Results for 'Déborah Potelle'

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  1. Naturalizing joint action: A process-based approach.Deborah Tollefsen & Rick Dale - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (3):385-407.
    Numerous philosophical theories of joint agency and its intentional structure have been developed in the past few decades. These theories have offered accounts of joint agency that appeal to higher-level states that are?shared? in some way. These accounts have enhanced our understanding of joint agency, yet there are a number of lower-level cognitive phenomena involved in joint action that philosophers rarely acknowledge. In particular, empirical research in cognitive science has revealed that when individuals engage in a joint activity such as (...)
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    Descartes and the Ontology of Everyday Life.Deborah J. Brown & Calvin G. Normore - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by Calvin G. Normore.
    The seventeenth century was a period of extraordinary invention, discovery and revolutions in scientific, social and political orders. It was a time of expansive automation, biological discovery, rapid advances in medical knowledge, of animal trials and a questioning of the boundaries between species, human and non-human, between social classes, and of the assumed naturalness of political inequality. This book gives a tour through those objects, ordinary and extraordinary, which captivated the philosophical imagination of the single most important French philosopher of (...)
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  3. Quid Quidditism Est?Deborah C. Smith - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (2):237-257.
    Over the last decade or so, there has been a renewed interest in a view about properties known as quidditism. However, a review of the literature reveals that ‘quidditism’ is used to cover a range of distinct views. In this paper I explore the logical space of distinct types of quidditism. The first distinction noted is between quidditism as a thesis explicitly about property individuation and quidditism as a principle of unrestricted property recombination. The distinction recently drawn by Dustin Locke (...)
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    Big Data and Compounding Injustice.Deborah Hellman - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (1-2):62-83.
    This article argues that the fact that an action will compound a prior injustice counts as a reason against doing the action. I call this reason The Anti-Compounding Injustice principle or aci. Compounding injustice and the aci principle are likely to be relevant when analyzing the moral issues raised by “big data” and its combination with the computational power of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Past injustice can infect the data used in algorithmic decisions in two distinct ways. Sometimes prior (...)
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    Selecting for the con in consciousness.Deborah Hodgkin & Alasdair I. Houston - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):668-669.
  6.  60
    The professional status of bioethics consultation.Deborah Cummins - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (1):19-43.
    Is bioethics consultation a profession? Withfew exceptions, the arguments andcounterarguments about whether healthcareethics consultation is a profession haveignored the historical and cultural developmentof professions in the United States, the wayssocial changes have altered the work andboundaries of all professions, and theprofessionalization theories that explain howmodern societies institutionalize expertise inprofessions. This interdisciplinary analysisbegins to fill this gap by framing the debatewithin a larger theoretical context heretoforemissing from the bioethics literature. Specifically, the question of whether ethicsconsultation is a profession is examined fromthe (...)
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  7. Why do people participate in epidemiological research?Claudia Slegers, Deborah Zion, Deborah Glass, Helen Kelsall, Lin Fritschi & Beatrice Loff - unknown
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    Integration Research for Natural Resource Management in Australia: an introduction to new challenges for research practice.Gabriele Bammer, Deborah O'Connell, Alice Roughley & Geoff Syme - 2005 - Journal of Research Practice 1 (2):Article - E1.
    This special issue of the Journal of Research Practice focuses on integration research, also known as integrated or integrative research. Integration between disciplines and between research and practice is increasingly recognised as essential to tackle complex problems more effectively. But there is little to guide researchers about how to undertake integration research. This special issue provides a number of case studies of how integration has been approached and exemplifies the challenges facing researchers seeking to embed integration in both existing and (...)
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    Gunky Objects, Junky Worlds, and Weak Mereological Universalism.Deborah C. Smith - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (1):41-55.
    Einar Bohn has argued that principles of composition must be contingent if gunky objects and junky worlds are both metaphysically possible. This paper critically examines such a case for contingentism about composition. I argue that weak mereological universalism, the principle that any two objects compose something, is consistent with the metaphysical possibility of both gunky objects and junky worlds. I further argue that, contra A. J. Cotnoir, the weak mereological universalist can accept a plausible mereological remainder axiom. The proponent of (...)
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    Fame, Virtue, and Government: Margaret Cavendish on Ethics and Politics.Deborah Boyle - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (2):251-289.
    This paper offers an account of Margaret Cavendish's moral and political philosophy. In some respects Cavendish's theoury echoes Hobbes. However, although Cavendish agrees with Hobbes that morality is based on self-interest, she holds that morality derives from our natural desire for public recognition, not the desire for self-preservation. Via the desire for fame, self-love can motivate people to pursue virtue, which, for Cavendish, means establishing and maintaining a good government (in particular, absolute sovereignty). The paper explores how Cavendish thinks such (...)
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  11. Your Daughter or Your Dog? A Feminist Assessment of the Animal Research Issue.Deborah Slicer - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (1):108-124.
    I bring several ecofeminist critiques of deep ecology to bear on mainstream animal rights theories, especially on the rights and utilitarian treatments of the animal research issue. Throughout, I show how animal rights issues are feminist issues and clarify the relationship between ecofeminism and animal rights.
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    Should computer programs be owned?Deborah G. Johnson - 1985 - Metaphilosophy 16 (4):276-288.
  13.  71
    Evidence, Belief, and Action: The Failure of Equipoise to Resolve the Ethical Tension in the Randomized Clinical Trial.Deborah Hellman - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (3):375-380.
    Clinical research employing the randomized clinical trial has, traditionally, been understood to pose an ethical dilemma. On the one hand, each patient ought to get the treatment that best meets her needs, as judged by the patient in consultation with her doctor. On the other hand, the method most helpful to advancing our understanding about what treatments are indeed best able to meet patient needs is the randomized trial, which necessitates that each patient's care is decided not by physician judgment (...)
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    The gambler's fallacy, the therapeutic misconception, and unrealistic optimism.Don Swekoski & Deborah Barnbaum - 2013 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 35 (2):1-6.
    The Therapeutic Misconception (TM) is a cognitive error with similarities to another cognitive error -- the Gambler's Fallacy (GF). This paper examines the similarities between TM and GF in an attempt to further illuminate the nature of TM, and to distinguish it from another cognitive error, Unrealistic Optimism (UO). Many cases of UO and mis-classified as TM.
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    Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect.Susan Deborah Rothstein (ed.) - 2008 - John Benjamins.
    INTRODUCTION Theoretical and crosslinguistic approaches to the semantics of aspect Susan Rothstein Bar-Han University. Theoretical issues The papers in this ...
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    A Complexity Science View of Conflict.L. Deborah Sword - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (4).
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  17. Willfully Blind for Good Reason.Deborah Hellman - 2009 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 3 (3):301-316.
    Willful blindness is not an appropriate substitute for knowledge in crimes that require a mens rea of knowledge because an actor who contrives his own ignorance is only sometimes as culpable as a knowing actor. This paper begins with the assumption that the classic willfully blind actor—the drug courier—is culpable. If so, any plausible account of willful blindness must provide criteria that find this actor culpable. This paper then offers two limiting cases: a criminal defense lawyer defending a client he (...)
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    Objectivity and conditionality in frequentist inference.David Cox & Deborah G. Mayo - 2009 - In Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos (eds.), Error and Inference: Recent Exchanges on Experimental Reasoning, Reliability, and the Objectivity and Rationality of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 276.
  19.  59
    Autonomy as a Good: Liberalism, Autonomy and Toleration.Deborah Fitzmaurice - 1993 - Journal of Political Philosophy 1 (1):1--16.
  20.  9
    Estranged Bodies: Shifting Paradigms and the Biomedical Imaginary.Deborah Lynn Steinberg & Margrit Shildrick - 2015 - Body and Society 21 (3):3-19.
    This introductory article provides a contextual and theoretical overview to this special issue of Body & Society. The special issue presents five selected case studies – focusing on the contexts of transplantation, psychiatry, amputation and war, and a transvalued media ecology of cancer – to offer meditations on a number of interlinked questions. The first of these is the entanglement of biomedical governance – political/economic as well as self-disciplinary – with the nexus of estrangement, which can denote both the distancing (...)
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    Directors and DVD Commentary: The Specifics of Intention.Deborah Parker Parker - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 62 (1):13-22.
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    Freud and Education.Deborah P. Britzman - 2010 - Routledge.
    The concept of education—its dangers and promises and its illusions and revelations—threads throughout Sigmund Freud’s body of work. This introductory volume by psychoanalytic authority, Deborah P. Britzman, explores key controversies of education through a Freudian approach. It defines how fundamental Freudian concepts such as the psychical apparatus, the drives, the unconscious, the development of morality, and transference have changed throughout Freud’s _oeuvre_. An ideal text for courses in education studies, human development, and curriculum studies, _Freud and Education_ concludes with new (...)
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    Eye Movements in Real-World Scene Photographs: General Characteristics and Effects of Viewing Task.Deborah A. Cronin, Elizabeth H. Hall, Jessica E. Goold, Taylor R. Hayes & John M. Henderson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Do Engineers have Social Responsibilities?Deborah G. Johnson - 1992 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 9 (1):21-34.
    ABSTRACT Most American engineers believe that they have a responsibility for the safety and well‐being of society, but whence does this responsibility arise? What does it entail? After describing engineering practice in America as compared with the practice of other professions, this paper examines two standard types of accounts of the social responsibilities of professionals. While neither provides a satisfactory account of the social responsibilities of American engineers, several lessons are learned by uncovering their weaknesses. Identifying the framework in which (...)
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  25. Hobbes’s and Locke’s Contract Theories: Political not Metaphysical.Deborah Baumgold - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (3):289-308.
    Abstract Inspired by Rawls?s admission that his twentieth?century contract theory builds in the parochial horizon of modern constitutional democracy, this essay critically examines two truisms about seventeenth?century contract theory. The first is the stock view that the English case is irrelevant to the logic of Leviathan and the Second Treatise. To the contrary, I argue that their political conclusions depend on introducing constitutional and legal ?facts?, in particular, facts about the constitution of the English monarchy. Second, I challenge the Whiggish (...)
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    The Legacy of the Personal: Generating Theory in Feminism's Third Wave.Deborah L. Siegel - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3):46-75.
    This essay focuses on the repeated rhetorical moves through which the third wave autobiographical subject seeks to be real and to speak as part of a collective voice from the next feminist generation. Given that postmodernist, postructuralist, and multiculturalist critiques have shaped the form and the content of third wave expressions of the personal, the study is ultimately concerned with the possibilities and limitations of such theoretical analysis for a third wave of feminist praxis.
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    Critical Stratagems in Adorno and Habermas: Theories of Ideology and the Ideology of Theory.Deborah Cook - 2000 - Historical Materialism 6 (1):67-88.
    In one of his many metaphorical turns of phrase – a leitmotif in The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity — Jürgen Habermas speaks of the path not taken by modern philosophers, a path that might have led them towards his own intersubjective notion of communicative reason. Habermas is especially critical of his predecessors, Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, because, he believes, they repudiated the rational potential in the culture of modernity. Whenever Adorno and Horkheimer heard the word ‘culture’, they apparently (...)
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    Cognitive Architecture: From Bio-politics to Noo-politics ; Architecture & Mind in the Age of Communication and Information.Deborah Hauptmann & Warren Neidich (eds.) - 2010 - 010 Publishers.
    This volume rethinks the relations between form and forms of communication, calling for a new logic of representation; it examines the manner in which ...
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    A Realistic Approach to Maternal‐Fetal Conflict.Deborah Hornstra - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (5):7-12.
    We should not think of babies as having a right to be born healthy. We cannot say what such a right involves, and if we could, enforcing it would infringe on the mother's most basic rights. Most importantly, positing such a right casts the fetus and mother as adversaries, and so destroys the maternal‐fetal relationship.
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    Descartes on Innate Ideas.Deborah A. Boyle - 2009 - London, UK: Continuum.
    The concept of innateness is central to Descartes's epistemology; the Meditations display a new, non-Aristotelian method of acquiring knowledge by attending properly to our innate ideas. Yet understanding Descartes's conception of innate ideas is not an easy task, and some commentators have concluded that Descartes held several distinct and unrelated conceptions of innateness. In Descartes on Innate Ideas, Deborah Boyle argues that Descartes's remarks on innate ideas in fact form a unified account. Addressing the further question of how Descartes thinks (...)
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    Learning from the literature on collegiate cheating: A review of empirical research. [REVIEW]Deborah Crown & M. Spiller - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (6):229-246.
    The role demographic, personality, and situational factors play in the ethical decision making process has received a significant amount of attention (Ford and Richardson, 1994). However, the empirical research on students' decisions to engage in collegiate cheating has not been included in this literature. This paper reviews the last 25 years of empirical research on collegiate cheating. The individual/situational factor typology from Ford and Richardson's review (1994) is used to compare the two literatures. In addition, issues pertaining to the quantification (...)
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  32. Völker Heins, Between Friend and Foe: The Politics of Critical Theory.Deborah Cook - 2012 - Journal of Critical Realism 11 (2):266 - 268.
    Völker Heins, Between Friend and Foe: The Politics of Critical Theory Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 266-268 Authors Deborah Cook, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4, Canada Journal Journal of Critical Realism Online ISSN 1572-5138 Print ISSN 1476-7430 Journal Volume Volume 11 Journal Issue Volume 11, Number 2 / 2012.
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    The Multiple Roles of Emotion in Interpretation and Memory of Sexual Consent.Deborah Davis, Joseph Cano, Gage Miller & Elizabeth Loftus - 2024 - Topics in Cognitive Science 16 (4):644-660.
    In this paper, we explore the role of emotion in the interpretation and memory of sexual encounters. We consider situations likely to generate negative emotions during sex, and the mechanisms through which the experience of negative emotions can lead to false memories of coercion and mislabeling of an encounter as sexual assault. Specifically, we consider the role of emotion in directing attention during a sexual encounter and the effects of emotion as context for interpretation at the time of the encounter, (...)
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    Levels of selection and the formal Darwinism project.Deborah E. Shelton & Richard E. Michod - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (2):217-224.
    Understanding good design requires addressing the question of what units undergo natural selection, thereby becoming adapted. There is, therefore, a natural connection between the formal Darwinism project (which aims to connect population genetics with the evolution of design and fitness maximization) and levels of selection issues. We argue that the formal Darwinism project offers contradictory and confusing lines of thinking concerning level(s) of selection. The project favors multicellular organisms over both the lower (cell) and higher (social group) levels as the (...)
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  35. The bias paradox: Why it's not just for feminists anymore.Deborah K. Heikes - 2004 - Synthese 138 (3):315 - 335.
    The bias paradox emerges out of a tension between objectivism and relativism.If one rejects a certain the conception objectivity as absolute impartiality and value-neutrality (i.e., if all views are biased), how, then, can one hold that some epistemic perspectives are better than others? This is a problem that has been most explicitly dealt with in feminist epistemology, but it is not unique to feminist perspectives. In this paper, I wish to clearly lay out the nature of the paradox and the (...)
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    Student perceptions of dual relationships between faculty and students.Deborah L. Holmes, Patricia A. Rupert, Stephanie A. Ross & Wendy E. Shapera - 1999 - Ethics and Behavior 9 (2):79 – 107.
  37.  9
    Do Elderly Persons’ Concerns for Family Burden Influence their Preferences for Future Participation in Dementia Research?S. Deborah Majerovitz & Jeffrey T. Berger - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (2):108-115.
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    Did Wittgenstein Have a Theory of Hinge Propositions?Deborah Jane Orr - 1989 - Philosophical Investigations 12 (2):134-153.
  39.  26
    Feathers Flying: Avian Poetics in Hesiod, Pindar, and Callimachus.Deborah Steiner - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (2):177-208.
    This paper treats a topos found in Greek poetry from the archaic to the Hellenistic period, involving a confrontation between antagonistic and contrasting species of birds. Tracing the continuities and distinctions among the uses of the conceit in Hesiod, Pindar, and Callimachus, I argue that on each occasion it serves poets as a means of articulating their literary personae and the ethical, stylistic, and generic choices shaping their compositions. Not just a means of poetic polemic, self-definition, and self-positioning, the avian (...)
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    Complexity science conflict analysis of power and protest.L. Deborah Sword - 2007 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 9 (3).
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  41. Retelling narratives as fiction or nonfiction.Deborah Jo Hendersen & Herb Clark - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G. (eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    The Cost of Competence: Why Inequality Causes Depression, Eating Disorders, and Illness in Women.Brett Silverstein & Deborah Perlick - 1985 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Since the advent of the women's movement, women have made unprecedented gains in almost every field, from politics to the professions. Paradoxically, doctors and mental health professionals have also seen a staggering increase in the numbers of young women suffering from an epidemic of depression, eating disorders, and other physical and psychological problems. In The Cost of Competence, authors Brett Silverstein and Deborah Perlick argue that rather than simply labeling individual women as, say, anorexic or depressed, it is time to (...)
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    Subalternité et histoire globale.Déborah Cohen, Urs Lindner & Sumit Sarkar - 2011 - Actuel Marx 50 (2):207-217.
    Sumit Sarkar, one of the leading Indian historians of his generation, participated in the Indian-British Subaltern Studies Collective that established new standards in the historiography of colonialism in the 1980’s. In this Interview, Déborah Cohen and Urs Lindner ask him about the achievements and oversights of the Subaltern Studies project, the prospects of global history, Marx’s eurocentrism and the problem of religion.
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    Reflections on Gadamer's Notion of Sprachlichkeit.Deborah Cook - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (1):84-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:REFLECTIONS ON GADAMER'S NOTION OF SPRACHLICHKEIT by Deborah Cook The works of Hans-Georg Gadamer recall the works of Martin Heidegger as those of Plato memorialize Socrates. The history of philosophy is constituted in such iterations. Indeed, die relationship between Gadamer and Heidegger offers us a paradigm for the understanding of die history of philosophy, manifesting as it does how this history is less marked by change than by a (...)
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  45. What If There are Limits to Understanding?Deborah Spitz - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (3):233-235.
    POTTER'S PAPER RAISES several questions of great interest to the clinician. First, to what degree is it necessary to understand the patient's experience in order to treat a patient's disease? Second, to what degree is it possible to understand a patient's experience? And third, to what degree ought understanding be the goal of psychotherapy?
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    Russell's Causal Theory of Meaning.Deborah Hansen Soles - 1981 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 1 (1):27.
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    Some ways of going wrong: On mistakes in on certainty.Deborah H. Soles - 1982 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (4):555-571.
  48.  12
    Of Human Potential: An Essay in the Philosophy of Education.Deborah Court - 1989 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 3 (1):23-25.
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    What to Do? Case Studies for Teachers (William Hare and John Portelli) and What Makes A Good Teacher.Deborah Court - 1994 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 8 (1):43-45.
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    The hospital environment and infant feeding: results from a five country study.Deborah L. Covington, D. S. Gates, Barbara Janowitz, R. Israel & Nancy Williamson - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (S9):83-97.
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