Results for 'Dimitri Sandler'

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  1.  15
    Les enjeux de l’origine chez Franz Rosenzweig et Walter Benjamin.Dimitri Sandler - 2011 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 29.
    Il s’agit ici de faire valoir ceci que la question de l’origine, telle qu’elle se dépose et se laisse décrire respectivement chez Franz Rosenzweig et chez Walter Benjamin, recèle un certain nombre d’enjeux conceptuels qui déterminent quelque chose comme une éthique et une gestuelle conjointe de sauvetage. Une éthique vers laquelle se sont réorientées la « pensée nouvelle » de Rosenzweig et « la philosophie à venir » de Benjamin. Par sauvetage j’entends : sauvetage de l’ordre de l’existentiali...
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  2. Meaningfulness, Meaning, Mediation: Essays in Honor of Prof. Dr. Dimitri Ginev.Dimitri Ginev (ed.) - 1998 - Sofia: Critique and Humanism Publishing House.
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  3. Character and Environment: A Virtue-Oriented Approach to Environmental Ethics.Ronald L. Sandler (ed.) - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Virtue ethics is now widely recognized as an alternative to Kantian and consequentialist ethical theories. However, moral philosophers have been slow to bring virtue ethics to bear on topics in applied ethics. Moreover, environmental virtue ethics is an underdeveloped area of environmental ethics. Although environmental ethicists often employ virtue-oriented evaluation (such as respect, care, and love for nature) and appeal to role models (such as Henry Thoreau, Aldo Leopold, and Rachel Carson) for guidance, environmental ethics has not been well informed (...)
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    The Body as Evidence for the Nature of Language.Wendy Sandler - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Taking its cue from sign languages, this paper pulls together a range of studies to support the proposal that the recruitment and composition of body actions counts as evidence for linguistic properties. Adopting the view that compositionality is the foundational organizing property of language, we find first that actions of the hands, face, head, and torso in sign languages directly reflect linguistic components, as well as certain aspects of compositional organization among them that are common to all languages, signed and (...)
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    Food Ethics: The Basics.Ronald L. Sandler - 2014 - Routledge.
    Food Ethics: The Basics is a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the ethical dimensions of the production and consumption of food. It offers an impartial exploration of the most prominent ethical questions relating to food and agriculture including: • Should we eat animals? • Are locally produced foods ethically superior to globally sourced foods? • Do people in affluent nations have a responsibility to help reduce global hunger? • Should we embrace bioengineered foods? • What should be the role of (...)
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  6. Environmental Ethics: Theory in Practice.Ronald L. Sandler - 2017 - Oup Usa.
    An accessible yet rigorous introduction to the field, Environmental Ethics: Theory in Practice helps students develop the analytical skills to effectively identify and evaluate the social and ethical dimensions of environmental issues. Covering a wide variety of theories and critical perspectives, author Ronald Sandler considers their strengths and weaknesses, emphasizes their practical importance, and grounds the discussions in a multitude of both classic and contemporary cases and examples. FEATURES * Discusses a wide range of theories of environmental ethics, representing (...)
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    Symbiotic symbolization by hand and mouth in sign language.Wendy Sandler - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (174):241.
    Current conceptions of human language include a gestural component in the communicative event. However, determining how the linguistic and gestural signals are distinguished, how each is structured, and how they interact still poses a challenge for the construction of a comprehensive model of language. This study attempts to advance our understanding of these issues with evidence from sign language. The study adopts McNeill's criteria for distinguishing gestures from the linguistically organized signal, and provides a brief description of the linguistic organization (...)
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  8. Should We Engineer Species in Order to Save Them?Ronald Sandler - 2019 - Environmental Ethics 41 (3):221-236.
    There are two strategies for engineering species for conservation purposes, de-extinction and gene drives. Engineering species for conservation purposes is not in principle wrong, and on common criteria for assessing conservation interventions there may well be cases in which de-extinction and gene drives are evaluated positively in comparison to other possible strategies. De-extinction is not as transformative a conservation technique as it initially appears. It is largely dependent, as a conservation activity, upon traditional conservation practices, such as captive breeding programs, (...)
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  9. (3 other versions)Environmental Virtue Ethics.Ronald Sandler & Philip Cafaro - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (2):258-261.
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    The Value of Artefactual Organisms.Ronald Sandler - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (1):43 - 61.
    Synthetic biology makes use of genetic and other materials derived from modern biological life forms to design and construct novel synthetic organisms. Artificial organisms are not constructed from parts of existing biological organisms, but from non-biological materials. Artificial and synthetic organisms are artefactual organisms. Here we are concerned with the non-instrumental value of such organisms. More specifically, we are concerned with the extent to which artefactual organisms have natural value, inherent worth and intrinsic value. Our conclusions are largely supportive of (...)
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  11.  57
    The Ethics of Species: An Introduction.Ronald L. Sandler - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    We are causing species to go extinct at extraordinary rates, altering existing species in unprecedented ways and creating entirely new species. More than ever before, we require an ethic of species to guide our interactions with them. In this book, Ronald L. Sandler examines the value of species and the ethical significance of species boundaries and discusses what these mean for species preservation in the light of global climate change, species engineering and human enhancement. He argues that species possess (...)
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    (1 other version)Avicenna and the Aristotelian tradition: introduction to reading Avicenna's philosophical works.Dimitri Gutas - 1988 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    Through close study of Avicenna's statements and major works, Dimitri Gutas traces Avicenna's own sense of his place in the Aristotelian tradition and the history of philosophy in Islam, and provides an introduction to reading his philosophical works by delineating the approach most consistent with Avicenna's intention and purpose in philosophy. The second edition of this foundational work, which has quickened fruitful research into the philosopher in the last quarter century, is completely revised and updated, and adds a new (...)
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    Animal Ethics in the Wild: Wild Animal Suffering and Intervention in Nature.Ronald Sandler, Mark Wells, Ryan Baylon, Anya Ghai & Ricardo Hernandez - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    The overarching issue addressed in Catia Faria’s Animal Ethics in the Wild: Wild Animal Suffering and Intervention in Nature is ‘the problem of wild animal suffering in nature: Ought we to prevent,...
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    Da patologização do humano à heterogênese urbana.Dimitri Marques Abramov & Paulo-de-Tarso de Castro Peixoto - 2022 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 5 (2):70-83.
    O século XX trouxe uma ciência impossível: a ciência da mente. Esta ciência ignora os problemas semiológico, nosológico e sociocultural a ela inerentes e que a inviabilizam. Como resultado, observamos a criação de uma pandemia global de transtornos mentais, majoritariamente administrados através de psicofármacos. Em contraponto, o pensamento filosófico desafia esta logica desde Canguilhem, passando por Michel Foucault, Deleuze & Guattari, dentre tantos outros. E da Éticaespinosana dos afetos e afecções, nasceu a Heterogênese Urbana (HU), que tem como objeto original (...)
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  15. Noise Reduction and Restoration-Dedicated Hardware for Real-Time Computation of Second-Order Statistical Features for High Resolution Images.Dimitris Batiamis, Dimitris K. Iakovidis & Dimitris Maroulis - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4179--67.
  16.  9
    The salvation of the wise man and the ruin of the sinful world =.Dimitrie Cantemir - 2006 - Bucureşti: Editura Academiei Române. Edited by Ioana Feodorov & Virgil Cândea.
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  17. Philosophie et initiation dans l'oeuvre de platon.Dimitri Dewincklear - 2010 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 28 (1):29-65.
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  18. Introducción a los problemas de la ciencia jurídica.Sandler Girbau & Héctor Raúl - 1980 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  19. Jules Verne ou l'échec de l'utopie.Dimitri Roboly - 2005 - Iris 28:129-137.
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  20. Chercher ensemble les formes du ministère pétrinien: Un canoniste oriental répond à l'invitation du Saint Père.Dimitri Salachas - 2002 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 49 (1-2):251-273.
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    Student-to-Student Sexual Harassment, K-12: Strategies and Solutions for Educators to Use in the Classroom, School, and Community.Bernice Resnick Sandler & Harriett M. Stonehill - 2005 - R&L Education.
    With more than 700 specific strategies and solutions to use in the classroom, school, and community, this book covers just about everything that educators need, providing a comprehensive and detailed blueprint for an overall plan and policy to prevent and deal with peer harassment.
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    The Institutionalization of Hatred Politics in the Mediterranean: Studying Corpora of Online News Portals During the European ‘Refugee Crisis’.Dimitris Serafis, Franco Zappettini & Stavros Assimakopoulos - 2023 - Topoi 42 (2):651-670.
    This paper aims to study the argumentative basis on which the prevention of migration is justified and hatred politics is institutionalised in three Mediterranean settings, namely Greece, Malta, and Italy, that were at the centre of the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in 2015–2017. Following the rubric of corpus-assisted Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) to Critical Discourse Studies (CDS), we trace (a) the main meaningful patterns, and (b) discursive and argumentation strategies (topoi) in three balanced corpora of mainstream news portals aligned with centre-right and (...)
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  23. Cognitive Existentialism.Dimitri Ginev - 2008 - Iyyun 57:227-242.
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  24.  28
    The Tenets of Cognitive Existentialism.Dimitri Ginev - 2011 - Ohio University Press.
    _ _In __The Tenets of Cognitive Existentialism__, Dimitri Ginev draws on devel-opments in hermeneutic phenomenology and other programs in hermeneutic philosophy to inform an interpretative approach to scientific practices. At stake is the question of whether it is possible to integrate forms of reflection upon the ontological difference in the cognitive structure of scientific research. A positive answer would have implied a proof that “science is able to think.” This book is an extended version of such a proof. Against (...)
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  25. The Value of Species and the Ethical Foundations of Assisted Colonization.Ronald Sandler - 2009 - Conservation Biology 24 (2):424–431.
    Discourse around assisted colonization focuses on the ecological risks, costs, and uncertainties associated with the practice, as well as on its technical feasibility and alternative approaches to it. Nevertheless, the ethical underpinnings of the case for assisted colonization are claims about the value of species. A complete discussion of assisted colonization needs to include assessment of these claims. For each type of value that species are thought to possess it is necessary to determine whether it is plausible that species possess (...)
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    Ignorance and Virtue.Ronald Sandler - 2005 - Philosophical Papers 34 (2):261-272.
    Julia Driver has argued that there is a class of virtues that are compatible with or even require that an agent be ignorant in some respect. In this paper I argue for an alternative conception of the relationship between ignorance and virtue. The dispositions constitutive of virtue must include sensitivity to human limitations and fallibility. In this way the virtues accommodate ignorance, rather than require or promote it. I develop my account by considering two virtues in particular: tolerance (the paradigm (...)
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    Is Random Selection a Cure for the Ills of Electoral Representation?Dimitri Landa & Ryan Pevnick - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 29 (1):46-72.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  28. K.C. Bhattacharyya and spontaneous liberation in Sāṃkhya.Dimitry Shevchenko - 2023 - In Elise Coquereau-Saouma & Daniel Raveh (eds.), The Making of Contemporary Indian Philosophy: Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Constituent power, violence, and the state: the political thought of Georges Sorel, Walter Benjamin, and Hannah Arendt.Dimitri Vouros - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In Constituent Power, Violence, and the State, Dimitri Vouros examines the question of political violence by placing the thought of Georges Sorel, Walter Benjamin, and Hannah Arendt in conversation with contemporary theories of sovereignty and constituent power. Vouros argues that the violence sustaining the modern state inhibits institutional accountability and derails constituent power. The paradox of modern law-which is both the expression of the people's will but also alienated from them-sets the stage for political contestation. For Vouros, the multitude's (...)
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    From Political Economy to Economics: Method, the Social and the Historical in the Evolution of Economic Theory.Dimitris Milonakis & Ben Fine - 2008 - Routledge.
    Economics has become a monolithic science, variously described as formalistic and autistic with neoclassical orthodoxy reigning supreme. So argue Dimitris Milonakis and Ben Fine in this new major work of critical recollection. The authors show how economics was once rich, diverse, multidimensional and pluralistic, and unravel the processes that lead to orthodoxy’s current predicament. The book details how political economy became economics through the desocialisation and the dehistoricisation of the dismal science, accompanied by the separation of economics from the other (...)
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    (1 other version)‘I Interact Therefore I Am’: The Self as a Historical Product of Dialectical Attunement.Dimitris Bolis & Leonhard Schilbach - 2018 - Topoi:1-14.
    In this article, moving from being to becoming, we construe the ‘self’ as a dynamic process rather than as a static entity. To this end we draw on dialectics and Bayesian accounts of cognition. The former allows us to holistically consider the ‘self’ as the interplay between internalization and externalization and the latter to operationalize our suggestion formally. Internalization is considered here as the co-construction of bodily hierarchical models of the world and the organism, while externalization is taken as the (...)
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  32. Hermeneutical Realism as a Critical Theory.Dimitri Ginev - 2011 - Phainomena 79:41-58.
    e paper seeks to evaluate the critical perspective on scientism and epistemological objectivism put forward by a version of hermeneutic phenomenology. It is a version that addresses the issues of the meaningful constitution of research objects in natural-scientic research. In opposing Habermas’ quasi- transcendental epistemology of the empirico-analytical sciences, the paper offers an attempt at interpretative investigation of the formation of knowledge- guiding interests in these sciences. e possibility of a “dialogical research of nature” is scrutinized.
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    The Articulation of a Scientific Domain from the Viewpoint of Hermeneutic Phenomenology: The Case of Vectorial Metabolism.Dimitri Ginev - 2014 - In D. Ginev (ed.), The Multidimensionality of Hermeneutic Phenomenology. New York: Springer. pp. 7--30.
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    The Scope of Existential Spatiality.Dimitri Ginev - 2011 - Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija 18 (3):18-30.
    The paper does not suggest an outline of a comprehensive theory of existential spatiality. Its aim is much moderate – to reveal those aspects of the constitution of meaning within the totality of being in the world which delineate the scope of the problematic under investigation. Since these aspects are addressed by various kinds of constitutional analysis of meaning, a special effort is devoted to overcoming discrepancies among three basic phenomenological discourses – hermeneutic phenomenology, existential psychiatry, and phenomenology of corporeity.
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    Theophrastus of Eresus - Commentary Volume 3. 1: Sources on Physics.Dimitri Gutas (ed.) - 1995 - Brill.
    This volume relates to natural philosophy apart from the study of living things. Topics covered include the principles of scientific inquiry, place, time, motion, the heavens, the sublunary world, meteorology and the study of materials.
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  36. The concept of truth in Parmenides.Dimitris I. Papadis - 2005 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 23 (1):77-96.
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    An early fourteenth-century English breviary at longleat.Lucy Freeman Sandler - 1976 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 39 (1):1-20.
  38.  18
    An early fourteenth-century English psalter in the escorial.Lucy Freeman Sandler - 1979 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 42 (1):65-80.
  39. Stephen R. Kellert and Timothy J. Farnham (eds), The Good in Nature and Humanity.R. Sandler - 2003 - Environmental Values 12 (4):539-541.
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    Zooming in on the study of soft hate speech: an introduction to this special issue.Dimitris Serafis & Stavros Assimakopoulos - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    In recent years, the significant proliferation of hate speech in several facets of the public sphere has triggered the renewal of scholarly interest in the phenomenon across disciplinary areas. Within this picture, it is often observed that hate speech may nowadays be realised in real-life communication via more implicit or indirect forms, which do not meet the legal threshold. Theoretically, the introduction of the term ‘soft hate speech’ has been aimed at capturing all these cases of implicit, covert or indirect (...)
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  41. Virtue and respect for nature: Ronald Sandler's character and environment. [REVIEW]Katie Mcshane, Allen Thompson & Ronald Sandler - 2008 - Ethics, Place and Environment 11 (2):213 – 235.
    Ron Sandler's Character and Environment is a very welcome addition to the growing literature on virtue-based approaches to environmental ethics. In the book...
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  42. Sartre, Kant, and the spontaneity of mind.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):413-431.
    I argue that Sartre's Transcendence of the Ego draws on Kant's theory of spontaneity to articulate its metaphysical account of consciousness's mode of being, to defend its phenomenological description of the intentional structure of self‐consciousness, and to diagnose the errors that motivate views of consciousness qua person or substance. In addition to highlighting an overlooked dimension of Sartre's early relation to Kant, this interpretation offers a fresh account of how Sartre's argument for the primacy of pre‐personal consciousness works, and brings (...)
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    Ethics and emerging technologies.Ronald Sandler (ed.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Technology shapes every aspect of human experience and it is the primary driver of social and ecological change. Given this, it is surprising that we spend so little time studying, analyzing, and evaluating new technologies. Occasionally, an issue grabs public attention--for example, the use of human embryonic stem cells in medical research or online file sharing of music and movies. However, these are the exceptions. For the most part, we enthusiastically embrace each new technology and application with little critical reflection (...)
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  44. Bakhtin and the Kierkegaardian Revolution.Sergeiy Sandler - manuscript
    Søren Kierkegaard’s influence on the thought of Mikhail Bakhtin has received relatively little attention from Bakhtin scholars (and hardly any attention from Bakhtin scholars in the English-speaking world). Yet, as I argue in this paper, Kierkegaard was among the most important formative influences on Bakhtin's work. This influence is most evident in Bakhtin's early ethical philosophy, but remains highly relevant in later periods. Reading Bakhtin as a follower and developer of Kierkegaard's fundamental philosophical insights provides us with a key to (...)
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    Climate Change and Ecosystem Management.Ronald L. Sandler - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (1):1-15.
    This article addresses the implications of rapid and uncertain ecological change, and global climate change in particular, for reserve oriented and restoration oriented ecosystem management. I argue for the following conclusions: (1) rapid and uncertain ecological change undermines traditional justifications for reserve oriented and restoration oriented ecosystem management strategies; (2) it requires rethinking ecosystem management goals, not just developing novel strategies (such as assisted colonization) to accomplish traditional goals; (3) species preservation ought to be deemphasized as an ecosystem management goal; (...)
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  46. Averroes on Theophrastus, through Themistius.Dimitri Gutas - 1999 - In Gerhard Endress, Jan Aertsen & Klaus Braun (eds.), Averroes and the Aristotelian tradition: sources, constitution, and reception of the philosophy of Ibn Rushd (1126-1198): proceedings of the Fourth Symposium Averroicum, Cologne, 1996. Boston: Brill. pp. 31--125.
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  47. A meaning explanation for HoTT.Dimitris Tsementzis - 2020 - Synthese 197 (2):651-680.
    In the Univalent Foundations of mathematics spatial notions like “point” and “path” are primitive, rather than derived, and all of mathematics is encoded in terms of them. A Homotopy Type Theory is any formal system which realizes this idea. In this paper I will focus on the question of whether a Homotopy Type Theory can be justified intuitively as a theory of shapes in the same way that ZFC can be justified intuitively as a theory of collections. I first clarify (...)
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  48. Conflict as the Quasi-Transcendental: Or, Why Spinoza’s Theologcal Political Treatise Matters for Transindividuality.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):107-112.
    Vardoulakis explores what Balibar means by designating transindividuality as ‘quasi-transcendental.’ He does so by turning to Balibar’s readings of Part IV of Spinoza’s Ethics, the Part that is central to Balibar’s understanding of the transindividual in Spinoza. Vardoulakis shows that the quasi-transcendental in Spinoza can only be a form of agonistic relations if his political theory in the Theological Political Treatise is to account for political change.
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    Foundations of Arithmetic in Plotinus: Enn. VI.6 (34) on the Structure and the Constitution of Number.Dimitri Nikulin - 1998 - Méthexis 11 (1):85-102.
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    The Aesthetics of the Built Environment.Dimitry Ratulangie Ichwan - 2022 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 18 (1):27-54.
    ABSTRACT Kant regarded ecosphere as having the highest degree of beauty, as opposed to other aesthetical objects such as painting, sculpture, buildings, and we could infer, the built environment. His arguments hinges heavily on his transcendental philosophy, where he stressed that pure beauty could only be achieved through disinterested judgement, without concept, and others. Though his proposition for ecosphere is valid, it could not be used to justify other cases, such as determining the degree of beauty of the built environment. (...)
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