Results for 'Double Contradiction'

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  1. Differential Calculus Based on the Double Contradiction.Kazuhiko Kotani - 2016 - Open Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):420-427.
    The derivative is a basic concept of differential calculus. However, if we calculate the derivative as change in distance over change in time, the result at any instant is 0/0, which seems meaningless. Hence, Newton and Leibniz used the limit to determine the derivative. Their method is valid in practice, but it is not easy to intuitively accept. Thus, this article describes the novel method of differential calculus based on the double contradiction, which is easier to accept intuitively. (...)
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    Paradoxes in the Argumentation of the Comic Double and Classemic Contradiction.Benjamín García-Hernández - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (1):99-111.
    In the comedies of errors, and more precisely in the comedies of double, in which two identities become confused, the characters get into paradoxical situations reigned by the principle of contradiction. The classemic relationships that are based on the criterion of subjectivity are broken due to the intervention of the character appearing as the double, for the doubled and the double can appear as one subject or as two. In fact, in the added double one (...)
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    Jacques Derrida's Double Deconstructive Reading: A Contradiction in Terms?Gerasimos Kakoliris - 2004 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 35 (3):283-292.
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    The Double Path of Expansive Learning in Complex Socio-Technical Change Processes.Monika Hackel & Michael Klebl - 2014 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 15 (1):04-27.
    The purpose of this article is to describe how expansive learning in organisations can become a resource for learning in a wider community of practice (CoP). The “developmental work research” approach (DWR) based on cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) is beneficial for analysing and interpreting the requirements in a field of action. Engeström’s specific form of “action research” focuses on expansive learning in activity systems. However, complex socio-technical change processes cannot be initiated and managed by the local community of practise (...)
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    Double standards for sexual jealousy.Luci Paul, Mark A. Foss & Mary Ann Baenninger - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (3):291-321.
    This work tests two conflicting views about double standards: whether they reflect evolved sex differences in behavior or a manipulative morality serving male interests. Two questionnaires on jealous reactions to mild (flirting) and serious (cheating) sexual transgressions were randomly assigned to 172 young women and men. One questionnaire assessed standards for appropriate behavior and perceptions of how young women and men usually react. The second asked people to report how they had reacted or, if naive, how they would react. (...)
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    The double life of evidence: From the streets to the labs.Ioannis Votsis - unknown
    An integral part of the schooling of scientists, especially experimental ones, is the cultivation of the significance and role of scientific evidence. Naturally this schooling is not conducted in vacuuo. Budding scientists already have experiences of, and intuitions about, the use of evidence in everyday life. In this talk I take a sustained look at the relations between common-sense notions of evidence and scientific ones. Among other things, I argue that scientific notions of evidence and associated practices are in many (...)
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    La double contrainte du principe et de l’anarchie.Alberto Martinengo - 2017 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 279 (1):43-50.
    Les Cahiers noirs de Martin Heidegger ont suscité des réactions si divergentes qu’il n’est pas illégitime de s’interroger sur la cause de cette plurivocité. Est-il possible qu’une série de textes produise des réactions si discordantes – de la minimisation à l’exaspération, du sarcasme à la caricature, du scandale à l’excommunication? Il est opportun de chercher dans les Cahiers noirs les racines de cette fragmentation. Cet article soutenir la thèse selon laquelle la structure et les contenus mêmes des Cahiers noirs porteraient (...)
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  8. The "Double Sense" of Fichte's Philosophical Language - Some Critical Reflections on the Cambridge Companion to Fichte.David W. Wood - 2017 - Revista de Estud(I)Os Sobre Fichte 15:1-12.
    The principal thesis in this review-essay is that the key linguistic terms in Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre especially have two main meanings that appear at first sight to be almost in contradiction or opposed to each other. The reader of Fichte therefore has to work hard to overcome any apparent conflicts in the “double sense” of his philosophical terminology. Accordingly, I argue that Fichte’s linguistic method and use of language should be seen as part of his chief philosophical method of (...)
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    Double Negation as Minimal Negation.Satoru Niki - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (5):861-886.
    N. Kamide introduced a pair of classical and constructive logics, each with a peculiar type of negation: its double negation behaves as classical and intuitionistic negation, respectively. A consequence of this is that the systems prove contradictions but are non-trivial. The present paper aims at giving insights into this phenomenon by investigating subsystems of Kamide’s logics, with a focus on a system in which the double negation behaves as the negation of minimal logic. We establish the negation inconsistency (...)
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  10. O biblijnych sprzecznościach i metaforach [On Biblical Contradictions and Metaphors].Anna Jedynak - 2010 - Filozofia Nauki 18 (2):125.
    The article refers to Helena Eilstein’s views: her analysis of biblical contradictions and a limited moral relativism (similar observations made by Leszek Kołakowski are also evoked). It classifies the types of contradictions found in the Bible and suggests how to deal with them. At times the conceptual apparatus created in the philosophy of science is used and a connection to scientific cognition is made, for foundations of philosophy of science can influence the attitude towards biblical contradictions. It emphasizes the role (...)
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    Teen girls, sexual double standards and ‘sexting’: Gendered value in digital image exchange.Sonia Livingstone, Rosalind Gill, Laura Harvey & Jessica Ringrose - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (3):305-323.
    This article explores gender inequities and sexual double standards in teens’ digital image exchange, drawing on a UK qualitative research project on youth ‘sexting’. We develop a critique of ‘postfeminist’ media cultures, suggesting teen ‘sexting’ presents specific age and gender related contradictions: teen girls are called upon to produce particular forms of ‘sexy’ self display, yet face legal repercussions, moral condemnation and ‘slut shaming’ when they do so. We examine the production/circulation of gendered value and sexual morality via teens’ (...)
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    Double Talk.Robert A. Burton - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (4):570-571.
    Symptoms of ConsciousnessIn this series of short essays, stories, poems, and personal observations, Robert A. Burton, neurologist and writer, uses both fiction and nonfiction to explore many paradoxes and contradictions inherent in scientific inquiry. A novelist as well as author of On Being Certain and A Skeptic’s Guide to the Mind, Burton brings story to science and science to story.
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  13. A Chiastic Contradiction at Euthyphro 9e1-11b5. Kim - 2004 - Phronesis 49 (3):219-224.
    One of Euthyphro's proposed definitions of to hosion says: '[T]he pious is what all the gods love...'. Scholarly analyses of Socrates' refutation of this definition have focused on its validity or even its 'truth'. By contrast, this paper restricts itself to the refutation's logical structure, particularly the way Socrates juxtaposes the agreed-upon premises to derive a double or 'chiastic' contradiction. In this article, I lay out the details of Socrates' ingenious logical construction, without regard to its validity or (...)
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  14. Wild Goose Chase: Still No Rationales for the Doctrine of Double Effect and Related Principles.Uwe Steinhoff - 2019 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 13 (1):1-25.
    I focus on the question as to what rationale could possibly underlie the doctrine of double effect or related principles. I first briefly review the correct critiques of the claim that people who intend some evil as a means to a good must be “guided by evil,” and that this is allegedly always wrong. I then argue that Quinn’s claim that violations of the DDE express certain negative attitudes of the agent and that agents violating the DDE must make (...)
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  15. Abstraction versus Contradiction: Observations on Chris Arthur's The New Dialectic and Marx's 'Capital'.Roberto Finelli - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (2):61-74.
    This intervention concerns the different statute of abstraction in Marx's work. By means of a critical confrontation with Chris Arthur's work, Finelli presents his thesis of the presence of a double theory and fuction of abstraction in Marx's work. In the early Marx, until the German Ideology, abstraction is, in accordance with the traditional meaning of this term, a product of the mind, an unreal spectre. More exactly, it consists in negating the common essence belonging to labouring humanity and (...)
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    Pour une histoire de la ‘double vérité’.David Piché - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):99-100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Pour une histoire de la ‘double vérité’David PichéLuca Bianchi. Pour une histoire de la ‘double vérité’. Conférences Pierre Abélard. Paris: Vrin, 2008. Pp. 192. Paper, €18.00.Since the publication of the work of the Belgian medievalist Fernand Van Steenberghen, a solid consensus seems to have emerged in the community of historians of medieval philosophy: no scholar in the Middle Ages defended the so-called “doctrine of the (...) truth” that the Bishop of Paris, Stephen Tempier, had denounced in the prologue of his 1277 Condemnation. Moreover, how could a professional philosopher or theologian seriously contend that two contradictory statements are simultaneously true, one due to natural reason, and the other through the authority of faith? Therefore, the matter seemed settled and the file definitely closed: the double truth is nothing more than a “legend.” Yet the Italian medievalist Luca Bianchi’s in-depth critical analysis of the pseudo-historical evidence has now changed this. Without wanting to propose an entirely new interpretation of the historical ins and outs of this famous doctrine, Bianchi carries out a re-examination of the subject through a meticulous study of certain key texts that he has read in the light of a three-fold question: What impact did passages from Tempier’s decree on the “double truth” have on the medieval scholars themselves? Does the expression itself, ‘duplex veritas’, appear in some medieval documents? What were medieval thinkers’ attitudes in the face of philosophical arguments leading to conclusions contradicting the teachings of the Catholic faith?Due to space constraints, I will limit my discussion to Bianchi’s most crucial results. The answer to the first question (ch. 1) leads us in a surprising fashion to the famous Disputatio of Luther (1539). In this text, the father of the Reformation opposes the principle according to which what is true in theology must also be true in philosophy—a thesis whose paternity he attributes to Parisian theologians. Wanting to ensure the pre-eminence of faith-based teachings over all forms of human rationalization, Luther came to subscribe to a certain form of the double truth, since he claimed that what is absolutely true according to faith can be false and impossible from the perspective of philosophy. This explains his radical opposition to the “Parisian” principle that Bianchi calls “the principle of the oneness of truth.” We learn that some theologians in fifteenth- century Paris, notably Jean Gerson and Guillaume Baudin, were actually inspired by Tempier’s decree to defend some form of this principle.To respond to the second question (ch. 2), Bianchi first researched the electronic database Library of Latin Texts (CLCLT-6), and came up with “disappointing results”: no author uses the expression ‘duplex veritas’ in the relevant sense. Nevertheless, as imposing as it is, this database is not exhaustive, and Bianchi, well aware of this, extended his research by consulting other documents on paper, allowing him ultimately to reach a positive conclusion: the expression ‘duplex veritas’ appears in the course of a debate that took place around [End Page 99] 1470 on the subject of the truth-value of statements about future contingents. This debate involved a master of arts from Louvain, Pierre de Rivo, who considered it essential to distinguish between the truth of philosophers and the “popular” truth upheld by the churchmen, and a Parisian theologian whom we have already encountered, Guillaume Baudin, who invoked the “principle of the oneness of truth” to denounce the “double truth” that his adversary was promoting.From Bianchi’s multifaceted response to the third question (chs. 3–4), I can only present the groundswell. From the statutes promulgated by the Parisian Arts Faculty in 1272 up to the condemnation of Galileo in 1633, including the constitution Apostolici regiminis issued by the Fifth Lateran Council (1513), a significant evolution may be observed in the requirements academic and religious authorities imposed on professors of philosophy (as well as on scientists) in the western Christian world. Indeed, we may observe that these requirements correspond, first, to the obligation to counter, as far as possible, arguments that contradict faith, and then transform into the duty to commit to a strong... (shrink)
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    Contradictions idéologiques dans les écoles supérieures d’art en France.Sophie Orlando - 2021 - Multitudes 82 (1):101-108.
    Comment la mondialisation artistique et la globalisation esthétique sont interprétées dans les écoles supérieures d’art? Par une réflexion sur la normalisation des pratiques artistiques du fait de la prédominance de certains modèles de réussites, par des conflits autour des traditions théoriques (pensées antiracistes, postcoloniales et décoloniales) et par une interrogation quant à la libéralisation du secteur éducatif. Cet article propose également un cadrage historique de l’arrivée de ces vocabulaires dans les écoles et de leur inscription dans débats idéologiques contradictoires. Il (...)
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    Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses (review). [REVIEW]Steven Heine - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):178-180.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western DiscoursesSteven HeineDouble Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses. By Bernard Faure. Translated by Janet Lloyd. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004. Pp. xiv + 174. Hardcover $49.50. Paper $21.95.In some ways, Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses by Bernard Faure seems quite different from other publications by this author, including several books that were also translated from (...)
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  19. Possible Intentions and the Doctrine of Double Effect.Christopher Fruge - 2019 - Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 8:11-17.
    Under the standard formulation of the Doctrine of Double Effect, an act is permissible only if it is the result of an intention to do good and not the result of an intention to do bad. Many find that this absurdly ties the act’s permissibility to the agent’s character and not to features of the act itself. In light of such criticism, some philosophers have reformulated the doctrine so that it holds that an act is permissible given that it (...)
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    Female Sex Tourism: A Contradiction in Terms?Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor - 2006 - Feminist Review 83 (1):42-59.
    This paper argues that the ‘double-standard’ applied to male and female tourists’ sexual behaviour reflects and reproduces weaknesses in existing theoretical and commonsense understandings of gendered power, sexual exploitation, prostitution and sex tourism. It looks at how essentialist constructions of gender and heterosexuality blur understandings of sexual exploitation and victimhood and argues that racialized power should also be considered to explore the boundaries between commercial and non-commercial sex. This paper is based on ethnographic research on sexual–economic exchanges between tourist (...)
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    Casual Hookups to Formal Dates: Refining the Boundaries of the Sexual Double Standard.Gretchen R. Webber, Sinikka Elliott & Julie A. Reid - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (5):545-568.
    “Hooking up,” a popular type of sexual behavior among college students, has become a pathway to dating relationships. Based on open-ended narratives written by 273 undergraduates, we analyze how students interpreted a vignette describing a heterosexual hookup followed by a sexless first date. In contrast to the sexual script which holds that women want relationships more than sex and men care about sex more than relationships, students generally accorded women sexual agency and desire in the hookup and validated men’s post-hookup (...)
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    Pour une histoire de la 'double vérité' (review).David Piché - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):pp. 99-100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Pour une histoire de la ‘double vérité’David PichéLuca Bianchi. Pour une histoire de la ‘double vérité’. Conférences Pierre Abélard. Paris: Vrin, 2008. Pp. 192. Paper, €18.00.Since the publication of the work of the Belgian medievalist Fernand Van Steenberghen, a solid consensus seems to have emerged in the community of historians of medieval philosophy: no scholar in the Middle Ages defended the so-called “doctrine of the (...) truth” that the Bishop of Paris, Stephen Tempier, had denounced in the prologue of his 1277 Condemnation. Moreover, how could a professional philosopher or theologian seriously contend that two contradictory statements are simultaneously true, one due to natural reason, and the other through the authority of faith? Therefore, the matter seemed settled and the file definitely closed: the double truth is nothing more than a “legend.” Yet the Italian medievalist Luca Bianchi’s in-depth critical analysis of the pseudo-historical evidence has now changed this. Without wanting to propose an entirely new interpretation of the historical ins and outs of this famous doctrine, Bianchi carries out a re-examination of the subject through a meticulous study of certain key texts that he has read in the light of a three-fold question: What impact did passages from Tempier’s decree on the “double truth” have on the medieval scholars themselves? Does the expression itself, ‘duplex veritas’, appear in some medieval documents? What were medieval thinkers’ attitudes in the face of philosophical arguments leading to conclusions contradicting the teachings of the Catholic faith?Due to space constraints, I will limit my discussion to Bianchi’s most crucial results. The answer to the first question (ch. 1) leads us in a surprising fashion to the famous Disputatio of Luther (1539). In this text, the father of the Reformation opposes the principle according to which what is true in theology must also be true in philosophy—a thesis whose paternity he attributes to Parisian theologians. Wanting to ensure the pre-eminence of faith-based teachings over all forms of human rationalization, Luther came to subscribe to a certain form of the double truth, since he claimed that what is absolutely true according to faith can be false and impossible from the perspective of philosophy. This explains his radical opposition to the “Parisian” principle that Bianchi calls “the principle of the oneness of truth.” We learn that some theologians in fifteenth- century Paris, notably Jean Gerson and Guillaume Baudin, were actually inspired by Tempier’s decree to defend some form of this principle.To respond to the second question (ch. 2), Bianchi first researched the electronic database Library of Latin Texts (CLCLT-6), and came up with “disappointing results”: no author uses the expression ‘duplex veritas’ in the relevant sense. Nevertheless, as imposing as it is, this database is not exhaustive, and Bianchi, well aware of this, extended his research by consulting other documents on paper, allowing him ultimately to reach a positive conclusion: the expression ‘duplex veritas’ appears in the course of a debate that took place around [End Page 99] 1470 on the subject of the truth-value of statements about future contingents. This debate involved a master of arts from Louvain, Pierre de Rivo, who considered it essential to distinguish between the truth of philosophers and the “popular” truth upheld by the churchmen, and a Parisian theologian whom we have already encountered, Guillaume Baudin, who invoked the “principle of the oneness of truth” to denounce the “double truth” that his adversary was promoting.From Bianchi’s multifaceted response to the third question (chs. 3–4), I can only present the groundswell. From the statutes promulgated by the Parisian Arts Faculty in 1272 up to the condemnation of Galileo in 1633, including the constitution Apostolici regiminis issued by the Fifth Lateran Council (1513), a significant evolution may be observed in the requirements academic and religious authorities imposed on professors of philosophy (as well as on scientists) in the western Christian world. Indeed, we may observe that these requirements correspond, first, to the obligation to counter, as far as possible, arguments that contradict faith, and then transform into the duty to commit to a strong... (shrink)
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    Thinking on the Double.William Desmond - 1994 - The Owl of Minerva 25 (2):221-234.
    Dialectic has a plurality of meanings which in some respects define the repertoire of possible ways of thinking offered to us by the philosophical tradition. These meanings range from dialectic’s identification with specious reasoning to a method for dissolving specious reasoning. They include its all but identification with logic, as in the Middle Ages, Kant’s view of dialectic in relation to the critique of illusion, when reason strays into contradiction in treating of transcendental objects. They include the Hegelian notion (...)
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    Dilemmas: beyond binaries and double binds.Michael Jackson - 2025 - Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press.
    This book explores some of the most pressing existential problems of our times, from climate change and social injustice, to the challenges of balancing personal needs against the needs of others. Pushing back against the tendency to think of dilemmas as clear-cut binary choices, anthropologist Michael Jackson shows us the ingenious ways dilemmas are addressed in non-Western traditions, as well as how they are reimagined and circumvented in a variety of contemporary settings. Each chapter examines a particular dilemma--from the apparent (...)
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  25. Seeing and not Seeing the Face of God: Overcoming the Law of Contradiction in Biblical Theology.Steven Kepnes - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (2):133-147.
    This paper attempts to illuminate and interpret the contradictory portrait of God as both seen and unseen in the Torah. Thus Moses is commanded not to look on the face of God yet also praised for having spoken to God “face to face". We seek ways to reconcile the contradictory portraits of God through the use of the term “doubled-mindedness” in the theology of Jerome Gellman, in the logic of “thirdness” in C.S. Peirce’s semiotics, and in the use of both (...)
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    Just War Pacifism: Must it be a Contradiction in Terms?Colin Patterson - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (3):370-386.
    Efforts to resolve the tension within the Christian moral theological tradition between just war theory and pacifism have so far not produced any broadly accepted resolution. Key sticking points lie both in the fact that even a just war typically involves the taking of human life, both combatant and civilian, and that the distinction between intentional and unintentional killing, so important to Christian moral reflection, is difficult to sustain in practice. Yet, with the prospect of the development of effective non-lethal (...)
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    Baal, Son of Dagan: In Search of Baal's Double Paternity.Noga Ayali-Darshan - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (4):651.
    The Ugaritic expression “Baal, son of Dagan” has been the subject of several studies which attempt to resolve the contradiction between the depiction of Baal as El’s son on the one hand and the expression “Baal, son of Dagan” on the other. Despite the paucity of literary evidence, the majority of scholars have identified Dagan with either El or Baal, consequently attributing a single “real” father to Baal. This paper suggests a new solution in light of the literary traditions (...)
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  28. Reason’s Other in quotation marks: Nietzsche on tragedy and doubling.Gabriela Basterra - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (9):0191453713490716.
    This article explores the ways in which Nietzsche’s conception of subjectivity, as rehearsed in The Birth of Tragedy, draws close to other modern models of split subjectivity as described by Hegel, Freud, or Althusser. Although the subjectivity depicted by Nietzsche is constituted in the tension between reaffirming and dissolving its boundaries, and this tension may seem to put the possibility of identity at risk, in effect individuation and dissolution function as symmetrical contraries. Rather than disrupting the boundaries of reason, the (...)
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    The antinomies of the modern imaginary and the double dialectic of control.Craig Browne - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 161 (1):51-75.
    Cornelius Castoriadis made a significant and distinctive contribution to the development of the notion of the dialectic of control. In the first instance, Castoriadis formulated an important reconceptualization and restatement of the Marxist conception of the central contradiction of capitalism. He argued that capitalism depended on the creativity of workers while excluding them from effective control. Similarly, Castoriadis sought to extend the Marxist analysis of those tendencies present within the structuration of the labour process that may prefigure a socialist (...)
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    Le destin de l’État-nation dans la mondialisation : une réalité paradoxale.Bénédicte Renaud-Boulesteix - 2022 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 106 (3):465-488.
    La question de la liberté politique effective des hommes dans un monde globalisé travaille la crise de l’État-nation. Cette crise ne renvoie nullement à un déclin mais à une double contradiction, celle d’être à la fois le lieu de naissance de la liberté du citoyen et celui d’une volonté collective contrainte, pour ne pas dire contrariée dans certains cas. Il ne s’agit pas de louer ou blâmer la dynamique de la mondialisation mais d’en comprendre l’ambivalence dès lors que (...)
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  31. Sound Reasoning : Prospects and Challenges of Current Acoustic Logics.Marc Champagne - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (3):331-343.
    Building on the notational principles of C. S. Peirce’s graphical logic, Pietarinen has tried to develop a propositional logic unfolding in the medium of sound. Apart from its intrinsic interest, this project serves as a concrete test of logic’s range. However, I argue that Pietarinen’s inaugural proposal, while promising, has an important shortcoming, since it cannot portray double-negation without thereby portraying a contradiction.
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    The place for synthesis.Jaan Valsiner - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (2):93-102.
    Vygotsky was a brilliant literary scholar whose role in psychology borrows substantially from his interests in and fascination with literature and theatre. The central question for Vygotsky’s theory was aesthetic synthesis – the emergence of generalized feelings in human life-experiences. The critical empirical example for the emergence of affective synthesis for Vygotsky was the short story by Ivan Bunin, ‘Legkoe dykhanie’. My task in this article is to analyse Vygotsky’s way of conceptualizing dialectical synthesis as a general psychological process. I (...)
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    La nation face à l’État et aux rapports de classe : quels enjeux contemporains pour la politique économique?Jérôme Maucourant & Bruno Tinel - 2020 - Actuel Marx 68 (2):108-124.
    Comment caractériser les contradictions entre l’État et la nation, tout en tenant compte du fait que la société réelle est divisée en classes? Ces éléments sont abordés sous l’angle des implications d’une politique de plein emploi, à partir des analyses de l’économiste marxiste polonais Michal Kalecki. L’idée d’une double nature de l’État, dont on trouve les prémisses chez Marx, est ensuite mobilisée pour articuler les notions d’État, de nation et de classes sociales. Enfin on s’interroge sur les enjeux actuels (...)
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    Subalternité et invention politique dans les quartiers populaires.Ulysse Rabaté - 2021 - Multitudes 84 (3):87-96.
    Comment éviter les contradictions et les impasses de la double conscience inhérentes à la prise de parole depuis la subalternité? En s’appuyant sur les travaux de l’historien algérien Daho Djerbal, cet article d’Ulysse Rabaté instruit une lecture décoloniale des mobilisations dans les « quartiers populaires », depuis la marche pour l’égalité et contre le racisme de 1983 jusqu’à aujourd’hui. L’auteur, militant et chercheur en sciences politiques, propose de comprendre comment ces activismes des banlieues ou des cités, comme on les (...)
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    On Universality of Classical Probability with Contextually Labeled Random Variables.Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov & Maria Kon - 2018 - Journal of Mathematical Psychology 85:17-24.
    One can often encounter claims that classical (Kolmogorovian) probability theory cannot handle, or even is contradicted by, certain empirical findings or substantive theories. This note joins several previous attempts to explain that these claims are unjustified, illustrating this on the issues of (non)existence of joint distributions, probabilities of ordered events, and additivity of probabilities. The specific focus of this note is on showing that the mistakes underlying these claims can be precluded by labeling all random variables involved contextually. Moreover, contextual (...)
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    Quatenus.Jean-Paul Brodeur - 1977 - Dialogue 16 (1):22-67.
    Le principe de non-contradiction a depuis très longtemps étéreconnu comme le principe le plus fondamental de la pensée rationnelle. II est facile de l'énoncer sous sa forme symbolique: –. Ce principe pose que quelqu'un ne saurait affirmer en même temps une proposition et sa négation. Pour que ce principe ne demeure pas une exigence vide, il faut en outre que l'on puisse déterminer avec précision quelles sont les conditions de son application. Cette détermination des conditions d'application d'un principe commence (...)
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    A response to critics: weakening the ethical distinction between euthanasia, palliative opioid use and palliative sedation.Thomas D. Riisfeldt - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):59-62.
    My essay ‘Weakening the ethical distinction between euthanasia, palliative opioid use and palliative sedation’ has recently generated some critique which I will attempt to address in this response. Regarding the empirical question of whether palliative opioid and sedative use shorten survival time, Schofieldet alraise the three concerns that my literature review contains a cherry-picking bias through focusing solely on the palliative care population, that continuous deep palliative sedation falls beyond the scope of routine palliative care, and that my research may (...)
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    The Evaluation of Implicit Anthropologies.Jochen Fahrenberg & Marcus Cheetham - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (3):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Evaluation of Implicit AnthropologiesJochen Fahrenberg (bio) and Marcus Cheetham (bio)Keywordsmind-body, philosophical assumptions, human natureThe three commentaries and the reviewer’s notes contain valuable reflections and expand on number of important points. There is general agreement that surprisingly little is known about psychologists’, psychotherapists’, clinicians’, and other professionals’ philosophical assumptions about human nature. It is conceivable that these implicit anthropologies represent a potential source of bias in research and practice (...)
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    A test of the scientific method.Bill McKee - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (3):469-476.
    A conventional experiment is proposed to resolve the realist/idealist debate by challenging the premise that double blinding and an attitude of objectivity in general deter the corroborative influence which preconceptions exert on perception. The possibility that objectivity enhances corroboration would not contradict empirical findings, and would account for the success of science.
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    Finance, instabilité et gouvernabilité des externalités.Yann Moulier-Boutang - 2008 - Multitudes 32 (1):91.
    Résumé Après une mise en perspective historique du processus de financiarisation, l’article prête plus particulièrement attention au rôle de la finance dans le gouvernement des externalités, et cela à un double niveau. 1?) Le premier a trait à la revanche des externalités négatives. La surexploitation de la planète résultant de deux siècles d’une croissance hyper-productiviste fait désormais peser sur l’économie mondiale une incertitude structurelle, qui pèse tant sur les prix des ressources non renouvelables que, plus fondamentalement, « sur le (...)
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    Les enjeux de l'histoire de la philosophie en France au XIXe siècle: Pierre Leroux contre Victor Cousin.Lucie Rey - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ce livre tente de montrer comment historiquement, en France, la constitution d'un dogme de la pensée philosophique et l'assujettissement de la philosophie à la politique vont de pair et sont tous deux à l'origine de la discipline philosophique. La philosophie au XIXe siècle en France semble ainsi se construire selon un double rapport, à la tradition philosophique d'une part, et au pouvoir politique de l'autre. Or les deux termes de ce rapport se situent à leur tour dans une relation (...)
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    Les « Descartes » de Geneviève Rodis-Lewis et la pensée du développement.Jean-Marie Beyssade - 2007 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 132 (3):289.
    On cherche à mettre en perspective les divers ouvrages généraux de Geneviève Rodis-Lewis sur Descartes, « ses » Descartes, qui se reprennent et se corrigent sans se répéter ni se contredire, avec les trois images de Descartes qui dominent les études cartésiennes en France autour des années 1950 : « les » Descartes de Gouhier, d'Alquié et de Gueroult. La notion de développement semble un trait commun à l'objet étudié et à la méthode mise en œuvre pour l'approcher. 1 /Le (...)
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    A Sociological Analysis of the Satanic Verses Affair.Bridget Fowler - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (1):39-61.
    Bourdieu's work on modern cultural production has certain omissions. It fails to raise the possibility that authors such as Salman Rushdie, either writing from peripheral nations or from powerless minorities within a powerful nation, might be called `heroic modernists'. This would differentiate them from the routinized form of late 20th-century modernist avantgardism, which operates within the logic of the laws of the `restricted literary field' and contributes inadvertently to social reproduction rather than transformation. The argument of the article provides grounds (...)
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    La crise de la philosophie en France au XXIe siècle: d'Héraclite et Parménide à Lacan.Emile Jalley - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Il a existé un paradigme de la démarche dialectique en philosophie, illustré par une succession continue d'auteurs, entre Platon et Lacan. Ce paradigme concerne un noyau rationnel de la contradiction formé de trois temps : une double composante statique (structure) et dynamique (mouvement), ainsi que l'articulation de ces deux versants en un produit. C'est de ce paradigme de la contradiction dialectique que la philosophie en France ne semble plus avoir su faire usage dans la période consécutive à (...)
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  45. Gonzo Strategies of Deceit: An Interview with Joaquin Segura.Brett W. Schultz - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):117-124.
    Joaquin Segura. Untitled (fig. 40) . 2007 continent. 1.2 (2011): 117-124. The interview that follows is a dialogue between artist and gallerist with the intent of unearthing the artist’s working strategies for a general public. Joaquin Segura is at once an anomaly in Mexico’s contemporary art scene at the same time as he is one of the most emblematic representatives of a larger shift toward a post-national identity among its youngest generation of artists. If Mexico looks increasingly like a foreclosed (...)
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    Semi-qualitative study of staff attitudes to care following decision to withdraw active treatment in a neonatal intensive care unit.M. Davie & A. Kaiser - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (3):133-138.
    The management of an infant after a decision to withdraw active treatment creates dilemmas. Both lingering death and active killing are undesirable, but palliative interventions can hasten death. We investigated what staff on our neonatal unit thought were the limits of acceptable practice and why. We administered a structured interview to elucidate their views, and asked them to justify their answers. The interviews were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. A total of 25 participants (15 nurses and 10 doctors) were recruited. 80% (...)
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    Free and equal: Rawls' theory of justice and political reform.Joseph Grčić - 2011 - New York: Algora.
    Introduction. The trial; the right to a lawyer; double jeopardy; the electoral college; the senate; presidential pardon; judicial review; lifetime appointment; campaign finance reform; the right to political leave; the democratized corporation -- The right to a lawyer -- Abolish double jeopardy -- Empower the jury -- The electoral college -- Abolish presidential pardon -- Abolish the Senate -- Limit the power of the Supreme Court -- Abolish lifetime tenure of Supreme Court justices -- Reduce private money in (...)
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    Être Et Négativité. La Question Du Subjectif-Objectif Chez Merleau-Ponty Et Grimaldi.Christopher Lapierre - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:451-470.
    Being and Negativity. The Thinking of the Subjective-Objective in Merleau-Ponty and GrimaldiThe thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty is distinguished at the outset from that of Nicolas Grimaldi as much by their methodological commitments as by the place each one accords to time. Nevertheless, their adoption of a double point of view on the human being – as at the same time consciousness and object – justifies bringing them together. Confronted to its full extent, the problem of the subjective-objective implies the (...)
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    Lojalność urzędnika w świetle prawa i etyki.Michał Kasiński - 2010 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 13 (1):139-146.
    Officials in a democratic state should be its society's loyal servants, bound to respect the law. They are also bound to be loyal for the supervisors, and obedient to their orders. The Author analyzes legal regulation concerning conflicts which arise from that „double loyalty” of the officials, especially when the orders they are given contradict legal regulation or principles of ethic they find binding.
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    Cento anni dalla Rivoluzione d’ottobre: rivoluzione sociale e rivoluzione anticoloniale.Domenico Losurdo - 2018 - Materialismo Storico 4 (1):50-60.
    One hundred years after the October Revolution, we can try to make an assessment of its outcomes and heritage. But if we just focus on the construction of a post-capitalistic society, of socialism, our evaluation will be partial, incomplete and unable to allow an understanding of the past and the current times. So, we have to tackle this issue from a double perspective: looking to the construction of socialism but looking also to the struggle against colonial domination, against imperialism. (...)
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