Results for 'Andre Patrao'

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    Public Space. The real and the ideal. Editorial.André Patrão, Hans Teerds, Christoph Baumberger & Tom Spector - 2023 - Architecture Philosophy 6 (1/2).
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    Koolhaas' Revison of Foucault's Panopticon; or, How Architecture and Philosophy Just Met.Andre Patrao - 2020 - Architecture Philosophy 5 (1).
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    Theory contraction through base contraction.André Fuhrmann - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 20 (2):175 - 203.
  4. Saint Thomas d'Aquin.André Cresson - 1942 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Thomas.
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    Les spirituels: philosophie et religion chez les jeunes humanistes allemands au seizième siècle.André Séguenny - 2000
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    Malebranche et Leibniz.André Robinet (ed.) - 1955 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
  7. Role Morality as a Complex Instance of Ordinary Morality.Judith Andre - 1991 - American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (1):73 - 80.
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    La vie de famille chez les Pascal.André Bord - 2012 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    Le génie de Blaise Pascal séduit toujours de nombreux chercheurs. Des âmes avides d'absolu font de ses écrits leur livre de chevet. Sans doute cette notoriété a-t-elle estompé les autres membres de cette famille somme toute remarquable. Etienne, le père, est un esprit universel. Juriste, délégué de la cité, il est aussi grand mathématicien, compositeur et organiste, religieux et père admirable. Gilberte, la sœur aînée, a un talent littéraire qui s'exprimera dans La vie de M. Pascal. Les dons poétiques de (...)
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    Critical Applications of Philosophical Lexicography: On the "Profession de Foi du Vicaire Savoyard".Andre Robinet - 1982 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 49.
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    Conception tragique et conception optimiste de la nature humaine dans la philosophie de Malebranche.André Robinet - 1961 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 16 (3):317 - 321.
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  11. Language and thought in the works of Hobbes-appearance of the word and translatio.André Robinet - 1979 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 33 (129):452-483.
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    Leibniz und Heidegger: Atomzeitalter oder Informatikzeitalter?André Robinet - 1976 - Studia Leibnitiana 8 (2):241 - 256.
    On trouve dans l'ouvrage de M. Heidegger, Der Satz vom Grund, une structure essentielle d'opposition entre «compter» et «méditer». Cette opposition prend son origine dans la dualité des interprétations du principe de raison, selon qu'on l' accentue dans le sens du nombre ou dans le sens de l'être. Contrairement à ce que soutient Heidegger, A. R. estime que l'interprétation du principe de raison selon Leibniz relève d'une troisième accentuation, qui exige la connivence du nombre et de l'être, et non leur (...)
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  13. La théorie de la pratique et la fonction de l'opinion politique dans la philosophie politique de Spinoza.André Tosel - 1985 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 1:183-208.
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    (1 other version)Editorial: A sensemaking perspective on corporate social responsibility: Introduction to the special issue.André Nijhof & Ronald Jeurissen - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (4):316–322.
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    Beyond the Opposition Between Altruism and Self-interest: Reciprocal Giving in Reward-Based Crowdfunding.Kévin André, Sylvain Bureau, Arthur Gautier & Olivier Rubel - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2):313-332.
    Increasingly, frontiers between business and philanthropy seem to be blurred. Reward-Based Crowdfunding platforms contribute to this blurring of lines since they propose funders to support both for-profit and philanthropic projects. Our empirical paper explores the case of Ulule, the leading crowdfunding platform in Europe. Our results, based on a statistical analysis of more than 3000 projects, show that crowdfunding platforms foster specific kinds of relationships relying on reciprocal giving, beyond the usual opposition between altruistic and selfish motivations. We use the (...)
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    Models for relevant modal logics.André Fuhrmann - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (4):501 - 514.
    Semantics are given for modal extensions of relevant logics based on the kind of frames introduced in [7]. By means of a simple recipe we may obtain from a class FRM (L) of unreduced frames characterising a (non-modal) logic L, frame-classes FRM (L.M) characterising conjunctively regular modal extensions L.M of L. By displaying an incompleteness phenomenon, it is shown how the recipe fails when reduced frames are under consideration.
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    Comptes rendus - comment peut-on être un américain continental?André Berten - 2001 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 99 (2):291-296.
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    Student-Driven Courses on the Social and Ecological Responsibilities of Engineers: Commentary on “Student-Inspired Activities for the Teaching and Learning of Engineering Ethics”.André Baier - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1469-1472.
    A group of engineering students at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, designed a course on engineering ethics. The core element of the developed Blue Engineering course are self-contained teaching-units, “building blocks”. These building blocks typically cover one complex topic and make use of various teaching methods using moderators who lead discussions, rather than experts who lecture. Consequently, the students themselves started to offer the credited course to their fellow students who take an active role in further developing the course (...)
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  19. Le Platon des dames.André Deisser - 1994 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 12 (1):65-108.
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    L'enseignement politique de l'Église.André Desqueyrat - 1960 - [Paris]: Spes.
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  21. Connaissance de l'individu par les tests.André Rey - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):482-482.
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    Recursively Enumerable Equivalence Relations Modulo Finite Differences.André Nies - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (4):490-518.
    We investigate the upper semilattice Eq* of recursively enumerable equivalence relations modulo finite differences. Several natural subclasses are shown to be first-order definable in Eq*. Building on this we define a copy of the structure of recursively enumerable many-one degrees in Eq*, thereby showing that Th has the same computational complexity as the true first-order arithmetic.
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    Spinoza's revolutions in natural law.Andre Santos Campos - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The book forms a balanced structure in which the three conceptual pillars of Spinoza's natural law theory (individuality, natural laws, and power) are first analyzed from the viewpoint of his ontology and then from the viewpoint of his ...
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  24. Deux congrès philosophiques de 1952, 91.André-Louis Leroy - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:91-92.
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  25. Eléments d'archéologie musulmane dans Al-Andalus: caractères spécifiques se l'architecture militaire arabe de la region valencienne.André Bazzana - 1980 - Al-Qantara 1 (1):339-364.
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  26. Circularity, Truth, and the Liar Paradox.Andre Chapuis - 1993 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    This dissertation is a study of some recent theories of truth. The theories fall into three groups: The Revision Theories, the context-sensitive theories, and the "Chrysippian theories". ;The "Chrysippian theories" are based on the intuition that pathologicalities arising from the concept of truth can be recognized and acknowledged with the concept of truth itself. Thus, from the pathologicality of the Liar, for example, we can conclude that the Liar is not true. This leads to immediate difficulties since the Liar claims (...)
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    Describing groups.André Nies - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):305-339.
    Two ways of describing a group are considered. 1. A group is finite-automaton presentable if its elements can be represented by strings over a finite alphabet, in such a way that the set of representing strings and the group operation can be recognized by finite automata. 2. An infinite f.g. group is quasi-finitely axiomatizable if there is a description consisting of a single first-order sentence, together with the information that the group is finitely generated. In the first part of the (...)
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  28. Finitude, infinitude et langage chez Nicolas de Cues.João Maria André - 2017 - In Hervé Pasqua, Infini et altérité dans l'oeuvre de Nicolas de Cues (1401-1464). Bristol, CT: Peeters.
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  29. Comparação entre as eletrodinâmicas de Weber e de Maxwell-Lorentz.André K. T. Assis - 1998 - Episteme 3 (6):7-15.
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    De la présence pure: la plénitude ontologique du vide.André Kopacz - 2018 - Montréal: Liber.
    La formule " plénitude ontologique du vide " signifie que le vide n'est pas un néant, un rien ou une absence définitive mais, au contraire, l'affirmation en son autosuffisance de la présence à l'état pur. Le vide est plein de la présence pure, mieux il s'identifie à elle. De l'atomisme antique à la révolution scientifique en passant par la Renaissance, de Démocrite à Newton, d'Aristote à Descartes en tant que ses plus éminents adversaires, le vide n'a cessé de hanter tant (...)
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  31. Zoopolitical Remains: Seeking Interspecies Justice in the History of Western Political Thought.André Krebber & Serrin Rutledge-Prior - manuscript
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    Clotilde de Vaux.André Thérive - 1957 - Paris,: A. Michel.
    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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    Penser Les relations internationaLes africaines: Des problèmes aux philosophèmes politiques aujourd'hui.André-Marie Yinda Yinda - 1998 - Polis 6 (2).
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    Elusive hope in a secular age.Andre C. Willis - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (3):346-348.
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  35. Under the influence of Malthus's law of population growth: Darwin eschews the statistical techniques of Aldolphe Quetelet.Andre Ariew - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (1):1-19.
    In the epigraph, Fisher is blaming two generations of theoretical biologists, from Darwin on, for ignoring Quetelet's statistical techniques and hence harboring confusions about evolution and natural selection. He is right to imply that Darwin and his contemporaries were aware of the core of Quetelet's work. Quetelet's seminal monograph, Sur L'homme, was widely discussed in Darwin's academic circles. We know that Darwin owned a copy (Schweber 1977). More importantly, we have in Darwin's notebooks two entries referring to Quetelet's work on (...)
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    Leçon terminale.André Chastel - 1986 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 48 (2):305-318.
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  37. Problèmes De L'art Et De L'humanisme En Italie.André Chastel - 1948 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 10:195-202.
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    Kierkegaard et Lequier: lectures croisées.André Clair - 2008 - Paris: Les Editions du Cerf.
    Étude sur deux pensées philosophiques de l'existence qui furent influencées par le romantisme au milieu du XIXe siècle. L'auteur s'interroge sur la conception de l'homme que chacun des deux philosophes propose. D'après lui, leurs postulats sont parents par bien des aspects. L'existence est envisagée dans ses dimensions littéraires, philosophiques et religieuses.--Résumé de l'éditeur.
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  39. Teilhard de Chardin et la sainte évolution.André Combes - 1969 - [Paris]: Éditions Seghers.
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  40. De l'iconographie du Temple de Salomon (IIIe-XVIIIe siècles) à l'architecture des églises.André Corboz - 2001 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 133 (3):389-399.
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  41. Pascal.André Cresson - 1939 - Paris,: F. Alcan. Edited by Blaise Pascal.
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  42. Saint Augustin; sa vie, son œuvre.André Cresson - 1942 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Augustine.
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    Theory of Reaction-Diffusion and Emergence of the Geographical Forms.André Dauphiné - 2009 - In Moulay Aziz-Alaoui & Cyrille Bertelle, From System Complexity to Emergent Properties. Springer. pp. 157--163.
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  44. Intentional Meaning.André Orianne - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14 (2):195-209.
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  45. Nineveh and the Old Testament.André Parrot - 1955
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    Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: An International Perspective.André Kidszun, Pablo Lezama-Del Valle, Jagdish Chinnappa, Priya Pais, Arpana Iyengar, Erwin J. Khoo, Janicke Syltern, Fajar Raza, Sarosh Saleem & John D. Lantos - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (1):35-45.
    In this article, we first review the development of clinical ethics in pediatrics in the United States. We report that, over the last 40 years, most children’s hospitals have ethics committees but that those committees are rarely consulted. We speculate that the reasons for the paucity of ethics consults might be because ethical dilemmas are aired in other venues. The role of the ethics consultant, then, might be to shape the institutional climate and create safe spaces for the discussion of (...)
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  47. Exclusivo metropolitano,“superlucros” e acumulação primitiva na Europa pré-industrial.André Arruda Villela - 2011 - Topoi: Revista de História 12 (23):4-29.
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    The Potential Use-Value of Hume's ‘True Religion’.Andre C. Willis - 2015 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 13 (1):1-15.
    Many hold that Hume was an atheist, that he despised the church, and that he was a devastating critic of religion. One cannot deny, however, the references to ‘true religion’ in his work, his sometimes seemingly favorable references to Deity, his call for religion in ‘every civilized community’, and his sense of ‘natural belief’. The following essay describes a speculative Humean ‘true religion’ and discusses its potential use-value for contemporary philosophy of religion. It begins, anecdotally, with a description of Hume's (...)
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    History and Power in Hume’s ‘Of Miracles’: A Pragmaticist-Historicist Account.Andre C. Willis - 2023 - Contemporary Pragmatism 20 (4):313-333.
    This reconsideration of Hume’s classic essay “Of Miracles” via the lens of American pragmatist ways of thinking about history and power shifts our attention from Hume’s epistemic concerns about the legitimacy of witnesses and testimony to his distaste for sacred history, his critical stance regarding the social force of revelation, and his disdain for religious authority. To view Hume’s essay both as an articulation of a critical philosophy of history and as an exercise in moral dynamism (social power or, authority, (...)
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    Some Paradoxes of Counterprivacy.André Gombay - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (244):191 - 210.
    For many years G. E. Moore asked himself what was wrong with sentences like ‘I went to the pictures last Tuesday, but I don't believe that I did’, or ‘I believe that he has gone out, but he has not’. He discussed the problem in 1912 in his Ethics , and was still discussing it in 1944 in a paper to the Moral Sciences Club at Cambridge—an event we know about from a letter of Wittgenstein that I shall quote in (...)
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