Results for 'Dušan Pirjevec'

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  1.  27
    Individual Differences in Comprehension of Contextualized Metaphors.Dušan Stamenković, Nicholas Ichien & Keith J. Holyoak - 2020 - Metaphor and Symbol 35 (4):285-301.
    We report a study examining the role of linguistic context in modulating the influences of individual differences in fluid and crystalized intelligence on comprehension of literary metaphors. Three conditions were compared: no context, metaphor-congruent context, and literal-congruent context. Relative to the baseline no-context condition, the metaphor-congruent context facilitated comprehension of the metaphorical meaning whereas the literal-congruent context impaired it. Measures of fluid and crystalized intelligence both made separable contributions to predicting metaphor comprehension. The metaphor-congruent context selectively increased the contribution of (...)
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    An Individual-Differences Approach to Poetic Metaphor: Impact of Aptness and Familiarity.Dušan Stamenković, Katarina Milenković, Nicholas Ichien & Keith J. Holyoak - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (2):149-161.
    Using poetic metaphors in the Serbian language, we identified systematic variations in the impact of fluid and crystalized intelligence on comprehension of metaphors that varied in rated aptness and familiarity. Overall, comprehension scores were higher for metaphors that were high rather than low in aptness, and high rather than low in familiarity. A measure of crystalized intelligence was a robust predictor of comprehension across the full range of metaphors, but especially for those that were either relatively unfamiliar or more apt. (...)
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    An ethnomethodological clarification of Husserl's concepts of “regressive inquiry” and “galilean physics” by means of discovering praxioms.Dušan I. Bjelić - 1995 - Human Studies 18 (2-3):189-225.
    This paper offers an ethnomethodological clarification of Husserl's concepts of Galilean physics and regressive inquiry. It employs the reader's textual-practical operationalization of these concepts. With the use of a simple optical prism as a perspicuous case of a scientific instrument, the reader will be asked and instructed to make a self-reflexive inquiry into the practical contingencies of the prismatic field of reflection. The reader will discover that the geometric structures of the reflective field of the prism is an achievement and (...)
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    Art and society: Disputes in Yugoslav thought.Dušan M. Bošković - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):77-83.
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  5. Induction in aristotle's system of scientific knowledge.Dušan Galik - 2006 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 13 (4):495-505.
    There are many disputes about induction in the logic and philosophy of science. One of the problem is that we often use the term „induction“ in different meanings. This is precisely the point of Aristotle, the first thinker who analyzed induction systematically. The aim of the paper is to show that we are confronted with at least four different meanings of induction in Aristotleś writings, to analyze them and to show the role of induction in acquiring scientific knowing and the (...)
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  6. Tautologism in the Theory of Evolution.Dusan Galik - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (7):545-556.
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    Ontology of Beauty.Dušan Ignjatović - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (4):893-905.
    The theory of beauty plays an important role in Plotinus’s philosophy. It has metaphysical, psychological, ethical, as well as aesthetical dimension. It is also inseparable from the spiritual ascent and mysticism. For Plotinus, the role of beauty is to recall to us a knowledge of forms. Thus, soul ascends to the true beauty through the practice of virtues and its purification. His aesthetic theory searches for a way to the ultimate principle in terms of beauty, and by doing that it (...)
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    Controversies and Dilemmas in Contemporary Psychiatry.Dušan Kecmanović - 2010 - Transaction Publishers.
    Toward a definition of mental disorder -- From normality to mental health -- Physical diseases and mental disorders : should they be differentiated? -- Conceptual cacophony in psychiatry.
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    Fourth Turn of the Wheel of the Dharma.Dušan Pajin - 1986 - Buddhist Studies Review 3 (2):96-107.
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    Vprašanje o poeziji vprašanje naroda.Dušan Pirjevec - 1978 - Maribor: Obzorja.
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    Property, Culture, and Cultural Property.Dušan Pokorný - 2002 - Constellations 9 (3):356-374.
  12.  12
    Auditions au parlement européen : expérience et avenir.Dusan Sidjanski - 1976 - Res Publica 18 (1):5-31.
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  13. A szlovák nemzeti mozgalom 1848-ban.Dusan Skvarna - 1998 - História 3.
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    The year of the Athenian Archon Archippus II (318/7).Slobodan Dusanic - 1965 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 89 (1):128-141.
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    The main tenets of constructivistic meta-theory.Dušan B. Stojnov - 1993 - Theoria 36 (3-4):39-68.
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    “Hearability” Versus “Hearership”: Comparing Garfinkel’s and Schegloff’s Accounts of the Summoning Phone.Dušan Bjelić - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (4):695-716.
    This paper compares Harold Garfinkel’s phenomenologically informed “radical” ethnomethodology and Emanuel Schegloff’s “classical” Conversation Analysis, by focusing on their treatments of a ringing telephone as a summons. In their diverging accounts, Garfinkel and Schegloff use similar yet different terminologies in relation to the action of hearing. Garfinkel speaks of the “hearability” of the ringing phone, while Schegloff speaks of a recipient’s “hearership”. This lexical distinction is not irrelevant. “Hearership” stresses the obligations of parties to a phone call to speak and (...)
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  17. Liberal među marksistima. Fragmenti o Sveti Stojanoviću.Dušan Bošković - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (3):81-91.
  18. The development of the concept of “matter”: A cross‐age study of how children classify materials.Dušan Krnel, Saša S. Glažar & Rod Watson - 2003 - Science Education 87 (5):621-639.
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    Side flankers produce less crowding, but only for letters.Dušan Vejnović & Sunčica Zdravković - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):217-227.
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    The Slavs and the Beginning of Early-Medieval Central Europe.Dusan Caplovic - 1999 - Human Affairs 9 (1):28-43.
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  21. Contemporary czech aesthetics.Dusan Sindelar - 1959 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18 (1):116-126.
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    Aristotelské vplyvy na Marxa v súvislosti s pojmom zóon politikon.Dušan Ličko - 2023 - Studia Philosophica 70 (1):49-61.
    Tento článok si kladie za cieľ preskúmať možnú nadväznosť medzi Aristotelovými úvahami o polis a Marxovou filozofiou v prípade pojmu zóon politikon. Na to, aby sme tento problém mohli objasniť, tak bude nutné si položiť dve otázky: 1) Je skutočne možné doložiť, že Marx tento termín reflektoval či sa ním inšpiroval? 2) Sú v tomto prípade tvrdenia moderných bádateľov opodstatnené, pokiaľ ide o vplyv Aristotela na Marxa? Na prvú otázku odpoviem kladne, avšak v odpovedi na tú druhú vyjadrím značné pochybnosti, (...)
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    Ontological aesthetics in Yugoslav Marxism.Dušan M. Bošković - 1997 - Theoria 40 (1):79-105.
  24.  48
    Socialism and culture: Do we remember it at all?Dusan Boskovic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):313-332.
    Povod za beogradski skup?Socijalizam i kultura? s kraja 1969. godine bile su zabrane. Od juna?68. u Srbiji je bilo oko cetrdeset intervencija, sto je znatno vise nego u ostalim YU republikama. Izveden je zakljucak o provincijalnosti i nedovoljno razvijenom kulturnom zivotu. Autor ovog rada je prosirio temu na siri plan jer su intencije dijaloga to dopustale. Paralelno s tim cinjenicama, dobro se uklapaju podaci o Golom otoku, koje daje Milovan Djilas. Otok je bio najdrasticnija i najdramaticnija zabrana u celokupnom postojanju (...)
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    Snježana Prijić-Samaržija: Društvo i spoznaja.Dušan Dožudić - 2002 - Prolegomena 1 (1):85-87.
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    Platoʹs dialogues and Athenian politics: a historianʹs view.Slobodan Dušanić - 2011 - Belgrade: Zavod za udžbenike.
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    Parmenides a spor o dejiny metafyziky. Nietzscheho a Heideggerova kritika metafyziky.Dušan Hruška - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (1):25-40.
    Cieľom, ktorý premýšľa táto štúdia, je zápas o zmysel (deštrukcie) dejín metafyziky odohrávajúci sa na pozadí reflexie filozofického odkazu Parmenida. Leitmotív problému sa spája so zmyslom (deštrukcie) dejín metafyziky ako západnej ontológie (Heideggerova pozícia); identifikáciou platonskej (metafyzickej) tradície ako falošného vedenia nazerajúceho v pravde existujúce jestvujúcno, ktoré sa vo svetle tézy o neexistencii absolútnej pravdy a jej explikáciou stáva konkrétnym výkonom časového a konečného ľudského bytia (pozícia Nietzscheho). Nietzsche a Heidegger poukazujú na to, že prvým momentom, ktorý si musíme uvedomiť (...)
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    The Concept of Pneumatic Body of Soul in John Philoponus’ Comments on Aristotle’s Treatise On the Soul.Dušan Ignjatović - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (4):831-843.
    This paper deals with an aspect of John Philoponus’ psychology, a 6th century Byzantine writer, which marks the early phase of his philosophical career. It is the ochēma/pneûma theory, which in Philoponus’ case represents an unusual fusion of Aristotelian, Platonic, and Stoic philosophy with Galenic physiology and anatomy. In this paper, we examine how this Christian Neoplatonist attempts to assimilate elements of two ancient traditions – philosophical and medical – into a peculiar psychological concept.
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    Myšlenkové potenciály šabatu v hospodářské pospolitosti.Dušan Kučera - 2012 - E-Logos 19 (1):1-18.
    Studie pojednává o významu a smyslu židovského šabatu pro hospodářskou společnost, která ztrácí vědomí sounáležitosti člověka se světem a přírodou. Myšlenkový potenciál šabatu nabízí jedno z podstatných ozdravných východisek pro odcizení člověka a jeho práce. Filozofické hledání smyslu práce a volného času nachází odpověď v rámcovém pojetí smyslu lidské činnosti, pravidelného odpočinku a hodnoty času. Šabat obsahuje poselství pro vnímání světa jako hodnotného prostoru pro život a odpovědnou práci s perspektivou minulosti, přítomnosti a budoucnosti.
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    Burke and Paine.Dušan Kuzmanović - 1991 - Filozofija I Društvo 1991 (3):37-58.
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    Self-reflections of Two Neighbours: Magyars and Slovaks.Dušan Škvarna - 1993 - Human Affairs 3 (2):131-141.
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    Politics in an era of globalisation and European Union integration.Dušan Leška - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (1):89-99.
    This article looks at the mutual relations and links between globalisation and the integration of countries within the European Union. As the economic sphere is undergoing unrestrained globalisation, the position and sovereignty of nation-states is being weakened and politics is becoming harnessed to the economy. The relationship between the economy and politics is thus changing and there is a need to regulate the economy at a supranational level. The European Union has the potential to make positive use of the trend (...)
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    Dějiny antické filosofie.Dušan Machovec - 1993 - Praha: H&H.
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    The importance of knowledge for wellbeing of society in the contemporary world.Dusan Markovic & Mrdjan Mladjan - 2017 - Filozofija I Društvo 28 (4):1136-1159.
    Following the recent wave of globalization, the possession of different types of knowledge became even more important for economic development than the possession of physical resources. The ability of a society to adopt existing and create new knowledge thus gained fundamental importance for its wellbeing. In this paper, we identify important aspects of the relationship between education, creation of knowledge, economic growth, as well as both material and immate?rial wellbeing of a society. We describe potential problems that prevent societies from (...)
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    Hermeneutičke tendencije u Lessingovim interpretacijama likovne umjetnosti u Laokontu.Dušan Milenković - 2022 - Synthesis Philosophica 37 (1):41-67.
    In this paper, I examine the extent to which the theoretical procedures for interpreting works of visual art, which Gotthold Ephraim Lessing describes in his famous book Laocoon: An Essay Upon the Limits of Painting and Poetry, are comparable to various methods of interpretation from the tradition of hermeneutics. To achieve this, I analyse how Robert S. Leventhal and Frederick Burwick approached Lessing’s interpretation techniques and try to expand their views and apply them to Lessing’s thoughts in Laocoon. I will (...)
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    Musical Transcription and Remix. Applying Stephen Davies’ Aesthetics of Music to Contemporary Electronic Music.Dušan Milenković - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (4):853-892.
    In this paper, I examine the views of contemporary aesthetician of music Stephen Davies about musical transcriptions as special forms of classical music and try to apply his theoretical views to remixing as a musical practice that is primarily related to contemporary electronic music. Using the theoretical approaches of Davies’ aesthetics of music, I point out the similarities between the creative attitudes of a musician in transcribing and remixing, similarities that can be found in the way these musical forms relate (...)
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    On-Line Discussion and Public Deliberation.Dušan Ondrušek - 2010 - Human Affairs 20 (1):66-76.
    On-Line Discussion and Public Deliberation This paper surveys how the principles of the development of collective intelligence in on-line discussion and the consequences of the open source movement can influence the shape and recommended format of public deliberation processes. It raises the question of the conditions and factors which explain the difference in the quality of discussion results when technological issues are discussed and when values are discussed. It also raises the question of the importance of formats and types of (...)
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    Cultures of the east.Dusan Pajin - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (2):33-43.
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    Why the Low Success Rate of Research Dedicated To New Technologies? Tolstoy May Have Had the Answer.Dusan C. Prevorsek - 1995 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 15 (2-3):104-108.
    The view of American industrial research from the perspective of the general public, the practicing scientist as professor or teacher or university researcher is very fuzzy. But in general it may be perceived as quite successful. Quite the contrary, as the recent wholesale cuts in industrial research have shown, the track record of communicating discoveries into technologies, the cost efficiency is dismal. The problem is that the cost efficiency of research based on the average cost per project tells nothing about (...)
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    Telo in oblast: sociologija in filozofija telesa v XIX. in XX. stoletju.Dušan Rutar - 1995 - Ljubljana: DAN.
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    Aspects fédératifs de la Comrnunauté européenne.Dusan Sidjanski - 1964 - Res Publica 6 (4):347-366.
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    Le parlement européen : Comparaison des résultats de juin 1979 et portrait de l'Assemblée élue.Dusan Sidjanski - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (3):471-501.
    The results of the first European elections reflect the general distribution of the European electorate slightly center-right oriented, even if the abstentionism of almost 40 % caused some distorsions as in the case of United Kingdom. After the comparison of the results, state by state, it appears globally that the socialists and liberals regressed, the gaullists and their allies suffered a serious defeat, white the christian democrats and the communists progressed and some minor parties entered the European Parliament.The second part (...)
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    Vedecké a literárne poznanie.Dušan Slobodník - 1988 - Bratislava: Pravda.
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    Kniha Laozi: Překlad s filologickým komentářem by David Sehnal.Dušan Vávra - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (3):993-997.
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    Products of hurewicz spaces in the Laver model.Dušan Repovš & Lyubomyr Zdomskyy - 2017 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 23 (3):324-333.
    This article is devoted to the interplay between forcing with fusion and combinatorial covering properties. We illustrate this interplay by proving that in the Laver model for the consistency of the Borel’s conjecture, the product of any two metrizable spaces with the Hurewicz property has the Menger property.
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    Isocrates, the Chian intellectuals, and the political context of the Euthydemus.Slobodan Dušanić - 1999 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 119:1-16.
  47. Leigh S. Cauman, Uvod u logiku prvog reda.Dušan Dožudić - 2005 - Prolegomena 4 (1):117-119.
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    Propositions, Concepts, and the Fregean/Russellian Distinction.Dušan Dožudić - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):219-234.
    In this paper, I deal with recognising an appropriate criterion for distinguishing two competing conceptions of the propositional content among the content realists—the Fregean and the Russellian—especially in connection to some classical proponents of the realist view (Frege, Moore, and Russell). My starting point is a survey characterisation of the two conceptions and the accompanying classification of Russell’s and Moore’s conceptions of the propositional content, which I find problematic on several accounts. I set up a context for my consideration and (...)
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  49.  37
    Paul's Idea of the "New Man" and Transhumanism.Dušan Krcunović - 2021 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 5:62-69.
    By setting the relationship between human and divine reality in a whole new way, Christian anthropology has provided an authoritative framework for understanding and valuing the dynamics of human life as moving “from the old to the new man”, according to the famous phrase of the apostle Paul. Other great European humanistic traditions with their ideas of man and visions of his progress can be placed in the critical perspective of this Pauline anthropological formula. One of those traditions that relatively (...)
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  50. Epilog.Dušan Bošković - 1999 - Filozofija I Društvo 1999 (16):33-33.
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