Results for 'Didier Méhu'

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  1.  24
    La dialectique aedificatio-dedicatio dans l’oeuvre d’Augustin d’Hippone : À propos du sermon 163.Didier Méhu - 2018 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 74 (2):181-191.
    Didier Méhu | : Le sermon 163 d’Augustin d’Hippone aurait été prononcé à l’occasion de la dédicace de la basilica Honoriana de Carthage, le 23 septembre 417. Ancré dans le commentaire du verset 5,16 de l’épître aux Galates, Spiritu ambulate et concupiscentias carnis ne perfeceritis, il propose une comparaison entre le processus du salut humain et l’édification de l’église. Les deux aboutissent à la « dédicace », celle du temple de pierres que l’on célèbre alors et celle des (...)
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  2. Brief Notices.Didier Méhu - 2009 - Speculum 84 (2):531.
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    Speculative Empiricism: Revisiting Whitehead.Didier Debaise, Isabelle Stengers & Tomas Joseph Weber - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Tomas Weber.
    A radically new philosophy of experience and speculation, based on a reading of Whitehead's Process and Reality. Can experience be thought systematically without transforming the richness of the world as it is lived into reductive philosophical generalities? Can the method of empiricism ever be reconciled with a method of systematic cosmological speculation? Didier Debaise's reading of Whitehead shows clearly what a philosophy that makes this possible looks like, how it works and what is at stake. He focuses in on (...)
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  4. Oblikovanje znanstvene kulture Didier Gil Bachelard et la culture scientifique PUF, Paris 1993, 123 str.Didier Gil - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
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    The Appraisal Bias Model of Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression.Marc Mehu & Klaus R. Scherer - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (3):272-279.
    Models of cognitive vulnerability claim that depressive symptoms arise as a result of an interaction between negative affect and cognitive reactions, in the form of dysfunctional attitudes and negative inferential style. We present a model that complements this approach by focusing on the appraisal processes that elicit and differentiate everyday episodes of emotional experience, arguing that individual differences in appraisal patterns can foster negative emotional experiences related to depression (e.g., sadness and despair). In particular, dispositional appraisal biases facilitating the elicitation (...)
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    Nature as Event: The Lure of the Possible.Didier Debaise - 2017 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    We have entered a new era of nature. What remains of the frontiers of modern thought that divided the living from the inert, subjectivity from objectivity, the apparent from the real, value from fact, and the human from the nonhuman? Can the great oppositions that presided over the modern invention of nature still claim any cogency? In _Nature as Event_, Didier Debaise shows how new narratives and cosmologies are necessary to rearticulate that which until now had been separated. Following (...)
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  7. The Politics of Death Race War, Biopower and AIDS in the Post-Apartheid Didier Fassin Translated by JE Dillon1.Didier Fassin - 2008 - In Michael Dillon & Andrew W. Neal, Foucault on politics, security and war. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 151.
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    Nietzsche et le crucifié: Turin 1888.Didier Rance - 2015 - Paris: Ad Solem.
    Entre Nietzsche et le Saint-Suaire, qu'y a t-il de commun? Une ville : Turin. C'est là que le philosophe a passé les mois qui ont précédé son effondrement dans la démence, en mai 1888, tout près de la chapelle qui conserve le Suaire. Faut-il n'y voir qu'une coïncidence? Né de l'étonnement devant l'ignorance qui entoure ce dernier moment de la vie lucide de Nietzsche, ce livre nous fait découvrir le combat spirituel que le philosophe mène avec le Christ. Il commence (...)
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    Progress, Technology, Nature: Life and Death in the Valley of Mexico.Didier Zúñiga - 2025 - Theory and Event 28 (1):120-144.
    In the “history of the Aztecs” scholarship, recent debates reveal how work seemingly aligned with anti-colonial and anti-imperialist objectives can nevertheless reproduce the view that western science and technology are the primary means of improving human life. This corresponds to a type of performa- tive postcolonial analysis that remains caught up in the power dynamics it seeks to dismantle. The essay’s goal is to show that in order to understand, compare, and contrast the technological differences between Mesoamericans and early modern (...)
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  10. Monolingualism of the Other; Or, the Prosthesis of Origin.Didier Maleuvre, Jacques Derrida & Patrick Mensah - 1999 - Substance 28 (3):170.
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    Why coelacanths are not 'living fossils'.Didier Casane & Patrick Laurenti - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (4):332-338.
    A series of recent studies on extant coelacanths has emphasised the slow rate of molecular and morphological evolution in these species. These studies were based on the assumption that a coelacanth is a ‘living fossil’ that has shown little morphological change since the Devonian, and they proposed a causal link between low molecular evolutionary rate and morphological stasis. Here, we have examined the available molecular and morphological data and show that: (i) low intra-specific molecular diversity does not imply low mutation (...)
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    The integration of emotional and symbolic components in multimodal communication.Marc Mehu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The proximate mechanisms and ultimate functions of smiles.Marc Mehu & Karim N'Diaye - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (6):454-455.
    Niedenthal et al's classification of smiles erroneously conflates psychological mechanisms and adaptive functions. This confusion weakens the rationale behind the types of smiles they chose to individuate, and it obfuscates the distinction between the communicative versus denotative nature of smiles and the role of perceived-gaze direction in emotion recognition.
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    Les nombres et le juge.Didier-Roland Tabuteau - 2025 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:533-543.
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    Michel Foucault.Didier Eribon - 1989 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    When he died in 1984, Michel Foucault was widely regarded as one of the most powerful minds of this century. Hailed by historians and lionized in America, he continues to provoke lively debate. This meticulously documented narrative debunks the many myths and rumors surrounding the brilliant philosopher to consider that all Foucault's books are "fragments of an autobiography".
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    Data politics.Didier Bigo, Engin Isin & Evelyn Ruppert - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    The commentary raises political questions about the ways in which data has been constituted as an object vested with certain powers, influence, and rationalities. We place the emergence and transformation of professional practices such as ‘data science’, ‘data journalism’, ‘data brokerage’, ‘data mining’, ‘data storage’, and ‘data analysis’ as part of the reconfiguration of a series of fields of power and knowledge in the public and private accumulation of data. Data politics asks questions about the ways in which data has (...)
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  17.  26
    Brain Networks of Emotional Prosody Processing.Didier Grandjean - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (1):34-43.
    The processing of emotional nonlinguistic information in speech is defined as emotional prosody. This auditory nonlinguistic information is essential in the decoding of social interactions and in our capacity to adapt and react adequately by taking into account contextual information. An integrated model is proposed at the functional and brain levels, encompassing 5 main systems that involve cortical and subcortical neural networks relevant for the processing of emotional prosody in its major dimensions, including perception and sound organization; related action tendencies; (...)
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    Facial expressions allow inference of both emotions and their components.Klaus R. Scherer & Didier Grandjean - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (5):789-801.
    Following Yik and Russell (1999) a judgement paradigm was used to examine to what extent differential accuracy of recognition of facial expressions allows evaluation of the well-foundedness of different theoretical views on emotional expression. Observers judged photos showing facial expressions of seven emotions on the basis of: (1) discrete emotion categories; (2) social message types; (3) appraisal results; or (4) action tendencies, and rated their confidence in making choices. Emotion categories and appraisals were judged significantly more accurately and confidently than (...)
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    Produire la vérité : aveu et confession.Didier Ottaviani - 2021 - Philosophiques 48 (1):3-17.
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    An Appraisal-Driven Componential Approach to the Emotional Brain.David Sander, Didier Grandjean & Klaus R. Scherer - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (3):219-231.
    This article suggests that methodological and conceptual advancements in affective sciences militate in favor of adopting an appraisal-driven componential approach to further investigate the emotional brain. Here we propose to operationalize this approach by distinguishing five functional networks of the emotional brain: the elicitation network, the expression network, the autonomic reaction network, the action tendency network, and the feeling network, and discuss these networks in the context of the affective neuroscience literature. We also propose that further investigating the “appraising brain” (...)
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    Handlungsorte transatlantisch: Die filmische Repräsentation der Städte Las Vegas, Paris und Berlin im CSI-Format.Aliénor Didier - 2011 - In Handlungsorte transatlantisch: Die filmische Repräsentation der Städte Las Vegas, Paris und Berlin im CSI-Format. pp. 323-340.
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  22. Étude d'un ensemble mobilier de la fin du Moyen âge: les atouts de la dendrochronologie.Didier Pousset & Christine Locatelli - 2002 - Techne: La Science au Service de l'Histoire de l'Art Et des Civilisations 16:33-39.
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  23. Thomas d'Aquin.Didier Edmond Proton - 1969 - Paris,: Éditions universitaires.
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    What’s wrong with Charles Taylor’s moral pluralism.Didier Zúñiga - 2015 - Ithaque 17:21-43.
    In political philosophy one often encounters claims on behalf of pluralism, yet there is anything but a consensus over the meaning of this fundamental concept. It is true that there is no single pluralist tradition; rather, there are different pluralist traditions within different domains of practical reason. No one would object, however, to the notion that Isaiah Berlin’s “value pluralism” is a genuine form of meta-ethical pluralism. Charles Taylor is another philosopher who is often called a pluralist, but I shall (...)
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    Un intellectuel communiste illégitime: Roger Garaudy.Didier J.-F. Gauvin - 2022 - Vulaines-sur-Seine: Éditions du Croquant.
    Avant même d'être condamné pour "contestation de crime contre l'humanité" au tournant du siècle, Roger Garaudy était déjà marginalisé dans les champs intellectuel et politique français. Après avoir incarné la résistance au néostalinisme dans le Parti communiste, le philosophe qui fut longtemps l'interlocuteur privilégié de Jean-Paul Sartre au sein du PCF en fut spectaculairement exclu en 1970 pour s'être opposé aux Soviétiques qui venaient d'écraser le Printemps de Prague. Celui que l'historiographie du communisme retient plus volontiers comme le "stalinien modèle", (...)
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  26.  7
    À livre ouvert: Blanchot, du Bouchet, Cohen, Derrida, Jabès, Laporte.Didier Cahen - 2013 - Paris: Hermann.
    Ce livre offre un parcours en compagnie d'ecrivains, philosophes et poetes, parmi les plus marquants de la deuxieme moitie du XXe siecle. Son point de depart est une question qui porte sur l'essence meme de la litterature: que signifie aimer avec passion une oeuvre et l'homme qui est derriere?... Comment vit-on avec? Et qu'y trouve-t-on pour vivre avec soi meme, apprendre a vivre ainsi? Il s'agit donc d'un livre ecrit a la premiere personne par un auteur qui aura eu la (...)
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  27. African conceptions of personhood and intellectual identities.Didier N. Kaphagawani - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux, Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
  28. Inequality of lives, hierarchies of humanity : moral commitments and ethical dilemmas of humanitarianism.Didier Fassin - 2010 - In Ilana Feldman & Miriam Ticktin, In the name of humanity: the government of threat and care. Durham [NC]: Duke University Press.
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  29. How many worlds are there? One, but also many: Decolonial theory, comparison, ‘reality’.Didier Zúñiga - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    Contemporary political theory (CPT) has approached questions of plurality and diversity by drawing rather implicitly on anthropological accounts of difference. This was the case with the ‘cultural turn’, which significantly shaped theories of multiculturalism. Similarly, the current ‘ontological turn’ is gaining influence and leaving a marked impact on CPT. I examine the recent turn and assess both the possibilities it offers and the challenges it poses for decentering CPT and opening radical, decolonial avenues for thinking difference otherwise. I take Paul (...)
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  30. Manifesto for the recognition of the principle of linguistic and cultural diversity in language research.Didier de Robillard - forthcoming - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Manifesto for the recognition of the principle of linguistic and cultural diversity in language research Preamble Over the years, and for several decades now, higher education institutions have been gradually and increasingly urging teacher-researchers to increase their international visibility. It is normal for these teacher-researchers to participate in international debates in their disciplines. This is done during conferences and in the course of article writing, not for advertising purpo...
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    Another Politics of Life is Possible.Didier Fassin - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (5):44-60.
    Although it is usually assumed that in Michel Foucault’s work biopolitics is a politics which has life for its object, a closer analysis of the courses he gave at the Collège de France on this topic, as well as of the other seminars and papers of this period, shows that he took a quite different direction, restricting it to the regulation of population. The aim of this article is to return to the origins of the concept and to confront the (...)
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    Epistemic entrenchment and possibilistic logic.Didier Dubois & Henri Prade - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 50 (2):223-239.
  33. Coming back to life : an anthropological reassessment of biopolitics and governmentality.Didier Fassin - 2011 - In Ulrich Bröckling, Susanne Krasmann & Thomas Lemke, Governmentality: current issues and future challenges. New York: Routledge. pp. 185.
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    Genome evolution is driven by gene expression-generated biophysical constraints through RNA-directed genetic variation: A hypothesis.Didier Auboeuf - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (10):1700069.
    The biogenesis of RNAs and proteins is a threat to the cell. Indeed, the act of transcription and nascent RNAs challenge DNA stability. Both RNAs and nascent proteins can also initiate the formation of toxic aggregates because of their physicochemical properties. In reviewing the literature, I show that co-transcriptional and co-translational biophysical constraints can trigger DNA instability that in turn increases the likelihood that sequences that alleviate the constraints emerge over evolutionary time. These directed genetic variations rely on the biogenesis (...)
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    Réformes hospitalières, tarification à l’activité et handicap social : vers une mise en cause de la mission sociale des établissements de santé et du principe de solidarité?Didier Castiel & Pierre-Henri Bréchat - 2009 - Médecine et Droit 2009 (95):52-57.
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    La justice prédictive et les principes fondamentaux du procès civil.Didier Cholet - 2018 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 60 (1):223-236.
    La justice prédictive qui consiste à évaluer les probabilités de succès des procès par un traitement informatique est une innovation technologique importante. Elle pourrait avoir des effets sur les principes fondamentaux des procès, notamment du procès civil. Le droit au juge et le principe de l’égalité des armes qui protègent les droits des parties risquent d’être affectés. Les principes d’indépendance et d’impartialité du juge pourraient également être perturbés ainsi que l’office du juge. Il convient donc d’être vigilant et de réguler (...)
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    Formes de l’art contemporainjoseph beuys, Andy warhol : La rencontre.Didier Stathopoulos - 2013 - Philosophique 16.
    « La forme est sans doute quelque chose de la réalité, mais quelque chose qui se transmet à la faveur d’une relation causale qui met en rapport l’intelligible et le sensible : le premier est la cause du second, qu’il déter­mine comme tel, au moyen de la forme. ». Jean-François Pradeau : « Platon : les formes intelligibles ». Presses Universitaires de France, 2001. P. 53. Transmission, relation causale et mise en rapport qu'il faudrait compléter par dialogue et participation pour (...)
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    African Conceptions of a Person: A Critical Survey.Didier Njirayamanda Kaphagawani - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu, A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 332–342.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction West African Conceptions of Person East and Southern African Conceptions of Person Concluding Remarks.
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    Normal and Abnormal Emotions—The Quandary of Diagnosing Affective Disorder: Introduction and Overview.Klaus R. Scherer & Marc Mehu - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (3):201-203.
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    Is Consciousness a Brain Process?Didier Gil - 2000 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 22 (1):227-253.
    The title of the present essay repeats, word for word, the title of an article that the British philosopher U.T. Place published in 1956: “Is Consciousness a Brain Process?”.
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    La naissance de la science politique: autour de Marsile de Padoue.Didier Ottaviani - 2018 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    "Classée au sein de la morale et considérée à la fin du Moyen Âge comme une simple pratique, un art de gouverner, la politique ne pouvait prétendre proprement au titre de science, réservé aux savoirs purement théoriques. À la charnière entre les XIIIe et XIVe siècles, certains penseurs vont néanmoins chercher à donner un nouveau sens à la science civile en utilisant, à l'instar de Dante, des raisonnements démonstratifs dans leurs traités. Ce n'est pourtant qu'avec le Defénsor pacis de Marsile (...)
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    Une approche renouvelée des humanités: mélanges en l'honneur du doyen Didier Guével.Didier Guével, Nicolas Cuzacq, Bernard Haftel, Mustapha Mekki & Nathalie Blanc (eds.) - 2021 - Paris La Défense: LGDJ.
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  43. Social Responsibility in French Engineering Education: A Historical and Sociological Analysis.Christelle Didier & Antoine Derouet - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1577-1588.
    In France, some institutions seem to call for the engineer’s sense of social responsibility. However, this call is scarcely heard. Still, engineering students have been given the opportunity to gain a general education through courses in literature, law, economics, since the nineteenth century. But, such courses have long been offered only in the top ranked engineering schools. In this paper, we intend to show that the wish to increase engineering students’ social responsibility is an old concern. We also aim at (...)
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    Le pop art américain : répétition ou différence.Didier Dauphin - 2011 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 7 (1):105-116.
    Résumé Que cela soit dans l’approche d’Arthur Danto ou dans celle de Jean Baudrillard, le pop’art américain a souvent été assimilé à une reproduction à l’identique par la peinture d’images empruntées au flux médiatique de la culture de masse. En donnant « droit de cité » dans le domaine du Grand-Art à des photographies de presse, des images publicitaires ou bien à celles de comics bon marché, le pop’art américain aurait ouvert la voie à une expression artistique enfin libérée de (...)
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  45. Études historiques à la mémoire de Noël Didier.Noël Didier (ed.) - 1960 - Paris: Éditions Montchrestien.
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    The Horizon: A History of Our Infinite Longing.Didier Maleuvre - 2011 - University of California Press.
    What is a horizon? A line where land meets sky? The end of the world or the beginning of perception? In this brilliant, engaging, and stimulating history, Didier Maleuvre journeys to the outer reaches of human experience and explores philosophy, religion, and art to understand our struggle and fascination with limits—of life, knowledge, existence, and death. Maleuvre sweeps us through a vast cultural landscape, enabling us to experience each stopping place as the cusp of a limitless journey, whether he (...)
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    From Blanché’s Hexagonal Organization of Concepts to Formal Concept Analysis and Possibility Theory.Didier Dubois & Henri Prade - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (1-2):149-169.
    The paper first introduces a cube of opposition that associates the traditional square of opposition with the dual square obtained by Piaget’s reciprocation. It is then pointed out that Blanché’s extension of the square-of-opposition structure into an conceptual hexagonal structure always relies on an abstract tripartition. Considering quadripartitions leads to organize the 16 binary connectives into a regular tetrahedron. Lastly, the cube of opposition, once interpreted in modal terms, is shown to account for a recent generalization of formal concept analysis, (...)
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    About intuitionistic public announcement logic.Philippe Balbiani & Didier Galmiche - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté, Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 97-116.
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  49. Nature's Relations: Ontology, Vulnerability, Agency.Didier Zúñiga - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (2):298-316.
    Political theory and philosophy need to widen their view of the space in which what matters politically takes place, and I suggest that integrating the conditions of sustainability of all affected—that is, all participants in nature's relations—is a necessary first step in this direction. New materialists and posthumanists have challenged how nature and politics have traditionally been construed. While acknowledging the significance of their contributions, I critically examine the ethical and political implications of their ontological project. I focus particularly on (...)
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    The Dramatic Power of Events: The Function of Method in Deleuze's Philosophy.Didier Debaise - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (1):5-18.
    Deleuze's text on dramatization has a peculiar place in his philosophy. In this text, he attributes, for the first time in his own name, a singular function to philosophy. I aim to show that all the notions developed in ‘The Method of Dramatization’ – such as the transformation of the status of Ideas, the first development of a theory of individuation, the decentring of subjectivity, the critique of representation – are part of one general function: to grant events the importance (...)
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