of words, the way the world is, and our knowledge of the meaning of words. This selection of new essays by some of the world's leading authorities in this field sheds fresh light both on foundational issues regarding two-dimensional semantics and on its specific applications. Contributors: Richard Breheny, Alex Byrne, David Chalmers, Martin (...)
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  7.  15
    Angelina Muñiz en su "Huerto cerrado, huerto sellado".Macías Rodríguez Claudia - 2019 - Argos 6 (17):3-15.
    Se analiza la obra poética de Angelina Muñiz, su actividad poética, elevada al rango de la mística, comprenderá todos los textos sacralizados de cualquier manera o por cualquier tradición para conferirles una nueva dimensión desde su propia perspectiva del mundo. Un mundo en el que las mujeres salen de su silencio para tomar la palabra y dejar oír sus pensamientos y manifestar su propia interpretación del mundo.
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  8. Patricia Melchor Macias, et al." Posible actividad biológica del extrato de la raíz de Pentalinon andrieuxii".Patricia Melchor Macías, Javier Alfredo Carballo Perea & Ubaldo Hernández Solís - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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    Introduction.Josep Macià - 2005 - Dialectica 59 (2):115–119.
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  10. On concepts and conceptions.Josep Macia - 1998 - Philosophical Issues 9:175-185.
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  11. La idea política de Alexis de Tocqueville.Mario Cabrera Maciá - 1949
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  12. Atribuciones causales a la elección de carrera. Caso: licenciatura en intervención educativa.Arturo Barraza Macías, Verónica Clementina Ontiveros & Margarita Aguilar Urbán - 2007 - Episteme 3 (11).
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    Innovación educativa para el fortalecimiento del enfoque Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad en la educación postgraduada.Maria Elena Macías Llanes, Rosa Aguirre del Busto, Jorge Luis Quintana Torres, Doris Prieto Ramírez & Jorge Álvarez Vázquez - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (3):0-0.
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  14. El fenómeno jurídico.Maciá Manso & RamóN[From Old Catalog] - 1973 - Oviedo,: Instituto de Estudios Jurídicos.
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    Proyecto fotográfico Auschwitz: El escenario del horror.Inmaculada Sánchez-Macías - 2020 - Clio 46:99-109.
    El proyecto educativo Auschwitz: El escenario del horror se desarrolla entre 2017 y 2019, desde su gestación hasta las exposiciones de fotografías y charlas-coloquio en el que se ha enmarcado. Forma parte de una enseñanza informal, en el que los aprendizajes están determinados por situaciones cotidianas del contacto social, que no está organizado o administrado por una estrategia educativa determinada. Es una experiencia que se desarrolla en ámbitos relajados, como en el caso de asociaciones culturales o ayuntamientos. El autor de (...)
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  16. John Finnis and Alasdair MacIntyre on Our Knowledge of the Precepts of Natural Law.John Macias - 2016 - Res Philosophica 93 (1):103-123.
    Alasdair MacIntyre asks, if all individuals are in fact potential authorities of natural law and agree on its fundamentals, how can we explain manifest moral disagreement? Contemporary Thomistic natural law theorists have not attempted to address this particular issue to a significant degree. MacIntyre, taking this large-scale rejection seriously, focuses on the communal factors that allow individuals to recognize their need for and commitment to Thomistic natural law. By doing so, he attempts to give reasons for why we should expect (...)
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    Hyperbolic Secant representation of the logistic function: Application to probabilistic Multiple Instance Learning for CT intracranial hemorrhage detection.Francisco M. Castro-Macías, Pablo Morales-Álvarez, Yunan Wu, Rafael Molina & Aggelos K. Katsaggelos - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 331 (C):104115.
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    Tomas Romay Chacsn and Carlos J. Finlay Barres landmarks of Cuban thought in health care.María Elena Macías Llanes & Falcón Fariñas - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (2):206-225.
    El objetivo del texto radica en resaltar algunos elementos de pensamiento en salud de los notables médicos cubanos Tomás Romay y Carlos J. Finlay. Se analizan sus posturas y connotación acerca del nexo entre la ciencia y la sociedad. El método investigativo utilizado ha sido la revisión documental en publicaciones periódicas, libros y repositorio de tesis. Destaca en este acercamiento la conmemoración en agosto del centenario de la muerte de Finlay. Por lo cual este sucinto trabajo constituye un homenaje a (...)
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  19.  22
    Unicidad del teorema de Morley.Fernando Valdés Macías - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  20.  34
    Cuerpo renombrado, cuerpo rememorado : epojé y espiral en "Volver" de Pedro Almodóvar.Francisco José Villanueva Macías - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 2:451.
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    Membrane fission: A computational complexity perspective.Luis F. Macías-Ramos, Bosheng Song, Luis Valencia-Cabrera, Linqiang Pan & Mario J. Pérez-jiménez - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):321-334.
  22. (1 other version)Does naming and necessity refute descriptivism?Josep Macià - 1998 - Theoria 13 (3):445-476.
    In Naming and Necessity Saul Kripke offers a number of arguments in order to show that no descriptivist theory of proper names is correct. We present here a certain version of descriptivist theory -we will characterize it as an individual-use reference-fixing descriptivist theory that appeals to descriptions regarding how a name is used by other speakers. This kind of theory can successfully answer all the objections Kripke puts forward in Naming and Necessity. Such sort of descriptivist theory is furthermore compatible (...)
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    Contradictions in Motion: Why They’re not Needed and Why They Wouldn’t Help.Emiliano Boccardi & Moisés Macías-Bustos - 2017 - Humana Mente 10 (32):195-227.
    In this paper we discuss Priest’s account of change and motion, contrasting it with its more orthodox rival, the Russellian account. The paper is divided in two parts. In first one we take a stance that is more sympathetic to the Russellian view, arguing that Priest’s arguments against it are inconclusive. In the second part, instead, we take a more sympathetic attitude towards Priest’s objections. We argue, however, that if these objections pose insurmountable difficulties to the Russellian account, then they (...)
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  24. Cuantificación.Josep Macià - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta. pp. 157--160.
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    Research management in social and humanistic sciences applied to health.María Elena Macías Llanes, Norbis Díaz Campos, Irma Niurka Falcón Fariñas & Jorge Luis Cabrera Cruz - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (3):516-537.
    El trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar los resultados de la gestión de la investigación en ciencias sociales y humanísticas aplicadas en salud en el contexto de su institucionalización a través del Centro para el desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas en salud. Con el fin de alcanzar el objetivo propuesto se determinaron los siguientes momentos: primero se fundamentó el proceso de gestión de la investigación en estas áreas de conocimientos en el Cendecsa; se presentaron los resultados de la gestión (...)
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  26.  9
    “Social Studies of Science and Technology”: CD'ROM for Science, Technology and Society Education.María Elena Macías Llanes - 2007 - Humanidades Médicas 7 (3).
    En la Universidad Médica “Carlos J. Finlay”, se realiza una intervención educativa con el objetivo de valorar la concepción y aplicación de un programa para un curso de preparación de metodólogos en correspondencia con sus funciones en condiciones de universalización de las Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, en el periodo de septiembre de 2005 a junio de 2007. Se emplean diferentes métodos investigativos: los teóricos, así como la técnica de discusión grupal, permitió diseñar el programa del curso para la preparación de (...)
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  27.  8
    Una nueva mirada para el estudio de la ciencia y la tecnología: el enfoque de los estudios sociales.María Elena Macías Llanes - 2002 - Humanidades Médicas 2 (2):0-0.
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  28.  17
    Vascular section estimation in medical images using combined feature detection and evolutionary optimization.Iván Macía & Manuel Graña - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 503--513.
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  29.  18
    RETRACTION NOTICE: Archaeology, Gender, and Journalism.Carlos Maciá-Barber - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2).
    Retraction note: Maciá-Barber, C. (2022). Archaeology, Gender, and Journalism. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities / Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(6), 2–13. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We believe that the editorial process was manipulated and, furthermore, acceptance decisions were made under possibly inappropriate (...)
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    The pursuit of computational justice in open systems.Jeremy Pitt, Dídac Busquets & Régis Riveret - 2015 - AI and Society 30 (3):359-378.
    Many open networks, distributed computing systems, and infrastructure management systems face a common problem: how to distribute a collectivised set of resources amongst a set of autonomous agents of heterogenous provenance. One approach is for the agents themselves to self-organise the allocation of resources with respect to a set of agreed conventional rules; but given an allocation scheme which maps resources to those agents and a set of rules for determining that allocation scheme, some natural questions arise—Is this allocation fair? (...)
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    Hacia una nueva ecología social transformadora. Reseña de: Emilio Santiago Muíño, Contra el mito del colapso ecológico, Barcelona, Arpa Editores, 2023.Alicia Macías Recio - 2023 - Isegoría 69:r10.
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    Amor y enamoramiento: diferencia entre acción y suceso.Jesús Ernesto Macías Gil - 2012 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 2 (3):34-52.
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    Los celos: relación e influencia con la acción humana.Jesús Ernesto Macías Gil - 2012 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 2 (4):12-29.
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    Congreso Internacional de Investigadores y Editores de Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas Intereditores 2013.María Elena Macías Llanes - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (1):1-4.
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    Measuring the Complex Construct of Macroergonomic Compatibility: A Manufacturing System Case Study.Arturo Realyvásquez & Aide A. Maldonado-Macías - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
    Macroergonomic compatibility refers to the extent to which macroergonomic factors and elements interact positively with humans. It is one of the most complex constructs to measure in work systems and in ergonomics. The goal of this paper is to determine the levels of MC in a manufacturing system. As methods, we use the macroergonomic compatibility index and the Macroergonomic Compatibility Questionnaire. The MCQ was administered in its three versions to collect data about the macroergonomic practices implemented in the manufacturing company. (...)
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  36. La Arqueología romana en Internet: panorama general.Cristóbal Macías Villalobos - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
  37.  28
    Ethical Values in a Post-Industrial Economy: The Case of the Organic Farmers’ Market in Granada (Spain).Alfredo Macías Vázquez & José Antonio Morillas del Moral - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 35 (2):1-19.
    The importance of the collective management of immaterial resources is a key variable in the valorisation of products in a post-industrial economy. The purpose of this paper is to analyse how, in post-industrial economies, it is possible to devise alternative forms of mediation between producers and consumers, such as organic farmers' markets, to curb the appropriation of rent by transnational and/or local business elites from the value created by immaterial resources. More specifically, we analyse those aspects of the collective management (...)
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    Literacy improves the comprehension of object relatives.Ewa Dąbrowska, Esther Pascual & Beatriz Macías Gómez-Estern - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):104958.
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  39.  26
    Impact of philosophical workshops on the prison population: a qualitative and quantitative evaluation.José Barrientos-Rastrojo, Javier Saavedra-Macías & Edson Renato Nardi - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Background Prison creates philosophical needs due to the exceptionality of the situation. This study explores how philosophy can meet these needs by focusing on three aspects: critical thinking, personal relationships and the government of passions. It builds on similar interventions in several countries and is proposed as a research that bypasses some limitations of previous projects in prisons.Method Following the participation of 81 inmates in 22 philosophical sessions over six months, the results of both interventions were analyzed using mixed methods, (...)
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    Bombardeando patrimonio en el Campo de Tiro Militar de El Teleno (León): de la sublimación de la naturaleza a la construcción social del patrimonio cultural.Pablo Alonso González & Alfredo Macías Vázquez - 2014 - Arbor 190 (766):a121.
    Se analiza la construcción social del Campo de Tiro Militar de El Teleno como reserva natural a partir de la retórica auspiciada por el “giro ambientalista” del Ministerio de Defensa. Ante la conflictividad existente en Maragatería, esta estrategia de contención deviene en una sublimación ideológica: la posibilidad de la preservación (natural) viene dada por la reproducción necesaria de la destrucción (humana). Por su parte, las estrategias de resistencia han adoptado formas diferentes. Entre ellas, la construcción social del Teleno como patrimonio (...)
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  41.  4
    Inclusive Strategies and Public Policies for the Integration of University Students with Disabilities and the Promotion of their Mental Well-Being in Academic Environments.Nancy Jaqueline Macías Alvarado, Jéssica Rocío Loyola Chávez, Diego Fernando Hernández & Hipatia Fernanda Quishpe Caiza - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:40-51.
    This study addresses inclusive strategies and the impact of public policies on the integration of university students with disabilities, with special emphasis on their mental well-being in academic settings. Through a quantitative approach, data from a sample of students with disabilities in public and private universities were analyzed. The results reveal that the proper implementation of inclusive policies significantly improves both academic integration and the emotional well-being of students. Key areas were identified for improving psychological care and academic accommodations, highlighting (...)
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  42.  16
    La orientación educativa, una necesidad para la educación en valores humanos.Alberto Bujardón Mendoza & María Elena Macías Llanes - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (2):0-0.
  43.  26
    Assistance au suicide : expérience et débats en Suisse.Sandra Burkhardt, Aurélie Macias, Nathalie Jousset & Romano La Harpe - 2015 - Médecine et Droit 2015 (135):155-160.
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    An Epilogue to Editing.Stephanie L. Curley, Luis Fernando Macías, Jeong-eun Rhee, Binaya Subedi & Sharon Subreenduth - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (6):587-591.
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  45.  24
    Knowledge management model of Center for the Development of Humanities and Social Sciences in Health.Norbis Díaz Campos & Macías Llanes - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):314-329.
    La gestión del conocimiento es un proceso relacionado con la producción, transmisión y utilización del conocimiento y su pertinencia para el desempeño organizacional; en la actualidad han aparecido diversidad de modelos que prescriben su configuración. El presente artículo describe el modelo que fundamenta teórica y metodológicamente la aplicación de la gestión del conocimiento en el Centro de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas en Salud. Esta entidad dedicada a la producción y transmisión del conocimiento científico en estas áreas de (...)
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  46. Cultural identity and emigration.Beatriz Macías Gómez Estern, Josué García Amián & José Antonio Sánchez Medina - 2008 - In B. van Oers, The Transformation of Learning: Advances in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press.
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    Who we are and how we learn: educational engagement and justice for diverse learners.Jose W. Lalas, Angela Macias, Kitty M. Fortner, Nirmla Griarte Flores, Ayanna Blackmon-Balogun & Margarita Vance (eds.) - 2016 - United States of America: Cognella Academic Publishing.
    The text serves as an education program handbook for understanding the complexities of student engagement and providing access, equity, and justice for learners, with an emphasis on students with diverse backgrounds. The book examines current research and best practices on engagement for these learners and explores educational issues through social, cultural, and racial lenses.
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    (1 other version)Understanding Defective Theories: The case of Quantum Mechanics and non-individuality.Moisés Macías-Bustos & María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz - forthcoming - In Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart & Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo, Non-Reflexive Logics, Non-Individuals and the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics: Essays in honor of the philosophy of Décio Krause. Springer.
    Here, we deal with the question of under which circumstances can scientists achieve a legitimate understanding of defective theories qua defective. We claim that scientists understand a theory if they can recognize the theory’s underlying inference pattern(s) and if they can reconstruct and explain what is going on in specific cases of defective theories as well as consider what the theory would do if non-defective –even before finding ways of fixing it. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of this approach to (...)
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    Presuposicion Y Significado Expresivo.Josep Macià - 2002 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 17 (3):499-513.
    Presuppositions are well known phenomena. One way of treating them is as partial 'meaning-functions '. There is an attractive argument that holds that in order to explain the contrast between such sentences as "John came into the room" and "That bastard John came into the room" it is required to make our semantic theory essentially more complex. This argument appeals to the fact that contrasts such as the ones just mentioned play a role in the validity of logical inferences. In (...)
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  50. Una experiencia de teletutoría en la enseñanza Del latín a nivel universitario.Cristóbal Macías - 2003 - Laguna 51 (77):59-60.
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