Results for 'Dumont, André Hubert'

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  1. "El ser y la cuchara". Meditación sobre el ser en el "De Mente" de Nicolás de Cusa.André Hubert - 2012 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 26:9-34.
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    Approach to the Anselm’s Monologion.Andrés Hubert Robinet Sj - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 34:147-166.
    Anselmo escribió su primer libro, el Monologion, forzado por los hermanos de su monasterio. El método también le fue impuesto: no decir nada desde la autoridad de la Escritura, profundizar todo desde la sola razón y, al mismo tiempo, presentar todo con claridad. El artículo estudia las tres partes del método. Se ve la importancia de los razonamientos dentro del peligro de no citar la Escritura, sobre todo en tiempo en que la dialéctica entusiasmaba a los jóvenes inexpertos. Las razones (...)
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    «El ser y la cuchara»: Meditación sobre el ser en el De Mente de Nicolás de Cusa.Andrés Hubert Robinet - 2012 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 26:09-34.
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    Littérature et histoire du christianisme ancien.Eric Crégheur, Nicolas Asselin, Jonathan Bourgel, Iulian Dancă, Lucian Dîncă, Sébastien Doane, André-Philippe Doré, Gavin McDowell, Louis Painchaud, Paul-Hubert Poirier, Gaëlle Rioual & Philippe Therrien - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (2):289.
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    Le cyclisme : le mécanisme refoulé.Pascal Dumont - 2001 - Cités 7 (3):79-91.
    Dans un roman d’anticipation qu’il situe en 19201, Alfred Jarry invente le personnage d’André Marcueuil, capable d’aller « au-delà des forces humaines », tant sexuelles que cyclistes. Durant la futuriste « course des dix mille milles »2, une quintuplette, sur laquelle pédalent cinq champions cyclistes, distance, grâce à un développement de « cinquante-sept mètres trente-quatre »,..
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    FESTUGIÈRE, André-Jean, Les Actes apocryphes de Jean et de Thomas. Traduction française et notes critiques FESTUGIÈRE, André-Jean, Les Actes apocryphes de Jean et de Thomas. Traduction française et notes critiques.Paul-Hubert Poirier - 1986 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 42 (1):123-124.
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    Idéologies au Canada français, 1850–1900. Ouvrage publié sous la direction de Fernand Dumont, Jean-Paul Montminy et Jean Hamelin. Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec, 1971. [REVIEW]André Vachet - 1974 - Dialogue 13 (3):609-610.
  8. Le complexe significabile.Hubert Elie - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:100.
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    LELOIR, Dom Louis, Écrits apocryphes sur les apôtres : traduction de l'édition arménienne de Venise. Vol. I. Pierre, Paul, André, Jacques, JeanLELOIR, Dom Louis, Écrits apocryphes sur les apôtres : traduction de l'édition arménienne de Venise. Vol. I. Pierre, Paul, André, Jacques, Jean. [REVIEW]Paul-Hubert Poirier - 1988 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 44 (1):121-123.
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    Beyond the frame problem: what (else) can Heidegger do for AI?Mario Andrés Chalita & Alexander Sedzielarz - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):173-184.
    About three decades ago, AI theory underwent a sharp turn as a consequence of criticism that pointed out the problem of externalism in the cognitivist position. Hubert Dreyfus, undoubtedly the main exponent of this criticism, opened the possibility of a Heideggerian reading using the frame problem to bring to light obscurities that otherwise would have been very difficult to detect. However, the question still remains of whether or not Heidegger’s philosophy can serve as the source of a positive contribution (...)
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  11. Oberhuber, Andrea, ed. A belles mains. Livre surrealiste-Livre d'artiste. Melusine, No. XXXII. Lausanne, Editions L'Age d'Homme, 2012. Pp. 336. [REVIEW]E. Mechoulan & J. D. Hubert - 2013 - Substance 42 (1):185-191.
    This issue of Mélusine pursues the research initiated in 1982 on the surrealist book, without giving the last word on such a complex subject. Demonstrating erudition worthy of La Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France, the contributors propose new ideas and points of view. By the sheer abundance of technical terms, the articles would have astonished the avant-garde poets and artists in question, who were so very fond of entertainment. Some contributors examine the illustrated book, the artist's book and the (...)
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    Andre Holenstein, Hubert Steinke, and Martin Stuber, eds. Scholars in Action: The Practice of Knowledge and the Figure of the Savant in the 18th Century, Volumes 1 and 2. [REVIEW]Kristen M. Schranz - 2018 - Spontaneous Generations 9 (1):192-195.
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    Selling conscience short: a response to Schuklenk and Smalling on conscientious objections by medical professionals.Jocelyn Maclure & Isabelle Dumont - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):241-244.
    In a thought-provoking paper, Schuklenk and Smalling argue that no right to conscientious objection should be granted to medical professionals. First, they hold that it is impossible to assess either the truth of conscience-based claims or the sincerity of the objectors. Second, even a fettered right to conscientious refusal inevitably has adverse effects on the rights of patients. We argue that the main problem with their position is that it is not derived from a broader reflection on the meaning and (...)
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  14. (3 other versions)Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie.André Lalande - 1927 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 6:101-102.
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    Elternzentrierte ethische Entscheidungsfindung für Frühgeborene im Grenzbereich der Lebensfähigkeit – Reflexion über die Bedeutung probabilistischer Prognosen als Entscheidungsgrundlage.André Kidszun - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (1):81-98.
    Frühgeborene im Grenzbereich der Lebensfähigkeit befinden sich in einer prognostischen Grauzone. Das bedeutet, dass deren Prognose zwar schlecht, aber nicht hoffnungslos ist, woraus folgt, dass nach Geburt lebenserhaltende Behandlungen nicht obligatorisch sind. Die Entscheidung für oder gegen lebenserhaltende Maßnahmen ist wertbeladen und für alle Beteiligten enorm herausfordernd. Sie sollte eine zwischen Eltern und Ärzt*innen geteilte Entscheidung sein, wobei sie unbedingt mit den Präferenzen der Eltern abgestimmt sein sollte. Bei der pränatalen Beratung der Eltern legen die behandelnden Ärzt*innen üblicherweise numerische Schätzungen (...)
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    Circularity, Definition and Truth.André Chapuis & Anil Gupta (eds.) - 2000 - New Delhi: Sole distributor, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
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    Reconstructing Complex Pro/Con Argumentation.André Juthe - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (3):413-454.
    Wellman identified three types of conductive arguments, the third of which contains both pro and counter-considerations in the same piece of reasoning. This paper provides a pragma-dialectical analysis of this type of argumentation, with special focus on argumentation reconstruction. It argues that the account of pro/con argumentation in the framework of argument-as-product has problems solvable by a pragma-dialectical approach. The paper asserts that pro/con argumentation should be analyzed as a dialectical strategy of a protagonist, where acknowledgement of counter-considerations shows that (...)
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    Copernicus and the Aristotelian Tradition: Education, Reading, and Philosophy in Copernicus's Path to Heliocentrism.André Goddu - 2010 - Brill.
    Drawing on a half century of scholarship, of Polish studies of Copernicus and Cracow University, and of Copernicus's sources, this book offers a comprehensive re-evaluation of Copernicus's achievement, and explains his commitment to the ...
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    Analogy and Structure in two of Plato’s Dialogues.Andre M. Archie - 2015 - Philotheos 15:17-31.
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    Direct Marketing Experiences Among Individuals With Current and Lifetime Gambling Disorder.André Syvertsen, Ståle Pallesen, Eilin Kristine Erevik & Rune Aune Mentzoni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21. Intentionality and the phenomenology of action.Jerome C. Wakefield & Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1991 - In Ernest Lepore (ed.), John Searle and His Critics. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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    Frustrating Absences.André J. Abath - 2019 - Disputatio 11 (53):45-62.
    Experiences of absence are common in everyday life, but have received little philosophical attention until recently, when two positions regarding the nature of such experiences surfaced in the literature. According to the Perceptual View, experiences of absence are perceptual in nature. This is denied by the Surprise-Based View, according to which experiences of absence belong together with cases of surprise. In this paper, I show that there is a kind of experience of absence—which I call frustrating absences—that has been overlooked (...)
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    Leibniz.André Robinet - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):477-478.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:370 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Leibniz. By Edmondo Clone. (Napoli : Libreria scientifica editrice. Pp. 540. L.4.000.) L'ouvrage d'E. Cione est une presentation d'ensemble de l'oeuvre de Leibniz. L'auteur situe d'abord Leibniz dans son milieu culturel et dans son ambiance historique. Puis il aborde les probl~mes relatifs ~ la monade et ~ l'univers. Une troisi~me partie traite du choix divin, du real et des possibles. La quatri~me s'attache au difficile (...)
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    Professional and institutional morality: building ethics programmes on the dual loyalty of academic professionals.Andre Nijhof, Celeste Wilderom & Marlies Oost - 2012 - Ethics and Education 7 (1):91 - 109.
    Most professionals have the arduous task of managing their own dual loyalty: in one contextual relationship, they are members of a profession while simultaneously they are employed as members of a locally established organisation. This sense of a dual loyalty has to be taken into account when professional bureaucracies develop ethics programmes. This article focuses on universities. Accounting for the dual loyalty of academic professionals, it is the objective of the study to contribute to the most appropriate ethics programmes in (...)
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    The Potential Relevance of Belgian Minority Protection for South Africa.André Alen & Kristien Henrard - 1998 - Res Publica 40 (1):41-58.
    This paper focusses on the Belgian constitutional and legal regulations which are clearly and relatively directly linked to minority protection as welt as their relevance for South Africa by way of analogy, taking into account South Africa's specific circumstances.Generally, what seems to be highly relevant for South Africa is the different kind of solutions in Belgium for its three categories of minorities as related to a different degree of territorial concentration. Going from an emphasis on territorial federalism, providing autonomy, for (...)
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    La Commune.André Mast - 1961 - Res Publica 3 (2):130-141.
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    Essentialisme monétaire et relativisme méthodologique.André Orléan - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):190-195.
    According to André Orléan, the characteristics of the economical sciences dead ends in the analysis of Jacques Sapir, is the desire expressed by the orthodox movement to radically split up from the social sciences in order to establish the economical science as autonomous. André Orléan also points out Jacques Sapir-,s criticism to his book The monetary violence, according to which it induces a form of monergol essentialism that would render the currency an essential and contradictory social relation.
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    Koolhaas' Revison of Foucault's Panopticon; or, How Architecture and Philosophy Just Met.Andre Patrao - 2020 - Architecture Philosophy 5 (1).
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    André Comte-Sponville.François L'Yvonnet & André Comte-Sponville (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Éditions de l'Herne.
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    As teorias dos impulsos de Nietzsche e Freud.André Luís Mota Itaparica - 2021 - Cadernos Nietzsche 42 (1):15-30.
    Resumo: O artigo investiga as origens biológicas das teorias do impulso de Nietzsche e Freud, extraindo as consequências que delas podemos tirar. Assim, realizaremos inicialmente uma exposição das teorias dos impulsos de Freud e Nietzsche, para depois compará-las a partir das seguintes questões: A gênese dos conceitos e a relação entre psicologia e biologia; Os aspectos dinâmicos e econômicos dos impulsos; 3) O lugar da teoria dos impulsos no contexto de suas obras.: The paper investigates the biological origins of Nietzsche’s (...)
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  31. Team agency and conditional games.Andre Hofmeyr & Don Ross - 2019 - In Michiru Nagatsu & Attilia Ruzzene (eds.), Contemporary Philosophy and Social Science: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    We consider motivations for acknowledging that people participate in multiple levels of economic agency. One of these levels is characterized in terms of subjective utility to the individual; another, frequently observed, level is characterized in terms of utility to social groups with which people identify. Following Bacharach, we describe such groups as ‘teams’. We review Bacharach’s theory of such identification in his account of ‘team reasoning’. While this conceptualization is useful, it applies only to processes supported by deliberation. As this (...)
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    The Impact of David Hume's Thoughts about Race for His Stance on Slavery and His Concept of Religion.Andre C. Willis - 2019 - Hume Studies 42 (1):213-239.
    In March 2010, Professor Tom Devine, widely acknowledged as the leading academic historian of Scotland, presented a plenary lecture for the Royal Society of Edinburgh's yearly symposium, "Connections between Scotland and Slavery." Publicly advertised as a reply to the question "Did Slavery Make Scotland Great?" Devine's talk was eagerly anticipated by the group of international scholars gathered at the University of Edinburgh. His answer, however, may have been more controversial than the audience anticipated. Devine said that the economic transformation of (...)
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    Diversity stress as morality stress.Rae André - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (6):489 - 496.
    In multicultural situations it is common for people to feel that their usual modes of coping are insufficient. They experience what is here called diversity stress. Today diversity stress is widely experienced in part because key management assumptions involving moral judgments are changing. Understanding diversity stress as a type of morality stress suggests particular patterns of causation, and of productive and counterproductive reactions on the part of individuals and organizations. – Deciding whom to appoint to a challenging new position in (...)
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    The Idea of the Social Contract in the History of ‘Agreementism’.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - The European Legacy 24 (6):579-596.
    ABSTRACTOne of the recurrent motifs in political thought is the idea of the social contract, according to which a society, a government, or moral principles depend for their existence on agreements...
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    La contre-révolution dans le Journal des Débats et le Mercure de France.André Cabanis - 1972 - Res Publica 14 (4):843-864.
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    Kierkegaard et autour.André Clair - 2005 - Paris: Cerf.
    A l'occasion du 150e anniversaire de la mort de Soren Aabye Kierkegaard, cette série d'études proposée par le philosophe français André Clair contribue à situer ce penseur danois dans le réseau moderne des philosophies de l'existence. Penseur singulier, mais nullement isolé, Kierkegaard y est ainsi mis en perspective avec d'autres philosophes. Si l'interrogation éthique est privilégiée, les autres aspects d'une œuvre complexe mais unifiée sont également bien présents. De même que les précédents livres d'André Clair sur Kierkegaard, celui-ci (...)
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    Le cours de nos idées.André Joussain - 1910 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 70:143 - 167.
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    L'Etat et les cultes en droit belge : Réflexions sur la nature de leurs rapports.André Miroir - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (4):725-744.
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    On the provenience and meaning of the concept “exponent” in Kant’s Critique of pure reason.André Rodrigues Ferreira Perez - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:64-91.
    In this text I shall explore the meaning of the concept “exponent” in the first Critique by resorting to its provenience. Beginning with a brief analysis of the two meanings Kant ascribes to it the Critique, the exponent of a series and the exponent of a rule, I intend to point out that by means of Kant’s concept of analogy, intimately linked with proportion, we can find a route into some of the mathematics textbooks of the 18 th century, which (...)
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  40. Auguste Comte, prophète du XIXe siècle: sa vie, son œuvre et son actualité (Auguste Comte et nous).André Sernin - 1993 - Paris: Albatros.
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    De begrotingstechnieken als instrument voor het Ministerie van Financiën.André E. Baron Vlerick - 1988 - Res Publica 30 (4):415-426.
    Although the method of Belgian budgeting and controlling has considerably improved during recent years, there still remain a lot of shortcommings such as: frequently late introduction into Parliament of the budget, inadequate information about expenditure, rarely application of zero base budgeting aften combined with techniques which embellish the budget. Debudgeting is the most important camouflage technique. Debudgeting appears in different manners and influences not only the height but also the evolution of the budget deficit. An improvement of the budgeting technique (...)
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    Interpreting true arithmetic in the theory of the r.e. truth table degrees.André Nies & Richard A. Shore - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75 (3):269-311.
    We show that the elementary theory of the recursively enumerable tt-degrees has the same computational complexity as true first-order arithmetic. As auxiliary results, we prove theorems about exact pairs and initial segments in the tt-degrees.
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    Da síntese de um disparate: Saussure repete Deleuze.André Dias de Andrade - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (1):45-64.
    Resumo: Reconstruiu-se a semiologia geral elaborada nos escritos inacabados e indiretos de Saussure, recolocando sua noção de sentido próxima à de Deleuze e explicando-a por meio deste. Defende-se que toda teoria baseada na noção de “diferença” precisa dar conta do processo de individuação e, junto disso, por meio da descrição de dois níveis de diferenciação. Demonstra-se que isto é realizado por ambos os autores, para além e mesmo junto de suas divergências. Assim, o artigo recoloca a teoria do valor de (...)
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  44. Structural properties and Σ20 enumeration degrees.André Nies & Andrea Sorbi - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (1):285-292.
    We prove that each Σ 0 2 set which is hypersimple relative to $\emptyset$ ' is noncuppable in the structure of the Σ 0 2 enumeration degrees. This gives a connection between properties of Σ 0 2 sets under inclusion and and the Σ 0 2 enumeration degrees. We also prove that some low non-computably enumerable enumeration degree contains no set which is simple relative to $\emptyset$ '.
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    Body Parts: Property Rights and the Ownership of Human Biological Materials.Judith Andre & E. Richard Gold - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (2):42.
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    Delboeufian Reflections on Agency, Consciousness, and Evolution.André R. LeBlanc - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (11):153-174.
    The work of Joseph Delb??uf (1831‐1896), a philosopher, psychologist, and mathematician, provides fresh insights on the relationship between agency, consciousness, and evolution. Without agency, Delb??uf argued, the distinction between the self and the external world would be impossible, the function of feelings such as pain and pleasure would be incomprehensible, and consciousness would not have evolved. Delb??uf also posited a psychological stage of evolution, preceding that of natural selection, whereby sentient organisms influence the selection of their own traits through the (...)
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    La tolérance du public au mensonge politique.Blais André - 1999 - Éthique Publique 1 (1).
    Ce texte synthétise les principaux résultats d’une enquête menée au Canada sur la tolérance des citoyens à l’égard du mensonge en politique. L’honnêteté est la valeur le plus importante pour les personnes interrogées, mais en même temps, beaucoup estiment acceptable de ne pas dire toute la vérité, surtout si les questions concernent la vie privée des politiciens. Par contre, lorsque les questions sont d’intérêt public, on est beaucoup moins tolérant.
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  48. Un exposé polémique de pratiques sectaires (4Q MMT).André Caquot - 1996 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 76 (3):257-276.
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  49. Golgotha and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.Andre Parrot - 1957
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  50. The Flood and Noah's Ark.André Parrot - 1955
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