Results for 'Dr Campe'

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  1.  6
    XI. Horat. Epist. I, 11. 4.Dr Campe - 1869 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 29 (1-4):452-472.
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    XXXIX. Zu Cicero.Dr Campe - 1855 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 10 (1-4):627-635.
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    Dr. Eduard Lasker – sein Stammbaum und Familienumfeld: Ein genealogischer Beitrag zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte.Richard W. Dill - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 58 (4):337-356.
    On the basis of recently discovered documents, the paper discusses the family tree of the Jewish Lasker dynasty, originating from Lask in Poland, formerly Prussia. The common forefather of all Laskers was Rabbi Meier Hindels, who lived around 1700. In Germany, the most successful of his descendants was Dr. Eduard Lasker. He was a lawyer, co-founder of the National Liberal party, and in his lifetime the most conspicuous parliamentary opponent to Reich Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Germany owes him a considerable (...)
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    The Holocaust and medical ethics: the voices of the victims.A. Jotkowitz - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (12):869-870.
    Fifty-nine years ago, Dr Leo Alexander published his now famous report on medicine under the Nazis. In his report he describes the two major crimes of German physicians. The participation of physicians in euthanasia and genocide and the horrible experiments performed on concentration camp prisoners in the name of science. In response to this gross violation of human rights by physicians, the Nuremberg military tribunal, which investigated and prosecuted the perpetrators of the Nazi war crimes, established ten principles of ethical (...)
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    Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth.Joseph Stephen O'Leary & Terry C. Muck - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):239-241.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religious Pluralism and Christian TruthJoseph S. O’Leary has been named recipient of the 1998 Frederick J. Streng Book Award for his 1996 volume, Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth. Dr. O’Leary was born in Cork, Ireland, in 1949. He studied literature, theology, and philosophy in Maynooth, Rome, and Paris. After teaching briefly in the United States (University of Notre Dame and Duquesne University), he moved to Japan in 1983. He (...)
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    A decade later: The Internet as Public Space.Matthew North - 2010 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 40 (2):22-27.
    In the September 2000 edition of Computers and Society, Drs. Jean Camp and Y. T. Chien, of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, published a paper titled "The Internet as Public Space: Concepts, Issues and Implications in Public Policy." Now, ten years later, the Internet landscape has changed dramatically.
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    Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and Christianity.John D'Arcy May - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):189-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and ChristianityJohn D'Arcy MayA Benedictine abbey that has been involved in exchanges with Buddhist monks since 1979 was an appropriate setting for serious discussion of double identity and change of identity between Buddhists and Christians. The European Network holds its conferences every two years, and after experiencing the Benedictine hospitality of St.Ottilien once again it was decided that every second conference should be (...)
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  8. Sophie's Choice : Letting Chance Decide.Suzanne Lynn Dovi - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):174-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 30.1 (2006) 174-189 [Access article in PDF] Sophie's Choice: Letting Chance Decide Suzanne Dovi University of Arizona When, if ever, should individuals facing a genuine moral dilemma adopt a random decision procedure to determine the outcome of that dilemma? Or to put the question more metaphorically, is it ever morally preferable to determine the outcome of a moral dilemma by flipping a coin? In this paper, (...)
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    (1 other version)Editor's Note.Ellen Sutherland - 2016 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 7 (2).
    The articles published in our Winter 2016 edition are connected loosely under the themes of pop culture and public memory. Our annual conference, held in late April, featured Dr. Kelly MacFarlane as our keynote lecture to speak on the interplay between history, public memory, and pop culture. We are thrilled to present to you eight excellent articles in our Winter 2016 edition: An ideological examination of the US-Russian Space Race and public memory of the event during the cold war is (...)
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    Eugenics.Mary Carrington Coutts & Pat Milmoe McCarrick - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (2):163-178.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:EugenicsMary Carrington Coutts (bio) and Pat Milmoe McCarrick (bio)The word eugenics (from the Greek eugenes or well-born) was coined in 1883 by Francis Galton, an Englishman and cousin of Charles Darwin, who applied Darwinian science to develop theories about heredity and good or noble birth (I, Kevles 1985, p. x).The entry under "eugenics" in the Encyclopedia of Bioethics notes that the term has had different meanings in different eras: (...)
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    Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and Christianity: Sixth Study Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, Archabbey of St. Ottilien, Bavaria, June 10-13, 2005. [REVIEW]John D'Arcy May - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and ChristianityJohn D'Arcy MayA Benedictine abbey that has been involved in exchanges with Buddhist monks since 1979 was an appropriate setting for serious discussion of double identity and change of identity between Buddhists and Christians. The European Network holds its conferences every two years, and after experiencing the Benedictine hospitality of St.Ottilien once again it was decided that every second conference should be (...)
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    Platonic ideas and concept formation in ancient and medieval thought.Carlos G. Steel, Gerd van Riel, Caroline Macé & Leen van Campe (eds.) - 2004 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    From an epistemological viewpoint, the Forms constitute the objects of true knowledge. From an ontological point of view, they are the principles that underlie the order of the universe.
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    Wofür braucht die Medizinethik empirische Methoden?Prof Dr Phil Marcus Düwell - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (3):201-211.
    Der Einsatz empirischer Forschungsmethoden in der Medizinethik hat zu Forderungen nach einem gewandelten Selbstverständnis der Medizinethik geführt, die sich mehr als eine integrierte Disziplin aus Sozialwissenschaften und Ethik verstehen solle. Dagegen wird hier die These vertreten, dass über Sinn und Unsinn des Einsatzes empirischer Methoden zunächst eine moralphilosophische Diskussion erforderlich ist. Medizinethiker müssen ausweisen können, welche empirischen Forschungsresultate zur Beantwortung normativer Fragen erforderlich sind. Ein solcher Ausweis beruht seinerseits jedoch auf normativen Annahmen, die ihrerseits moralphilosophischer Legitimation bedürfen. Der Beitrag untersucht (...)
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    Selbstbestimmung am Lebensende.Prof Dr Hartmut Kreß - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (3):291-297.
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    Dissociating Arithmetic Operations in the Parietal Cortex Using 1 Hz Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: The Importance of Strategy Use.Shane Fresnoza, Monica Christova, Sieglinde Purgstaller, Margit Jehna, Karla Zaar, Markus Hoffermann, Kariem Mahdy Ali, Christof Körner, Eugen Gallasch, Gord von Campe & Anja Ischebeck - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  16.  38
    Ethikberatung und Ethik-Komitee im Altenpflegeheim (EKA).Dr med Gisela Bockenheimer-Lucius - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (4):320-330.
    Die Komplexität ethischer Fragen und Alltagskonflikte in Einrichtungen der stationären Altenpflege verlangen Gesprächsforen für Ethikberatung und Fortbildung zur ethischen Entscheidungsfindung. Noch ist in Deutschland die Einrichtung von Ethikkomitees in Altenpflegeheimen in den Anfängen. Es kommt nun vordringlich darauf an, bei der Institutionalisierung die spezifischen strukturellen und personellen Bedingungen eines Altenpflegeheims zu berücksichtigen, um zum Wohle aller Betroffenen mit der erforderlichen Kontextsensitivität zu einer verbesserten ethischen Entscheidungskultur beizutragen. Wesentliche Merkmale eines Altenpflegeheims werden dargestellt und anhand der Psychopharmakaversorgung einige typische ethische Probleme (...)
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    Chahot Discuss Assisted Suicide in the Absence of Somatic Illness.Arlene Judith Klotzko & Dr Boudewijn - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (2):239-249.
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    In-vitro-Kultur menschlicher Embryonen.Prof Dr Uwe Körner - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (1):68-72.
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    Wie sollten Ärzte mit Patientenverfügungen umgehen? Ein Vorschlag aus interdisziplinärer Sicht.Prof Dr Phil Dieter Birnbacher, Peter Dabrock, Jochen Taupitz & Jochen Vollmann - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (2):139-147.
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    Das Verbot der pränatalen Diagnostik spätmanifestierender Erkrankungen im deutschen Gendiagnostikgesetz – eine Diskussion medizinischer und rechtlicher Aspekte und deren Implikation für die medizinethische Diskussion.Pd Dr Tanja Krones, Prof Dr Uwe Körner, Dr Dagmar Schmitz, Prof Dr Wolfram Henn, Dr Christa Wewetzer, Prof Dr Hartmut Kreß, Pd Dr Christian Netzer, Dr Petra Thorn & Dr Gisela Bockenheimer-Lucius - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (1):1-14.
    Am 1. Februar 2010 ist das Gendiagnostikgesetz (GenDG) in Kraft getreten. Die Debatte um einige Regelungsbereiche, wie beispielsweise das Neugeborenenscreening, reißt nicht ab. Ein Aspekt des Gesetzes ist im Rahmen der Debatte um die Präimplantationsdiagnostik (PID) in Deutschland unter neuen Vorzeichen zu diskutieren: Das – international bislang einzigartige – Verbot der pränatalen Diagnostik so genannter spätmanifestierender Erkrankungen, die erst nach der Vollendung des 18. Lebensjahres ausbrechen. In diesem Beitrag möchten wir Hinweise zur differenzierten Diskussion dieser in § 15(2) GenDG bestimmten (...)
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    Ethik in der Medizin—Schlaglichter aus der Sichtprotestantischer Ethik.Prof Dr Hartmut Kreß - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (4):320-324.
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    Gesundheitsschutz und Embryonenschutz in ethischrechtlicher Abwägung.Prof Dr Hartmut Kreß - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (1):92-99.
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    Reproduktionsmedizin und embryonale Stammzellforschung – aktueller Problemstand und gesetzlicher Regelungsbedarf.Prof Dr Hartmut Kreß - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (2):135-143.
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    Kultivierung von Embryonen und Single-Embryo-Transfer.Prof Dr Hartmut Kreß - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (3):234-240.
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    Medizinethik in den Medien.Prof Dr Phil Matthias Kettner - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (4):353-358.
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    Terminale Sedierung, Sterbehilfe und kausale Rollen.Prof Dr Phil Dieter Birnbacher - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (4):358-368.
    Während die terminale Sedierung neueren niederländischen Erhebungen zufolge bereits in mehr als 5% aller Sterbefälle zur Leidensminderung am Lebensende angewandt wird, sind viele der durch dieses Verfahren aufgeworfenen begrifflichen und ethischen Fragen weiterhin offen. Kontrovers ist insbesondere die begriffliche Einordnung der Kombination von terminaler Sedierung und Behandlungsabbruch sowie die Frage nach den dafür einschlägigen ethischen Kriterien. Ausgehend von einer Analyse von drei Szenarien mit unterschiedlicher kausaler Rollenverteilung argumentiere ich dafür, den Standardfall der Kombination von terminaler Sedierung und Behandlungsabbruch unter die (...)
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    Assistenz zum guten Leben.Prof Dr Matthias Kettner - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (1):5-9.
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    The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Transforming Organizational Culture Dynamics.Samaksh Goyal, Dr Rinki Mishra, Sudhanshu Dev, Abhishek Upadhyay, Dr Vinima Gambhir, Ashish Verma & Ezhilarasan Ganesan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:733-742.
    Interest in emotional intelligence within structural settings has flowed as its role in determining operative workplace dynamics becomes progressively documented. This education explores the impact of expressive intelligence on structural culture dynamics, concentrating on variables such as leader emotional intelligence, organizational culture, team collaboration, and employee engagement. Data from 388 participants were examined through chi-square test, correlation analysis, square tests, and Cronbach’s α to measure the relationships and reliability of the measures. For statistical analysis in this study SPSS software were (...)
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    Teaching Ethics in the Face of Africa’s Moral Crisis: Reflections from a Guest.Dr Benno van den Toren - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (1):1-16.
    Though the Christian faith has in recent years increasingly shown itself to be a truly African religion, a variety of African authors such as Kä Mana, George Kinoti, Hannah Kinoti, August Shutte and Efoé Julien Penoukou have noted that sub-Saharan Africa is facing a moral crisis. This article explores this crisis in as far as it is caused by difficulties in the reception of the Christian ethic by African Christian communities. It points out that this crisis is visible in double (...)
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    Comprehensive Evaluation of Imagination's Impact on Psychological Strength in Sports Education.Nitish Vashisht, Dr Nikita Shukla, Dr Sadaf Hashmi, J. Guntaj, M. Sunil Kumar, Anvesha Garg & Dr Shanthanu Chakravarthy - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:609-621.
    In sports education, psychological strength is considered as an integral component in the performance of any athlete. One of the effective ways to improve many psychological attributes involves training. The sample consisted of 450 athletes divided into an experimental group (EG) (n = 225) that received eight-week imagination training and a control group (CG) (n = 225) that continued with conventional training. Data was examined using the latest version of SPSS 17.0, using descriptive statistics, paired t-tests, and Analysis of covariance (...)
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    Beyond the International Relations framework: an essay in descriptive global ethics.Dr Des Gasper - 2005 - Journal of Global Ethics 1 (1):5-23.
    Discussions of global ethics—about the types of ethical claim made on individuals and groups, not only states, by individuals and groups around the world—have had to move beyond the categories inherited in the International Relations discipline. Many important positions are not captured by a framework developed for discussion of inter-state relations. The blindspots seem to reflect an outmoded expectation that (i) giving low normative weight to national boundaries correlates strongly with (ii) giving more normative weight to people beyond one's national (...)
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    Investigating the Effectiveness of Cultural Change in Improving Financial Sector Performance.Samaksh Goyal, Dr Aashka Thakkar, Lovish Dhingra, Richa Garg, Prem Colaco, Anchal Gupta & G. N. Mamatha - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:713-722.
    The significance of cultural change in improving financial performance has become widely acknowledged. To determining how cultural changes affect performance is critical in the financial industry, where quick changes in regulations and technology are typical. Even with the increased interest, there is still lack of empirical data connecting cultural shifts to the success of the financial industry. The study goal is to evaluate the efficacy of cultural change initiatives in improving financial sector performance, to identify specific cultural elements that significantly (...)
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    The biochemical bases of the placebo effect.Dr Raúl de la Fuente-Fernández & A. Jon Stoessl - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (1):143-150.
    A great variety of medical conditions are subject to the placebo effect. Although there is mounting evidence to suggest that the placebo effect is related to the expectation of clinical benefit, little is still known about the biochemical bases underlying placebo responses. Positron emission tomography studies have recently shown that the placebo effect in Parkinson’s disease, pain, and depression is related to the activation of the limbic circuitry. The observation that placebo administration induces the release of dopamine in the ventral (...)
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    Zur Unterscheidung von terminaler Sedierung und Sterbehilfe.Prof Dr Govert A. Den Hartogh - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (4):378-391.
    Bei der „terminalen Sedierung“ wird ein unheilbar kranker und schwer leidender Patient für den Rest seines Lebens in ein tiefes Koma versetzt. Das hierzu verwendete Morphin bzw. Midazolam kann lebensverkürzend wirken. Ist dies also eine Maßnahme, die das Leben des Patienten beendet, auf seinen Wunsch hin oder nicht? Gewöhnlich wird diese Frage mit nein beantwortet, wenn die lebensverkürzende Wirkung nur vorhersehbar, aber nicht beabsichtigt ist. Allerdings ist der Zugang der Menschen auch zu ihren eigenen Intentionen fallibel, so dass sogar ihre (...)
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    International science and fair-play practices.Prof Dr Pieter J. D. Drenth - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (1):5-11.
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    Ethikberatung – Ethik-Komitee in Einrichtungen der stationären Altenhilfe (EKA).Dr med G. Bockenheimer-Lucius & Dr Phil A. T. May - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (4):331-339.
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    A survey of business ethics in germany.Prof Dr Horst Steinmann & Dr Albert Löhr - 1992 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 1 (2):139–141.
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    Influence of Parental Factors on Children’s Career Development: A Caseof Public Secondary Schools in Isinya Sub-County, Kajiado.Esther Njenga, Dr Zipporah Kaaria & Doreen Katiba - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 2 (1):17-26.
    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which some selected parental factors influence career development among form four students in Isinya Sub-County.Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive survey. The population of the study was all the 572 form four public school students in Isinya Sub-County. The study focused on all the nine public secondary schools from Isinya Sub-County to carry out the survey while proportional random sampling technique was used to sample the students. The researcher (...)
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    Laudato Si´: Aportes Antropológicos y Éticos.Pbro Dr Amadeo José Tonello - 2017 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):73.
    La Encíclica Laudato Si’ del Papa Francisco no solo realiza importantes afi rmaciones acerca de las cuestiones ambientales, sino que ofrece también indicaciones muy significativas para la adecuada comprensión de cuestiones antropológicas y éticas relevantes, en particular la ley natural. El presente trabajo intenta mostrar estos aportes y abrir horizontes de diálogo entre la tradición clásica y las posiciones actuales.
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    Analysing the Influence of Organizational Culture on Supply Chain Outcomes: Structural Model Analysis.Dinesh Goyal, Dr Yashesh Zaveri, Varun Ojha, Dr Urvashi Thakur, Kajal Chheda, Tannmay Gupta & V. Pushparajesh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:833-843.
    Employee behavior, decision-making, and cooperation across the supply chain network are all greatly influenced by organizational culture (OC). In supply chain outcomes (SCO), an understanding of the effect promotes efficiency overall, improves coordination, and maximizes performance. The structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was initially applied to experimentally analyze data from a survey of 85 enterprises using a quantitative approach. The relationships between cultures such as OC, market culture (MC), clan culture (CC), Hierarchy culture (HC), Professional culture (PC), Adhocracy culture (AC), (...)
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    Hat ein Kind eine Pflicht, Blutstammzellen für ein krankes Geschwisterkind zu spenden?Prof Dr Christina Schües & Prof Dr Christoph Rehmann-Sutter - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (2):89-102.
    Die allogene Transplantation von Blutstammzellen aus dem Körper von Kindern, die der Spende nicht selbst zustimmen können, in den Körper eines kranken Geschwisterkindes wirft schwierige ethische Fragen auf. Wie kann ein risikobehafteter, fremdnütziger medizinischer Eingriff ethisch gerechtfertigt werden? In dieser Arbeit werden Argumente kritisch untersucht, nach denen das Spenderkind eine Pflicht habe, bei der Transplantation mitzumachen. Die Idee der Pflicht ist nachvollziehbar aus der Perspektive der Eltern, die zwar in einem Fürsorgekonflikt sind (ein Kind zu Gunsten der Rettung des anderen (...)
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    Kommentar I.Pd Dr Frank Saliger - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (2):145-148.
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    Kommentar I.Prof Dr Ruth Schwerdt - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):252-256.
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    Zur Möglichkeit einer kulturübergreifenden Bioethik.Dr med Annette Schulz-Baldes & Anna-Karina Jakovljevic - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):261-266.
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    The first Code of Medical Ethics in an independent nation.Prof Dr Ivan Segota - 1995 - HEC Forum 7 (6):381-386.
  46. A cultura da Mesa de refeição E o seu aspecto teológico religioso.Prof Dr Cézar Teixeira & Aantonio Wardson C. Silva - 2013 - Revista de Teologia 7 (11):02-11.
    O tema sobre a cultura da mesa de refeição quer refletir o aspecto teológico-religioso da cultura do antigo Israel e apontar a relação entre cultura e teologia, costumes e valores espirituais, como experiências que apontam para o Transcendente e para a unidade de um grupo. Com isso, o texto quer resgatar tal reflexão para o mundo pós-moderno, no qual a cultura sustenta-se por uma dimensão que transcende a vida prática dos homens, assinala valores impregnados de religiosidade e espiritualidade e, consequentemente, (...)
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    Les Principes Philosophiques Du Christianisme.Prof Dr A. H. De Hartog - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):396-396.
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    Stefan Huster (2011) Soziale Gesundheitsgerechtigkeit. Sparen, umverteilen, vorsorgen?Pd Dr Alexander Dietz - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (2):165-166.
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    Ethik in der Medizin und ihre Aufgaben in der Politik.Dr rer nat Sigrid Graumann Dipl Biol - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (4):359-363.
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    Gianni Vattimo's hermeneutics and the trace of divinity.Dr Luca D'Isanto - 1994 - Modern Theology 10 (4):361-381.
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