Results for 'Dietetics'

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  1.  45
    Civic dietetics: opportunities for integrating civic agriculture concepts into dietetic practice. [REVIEW]Jennifer L. Wilkins - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (1-2):57-66.
    When Thomas Lyson developed the concept of Civic Agriculture, he provided a useful framework for considering a range of distinct but related professional areas. One such profession is dietetics. Registered dietitians work in a broad range of professional settings, including academic, clinical, administrative, hospitality, food service, and consulting. Dietetic practice has traditionally and primarily been informed by advances in understanding of the role nutrients and food play in enhancing health and reducing chronic disease risk. With support from the American (...)
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    Philosophy and dietetics in the Hippocratic on regimen: a delicate balance of health.Hynek Bartos - 2015 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Hippocrates.
    The discovery of dietetics -- Philosophy of the nature of man -- Therapy of body and soul -- The philosophical legacy of On regimen.
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  3. Botany, dietetics, and pharmacy in Pietro d'Abano's Expositio problematum : on sections XX, XXI, and XXII.Iolanda Ventura - 2016 - In Pieter De Leemans & Maarten J. F. M. Hoenen, Between text and tradition: Pietro d'Abano and the reception of pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata Physica in the Middle Ages. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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    “I Know I Am, but What Are You?” Paul Thompson on the Ethical Irrelevance of Dietetics.Lisa Heldke - 2023 - In Samantha Noll & Zachary Piso, Paul B. Thompson's Philosophy of Agriculture: Fields, Farmers, Forks, and Food. Springer Verlag. pp. 173-184.
    This essay addresses Paul Thompson’s claim (made in two pieces separated by 20 years) that “you are not what you eat”; that is, that dietetics is not an ethical matter. I issue a series of challenges to Thompson’s position, all of which have a common underpinning, namely that his critiques of dietetics sound more like the sort I’d expect from an analytic philosopher than from a pragmatist. They are rooted not only in a tightly drawn (if widely philosophically (...)
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    High impact nutrition and dietetics journals’ use of publication procedures to increase research transparency.Alva O. Ferdinand & Dennis M. Gorman - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundThe rigor and integrity of the published research in nutrition studies has come into serious question in recent years. Concerns focus on the use of flexible data analysis practices and selective reporting and the failure of peer review journals to identify and correct these practices. In response, it has been proposed that journals employ editorial procedures designed to improve the transparency of published research.ObjectiveThe present study examines the adoption of editorial procedures designed to improve the reporting of empirical studies in (...)
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    Galenic Dietetics.Julius Rocca - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (1):44-51.
  7.  46
    Preventative medicine and the Dietetics of the Soul in Galen's Moral Treatises on the passions and errors of the soul.Liliana Cecilia Molina González - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 45:33-57.
    La extensa obra de Galeno de Pérgamo, médico del estoico Marco Aurelio, incluye diversos tratados de corte filosófico, especialmente éstos en que analiza las causas de las pasiones y de los errores del alma, cuyo objetivo general es comprender de un modo amplio la naturaleza humana y plantear pautas apropiadas para su mejoramiento moral. Galeno divide la exposición de las cuestiones referentes al diagnóstico y tratamiento de las pasiones y los errores del alma de cada uno, porque su tesis principal, (...)
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    Health and suggestion: the dietetics of the mind.Ernst Feuchtersleben - 1910 - New York,: B. W. Huebsch. Edited by Ludwig Lewisohn.
    In this exploration of the mind-body connection, Ernst Feuchtersleben examines the role of suggestion in mental and physical health. This book is a must-read for psychologists, psychiatrists, and anyone interested in the intersection of mind and body. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United (...)
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  9. Philosophy and Dietetics in the Hippocratic On Regimen: A Delicate Balance of Health. By Hynek Bartos. [REVIEW]Monte Ransome Johnson - 2020 - Ancient Philosophy 40 (1):221-227.
    Hynek Bartos does the field of ancient philosophy a great service by detailing the influence of early Greek thinkers (such as Heraclitus, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Democritus, and Diogenes of Apollonia) on the Hippocratic work On Regimen, and by demonstrating that work’s innovative engagement with contemporary scientific and philosophical concepts as well as its direct influence on Plato and Aristotle. His study usefully counteracts the lamentable tendency among ancient philosophers to ignore or downplay the influence of medical literature on philosophy in general, (...)
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    A Draft of Kant’s Reply to Hufeland: Key Questions of Kant’s Dietetics and the Problem of Its Systematic Place in His Philosophy.Yvonne Unna - 2012 - Kant Studien 103 (3):271-291.
    : The article provides an introduction to an autograph draft of a letter on dietetics Kant wrote to the physician Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland and uses it as a springboard for the critical discussion of Kant’s dietetics as well as its systematic place in his philosophy. The final draft of Kant’s letter to Hufeland became the third part of The Conflict of the Faculties. The article argues that Kant assigns dietetics, understood as the regulation of the traditional nonnaturals, (...)
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  11.  24
    Chia Ming's Elements of Dietetics.T. Chang - 1934 - Isis 20 (2):324-334.
  12.  28
    Beans, Pythagoras, Taboos and Ancient Dietetics.John Scarborough - 1982 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 75 (6):355.
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    The Principle of Forming of Self-care subject, Food and Dietetics- Focusing on Foucault's self-care ethics -. 김분선 - 2018 - Environmental Philosophy 26 (26):59-81.
    음식 윤리에 대한 논의들은 크게 환경과 음식의 문제, 정의와 음식의 문제, 인간과 음식의 문제로 구분할 수 있다. 기존의 연구들은 이러한 사건이 발생하게 된 환경적인 문제들을 중심으로 음식이 윤리적 논의가 되는 이유에 관하여 밝히고자 노력해왔고 공정무역을 비롯한 사회적 정의와 분배의 관점에서 음식 윤리의 필요성을 강조해왔다. 그에 반해 인간과 음식의 본질적 문제에 대해서는 단독적인 주제로 다루지 않았다. 이 글은 이 세 가지 연구의 논점 중에 세 번째 논의를 기반으로 ‘음식과 인간’의 문제가 어떤 이유에서 불가분의 관계에 있는지를 밝히고자 한다. 또 섭생에 관한 푸코의 (...)
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    Hynek Bartoš. Philosophy and Dietetics in the Hippocratic On Regimen: A Delicate Balance of Health. ix + 340 pp., bibl., indexes. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2015. €135. [REVIEW]Chiara Thumiger - 2017 - Isis 108 (1):171-172.
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    »Markt der Lebensweisen« oder Diätetik und Reklame in Peter Altenbergs Pròdrŏmŏs »Lifestyles Market« or dietetics and advertising in Peter Altenberg’s Pròdrŏmŏs.Simon Ganahl - 2016 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 90 (3):377-401.
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    A Contribution To The History Of Chinese Dietetics.Lu Gwei-Djen & Joseph Needham - 1951 - Isis 42:13-20.
  17. for obese, female chronic dieters. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105 (6): 929–36. Baicker, K., KS Buckles, and A. Chandra. 2006. Geographic variation in the appropriate use of cesarean delivery. Health Affairs (Web exclusive). [REVIEW]L. Bacon - forthcoming - Naturalized Bioethics.
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    Medicine Therapeutics from the Primitives to the 20th Century. With an Appendix: History of Dietetics. By Erwin H. Ackerknecht. New York: Hafner Press, and London: Collier Macmillan, 1973. Pp. x + 194. £6.25. [REVIEW]E. Underwood - 1975 - British Journal for the History of Science 8 (2):178-178.
  19.  41
    Medicine and philosophy in a hippocratic text - bartoš philosophy and dietetics in the hippocratic on regimen. A delicate balance of health. Pp. X + 340. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2015. Cased, €135, us$175. Isbn: 978-90-04-28921-5. [REVIEW]John Wilkins - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (2):349-351.
  20.  34
    Somatic multiplicities: The microbiome-gut-brain axis and the neurobiologized educational subject.James Reveley - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):52-62.
    Therapeutic translations of the microbiome-gut-brain (MGB) axis are reconstructing the educational subject in a manner amenable to Foucauldian analysis. Yet, at the same time, under the sway of MGB research social scientists are taking a biosocial turn that threatens the integrity of Foucault’s historicizing philosophical project. Meeting that challenge head-on, this article argues that the MGB axis augments the neurobiological constitution of the educational subject by means of a dietetic mode of subjectivation. Absent a pedagogical element, there is a hollowness (...)
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  21.  25
    Nietzsche und die Medizin.Johannes Heinrich - 2022 - Nietzsche Studien 51 (1):351-370.
    Nietzsche and Medicine. Especially in times of a pandemic, dealing with terms such as health, illness, healing and medicine is of particular interest. Three recently published books are devoted to the problem of medicine in Nietzsche’s work. In addition to impulses for contemporary medical-ethical debates, this review articles discusses Nietzsche’s relationship to the ancient philosophy of medical self-care, the concepts of suffering, illness and health as well as the influence of the contemporary natural sciences on Nietzsche’s understanding of medicine. Nietzsche’s (...)
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  22. Philosophische Notizbücher, Band 2: Zeiteinteilung (Maximen) I und II / Philosophical Notebooks, Volume 2: Time Management (Maxims) I and II, edited by Eva-Maria Engelen, translated by Merlin Carl, Berlin (De Gruyter) 2020.Kurt Gödel (ed.) - 2020 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Volume 2 contains both notebooks of "Time Management (Max) I and II" and thereby Gödel’s applied individual ethics, which he received among others through his teacher Heinrich Gomperz. Gödel thus incorporates the ethical ideal of self-perfection into his opus. The volume is prefaced by an introduction to relevant considerations from the ethics of the Stoics as well as ancient dietetics, which provide the philosophical background to understand Gödel’s approach. In addition, editor Eva-Maria Engelen presents how this fits into the (...)
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  23.  31
    Somaesthetics in Baumgarten? The Founding of Aesthetics and the Body.Alessandro Nannini - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2):103-118.
    In the presentation of his project about ‘somaesthetics’, Richard Shusterman claimed that the recurring neglect of the body in aesthetics was disastrously introduced by Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten (1714–1762) in his first formulation of aesthetics as a discipline in the mid-eighteenth century. In the present essay I aim to call this thesis into question, investigating for the first time the role of the body in Baumgarten’s thought and focusing on its significance for the founding of aesthetics. First, I consider Baumgarten’s doctrine (...)
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  24.  80
    Affecting the Body and Transforming Desire: The Treatment of Suffering as the End of Medicine.Hillel D. Braude - 2012 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 19 (4):265-278.
    I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment. I will keep them from harm and injustice. The Hippocratic Oath formulates the ethical principle of medical beneficence and its negative formulation non-maleficence. It relates medical ethics to the traditional end of medicine, that is, to heal, or to make whole. First and foremost, the duty of the physician is to heal, and if this is not possible at least not to harm. This (...)
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  25.  12
    Du régime philosophique: Nietzsche diététicien.Arnaud Sorosina - 2019 - Paris: Éditions Manucius.
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  26.  57
    Levels of explanation in Galen.P. N. Singe - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):525-.
    Galen's æuvre presents a remarkably varied body of texts–varied in subject matter, style, and didactic purpose. Logical tracts sit alongside tomes of drug–lore; handbooks of dietetics alongside anatomical investigations; treatises of physiology alongside ethical opuscula. These differences in type have received some, though as yet insufficient, scholarly attention. Mario Vegetti demonstrated the coexistence of two ‘profili’ or images of the art of medicine: Galen presents the art as an Aristotelian deductive science, on the one hand, and as a technician's (...)
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  27. Is Vegetarianism Healthy for Children?Nathan Cofnas - 2019 - Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 59 (13):2052-2060.
    According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ influential position statement on vegetarianism, meat and seafood can be replaced with milk, soy/legumes, and eggs without any negative effects in children. The United States Department of Agriculture endorses a similar view. The present paper argues that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ignores or gives short shrift to direct and indirect evidence that vegetarianism may be associated with serious risks for brain and body development in fetuses and children. Regular (...)
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  28. The dancing ru: A confucian aesthetics of virtue.Nicholas F. Gier - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (2):280-305.
    The most constructive response to the crisis in moral theory has been the revival of virtue ethics, which has the advantages of being personal, contextual, and, as will be argued, normative as well. It is also proposed that the best way to refound virtue ethics is to return to the Greek concept of technē tou biou, literally "craft of life." The ancients did not distinguish between craft and fine art, and the meaning of technē, even in its Latin form, ars, (...)
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  29. Foucault and the Ethics of Eating.Chloë Taylor - 2010 - Foucault Studies 9:71-88.
    In a 1983 interview, Michel Foucault contrasts our contemporary interest in sexual identity with the ancient Greek preoccupation with diet, arguing that sex has replaced food as the privileged medium of self-constitution in the modern West. In the same interview, Foucault argues that modern liberation movements should return to the ancient model of ethics, of which diet was a prime example, as aesthetics or self-transformative practice. In this paper I take up Foucault's argument with respect to the Animal Liberation Movement (...)
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    The Theme of Subjectivity in Foucault's Lecture Series ' Herméneutique du Sujet '.Sebastian Harrer - 2005 - Foucault Studies 2:75-96.
    The 'late' Foucault and his purported 'return to the subject' is a much discussed issue. Over the past twenty years, various suggestions have been made as to how to integrate Foucault's ethics into his oeuvre as a whole. This paper holds that there is a 'conceptual continuity', rather than a break, between Foucault's earlier works on normalizing power, and his later works on ethical self-constitution. On the basis of a conceptual framework, which is developed in Section II, a reading of (...)
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    Seriality as a Chronotope.Dario Cecchi - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 83:89-104.
    The article considers the nature of series as a narrative, focusing especially on its chronotope, i.e. its spatiotemporal coordinates. The concept of chronotope can be applied at at least two different levels of the interpretation of a narrative: the real world of reception and the expressive form of narration. The impact of series entails both aspects. It is for this reason that series, once on television then on the internet, represented a revolutionary turn in the modern experience of storytelling. Series (...)
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    Dignified food security for all.William Aiken - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (4):84-86.
    Four important and influential policy statements on hunger that have served as national and international standards and guides for action have been reprinted here as a resource. They are (1) the Bellagio Declaration, which was produced by 24 international experts meeting to address the problem of world hunger in 1989 at the Rockefeller Foundation Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy; (2) the Medford Declaration to End Hunger in the U. S., which was designed to be a domestic equivalent of the Bellagio (...)
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    „Sacra à Deo in corde discenda, natura ex natura. “ Die Observationes Johann Christian Senckenbergs als medico‐theologische Aufzeichnungspraktik.Vera Faßhauer - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (3):225-246.
    “Sacra à Deo in corde discenda, natura ex natura.” Johann Christian Senckenberg's Observationes as a Medico-Theological Writing Method. In his early diaries, the pietist physician Johann Christian Senckenberg has taken down large amounts of observation data which mostly concentrated on his own body and soul. Earlier research has mistaken his diligent self-observation for hypochondria and unworldliness, especially since the author had never endeavoured to analyze and publish his work. The article shows that both his writing practice and his reluctance to (...)
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    Thick blood, Satan’s burning arrows and the dungeon of self-will: melancholia in the observationes of the radical pietist physician Johann Christian Senckenberg.Vera Fasshauer - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (6):939-957.
    ABSTRACT When melancholy is mentioned in connection with pietism, it is usually associated with self-ordained contrition and castigation which, according to the opponents of this religious movement, is prone to drive the believers into pathological dejection or even suicide. The example of the radical pietist Frankfurt physician Johann Christian Senckenberg, however, demonstrates the need for a more differentiated approach. As Senckenberg attained his medical knowledge primarily through physical and mental self-observation, he experienced the sadness of his own soul as absence (...)
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    Stockfish Production, Cultural and Culinary Values.Terje Inderhaug - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1):1-40.
    The article depicts the traditional fishing, the outdoor drying of Stockfish, and its cultural and culinary uses in a historic context and today. The fishing of the North East Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) is a sustainable coastal fishery for millennia in the North of Norway, but climate change challenges the outdoor drying of stockfish. The article follows the stockfish history during the hanseatic office in Bergen until the present trade. The early commercial production of stockfish was due to urban expansion, (...)
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    O pewnych walorach nie-dietetycznej ontologii: wyznanie nawróconego anty-ingardenisty.Jacek Jadacki - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 22:29-37.
    The main impulse for this considerations is a beautiful Professor Adam Nowaczyk's text "The spell of Plato. Reflections on Roman Ingarden's ontology". My general (negative) thesis is that no hyper-dietetic, i.e. monocategorial, ontology (meant as the theory of real objects) is not correct. Thus neither the theory of sets (if it assumed the uniqueness of the ontic category of sets), nor reism (if it assumed the uniquenes of the ontic category of things) or eventism (if it assumed the uniqueness of (...)
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    Observing the Invisible Regimen I on Elemental Powers and Higher Order Dispositions.Tiberiu Popa - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (5):888-907.
    This study aims to clarify the role played by higher order dispositions in the context of the explanatory method in Regimen I and of the approach to dietetics in Regimen as a whole. My main claim is that there are two concomitant directions involved in the inquiry carried out in Chaps 25–36 of Regimen I: there is an inferential and revelatory move from premises about complex dispositions to the ‘invisible’, that is, to the particular composition of one's body ; (...)
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    Pythagorean knowledge from the ancient to the modern world: askesis, religion, science.Almut-Barbara Renger & Alessandro Stavru (eds.) - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
    In both ancient tradition and modern research Pythagoreanism has been understood as a religious sect or as a philosophical and scientific community. Numerous attempts have been made to reconcile these pictures as well as to analyze them separately. The most recent scholarship compartmentalizes different facets of Pythagorean knowledge, but this offers no context for exploring their origins, development, and interdependence. This collection aims to reverse this trend, addressing connections between the different fields of Pythagorean knowledge, such as eschatology, metempsychosis, metaphysics, (...)
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    Adolph Meyer's psychobiology in historical context, and its relationship to George Engel's biopsychosocial model.I. V. Wallace - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (4):pp. 347-353.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Adolph Meyer’s Psychobiology in Historical Context, and Its Relationship to George Engel’s Biopsychosocial ModelEdwin R. Wallace IV (bio)Keywordspsychobiology, integrative models of psychiatry, biopsychosocial modelBefore addressing the importance of Adolf Meyer and the question of his impact on the biopsychosocial model of the psychoanalytical internist George Engel, let us tersely sketch the history of functionalism in medicine/psychiatry, and of the nineteenth/early twentieth century’s progressive abandonment of it in favor of (...)
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    Baumgarten’s Diet: Physical Exercise, Health, and Beauty.Alessandro Nannini - 2023 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 15 (2):137-146.
    In this paper, I intend to analyze Baumgarten’s position about the dietetic care of the body in its relation to nascent aesthetics, with special regard to the problem of physical exercise. On the one hand, I will show that physical exercise can acquire aesthetic value with the example of the somatic fine arts. On the other hand, I will demonstrate that dietetics is also seminal for the emergence of every act of beautiful thinking. Eventually, I will bring to the (...)
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    Kant on Eating and Drinking.Maria Borges - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):234-244.
    In this paper I analyze Kant’s ideas about eating and drinking. First, I show that gluttony and drunkenness are considered ways to oppose to the duty to oneself as an animal being. Second, I claim that for Kant there is a healthy way of having meals, which consists in eating together with friends. Then I indicate that Kant accepts that one can drink at dinner parties but has to avoid drinks that lead to drunkenness and unsocial behavior. In this sense, (...)
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  42. Evoking trust in the nutrition counselor: Why should we be Trusted? [REVIEW]Jacqui Gingras - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (1):57-74.
    The virtue of trust is often spoken of as central to the work of dietitians working in nutrition counseling, especially in the context of disordered eating/eating disorders nutrition therapy. Indeed, dietitians are purported to be the most trusted source of information on nutrition and food by professional associations such as Dietitians of Canada. Here trust is explored through educational, relational, and virtue theory in order to elucidate trusts meaning and relevance to dietitians work and interactions with each other, including the (...)
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    Foodscapes: Towards a Deleuzian Ethics of Consumption.Rick Dolphijn - 2004 - Eburon Publishers, Delft.
    This fascinating volume draws on the work of Gilles Deleuze to examine how we relate to the edible. Rick Dolphijn traveled to the disparate cities of Hangzhou, Boston, Bangalore, and Lyon and conducted over one hundred interviews with the cities' residents. He then used the philosophical concepts of Deleuze to analyze his travel experiences and investigate the role of food in human culture and society. His work shows how the micropolitics of food reveal fascinating insights into cultural concepts such as (...)
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    A humanist in the kitchen. Platina's De honesta voluptate et valetudine.Annalisa Ceron - 2015 - Doctor Virtualis 13.
    Questo articolo analizza il De honesta voluptate et valetudine di Platina come esempio emblematico per mostrare che un'accurata analisi filologica può aiutare non solo a chiarire i contesti teorici in cui un'opera può essere collocata, ma anche a fornire una miglior comprensione delle sue implicazioni filosofiche. In questo lavoro letterario, che è sia un libro di cucina sia un manuale di dietetica, Platina ha intrecciato una varietà di fonti antiche e moderne, più o meno riconoscibili: egli non si è limitato (...)
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    Hippocratic medicine and the greek body image.Scott M. DeHart - 1999 - Perspectives on Science 7 (3):349-382.
    : This study investigates the changes in the body image that occurred in the crucial cultural transformations that took place at the outset of Western rational thought in the transition from Archaic age to Classical age Greece. It does so from the delimited perspective that is offered by the group of medical writings known as the Hippocratic Corpus (specifically works on prognostics, dietetics, and surgery) that were contemporary with the early Classical age, but it also suggests parallel changes occurring (...)
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    Zur religiösen Codierung moderner Ernährung. Ayurvedische Koch- und Ernährungsbücher als Lebensratgeber.Anne Koch - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 57 (3):243-264.
    The article surveys German-language ayurvedic cooking and nutrition books from 1990 until today. The semantic analysis reveals a market diversification that corresponds to the following categories: health, diet, spirituality, and individualism. These are main attractors of Ayurveda along with its promises of holistic balance and cosmological integration. Because this development can be interpreted as a reaction to the Western scientific formation of "Ayurveda" within popular life advice literature, this essay uses the concept of reflexive nutrition as derived from M. Stausberg's (...)
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    Behavior Analysis: Foundations and Applications to Psychology.Julian C. Leslie & Mark F. O'Reilly - 1999 - Psychology Press.
    This psychology textbook offers a comprehensive examination of the basic principles of behavior analysis and their application to issues of social significance. Behavioral scientists are interested in elucidating the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of human and non-human animals. Behavior Analysis is designed to meet the needs of senior undergraduate courses and postgraduate training in behavior analysis and its applications. The eleven comprehensive chapters: ·consider how fundamental principles of behavior can be used in an applied setting to identify behavior (...)
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    The Use of the Kohonen Neural Network for Comparing the Declared and Actual State of Knowledge Regarding Reproductive Health and the Impact of Selected Lifestyle Components on Reproductive Health.Robert Milewski, Adrianna Zańko, Marcin Milewski, Jędrzej Jan Warpechowski & Marcin Warpechowski - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (3):573-586.
    Infertility is a global problem affecting 48 to 186 million couples of reproductive age. In Poland, it concerns approx. 1.5 million couples, which amounts to 20% of the population capable of reproducing. One of the factors influencing the incidence of fertility disorders may be lifestyle, understood as a multi-disciplinary accumulation of everyday behaviours and habits. In the study, a group of 201 young adults, students of medical and related faculties, were surveyed in order to check the actual level of knowledge (...)
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    Eine deutsche Vorreiterin in der türkischen Diätetik: Diätschwester Elisabeth Wolff: 32 hochgelobte Dienstjahre in der Türkei.Arin Namal - 2004 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 12 (3):161-181.
    In Turkey, the foundation of modern dietetic started only in 1935 at the IInd Clinic for Internal Medicine at the Medicine Faculty of Istanbul University on behalf of the clinic's director Sen. Prof. Dr. Erich Frank, a well-known expert on diabetes, and his dietician Elisabeth Wolff, both having refuged from the 1933's Germany. Wolff, one of the early leading and example representatives of the dietetic arising new in the world and Europa at that time, presented and taught the new treatment (...)
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    Ustentabilidade Ambiental Na Produção de Refeições Em Restaurantes Comerciais No Município de Santos – Sp, Brasil.Giulianna Sacino Ribeiro & Ana Maria de Souza Pinto - 2018 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 10 (14):112-131.
    To evaluate sustainable practices in the production of meals: the use of water and energy, the presence of chemical products, the generation of organic and inorganic residues and criteria related to the purchase of food. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out from October 2015 to January 2016. The convenience sample consisted of 20 commercial self-service restaurants of varied gastronomy in the city of Santos-SP, of which 10 were located in the region of Orla and 10 downtown. Information was obtained (...)
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